Phoenix Ch 09 free porn video

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‘Love the one you’re with…’ Tanya smiled at the words. She remembered parking under the Franklin Street Drawbridge and climbing into the back of Rudy’s Trans Am on July Fourth.

'God, when was that? 1970, ’71?'

They watched the pyrotechnic waterfall flow off the expressway bridge with the top down, wrapped in a blanket so the hundreds of people crowding the streets couldn’t see what the two of them were up to.

She yelled and screamed and listened to that song, riding Rudy’s big black cock while she watched the fireworks, and nobody knew she was creating her own fireworks underneath that blanket. She could feel the night wind caressing her body even now, as Rudy’s cock rammed her from behind, her body swaying back and forth…

Tanya opened her eyes, still half-dreaming, and screamed! She was hanging over a cliff! The echoes of her shriek bounced back at her, echoing from far, far below.

“Ah, you’re awake,” Tommy said from behind her. “I’m almost finished, so please wait just a moment. You have incredible muscle control, My Lady. Your awakening felt fantastic!”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Tanya exclaimed, indignantly looking over her shoulder at the ranger fucking her from behind.

While she was at it, she also examined this incredible device – she could only think of it as a wooden ‘crane’ – that she was suspended from. She was literally ‘wrapped’ in a single rope that ran directly up from her naked body to a pulley, then down to where it was tied off in a slipknot next to that sorry-ass ranger who was fucking her. She could see the ranger’s cabin on the hill behind them.

She kicked at him. Tommy laughed and dodged her easily. “I can feel any movement inside you long before it reaches your extremities, my Lady. But please continue – it feels wonderful, and I don’t often have the opportunity to seduce a beauty like yourself.”

“Being drugged and tied up isn’t my idea of seduction, you sorry-ass bastard,” Tanya snarled. “When I get loose…”

Then she realized…

“Oh, God! This is what you used when you staked all those people…”

“Very observant!” Tommy congratulated her, still eagerly shoving his cock in and out of her very wet pussy. “However, your statement also indicates that you are here because of that well-publicized exhibition. You are not the vacationing camper you pretend to be.”

“So we both lied to each other,” Tanya grunted, trying to ignore the sensations the danger and his fucking were creating in her body. She wasn’t being very successful. “What else is new?”

“New?” Tommy asked, increasing his thrusting as he began to orgasm. “I’m not… not looking for new… Oh, Yes! I knew it!”

Tommy started pumping cum into Tanya’s excited pussy. The instant she felt his cock twitch, she started coming as well, biting her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure. She didn’t want this monster to know she liked what he was doing to her.

“Ohhh, yes!” Tommy exclaimed, shoving his pulsating cock into her pussy one final time. “I knew it! You enjoyed that! I could feel you move!”

“So what!” Tanya gasped. “It’s still rape! So fuck you anyway…”

Tommy smiled at her, realizing she was only angry because of her lack of control over her own body.

“Are you juicing me up so the stake will go in easier?” Tanya asked, sounding belligerent, completely unwilling to show him how terrified she was.

“You’re asking if I am about to stake you?” the Ranger asked, false surprise showing on his face. “Only with this modest stake which you have already joyfully experienced, my Lady.”

The look of disgust was quite obvious on Tanya’s face as she glared at him, not willing to admit he’d given her an orgasm.

“You couldn’t help it, my Lady,” he explained. “It’s the danger that excites you. The Old Race lives for death-defying adventure and excitement.”

“The ‘Old Race’?” Tanya asked, perplexed. “What do you mean?”

“Still you pretend?” Tommy sighed. “Very well, then, I shall explain. Two nights ago, your wild cries in the night drew me to you. I watched while you fed the bloodsuckers – making love to those creatures nearest your own kind by offering yourself to their thousands of greedy little beaks. Yet, when it was light, you showed no ill effects from your small sacrifice – your flesh still young and smooth as ever, although somewhat soiled.”

“You came into our camp?” Tanya asked, stunned by the knowledge that she'd been watched during that very private time with Frank.

“Indeed,” Tommy admitted. “But I left quickly when those two ruffians appeared. I watched you burn your own flesh for your pleasure and theirs, and I felt the joy with which you took that man’s life. I presume the only reason you didn’t feed at the time was that you were with your thrall. Feeding on a kill is a very private thing…”

“I…” Tanya started, then stopped. Things were starting to fit together in a very scary way.

“You were…” she started again. “You did all this to get my attention? You wanted me to come here?”

“Yes!” Tommy exclaimed, then laughed. “Very good! I knew that a great bloodletting would attract one like you. I was told there were none left, but I gambled that the dark ones were wrong.”

He sighed happily and grinned at her. “So, here you are. Perhaps there are no dark ones left. You are the first Arian one I have met.”

“Alright,” Tanya said, quieter now that her body wasn’t distracting her except for that itchy leaking down there. He sure came a lot. “If you’re not going to stake me, what are you going to do?”

“Well, my Lady,” Tommy replied. “I will conduct one more test to prove that you are what I believe you to be, then… Well, we’ll see.”

“What kind of test?” Tanya asked, not sure she could play this role. “I’ve already demonstrated that I can’t be hurt…”

“Yes,” Tommy replied, “and you love danger and sex, too. But the weak, pathetic humans occasionally display those traits as well; especially the ones who indulge in what they call ‘extreme sports’.”

Tanya was getting more worried. While Tommy was talking, he was also cranking the wooden crane that held her aloft out and away from the top of the cliff. She was now swaying much farther over the edge than she’d been a moment earlier.

“What is this ‘final test’?” she asked again, trying not to get too dizzy staring down into the abyss as her body swung back and forth.

“You shouldn’t even have to ask, my Lady,” Tommy replied. “The last test will determine whether or not you can fly.”

“What?” Tanya shrieked. “I can’t fly! Are you nuts? If you drop me down there I’ll be killed!”

Tommy frowned at her terrified display. Tanya shut up, realizing she’d blown it. He was going to drop her. She stared desperately at him, trying to think of what to say to save herself.

“Mister Ranger,” she fumbled, fighting down this new wave of terror. “Your Grace…” He looked at her more intently.

'I’m on the right track! Think, dammit! He’s some kind of royalty!'

“Count…” she addressed him. Then she knew!

'Oh My God! There are male vampires, too! It makes such total fucking sense! That monster is… Dracula!'

“Count Vlad,” she whispered softly. “Dracula… My Lord…”

“You have a final wish, my Lady?” Vladimir asked softly. He was slowly pulling on the pull tie that would release the rope binding her.

“Please, my Lord,” Tanya pleaded, trying to remember what Jake had said in the cabin that had made Frank so angry on that fateful day when she became immortal. “Even our kind can be crushed and killed. Dropping me will not prove anything one way or the other.

“Please, believe me when I say that only the dark ones could fly. I and none of my family have that power. If you drop me, I will die. I do not wish to die. If you offer me a choice, I would serve you, instead.”

“Eloquently spoken, my Lady,” the Count replied. “And I have seen how well you serve those you are loyal to. But why should I believe you?”

'Keep him talking and for God’s sake don’t look at the figure by the house… Jesus Christ, Frank, you’re alive! Save me! Why would Dracula want me? What can it be?'

“Well, I…” Tanya stammered. “If you’re wrong and I’m right… and if you kill me, then… another one of us might not come to you.”

'He blinked! I hit a nerve! What the hell is it?'

“Ah, then you admit there are others like you?” Vlad asked, suddenly more interested.

“I admit nothing!” Tanya exclaimed. “I’m pleading for my life! And for…”

'That’s it! I know what he wants!'

“And for your eternity!” she exclaimed, suddenly sure of herself. “I can’t fly! But if you drop me, no more will come, except perhaps to kill you and revenge my death! You will eventually age and die. Think carefully before you pull that knot loose! This isn’t only about ‘me’ anymore!”

“Perhaps you are correct,” the Count said, looking thoughtful. “There are other way… uh!”

Dracula began to fall forward. At the same instant, Tanya heard a shot ring out from up the hill toward the house. Vlad began to fall, still tightly clenching the end of the rope.

The knot pulled free! “No!” Tanya shrieked.

Suddenly loose and carrying Tanya’s entire weight, the rope jerked out of Vlad’s numb fingers and sang through the pulley. Tanya’s body began to untwist like a yo-yo as the rope slipped around her body, burning her tender flesh as it swiftly unwound.

Desperately she grabbed at the rope that was flying away from her! Then she was swinging wildly with one hand gripping the rope as hard as she could. The side of the cliff came up and smacked against her swinging body and she lost a few more inches of rope and skin on her hand. All she could see was sparks and she didn’t know where she was.

'Am I falling?' she thought desperately. 'Where’s the rope? I can’t feel it!'

Then Frank was there, pulling her up. She cried out in pain and relief as she felt him grab the torn, slippery flesh of her wrist and prayed that she wouldn’t slide out of his tenuous grip. She felt her breasts and belly being painfully scoured as she was pulled over the cliff edge and flat along the ground. Then she lay gasping and sobbing in relief and terror.

“Very clever…” a voice gasped from behind Frank. Vlad was crawling to his knees.

“He’s like us!” Tanya cried out, gasping for air to warn Frank. “He heals fast!”

Frank swung around quickly and slammed his fist into the ranger’s face, knocking him backward as he tried to stand.

“Don’t let him up!” Tanya screamed, scrambling up on her hands and knees. “Don’t give him an inch!”

Frank took her advice and kicked their host in the face. Vlad leaned sideways, easily deflected most of the blow and grabbed Frank’s foot, twisting it and pulling him down.

Tanya was on her feet, now, all five-foot six-inches of naked blond rage. The monster that had terrorized her was going after Frank! She leaped at him. At the last instant, she realized her error as Vlad threw himself sideways.

A shiny, slender flash was all she saw, then Bram Stoker’s cane sword was buried in her stomach and sticking out just above her rump. She twisted around, trying to avoid it even as it pierced her belly and pulled it out of Vlad’s hand, instead. As she rolled away on the ground, the sharp end jarred painfully on the ground behind her, then snapped off.

Tanya cried out at the jarring, white-hot pain of the narrow flat sword in her middle. She lay on the ground for a moment and watched Vlad and Frank stagger to their feet. She felt her body starting to go into shock and realized she had to pull the sword out or she wouldn’t be able to heal. In her rage and fear, it was a difficult and incredibly painful task that left her shaking and barely conscious.

Frank and Vlad fought ferociously for a moment while Tanya staggered back up on her feet mostly using the broken cane sword for a cane. Then she was back in the fight, hoping she wasn’t bleeding to death internally because she couldn’t wait for her wound to heal. From somewhere, Vlad had produced a wicked-looking fighting knife and Frank was getting cut up pretty bad.

Tanya leaped forward silently and slashed across Vlad’s back with the broken, but still sharp-edged sword.

“Ahhhh!” Vlad cried, then threw himself sideways. Tanya slashed at him again and missed. She threw herself at him even as he flipped his knife over, grabbed it by the tip and threw it, point-blank, right at her. It sank painfully into her shoulder, then she landed on him with the sword slashing deeply into his torso with all her weight behind it.

Gripping the sword tightly to make sure she didn’t lose it, she rolled off and away, giving Frank another chance to beat on him some more while she recovered. Frank didn’t waste any time. He landed on the ranger with both knees in his wounded, slashed-open stomach, making the ranger cry out in agony.

They rolled around on the ground for a moment, Frank having the upper hand, this time. Tanya finally got the knife out of her shoulder. Her body was shaking with shock to her system and her vision was tunneling, but she didn’t dare quit. They could both die easily if that monster got the upper hand for even a second.

Casting aside the broken sword in favor of the knife, Tanya staggered to her feet again, gasping and shaking, holding the bloody knife and waiting for an opportunity to rejoin the fight. Then Frank and Vlad were rolling toward her. When Vlad was on top, she leaped, driving the bloody blade deep into the back of the monster’s neck. Vlad stiffened, then collapsed, unconscious.

“Holy shit!” Frank gasped as he rolled the ranger off of him. “What does it take to kill this fucker?”

“It’s Dracula!” Tanya panted. “And he’s… not dead… yet!”

“Dracula?” Frank asked, crawling to his knees. “You mean the Vampire Dracula?”

“One and the same!” Tanya said, starting to catch her breath. “He’s real, and we have to kill him!”

“How the hell do you kill a vampire?” Frank asked, staring at Tanya’s bloodied, naked body. “Are you all right?”

“I’ll live,” Tanya gasped, trembling, “but if he wakes up, we’re both dead!”

Vlad began to stir. Tanya savagely jumped on him, snarling and crying out like a wild animal while slashing away with the knife, trying to do as much damage as possible. Despite the bloody cuts she was making in him, Vlad was beginning to fight back.

“Hamstring him!” Frank called out, fearful for his savage wife’s safety.

Dimly hearing him through her terror-driven blood lust, Tanya slashed beneath the monster’s arms and across the backs of both legs, cutting the nerves so he couldn’t get up. Then she slashed his throat and rolled off him.

“Won’t that kill him?” Frank asked, helping Tanya to her feet and watching blood gush from Dracula’s slashed throat.

“No,” Tanya gasped. “I don’t know what will kill him.”

They watched for a moment while the pulsing flow of blood slowed to a trickle.

“He’s healing!” Tanya said, her voice full of horror. “We have to kill him again.” She dropped down and slashed his throat again.

“We can’t just keep doing this,” Frank told her, beginning to despair of winning this surreal fight.

Dracula’s arm moved as his hand weakly tried to crawl toward his wounded throat. Tanya sobbed wildly and stabbed the knife down into the monster’s heart. “Die! Damn you!”

Amazingly, Vlad opened his eyes and stared at her. “Never!” he rasped through his ruined throat.

Hysterical now, Tanya stabbed up and down with the knife, wildly carving into Vlad’s unconscious body. Finally, Frank was able to pull her off. He held her in his arms while she shook uncontrollably, gasping and sobbing.

“It’s okay,” Frank soothed her. “He’s dead. He won’t hurt anyone anymore.”

“No!” Tanya cried out and pushed herself away from Frank’s embrace. “He’s not dead! He’ll never be dead!”

Frank grabbed her shoulders and shook her, hard. “Yes! He can be dead! We’ll burn him!”

Tanya stopped suddenly and stared wild-eyed at him. “Yes! Burn him! Burning killed Béla! It will kill him!”

They reached down for the body. Vlad was stirring, yet again. Terrified, Tanya screamed and dropped down on him to savagely slash his throat yet a third time!

“Come on!” Frank cried out. “Get him into the house!”

They each grabbed a leg and began madly hauling Vlad up the hill toward the house. Every time Tanya felt the monster twitch, or thought she did, she stopped and dropped down on him, screaming and stabbing at him repeatedly.

“Stay dead, damn you! Dead! Dead! Dead!”

Finally, they were at the house and dragged their bloody host through the door. Leaving the gory mess in the middle of the living room floor, Frank ran around to the liqueur cabinet. Grabbing a couple of bottles, he smashed them together. Tanya joined in and began smashing bottles around and all over the room.

“How do we light it?” Frank asked breathlessly. Then he saw the remaining Swiss rifle still hanging on the wall. Grabbing it, he shoved the muzzle down against the wine-soaked carpet and pulled the trigger. In just a few seconds, the entire room was ablaze with a cool, blue fire.

“Let’s get out of here!” Frank yelled. He and Tanya bolted through the door and staggered across the porch into the sandy yard. Once outside, Tanya helped Frank pull his burning clothes off, then they both stood naked in the yard and watched as hungry flames towered up to consume the old wooden house.

“Nobody could live through that,” Frank promised, holding Tanya’s trembling naked body protectively in his arms.

After awhile, Tanya looked up and him with tears in her eyes and asked, “Where the hell were you? I thought you were dead."

Frank hugged her tightly, only now realizing what horror she’d been through.

“I woke up in the basement, hog-tied neat as you please. The last owner of the house was there. He was very accommodating. I used his teeth to cut my ropes loose. The prisoner we took yesterday was down there, too. He was never delivered to the Sheriff’s department.”

“But there was a helicopter,” Tanya replied, confused, now. “I heard it.”

“Yes, there was,” Frank told her. “It left two cases of bourbon at the side of the house.”

“It was delivering groceries?” Tanya asked, stunned by the revelation. They both laughed. It was a hollow sound they made.

“Yep!” Frank said, grinning wearily. “Home delivery – right to your front door!”

They backed away from the conflagration as the roof caught fire and watched for awhile longer.

“He’s not coming out,” Frank said finally. “He’s probably just ashes, now.”

“Our packs were in there,” Tanya mentioned, sounding disappointed. “We don’t have any clothes to wear.”

“I like you naked,” Frank said, hugging her sweaty, sticky body against his own.

Tanya moaned, deep in her throat, and rolled Frank back on the sand. She pressed against him and kissed him hard, her powerful vampiric sexual needs surfacing after the savage fight they’d waged against the undead. Frank’s body responded quickly, his cock rising as Tanya writhed against him with her kiss.

Climbing over and straddling him, Tanya sank down, guiding his cock up between her legs.

“I hope you don’t mind sloppy seconds,” she moaned. “That fucker raped me before we killed him!”

Frank didn’t answer and ignored the loose wetness with which she gifted him. Instead, he pulled her down against his chest so he could kiss her.

“He won’t do it again,” Frank promised her.

Tanya smiled and squeezed her pelvis in response to his words. The sudden leakage running down his balls and soaking his crotch was such a turn-on that Frank increased his pounding motion in and out of her. Holding onto her thighs and hips tightly, Frank began fucking his well-used wife with a ferocity that burned her flesh as fiercely as the scorching heat from the flaming house.

Tanya dug her fingers into Frank’s chest and began arching her back, wailing louder and louder with each breath as her orgasm began flooding through her body. Then she was convulsing in ecstasy, her cunt clamping down against Frank’s cock so that he couldn’t even move.

A quick release and another tight clamping motion and Frank was coming inside her, releasing spurt after spurt into her hot, convulsing pussy. Then Tanya collapsed down on top of him, completely drained.

They both lay for some time, breathless and numb, the fluids slowly leaking out of her between both their legs, the heat from the fiercely burning wooden house scorching their sated flesh.

Almost an hour later, three hikers showed up – college boys enjoying the last of the summer before classes started again.

“We saw the fire,” one said. “Hope no one was hurt.”

“No,” Frank replied, allowing Tanya to ‘modestly’ hide behind his bare body. “Our stove blew up. We got out safely, but…” he indicated his and Tanya’s unfortunate state of nudity.

“Oh, we have clothes,” one of the boys said helpfully. He immediately began digging into his pack, trying not to stare at the distressed homeowner’s naked, nice-looking and obviously embarrassed young wife. In another moment, there was a pair of pants and a shirt available for each of them.

Ted, one of the more adventurous boys, managed to roll a burning log out and away from the still fiercely burning cabin. On that log, they prepared a hot meal of canned soup, baked Spam and old bread, which they shared with Frank and Tanya.

“Wow,” one was saying in response to the exploding stove story Frank told them. “What a thing to have happen on your honeymoon.”

“Yeah, really!” Tanya agreed, perhaps too wholeheartedly. “But, we’re both alive.”

“Yeah,” another boy piped in. “That’s the important thing. It could have been worse.”

“How so?” Frank asked, suddenly realizing he’d set himself up for some lame college humor.

“You could’ve run into the Mad Staker…” They all laughed while Frank and Tanya stared at each other.

The next day, Tanya contacted Colonel Brady using a real ranger’s two-way radio. The army came in and took over the site. Over the next few days, they uncovered six bodies in the basement – all human. Two were never identified.

There was a two hundred thousand-dollar reward for finding the butcher who’d staked out all those hikers. After several months, it was awarded to the Tabors for their contribution toward ending the slaughter. That money, along with the now liquidated Belview Estates built them a new house in Bozeman and set them up solidly in business as Private Investigators.

And that was the end of Dracula.

(Yeah, right!)


Vlad Tepes opened his eyes, expecting to be stabbed and beaten senseless again by that insane Arian vampire and her mate. Instead he saw a flaming pylon crashing down right on top of him! He rolled desperately to the side, then gasped in agony as his body let him know that most of his skin was already burnt off.

Staggering upright, he stared around at the flaming conflagration surrounding him, stunned and amazed. Then, barely able to force his half-cooked body to respond, he desperately pulled back the burning carpet and threw open the trapdoor beneath.

Dropping, half-falling through it and into the basement, he found some relief from the fire and was able to regenerate somewhat while berating himself for attracting the attention of a vampire who had obviously already chosen a mate. They were maniacally territorial and he was certain that she wouldn’t have fought him so ferociously if he hadn’t attacked her mate. That was about as far as his reasoning got before the roof fell in and crashed down, dropping the entire, flaming house down on top of him, completely burying him in the soft earth beneath the rubble.

He lay, buried, unconscious and undiscovered for more than a week, quietly regenerating. It took him two more weeks to dig his way out from under the collapsed ruins while living on a rich diet of grubs, worms and a couple of rats.

After causing one more lone hiker to disappear, he used that person’s credit cards and transportation to flee to Mexico. From there, he made his way to South America, where he disappeared, perhaps forever, perhaps for only a while.

And that wasn’t the end of Dracula, either.


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THE SUIT - Part 4 By LJ Sara was certain that the overly friendly woman was slowly trying to drive her insane. It was the only explanation. The crazy, old woman kept dragging her to the kitchen. When she wasn't trying to stick needles of odd, and various shapes and sizes into her hands. Which she inevitably stuck into her own fingers. The cooking was worse. Far worse. Sara might be a genius in some areas, usually scientific ones, but she didn't know a cookbook from a...

3 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 20

Dear Dirty Diary,The following Friday, at precisely 6 pm, our doorbell rang. I greeted two young women, dressed in dark trench coats but when the Russian sounding blond spoke, “How do you do you, Laura,” I realized it was duty nurse Jennifer and she’d brought an assistant along. I ushered the two upstairs, noting their white stockings as they reached the second floor.When Doug spun around in his chair to greet them, “Oh, the pair of you came!” just before he bit his bottom lip anxiously. After...

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The Perks Of Being A Gentleman

The sun tried to break the screen the opaque blue clouds made, but it was too much of a struggle. The first flakes of snow cascaded from the ominous clouds and froze onto the dying brown grass blades. She could feel the excitement pulsating through the campus as the slick white sheet began to consume the ground underneath it. It had been one of those rough and disheartening weeks that dragged on without stopping to let you get a breath of air. It was nothing a few silly comedies couldn't...

Quickie Sex
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10 Book OneChapter 7

Knox didn't come home until the next day. I had slept in the dungeon with Tiffany but sleep didn't come easy. Somebody kept running their lips down my body and attaching themselves to my clit. I had to retaliate and usually got Tiffany to shoot. When I was summoned to see Knox the next morning she seemed to be busy with paperwork. I just stood like a soldier awaiting orders from her commanding officer. She didn't even look up when she said, "So you seduced her?" "It appeared to be...

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08 Gay Beginnings Part 1

Gay Beginnings Many of you have read my other stories about some of the exceptional boys who were a part of my life. But now I think it is time for me to recount how I was introduced to gay sex in the first place. I grew up in a small town in rural Maharashtra, and was about 19 years old at the time. I was a tall and well built boy for my age and though I looked quite mature I was actually an innocent who knew little or nothing about sex or sexuality and had never been exposed to...

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Sex With An Office Collegue 8211 Ahmedabad

Hi, I am ronu from Ahmedabad. This is a story of me and my office colleague Jyoti. I have left my job but this incident still remains in my mind. I request you all to read till end. It was company’s yearly meet and the HOD’s of the company’s has been taken to one of the resort with all the marketing persons from India. We both were HOD of our dept., we have been working together for about 7 years and our relationship tuning was very good. We never had any intention in our mind that one day we...

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Sexy Dirty Slut pt 2

I could tell that Tommy and Larry were really horny and excited to meet me when they did. Richie was cute with how much he wanted to show me off. I stripped my clothes off in the living room while the four men watched me. None of them could take their eyes off my tits. They were big as I held them and jiggled them. Richie’s dog, the black mutt named Roscoe, was also in the living room. He sat on the floor on his haunches with his growing erection dripping pre-ejaculate. As I stood...

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My head cradled on the soft pillow with my eyes closed, I lay there embodied in full contentment, and a satiated smile rests quietly on my lips. It takes about three seconds for my brain to process that I likely overslept. I sleepily reach for my cell phone on the night stand, which is only inches away from my face. I swipe the screen with an index finger and give a one eyed wink at the screen to see the time. 7:19 AM. The Eurostar train that I hope to take to Paris today has already departed...

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Battle for the Known Unknown Ch 08

Chapter Eight Ecstasy – 3750 C.E. The flight from Godwin to the colony of Ecstasy in Neptune orbit marked the first time that Paul had ever left the comforts of his cylindrical world. And this first stage of his journey to Earth alone would take over three months. Although such a voyage was something he’d always dreamed of, it really wasn’t especially enjoyable. The lengthy and incapacitating process of the skeletal refit prescribed by his doctor confined him to his room for the first half of...

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Massage with the Swede

My wife and I checked into our favorite getaway, a mountain resort with grat dining, a pool, golf and a spa. Wee spent the first two days golfing and relaxing by the pool.Cindi gets frisky on vacation and we spend the late nights on the deck doing it every way we can think of. If someone has night vision across the way they get a pretty good show.Wednesday we weree signed up for massages at teh spaAs I sipped coffee on the deck I was pleasantly surprosed as Cindi leaned over and gave me anothe...

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My Best Friends Mother

Stevie and I were best friends growing up. We were pals, but one of the main reasons I hung out with him so much was because of his mother, Margie. Margie was 26 years older than I was, but I was in love with her from the day I first met her. She was tall - about 5'7 - with long, slender sexy legs. Her hair was always bleached blond, kept fairly short and always perfect. She had beautiful green eyes and those wonderful tits! Ah, those wonderful tits! They weren't huge, but they seemed so...

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A Cautious ManChapter 18

Bill had waited until Lexi and Junior were out of the house before he sat down with Marion. He had been in turmoil for several days as he reviewed the evidence of her latest infidelity. The arrogant, pompous Douglas Bingham was less than he seemed, and the patience and strategy that Bill and Tex had employed was going to pay dividends. Marion would have no hint that her life was to be turned upside down, and that there would be no way for her to completely right it again. Mr. Bingham would...

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MactownChapter 5

Sorry this took so long. I finished it, then my computer died on me and I had to start all over Greg The diner was busy and the high-school student waitresses were rushing back and forth with trays of food. The place was colorful with red and yellow. The benches were red and yellow. The uniforms were red and yellow. The menus, the car figurines, the tables, the building, even the food seemed to be red and yellow. “What’s with this place?” Landon asked. “Looks like Ronald McDonald vomited...

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My Observation Deck

My Observation Deck When I bought that house on the hill, the selling feature was the observation deck up on the roof. I had it enlarged so that it extended out past the footprint of the house itself. I had it fully reinforced as well to hold extra weight. I then had a sunroom added for my office. With the addition of lounge chairs, propane barbecue, and a bar I was ready to hold parties. The view was beautiful up into the mountains and the view down into the valley was not too bad...

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Meet the Pornstars

It was an exciting day for Joey Brett. He had won tickets to meet his favorite porn stars: Sierra Devi and Janet Jade. He had walked in with his lanyard, flashing it to the guard.There they were... these two busty beauties, wearing tank tops that exposed their massive cleavage, looking at him. "Well, who do we have here?" the bustier Sierra asked."Joey Brett," he said, offering his hand and showing them his DVD."It's nice to meet you," Janet said. She got a marker and signed her name on the...

1 year ago
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More time out

Alison pussy spasmed as Jj slipped his cock from her as she laid out on the bed trying to think how the next three weeks could cary on. JJ's spunk slipped from her pussy soaking the sheet beneath her as her hand went to her pussy, her fingers gently stroking her clit and fingering her cunt. It was three finger day as her fingers milked her horny cunt and clit as hae arse gyrated as her pussy clamped rythmically on her fingers. she buried her head in the sheets wondering where her young pussy...

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Along Came A Spider Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Junior Sex Club 5

Introduction: Pins and Needles I found a much better rewritten version of this story once online, and regretted erasing it from my computer. Heres the origanal written by someone else….I take no credit it for this, but thought many of you might like it. I only which I could get my hands on the rewritten copy so if anyone has it or knows where to get it, much apreasiated. ————————————————————————————————————————- The week passed slowly…but not without incident! When I got home Tuesday after...

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Just your ass tonight

My cell phone vibrated. “U free?” No emoticons were in the text message. She was horny. We met on a summer’s morning, a few years back, while we were waiting for the bus on our way to work; she smiled at me and asked if the bus was ever on time. I laughed and replied, no. I had stared at her many times on the bus and subway, at her tits to be specific. They were large, meaty, full and firm. In the summer, she flaunted them. Tight t-shirts, low cut tops and unbuttoned blouses. They would...

Quickie Sex
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 30

When Judy Jeffries walked into the lounge of the Ramada Inn north of San Diego, she took a deep breath. She was about to try to pick up a man — something she had never done nor had she ever dreamed of doing. It was Friday evening and she had received a telephone call from her mother earlier in the week. She had been told about a new officer who had joined her father's command at Camp Pendleton: a major named Mike Morris. According to her mother he was a wonderful guy, but where girls were...

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A New Start The BeginningChapter 11 Train Training

A couple of Soldiers brought in pitchers of ice water and glasses for everyone. Braggard started from the beginning and his aide 25 year old 5' 7" 34B3036 110 lb black haired brown eyed 1LT Marie Stewart started writing on the dry erase board, as Gen Braggard explained his plan. The train had already been pieced together. It was self contained and carried almost as much fire power as a light aircraft carrier. It had eight Apache attack helicopters; four Kiowa 58D scout/attack helicopters;...

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Reality Warped

Someone near you has gained the ability to change reality. They could be a coworker, friend, family, it doesn't matter, they now can alter whatever they like. It could be your favorite food, the color of the sky or even passages in the Geneva convention, whether people notice it or not is for them to decide. For some reason or another they've set their sights on you.

Mind Control
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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 15 The Deal

George was hung over, sore, and tired when his alarm woke him up at 6am. It wasn't until he got out of bed, finally, that he realized he was naked, and memories from the night before came swarming back. He couldn't help but smile when they did, too. What a great idea it'd been to give the slut a taste of her own medicine. By the time he'd gotten back from bowling his little girl had been so bombarded with porn that her young mind had snapped. He'd been drunk, sure, but he could clearly...

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Maid Elizabeth

August 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. ‘What’re you doing?’ He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. ‘Working on my boat. What does it look like?’ The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. ‘ How come you’ve got a boat then?’ Jack snorted....

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FlashedDoctor Doctor

"Ah, Mrs. Morris. Here for your check-up?" "Yes, Dr. Burns." "Good, Good. Well, let's get started then, shall we?" The examination took half an hour. "Mrs. Morris, I'm pleased to tell you that you're in excellent health for your age. Is there anything else I can do for you while you're here?" "There is actually, doctor." Mrs. Morris looked embarrassed. "It's okay. There's nothing you can say that I won't have heard before." "Well, it's my husband. He's been having...

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NubileFilms Cindy Shine Give It All

Cindy Shine is hanging out in bed with her tablet, passing time until her boyfriend Charlie Dean can join her. Charlie doesn’t just come over, he brings roses to make sure that Cindy is putty in his hands. Between the anticipation of Charlie’s arrival and the lovely flowers, Cindy is already all smiles. That’s when Charlie takes the opportunity to pop the question. Cindy’s reaction is instant and carnal. She puts the ring on her finger and then slides her hands low to...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 21

These are compliments of joevsr‎ Santa Claus’ 11 Reindeer. You have the first eight Donner, Bliztzon, Comet, Cupid, etc etc. 8 Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer 9 Bruno, the Brown Nose Reindeer, (He is 2nd in line behind Rudolf, He is just as fast, but he is not good at stopping as quick) 10 Then you have Olive, the other Reindeer. (in the song, Olive the other reindeer) How the Angel got on top of the Christmas Tree. It was a few days before Christmas and Santa was having a bad...

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Newspaper man

One of my earliest memories of my childhood is rubbing myself in newspaper. As I grew older it became more and more sexual. When I was about eighteen, I remember going up to the attic with several Sunday papers. I was all alone in the house. I wanted to play in my papers. It usually consisted of rubbing and wrapping the sections onto my nude body. I vaguely felt like I wanted to be absorbed into the newspaper. The Sports section excited me most. All of a sudden I felt myself get very hard and...

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Guess I Am a Cum Slut

This is a true story-I still can not believe that I did this. Let me give you a little back ground. I lost my virginity at 16 with a guy I met at a party who was home for the weekend from a big college on the east coast. He told me he would love me forever and if we had sex. He was so good looking and much older I gave in and we fucked all weekend then I never heard from him again. The next couple of guys I had sex with it was the same story. I quickly learned that all this fairy tale stuff...

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The Wager part 7

Chapter Twenty Week twenty one and I was still trying to get clear from Sam what a real girl's night out was. She told me that the whole idea was to get dressed up in the sexiest outfits possible, then have enough drink to lose some inhibitions. You then went dancing and the idea was to do as many naughty things as you wanted to without grabbing a man and getting laid. That is unless you met the right hunk and wanted to get laid. I was definitely not sure whether I should be part of...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 4

She’s putting the sandals to the side, sitting next to me, under the blanket. “How are you feeling? About the breakup and all?” I ask her. “A little better. I’m still upset though. It was nice talking with you about it last time. I’m glad you listened to me and gave me some comfort by just being there for me and hugging me. It means a lot to me.” “Anytime darling, I’d like you to feel better.” She’s turning her face towards me. “Mind if I get another cuddle from you? It just feels so good. It...

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Perfect WishesChapter 17 Rescue

The drive to San Diego was pleasant. She wanted to know all about my old life, and I guess I was ready to talk about it. I told her all about coming of age in the 1970's. She laughed when I related the trauma of switching my car stereo from 8-track to cassette (no hybrid systems in those days) and having to re-stock my entire music library. She wondered at a world with no cell phones, no cordless phones and only the rare television with a remote control. We talked about my days in the...

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Romancing the Librarian Pt 03

A Decision at Chaco After the scare with Julie’s uncle and the other bikers at the edge of the Glen Canyon reservoir, we made our way carefully to the RV hidden in the wash. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the rig headed back to the road in the pitch black, but Marian did a great job with a hooded flashlight. She took the other seat and said the women were going to spell each other staying up with me. I didn’t say anything but wondered when I would get Julie in my lap again. On the low...

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Healing HandsChapter 3

I slowly became aware of my surroundings again, as consciousness started to seep back in, bringing me once more into this strange reality that I found myself in. I was laying on my back, with my eyes closed. I felt two bodies next to me, one on each side. Both were snuggled under my arms, their heads on my shoulders, and breasts pressing in on both sides. One pair felt pert and firm; the other pair felt softer and spread out slighty further. As I slowly inhaled a deep breath, my hands flexed...

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Sam Pt1

CHAPTER 1: .I am such a dork. I am now 17 years and haven’t even kissed a girl. My life and me both sucks. My name is Sam Drew and I am studying in 12th grade now. I am living alone in my house since my father is always travelling and my mother died in a car accident last year. But I was never close with my mom. I was just a disappointment to her and she treated me like a nuisance, making my life hell. So, I don’t miss her at all, I don’t drink or smoke. I never bully or never get in way...

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My Way or the HighwayChapter 4

Alex was giving it hell on Branden's cock while masturbating Doogan so hard that the kid could barely keep his balance. At least Branden had a head-hold to help support his wavering hips as the cock monger extended little mercy feeding his manic infatuation, undoubtedly supercharged by the Ecstasy high. Rising to my feet, I looked Jordie in the eye and placed my hands on his shoulders. Applying only the slightest pressure, the message became clear and he pulled away from me and began...

4 years ago
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A Fun Threesome

A couple of years ago I decided to fulfill some fantasies and started looking for couples who wanted a threesome with another guy. After searching a few websites for ads I found several couples looking for fun. This is the story of the first time I met one of those couples. After several phone and email conversations we planned a night to meet for dinner and fun in a hotel room later. Dinner went very well and there was an immediate connection between all of us. I got us a room and we all...

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Busty Cam Model Fulfills My Incest Fantasy

Hello readers, my name is Nilesh Tiwari. A few weeks ago, in the afternoon, I was lying on the bed thinking about my inability to attract women towards sexual activities. At 20 years of age, the sexual tension inside me was building up and there was no woman around me on whom I could release my sexual tension. There was nothing wrong with me, but the problem lies with women. Finding a woman looking for sex is difficult in real life. Even if you found one, there was no guarantee that she will...

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The Photo Albums

Author’s note: My thanks to Aussie_Bard who previewed the story and pointed out some problems that needed to be addressed. PROLOGUE: After the 2004 earthquake off of Indonesia and the subsequent tsunami which collectively killed more then 275,000 people, the public became aware of how much damage can occur if the earthquake strikes in such a way that it triggers a tsunami. The coastal cities along the North and South American Continents which lie along the Pacific Rim have been aware of the...

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Here for You Ch 1114

Chapter 11 ‘Tell me what happened to your brother,’ Ben said quietly as he and Elle sat opposite to each other over cups of coffee. Elle licked her lips once and took a deep breath. ‘My dad used to be a cop,’ she started. ‘On the summer Evan graduated from high school, he and my dad went for a fishing trip like they usually did every year. They were at the convenience store buying some essentials for their trip when a gunman came in and fired straight at them both. My brother died on the spot...

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Little IndiansChapter 5 Little Indians

Most afternoons Penn, Dee and Madeleine used their freedom to roam the village. They found a few houses that were empty, dark, with their doors unlocked. Although they probably shouldn't have, they would just enter them and explore. They looked lived-in, as if their owners had simply walked out one day and never returned. Madeleine wondered aloud about who might once have lived here, and made a game of trying to find a diary, or a journal, or a portrait, indeed, any indication of who had...

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A boyrsquos lusty start

I was very young, but had already begun to touch, pleasure and explore my smooth body. Late at night, thoughts of sex consumed me. Lying there, naked in my bed, my hands would run up and down my body, imagining it was the hands of an experienced older man. My cock hard and throbbing, leaking a stream of clear, sticky pre cum, I would gently touch my tight asshole, wishing it was him caressing me. I would fantasize about having him suck me, his masculine nude body pressed against me. How I...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 13

The scene at the observatory upon the return of the motorcade was ordered chaos. Brun and her ladies were calmly tending to the wounded. Every now and then a siren would scream by on the street, but they never intruded on the relative calm of the observatory itself. The talking heads of the local news were probably going nuts about all this talk of a major gang war. If they only knew! If people thought the WTO was a war, well they had better take cover when this hit the fan! Megan stood...

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A Prayer Answered Chapter 11

Sandra's Grandfather causes more problems and a few unexpected parishioners come to her rescue. A Prayer Answered Chapter Eleven By Sara D The next morning Dad, Mom, Grandma, Brian and I arrived at the church in our best clothes, Grandma was holding my hand as we entered and were greeted by Pastor Gene. "Well good morning Mrs. Simmons," Pastor Gene said with a smile then continued. "It's good to see you again so soon, where's Mr. Simmons?" Grandma looked a bit upset and...

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Cousin ki bivi ke saath mast chudai

HI ISS Readers. Aap sab logon ko love ka namaskar. Main aapko ek real sex incident batane jaa raha hoon. Yeh kareeb do mahine pehle ki ghatna hai. Main Jamshedpur mein rahta hoon. Meri ek cousin bhabhi hai jiska naam Sangeeta hai. Woh dekhne mein bahut hi sundar aur sexy hai. Uske boobs bahut bade aur gol hain. Uski gaand bhi bahut badi hai. Jab woh chalti hai to uske matakte hue gaand bahut mast lagte hain. Main unke bare mein soch kar bahut baar muth mar chuka hoon. Lekin man mein bas itni...

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