Reflections Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is a story about an older man reflecting on his life. It could go in several different categories. I’m posting it in chapters due to the length. I hope you stay with me on this one. Thank you to Estragon for editing it and making it a much better read.

Chapter 1

I needed a few minutes to be alone. I went into the office at the church to reflect upon my life. I have had plenty of ups and downs in my life and made a lot of mistakes. I also did some things right. I’ll tell you a little about my life.

I just turned sixty-five a few months ago and my life was like a ride on a roller coaster. My name is Bud Brown. I was born and raised in Ohio, just outside of Cincinnati. I come from a very wealthy family. Our family made our riches in real estate. My ancestors owned thousands upon thousands of acres of land. It was passed down through the years and most of it was eventually sold off, but before it was all gone our family was rich.

I have a step-brother, Bob Jr., who is five years older than I am. I also have a step-sister Edie, who is three years older than I. Dad married his first wife when he was nineteen after she got pregnant. He tried to make it work and they even had a second child.

According to Dad, she married him because of the family name. When I was older Dad had told me he wasn’t sure he loved her but he married her because he wanted to do the honorable thing. He said he would never know for sure, since she died in childbirth with Edie due to complications.

That’s when Dad met Mary, my future mother. He hired her as a nanny for my siblings. It wasn’t long before he had fallen in love with her and they got married. I was born within the year. They didn’t have any other children.

I always got along with my brother and sister. I didn’t think of them as step-siblings. As Bob Jr. would always say, ‘I was just a brother from a different mother.’

Growing up I never did without, but my parents wanted me to know the value of a dollar. They didn’t just throw money at me. I went to the city schools, received a good education, and eventually went to college.

A little about Bob and Edie. They both went to college and upon graduating Dad opened up a new land development and brokerage office for each of them. One was in Kentucky and the other was in Indiana.

They each eventually got married and had children of their own. They’re grandparents now. Mom and Dad both taught family values to all of us. I guess I didn’t listen too well to that part of my upbringing.

When I asked Dad what he thought I might be doing in the future he would always smile and tell me we would talk later. Dad and I were like best buds. In fact as far back as I can remember he always called me Buddy instead of Bud.


A lot of readers might have a hard time relating to my life but believe me when I say all people, rich and not, want to meet that special person. Money can buy a world of sex but can’t buy love.

I dated in high school and college, and could have had just about any woman I wanted, believe me when I tell you I’ve been with a lot of women. I became infatuated with many of them but I can’t say I ever really loved any of them. I knew many dated me because my family was extremely wealthy and I always bought them gifts.

I would tire of one after a while, and go on to another. I need to tell you up front things that you may not like about me. I was a user of women but I always paid them well, gave many generous gifts and never hurt them personally.

I’ll tell you about a few of the women I’ve been with to give you an idea what kind of life I’ve led. I’ll pass the high school fucks and go straight to the college women.

We’ll begin with the fraternity parties. It’s a fact that most any woman who attended these parties knew what the outcome would be. They would get fucked, sucked and past around. Any woman that I shared with others I would rarely date on my own.

As a freshman it was like I was in sin city heaven. Every weekend there was a party. I promised my Dad that I would try my best in college and I did keep that promise.

I went to college year around, to get through early. I studied my ass off all week long, racking up the midnight hours, but Saturday was my party night and I needed Sunday to rest up.

I never considered myself as a hunk, but I was a reasonably good-looking guy. I stood 6′ 2′ and weighed two hundred pounds. I played sports in high school but didn’t really excel. Just one of the regular players. I did use the exercise room and the gym to keep in shape.

Back to the weekend parties. I drank beer, even though I was underage, but did my best not to get drunk. I would meet a girl at the party and before the night was over we were having sex. It wasn’t in some back room but right there in front of everyone.

The girls would do wet t-shirt or some dirty dancing and I have to admit for a young guy like me it was really hot. Most girls were older than I was but age didn’t seem to be a problem.

I usually stayed with one girl a night at the party. I think for the first few months I thought I was in love with every girl I was with. I would be with a girl for a few weeks and the next thing I knew she was fucking someone else.

One weekend when I was home I actually talked with my dad about women and how did he know Mom was the right one?

‘Buddy,’ he said, ‘there’s infatuation, there’s lust and there is love. Lust you feel from your lower regions, if you get what I mean. Infatuation is thinking you really care for someone but not really knowing them. Then there is love, it’s a feeling you get after knowing someone and feeling it in your heart.

‘You’ll know when that happens. There won’t be much doubt. You will want to be with her and only her. You’ll feel jealous when she’s around other men. Take your time, and love will find you if it’s meant to happen. Until then, make sure you wear condoms.’ Dad looked at me and laughed.

I had to wonder if Dad was right, but not about the condoms, I did that for sure. I never felt jealousy at these parties. I was now in my junior year and still partying on down. I couldn’t believe how often my friends would share their girlfriends. I often shared my dates and it didn’t bother me in the least. I never felt jealous and had to wonder if my dad was right.

It was quite well known that my family was wealthy. Some of the women were acting more lovey-dovey toward me. They wanted us to be more of a couple. I did date some of them over the next year for months at a time. I kept wondering about what my dad had said, ‘was it lust, love, or infatuation?’

I did have feelings for some of these women and they did look damn good. When it came to sex, they were good. Hand jobs, oral and most forms of fucking, they didn’t have a problem with. Experience does count, let me tell you.

My biggest problem was I didn’t know if they wanted me for me or for my family’s reputed wealth. As I said, it got to be well known that my family was wealthy. Dad had mentioned to me that a lot of women would do most anything to marry a man of means. I didn’t have much now but I could be quite wealthy in the future.

It just seemed that whenever I dated a girl, they always seemed to be interested in the family background. It pretty much sent up a red flag to me. I would have loved to meet the right woman and have a loving life like my parents seem to have had. I just wasn’t sure if it was going to happen.

I’d been dating and partying for years now. In my senior year I met Marlene. She transferred in from another college. Of all places I met her in the library. We seemed to hit it off and as far as I knew she didn’t know anything about me.

We talked and I asked her out for dinner. She accepted and we talked about our futures over dinner. She told me she wanted to be an actress. She was taking courses to help her reach that goal. I have to admit
she had the looks but she would have to move to Hollywood or New York to get noticed.

I mentioned that my family was in the brokerage business and big in real estate. I would probably be in the family business. I took her back to the dorm after our date. We kissed and I invited her to the frat party on Saturday.

At the party we stayed together. She was surprised to see how open with sex a lot of the people were. By the end of the evening we were making out but she didn’t want to have sex in front of anyone else. I did notice that she looked at one of the frat brothers a number of times.

I asked her if she knew Brent and she told me he was in her acting class. I really didn’t know Brent all that well and only saw him at some of the frat parties.

Marlene and I headed back to the house I shared with a couple of friends. We each had our own bedrooms. Marlene and I went to my room and I slowly took her clothes off. When I removed her bra and she only had her panties on I had her sit on the edge of the bed. I quickly stripped down to my briefs.

I had her lie back and kissed her. I felt I wanted to take my time and make love to her. I didn’t say I loved her because I didn’t know. We’d only met a week before, but my loins were stirring.

I sucked on her breasts and especially her nipples. She had her hands wrapped around my head, pulling me down to her. I went from one breast to the other, sucking on her very stiff nipples. She had large breasts and I began squeezing them and she was getting into it, if her moans told the truth.

She moved up on the bed and I slipped off her panties, baring her full mound. She spread her legs as I buried my face in her soft brown mound, rubbing it all over. I slowly lowered my face to the lips of her pussy and spread her lips with my fingers, sticking my tongue into her soft wet pussy with darting motions.

Eventually I put on a condom and got between her legs and we fucked. Damn, she felt good. After a few minutes with me on top she turned over and I took her from behind. I loved it when she pushed her ass up against my hard cock. It wasn’t long before I came.

In the weeks that followed she became a little more daring and took off her blouse at the parties. I think she liked the looks of other men seeing her with me. Kind of ‘you can see me but you can’t have me’. I really didn’t mind because she was only intimate with me.

If she wanted to be shared, it would be over for us. It’s just the way I felt about the women I dated. While dating them monogamously I wouldn’t be with other women and I expected the same from the women I was dating.

At one party she had drunk a lot and got more amorous. I couldn’t believe it when she slipped off her shorts and gave me a lap dance naked. She pulled out my cock and it was really hard. I reached for a condom and she told me I didn’t need one, she was on the pill.

I thought with my dick instead of my brain as she rode me to a huge orgasm. I knew I had to have filled her pussy up with cum. Looking back I remember her looking over at this Brent guy but didn’t think anything of it.

For the next two months we had sex without using a condom. Then one day she told me she was pregnant. When I asked her what happened, she said she didn’t know. She even showed me her used pill case.

She asked me if I was going to marry her. I told her I needed a little bit of time to think. She told me how much she loved me and asked me if I loved her. Of course I said I did, but I wasn’t sure.

That weekend I went home to talk with my dad. He was very discouraged with me but told me I should do the honorable thing and marry her if I thought I really cared for her.

I graduated two months later and we got married in a small ceremony before she showed any more. She was quite large even then. I was blown away when we found out she was having twins. I was in kind of shock.

I graduated from college with honors and became an associate at my Dad’s firm. Marlene thought we would have a lot of money but I told her we would some day, but for now I had to learn the ropes from the bottom up.

My parents did give us twenty-five thousand dollars to purchase a nice three bedroom home. Of course this was back in the sixties. Instead of buying the smaller home, Marlene wanted a bigger one and used the money as a down payment. I was a little aggravated about it but I knew we could make the monthly payments.

My mom was so happy after the birth of the babies. She offered to watch them whenever Marlene needed help, which seemed to be just about every day. No matter what I did, Marlene never seemed to be satisfied. I worked a lot of hours to support my family. I felt a little guilty not being home more often but I was learning all about the company, in which Dad promised me a partnership some day.

A month after the kids were born Marlene went to the gym to work out. She said she needed to get her figure back. After about six months Marlene said she wanted to go back and finish her acting classes in college. She argued that I was always gone and she was staying home with the kids. Even though my mother had them most of the time, it wasn’t worth arguing about.

She went back during the day and took acting courses. I honestly couldn’t understand why. We lived in Ohio and other than some community theatre there wasn’t much else she could do with an acting degree or certificate.

We hired a part-time nanny who watched the kids while Marlene took her courses. All other times Mom was more than happy to watch the kids. Dad and I had a talk. He asked me how things were at home, along with the love life.

I told him I was trying, but Marlene always wanted more. The money I gave her each week to run the household was never enough. Things didn’t seem that good for a couple that was married less than a year.

Dad was always honest with me and told me I should have a blood test done to make sure Mike and Lisa were my kids. They didn’t have the quick DNA at the time. I was pissed at Dad for suggesting it but I knew he was right.

I had the tests done and they came back stating that the twins were my kids. I was happy and so was Dad. It was then I realized he loved them too. We might not have spent as much time with the babies but we did feel the love.

After that Dad didn’t tell me, but he had a friend follow Marlene over the next month or so. I had to go on overnight trips for the company and still worked long hours. Dad did pay all my expenses out of the business and also gave me a pay increase, which Marlene was able to quickly spend.

I have to admit that I probably spent too much time working but I knew that in the future it would all pay off. My dad was going to make me a full partner in the main firm. He told me that some day he hoped that I would be able to take over the main office.

Then the sky would be the limit for me and my family. Many times I tried to explain it to Marlene, but all she could think about was she wanted the money now and she wanted to become an actress. One day she even told me she didn’t want to be a housewife. I didn’t know what to think.

As far as our sex life went, we had sex pretty regularly when we were both home in the evenings. Marlene didn’t seem to be as interested as she was before giving birth to the kids. She didn’t deny me sex, it’s just that it was rather routine, like the love part had left.


I want to tell you a little about Marlene’s family. She was the youngest of five kids born to Evelyn and Ed Davis. They were a nice middle class family. They got along well with Mom and Dad. It was after Marlene and I got married that they told us that she was their wild child. She always had this idea of being rich and famous.

The rest of the Davis family all lived normal lives. They were all married and the Davis’s had twelve grandchildren so far, counting my kids, Mike and Lisa. We would see them once in a while, but Evelyn w
ould go over and see the kids when Mom had them, which was quite often.

One day I got back early from a trip and Dad called me into the office and showed me the investigator’s report. He even had pictures of Marlene with another man. I recognized him right off, it was Brent from her college class.

According to the report, Marlene went to her acting class, and on a number of occasions she went to the motel with this guy Brent. It was a cheap motel off the beaten path and it didn’t have a restaurant, so we knew they weren’t going out to eat.

The investigator was able to get a couple of photos through an opening in the drapes. There was no doubt what they were doing. I knew I had to confront Marlene with the cheating evidence. Dad and I talked for a while about what my choices would be. I knew there would be a divorce, I had no doubt there, but I needed to have a plan for the kids. I took the folder and had tears in my eyes as I left Dad’s office.

Dad had mentioned that one of the reasons he didn’t give me a higher raise was because he wanted to wait and see how Marlene and I got along. He said he had doubts about our relationship but didn’t want to say anything at the time.

I went to talk with my mother. She had the kids and I was happy to see them. Mom told me that Marlene said she had a special practice and would be home rather late and asked her if she could keep the kids for the night. I had this gut feeling that she was with this Brent guy.

I mentioned to Mom what Dad had found out and that I would be divorcing Marlene. Mom had tears in her eyes, she loved the babies. My biggest problem was the kids. There was no way I could take care of them full time and work. I sure wasn’t going to give full custody to Marlene and her lover.

Mom loved the kids like they were her own. Eventually they called her Nana and my Dad, Papa. Mom and I talked for a while and she said I could move back into their house, which was really huge, and she would help raise the kids. I decided to go see our family lawyer and seek out my options. I got home late that night and the house was still dark.

It was three in the morning before Marlene arrived home. To see me sitting there on the couch was more than a huge surprise.

‘Bud! What are you doing home? You said you wouldn’t be home till tomorrow.’ I could tell she was extremely nervous.

‘This is tomorrow. I suggest you sit down, we have a lot to talk about.’

‘Bud, it’s late and I need a shower and I’m dead tired. Can’t this wait until morning?’

‘No it can’t. Sit your cheating ass down in that chair right now or get the fuck out of my house!’

She was scared, nervous and also mad. She did sit down and asked, ‘What the hell is wrong with you? Are you drunk? You have no right to talk to me that way, besides this is as much my house as it is yours.’

‘That’s yet to be decided,’ I said to her. She didn’t say anything about the cheating.

‘Marlene, here’s what I know. You’re a cheating whore wife.’ She got ready to say something and I told her to just shut up and listen. She could talk all she wanted to in a few minutes.

I told her that I knew she was having an affair with her old friend Brent. I wanted to know when it started. I made sure she knew that we were getting a divorce. If I felt she would tell me the truth, she would get off a lot easier than if she lied to me.

I let her know her options up front. I was going to ask for custody of our kids. We would be moving back to Mom and Dad’s house and the kids would be raised there. If she cooperated she and her parents would have visiting rights to see the kids.

If she lied to me or tried to fight custody of the kids I would take her to court and show her infidelity to her family and friends. I opened my folder and took out pictures of her going into the cheap motel, arm-in arm with Brent. I showed her a couple of more pictures of them having sex in the room. I even told her she should have closed the curtains better.

She sat in the chair slumped over. She knew she was caught in the act and it was on more than one occasion. I told her I had most of the answers but I wanted to hear it out of her mouth. ‘When did this affair begin?’ I asked. ‘You wanted to talk, so now it’s your turn. If I catch you in a lie, I’ll kick your ass out of here tonight.’

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SEVEN AND A HALF MONTHS LATER... "Let's just do this, okay?" Charlotte sighs as she wraps her arms around me and moves her body closer to mine. Nodding stoically, I take a deep breath and lean into my BFF, kissing her as deeply as I've ever kissed my boyfriend. "Sixty seconds start now!" Paul laughs from behind me as I close my eyes and turn my head in toward Charlotte and away from the videophone that is inevitably recording my embarrassment. I should also point out that the only...

3 years ago
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Anni Sema Moodu Eatri Ennai Oothal 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil thirumanam aagi vantha en anniyai miga sexiyaaga matter pota kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar maruthu vayathu 30 aagugirathu. En annauku 34 vayathil thirumanam aagiyathu, en annan thirumanam seitha anniyin peyar pangajam vayathu 32 aagiyathu. Anni karupaaga irupaargal aanal iru mulaiyum miga perithaaga irukum, parka aunty pola thaan irupaal. Karupaaga irunthaalum nala kaamamaaga irupaal, aval ennai muthal murai paarkum...

4 years ago
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a new life

Claris Seymour-McKenzie stood silently and alone in the room. Her head was bowed and small teardrops formed in both her eyes. Her life had changed in the last 3 days beyond her wildest dreams. Claris had been widowed four years ago and her husband had left her, and her two teenage daughters with enough money to see them through for the rest of their lives. They lived in a 5 bedroom house in a desirable part of town, and all enjoyed a good social life. Claris based her life around the church and...

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I suppose it would seem unlikely that at fourteen I could feel the animal desire for my grandmother but nothing I could think of would allow those thoughts to leave me. Maybe if I started at the beginning you and I will better understand my feelings. Going back several years I always remembered grandma as a warm friendly woman. Often when visiting she would hold me in her lap and lay my head against her bosom. I didn't pay all the much attention to her body at that time but loved the way her...

3 years ago
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Caught With sisters Best Friends Dirty Panti

I was always keen on one of s*s's friends, in fact her very best friend. They did everything together. The were either shopping or gossiping about the guys they had a crush on. s*s and her friend both stood about 5'6" roughly 110 lbs each and had dark hair, beautiful skin and the nicest bodies. They were the hottest girls in the neighborhood. Anyone would expect each of them to be stuck up, self absorbed girls yet they were both really down to earth. I heard them refered to as old souls, they...

2 years ago
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How i fuck my boss to get appointed as permanent 1

I finally got a job in the gov but was only temporary for a year, at first did really mind was working normally the day pass quickly i realise my friends already got their contracts except a few and knew only 1 permanent place was left to fill.The guy who decides on which one will be keep was an 57 old man, i knew i had make move as the last candidate was more qualified than me and was a guy he was more regular at work and performed better i had no chance to get the job. As a got some leave as...

1 year ago
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Nutcracker Sweet Part 2 of 2

Rick grinned and hit me on the shoulder with a wet slap, saying, “Your mind says no, but your dick obviously says yes. Relax, Jason; both of you just relax and enjoy. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this kind of thing. I love it, as you can tell…” he thrust his hips forward, showing off his little erection, throbbingly hard and pointing skyward, “…and Mikki is a very sexual woman. I’m on board with her wants and needs, and don’t mind if she occasionally enjoys a little more cock than I can...

Group Sex
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He she and them

He could have been the inspiration for the caricature you see so often, you know, the little old, distinguished looking gentleman with the round face, a fringe of white hair around a predominantly bald head and a big white mustache. Expecting his arrival, it wasn't seconds from the time he rang the bell until the two attendants, one male, the other female, opened the front door of the big, brick, Victorian house.The male attendant disappeared while the female led him back to an isolated room in...

2 years ago
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Moms BikiniChapter 8

It was a little past six on Friday night. Our last night on the island. We were flying out on Saturday at noon. I heard a knock on our door and let Rodrigo in our room, and shook hands with him. “Mom is almost ready for dinner and should be out of the bathroom shortly. I was just on my way out. I’ll say goodbye now in case I don’t see you tomorrow.” Even though Mom and I were now lovers, I did not feel any jealousy of her being with Rodrigo. Why shouldn’t she enjoy her last night on the...

3 years ago
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jackson and his dad 1st part

it's my first time writing here hope you like it " ohhh you like it son " said the father " yeah dad give it to me hard " said jackson the story started when jackson's parents get divorced jackson is 18 years old guy live with his father alone in the house, jackson's father was a 40 years-old hunk with a huge dick and a tight sexy ass and he didn't mind to walk around the home all naked and here were jackson's dreams start about him and his father that day jackson returned from school early to...

2 years ago
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First time bred

It has been awhile but I am back with an update. In this story, I will recount my two most recent experiences, the second one happened earlier today and I am still a bit unnerved by it. For those that don’t know, I am a middle aged dude (49), married with a family. Over the past couple of years, I have developed a secret, submissive sissy fetish. My first real encounter was about a year ago and that, along with my other activities, have been detailed in these stories. I have occasionally...

3 years ago
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The bitch

I hate my dad's new girlfriend. She was bossy and snotty towards me. I don't know why she had such an attitude towards me, but it did not feel good to be in the house when she was around.Sure she had a hot body and a very pretty face, but she was a total bitch to me! Kept asking myself how my nice and good guy of father could have this bitch around. I don't think he ever got to see her true behavior when he was around. She put this nice face and attitude, but as soon as my dad was far away...

2 years ago
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Answer Chapter 2

The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between two men and women. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law. This story is mostly fiction. It is purely a fantasy of mine however it is based on sexual acts and situations I have been apart of. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story are in no way intended to show...

2 years ago
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The First Day Part 1 FemDom

The First Day, Part 1I arrive at the hotel to check in. When I give my information to the girl at the reception desk, she tells me that I have a package. She reaches behind the counter and produces a large unmarked brown paper bag. “Enjoy your stay”, she says, with a knowing smile.I hurry to the elevator, feeling your cock grow hard in anticipation of what’s to come. I find our room, open the bag, and spread its contents out on the king-size bed. Laying before me are the following: a pair...

2 years ago
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First Fuck Revised

Let me describe myself for you before I tell about my first sexual encounter. I am 18 and stand at 6'0 weighing 215 lbs. I'm not incredibly fit but I have a nice amount of muscle. I have a mohawk that is black and tipped with green. I have my ears, labret, and tongue pierced as well snake bites. I have 4 tattoos. 1 that was a cross with my dad and grandmother's death dates on my right arm, a hatchetman on my right pec and the word JUGGALO down my right side. The 4th was the...

1 year ago
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Sallys Black Bang

My 48 year old wife Sally loves cocks. She's quite happy with mine most of the time but now and then she wants to feel a different sized cock in her pussy. I think she also likes the way she can attract and control men by offering her body to them. Sally discovered her passion for cock when she was in her late 30s. She had just gotten divorced from her husband of 18 years. He had left her for another woman and she was just not sure whether she would still be attractive to men. Her first date...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Secret Needs

Play "Hey didn't you say you didn't want this sweater?" Laura looked up from reading her fashion magazine and stared at the green low cut sweater her friend Elsie held up. She realized she'd only worn it once last winter. "Uh, no I never said that." Elsie laughed. Her fiery red curly hair was up in a ponytail showing off her big green eyes. "Yes you did. Don't be that way." Laura rolled her eyes. "I guess. You can have it, just like you've had almost all my clothes." Elise...

4 years ago
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The TravellerChapter 5 Chris Beaker

Chris laid back on the mattress in the cell and relaxed, what he was doing was using his library to find out what other spells he could use, he realised that his bicycle rusting spell could be invoked to keep on going and he smiled to himself, in many ways it would be an improvement on his karma as many people knew it was illegal to ride their cycles on the pavements and in pedestrianised areas but still did it regardless. He found the book that held the spell and then it pointed to another...

2 years ago
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The Thrill of the Wait Part 2

My cock teases your wet, juicy pussy as your hands reach up to grab my hips to force me in, but before they get there I grab onto them and tie the to the bedposts on the bed. You moan as you tug at the bindings unable to free yourself, completely at my mercy now. My cock returns to your pussy, teasing your aching pussy. I slide the head of my cock in slowly, teasing you so much, making you lift your hips up and try to take more of my cock inside your pussy. My hands force your hips to remain on...

2 years ago
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SheHulk Green with Envy

Sitting at a café table outside the front of a restaurant and enjoying the summer weather, three women chatted away while sipping at their drinks, laughing at each other’s jokes and small talk and enjoying the other’s company. And the three gathered quite a few stares from the nearby tables and pedestrians that walked by, after all… It’s not often you get to see the three She-Hulks all gathered in the same place! Jennifer Walters; the Sensational She-Hulk covered her mouth to keep from spilling...

3 years ago
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The TeacherChapter 35 Do you have any plans

Lisa and Harold had been dating for two weeks now and she took advantage of a mid-week day off (Joy and Beth were holding the fort at The Sunny Acres Day-care) to do some last-minute Christmas shopping for the kids. Since she was in town anyway, she decided, on the spur of the moment, to drop by Harold's office. When Annabelle recognized Lisa entering the office, she smiled warmly. The two had met on several occasions during the trial and again at the post-trial party. She had seemed really...

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My Best Friends Sister Part 5

I'd gotten to be very close with my best friend Amanda's sister. She was younger, seventeen years old, cute, in high school, and very very outgoing. When I mean very outgoing, I mean very outgoing. Not afraid to flirt, not afraid to get sexual, not afraid to be outspoken, and not afraid to speak her mind. Miranda also didn't hesitate to act on things she had feelings for.One thing I'd discovered about Miranda was that she was willing to flirt with me, come onto me, and had no regard for what...

3 years ago
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Best Start To The New Year 2016

Hello everyone, My name is Romeo(fake of course) and this is my second sex story so I would not waste your time explaining about myself, if you wish, you can check out my first sex story I am working in Gurgaon, love outdoor games and doing adventurous things so understandably my body is athletic and fit. Let’s begin —It’s New Year’s eve. The day is hectic as hell and we all certainly require some time to rejuvenate ourselves and party hard after work. So my good friend and colleague suggested...

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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 1

Rebecca Donaldson, the perky co-host of the morning show Good Morning San Francisco, was happy with her life. From the first day of her joining her hosting partner, Danny Tanner, she was welcomed into his family circle. Though she was actually 27-years-old, she could easily pass for a young girl of seventeen. She was introduced to his three daughters, Debby Jo (better known as DJ by all), Stephanie and Michelle. Danny had to raise them alone since his wife passed away a few years before. She...

1 year ago
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The Denny And Devon Plan

We went out as usual to Level Down, wearing our matching black leather jackets, bed hair, and our usual punk rock swagger. We went into Level Down, Denny takes his usual seat by the bar, I sit by the table and just look hot as usual. Ashley, the usual bartender comes up to me, she already knows what I’m about. Ashley sat across from my table and tangled her fingers in her wavy blonde hair. Ashley was sexy and tall, long blonde hair, nice rack with cleavage clearly visible from her low cut top....

2 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Intimate Confessions!For the past four days of magnificent pleasure I had discovered so far at home with this beautiful young woman called Julia, little did I realize that their was still so much more to come from this adventure.That fifth morning, I awoke just after nine and arose and headed to the shower. As the water got warmer, I undressed out of the boxers I wore to bed and slipped inside the cubicle, the entrance into the area was unsealed. As I began to wash my naked body...

First Time
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A rich woman loved to buy hookers and dominate them

Jean was a wealthy woman who was in to the BDSM scene. She had paid for services of slaves for years now, even had one on a full time basic. She was white in her mid 30 and wealthy enough to do anything she wanted. That day at work she had called the agency and told them she wanted a black slut for the weekend to use. They promised one would arrive at 6 tonight. She called her full time Mexican maid and slave and told her she had the night off. She showered when she got home and dressed in...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Dad

It was Friday and me and my best friend had been shopping all day. It was her eighteenth and we were having a girly day and girly night in with our friends. We had bought new outfits and jewellery. We had also bought some sexy outfits to wear for our boyfriends. When we got back to her house we ran upstairs to her room."Let's try these sexy outfits on for each other before everyone gets here for the sleepover," I told her."Good idea, here's my camera take some pictures," she answered.We both...

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Whore wife bihusband turned cuckold

My wife and I had tried for years to no avail… it looked like c***dren weren’t in the cards for us. We still got away for ‘fuck fest’ weekends, where we would pull the blinds, order room service and fuck 15-20 times in a long weekend. We were always disappointed a few weeks later when we realized, that didn’t work either. Over time, these fuck fests, turned more daring, anal, then gaging and double penetration with dildos. It had turned my wife into a bit of freak actually. I think it released...

1 year ago
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The Italian Job 8

The Italian Job 8The second part of this tale involves the interpreter “I know, I know” I can hear you all saying “Oh not another fucking interpreter” but hear me out and draw your own conclusions after.Mrs Chikolova was supposed to be our interpreter for the duration of the job but it turned out that she could hardly speak any English although she could read it but no one else could speak any English so no one knew she couldn’t, to look at her you would have thought she was a middle aged...

1 year ago
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Extra Tuition Punished By German Frau 2

Having failed my German language mock GCSE I ended up going to a private tutor twice a week. Frau Gunther is about twenty-eight and attractive. I’m nearly seventeen, I’m fit and like to go to the gym so I was unhappy about two more evenings spent on school work but my dad insisted. If you want to find out how two girls my age were punished during the first lesson you’ll have to read part 1.That happened on Tuesday evening and we’d been given vocabulary to learn as homework for the class on...

2 years ago
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Tommys Torments and Temptations

Tommy was shattered. At eighteen, you expect to have enough energy for anything and everything, so it comes as kind of a shock when you find yourself worn out. Okay, so he had had a long day today. Well, yesterday technically.Stacking shelves at the store from six until noon, his regular Saturday job, followed by a football game in the afternoon, then a few drinks with the guys, then helping Mom with the birthday party for little sis and cleaning up after it.How the hell did a bunch of...

3 years ago
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The Hike part two

The Hike (Part 2) Sam adjusted herself straddling the log as she rubbed her hands with a gentle grip and quickly up and down his shaft, rotating her wrist as she worked, the swirling motion over his swelling head giving Roy a little lift with each upward stroke. Sam scooted down the log, hands on his muscled thighs, lightly circled his purple glans; licking his salty pre-cum and savouring it before engulfing his cock. Her tongue danced around his cockhead as Sam moved up and down his shaft...

Straight Sex
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BlowJobFridays Brin Summer Bathroom Blowjob

We have a lot going on over at Bang Bros studios. So much that we find Brin Summer alone in a corner watching another scene go down. We had Derrick talk to her and see what she was up to. We find that Brin is horny watching a scene and she’s itching to suck a dick. Derrick had to get ready for another shoot but he couldn’t resist how hot she looked. So they find a bathroom and we convince her to suck some dick. Brin was born to suck dick as she is quick to take off her top and shake...

3 years ago
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business trip

I job requires extensive travel.  And I am away from my wife and family for 6 weeks at a time.  One trip in perticular was a very interesting one.  I was at the bar with 2 of my co workers enjoying the band and feeling no pain.  A older couple in their late 50’s were there and began talking to us.  The wife was pretty overweight and definatly not my type.  But she was very ‘friendly’ with all three of us guys.  Right in front of her husband she would begin to rub my hair and touch my thigh. ...

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Little brothers little girlfriend

Introduction: How I fucked my brothers little middle school girlfriend So, yeah, Im 27, and this story is as much a confession to get off my chest as it is a fucking boast, its not like I can go around to my friends and brag about this little hot thing. No names will be used. I guess Im a perv, sure, I figured this out quickly. I was always sexual and aware of girls sexually quite early and as I grew older I couldnt help notice that I am still attracted to the same kind of girls I was attracted...

3 years ago
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A Way With Words

I’m heading out on a blind date with a Woman named Eve, it’s been a rather long dry spell since me and my Ex, Kate, called it off. My co-worker Claire, whom I always considered a little meddling and A LOT annoying, had suggested we may be a good match for each other. From what I was told by Claire, Eve has a lot going for her, smart, funny, kind... Sounds like every other “plain Jane” I have dated, but, what the hell! I walk into the downtown Toronto restaurant and am greeted by the Hostess. “I...


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