ReflectionsChapter 17 free porn video

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I don't know what had gotten into Clarissa but it sure seemed that old Clarissa, the one I fell in love with is back. But back in my mind I couldn't help but wonder how long it would last.

When we got to my room I went to the fridge and grabbed a container of OJ.

"Want some Princess? I don't think I've got any fluid left in me."

"Yes please, then into bed. But first please wash your face. It's a bit of a mess."

We cuddled and kissed goodnight and I must have been asleep within minutes. It took an alarm to wake me. Usually I'm awake more or less five minutes before it goes off.

"Hon, what's going on?" Came from a very sleepy Clarissa.

"Time for me to get up and get moving. Remember golf."

"Oh, yea and I have to lock you back up. Make sure that none of those floozies at the club can get at your cock. Go take a shower, I'm gonna stand and watch to make sure that you don't jerk off in there. I need you to be able to put in a repeat performance tonight after the kiddies are gone."

I was just finishing up when Clarissa hit me with cold water and the handheld shower.

"There, that will do" and before I knew it, I was back under lock and key.

With a satisfied grin on her face Clarissa went back into my bed and pulled the cover over her head mumbling – 'have fun babe. I'll have lunch ready."

I walked over pulled the cover away and gave a kiss.

"Thank you Princess for a wonderful evening and night. I just wish..."

I didn't finish and just left. I'm sure she could figure out what I was going to say.

When I got to the kitchen, coffee was done since I did remember last night to get the coffee maker ready and set the timer.

I grabbed a glass of OJ and filled my travel mug and off I went. This time Julie had agreed to meet us at the club, rather than me picking her up since I needed to get back home and set up the garage for the boy scouts.

It looked like, at least for today that the couple of practice sessions had done some good because I was able to beat Julie by one stroke even after handicaps had been calculated.

"Terry, have you been cheating and got some practice in?"

"Well Ms Julie, now who is calling the kettle black. I have it on good authority that you've been working your cute bum off out here."

We all laughed and went our way.

I had parked next to Julie's limo and before she got in she looked me in the eyes.

"You got lucky last night, didn't you? Are things easing up or... ?

How did she know?

"Julie, I really don't know. I suspect that it's just an intermission in the nightmare I've been living. We had an agreement that I would be allowed an orgasm at around this time of the trial period. It turned out to be a lot more than that. It was really nice. At the moment it seems like the old Clarissa is back but I don't trust it. I'm afraid that by next week the bitch will have re-appeared. Sorry, I shouldn't call her that but..."

"I understand pet. I hope that you are wrong. I'm sure she feels a bit guilty about that trip she took with what's his face."

We hugged briefly and then we took off in different directions.

The boy scout thing went off like clockwork. I had set up a projection screen and projector hooked to my computer that contained lots of pictures taken during the restoration process.

Clarissa was the perfect hostess serving lemonade and hot dogs. I have a sneaky feeling that a bunch of fifteen and sixteen year old boys had wet dreams that night from looking at Clarissa in her short shorts and that tight tee shirt over those lovely boobs of hers. Yes she wore a bra under it but certainly not what you would call 'full coverage'. I know my dick was reacting to the way she moved and charmed those boys and the adults.

I caught a couple of them trying to discreetly rearrange something in their pants.

By six everyone was gone, things back in place and we had our place to ourselves again.

"Clarissa, I need a shower pretty badly since I didn't get a chance to take one after coming back from golf. Are we still going out to dinner?"

"You know, I'm not so sure I still want to. I know I said I would take you but maybe we do that tomorrow night. Right now I'm not really hungry. We both had some hot dogs and marsh mellows. Why don't we go take a shower together. I'll unlock your cock and see what develops. I know you must be horny watching me flirt with the scout leaders. I hope I didn't overdue it."

That was the first time that she alluded to my cuckold status and at a weak moment I had admitted that I had been turned on a bit the first night at that club out by the airport when she flirted shamelessly with those three guys and we got out of there just before things turned ugly because it looked like one of them was too aggressive.

"I don't think so Princess. Good thing that I'm not part of them on a regular basis or there would some push to have more events here in the hope to have you around. I think you made quite an impression on those young minds. Probably corrupted them all."

Clarissa laughed. "I guess you could be right. That Logan is a very handsome guy. How old is he?"


"I'm just teasing you babe. I'm not going to lead a minor into..."

"Come, shower time."

Soon both of us were naked in the shower – the temperature of the water just right.

"Terry, remember the mental bondage from last night?"

"Yes Goddess."

"Stand with your back towards the shower, raise your arms and grab the pipe that leads to the shower head. You are now chained to that pipe and cannot lower your arms. Tell me when they start to hurt or thing get really uncomfortable in that position"

I followed her instructions and positioned myself as instructed.

"Spread your legs. You are tall enough that don't have to stand on your toes to maintain the bound position. There is now a virtual spreader bar separating your feet."

"That is what I like, have my man helpless."

Clarissa started to fondle my balls and occasionally twisted one of my nipples while getting a tongue wrestling match going. Some if it was quit painful. There was a delightful giggle every time I groaned.

My cock was straining against the bloody cage.

When I thought it couldn't get any worse, Clarissa went down on her knees and started to give me a blow job. Now that cage got really uncomfortable but I decided to try to tough it out.

I'm not quite sure where I was mentally when I finally noticed that the water had stopped flowing. Clarissa had started to wash me paying extra attention to my balls and butt.

Of course none of this released the strain on that CB.

The water started to flow again rinsing all the soap away. I readied myself for a shock when I saw her taking the hand held shower of its hook and aiming it at my groin but it was warm water just like what flowing from the overhead one.

"OK big boy. You are for right now released from your bonds. Time for you to bathe your Goddess."

"Maybe, you should take on the role of a slave girl and be bound just like I was. I recall someone saying the other night that that certain someone was going to be my sex slave."

"Oh no you don't. I'm not going to let you torture me in here. If you get started with that, we most likely run out of hot water. Just wash me and let's get out of here. However, I might consider it at some other time."

So I washed and dried Clarissa – all of which did not ease the strain inside my CB before I dried myself.

"Thanks babe, why don't you go down to the kitchen, get us some wine and cheese, crackers and also some water. That way we don't have to spoil the mood with having to go to get something to eat and drink when need a break and to refuel."

"You may want to bring some extra ice so that I can get that CB off. If I tried right now, I'll probably remove a bunch of skin the way your cock is trying to come through the holes."

I thought that was a good idea and went down to prepare a plate with cheese, some baby carrots and dip as well some chocolate covered straw berries that I had hidden in my fridge in the cuck den. Funny, why was I thinking of that term right now? Cuckolding should not be in my mind at all right now. Things were good.

Or is there something in the dark recesses of my mind that wants that to be part of our life. Just don't know. Confusing as hell.

I tried to banish those thoughts and tried to concentrate on that Goddess like body sprawled out on that bed – the one that had promised to be my sex slave today. But of course as those thoughts cruised through my mind, my dick got hard again which brought the CB back to the forefront of my mind and with it why I was wearing it.

I wish this trial thing was already over.

By that time I had everything ready and on a tray and took it upstairs.

I decided to try something and rather than just entering our bed room, I stopped in the open door and knocked.

The room got bright from the smile on Clarissa's face. She liked that.

"Come on in babe, no need to knock tonight but I do truly appreciate your special courtesy."

"Why don't you pour us a glass of wine. I want to talk to you for a bit."

I got ready to sit on the floor like so many times before when played our FemDomme games.

"No babe, come on up here."


I was really pleased with his attitude. This was supposed to be a 'free weekend' – just husband and wife but every so often he acted like a subbie. I just loved that. Why couldn't it be like this all the time?

I wonder, maybe because I'm being nice. Giving him way more than the agreement called for and that he's reciprocating and giving me pleasure by being submissive. Is that the secret?

I just don't know. Problem is that I enjoy being a bitch. I've tasted the virtually absolute power when I stayed with Marge and Petey and then down in Florida. I want that power but do I really want a Petey or what's his name from Florida? I just don't know.

The silence had gotten a bit oppressive – I guess I was deeper and longer in thought without saying anything and finally snapped out of it.

"Terry, you sneaky SOB, hiding the strawberries on me. I should whip you for that."

I was watching his cock in the CB, looking for the tiniest twitch – there was none.

Oh well, too bad. So I continued.

"You know babe, this really the first chance we have to talk without fighting over something. I know something is going on with our company. That special board meeting you wanted me to attend, what was that about? Coming to think of it, I never got any minutes from that."

Terry was hesitating, clearly needing time to formulate his response. This is not what he had expected. I'm sure he thought I was going to bring up the cuckolding and stuff.

"Some changes are taking place in the administration. I want more time to devote working on innovations and new products instead of spending eighty percent or more on running the operation. Nothing has been finalized and won't be for a while. It's all hush hush. Not that you would blabber about it but maybe a slip of the tongue to some of your new friends could be a potential problem. So I prefer, not go into details right now."

"I'm sure you'll be pleased once it is all done. Things should be in place around the same time that our experiment is scheduled to come to an end."

Why don't we leave it at that?"

I watched Terry carefully. He is such a good poker player. I wasn't happy with the answer but also knew that if I pushed harder, we would most likely get into an argument – that I did not want.

"OK babe, I'll wait 'til you're ready to tell me. Now put your glass away and start working for your release. Remember how that went last night?"

And so it went – an orgy of two. Terry eventually got released after some extended teasing while in virtual bondage. He got to stick that lovely cock of his into all three of my holes. Yes I kept my word, I was his sex slave for quite some time during the night. We took some naps, snacked a bit and finished the bottle of wine. The last conscious moment that I had before falling asleep in Terry's arms sometime around three AM was 'why not like this all the time'?

But of course by mid morning when I awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon, things changed and I got back into my "Goddess" mode. Nothing extreme but clearly in charge or at least that's what Terry let me believe. He even did the laundry that he didn't get to yesterday.

We had one more go around after lunch out by the pool before I told Terry that it was time to lock him up for good 'til the trial was over.

"Terry my darling, I hope you enjoyed yourself this weekend but now it's time to end it and reality raises its ugly head. Time to lock you back up and unless I take some time to tease and torment your cock, it will stay locked up 'til the trial period is over. Now if you are a really good little cuckold hubby, I might reconsider and accidentally on purpose miss your point of no return during one of those tease sessions but..."

The lock clicked shut. It seemed very loud at that moment.

Terry's face clouded over and the mood was gone. I had blown it again. Instead of slowly easing him back into a subbie state of mind, I had to open my big mouth and consequently blown it.

"Ms Clarissa, if you please excuse me but I still have to go and wash my car. It's Sunday and it is one of the things you have agreed to, that I could do."

Without waiting for my reply, he went up to his room and few minutes later there was the roar of the "beast" for a short time. A look out of the window confirmed that Terry had put on some shorts and tee shirt, moved the car into the drive way and started the initial rinse.

I put on a robe and went out – not that anyone could have seen me with all the bushes and trees shielding us from nosy neighbors.

"Terry, please don't take too much time. Remember we have a date for dinner. The one I promised you and we didn't have yesterday. Maybe after we could stop for a bit at the dance studio."

Terry, just ignored me. By that time he was doing something to the wheels and tires.

I got pissed, grabbed the hose and aimed at him.

"Hey buster, I'm talking you – don't you dare ignore ME!

He got up and just walked over to turn off the spigot to which the hose was connected.

"Clarissa, I think I would prefer to be alone. I have a lot to think about. Thank you two wonderful days but now that it's over it hurts. Hurts a lot."

"I've missed those kind of interactions the last few weeks and now we start all over again. I might have been better if you had just told me to jerk off once and locked me back up."

"Now I have been reminded of what could be and the uncertainty that I will ever have it again – I mean a marriage like we had before you started this stupid cuckold shit – hit me like a sledge hammer."

"Babe, I'm..."

He held up his hand.

"Save your platitudes. They only make things worse. Just leave me alone. Go run to your fuck buddy Rodger or whatever. Just leave me be."

I was shocked by the anger and pain in his words. Was I really blowing my chance at a happy marriage to this guy for the rest of my life?


I didn't mean to come across quite that harsh but all the insecurities, wondering if she really loved me came crashing down on me when she made her pronouncement about reality.

For a moment I was wondering if head dreamt what went on this weekend. It was such a lovely combination of hot sex, caring and loving with a little submission and domination thrown into the mix. Fuck, why couldn't it be like this all the time.

I was really surprised when Clarissa sprung the question regarding the board meeting on me but I think I got her placated on that. I'm not ready to tell her until the deal is done. Had she been at the meeting, she would have known but her 'fuck fest' was more important.

So be it.

I finished the car, put it back into the garage and went up to take a shower.

There was nothing in my fridge and I really did not want to see Clarissa so I locked the door from the house to my place and went out via the garage, again locking that door. I didn't want any surprises when I got back.

I walked for a little bit more than a mile the burger brew joint in our neighborhood and enjoyed both. Ran into a couple guys I knew and we shot the breeze for a bit before I headed back home. I had suddenly realized that I was really, really tired. Lots of hot sex will do that to you and I'm no longer eighteen.

I settled down in my chair with a book and a glass of cognac when there was some soft knocking on my door.

"Terry, are you in there. You awake?"

I didn't want to fight. I was so sure of it. Any attempt at conversation would turn into an argument. So I ignored it and I guess eventually she gave up.

I kept dozing off. Waking when the book fell down on the floor, so I gave up and went to bed.

Some time around three or four I woke up from a nightmare.

I dreamt that I was naked and tied to a chair and Clarissa was standing with some back dude in front of me jerking on his cock 'til he sprayed his cum into my face. Where did that come from? As far as I know, she hasn't had sex with a black guy. Not that I care what color her lovers are. She just never seemed to have any interest in that. When we did those cuckold fantasy games with her dildos, it was always just a different cock, a bigger one, etc. Never about color. Just the supposedly superior lover.

I was afraid to go back to sleep, afraid the nightmare might come back. So I went back to my chair and my book.

Eventually I must have fallen asleep in my chair because I woke up five minutes before six, like every Monday morning when it was a regular work day.

This time I went through the house to the kitchen after my shower and getting dressed for work. There seemed to be no signs of life from our bed room. Maybe she was still sleeping. I had forgotten to set up the coffee pot, so I grabbed a glass OJ, went back to my quarters for my brief case and headed out for breakfast at a diner about half way between home and the plant.

Just after lunch I got a text from Clarissa "home fr dinner???"

I sent one back "Y". There was no way I could totally avoid her and maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I had calmed down a lot. Hopefully she would not bring up the weekend and what's ahead of us.

Clarissa must have taken the day off because the dinner was pretty elaborate, not what would usually have on a Monday night. The table was set in the dining room. There was wine in a cooler.

She was wearing shorts and a tee shirt no bra and panties as far as I could tell. Damn that CB.

Our conversation was friendly and on general subjects, neither of us wanted to get into what happened over the weekend and how it ended in a sort of disaster.

We watched a little TV and then Clarissa came up with an idea.

"Hon, it's almost a full moon and a very clear night – not too cool either. Why don't we grab a couple of cognacs and sit on the double lounger on the patio and watch the moon and stars. Haven't done that for quite some time."

"That's a wonderful idea. Maybe get a blanket just in case it does get a bit cool. I'll get the glasses and bottle."

It was really nice, we hugged and kissed and started to fool around. Of course the CB did its job and every so often I grunted which sent Clarissa into giggle fits especially after she'd opened up my pants and got her hands on my balls.

"Enough big boy, get your hands of my boobs. Let's go to bed so you can worship your Goddess properly instead of just teasing her."

We went up to our bedroom and stripped and Clarissa got on the bed with her legs over the edge. She put a big pillow on the floor and pointed to it.

"Your Goddess who really loves you desires that you get down on your knees to serve HER. Be sure to let her know when it gets too much for the old busted up knees."

"How could I refuse if it was phrased like that even though at first the Goddess crap rankled a bit.

I don't know how many orgasms I gave her but eventually I had to change positions. My knees just could not take it any longer.

"Thank you my handsome prince, that was lovely. Why don't you come up here and cuddle for a bit. I want to tell you that I love you. I maybe a bitch from time to time but that does not change the fact that I love you."

"Thank you Princess, but I think I better get to bed. I've got a rough day ahead of me. Lots of meetings and some planning to do. I'll have to go out of town in a couple of weeks and need make sure that people I need to see will be around."

"For how long?"

"Not quite sure yet maybe almost two weeks. Depending on how we route the trip, I may be able to come home for the weekend unless you are busy with other stuff. But we can talk about that when we are closer and I have a more or less firm schedule."

"Babe, why..." but Clarissa stopped because she knew the answer. I was not going to give in on that. I was not going to sleep in our bed with a CB on my dick.

We kissed good night and I left her.

I washed my sticky face and fell asleep very quickly. Luckily the nightmare did not come back.

Tuesday we had left overs for dinner and ate at the kitchen table. Also there was not a lot of touching. Clarissa seemed almost cold. Not that we didn't have a pleasant conversation about all sorts of stuff. But it was almost like friends talking instead of husband and wife or lovers. I was disappointed and excused myself with having to check on some personal e-mails, etc.

Wednesday morning during a joint breakfast Clarissa informed me that she had a date with Roger and would not be around for dinner but possibly with him afterwards.

"Fine" was my terse reply to that announcement. I finished my coffee, put my cereal bowl and cut into the dishwasher and went back up to my room to finish dressing and head out to work. I did not say goodbye to her as I left via the steps to the garage.

Later that day I received a phone call from Roger – at first I was not going to answer but figured that I had to talk to him sooner or later and he really wasn't the bad guy in this whole mess.

"Hi Roger".

"Terry, got a minute or two?"

"Yes, what's up?"

"Terry, first I want to apologize for that stupid vacation trip. I should have known better. I understand it really created some friction between the two of you. It really wasn't my idea. I had told Clarissa that I had to go down there on business and she said that she could take time off if I wanted her company."

"You know me, I'm not going to kick her out of my bed. So I agreed assuming that you were OK with it – that's the way she made it sound."

"I knew you weren't happy when she told you that she was going but had no idea how upset you were. Sorry buddy. I just did not know."

"Anyway besides that, I know she told you that we have date and that you are not thrilled."

"That's an understatement, but I can't tell her not to go."

"Well, I really like you Terry, I would like being friends with you and have a chance to win some of my money back one of these Thursday evenings. If you tell me to, I'll break up with her."

I had to think for a second. That offer surprised me.

"Roger, thanks but no thanks. She only would find some other guy who may not be as much as a gentleman as you are. She'll grab the first sleaze bag that comes along because she'll be pissed at both of us. She could get hurt and that's the last thing I want."

"I really appreciate your offer. No you go and have fun with her. I just would appreciate it if you would go your place, not to my house."

"She'll make a fuss. She wants you to know. She still keeps hoping that it will turn you on."

"It doesn't and I don't think it ever will. I don't want it to come to this but if she keeps insisting on bringing you home, I'll lock her out. I already told her that there will be no more parties at our place."

"Terry, are you serious? Lock her out? I know about the parties and I'm OK with that. I understand, but she is your wife and..."

"Yes Roger, I am. I'm the owner. Her name is not on any of the papers and I have the right to deny her access. She can have her stuff any time she wants to but she can't do anything if I tell her that I don't want her to live there. I sure hope it will never come to that but I cleared it with my attorney. Actually, I have a court order in my safe at home barring her access if I decide to use it. I got after that first party in case there ever was some problem."

There was no need to tell Roger about the lease and stuff.

"WOW, I had no idea. OK, Terry you got it. It's my place tonight or not at all."

"I hope to see you at the game tomorrow. We missed you the last couple of times but I understand why you didn't come."

"Yeah, I'll be there, I'm ready for some of Petey's delicacies."

"Thanks for calling. I'll see you tomorrow night."


I guess Roger is really an OK guy for a womanizer.

I went back to work and as it got close to quitting time, I started to feel sorry for myself having to face either going out to eat alone or trying to find some stuff at home that I could reheat.

That's when the phone rang again – number I did not recognize.

"This is Terry. Who is calling?"

"It's Peggy darling. I'm in town to do some shopping and have decided that I really don't want to drive home and got a room at the Plaza. So now I'm looking for a handsome young man who will put up with an old lady's rambling and buy her a couple of drinks and dinner."

"Hello Peggy, how are you. You are god sent. I was just sitting here feeling sorry for myself. I would love to take you out to eat. I'll even take you dancing if that is what you want."

"Slow down young man. This old broad..."

"Not old broad – mature lady, I interrupted her."

"Terry, you are one sly fellow but I love you. Thank you for the compliment. We can talk about the dancing later. Can you be at the hotel say by seven?"

"Yes Ma'am, I'll be there. Where do you want to go? Any place special?"

"Julie keeps bragging about this Japanese place. I've never tried it I understand that you can provide some guidance to a novice."

"Peggy, that sounds great. That's what we'll do. See you at seven and thanks for thinking of me."

I called the place and told them that I was bringing my grandmother. That I would like the privacy of a Tatami room but that she was too old to sit on the floor. They assured me that that was not a problem, that they had a small one where they from time to time put in a regular table and chairs and that it was still set up like that from lunch.

Well that went easy. I was looking forward to seeing Peggy.

Peggy got out of the elevator as I walked into the lobby. We hugged and then headed out to walk the one block to the restaurant.

Dinner was a lot of fun as I guided Peggy through the various dishes.

"You know Terry, I never had a chance to go to the Far East. All my husband's business was in Europe. Maybe I missed out on something and need to go with you if you make trip over there."

"Well Peggy, that is something to think about. I just may have to go over there sometime next spring depending how things will work out after I'm back in the design and development business instead of manufacturing and sales."

I did "cry a bit on her shoulder" because she wanted to know what is going on between Clarissa and me. So I told there the sad story about the vacation and the weekend we just had. How it had built up my hopes but they were going down the tubes as Clarissa was starting up again being bitchy.

We were having some fruit for dessert when Peggy came out.

"You said something about dancing. What did you have in mind?"

"A couple of friends of mine own a ball room and dance studio in the old section of town. The part that is being redeveloped. They latched on to some great old building and at first the city was giving them trouble but Julie got that straightened out."

"It's all ballroom type dancing and big band music."

"Well young man, what are we waiting for?"

I paid the check and we walked back to the hotel to retrieve my car from the valet there.

I had to chuckle when I saw Peggy's eyes as the guy roared up with my Mustang.

"That's what you are driving?"

"Yes Ma'am, don't tell me that you want to drive it. Julie and Liza fight over that all the time."

Peggy laughed.

"I bet they do. Well dear you are safe. I tried to take that driving course they both took and they refused me. Told me I was too old. Imagine that."

I had a hard time keeping a straight face just thinking about Peggy taking that race car driving course.

"I'm sorry to hear that Ma'am. Did you talk to a lawyer about filing a discrimination claim?"

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Continued….. Mathew spoke. “Ok sluts, the next event is the ‘biathlon’. While I explain the event, remove your thongs and give them to us. We were going to give points for the wettest underwear, but with you three, we were afraid we’d get flooded out.” Each girl was given a small silver “pocket rocket” vibrator loaded with a fresh batteries. “The winner of the next event will be first one to give themselves a full blown orgasm with your new toys, and show the rest of us a mouthful of cum. As...

3 years ago
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Dani and Danny Part 2 3

Fortunately, it looked like he might have another opportunity soon. He went into the living room where he found his mom and dad watching the 10:00 pm news. Dani was looking at a magazine. She had both feet up in the chair, with one folded under and the other knee straight up. She was wearing a thin tank top and very short shorts. Danny sat down facing her where he could see the crotch of her shorts, but his parents couldn't. He could also see her nipples under the thin top. He...

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The Beckwith Affair Chap 1

August 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers.   My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able.   Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.”   “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know it...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 388 Meeting the Neighbors

I might as well get this out of the way. They will be seeing a lot of other teenagers around here and me driving around here now. “Well, that was rude,” I said to the woman. “Who is getting robbed?” the lead officer said, coming over to me. I laughed and said, “These people swatted me. My parents told me we were moving into the mansion I got from that Darren guy when he died last fall. I sure as hell wasn’t going to have my Maserati anywhere near the movers. All of them dodge the Camry as...

4 years ago
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SHEILAChapter 10

I had been going through Sheila’s code for a few hours. My god I had gone from a few hundred to a few thousand. Then almost an hour later that was quickly advancing more. I had to be doing well over ten thousand lines of code now and I could see it was still advancing more. As of yet I’d not found all that much to correct though that had been the basic code a few hours ago. Now as we were starting to get into the more advanced code I was grateful for the added speed. I don’t think I’d have...

4 years ago
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Massage Therapist My Wife

WARNING: This is an adult story, containing sensitive material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of consensual, ‘vanilla’ sex within marriage. If you find such material offensive or are underage, do not read further, but please bypass this story for one more suitable for you. This story is written for enjoyment and entertainment purposes only, and no commercial profit is expected to be made from it. It may be copied for personal use or for posting on other sites, provided...

3 years ago
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Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below. Permission is granted for private use. The author requests any agencies wishing to publish this work, to contact him at [email protected]....

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Niki Snow Ice Cold Cock Sucking

They call her Niki Snow for her reason! Her saliva and body temperatures are about 15 degrees below normal, making her one of the COOLEST superheads in the game. Ike is lucky he didnt get frostbite from this girl! What he did get was some shivery spit filled sucks, his fleshy balls turned into snow balls, and a dickhead so numb from the cold that it could barely spit out his man goo. Luckily, Ike has actually climbed and nutted on Mount Everest before, so with a few tricks that the sherpas...

3 years ago
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Awakening erica pt 3

The partnership David had received four months ago, had been the perfect conduit for his scheme to lead his wife down the path to complete debauchery. Erica and he had a great sex life over the past eight years, or so he thought, but he knew that she was capable of more, if only her hidden desires were unleashed – desires he had discovered by accident a few months ago. While doing some routine cleanup on the computer in the study, David found a folder neatly hidden in a temp sub-directory...

3 years ago
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The Virgin Neighbor

It was a hot summer day. My husband was out of town on business and I was stuck taking care of the house. After a long day of cleaning, I was exhausted. I just wanted someone to come over and take care of me in more ways than one. I think I’m a pretty attractive woman for my age. I’m forty-five with long brown hair, C-cup tits and a dark olive skin tone. Both of my sons are off at college now, so I am a little lonely. My husband promises to stay at home with me more, but so far that has not...

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Summer camp and the glory hole

I had taken the week as vacation from my job and was excited about going, just to get out of the house for a week. The thought of being at a summer camp brought back good memories from when I was a young girl and had attended one for two summers. I was really looking forward to it, and so was Lori. That is until two days before leaving, she came down with chicken pox of all things. Well on the doctor’s advice, I called the woman in charge at the church that was running the camp to explain...

1 year ago
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Daisy Modified ch 02

"It appears she recognized you," Tiffany said, leaning closer to punana and smiling. "Well, that's not completely shocking. We've left your face more or less intact. Do you even remember?" punana felt Tiffany's fingernail moving gently across its face. punana's body responded and it opened its mouth, turning to try and capture the finger, which its mouth would accept like a little cock. punana felt tears welling in its eyes, mortified that Tiffany's obvious hate and disdain were...

2 years ago
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Tutu Bhainka Sange Mo Chauthi

Ame 2 bhauni au gote bhai. Bada hela Minu nani. Ta tale Manas bhai. Sabha sana mu Chinu. Ei July re 17 puri 18 chalila mate. Mu GM College, Sambalpur re ei barsa +3 re naa lekhaichi. 2 barsa hela Minunani baha heichi. Tara 11 masa ra gote pua. Ta bara Tutu bhai medicine representative. Bhari hasa khusi mijaj ra. Mo sang eta bhari thata huanti. Bele bele abhadra thata b. hele bhinoi boli mu hasi die. Dassera chhuti re gharaku asi mu bes kichhi dina rahijaithae. Minunani au Tutu bhai b asithanti....

1 year ago
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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 6

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 6 ..I put the gingham dress on that fit well and completed the ensemble with the shoes and cardigan. I looked like a fully grown woman in a school girl outfit. My breasts seemed to project and fill the dress with the buttons on the front tight. The fabric belt pinched in my already slim waste and the skirt part of the dress flared slightly emphasizing my hips and bottom. The cardigan was short and tight fitting.  Umm I thought I look pretty hot, I giggled and...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Casey Part 2 of 2

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Casey (Part 2 of 2) Jessie wheeled a laptop computer on a table over to the chair. "Here we go... setting one," Jessie said as she typed a command into the computer. The machines started to hum. And the video screens in the helmet came to life. Casey was presented with a video image of a beautiful young blonde - naked. She looked gorgeous. The girl started to move like an exotic dancer and began to slide her hand down her chest to each of...

1 year ago
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Shemale Surprise

I'm a country boy. About a year ago I left my small town and moved to the city so I could attend university. Initially, I had nowhere to stay so I was going to move into my cousin Mike's flat for a few days with him and his room mate, Sandy till I found somewhere of my own. Mike and Sandy worked together at a law firm in the city. Mike had a fiancee` but he didn't live with her because he didn't want to upset her parents who were very traditional and devoutly religious. Actually, I found it...

She Males
3 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 5 A Helping Hand

Over the next few days, Taylor's attempts to keep Emily's girlier side at bay were met with... mixed results. Taylor was unable to spend the day with Emily without her not so subtly suggesting that Taylor could use a touch of blush on his cheeks or mascara on his eyelashes. Which she was naturally more than happy to do for him. Taylor had to be extra careful when he gamed with Owen to ensure that if he was on video, he'd cleaned his face well. And he'd gotten far more acquainted with...

4 years ago
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Our date had gone well I had a wonderful time with Simon he wined me and dined me told the most wonderfully entertaining stories he had me laughing all evening so why was he now brutally ass fucking me? After our date he brought me to the door and kissed me oh yes I had wanted him to kiss me very much plus I was kind of horny from the wine and it felt so nice that I grabbed his cock through his pants then his tongue got busy in my mouth and all thoughts of no sex on the first date vanished I...

2 years ago
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The Toy Shop

Roxy hated having to get out of bed and get ready for work. It was cold and snowing outside. All she wanted to do was stay in bed with a warm cup of cocoa. She would much rather be watching a good porn, with her new vibrator she nicknamed Bruno. Bruno was one of the newest models out. It was guaranteed to have power, like no other. She longed to have a big dick pounding away inside her tight pussy. However, she had no man in her life. So Bruno would have to do for now. She had just purchased...

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Seit etwa einem halben Jahr lebe ich nun getrennt von meinem Mann, dem Vater meines Sohnes. Ich hatte ihn damals mit meiner "besten" Freundin erwischt. Kurz danach ist er zu ihr gezogen. Da er gut verdiente brauchte ich mir früher nie Gedanken bezüglich Arbeit zu machen und war deshalb nur für ein paar Stunden angestellt. Doch diese Stelle verlor ich kurz darauf. Nun hatte ich Angst, dass ich finanziell abstürzen würde, doch zumindest hierin hat mein "Ex" die Zusicherung gegeben vorerst weiter...

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Wersquore Not in High School Anymore Marsquoam

I was at my friend’s house when he told me that a guy from high school’s mom would be stopping by to pick up some weed from him. It’s always funny to find out that some of the parents we grew up around were heavy weed smokers. When she came over she was excited to see us both, especially me because it had been a few years since I was back around. She’s white, in her early 50’s I think, very short, maybe 5’2 with very curvy body, about c cup breasts in her tank top with wide hips and a plump ass...

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SleepwalkerChapter 32 A Little Surprise

I expected to find myself in the glade but found myself back walking through the park. I was disappointed when Allison didn't show up. Then I discovered why I was here. "Jimmy?" Uh-oh, I knew that voice. I turned and sure enough, there was Angela Osborn. A quick check confirmed that my ring was gone. I had bridged into yet another person's dream. But what kind of dream? After the mistakes I had made in Shannon's fantasy I was going to be very cautious. "Hey, Angie! How are you?...

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360 Please ing mum 3

360 Please (ing) mum It was on the Monday when Sheila met Milly at the butchers, they walked home to Milly`s together though Milly seemed strangely reluctant to talk about work and especially Sid and Saturday, though she did say they had chatted about Mark! Over coffee, Sheila explained that “her and Sid did not have secrets, that she would never have tutored either of the boys had Sid not approved, and she knew ‘her Sid’ had screwed Milly so not to be worried on that score!” Milly near choked...

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The Conference Room

The crowd is bustling at Gino’s steak shop here in Philadelphia. Everyone in Philly knows this is the place to go if you want a cheese steak. I mean sure, yeah, you could go across the street to the so called ‘original Pat’s’ but who really wants to deal with that kind of ego? I grab a bench outside as I sit down to enjoy a true legend. I’m just getting ready to take my first bite when my phone rings. I scowl as I check to see who is calling. “This better be good, Luke, you are interrupting my...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Mom Gave Me Relationship Advice

so this is how it goes. i had not been talking to pranay because we had had a fight lately. he was not talking to me because he thought i went behind his back and talked some shit to his girlfriend. he thought i talked his girlfriend into breaking up with him. instead i had kissed his girlfriend and she really liked it. she wanted to leave him for me but she obviously did not tell pranay this. when i saw how he reacted with it i decided to leave her too because my friend was more important to...

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A Bike Ride In Rain With Female Friend

I had been to the city for two weeks for work and there was a weekend in the middle of the tour. I actually did not have any official work to do during those two days. It was end of summer in northern part of India and you can’t imagine how hot the days usually are during those days (the mercury often touches 44 degree centigrade during day time). One of my old female friends (unmarried) of my age (about 29) was living in the same city. I had contacted her before I reached the city and decided...

2 years ago
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Achieving My Dreams

HI to all ISS readers I am just recently I started reading ISS stories and I liked it very much so I thought I will submit my stories also here well too much fond of sex from my child hood here am going to tell u my best sex experience in my life if I get good response then I will come with more of my encounters. This happened 3 years back when I was 22 years old and this happened with one of my friends sister her name is Shivani (name changed)she’s married and her husband is in Dubai she was...

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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 15

The party — Agate, Fender, Pua, and Vennoa — started on their next quest. They had left Tempest’s body in the care of Priestess Seireri, who had promised to take good care of him in the meantime. “You must hurry,” Seireri had said. “We can only return his spirit to his body in the first ten days. After which, you would need much stronger magic that we don’t have.” They left the Temple of Selune as quickly as they could, and headed towards the city gates. Everyone felt somewhat responsible...

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Dosti Biwi Ko Choda

Hi Everyone, I am Rahul here. I am 26. I Born and brought up at Bangalore. I always wonder what these Bangalore girl have in their lunch and dinner, because you will find the most sexy figure and wonderful ass. This is one of my best group sex experience. This is a real story happened last year with me and my friends (Shreedhar, Raj, Amit and Manju). We were friends from college, we graduated from the college and Search for the job, starting form the college days we have decided that if any...

4 years ago
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My Daughters Best Friend

MY DAUGHTER'S BEST FRIEND By TamarainRubber I worked from home, writing stories for a wide variety of magazines which, over the past two decades, had provided the funds that enabled me to pay off a mortgage and still have plenty left over for my Karen and me to enjoy life. Karen, just to explain, is my 17-year-old daughter, and she has never complained about the fact that her mother had run off with another woman when she was supposed to help celebrate her tenth...

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RendezvousChapter 16

Charlie Charles William (Named after Paternal Grandfather) I will answer to Chuck, Charles, Charlie or ChuckieBill, but not to CW or any other southern euphemisms. I was born in Texas but never lived there. I AM NOT A TEXAN. I found this journal in the car...the Volvo...while I was transferring about a million Volvo parts from one backseat to another. All those Volvo parts were still in the original Swedish boxes. New water pumps; six, distributors; eight, points, three dozen spark plugs,...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 240

Earlier in the afternoon, at the Prime's direction, Kayla and Art had a training session in the Ship. Kayla wasn't sure what the Ship had done for Art, since he had apparently finished before her, but she had spent what seemed to be weeks in the simulator learning about a spacesuit, and the proper use of its equipment while in free fall. The course even included some repair. The suit was capable of receiving "mental" commands in generally the same way that Security's helmets did....

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Memories A True Story

Not too many years ago my wife worked as a supervisor for a government agency. During that time she went to conferences around the country as part of her job. My wife is attractive with long dark hair, full hips, and generous breasts. She could be a great beauty, but true to her rural Baptist upbringing, she is demure, almost shy, and dresses conservatively.As part of our pillow talk before sex, I’d ask her if she ever imagined what it would be like to fuck another man. My wife was a virgin...

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A summer with Tommy

My name is Mike, and this is a story about a time in my life where i had feelings towards my neighbor Tommy. We were the best of friends, always swimming in the pool together and playing sports. He was like me in body type, he was thin and had some muscle coming in. His hair was light brown like mine and his butt was he cutest when it showed through his bathing suit. I wasn't sure he liked me or thought of me in hat way, until we had a sleepover one night. ...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 16

Jenny, Amy and John had been sent off to bed. Mandy had marched Janice off for their own session alone. The remaining adults took time to engage and play with the four smaller children. The playroom was surprisingly neat. Gail wondered how that was so, until she saw a crayon being absorbed by the floor of the room. Adults and children played with clay, and drew pictures, and sang songs. As the children became more comfortable, the connections became more physical - innocent, to be sure, but...

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Newlywed Suzy Part 3

Anyone who has read Newlywed Suzy Parts 1 & 2 will know she is obsessed by sex and will always try to push the boundaries. Our arrangement had now been running for about six months with me sharing Suzy with Steve (her husband) fairly regularly on a weekend, sometimes as a threesome and sometimes just me and Suzy with Steve in the spare bedroom. Suzy had always been obsessed by my cock and commented on it constantly but her next suggestion completely stunned me. We were laid together in bed...

3 years ago
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Becoming Jana Part 2 Adjusting to Womanhood

I had done my makeup completely by myself for the first time. Ricky, formerly Kelsie, had spent hours showing me and teaching me. She had even done it for me for weeks before I felt comfortable doing it myself, albeit, with help. I turned my head, this way and that. Trying to see if I had done it evenly. As I stood there in nothing but a thong, watching myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but admire my new body. As a man I had been about 5’7”, 155 pounds, and built skinny on top with wide...

2 years ago
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Hungry for Dawn

As usual, when he got home from work, Guy's in-box contained the expected assortment of requests people in Nigeria seeking help from random strangers to smuggle their vast fortunes in America. They all made it to his wastebasket. But there was one that looked sort of real. > From: Dawn > To: Hungry > Subject: Hi > > My name is dawn Figuring it might be real or it might be spam, he took a chance. > From: Hungry > To: Dawn > Subject: Re: Hi > > Hi Dawn!...

2 years ago
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FITZChapter 14 Poor Judge of Character

Except for Joseph and Gina, the FITZ brought in substantial money via their various brilliant skills. Gina's massage, both legitimate and illegitimate, added comparatively miniscule amounts and her enjoyment in giving the less fortunate her muscle and libido soothing skills as well as her desire to contribute something to the coffers were the only reasons for her to continue the work. Joseph's insights and language abilities and logistical prowess, designing curriculum and security for the...

1 year ago
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Nat and Sandy Pay the Rent Part 3

Story so far - Natasha and Sandy are paying off their backlog of rent by submitting themselves to a relentless sex-party gang fuck. But there are still a few amazing surprises on the way... The living-room group had been putting all their youthful vigour into fucking Natasha's holes, while sticking to their plan of saving their reserves of cum for her young friend. Four of the newly formed gang had retired naked to the kitchen to replenish themselves with water, leaving three to keep all her...

2 years ago
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Inseminated from the next table by Asian man

She came back to the table, her face ruddy and excited, she was visibly excited as she sat down amongst us.'Well, what did he want', I asked her, we were all curious as to why he signaled her over, the old man at the bar, who had been staring across at us since he arrived.These old men carried some authority in this part of the city, they were part of the underworld, and everyone took then seriously, so to be signaled to come across, was not to be ignored, but hastily and politely...

3 years ago
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prema ki chudai

Hamare yahan ek kaamwali hai jiska naam prema hai, hai to uska jitan hissa khula rehta hai woh dark saanwla hai par sali ke kapde utane ke baad pata chala ki saali ke pass kya maal hai uar naha ke to ekdum 80 ki hemamalini lagti hai.abhi uski umar karib 40 hai aur uske do launde hain jo alag alag admiyon se hai, yani ki uske do pati they.hamare yahan kaam karte usko 5 saal ho gaye hain. do saal pehle ki baat hai mere ghar ke sare log bahar gaye they aur main akela reh raha tha , prema 11 baje...

1 year ago
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HobyBuchanon Anna Chambers Russian Slut Anna Chambers Gets It Rough

Russian slut Anna Chambers tells us that she loves face fucking and rough sex. I slap her face and spit on it. I take out my cock and shove it all the way down her throat and fuck her face until she’s gagging spit everywhere. I fuck her big tits and put my fingers down her throat and spit on her again. I put my cock inside her and fuck her russian whore pussy. I turn her around and pound her fuck hole from behind. I switch to POV and fuck her face and she cleans out my asshole with her...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nikki8217s Erotic Sex Stories 8211 Part 1

Note to reader: the following erotic sex story is brought to you by me on behalf of the main character of the story, referred to as Nikita or Nikki. I hope you enjoy this one as much as . *Nikki’s narration begins.* Hi, Nikki here. This story series is about secret sex sessions that I haven’t told anyone about before. Before starting this story, let me tell you some details about how I look to help you imagine the story more accurately. I’m currently 28 years old, and my measurements are...

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Courtney and Robin Meet

Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...

1 year ago
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The Education of Mrs Jones Part 3

Lydia arrived at her third massage appointment with a sense of determination. She had decided that this would be the day when she would discover, finally, if Olivia was purposefully manipulating her to orgasm. She planned to flirt a little with the massage therapist; either Olivia would respond in kind, or the therapist would be professional and put an end to it. Lydia wasn’t sure which would be more embarrassing, finding out another woman had the hots for her, or potentially being escorted...

3 years ago
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The Nipples

I went to a wedding last weekend in Central London. It was at a hall near London Bridge. I went alone as I am single, and the new couple put me at a table that had a couple of single women. Neither of them really caught my eye, but I chatted politely, as you do.You know how sometimes, you see a person, and then keep crossing paths with them over the nest few hours? For me, it often happens in airports. Show up at the check in desk, notice someone, then an hour or so later, they're just in front...

4 years ago
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Mom Taught 4

…………………….. David finished scanning all the documents and pictures to a jump drive and carried the fireproof box and key back to his parent’s bedroom. The morning was already warm, and the sun had not even full rose in the eastern ski. Walking to an outbuilding his mom was hard a work. “Gonna be a hot one darling,” she said with a smile. In long strides, he walked to the barn and saddled his well-rested Appaloosa. Riding along a large stand of ponderosa pine, David’s sharp eyes scanned...

2 years ago
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My Hate Experience In Telugu Part 8211 2

Hi readers, i am manasa.This is the continuation of the first part of my story. Any feedback or comments please drop a mail to My height 5.5 and my structure is 32-30-34. Looking fair. My bf name is ramesh nd his brother name is naresh. Ika story loki veldam. Aaa roju taruvata nenu ma bf ni avoid cheyatam start chesanu. Vadu alane naku sorry cheputu unna 3 moths matladukoledu memu. One day nenu college ki vellutunte fast ga one bike na mundu agindi. Nenu evara ani chusanu my bf valla brother...

3 years ago
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A Change of Events

Are you ready? I’ve put your luggage in the car, Susan came out I’ve spoken to the k**s, there ok and have promised to look after the dogs and no parties while were away. Yep i spoke to them as well, don’t worry there going to be ok, there 17 and 16, there good k**s. They have our mobile phone numbers and you can phone them when we get there. Yes your right, Susan got in the car buckled up and off we went. This was the first time we had been away for ages, well since the k**s had been born....

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The PowerChapter 5 First Date

Saturday evening found me waiting in the foyer, dressed in a new charcoal gray suit, black shirt and tie, and new black loafers. I had switched my usual hickory cane for a new brass and black lacquered model that the ladies had bought me for Christmas and was feeling quite dapper and dashing. Sue and Mom were upstairs doing some final primping and I was nervously eyeing my watch. It was after 7:30 and we had 8:00 reservations at a nice restaurant just outside the city limits. Then Sue came...

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