Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 11 Maggie Schumacher
- 2 years ago
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July 22, 1983, McKinley, Ohio
It took me a minute before I could think straight, and another minute to formulate a semi-coherent response.
“Angie, I can’t make the commitment necessary to do that,” I replied gently.
“I know, and I’m not asking for one. I just think it’s the only way forward.”
It was obvious that she felt, based on everything that had happened, she had to prove to me that she COULD have sex. But I wondered if it was more than that. As I quickly thought about it, I was SURE it was more than that.
“Are you trying to prove something to me, or to yourself?”
She sighed deeply, “Both, I guess.”
“And you think going to bed together is the way to do that?”
“I think you’re so concerned about me having a bad reaction — either now, or later — that we’ll never get anywhere.”
“So the alternative is to do something you’ve never wanted to do?”
“But that’s not true, Mike! I wanted to be with you from the beginning! Don’t you remember how it started? I was interested and we went out and had a great time with Jeannette and Marie, and we teased and even kissed a bit. I WANTED to be with you in the worst possible way. But every time we were close, I was nervous — scared, even, and froze up. That one good, French kiss made me tingle. I wanted more, all of it, but...”
She took a deep gasping breath and tears began slowly dripping down her cheeks.
“ ... I was so afraid that I froze up. And then I couldn’t even kiss you properly. But before that? I wanted to.”
I wasn’t quite sure what to do, but putting my arm around Angie seemed like the right thing to do. I scooted close and put my arm lightly around her shoulders. She turned and put her head on my chest, and I felt the dampness of her tears. We were at a serious crossroads and I had no idea what to do about it. Pretty much any action I could possibly take might hurt her.
I’d boxed myself into a corner simply by asking her out. I’d assumed, wrongly, that we could go on a simple date and simply work our way forward somehow. And actually, I hadn’t been sure what ‘forward’ meant when I’d decided to ask Angie on a date, because of the exact problem she’d identified. As I thought about it, no matter what happened, it would have eventually come to a head. Either this way, or, perhaps worse, with a desperate, last-ditch attempt when I was about to commit to someone else.
I also hadn’t considered how going out with Angie might affect my other relationships — Tasha, Maggie, and Clarissa. Angie knew I was seeing them, and I was reasonably certain she knew, or at least suspected, I was sleeping with Milena. And there was the issue of what to do about Kristin when she returned in the Fall, but I felt that one was simple enough to deal with, one way or the other.
And there was a final issue which I had NO idea how to deal with, and that was something I hadn’t even thought about before asking Angie on an actual date. Tasha had required me to promise not to date anyone from either Holy Transfiguration or from Saint Michael the Archangel. That meant I’d broken my promise to Tasha. I might get away with it, because Angie and I hadn’t even kissed, and I COULD ask forgiveness and was likely to receive it. No matter what, I’d have to talk to Tasha about the situation.
“What?” she sniffed.
“You don’t need to prove anything to me. Not that way.”
“But I do,” she sighed, sniffing again. “If we don’t, you’ll never believe we can be together!”
“I wouldn’t say ‘never,” I replied.
“Tell me the truth, Mike. You’re very concerned that I’ll revert to how I was before, or freak out at some point.”
“Yes, I am concerned about that. But going to bed together isn’t the solution. Not now, anyway. If it’s going to happen, it has to be at the right time.”
“And when will that be?”
“I can’t give you a day and time, if that’s what you’re asking for. But it has to be down the road, not tonight.”
Angie shook her head, “We’ll never get there because you have your mind made up.”
I took a deep breath and let it out.
“It’s certainly something I’m concerned about, but I think we can take it slower than just jumping into bed tonight. There are lots of things to talk about and deal with if we’re going to investigate the future together. I really can’t make the commitment necessary to do what you want.”
“I don’t need a commitment,” she sighed. “What I need is to go to bed with you. It’s the only way forward, Mike. No matter what happens afterwards, you won’t be concerned about that, and we can get on with figuring things out. I KNOW you aren’t celibate! Kristin spent nearly every night with you after you and Sandy broke up and I’d bet anything you want to wager you and Milena are sleeping together.”
“Ang...” I protested. “That’s totally not necessary. I mean that. At a minimum, I want to wait for a second date. Will you do that for ME, please?”
“And then you’ll wait for a third, and a fourth, and a fifth...”
“I’m not saying ‘no’, I’m saying let’s take it one step at a time.”
“Is there some other problem?”
There was, but I really didn’t want to get into the whole situation with Tasha until I had a chance to talk to Clarissa and Milena and get some advice. My problem was, I wanted to have my cake, and to eat it, too, and that simply wasn’t possible. I HAD to make a choice that would, for all intents and purposes, end things with Angie or with Tasha. I couldn’t imagine a way out, and I would have to decide immediatley, on which one I thought was a better choice for the future.
I couldn’t say that, but I could temporize.
“Ang, I have a date with Maggie tomorrow. Let me get that out of the way, and then we can see what’s next.”
“I’m not asking you to stop seeing other girls,” she protested.
“No, you aren’t asking, but it’s going to work out that way. We’ve been dating nearly two years, Ang.”
“We have not!”
“Really? What would YOU call it? Running? Morning and evening prayer? Two or three meals every day? Church at least three times a week? And don’t forget you being called ‘Mrs. Loucks’.”
“But I told you ‘no’!”
“And yet we spent nearly every waking moment together, when we weren’t in class or studying.”
“Until I had my breakdown.”
“You were sick, Ang. You needed to get well.”
“But you don’t think I am.”
“No, I think you are, but I also remember what you said your counselor advised.”
“So I need a notarized permission slip to go to bed with you?”
I chuckled, “Sorry for laughing, I’d actually like to hear THAT conversation.”
“It’s OK. But what are you trying to say?”
“I don’t know what I’m trying to say. You surprised me and I think this is WAY more complicated than you thought it was. I know it became way more complicated than I thought it was.”
“Because I asked you to go to bed?”
“Partly, but because I didn’t realize myself what was going on. I mean, I knew about the nickname, obviously, but I didn’t really think it was anything other than just a bit of teasing. In hindsight, it wasn’t.”
“But I didn’t see it that way!”
I smiled and asked gently, “Are you SURE about that? Why do all those things? Including your comments about Sandy providing certain wifely benefits which you couldn’t.”
“Now that you’ve proved this isn’t our first date, you can take me to bed.”
I shook my head, “Not yet. Ang, if you want this to work, we need to take it slowly. And I know you’ve said you aren’t asking for a commitment, but I believe that’s what it would amount to.”
“YOU believe,” she said, sounding a bit exasperated. “I told you I don’t. Are you committed to Milena? Or Kristin? Or Sandy?”
“This is different,” I replied.
“Because I have no intention of marrying them or even considering marriage with them.”
“How does that even make sense? You’ll go to bed with girls who you won’t marry but not with the ones you might?”
I nodded, “As odd as that sounds, it’s more or less where I’ve found myself.”
“Tasha, Maggie, and me?”
“I really shouldn’t comment on that, but as you know, or guessed about the others, yes.”
“May I ask a VERY personal question?”
“Go on.”
“Your choice? Or theirs?”
“It’s not cut and dried. The desire is there, but the decision was to wait for much the same reason as I just gave — the commitment.”
“From their perspective or yours?”
“Both, really. And I want to remind you of how you thought about that before. And I’m not talking about the mental or emotional block, but your view on pre-marital sex.”
“I don’t know that I can separate the two.”
“Sure you can,” I replied. “You told me, to simplify it, that fooling around with Jeannette and Marie would create serious problems between us.”
“I did,” Angie said with a slight sigh. “But things were different because of my struggles.”
“But not only because of them. You were sort of the anti-type of the Catholic girl stereotype.”
Angie laughed, “I guess I was, or am. I don’t want to go to bed with just anyone. I’m just concerned that you’ll never do it.”
“If it’s the right thing to do, and at the right time, I will. But that’s not tonight.”
When the album finished, I walked Angie to her room where we exchanged a hug and she gave me a peck on the lips. I went back to my room, undressed, got into bed, and fell asleep.
July 23, 1983, McKinley, Ohio
“I think you made the right decision,” Clarissa replied after I explained what had transpired the night before.
“But what do I do NOW?” I asked. “I didn’t expect to have to make a decision about Tasha until next Summer.”
“You mean because of the promise about not dating anyone from church?”
“Wasn’t that really directed at Janey? And possibly Katy?”
“Yes, but Tasha didn’t name them. She just said no girls from either church.”
“And if Maggie starts going to church?”
“A similar problem.”
“And given what happened with Janey, you aren’t going to risk trying to finesse it.”
“No chance.”
“What about asking Tasha?”
I laughed, “‘Hi, Tasha. Do you mind if I date Mrs. Loucks?’”
“Yeah, maybe not,” Clarissa replied mirthfully. “It’s only Tasha, though, right? Angie and Maggie aren’t asking you to stop seeing other girls, are they?”
“Not yet. But as I said before, it’s not like this was really my first date with Angie. And you know what everyone thought about us.”
“Yes, but what did YOU think about the two of you being together?”
“I wanted it in the worst way until she had her meltdown.”
“A defining event, similar to Jocelyn’s.”
“Yes,” I sighed. “And the source of what I consider the biggest risk of any.”
“You know,” Clarissa said with a soft laugh, “you could just fuck them all and decide which one you like best!”
“Oh yeah, because THAT won’t cause any trouble at all!” I laughed. “And that isn’t exactly the basis for marriage I was thinking of.”
“In all seriousness, couldn’t you talk to Tasha?”
“And what? Give her what amounts to an ultimatum? Or have her give me one?”
“Isn’t that effectively your only way out without eliminating one or the other?”
“I suppose it is.”
“If push comes to shove, who do you choose?”
“If I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn’t have needed to talk to you about it.”
“What about Maggie?”
“She’s coming to church with me tonight. We’ll see how it goes.”
“Did Milena hear from her old flame?”
“She just sent him the card yesterday. He’s in San Diego, so I’d guess he’ll receive it Wednesday. I’m hoping, for her sake, he replies and isn’t involved with anyone.”
“Because he’s her soulmate?”
“Yes. I’d like to see it happen. It’s exactly what she needs right now.”
“You two seem to have become super-close.”
“We have, but she’s not you, Lissa.”
Clarissa laughed, “I’m not jealous, Petrovich! I know who you belong to!”
“So that’s how it is, is it?” I asked with a grin she couldn’t see.
“One way or the other, yes. Do you deny it?”
“Call Tasha, Mike. Talk with her. Let her know you’re hanging out with Angie again. See what she says.”
“Put the decision on her?”
“No, it’s on you. You can tell Angie ‘no’. You’re basically letting Tasha know that you can’t accept her terms.”
“I think that makes the most sense.”
“And has the most potential to keep your options open. But promise me one thing, Mike.”
“Whoever you end up with understands our relationship.”
“I promise. Angie obviously knows, and I’ve talked to Tasha. We’ll see what happens with Maggie.”
“When will she be there?”
“For lunch. I have time to call Tasha before then.”
“Call me if you need anything, Petrovich. I miss you and love you.”
“I miss you and love you, too, Lissa. I’ll see you in three weeks.”
We said goodbye and hung up. I thought for a bit about what I’d do if Tasha pushed the issue, and I actually wasn’t sure. I stood, staring at the phone and then dialed Tasha’s number, still unsure as to what I’d do if the gambit Clarissa had suggested didn’t work.
“Mishka!” Tasha exclaimed in her usual way of greeting me.
“Hi, Tasha! How are you?”
“Good. I plan to come see you next weekend if that’s OK.”
“It is.”
“I was thinking Sunday. I’ll come to church and then we can spend the rest of the day together. Dad is going to be at the cathedral.”
“Uhm, that might mean I get called, if there’s something special going on.”
“No. The protodeacon is on vacation. They aren’t doing a hierarchical liturgy, but the bishop likes to have a deacon to lead prayers.”
“OK. Then let’s plan on Sunday. I need to ask you a question.”
Tasha was quiet for a moment, then said, “She wants to date?”
“I knew that day would eventually come. And you promised no girls from either Holy Transfiguration or Saint Michael the Archangel.”
“I did.”
“And you aren’t ready to choose between us, are you?”
“Thank you for being completely honest with me. It’s OK, if you go out with her, but I do have one important condition.”
“What’s that?”
“Anything you do with her, you do with me.”
“Tasha...” I protested.
“What? Are you sleeping with her?”
“So what’s the problem?” Tasha asked impishly.
“Never mind,” I chuckled. “An interesting strategy.”
“One which protects my interests and which ensures you’ll consider your course of action very carefully.”
“Because of my promise to you.”
“You’re a smart girl, Natalya Vasilyevna.”
“I’m a Russian girl who is playing for keeps!”
And she was calculating, correctly, that she couldn’t be sure which decision I might make if push came to shove, and she was right. I’d dodged a bullet, for the moment, though I suspected Angie was going to continue the full-court press on going to bed together, and that would be the point of no return, one way or the other.
I wasn’t going to sleep with both of them, which meant that if I did decide to sleep with Angie, things were over with Tasha. And I was going to keep my promise to Tasha to not make love with her before we were in a committed, permanent relationship. That pretty much determined my course of conduct. That said, one of them might decide on another guy, though I hadn’t seen any signs of that, and make the entire point moot.
“How is work going?”
“Good. I talked to my dad more about the pharmacy technician license and he’s going to get me the study guides. I can take the test once I turn eighteen. That puts me in a position to work after school during my senior year to get some experience.”
“That sounds like a good plan,” I replied.
“That would also let me save more money so when you ask me to marry you, we’ll have sufficient resources to get you through medical school if I work.”
“When?” I asked with a soft laugh.
“I believe, over all, I offer the complete package! Smart, beautiful, a fantastic body, Orthodox, Russian, and I have a burning desire to have you fuck my brains out!” she giggled.
“Tasha!” I exclaimed.
“What?” she asked innocently. “You want to do that as much as I want it!”
“But the way you said it!”
“It got my point across,” she said primly.
“Yes, it did,” I replied, and, because I had the physical reaction I was sure she intended, adjusting my shorts and underwear for comfort, happy she couldn’t see me do that!
“I just wanted to be very clear.”
“You were. How is everything else at home?”
“The same. And there?”
“Other than a fistfight in the hallway over a girl, everything is fine.”
“You had a fistfight?” she teased.
“No, of course not! Two guys, one ex-boyfriend and one current boyfriend. It wasn’t a big deal. One of the other guys and I broke it up and got the kid with a broken nose to the ER. Campus Security investigated and so did the McKinley PD. Nothing has come of it yet, except for a hearing where Dean Anderson will simply give written warnings.”
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“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...
“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...
LesbianPreviously: ----In just a few days during the summer holiday shutdown at the factory, Angie managed in a couple of sessions of sheer unadulterated a****l lust to, not just cheat on her husband Gary, but to contrive to have sex with four black studs and now she has to live with the consequences of her actions:For the whole original story of Angie’s first story read: Tuesday evening was the worst in 34 year old Angie’s young life so far...
Sometimes love is so close that no one sees it. I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not going near her ... she was different. But as time went by (all of about fifteen minutes) I warmed up to her and soon we were inseparable. I thought of Angie as a woman because I was four and she was so much older than me, a...
Tina came running in to Tom, “Please help us so dad does not find out please!!” Tom looked at his almost 17 year old sister, she was wearing her baby doll night clothes which were see thru. He could see her boobs with her lovely puffy nipples. He hid his hard on with his comic “What have you done now,” He knew it concerned her computer, it was, up to this time, the only thing in common between him and his sister. He got up as she ran back to her room. Following he realised she was not wearing...
Deputy Sergeant Applegate pursed her full lips. She had to make a decision. Angie had been promoted to deputy sergeant from the outstanding work she had done while on temporary duty. She had been offered sergeant after successful completion of a voluntary undercover assignment. The job would require temporary duty with the vice squad in Los Angeles. It wasn't something she had been trained to do, but Lieutenant Frost told her that she was a natural. Angie was to report to the vice squad...
Copyright© 2006 msboy Edited by pairadice. My deepest appreciation to him. Any mistakes are my own not his. The phone rang again and again. It wouldn't stop ringing, Angie picked up the phone. "No Comment!" then slammed the receiver down. The phone began ringing again almost at once. Angie decided to let it ring for awhile. I'll just let those reporters stew in their own juices. The phone just kept ringing and ringing. Angie had enough of the shrill noise, She picked up the phone and...
After the initial hookup with Angie, our hot little neighbor who was my wife’s best friend and confidant, I was eager to see what lay ahead for all of us.Several days went by after our initial hookup, which unbelievably, was secretly blessed by my wife, Joy as a way to fix my “bedroom issues”. Of course, I was not informed about the blessing from my wife; I simply overheard the set-up discussion by pure accident as I was eavesdropping on a private conversation from the garage.I had always had a...
SwingersAngie Ch. 02 By bmunchausen© Here is the second chapter. I hope that you like it. Please comment. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. * After setting up an appointment for the next month, Angie said we had to go and tell Gram. I agreed. Angie asked me, ‘What do you think she will do?’ ‘After she smacks us along side of the head, I think she is going to be overjoyed that she is going to be a great-grandmother,’ I laughed. When we got to Gram’s we sat in the den with her. We...
Doug and Angie were lying on the grass in the quadrangle. Too soon the bell would ring and they'd have to go to classes. But for now they could lay close together, enjoying the nearness of their bodies. "You know what time I hate the most?" Angie asked. "What?" "Friday night." "Wha-at?" Angie slipped her hand down between their bodies and put it on his crotch. "Because I know it'll be a whole seven days before we can make love again. "Don't do that here," Doug said...
Here is the second chapter. I hope that you like it. Please comment. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. * After setting up an appointment for the next month, Angie said we had to go and tell Gram. I agreed. Angie asked me, ‘What do you think she will do?’ ‘After she smacks us along side of the head, I think she is going to be overjoyed that she is going to be a great-grandmother,’ I laughed. When we got to Gram’s we sat in the den with her. We didn’t say anything at first. ...
Angie was thrilled when Dave got the new job. He finally had a chance to make something of himself and provide for his young family. Angie and Dave had married in their early twenties, he was twenty-two, she twenty-one. Neither had gone to college. Dave was working in a small pay day loan office and Angie was a waitress.They met at church. Both had been somewhat loners, neither dating much. Angie had only moved out of her parent's house two years prior. They were somewhat of an anomaly, as they...
Angie gets arrested with her boyfriend early one morning, and is forced to give the arresting officer a blowjob. Afterwards, she is taken down to the police station, where the desk sergeant fucks her from behind while giving her a full body cavity search. Then she is handed over to the receiving lieutenant for processing. ---------------------------- The receiving lieutenant turned out to be a slightly heavy woman of about forty, with a ring of keys dangling off one hip, and a long baton...
Just another story that came to me while working of Teacher. I will have that finished soon. Thanks for your patience. All comments are welcome. Sometimes love is so close that no one sees it. I want to thank Mang0nel, for his help and advice in editing this story. * I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not...
I was still confused by the scene I had witnessed outside as Maggie had said goodbye to Michael. But at least the visitors from Manchester had left and I could try and talk things through with Maggie. Meanwhile I heard a sound behind me in the bedroom.I turned around and saw that Kat was starting to wake up.She saw me and smiled, which lifted my spirits considerably.“Thank you for last night. It was lovely. I was a bit surprised but in a good way,” I said.“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. So did...
Wife LoversIt was a Friday afternoon and my wife, Karen, called me and said that she was going to go out with a friend. She knew I had a dinner planned with a customer and the kids were gone for the weekend so it was her ticket to have fun. She said her friend Angie’s husband Mike was traveling so it was girl’s night out. Angie was in her early 40’s and I had always thought she might hot if she dressed a little more proactively and was a little more out-going, something my wife has no...
Sara carried what little of her bags she could down the hall of the dorm to her room. Today was moving in day and she was very nervous. She had no help; Sara had made the trip to the university on her own. She passed several other girls that were also moving in. She noticed that most of them were here age, eighteen and a freshman like her. She had to sit a couple bags down so she could open her dorm room door. Sara stuck the key in the lock and turned. Immediately, the door opened and she could...
LesbianPretty much a true story, this comes from an old clubbing friend I hadn’t seen for years. Claire & Angie’s Holiday AdventureI never really intended it to happen, but sometimes these things just do. Blame the heat, blame the booze if you like, and you can even blame me, because I don’t regret a thing. At least we’ve managed to contain it to once or twice a year since then, Brokeback Mountain style, but for women.I’m Claire, she’s Angie, and we met at work five years ago, hitting it off...
She had the house -- Mom's house -- to herself for the weekend, thank heavens. And she hadn't been shy about telling him so as they were leaving the movie. "Come on over?" she'd asked in the demurest tone she could muster. "Are you sure?" he'd asked. "I just invited you, didn't I?" Did she need to remind him it was their fifth date already? Or how lucky he was that she adored shy guys so much? Just how long did he expect her to wait?"I'd love to. If you're sure."She was sure, all right. And she...
Tricia and I shared a friends with benefits type of relationship. However, since we lived about 2 hours apart we usually met only once or twice a month for a day or weekend at a hotel somewhere about an hour away from each of us to share some orgasmic fun together. Tricia was bi-sexual and her apartment roomate (Angie) was also one of her lover's. Tricia eventually introduced me to Angie and we started enjoying some occasional threesome's. At the time, Tricia and I were in our late 30's and...
Peter Morrow rubbed his eyes with his fingers, trying desperately to get the sleep dust out and make them stop itching. He glanced over at his traveling companion. He had to admit, she was a beautiful young woman. Peter knew he had been away from home for way too long when he started noticing other women. His wife was the love of his life, his soul mate, his best friend, and the most beautiful woman he had ever met. Only when he was away from home for too long did he consider cheating on...
I just want to say, before we get properly into this story, that I had an absolute blast writing this!I don't think I've ever had as much joy in writing a story, than I did with this one.That said, I do so hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :)Although if you hate it, or worse yet, hate me for having written it, well, you can just go on ahead and pucker those lips of yours up and kiss my arse!...
It was the end of another school day, 11th June 1968 to be precise, as Steven Coburn headed toward the main door of the school on his way home, accompanied by his classmate and best friend, Martin 'Wilks' Wilkins. “COBURN.... Come back ’ere and get in my study before you even think of going anywhere,” bellowed the rich Yorkshire tones of Mr. Fishwick the large and imposing headmaster, just as Steven was about to exit the building. Stopping in his tracks Steven turned around and looked towards...
Angie dropped Trish at Alicante airport, their goodbyes were a little tearful but not overly sad, it was more like good friends saying goodbye, yes they had been lovers for a week and a bit but both seemed content to accept that it was a holiday fling and not try and make any more of it. Neither of them had previously been with a girl before, neither had gone looking for a girl on girl relationship, it just sort of happened. Trish was a pretty happy go lucky sort of girl, she took what life...
AngieMature and Younger, Up Skirt, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Cream PieAngie was still in a daze from the past 24 hours as she walked through the empty house, with Keith. It had started when he unexpectedly came to her room at the boarding house. She was in a depressed mood, accessing her life on her 50th birthday wondering if she actually mattered to anyone when Keith came. He had left more than 8 months ago, she had thought he would be like many before and never return. He was 20 years...
Angie was our very vivacious next-door neighbor. She and Bob, her husband of almost ten years, were super nice neighbors and as the years past, my wife Joy and I got to know Angie and Bob very well. They had kids that were the same age as ours and we shared similar interests.Angie was no slouch in the “good looks” department and was very fit and trim. She knew she had a knockout body and loved to flaunt it, much to my chagrin. Joy knew that Angie was a tease, but she never said anything to me...
SwingersThe PartyIt wasn't one of those noisy and over the top costume parties rather it was a relaxed and leisurely get together of professional-looking people. In no circumstances could it be described as stiff, nevertheless, it represented a somewhat sober image to be called a party. The food and drinks were impeccable and even the pickiest of picky people would find it hard to complain about it. The lights were comfortably bright, not too harsh for the eyes, and neither so dim that you would have...
It’s All in Maggie Fletcher’s HeadThe warm reception afforded my recent story ?Inside the Mind of Dr. O’Brien? has prompted me to write another story using some of the characters and ideas of Steve Pervy’s great BDSM novel ?It/s All In The Mind? ( available on this site as story #4061). You can figure out this story on its own but it will be more enjoyable of you read a bit of the real Steve Pervy first. It should be remembered that the Rev. E. E. Norcod inhabits a far darker universe than...
Dot and Maggie were the last of the office crowd in the dimly lit lounge of a favorite dance and dinner establishment. The two ladies continued drinking after dinner. Maggie was recently divorced; again. She was crying on Dot's shoulder. It was not unusual for my wife to be out with one or more of her girlfriends. After 20 plus years of marriage I had grown accustomed to her solo adventures with other women. Many times she wouldn't show up till the next morning. I knew that I would get the...