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I could see that she was angry. The look on her face was clearly Anger with the capital A. I could also see something else in her eyes too, that look that I had felt myself once before, not so long ago.

Of course, I was in bed with her best friend, and we were both naked, having just had one great round of sex. Her friend was actually better at fucking than Betty was. I hadn't been surprised about that. Shawna had 'that' going for her, and I suppose 'that' is what made her such a great lay.

Shawna is a blonde, shapely sex Goddess. Kinda along the lines of Miss Monroe of the fifties and sixties... you know... sex... all sex. Oozing sex. Bursting through with sexuality and expressing it in such a... well... sexy way. She knew what she had and she used it... often

I didn't have to work too hard to get Shawna in bed either. Matter of fact, once she realized that I was coming on to her, it took... oh... maybe ten seconds for her to go into slut mode. Even though I was fairly certain of what to expect, I was surprised at how quickly she took the bait, considering that I was married to her best friend and all.

Betty stood there in the doorway of our bedroom, shocked at first. Then I saw the red anger clouding up in her cheeks. Then I saw a flickering of that something I knew was the pain of discovery. I knew that I had gotten the message across at that point. Betty turned and walked out. I heard, rather, we heard the front door slam.

I had a couple of things in my mind at that moment. First, the fact that Betty had said nothing... just stood there glaring. The second was Shawna who, much to my surprise, started to work on me some more. She had seen Betty standing there and just went back down on me, working me back up. As if her being naked in bed with me was no big deal at all.

"Oh baby, now that I've had you, I need you again. You know, you really surprised me when you started to come on to me earlier, but I am glad that you did. I've wanted to fuck you ever since Betty married you. You are one hot hunk of man."

"You're not upset that Betty knows about this?"

"Oh baby, she'll come around. If she doesn't, so much the better, cause you'll be a free agent, and I'd do anything to hook up with you for a while. I can't understand why you changed your mind like you did, but I'm sure glad you did."

I was uncomfortable, even though I knew my reason for being naked in bed, sweaty having fucked a hot and wanton woman was just.

'Just' you ask? Let me explain.

We have been married for a few years, and the 'edge' of the newness of all that had worn off. I guess we had hit the seven-year itch you could say. I hadn't, until that day eight weeks ago. Two months... just two short months ago.

I came home early from work, unexpectedly, and when I walked into the house I was about to shout out I was home. Before I did I noticed the clothes leading to our bedroom door. Mans slacks, woman's skirt. Mans shirt, woman's blouse. They shouted at me to keep quiet. So I was.

Looking in the bedroom door I was stunned at finding my wife, Betty, naked on top of some guy that I didn't know... and they were fucking. I could see that it wasn't their first time that day, as Betty had semen running down the crack of her ass, and I think it was seeping from her little brown bud. That same little brown bud that she had steadfastly refused to allow me to enter.

They were engrossed with each other and didn't hear or see or even sense me, although I think Betty may have had a premonition since she froze for a second just as I started to turn to leave. I stopped and held still, then she shook herself a bit and went right back to work.

I stood away in the hall listening to them until they finished up. I heard them talking and from that talk I learned that this was not the first time, nor would it be the last. From what I gathered, this had been going on for quite some time. They made plans for their next tryst, and then I heard them laughing and playing around as they headed into the master bathroom to clean up and probably have some more sex in the process.

I went out to my car, after having checked the wallet in the pants of the asshole I 'd just caught my wife with. Name and address, and some other information, like the picture of the wife and three kids, credit card numbers, and a bit more. I drove away, and since I had two hours to kill before I was expected home, I drove to a nearby park and thought out what I was going to do.

Never having been in such a situation before, at first I had wanted to go kill two people. But then I realized that would only serve to put me in jail and never have any peace. I wondered why of course, since I had thought that Betty loved and respected me. She always told me she loved me every morning as I headed out to work, so I didn't have any reason to not believe her... until now.

Knowing that my marriage was about to end I decided that a little revenge would serve them both right. I also knew that I'd never be able to do much to hurt Betty, at least not quite like she had just hurt me, but even though I still loved her, I knew I'd never be able to live with her after this. Their words burned in my mind.

"So did you ever expect us to be so good together Betty?"

"Oh no Sam. You're so perfect... I mean that too. Everything about you is perfect. I wish I had met you before. I really do. We could have had a great time all these years."

"Yeah, well, I was married right out of high school, and then started working for the wife's old man, so that would never have happened, but I'm like you. I wish we'd met a long time ago. You're a right fine babe."

"You know that I love Jim, but he doesn't do it for me like you do. I just hope we never get caught. Jim would probably try to hurt you... and fail of course, but then I'd have to explain everything, and that would be a large pain in my ass. After all, I don't love you anyway. I love fucking you... sucking you... having you inside me... Oh god I love that especially. You fit me just right."

Their words were indelibly etched into my heart. How long had they been doing this? I didn't know, but I knew it had been too long already. He was bigger than I was in height and build, but I think that Betty would have been shocked and more than a little surprised to find out that he would have been the one hurting.

I had been in the service, and she knew that, but she didn't know about my boxing days. I kept that from most people since I had hurt Billy so bad that day... he was still messed up in the head from it, and I just wanted to forget all about what I had done to him in that ring.

I had been young and feeling tough, as had Billy. We had an exhibition match, and during that match he had been talking to me between punches. His banter had gotten to me and my eyes saw red at one point. He had been teasing me about my then girlfriend, and how he'd have her that night after he got done beating me to a pulp. It had been that friendly banter used to irritate a buddy, he'd not been serious. In the heat of the moment, I had missed that though.

He never stood a chance and I started to beat him senseless. Before the ref could get in I had hit him eight times hard in the head because my first punch caused his hands to drop away. I think he had been going down on my first hit... but I never gave him the chance. After the fight he'd been taken to the hospital, out cold and they were unable to bring him out of it. He'd been in the coma for a week.

He never recovered to be quite the same man. He quit boxing, and it was as if he had lost some part of 'him'. They had to re-teach him how to talk, and do the basics of living all over again. I had taken away 'Billy' and left a five-year old child in a grown mans body. I quit fighting after that, and I also put some money into his bank account time to time to help take care of him.

His parent's thought I was a hell of a nice man... I didn't, I felt like a jerk. Hence, I didn't talk about that time with anyone. I carried that around with me all this time, knowing that with my hands I was dangerous. I was far more dangerous than the average person and definitely not one to fuck with.

Now, I sat there in the park wanting to hurt two people... but knowing that I could never go there without screwing up my entire life. So I came up with an alternative plan. One that was twisted, but just as twisted as what Betty and Sam had done to me.

I set out to plan what I'd do, and today was part of the culmination of my revenge. I can't say I'm proud of it all, but I do feel somewhat vindicated. I wouldn't sleep well for some time to come at any rate, but I would be sleeping a bit better... at least I thought so.

Shawna left about an hour after Betty 'caught' us together. She managed to get me up two more times, although the last time I never came, I did get her off quite well. Shawna kept telling me that I was pretty well hung too. I supposed after seeing Sam, I was better hung than he was, which was part of why I didn't understand Betty's words about how nicely he fit her.

Later that evening Betty came to the house with her sister in tow, and they gathered up her things. I never said a word, and Betty acted like I should have been begging for forgiveness. I didn't and I think that hurt her worse than I could have by 'finding' her and Sam together.

Her sister hung around for a bit when Betty took the last of her stuff to the pickup.

"Why? Why would you do that to Betty? How could you do that with Shawna of all people? I don't understand you at all anymore Jim."

"Try asking Betty about Sam. Then come back and ask me that again... that is if Betty tells you the truth about Sam. Call it what you want, I feel quite good how things have turned out. I hope that Betty understands what this means."


"Ask Betty. You're her sister Susan, but you don't know her very well. I found out about her two months ago and I have had one hell of a time keeping control. You just ask Betty all about Sam, then remind her that it takes two to tango, and once one starts that tango, not to expect the other partner in the marriage to not do something... something about it."

"You're saying that Betty cheated on you? BULLSHIT."

"I have it on tape, several of them as a matter of fact Sue. I also have them in my mind from the first time I saw them. Yes... Betty cheated on me. She started this mess, and now I'm finishing it up. She can have her lover, and I hope they fucking choke on each other."

After they left I made the call I had been dreading. The beans had been spilt though and I had to get in touch with Sam's wife before he could put any spin control on what was about to become public knowledge.

After having seen them together that day I had figured out a plan of action. Part of that plan had been to get even and let Betty 'catch' me doing so. I wanted her to feel that intense pain of discovery. How I'd felt, or at least I hoped she would feel that pain. After all, I had felt that pain not so long back now... and it still was a raw festering wound in my heart.

Part had been to tape the two lovers together, which hadn't been too hard. They met three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays' and Fridays, just after lunch and they always did it in our bedroom. How long exactly I wasn't sure, but it had been going on long enough to let me know that our whole marriage was a sham now.

I just set up a camcorder and a timer, and caught them all on digital. Each time I downloaded it to my computer, I felt sick. It took all I had to go undercover like I did, mainly because I was constantly fighting the urge to kill and maim. Both of them.

I had also moved money around, investments, and other financial items had been addressed as well. After my call to Sam's wife with the promise of copies of what I had on film, I made another call to my bank. I found out that Betty had just learned about the changes, and she had laid into the poor girl there like a tornado.

I felt bad that innocent people had to be a part of such a bad scene, but I really didn't have a way to insulate some parts of my plan, moving as fast as I had. I was alone for the rest of the week, and actually didn't mind it too much considering what had transpired.

Susan called me one day and made me make a date to talk to her. I was reluctant to do so because I thought that she'd be trying to push Betty back into my life and I didn't nor couldn't allow that. I loved her still, but that would go away eventually, and what Betty had done to our marriage was too much for this man to take.

I didn't know how it happened, and I didn't care either. That Betty had done it was more than enough. My revenge had been harsh, but nothing what her sister put her through after the truth all came out.

"So. Betty turned out to be a stupid bitch. I'm sorry Jim."

"Well, I never expected to hear that from you Susan."

"Hey, she had the best man in the whole world, and fucked it all up by having that tawdry affair like she did. I hope you never take her back that's for sure. It would serve her right."

"Then your hopes will happen, because I've filed. I also gave copies of everything I had to her lovers wife, so I imagine that he'll be suffering right now too."

"Shawna? Why her of all people anyway? You only did it with her in order to get caught by Betty, I know I asked Shawna about it and she was quite forward in telling the tale so to speak. But, why did you choose her?"

"She was amendable to my plan and she lives close by. Matter of fact, once she understood why I was doing what I was doing she was insistent that she be the one to be with me when Betty caught me cheating."

"I always thought they were friends."

"Yeah... me too. Guess not though. You know, maybe Betty is as superficial as Shawna is and I just never noticed it. Shawna told me that she had always wanted me... so it was so much better knowing that before hand."

"Remind me to never cross you Jim. By the way, why?"

"My only other alternative was to do bodily harm to them both. I've been there before... never want to go there again. It still haunts me."

"What? Been there before? Haunts you?"

"Never mind. Water long since under the bridge and I won't talk about it now."

My thoughts were on that ring that day so long ago.

"I wish I could have seen the look on her face when she caught you two. I'll be she was furious."


"Why what Jim?"

"Why are you being so damn nice all of the sudden, and why aren't you taking up for your sister? She is family after all Sue."

"First of all, I was always jealous of Betty when she met you Jim. I always had a crush on you. Always. Secondly, she had, as I said, the best man in the world, yet she couldn't be happy with just you. I can't understand what she was thinking at all."

"Yeah... well that's something I can't understand either, but for very different reasons than yours I suspect."

"You could have left her some cash you know. Mom and dad were furious with you until I found out what she had been doing with Sam, and once I told them, well, things changed rather quick. Dad wanted to kick her out immediately, but mom managed to stop that... barely. I thought for a bit that dad was going to kick mom out with her. It was a close thing."


"You know that mom and dad had a similar thing in their early days right?"


"Oh yeah. Dad caught mom fucking around on him, and he went berserk on them. Daddy beat her lover to a bloody pulp, almost killing him. He kicked mom out for a while, but eventually he took her back. I guess quite a few people were amazed that their marriage managed to survive it... the other couple didn't though. They were divorced rather quickly."

"Wow, I never knew that."

"I guess daddy was thinking like mother like daughter. He was even a bit pissy with me for a while too. He got over it though. It's a wonder that Betty didn't think of that before she... strayed."

We talked some more, but I wanted to finish up and get back home. Since Betty wasn't there I had been left with the house cleaning, things that I had taken for granted... when I had been so happily married that is. Susan though, wanted to talk. It took me a while, but I finally realized that she was trying to work a way to come on to me. I shut her down as soon as I knew that.

"Susan, why are you talking to me like I'm something more to you suddenly?

"Look Jim, just because Betty decided to throw away your marriage doesn't mean that I don't find you attractive and someone I'd like to get to know better."

"Oh. Well honestly Sue I'm not interested in starting anything right now. My fling with Shawna was to show Betty what it felt like to have a spouse cheat on you with someone. I'll admit it had a bit of spice, but I found out that I couldn't fuck around anymore. At least not until all this shit with Betty is settled and done with. I'm not built that way."

"You'll give me a chance?"

"I don't know Sue. I honestly don't know. Maybe... but don't hold your breath. I may end up moving somewhere else. This whole thing has messed up my mind pretty bad."

She left, a little wiser and a little sadder I think. She is a nice looking lady and any man would be lucky to have her... but I had an issue in that her sister was too close to home... so to speak. I had been married to her sister until all this crap happened. Now I wanted distance from my soon to be former wife.

My life went fairly smoothly for a while after the shit settled down. It took four long months, but eventually the courts and the judge arrived at a just decision, and we were granted a divorce. Actually, I was granted the divorce, as Betty at first refused to allow it, then tried to turn it around on me, then finally tired to hit me for more financial comfort. Ours was a typical semi-bad divorce, but I held on and my lawyer ended up being a good investment.

Now I was officially alone and single. I took the alone part to heart hard though. I had a difficult time sleeping. I was miserable when at home, and I soon learned that I had to get rid of the damned house in order to try to find peace of mind.

In the divorce I ended up with the house, and so I put it on the market,.I had tried for months to work out living there but that damn place held way too many memories, now mostly the bad ones, so I realized that it had to go.

I found out several things in the process. During the divorce for whatever reason, the lawyers had used the original appraisal instead of having a new one done. Partially due to the fact that at the time the appraisal was to be done, Betty was certain that I'd come around and take her back, so she had told her lawyer to use the appraisal we already had, as it was only three years old. Due to that, when the realtor came up with a new value I found myself suddenly sitting on a house worth half again as much as I thought it was worth.

The other thing was that my house was in a hot spot and desired by almost everyone who knew about it being on the market. By the time the realtor had the house listed there were people lining up to look at it. When it finally sold six couples were bidding on it and it was all out war between them to get my house. I ended up accepting an offer that was above the accessed value by a large margin.

Moving to a new job across the country, I was soon in a comfortable, albeit lonely existence. New digs, new people, and new job. All stressful and at the same time, relaxing too. I never thought about Betty too much, although I did think about Sue once in a while. There had been something there, I knew it... but what it could have turned into I didn't know.

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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 7

'A point is all that you can score.' ~ from Two Tribes by Frankie Goes To Hollywood XXX There was something. Something in the distance. Something calling her name. Something that wanted her attention. Something she wanted to respond to. Something she knew. Something she loved. Could she open her eyes? She tried. No. She tried again and there was a flicker of light and a blur of color. She tried again. This time she got them open, but couldn't make...

4 years ago
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Becky goes to Korea Part 4

~~Start of Part 4~~ Late in the evening after we had finished with dinner, the phone rings again and Becky goes over and gets it. She is gone for a few minutes and then comes back in. She looks at the girls and then at me and says, “Looks like this flu thing is getting pretty bad and the Army is getting worried, they now have a full battalion up on the “Z” they are rotating out, sending in a detail cleaning crew and then bringing up a rear division unit to cover until they get they back to full...

1 year ago
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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave 9

Chapter OneIt started out as a very stressful weekend. My step-monster had stolen the money from the sale of my salon. Master had arranged to meet with her to discuss the problem. She had threatened to call the gossip magazines and out Master for being in the BDSM lifestyle.Master offered her $1,000,000 for her to go away and never have contact me again and to buy her silence. In order to get the money she would have to submit to Master for the next three days.This is Sunday, the last day of...

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Mom Goes Clubbing FAN EDIT

*************************************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: All credit goes to the original author of the story Mr. Bayisle66 his page can be found at literotica.com/stories. this is a favourite post with a few fan edits as tribute to the originality of the author. please visit Mr. Bayisle66 site for more of his great work. I Do not own, nore claim to own the characters, plot, or any part of the story that is the authors original work.This is...

2 years ago
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When A Good Woman Goes Bad

Woman cheats, get caught, her lover pays the priceWhen a good woman goes bad.I wish when I got married that there was some sort of manual to tell me when a marriage goes bad. My name is Chris and I was always taught that when a man gets married he is expected to do whatever it takes to provide for his family. I know nowadays that has changed somewhat as I see many more working couples or the woman as the main bread winner. When Stacy and I got married I was the one with a good job and a bright...

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished By Deane Christopher e-mail: [email protected] Edited by Constance Grant Copyright 2000 An urgent need to empty his bladder roused Frank Grey from a deep sleep. Still more asleep than awake, he pressed the black button on his Timex Indiglo so as to illuminate the dial and, though bleary eyed, managed to ascertain that it was just little after two in the morning. 'Shit!' he thought to himself. 'I knew it was a mistake to drink that last beer...

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Accident Prone Linda goes to school

Accident Prone Linda goes to schoolBy The Bitchfinder GeneralChapter One Linda goes to her new schoolBackground ? this is the first of a series about a very accident-prone young woman who constantly gets into trouble and punished for things that are not really her fault at all. The series traces her story from her schooldays into various misadventures in adult life. By my standards, it is a ?light-hearted? story with only moderate levels of sex and violence. Synopsis:  Linda Marshall goes to a...

3 years ago
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And the Beat Goes On

As usual, I had a headache. The fucking thing just wouldn't leave me. My doctor says it's stress. He says that maybe at my age I should consider slowing down and riding a desk. He says that I'd probably live longer if I did that. I think that I'd just be trading my normal eventual death for a slower more meaningless one. We're all going to die of something anyway aren't we? What I do may not be the most important thing in the world, but it is necessary and God damn it, I'm good at it....

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What Goes Around Comes Around Ms Musgrave Gets Her Revenge Part One

Claire Musgrave had never forgotten that Thursday afternoon near to the end of her time in Year Thirteen at school. She thought about it often. How embarrassing it had been. How unfair it had been. How painful it had been. Claire had been Deputy Head Girl to her best friend, Jessica Weaver, and had never expected that she would be punished for bad behaviour. But the then eighteen-year-old had been.She had been caught in possession of an almost empty bottle of vodka and, despite her protests...

3 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around Part 2 Final

The next morning when I wake up I feel something next to my back. I roll over and to my surprise, I see Brian sleeping beside me. I can't believe he actually came home, and slept in our bed with me in it. I gently slide out of bed. I look at Brian sleeping. I am so angry and so hurt..I decide to go downstairs. I go in his office. Let's see if he has his plans wrote down in his planner. I pick it up and sure enough, I see he is planning to go back to the Golden Crown Hotel tonight, but he wrote...

Straight Sex
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Whatsapp Se Bedroom Tak

Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...

3 years ago
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Busy At Work 5 Mangoes Rum and Dominican Cum

I waited for over an hour for Peter to bring a brand new battery and ample petrol for my Volvo. I sat in my car, wondering how I let the pretty car go. The winters had not been good to her and I sentenced her to a slow death bringing her to the North Country. My Harley stayed wrapped up for seven months last year, and without Mark, being in the Adirondacks just made no sense. The winters were getting longer and longer and thoughts of palm trees, mangoes and rum filled the cold and vacant...

4 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 005

by Vanessa Evans Part 05 – We order Riley her new wardrobe. Wednesday saw me wake up at about 9 a.m. and the first thing that I did was to open my laptop to see if there were any new files archived from my Wi-Fi camera. Imagine my surprise when I saw 5 new files. Okay, the first one was Riley setting up the camera between her knees, and the last one was her waking up but the other 3 were all about the same file size and when I viewed each of them the contents was just about the...

4 years ago
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Becky Goes to Korea Part 1

~Continuation of the stepsister series~~~Start of Part 1~~ It was another suck ass day working on the ‘Z’ for us, we were just coming in from a fence line check patrol and are all covered in mud and dirt and generally in a bad mood, except we knew it was almost over. We are getting close to the barracks now and the platoon sergeants tell all the fire team leaders to take their teams and start recovering and cleaning up the weapons. Having just made PFC about a month ago, I was fire team 4’s new...

2 years ago
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Latex TV Maid goes Dogging

A very dominant mature admirer with a fabulously large cock that I know was driving upto his native Scotland from his current home just North of London. Every time he makes this journey, he lets me know, as he likes to whore me out at a well known dogging site near me, in return, when I goto London, I let him know, and if we can both make it, I will stay on the outskirts of London, he will pick me up at my hotel, dressed and we goto his sites. It's always exhilarating with him, as not only is...

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sister in Lawrsquos Power Goes Out

sister in Law’s Power Goes Out Tina sister Barbra called in the middle of the night her power had gone out and Dave her husband was out of town, and she was scared and did not won’t to mess with it. So Tina asks me to go over and look at it I got up and got dressed and went over. When I got to Barbra’s house it was in total darkness. She stood at the door with a flashlight shining in my eyes. I took it from her and as my eyes adjusted I noticed that she was in a see threw nightie. I shook my...

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Betsy Goes to School

It was my first night at St. Marta's School for women, and had woken up when my roommate slid in to my bed with me.I had arrived with all the other girls, supposedly all raised in a religious environment, and all having a mother who had gone here before us. My mom and dad had never let me date, and the internet was something sent by the devil to lead me into temptation. I had been a little shocked at some of the language the other girls used when the nuns weren't around, but tried to not let...

1 year ago
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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave 12

Chapter OneWhen I wake up Master is reading the paper. There is a knock at the door. Master just gives me the eye and I pop up to answer the door. It’s room service and the young man wheels the tray into the room. He doesn’t seem surprised at my nakedness. I’m beginning to think that I’m going to be his tip until Master hands him a $20.We eat a light dinner and get dressed. I say we, I am wearing my red heels, Master’s collar and red vinyl coat that only reaches mid thigh. The car meets us...

3 years ago
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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave 3

Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House SlaveChapter EightI awoke first in the morning to find our bodies intertwined. I hadn’t planned on staying over but was exhausted after my second meeting with Mr. Kesler and the first time with his wife and submissive Chloe. Chloe I found out, was the one who had initiated Mr. Kesler to come to the hair salon where I work. I’ve been doing Chloe’s hair for over a year and I guess she has the hots for me and sent her Dominant husband to brooch me with becoming...

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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave

Chapter OneIt’s 3:25 and I’m expecting my next client. He’s a regular that I’ve been cutting his hair for about a month. He will be here at 3:30 on the dot. As usual I am nervous. My name is Amy. I’m 24, single and like almost everyone my age, I’m waiting for mister right to come in and sweep me off my feet.I’ve been working at this parlor for about two years and not much goes on around here. I had resigned myself that all guys were after one thing and not what I was wanting or needing. That...

3 years ago
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LeAnn Goes On

LeAnn had become one of Kat's (my wife) bitches and loved it. Kat and her had formed a bond, and no one could break it. LeAnn was married and had k**s but still made time to go out with Kat. They hit the bar then our lake house Kat wore LeAnn's pussy out fucking her hard and deep with her 11inch strap-on puss to mouth to ass to mouth to puss again driving LeAnn to have multi-orgasms taking her home late at night and fingering her in the car in the drive. This had become a weekly thing plus Kat...

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Cleaning lady 4 ndash The game goes on

Hello avid readers. Some of you have written to find out what the rest of the story was, some in fact mentioning that it had been two weeks since her last visit. I appreciate that you read these, this is a fun part of the publication process.As I said in one of my replies, I have been away and didn’t get the time to write about her visit last Thursday. Working from home every second Thursday might be a new habit of mine but there I was, in my office, early in the morning, about 8:00 o’clock...

4 years ago
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Life Goes On

Life Goes On. This tale concerens both Larry and Nicole and how their life goes on One day Nicole limped into my office. I had her sit down. I asked, her "Nicole, how are you feeling today?" Nicole said, "Physcally I am fine as can to be expected, but my mind is burnt out. I am out of a job, and my only income is the rent I get off my house. Larry wont charge me rent and I am giving Larry and Helga some more babysitting time. I have also have taken over more of the cooking and...

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Bebe Goes To Hollywood

"I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too." ~ Jimmy Stewart as Jefferson Smith from 'Mr Smith Goes to Washington' XXXX "Oscar," Joanne asked politely, as she and John settled into the backseat of the tow car, "would you mind if I close the privacy partition for a few minutes? I am sorry, but I need to talk to Bebe for a...

3 years ago
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Cum slut goes to an all TV party

Some of you will remember from the last time I went dogging (cum slut goes dogging dressed in latex rubber and gets barebacked and pissed on )that i met a very convincing transvestite who as well as giving me her phone number, gave me a well fucked pussy full of spunk. Well, Anna as she liked to be called, promised me that she could arrange an all t v party for me, well a couple of weeks ago I put her to the test and asked her to get something organised and last Saturday my partner and I turned...

2 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 15

Christmas was comfortable with David’s parents, taking him back to a time before he left home, Christmases with brother Tom and sister Ruth. Of course the house was full to bursting with Tom, Teresa and Patrick their son, and of course Ruth. There was little time for reflection, but in odd moments, David thought of Gwen, and missed her anew at that family time. He noted that Evan seemed to have forgotten his mother in the excitement and the crowd. He knew it was to be expected, but it hurt...

1 year ago
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When It Goes In

Reddit When It Goes In, aka r/WhenItGoesIn! Every guy knows that sex boils down to the first few seconds when the dick goes into the vagina. If you do that right, then the whole thing will be perfect. Get it wrong, however, and it might turn out shittier than ever. If you wanna see tips about how to do it well, or even just some of the most extreme cases of initial pussy penetration, then I’ve got just the place for you. It’s called ‘When It Goes In: The First Moment of Pleasure’, and it’s a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Goes Around Comes Around

Introduction: This story is about revenge and Rape If this sis not your thing please move on. The second part is more about the charactors sexual adventures. Goes Around / Comes Around By Jax_Teller I had done many things in my life to make money but this was going to be different. As a young man, a fighter and ex-military man I was well conditioned and fit so to speak. I had been living life hard and fast and this job was going to be more than just interesting, it was an awakening. I would do...

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SRU Spells Arounds Goes Around

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. SRU: Spells Arounds Goes Around By Paul G Jutras Lois had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall when she saw a male body builder get out of his car and head toward the main door. He looked gorgeous with his shirt off and tight blue jeans. She ran across the parking lot in her white open toe pumps to try to get a better look him when he disappeared inside. When...

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Turnaround by DCRI woke up, did my chores, and was about to wake up Master.For a while I'd been feeling weird. Not exactly sick, but not exactlywell. I figured it was a stomach thing, and nothing to worry about.Besides, Master's CUM always made me feel better.I applied my makeup. fixed my chains, and crawled to my Lord and Master.Each morning, I had the privilege of sucking him awake! I must be careful.If I scare him, or make him CUM anywhere but in my mouth, I will ruinMaster's day.I crawled...

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TURNAROUND by Geneva In the German Thirty Years War an emotionally crippled assassin is outmanoeuvred by a Gypsy girl. She uses him to get revenge and he gets a chance at a new life. "Who," I asked, "is Count Von Meissner?" Bishop Alvarez looked up from the documents and maps on his table and stared at me. "My dear Heinrich, he is a potential enemy of the Holy Roman Emperor, and of the Church. Some think he may invade in support of the Calvinists. This war has been going on...

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Sissy Cuckolds Turnaround

SISSY CUCKOLD'S TURNAROUND by Throne I got home from work and my wife Tyra was waiting for me with an impish expression on her pretty face. She was wearing a snug sleeveless top and skintight slacks, so her buxom, big-butted figure was well shown off. I knew something was up and stood there, my usual meek self, anticipating some new indignity. She wanted to know, "Which panties did I put out for you this morning? Let's have a look. In fact, just strip down to your pretty...

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Georgia goes to University Part 008

by Vanessa Evans Part 08 – Things start to get a bit routine except for - When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have...

4 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 003

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 – Studying starts. The Sunday was a lot quieter with me doing not a lot until the evening. I phoned daddy to say hello and let him look at my naked body again, and when I was talking to him I asked him if his company had any IT nerds who could help me with a problem accessing the security cameras in the building. I told him that I wanted to see who was at the outside door and which areas of my apartment were covered. “You do realise that Charles will be able to see...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 4 Fucking Fuck My Fucking Cunt With Your Fucking FuckStick

Friday 30th September, 2050Dearest Mommy,I am sooooo sorry it has taken me so long to write. I have been so fucking busy – or vice versa! The first two weeks of this term have been the fuckingest I have ever had in my life. In Cunts’ classes we have been doing every variation of cock-in-cunt fucking I have ever heard of: mish, cowgirl, doggy, spoons, sideways, corkscrew, sitting, wheelbarrow, standing – you name it! I never knew there were so many ways of just getting my pussy fucked! Cunts...


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