Wild WoodsChapter 5: Levayah free porn video

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“Panza residence, this is Marian,” the bright voice on the phone said.

“Marian, this is Gee. How are you?”

“Oh, Gee! How nice to hear from you. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Things here are bright. We just announced to the family that we’re expecting another child. I planned to call you today,” she answered. Marian and Nathan Panza had been the first friends Gee made in Rosebud Falls when he saved their son, Devon, from the Rose River. They had given him a home and a job, and through no real fault of their own had also told him he had to leave. Nonetheless, their friendship had survived and Gee saw Devon each Wednesday evening at the library reading time.

“That’s wonderful Marian! I’m so happy for you.”

They celebrated on the phone, Karen adding her congratulations as well.

“Did you want to talk to Nathan?” Marian asked.

“Not just at the moment,” Gee answered. “Actually, I need some advice and perhaps some help.”

“Of course! Whatever we can do.”

“Did you read about the children recovered in the woods?”

“Yes. How awful. I’m so glad they were found. Have you met...” Marian broke off suddenly. “Oh! Did you find them, Gee? The story was a little short on details. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, though a little tired,” Gee said. “I wasn’t the one who discovered them but I’ve been helping them. I spend a lot of time each day reading and trying to understand them. Marian,” Gee struggled to keep his voice calm even though tears welled in his eyes whenever he spoke of the children, “they are five to eight years old physically. Mentally, they’re babies. They’ve never known a mother. I hate to ask so much of you, but would it be possible for you and Devon to have a play date with them? I’m not sure they’ve ever known another child.”

“At the hospital, Gee? I’ll be there at ten.”

“A bold move, Gee,” Dr. Salinger said as they watched Marian and the children through the observation window. I wholly agree with bringing in the mother but I wouldn’t have thought of bringing her son with her. It might have been risky to introduce the children to another child.”

“Devon is a pretty capable three-year-old,” Gee said. “Here’s what I was thinking: As far as we know, the children have never known or don’t remember knowing a mother. So how would they distinguish Marian from just another nurse or woman who brings food? By having Devon with her, they get the concept of mother and an example of how a child acts with a mother.”

“I can’t argue with that. And Devon seems relaxed with them even though they aren’t speaking.”

“He has a joy in life that is hard to match.”

“I understand he was your introduction to Rosebud Falls.”

“I guess you could say that.”

“Does it anger you that he caused the loss of your memory?” Dr. Salinger often asked Gee questions about his own life and seemed devoted to helping him come to terms with his role in the lives of the children. But Gee was puzzled by this question.

“He what?”

“You dove into a river to save him and came out with a little boy and no memory. Doesn’t that bother you?” she asked.

“Oh, I see. No, not particularly,” Gee answered. He had learned to respond to the psychologist’s questions as honestly as possible. He’d struggled with feelings of doubt in the past weeks. She helped him see what kind of man he was. “I don’t know if I had any memory before that. I do remember back as far as walking into town that day. Perhaps it was crossing the city limits that erased my memory and if I just left town it would return. Dr. Poltanys says there was no physical trauma that would cause my memory loss. It’s just another of life’s mysteries.”

“You are so calm about having a piece of your life missing.”

“Karen has commented about what she sees as a lack of concern for my past. I do question it sometimes. First, whether I am suffering from this loss as a way of coping with some terrible thing I did in my past.”

“Fundamentally, a loss of memory would not change the kind of person you are,” Dr. Salinger assured him.

“I guess the only other thing I’m concerned with is whether I have hurt someone by disappearing from their life. The book I carried into town was inscribed, ‘Love, Rae’. I’m sad that someone out there cared for me and I can’t let her or him know I’m okay.”

They watched Devon take Sister’s hand and guide it to the stuffed bear Marian held. Sister smiled at Devon and brought Littlest to the bear.

“Look at him,” Gee said. “Even if foolishly diving into an unknown river to rescue him caused my memory loss, wouldn’t you give up your life to save him?”

Forest Management

The long-awaited snowstorm struck late Friday night and snow continued to fall in fat wet blobs Saturday morning. It was more like having snowballs thrown at the windshield than flakes. Karen calmly held her Lincoln firm on the narrow road to the foresters’ office. They had stopped briefly at the hospital to tell the children Gee would be back to have dinner with them. Before they settled into their quiet waiting mode, as Julia called it, Marian and Devon had arrived with a new batch of books and toys.

“Do you think anyone will show up to volunteer this morning?” Karen asked.

“We are,” Gee chuckled. “I just want to see what the forest looks like in the snow. I’m sure someone will want to go for a walk with us. If not, we’ll go. I’ve something amazing to show you that I discovered Thursday.”

Three other vehicles were parked at the office. Karen and Gee stomped the snow off their boots in the entry. Jessie and Jonathan were in the office along with much of Gee’s normal crew. Drake Oliver talked to Alyson and Shannon. JD and Jeanie were glaring at each other from opposite sides of the room. In a corner of the office, Gabe leaned his chair back against the wall as he sipped coffee and watched the kids’ interactions.

“I don’t think we’re going to get much cutting done today,” Jonathan said as Gee and Karen shook off the snow. “Your crew here has more enthusiasm than sense.”

“I’m proud of my crew,” Gee said, smiling at the kids. “I’ve never been in the Forest during snowfall. I’d like to see how the canopy affects the ground coverage. If you and Jessie are willing to teach us today, we’ll try not to throw snowballs at you.” The teens let out a disappointed groan.

“Snowballs are half the fun,” Jeanie said.

“Just remember who’s carrying the GPS and can get you out of the Wild Woods,” Jessie joked at her. “I think Gee’s got a great idea but you all need to gear up with essentials. Let’s get your equipment and check to make sure everyone is ready for wet and cold.”

As the kids got ready, Gee talked quietly to Gabe.

“I found something out there Thursday,” he said. “It’s so incredible to me, I’m still having trouble believing it was real.” Gabe brought all four feet of his chair to the floor and looked at Gee. His silence was all the encouragement Gee needed to continue. “Off in the southeast section where we’ve been pushing with small paths, there’s a stand of straight young hickory that grow four to seven feet apart. You can walk between them but you can’t see past the next tree. They open up on a clearing—a single tree with a canopy so dense that even without leaves, the sunlight barely makes it through. One Tree. It’s huge.” Gee’s eyes unfocused as he saw the old tree in his mind’s eye. Gabe stood and went to the map table.

“Where?” he demanded. Gee checked the coordinates he’d entered on his phone’s GPS and pointed at the map.

“We’ve been cutting paths all around it but never getting to it,” he said.

“I think I’ll take a walk in the snow with you all this morning,” Gabe said as he reached for his coat.

Without commenting on where they were headed, Gabe gently guided the nature walk into the Wild Woods. Jessie and Jonathan explained a bit about how the terrain affected the growth patterns of the trees and could also be used to estimate productivity of a region under cultivation. Gabe occasionally pointed at an invasive plant and had one of the kids cut it back. By noon, the snow had stopped falling and the sky was clearing. Sunlight on the snow was blinding, but the farther into the Wild Woods they went, the less snow was on the ground.

“Gosh. It didn’t snow as much back here,” Drake said. Jessie laughed.

“I think just as much snow fell here as in the Forest,” she said.

“Did it melt faster?”

“No, but if it’s not on the ground, where would it be?” Jonathan asked. Drake looked up into the branches just in time to catch a face full of snow sliding off the upper limbs.

“One of the dangers we have out here is that the canopy is so dense that snow and ice will stay on top. This is the first storm of the winter, so the amount of snow caught on the branches weighs considerably less than leaves and nuts would in the summer,” Gabe instructed. “Let’s stop at this cabin to warm up and have our lunch.” The foresters had hauled propane tanks and heaters to each of the cabins, preparing for continued work in cold weather. They no longer had any intention of stopping the exploration and mapping of the Wild Woods because of cold weather.

“I suppose that face full of snow I caught was just a warning,” Drake said. “If we get a lot of snow and if it freezes, that could have hurt.”

“One of the reasons we always wear hard hats when we’re working out here,” Jonathan said.

“Snow and ice are dangerous not only because it falls, but branches will break under the weight” Jessie added. “Even if they don’t make it to the ground during the winter, they create a hazard in the summer when a good wind could knock them out of the trees. That’s one of the reasons we patrol the Forest all winter, watching for danger signs.”

“Our purpose in the Forest is not only to guarantee the health and productivity of the trees but to assure a safe working environment for the volunteers. If we hadn’t felt such urgency to find the cabins and rescue any remaining children, we would not have risked so many volunteers in the Wild Woods,” Jonathan said.

“Do you think there are still people ... children living out here, Gee?” Alyson asked. Gee shook his head.

“Why are we pushing so hard to investigate and cut paths?” Drake asked.

“Gee had a feeling it was important,” Gabe interrupted before Gee could respond. “In the Forest, we trust feelings.” They turned off the heater and packed their garbage. “Lead on, Gee,” Gabe said. Gee found the path he had followed two days before and set off. Soon it ended and Gee searched for signs of where he had worked his way between the saplings. The Tree was like a magnet to him. He heard the others gasp as he broke into the clearing under its canopy. Even Jonathan and Jessie clung to each other. Gee saw tears in Gabe’s eyes.

“I dreamed of this,” Karen whispered. “I thought it was a dream. I tried to tell you about it but we were working crazy hours and then we found the children. The vision started to fade and I couldn’t remember what I needed to tell you.”

“It’s the Patriarch,” Gabe whispered. “We all assumed it had been cut or died more than a century ago. Instead, it was hidden.”

“What’s a patriarch?” Shannon asked.

“The origin tree,” Gabe said. “It’s where the Rose Hickory started.”

“You mean the whole Forest started here?” JD asked. “Cool!”

After the initial awe passed, the kids wanted to explore and put what they’d learned to use. They hadn’t brought calipers and the equipment wouldn’t have been large enough to measure the DBH of the massive tree. Alyson and Drake stood on opposite sides of the trunk with arms outstretched. Jeanie and Shannon measured the distance between them. JD entered the measurement on the geocaching software. Five feet, seven inches. He captured the coordinates more precisely than Gee had been able to on his cellphone.

“We need to cut about two-thirds of these surrounding trees,” Jonathan said. “They’ll make great lumber as straight as they are but they’re too close together to ever bear nuts in any quantity.”

“No,” Gee said flatly. “None of them get cut.”

“Gee, good forest management requires that we not leave these so densely packed together. We’ll preserve as much as possible and harvest the rest,” Jessie said. Gabe was shaking his head but it was Gee who responded.

“No,” he repeated firmly. “This is not the Forest, managed for maximum output. This...” he touched one of the straight trees surrounding the Patriarch. It had no limbs les than ten feet from the ground. “ ... These trees are not Forest plantings. They are the direct children of the Patriarch. They are older than they look because to some extent their growth has been stunted. But they are not fourth or fifth generation trees. These are first generation.”

“Transplanting,” Gabe said. “I agree with Gee. These trees are far more valuable than the board feet of lumber they represent. I agree the area needs to be thinned, though probably not to the extent you estimate, Jonathan. But we can’t lose these trees. They could completely revitalize the Forest.”

“And expand it,” Alyson agreed. “We’ve been talking at school about how to expand the Forest. We even have a group that spends study hall with plat maps of the entire county to see where we can plant more trees.”

“Attempting to remove these trees could significantly damage the roots of others nearby,” Jonathan said. It was clear he was unconvinced. Usually the roots of cut trees were left in the ground to compost without disturbing the soil. With large trees cut in the Forest, they often hollowed out the stump and planted a seedling right in the same root ball.

“Air compressor,” Gabe said. “I read an article not long ago about a tree doctor in Minnesota who was concerned about damaging roots when attempting to vaccinate trees against invasive pests. The treatment had to be delivered deep in the root system but digging with shovels was prone to leave nicks in the epidermis and make the tree even more vulnerable to infection. He developed an air blade using a compressor. He moves the dirt with forced air. It has some problems to be worked out, but we could feasibly dig deep enough around a tree’s root ball to lift it out of the ground with little or no damage to surrounding trees.”

“It sounds like it’s going to take some time,” Karen said.

“Years,” Gabe responded.

“Wedding,” Karen said as she lay next to Gee in the aftermath of their loving late that night.

“I’m all for it,” Gee laughed. “Do you want to set the date?”

“We can work that out with the foresters and weathermen,” she said. “I want to set the location.”

“I suppose we need to reserve a space if the wedding has to accommodate all the Families, foresters, crews, and friends. Where is big enough? Do we have to get married in the football stadium?”

“Silly man,” Karen said, poking at his ribs. “I want to be married under the Patriarch’s canopy.”

Gee held her close and kissed her.

Dead End

“Sheriff, we found that boy y’all was a-huntin’,” drawled the deputy from Georgia over the phone. “Ain’t much left of him.”

“What’s the story?” Sheriff Johnson asked. Finding Dr. Jones had been their hope of untangling the drug and child trafficking cases.

“Once we found that flatbed full of stone you put us onto, we started canvasing outward from there. I know this took a while but we gotta be careful when we’re searching the hills out near the state line. ‘Bama moonshiners get tetchy. Well, we heard ‘bout a Yankee buying up a bunch of supplies in Centralhatchee and got on his trail. He was hid out in a shack up in the hills near Yellowdirt.”

“You were able to apprehend him?”

“Oh, no, sir. He was already apprehended. Dead for a few days according to Doc Wilson. Sittin’ in a chair with his computer open and his pants down with a plastic bag over his head. I heard of that stuff before. Googled it. Sexual asphyxiation. ‘Fraid the weather down here’s been hotter’n hell this fall. Don’t remember anything like it. Oh. Anyways, Doc says decomposition is pretty bad. Wants to know what you want done with the body.”

“Thank you, Deputy. I hope I can do something for you one day. How about we send a couple guys down with a box to put him in and haul his ass back up here so you don’t have to deal with it? I can get a guy down there by tomorrow night.” Johnson relaxed into a friendly tone with the deputy, drawing on his own country upbringing. Inside he was seething. Jones was their only lead. “We’ve got a list of stolen property that the owners want back real bad. Mind if our guy goes through the shack to collect it? We’ve determined there are no other relatives.”

“Sure ‘nough. If you can empty the place, our volunteer fire department could burn it for practice. We don’t need no feds getting’ involved. Maybe you can load it all on that stone truck and haul it back.”

“I’ll send a tractor. You a coffee drinker, Deputy?”

“When I can’t get whiskey. Course, that’s whenever I’m on duty, Sheriff.”

“I’m gonna send along a few pounds of the best coffee you’ll ever taste. Just a little thank you.”

“Much obliged, Sheriff.”

Johnson stared at the phone in disgust. If Larry Syres wasn’t forbidden to leave the state while he was out on bail, he’d send the guy down to haul the load back. Just maybe there would be a clue in the containers or in the shack.

“Deputy Carlisle!”

“Yes, Sheriff.”

“I’ve got an assignment for you.”


“Marian, I just want to thank you again for spending time with the children,” Gee said when she and Devon showed up on Thursday. “I’ve felt better about spending some time working in the woods and leaving them here. They’ve been playing with some of the toys after you and Devon leave instead of going into their waiting mode. It means a lot to all of us.”

“I wish we could spend more time here. I just ... with a son and husband and one on the way ... Well, I just wish,” his friend said.

“The time you spend is precious to all of us. I wanted to tell you we’ve run an ad here and in Palmyra searching for a nanny. None of us can spend all our time up here and we don’t have an option for where they can live and get the attention they need.”

“I wish I could apply,” Marian said. Devon bolted and went into the room to greet his playmates.

“I thought that I’d let you know that we’re searching in case you think of someone. It won’t lessen the need for volunteers but it will give the kids some stability if someone is here regularly, at least overnight. The nurses have been great but they have other patients on this floor.”

“I saw that poor girl, Rena, is just down the hall. We don’t have a separate long-term care facility here. It bothers me that most of the others on this floor are just waiting to die,” Marian said. “I’d better get in there before Devon teaches them about the call button. It’s his new favorite thing. He wants one in his room at home.”

“I won’t delay you any longer. I just ... Thank you, again, Marian.”


“Oh, hi, Laura. I don’t often see you about. How are you and Jude doing?” Gee tried to sit in Jitterz early at least one morning a week just to greet the high school kids who stopped on their way to school. It was the first time he’d seen Laura Lazorack in the morning.

“Great, thank you. Lots to do, getting ready for the wedding. It’s not like we’re heirs, but Family weddings tend to draw a crowd. I trust you plan to join us New Year’s Day.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. I’m very happy for you.”

“How are the children?” she asked.

“They’re doing better, I think,” he answered. He motioned Laura to a seat at his favorite table at Jitterz. “Bringing Marian and Devon in on a regular basis has helped with their socialization. They’re beginning to learn how a mother and child interact. We’ve advertised for a nanny or two. Interested?” he laughed.

“That’s actually why I’m here,” she said. “I hoped I’d catch you. “I have some experience with children. Not lately, but before I took over caring for the cemetery.”

“Isn’t that a full-time job?”

“Hardly anything to do in winter except plow the road unless someone dies. Someone who isn’t Jewish,” she amended. “I wondered if you would object to me applying for the job.”

“Laura, if you can do the job without disrupting your plans and time with Jude, I think you’d be great for it,” Gee said. “This might sound a little weird but spending time with them has been strangely peaceful for me and for Karen when she can join me. I sometimes wish I could just take them home.”

“I’m looking forward to that. I think I’ve spent too much time among the dead for the past few years. Children might be just what I need.”

Too Tidy

“Your Honor. District Attorney Mazzenga. This appears to wrap up the case,” Mead said. Sheriff Johnson sat next to him, facing the judge and DA Wednesday morning. He shook his head.

“Appears?” Judge Warren asked. “Brad? What’s your assessment?”

“It appears,” Johnson said. “I don’t like it but we don’t have any reason to keep the kidnapping or drug cases open other than continuing our search for parents. It’s as hard a task as searching for Gee’s identity and just as fruitless.”

“But... ?” Mazzenga asked.

“I hate it when everything is wrapped up with all the suspects dead.”

“It saves the state time.” She looked over the packet presented by the policemen. “Did we have anyone in Georgia when Jones was found and examined?”

“Deputy Carlisle and Dr. Gaston went down to collect the body and empty the shack. Gaston completed an autopsy Monday night. Everything checks out with the coroner’s report from Georgia. We recovered the research notes for LaRue Labs, including nearly twenty years’ worth of personal notes on drug distillation from Rose Hickory nuts on his computer. Apparently, Lustre wasn’t his first try at creating a drug. We also found a bottle of the poison used to kill the Alexanders. We’ve recovered the flatbed of stone, in which the lab equipment and children were being shipped. Everything points to Jones.”

“Jones masterminded the whole project?” Warren said.

“Yes. It even seems likely that he was the assailant who kidnapped and attempted to poison Karen Weisman. He was six-two and we brought back a coat that matches the description Ms. Weisman and the kids gave,” Mead said. “Not a chance they could identify the body, though.”

“All tied up in a neat little package with a bow on top,” Johnson sighed. “That’s what has me upset. We’ve got the kids and drug paraphernalia shipped to him. We’ve got drugs in his apartment here. We’ve got research notes on his computer. We’ve got a poison match with the Alexanders. If we get a DNA match with specimens taken form the buried child, we’ll have tied that murder to him as well. It’s all so neat and tidy. That’s what I don’t like. Nothing gets wrapped up that neatly. We have everything except a clue about where children were sent after they were drugged and conditioned.”

“I don’t see a choice other than to close the open files and keep an ear out for anything that could lead to reopening it,” Judge Warren said. “Especially regarding the trafficking.”

“Officially, I agree,” Mazzenga said. “Unofficially, I think we have too many conveniently closed or uninvestigated oddities in this town lately. I know you don’t want to hear this, but that includes the mysterious George Evars. It takes serious money and influence to make a person disappear from all public records. Something on the level of a witness protection program. Since he arrived in town, we’ve had four unexplained deaths. The man known only as Reef, who also appears to have no known identity. The Alexanders. Dr. Jones. We have a woman still in a coma from an attack during the alleged kidnapping of Karen Weisman. Add to that, three unidentified children in the hospital. I like cases with concrete evidence that we can take to trial. Even Larry Syre is likely to plea bargain down to resisting arrest and his lawyer is arguing that was the fault of the arresting officers who had no evidence against him in the first place. I doubt the case will ever make it before Judge Warren. That’s too much, gentlemen. We need some real answers and as of now we don’t even have an open case.”

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“The first children have arrived,” Adam said when Gee answered his phone Sunday afternoon. “We’ll need volunteers soon.” “How many children?” Gee asked. “So far, we have twin girls, about six years old. They have a little language skill but it has mostly been used to ask where Aunt Ann is. The feds compiled a dossier on the children from what they could locate and were kind enough to include a couple of toys from the girls’ room. These two were being raised by a couple in Ohio as their...

3 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 14

“Watch as I run through all the controls. Look down at the wing on your side; see the flaps move when I push the yoke forward and pull back? Now look back and watch the tail wing and rudder when I pull back and turn the yoke.” “Oh me. This isn’t like driving my scooter at all.” “No it’s not, but it’s not really that complicated either. When we get airborne, I’ll show you all about it. That’s the neat thing about dual controls.” “There sure is a lot of room back there, how many passengers...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex With My Maid

Hi to all again, friends! My narration of my experience attracted few responses encouraging ones and thanks for that. Now, I’m going to tell you all about my wild sex experience with a maid who had worked in our house during my stay in Chennai few years ago due to my profession, I was in Chennai and I had taken my family along my wife and two kids. Oh and let me introduce myself again to those who are new comers. My name is Shuai now 38 years young 5 feet 10 inches brown complexioned fit enough...

3 years ago
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Wild Sweaty Passionate Sex With My 53 Year Old Maid

Hi everyone in this forum. I have been following ISS for a year now. I hope you will enjoy my first story on ISS and send me your feedback to I am 29 years old, working in a small town. I am unmarried and always enjoyed living alone. Since my growing up days I have been attracted to older women. I believe that they have more sexual energy than the younger ones. The story I am narrating was my encounter with my maid. After joining my new job I had to move to a new location. It took me 10 days...

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Wild days with office staff

Hi ISS Friends I am Rajesh here from Maharastra I am 32 Years old 5”6” I am into business & doing good. I always used to wonder how a person can write so many interesting stories which should be private, but after going through some of them I myself is tempted to write this coz I thought I myself being so interested in sex & specially in experimenting new ways n means in sex I thought my real life incidence will definitely interest my readers. This story is about my encounter with my Office...

1 year ago
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Wild Thang

Suzy and I had booked a last minute cheap bargain Holiday. We found our selves surrounded by mainly wild and single 18 - 30 year olds. At 33 and 34 we were not that much older but married for over ten years. The hotel was jumping to 3 or so in the morning before booze and tiredness took its toll. Susy reckoned that my new shades must have been bought so she couldn't see who I was eyeing up, she constantly joked about me eyeing up the naked flesh on the beach's. I got my revenge when I caught...

4 years ago
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Wild Night With Jody And Her Friends

I had the best time last weekend. I was out with my buddies and we were at our local bar that we always went to. We were just hanging out having some beers and playing darts. It was a pretty slow night, but all of a sudden this group of young pretty girls came into the bar. The one girl was wearing a tiara on her head with a cute pink shirt that said ‘Bride-to-Be.’ She was also in a short mini skirt with black pumps. This girl was absolutely beautiful. All the rest of the girls were wearing...

Group Sex
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Wild Sex in Bangalore

Hi, this is the pink man (name changed) from Hyderabad, age 21, single and a wild guy. I’m here to open up my experience about how I lost my virginity and how amazing it was. If any grammatical mistakes, I apologize. This happened when I was 20 and I just had a very bad break up which totally broke me, so I took a break and went to Bangalore for a small vacation and to meet my friend. As we were staying near the christ university he had many people coming to his place every day to drink or...

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Wild For Me

His name was Elmer and he wasn’t that hot, but something in me just yearned to touch him and feel my hands all over his body. Sometimes when he swept, he did it shirtless and I was always somewhere near looking at him as he did it. I’ve been confused with what I felt for him since the day he came inside my house to work. He didn’t have the chiseled looks, the rock hard abs, or any qualities that would grab my attention. The thing was, I just craved to feel his body on top of me and his...

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Wild Jacks

Wild Jack's By Mark James   Furious wind battered the small window of the filthy bathroom. Cody looked at himself in the grimy, cracked mirror. A blonde boy with scaredblue eyes looked back at him. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. ?What are you doing here?? he asked himself. Cody closed his eyes, leaned his head against the mirror and wished he wasanywhere but here. He tried not to hear the loud sounds out in the bar. Thedrunken laughter and hollering sounded like shrieks in...

2 years ago
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Wild Eyed Southern Boys

The following story is rated G. Anyone looking for sex, gratuitous or otherwise, or violence will be sorely disappointed. Bummer, eh :)? As always, comments, criticisms, and such are quite welcome and encouraged. Flames will unceremoniously be dumped into dev ull - whatever in the hell that is :). This story is copyright (c) 1998 by me. All rights reserved, no deposit no return, and all of that. Permission is hereby granted for any free archive who might so desire to include...

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wild memorial day

Hello every one, hope everyone doing great I try my best to go in detail much as I could in this story its not that old just happen to me week ago I wish I could have write sooner but I was not much of my self to sit and write And also sorry because this story its longer then my other stories I have post my story is not make in my mind or fantasy its all real experiences I had I stay in black neighborhood and all most of my experiences with black male then white guys and its true bigger its...

3 years ago
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Wild Memorial Day

Hello every one, hope everyone doing great I try my best to go in detail much as I could in this story its not that old just happen to me week ago I wish I could have write sooner but I was not much of my self to sit and write And also sorry because this story its longer then my other stories I have post my story is not make in my mind or fantasy its all real experiences I had I stay in black neighborhood and all most of my experiences with black male then white guys and its true bigger its...

4 years ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 19

"What I want to know, along with everyone else here," said Peter Smith, "is when are you politicians going to do something about this problem." There was a chorus of agreement from the assembled local citizens, most of them monied farmers who did not appreciate having their prosperous, complacent, quiet lives of ease disturbed by a loose cannon like a pack of murderous dogs. And nobody seemed to be thinking to ask what that young man was doing there, out on Smith's land near his cattle,...

2 years ago
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Wild WoodsChapter 3 Children

As close a relationship as the police, sheriff’s department, and Families had in Rosebud Falls, it still wasn’t prudent to have many people knowing what they discovered. It would be hard enough to contain the story while Johnson investigated. He wasn’t as suspicious of the Savage Family per se as of their company. The evidence was that drugs and child trafficking had been going on here long before Wayne or Pàl showed up. The sheriff still had one trump card to keep the investigation under...

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Wild WoodsChapter 10 436 Peach Street

“This has been an exciting week from what I hear,” Dr. Poltanys said as he clipped the stitches from Gee’s leg. “The children have finally begun to vocalize. Not all words but they are getting very good with ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’,” Gee said. Whenever someone mentioned things being exciting, Gee thought of the children. “I’ll bet that thrills Laura and Jude,” Adam chuckled. “Yes. There was a little confusion when Devon called Marian ‘Mommy’ but it didn’t take them too long to sort out the...

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Wild WoodsChapter 13 To Have and to Hold

Gee sat in the rocking chair holding baby Genesis and giving her a bottle. The baby sucked hungrily while staring at him. He sang little nonsense songs to her as they rocked. Nearby, Nina, Salome, John, and Jane played a card game, laughing at the play. Karen brought Gee a glass of wine and set it on the side table. “I guess you can have wine since you aren’t actually nursing her,” Karen giggled as she kissed his head. “I think our girl has had enough,” Gee said. Gen spit the nipple...

3 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 15

At the wash basin, they washed each other’s face with wet paper towels, then dried. Bill pulled her close and kissed her again. She felt like she was floating on air as he held her and kissed her. She felt weak in her knees and she felt a wild fluttering in her heart. She took a wet paper towel and pressed it to the sides of his head, making his thick, dark, wavy black hair slide back in place. He peed in the urinal with her standing behind him, reaching around to hold his cock as she...

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Wild ChildChapter 16

To Juli, it seemed the flight to Melbourne, Florida took no longer than the short flight to Maryville in the small, single engine plane. From the airport, they took a taxi over to South Beach where Bill’s granddad lives. On the way, they stopped at a small lingerie shop that Doctor Shirley knew of, to buy Juli a few necessary items. “Come in with us, Bill,” Juli said as he stopped outside the front door of the shop. “Yes, come on, Bill. You can pick out Juli’s panties, that is if she even...

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Wildfire This is a story that I started, and wrote a few chapters of, on another site several years ago. I'm not comfortable with just bringing it here, so I'm rebooting the whole thing. I know, some of the characters are blatant rip offs, but the idea for this story came to me almost 30 years ago. Some of the characters reflect that. I admit that although these are Marvel characters, the name Wildfire is a dedication to my all time favorite, a member of DC's Legion of Superheroes....

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Wild Lust Sex Of Cougar With ISS Author

Hi my sweet lovers of ISS. My name is Hemant, from Bangalore and a great fan of ISS. I am 5.10 ft tall with a good personality and a playboy person. Basically, I am working in Bangalore. I would like to thank my ISS Readers for appreciating my previous ISS Story. Hence now I am posting my next sex buddy experience. These days I had started to help those needy women who wanted banging badly and to satiate their sexual thirst. One such erotic story is what I am going to tell you. It was April, I...

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Wild Sweaty Sex In Bangalore

Hi, everyone, it’s me Lykan(nick name) from Bangalore..I’m a young and energetic guy with the good physique to impress any girl..In the previous story, I told you all about the fun I had with Joan in wagamon (a hilly place in Kerala).We really had a hot wild time over there.For people who haven’t read please do read it ..I’m very thankful to iss for submitting my story in here and very much thankful to all the people who had given me good feedbacks about my story.Hope u all will enjoy my second...

4 years ago
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Wild Sex With Dirty Talk With Couple

Hi friends, again this is lalit from delhi with my new experience in sex ,you all had read my previous stories like “swapping mein maza aa gaya”, “biwi ne chiut dilwaye” & “husband ne lund dilwaya” ,so this is my 4th story for all of my readers. Mere aur meri wife priya ke bare mein aap sab jante hain fir bhi jo naye readers hain unhe bata du main lalit 39 & my wife priya 36 from delhi,ab aap se apna experience share karta hu. Ek din main aur priya ina delhi haat ghumne gaye kariban ek ghanta...

3 years ago
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Wild Women Of The Family 8211 Part I

Hello friends my name is Roger 23 year of age. I’m here to narrate to you true events in my life that changed my perception about the wild women in my family my mother, Kamsin and sister, Ruchi. To start with I will narrate how it all began.My mother Kamsin 43 years old at 5’7 tall is very sensuous and a complete looker. A stunning lady with a sexy curvy body an hour glass figure to say the least. Her black hair ran up to her waist. I know her measurements due to peeking into her lingerie and...

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Wild Night at the Jade Inn

Shortly after their marriage, Anne had quit her job. Michael, her new husband, a Corporate Lawyer quite well off, had insisted. For almost a year now, Anne had luxuriated in her new life and had delighted in satisfying her new husband's every whim. When she unearthed Michael's one secret fantasy, she had willingly gone along with it. The day after their wedding Michael had seemingly innocently remarked to his new bride that the young Chinese woman, Su Lin, working the front desk at the Jade...

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Wild Storm Wild Tina

A blazing sun caressed ripe and ready cornfields. Rich yellow heated to a dusted tawny colour. Tall stalks flaunted their swelling seed to the sun's power. Silence enveloped the land.Nothing moved.Except for Peter Grover, and he loved it all. Loved the heat, the scorching fecund fields, the dry aroma of sun-toasted corn, the quiet, the solitude. No people. Ideal for a solitary young man. An official track lay two fields to the south, on his left. That was the joy of this walk along the boundary...

First Time
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Wild in the CountryChapter 20

The pretty and shapely, thirty-year-old blonde slammed her front door and stood with her back to it, panting with fright. Always so sophisticated and worldly compared to the local populace of Pickford's Meadows, Liz Clark now found herself in a situation with which she could not deal. Peeking through the curtains that now stayed permanently drawn over the living room window, she saw the big, menacing form of John Proctor standing there with the axe handle swinging in his hand. She wondered...

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Wild Cat

I reached Bali by 12.30pm; an escort picked me from airport. I had booked a Log-hut at a five star resort, away from the main town. The trip took us five hours to get there and we both were tired. The resort was built on a hill amongst lush green coffee plantations. The monsoon made the place look even greener, a pleasing sight for us; dwellers of the concrete jungle. We trekked our way up to our sweet only to be greeted by a beautiful sight. Amass the lush greenery was this small log hut with...

Straight Sex
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wild oats

WILD OATS It was very hot summers day, i had volunteered to help pull the wild oats from the wheat field on the local farm, i was on holiday from my normal boring job, doing the accounts for a local Lord on a hot day was no fun. The reason i had said i would help was one, to help out my father who ran the farm and two because the job was done by casual labour which was mostly ladies from the local villages, on this day there was Jane, a lady of about 24, she was on reputation a bit wild but...

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Wild Thing fantasy

Back when I was in my early teens the Xmas holidays were usually spent swimming down at the local river with several mates all around the same age and the occasional girl when one or two of us were lucky enough. This day was shaping up to be a doozy, even as the sun poked its head above the horizon it was a hot day so seven of us spent the morning cooling off at our secret spot. It was a great spot, we had a narrow winding path leading down through the dense scrub to a small open grassy patch...

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Wild Fuck With A Slutty Lady

Hi ISS readers, myself Vijay am here to share a experience that I had with a lady in my colony , actually better than calling her lady we can call her a wild slut. Now on to the story.. My name is Vijay I completed my studies and had started working in an MNC in Hyderabad. I lived in a company flat on the same city. It was a colony which consists of more than 3000 families. In my next apartment there lived a lady name Revathi with her hubby. Revathi ‘s family was a well-known prestigious family...

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Wild Encounter With Massage Girl

Hi friends, this is again Suresh age 24 from chennai posting here my second story .. Thanks you guys for previous comments and reply. Let’s start with the story excepting more comments from you at . As it was on my trip to abroad I used to travel alone to abroad due to my work and where this incident happened once I traveled to Singapore after my work and meeting got over felt so bored at hotel just want to explore the Singapore. As I got international license I took a self driving car started...

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wild halloween

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

4 years ago
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wild halloween night

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

2 years ago
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wild halloween night

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

3 years ago
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wild oats

WILD OATS It was very hot summers day, i had volunteered to help pull the wild oats from the wheat field on the local farm, i was on holiday from my normal boring job, doing the accounts for a local Lord on a hot day was no fun. The reason i had said i would help was one, to help out my father who ran the farm and two because the job was done by casual labour which was mostly ladies from the local villages, on this day there was Jane, a lady of about 24, she was on reputation a bit wild but...

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Wild Horses

WILD HORSES By Hector M/f, F/f, incest, Torture, beastiality Two sisters are made to payfor teasing a boy one time too many. The girl's screaming was finally beginning to get hoarse as her voice startedto give out. It was surprising, really, that that she had lasted this long.She was a very petite girl, barely 5'3" and could be described as waifish ifnot for the too large (yet natural) breasts that hung from her chest. She waslying face down tied with her breasts hanging on each side of the...

4 years ago
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Wild Magic Ch 1012

"Why don't we go to the den and have a family movie night? It's been a while since we've done that." "Yeah!" Annie jumped up. "I'll go pick a movie." She ran into the den, conveniently leaving me behind to manage the dishes alone. I made a couple bowls of popcorn and by the time I made it to the den, I found everyone had changed into sleepwear. Dad wore a t-shirt and pajama pants, mom wore a light robe, and Annie wore a long shirt with thigh high striped socks. I sat down the...

4 years ago
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Wild Night With Jody and Her Friends

I had the best time last weekend. I was out with my buddies and we were at our local bar that we always went to. We were just hanging out having some beers and playing darts. It was a pretty slow night, but all of a sudden this group of young pretty girls came into the bar. The one girl was wearing a tiara on her head with a cute pink shirt that said 'Bride-to-Be.' She was also in a short mini skirt with black pumps. This girl was absolutely beautiful. All the rest of the girls were wearing...

2 years ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 7

The three young men in Clete's office cringed at the ferocity of his diatribe. He paced up and down, banging his fist on desktops, kicking chairs. His hate for Mark Denning nearly exceeded the hate he felt for Liz's disgusting runaway dog. He had hated the dog and Liz ever since he had come in her back door and silently sneaked to her bedroom, only to find her moaning and bucking on her hands and knees on her bed with the great mixed wolf and German Shepherd dog's huge cock reaming her...

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Wild For HorsesChapter 4

The movie went on. The boy managed to ride the horse all the way back to the ranch. He tied it up in the corral and went in to tell his father. His father was furious at him for risking his life so foolishly. But he was proud of his son for bringing in the horse that so many grown men had failed to catch. He organized a posse now to go out and catch the rest of the herd that was now without a leader. All through that first night the boy heard the wild stallion's piercing cries as he lived...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 27

Priscilla Devereaux stood in the kitchen, drinking a cup of strong coffee and watching her father and Robin talking happily in the living room. It was funny that the young girl could be so attached to Jim Devereaux. Priscilla never had been, in spite of his open-handed generosity with her in all things. She would never forgive him for using his power and influence to break up her and Mark's love affair and delivering him into the sticky little hands of the piano teacher she hated. And now...

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Wild Wild Beach

I kept on walking and walking alone down the shore line in the middle of nowhere. After all, I think it was ideal place for me to be at the moment. I just couldn’t handle being around people after what happened in recent days. Being betrayed by the only friend and girlfriend who you thought was the ONE is tough by itself but when such people are trying to set you up and kill you.. hell, that’s devastating. You fly to the foreign country to save the most precious people in your life just to find...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex With Wife Bhabhi

Hi Guys, I’m regular reader of various blogs and erotic sites and would like to share my story with all of you. I’m not revealing my name to this forum however I wanted to give a name to character which keep my originality alive. I’m Manoj and 34 years old now, I have small family with wife and 1 kid here, and parents are staying in home town which is miles away from this place. I got married 3 years back and settled with spouse here. With time our mutual understanding increased and we have...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 11

Priscilla Devereaux watched morosely from the cafe across the street as Nancy Pace left the sheriff's office where her dark- skinned fiancee worked. Everyone seemed to be happy but her. Even that no good law officer had a steady girl that she was sure he was fucking. Only she was alone, it seemed, and she didn't like it. Priscilla was very unused to being deprived of anything, and having been spurned by Mark Denning at the conference at the Radisson, the fire of envy and resentment burned...

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