Cap'n Angie free porn video

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I just want to say, before we get properly into this story, that I had an absolute blast writing this!
I don't think I've ever had as much joy in writing a story, than I did with this one.
That said, I do so hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :)

Although if you hate it, or worse yet, hate me for having written it, well, you can just go on ahead and pucker those lips of yours up and kiss my arse! :P



Cap'n Angie


Who wants to hear a tale?
Gather round, and I shall tell ye.

'Tis a fine tale, indeed, about a brave pirate captain that was unlike any that you land lubbers had ever seen before!

I'll start our tale along the high seas.

There, stood at the wheel of the ship, was the most feared and celebrated pirate captain this side of the Caribbean.
But there was something different about this captain.

You see, the captain was no man.
She was a woman!

Although not the first woman to ever set sail on the high seas as captain,
Captain Angie was indeed the best!

She sailed the good ship "Daniella", which was manned by a crew of 30.

She always wore her signature outfit. Tight red and black striped leather trousers, with a white frilly blouse shirt and red leather waistcoat, with the buttons undone at the breasts, which barely contained her heaving chesty cannonballs!
With black leather knee-high buckled boots on her feet, and a big black captain's hat with her vigil emblazoned front and centre of it.

Now, you're probably be thinking to ye'self that wearing the same leather-based outfit every day in the blazing heat would make her smell about as refined as mature Stilton cheese, But ye be wrong, ya scallywag! How dare you even suggest that?!

The good captain always kept a clean ship, along with a clean crew and a clean body.
Every evening, when the North Star shines brightest, she makes the entire crew bathe naked with her in the communal Jacuzzi below deck.

...Aye, so, the good ship Daniella is indeed the only vessel to have a below deck Jacuzzi that can fit over 30 men and women in it, what of it?

Not only that, but she always makes sure everybody's clothes get cleaned by the single on board washer-woman, who, with a little bit of voodoo magic and a Whirlpool washing machine, removes all traces of sweat and bloodstains in every outfit!

Angie was feeling very smug, having just conquered her 213th ship. The bowels of her ship heaved with freshly plundered gold.

She was watching over the men and women of her crew, as they sorted through the gold, repairing the sails, and going about general other conduct as is befitting of a crew on-board a ship that has just fought a good battle.

Although she noticed a few of her crew bounding around in a little excited crowd.

"Yar! What goes it there, men?"
She cried out as she released the wooden wheel, and strutted over to them.

"Aye, cap'n, just dealing with the last of that plundered crew."
One of her men declared.

"Let me see."
She barged a parting into the small crowd.

There, on the floor, scared and shaking, was a young woman in a tattered and ripped frock, bound up in rope.

"Why is she not floating in the sea with the debris of the rest of that forsaken crew?"
Captain Angie asked.

"Thought we'd keep her 'round, cap'n. She can serve the men well!"
The rough-voiced pirate smirked as the other men around them cheered.

With a sudden swipe of her cutlass, Cap'n Angie swatted the side of his cheek, cutting it.

"Another remark like that, and you'll feel the pointy end of my cutlass!"
She sneered. She then swung the cutlass again, this time cutting the ropes around the scared woman's wrists.
"I will have no woman's good character besmirched by such filthy behaviour!"

"P-p-please show mercy!"
The shaking young maid reached her hands out, grabbing the good captain's legs as she knelt up onto her knees.

Angie stopped her from coming any closer by holding the pointy end of her cutlass against her exposed chest.

"Mercy? You're lucky I don't make you walk the plank!"
She narrowed her eyes at her.

The poor woman begged.

Angie lowered her sword.
"Bow... Bow your head!"
She barked.

The pretty young lady looked up, confused, and frightened.
Angie raised her sword above her head, and the woman immediately bowed her head down, her arms and legs shaking with fear.

The captain then laid the sword down flat onto her shoulders.
The scared woman gulped, awaiting an attack.

"Do you pledge loyalty to me?"
Captain Angie asked.

The woman didn't respond. She was too scared, too confused.

"I won't ask again. Do you pledge loyalty to me?"

She eagerly submitted.

"Swear it."

"I swear my loyalty to you!"

Angie smiled, and sheathed her cutlass.
The woman anxiously raised her head to look up at her.

The good captain bent her knees slightly, resting one hand on her thigh while the other held the young woman's head up with a finger and thumb on her chin.

"You shall be my personal servant. I expect you to follow my orders, and to complete dutifully any chore that I give you."
She told her before instructing her to stand up onto her feet.

"Y-yes ma'am."
The lady replied, stood before the captain, her head bowed again.

"And don't call me 'ma'am',"
The fearsome captain told her, as she adjusted her hat,
"Call me Cap'n Angie!"

Later that evening, Captain Angie was sat beside her hat, on her big dodo-feather stuffed queen-sized bed, in her private quarters.
The young woman (the scared one from earlier. Keep up ya barnacle plucker!) was sweeping the floor with a broom, still in her tattered frock.

"'Tis a great day for you to have joined our crew, wench!"
The captain cheered.

"Aye, Cap'n Angie."
The maid sighed.

"Aye, indeed. With all that gold we plundered from your previous crew, we are due for a celebration!"
The captain stood up, and began to put on a ceremonial red-coloured long coat.

The maid just carried on sweeping the floor.

"I forgot to ask, what be your name, wench?"

"Victoria, cap'n."

"Ah, what a coincidence! My first name is Cap'n!"
Angie grinned from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

"Um, no, I was referring to you-"
Victoria paused as Angie just grinned inanely at her,
"Never mind."

"You know what, Vickie - mind if I call you Vickie? - I got a good feeling about you."
Angie nodded with approval as she put her hat on.

"Thank you, cap'n."

"Come, you're a valued member of my crew now, put that broom down and join the celebration!"
Angie put an arm around her shoulders and began to lead her out of the cabin.

She suddenly paused, and looked around,
"Wait, where is my little Polly?"
She began to make kissing sounds.

Victoria was taken aback by the sight of an orange and black coloured cat walking towards them both. What was truly bemusing to see was that the kitty was wearing a tailor-made green Macaw parrot costume.

"Can't forget my pwecious liddle-iddle-widdle Polly kitty now, can I? Noooo..."
Angie spoke to the cat in baby noises as she picked her up and placed her onto her shoulders.

"Come along!"
She then put an arm back around Victoria and led her outside.

"Men! And women! Hear your captain!"
She declared aloud with arms outstretched.

"Aye, captain!"
All of the crew stopped what they were doing and cheered at her.

'Polly' mieowed and jumped down off of Angie's shoulder, leaving a couple scratches behind her as she did.
Angie just ignored this slight, and carried on her speech to the crew regardless.

"Ye bunch of mangy dogs! Ye rotten scoundrels of discernible taste and questionable fashion sense!"
The captain began to loudly berate them.
"Ye whiny pack of chip-stealing sickly seagulls! Ye bunch of penny-pinching flag-furling fart-sniffers!"
She continued.

"You know what you are?!"
She then asked, her bellowing question met by silenced awe.

"...Only the best freakin' crew ever!!"
She then cheered, which was immediately followed by rapturous cheers and applause and wild whoops from her crew.
"All you great guys and lovely ladies really outdid yourselves on that last raid! I mean, wow... Just wow... This lucky captain really couldn't ask for a better crew. God knows I keep asking! Haha haha haaa!"
She laughed, as did the crew.
"How much gold did we plunder?"

The on-board accountant, who is, let's be honest, the crew's geeky swot and looks just as nerdy, held up a scrolled sheet with tons of tally-marks scratched onto it,

"Ahem... My captain,"
He began as he adjusted his eye-glasses on his ferret-like face,
"We plundered precisely; 648,923 pieces of 8, 175,930 of silver, 93,721 doubloons, 194-"
He stopped as the captain held her hand up in the air.

"In other words: A whole bloody island's worth of treasure, YARR!!!"
She cheered, along with her crew.

"Right, you miserable sacks of tadpole ploppings! The treasure shall be split equally, but remember, one chest-full of it shall be kept behind, where we shall bury it on some godforsaken desert island because... Well, for silly pirate reasons, I'm sure. But enough about the booty!"

She then grabbed the waist of Victoria and pulled her against her,
"You know what to do, grab yourselves some booty of your own - like I have here! -"
She playfully squeezed Victoria's buttcheek,
"And let's party like it's 1699!!"

The whole crew cheered as they all grabbed a jug of rum and began pairing off, men with women, women with men, women with women and men with men, and they all began having a right raunchy time of it on board the ship.

There was music, and shanties, and plenty of jug-swaying and jigging as the whole crew, Captain Angie and Victoria included, got drunk and danced long into the wee hours under a cloudless starry sky.

"Sing! Sing to me, laddies!"
Angie stood up to say, barely keeping her feet steady thanks to the drink and the waves hitting the bow of the ship.

"What'll be, cap'n?"
One of the men asked.

"My favourite. You - hic - know the one I mean!"
She surly chuckled.

All of the crew stopped what they were doing, some of the men even stopped while they was still balls-deep inside some of the women, and a couple of women stopped while still sitting on the faces of other men/women, and they all looked towards the captain, as she began to sing in her pleasant, almost heavenly soft vocal tones.

"♫ Now we are ready to sail for the horn, ♫"

"♫ Weigh, hey, roll and go! ♫"
All of the crew on board joined in, and they all began singing along in acapella unison, which, in all humble honesty, earned them that runner-up title on Pirates' Got Talent.

"♫ Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn,
To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!
Heave a pawl, O heave away,
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board, and the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!

Soon we'll be warping her out through the locks,
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Where the pretty young girls all come down in their frocks,
To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! ♫"

Captain Angie cheered as she pulled Victoria into her and drunkenly smooched her lips.
Victoria's eyes widened in shock, but then closed for a brief moment of the kiss, and then looked back at Angie as she continued singing along.

"♫ Heave a pawl, O heave away,
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board, and the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!

Come press the bars, bullies, heave her away,
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Soon we'll be rolling her down through the bay,
To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!

Heave a pawl, O heave away,
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board, and the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking randy dandy-oh! ♫"

"Yarr!! Beautiful! Just beautiful!"
The drunk yet cheerful captain applauded.
She then looked at Victoria.

"Come with me!"
She grinned and began to lead her back to her quarters.

"Carry on, lads and lasses!"
She called out behind her.

The crew, almost dutifully, carried on with their raucous, wild and lust-driven behaviour.
Except for one lonely voice in the dark who started singing another song...

"♫ I thought I heard the old man say,
Leave her, Johnny, leave her... ♫"
His voice faded in the distance as Captain Angie closed the door behind her as she led Victoria towards her bed.

Before she reached the bed, Angie had wrapped her arms around her and held the back of her body to hers, and she began to kiss her neck.

"Please, captain, be gentle, it's my first time..."
Victoria suddenly whispered.

Angie stopped,
she turned her around so they both faced each other.
"First time in general or...?"

"First time with a woman."
She answered.

"Ah, right..."
Angie's eyes looked down to the side, then back up into her eyes with a big smile,
"Well why didn't you say so, sooner? Vickie m'dear!"
She grinned and then let her go as she fell drunkenly onto the bed.

'Polly' sprang off the bed with a loud yelping meow! As the captain had accidentally sat on her tail.

Victoria nervously took her tattered and torn frock off, so she was now naked.
Her skin a dark bronze colour from enduring so much sun-exposure on her travels.

"Please, Vickie, I won't pressure you."
The captain soothed her worries.
"Do you want to spend the night with me? I won't make you stay if you don't want to."

Victoria eyed the captain, and then the room, anxiously.

"It's your choice."
She smiled at her as she kicked off her buckled boots, and began taking off her outfit.
To her pleasant surprised, Victoria simply stood there watching.

The sexy captain bit her lower lip as she threw her hat to the floor, and her long dark flowing wavy hair fell over her shoulders.
She then swiftly discarded her waistcoat, and undid the remaining buttons of her blouse, and threw that to the side too.

The whole time, Victoria stood, naked, and watching as Angie lifted her bum up and pulled her leather pants down her thighs.
Young 'Vickie' was surprised to see a complete absence of bloomers or any kind of underwear for that matter under her pants.
She was simply naked underneath.

As the leather pants reached her knees, Victoria cautiously stepped closer to the bed, and helped pull the pants off her legs, letting them drop to the floor beneath her.

Without a word said, Angie just looked at her with inviting eyes and an opened arm.
Victoria carefully crept onto the bed, and crawled to the side of the captain, where she rolled onto her back and slipped into the loving embrace of her captain, and turned to the side, wrapping her arms around her body.

They both simply cuddled each other, Angie with one arm around Victoria, and Victoria cuddling her like a pillow, interlocking their legs together.

"Have you really never laid with another woman before?"
Angie quietly asked her.

She just shook her head to answer.

"How about with men?"

"A couple..."
She answered.

"Oh? Anyone special?"

"Not really, cap'n. Except for one that I had fell in love with."

"What happened between you both?"

"I broke up with him."

"Ah. Wasn't the sex exciting enough?"
Angie enquired with a wry giggle.

"Apparently not. He slept with the local harlot behind my back, and my sister too."

"Wow, what a prick!"
Angie gasped.

"It's OK. He's dead now, anyway."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I guess, to hear that. How did he die?"
Angie replied, with uncertainty in her words.

"I'm not. And well, that ship I was on that you and your crew plundered earlier in the morn', well, that was his ship..."

Angie sat up and turned on her side to face Victoria.
She suddenly broke out into a grin, and both ladies shared a chuckle.

"I was only on board because I had sneaked on. I promised him I was going to cut off his balls and feed them to him."
Victoria revealed through her chuckles.

"Wow, you're dark! ...I could always get my men to turn this ship around and go back fishing for his corpse, if you still want to do that?"
Angie then giggled.

"Nah, it's OK. The sharks have probably eaten them already, by now."
Victoria giggled back.

"Oh well, I doubt his balls were much of a meal anyway..."

"Barely enough to count as an hors d'oeuvres!"
Victoria joked back and they both continued laughing.

"May I ask, cap'n?"


"Your name is Angie, yet your ship is called the 'Daniella?'"

"Aye, 'tis named after a fair maiden I met in Saint Martin of such profound beauty that, really, only her name could have graced a ship made of almost equal beauty. Indeed, her beauty and magnificence radiates from her skin like starlight, being in the presence of her glow is like a mere mortal staring at a sun that doesn't so much blind you as makes you fall to your knees holding your arms aloft as you weep, for you realise that looking at her, you are staring into the very soul of creation..."
She grinned profoundly in reply,
"That, and she was also the most greatest fuck I've ever had!"

"Wow, OK."
Victoria chuckled.

"'Tis her bust that is on the front of the ship. you know."
Angie informed her.

"Funny place to keep her bust..."
Victoria giggled.

"It's alright I doubt she'd mind. She's already got an absolute cracking pair of busts on herself so...!"

Angie began to slide her fingers along Victoria's inner thighs, whose grin slowly faded and formed into a nervous anxious taut expression.

"If you're nervous. It might be easier if we start with something you're more comfortable with? Something you've already had experience with before?
Angie calmly asked,
"A guy...?"

"What kind of guy?"
Victoria enquired, more than open to the idea.

"Oh, he's a special guy. He's actually my cabin boy. I picked him especially for his special talents..."
Angie just winked.

"Oh? ...I must say, I am intrigued."
She giggled coquettishly.

With that, the naked captain got up, and went outside.
Victoria could hear her calling out a name.
A few moments passed by, when she returned with a young lad beside her.

Now, he was already in a state of undress, with his trousers barely being held up over his waist.
He wasn't the most striking of men to look at, in fact he barely looked above 20, and unlike most of the men in the crew, he didn't have stud-like features on his face such as a square jaw. In fact he had quite a plain face really. His short blond hair only emphasising the plainness of his features. And he only had a slight bit of muscle definition to his body.

Victoria looked at Angie, obviously puzzled as to why, out of all the men in her crew, did she pick him as her personal cabin boy.

"I know what you're thinking, Vickie, but before you judge him harshly, well... Show her, Smith."
Angie grinned.

Smith sheepishly glanced at Angie, and then looked to Victoria, and let loose the waistband of his trousers, which fell to his ankles.
Victoria gasped at the sight before her eyes.

"Quite the specimen, eh?"
Angie chuckled.

"I'll say!"
Victoria grinned excitedly.

"That's not the only reason he's my cabin boy. He actually loves, and I mean LOVES, giving pleasure to women. If he had it his way, it would only ever be his tongue that gets ridden hard by women!"
Angie continue to boast proudly with chuckles.

"Wow, what a guy!"
Victoria swooned and giggled.

"In fact..."
Angie paused and inspected his face,
"What's all that around your chops?"

She then leaned her nose close to his chin and sniffed.
Her eyes widened at him.
"Whose juice is that?!"

She then naughtily flicked the tip of her tongue against his skin and then gasped.

"Is that Mary-Anne's?!"

Smith only chuckled reply.

"You sly dog, you!"
Angie chuckled,
"You had your eye on her for a while, haven't you? Hmm...
Why don't you go get her, bring her in here too. Go on, before her fanny gets cold!"

"Aye, aye, captain!"
He cheered as he jogged out of the cabin.

He soon returned with a gorgeous looking red-headed young lady, who was barely keeping the dress of her green frock from falling down.

"Now this is what I call a celebration!"
Angie cheered as all 4 of them pounced upon the bed and began making out with each other.

To even attempt to describe what happened next in that cabin, would do it a complete disservice.
But as your loyal narrator, I deem it at least my duty to inform you salty horndogs that every possible position that 3 women and one man can achieve together was tried out, including a few new positions that you've yet to think of for yourself! :P

It ended up with every body being one big sweaty salty cummy mess of hedonistic sexual bliss!
Indeed, the waves of the high seas have never encountered such thunderous tempestuous rollicking than it did that starry night!

And the poor voodoo wishy-washing priestess certainly had her work cut out ridding all the stains made on the sheets!

With that thought, I bid ye, fair tidings, ye bunch of horny scallywags! :P

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When I first asked Angie to keep me accountable for my drinking, I didn't realize just what I was getting myself into, but I knew that something had to change and I was ready to try anything.  I was on probation for a DUI and had subsequently lost my job over too many missed days. When I couldn't pay rent I was kicked out of my apartment.  Fortunately, Angie was my neighbor.She had been two grades above me in school but she knew me because I dated her sister briefly.  Angie lived with her...

2 years ago
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My sexy lover Angie

I was naked on the bed my nine inch cock fully erect has I watched Angie remove her tight black dress revealing the most beautiful body I'd ever seen, her flame red shoulder length hair swaying has she moved, her 36DD size breasts being confined by a black lacy bra, and her completely shaved pussy hidden behind a matching thong, we kept eye contact the entire time our love for each other clear for all to see.  Angie unclasped her bra and allowed it to drop to the floor exposing a huge...

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I met Angie at a hippie festival in southern Oregon.  She was part Native American, small, thin, with chakra tattoos on her wrists and back, and a colorful dragon tattoo wrapped around her right calf.  Whenever the music was playing, she was dancing.  I was there with several friends and she just came up out of the crowd and stretched out on our blanket with her head in my lap, looking up at me.  “Hi,” was all she said, then another reggae song started, and she was up dancing, spinning, and...

Straight Sex
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ANGIE Hello all my names Angie, and have been a good friend of Wendy's for 15 years now, she showed me her site some time ago, and got me thinking , perhaps I could have a go at telling some of my stories that have happened to me in the past.Me and Wendy have had adventures together as well, as you all know she likes to play with the girlies now and again LOL, so perhaps I should start on where I met the very naughty Wendy.It was at a party in Carshalton London, they held regular adult parties...

3 years ago
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“Angie” was a girl I worked with, years, quiet, soft spoken, very catholic and conservative. Always wore conservative clothes, never flirted, never called attention to herself. I shared an office with her and got to know her over several years. Underneath the fa?e she was funny, great to talk to and great to be around. Also, she as gorgeous. When you looked past the conservative clothes and demeanor, she was amazing. She was, married, Mexican and spoke English with probably 95% accuracy and a...

2 years ago
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Naughty Magic pt1 Angie

Asshole. Don't get me wrong, he's a "nice person" and all. But he's completely overshadowing my boyfriend, Brent Stallor! #13, "backup quarterback?!" They don't even give him the chance to shine like the phenomenal star he is! Makes me so mad, I could kill someone. ...not that I would. It's just so unfair. He led our highschool team to three state championships, practically winning two of them single handedly. Stan totally knows he'd be replaced in an instant if my Brent ever gets...

2 years ago
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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie

Sara carried what little of her bags she could down the hall of the dorm to her room. Today was moving in day and she was very nervous. She had no help, Sara had made the trip to the university on her own. She passed several other girls that were also moving in. She noticed that most of them were here age, eighteen and a freshman like her. She had to sit a couple bags down so she could open her dorm room door. Sara stuck the key in the lock and turned. Immediately, the door opened and she...

1 year ago
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Assgina for Angie

The phone rang and I immediately knew who was calling without even picking up the phone. As I always do, I ran to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" I said breathlessly, my chest tight with anticipation as butterflies swarmed in my stomach."Timmy, could you come over?" Angelica replied. "Please?" Her voice sounded weird and I knew something was wrong."Of course," I said."Thanks, I really need someone to hang out with right now.""I'll be right there so just ho-" I pulled the receiver from my...

3 years ago
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Trip to Tangier

My cucky hubby and I - he was already 'unable' due to his testicle operation - had been on a combined business and holiday excursion in Lisbon (Portugal). We stayed at our beloved Sheraton hotel downtown. In the evening at the bar, we met two guys from England who came in with their sailing yacht after a stormy crossing through the Bay of Biscay.My husband, as a former navy officer and deep-sea sailor, got into conversation with them. We were asked if we could be of help to sail their yacht to...

1 year ago
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Degrees of IntimacyChapter 3 Tangiers

The waves crashed against the jetty. The same waves, Marla reflected, that might have crashed against the Gibraltan shore on the other side of the straits, waves that were as much Atlantic as they were Mediterranean. Each wave fierce and restful at the same time, built up slowly and steadily out at sea to break sometimes on themselves and sometimes against the concrete jetty that projected into the open water. She glanced down at the postcard on her lap, the same one she'd started writing...

2 years ago
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Holidays at Angies

Synopsis: Angela's two young nieces, Janine and Michelle, come over for the holidays. The girls get bored staying with Angela and soon she becomes a target for their amusement. When the girls manage to catch their aunt naked, things take a turn for the worse and their mother comes over. A deeper plot is unearthed and Angela loses control of the situation. The girls and their mother take liberties with Angela's naked body despite her protests and the holidays become a lot more eventful than she...

2 years ago
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My Day Dream

After browsing the local gay/bi hook ups site, I noticed a message was posted to me requesting a story to excite the sender. I was already dressed up in lingerie playing around while my wife was at work. I’ll sometimes wait for her to get home so she can catch me dressing up, she then pulls out her massive strap on and proceeds to teach me a lesson on what it takes to be a woman. So I was thinking about what he asked me to do, and what it would take to turn him on. So after some hits on a...

2 years ago
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Nosey Neighbor Ned

It was early and already warm last Sunday, about 7 A.M ... We were still laying comfortably, naked in bed when a loud, intruding, commanding and relentless pounding on the door agitated me. As I got up questioning, "Who the hell is waking us? This better be urgent or... " I hastily grabbed the closest robe which turned out to be Sue's short, translucent green one. It barely fit across my shoulders and ended above my dick unless I leaned forward. Holding it mostly closed, I angrily rushed to...

3 years ago
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Meine Freundin

Der Regen prasselt leise gegen das Fenster, dunkle Wolken bedecken den Himmel. Alles in allem passt das Wetter zu diesem trostlosen Sonntag. „Noch eine Tasse Kaffee, Marc?“ reißt mich die hohe Stimme von Marion, Nicoles Mutter, aus meinen Gedanken. „Hm? Ach ja, ein Tasse nehme ich noch“ erwidere ich und reiche ihr meine Tasse, damit sie nach schütten kann. „Du gefällst mir heute gar nicht. Stimmt etwas nicht?“ fragt sie, während sie meine Tasse nachfüllt. „Ach, alles bestens. Es war in...

2 years ago
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A Study in GraysChapter 5

Fran Childs was indeed in the lounge, giving her son a kiss and hug. Josette looked on until Fran stood and opened her arms to the young girl. Josette looked across to her mother who gave an imperceptible nod, before Josette walked across shyly into the embrace of Stephen's mother. Then all three embraced before returning to seats in the lounge. "How? Why? I didn't expect this." "No, of course not; but I couldn't leave you for ten days after the trauma you faced. As you will see, I...

2 years ago
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My cousin Vinnie and I used to jerk off together while looking at our dads' porno magazines. We started jacking off together while we were juniors in high school. We were both late bloomer and just learning to ejaculate. By senior year, we were both able to shoot even bigger loads and we were fascinated with our cum. Our ritual developed where we would jack off together until one of us felt that tingle in our balls that signaled our orgasm. We would tell the other that we were getting close...

First Time
3 years ago
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Naked Wet DaughterChapter 2

While Mike and his daughter, Carol, were busily fucking each other, Fran, the mother of the household, was in the movie theater with the other kids, Barbara, Greg, and Jerry. Greg and Barbara had wanted to sit way up in front so Fran had remained in the back of the theater with her youngest son, Jerry. They were sitting in the very last row and there was no one around them, no one to see Fran sucking her son off. "Ohhh, Mom, that's sooo good! Suck my cock, Mom!" Jerry moaned quietly....

3 years ago
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Teaching The Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi i am Rohan. This story goes back to 2005. I was in my tenth standard. Me and my friends were all in our puberty phase. With hormones gushing every moment we used to be very high craving for sex and women all the time. But being that young we used to just look at girls and women and satisfy our craving. Soon we got addicted to pornography. My three friends Sam, Roy and Rohit were fan of Japanese porn. We used to watch those films like hell. Slowly we developed a strange habit of seeing...

4 years ago
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Dannis First Threesome

Danni? Can I ask you something?" My best friend of 22 years is giving me a look that I can't decipher. "Sure. What's up?" I wait for a few minutes, the way she's biting her bottom lip clueing me in that she's nervous and unsure of herself right now. "What's going on?" My concern is rising with each passing minute that she remains silent. She's not known for being shy, always being the talkative one of the two of us."Okay, here's the thing. Rob and I have been talking, and you know how we've...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 23 Darkness

Friday, June 07, 1996, Sanford Maine I awoke slowly; the warm, comforting weight of my naked sister was pressed up tightly to my side. Her head was on my shoulder, and her arm was strewn across my chest. Her breasts were flattened out nicely against my ribs, and her right leg was entwined with mine. I could feel her soft breath exhaling across my skin as she slept peacefully, and I knew that she felt safe when I held her to me at night. I curled my arms up around her and squeezed her to me,...

4 years ago
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No Mans Land

Deepak Mehta a flourishing business man was under stress as he was c***dless. His vast empire grew by day. As he stepped into 40th year he was a worried man as he had no c***d to take care of his business. Constantly he took advice from eminent personalities but failed. He could not marry another woman as the business he handled belonged to his wife. His wife, Kaveri a charming lady in her thirties was constantly looked down by her in-laws. This affected both of them and it had reached such a...

2 years ago
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On my travels this Easter Weekend, I followed this guy into a bathroom I needed to use. My mouth dropped when I glanced out the side of my eye his monster cock. I voiced as much about the enormousness of his cock.When his cock was peeing the force was like a high pressure hose. The stream seemed to go on for ages. I asked him about life and one thing led to another and we washed our hands and sat at the table outside.Next thing his lady came and joined us at the table, I introduced myself, she...

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Momson and daughter

Hi my name is samidha. I am a 40 years housewife and introducing you to worlds most beautiful moments hidden in everyone’s life. I have a small but sweet family, my hubby samar, son sarth and daughter shalini. We are very lucky b’cause all our fours names start with letter ‘s’. We love each other very neatly, my hubby and me fullfills each others sex desire very well, but one day my hubby died in accident and god opens new door giving ultimate change in my life.. I am professionally a teacher...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Sath Sharir Sukh

Dost mera naam raj hai,age21,penis 7inch(real wala).Mai aapko meri mera real incidence btane ja raha hu.Ye mere life ka pehla sex tha.Muze pta hai ye thoda ajib sex hai   Bt ye sachme bahot majedar aur sexy tha,mai ise kbhi bhul nahi paya..Aur tb se muze mature aunty,mom,moti kamar wali ladkiya pasand hai.   Plz suggest me kaisi lagi mere story So story pe aata hu.Do sal (2 year) pehle ke baat hai,tb mai engineering ke 1st year me tha.November muze yaad hai.Mai room karke rehta tha(rent...

2 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 11

It's now been two months since that initial fucking with Brutus. Since then I've had both Heidi and Samantha mate with him dozens of times. I've recorded each session and those tapes make great jack off material. Not as good as the real thing, but good just the same. There have been several more sessions with Dr. Hawthorne in his office both with Brutus and without. With Heidi and without. With Samantha and without. We like to keep it interesting and as horny as possible. Samantha and...

3 years ago
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My BBW Sisterinlaw Passed Out on the Couch

I am living at my brother's place right now, and him and his wife love to drink. I admit I love to drink as well but they drink to get wasted. My brother left town for business and when he leaves he's away for a while. My sister-in-law is a short BBW with long wavy brunette hair, glasses and big 38DD tits (I knew that having looked at her bra on the towel rack after she took a shower) and thick muscular legs and calves that she loves to show off by wearing short shorts. One night my...

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Jims WorldsChapter 10

"You know, honey, if those Russian bastards were killing for the meat and just taking the skins as a byproduct, I wouldn't be nearly as incensed. Does that speak good or ill of me?" Jim asked. "I think it just marks you as human. I feel the same way, and, I'll bet, the vast majority of humans would feel the same way, too, if they knew what was going on." "I think that the people who are buying those skins are just as guilty as the Russians killing for them. I wish there was some way...

3 years ago
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MY Wife Had No Clue

After months of planning; tonight was the night Kip my best friend of fifteen years was going to fuck my hot twenty nine year old wife without her knowing. You see I’ve been making my wife wear a blindfold for the last couple of weeks, telling her that this has spiced up our sexy life. As for my wife Kerri she thinks it’s a weird fetish but I never heard her complain about the outcome in the end. Kip on the other hand has always gone out of his way to tell me how sexy my wife is and that he...

1 year ago
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The Final Year

(I recommend clicking Start Game on the right side of your screen to avoid any issues while reading. Enjoy!) It's officially your final year at college and you couldn't be more disappointed with how you went about it. Sure you passed everything with flying colors but the whole college experience kind of just passed you by. Luckily, your friends, Sam and Lucky (Luke), have invited you to a beginning of the end celebration for the seniors and you hope this will be your moment to shine. "So...

2 years ago
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Uitdaging verloren dutch

Uitdaging verloren Het was een supper drukke dag geweest op het werk , en ik haastte me naar huis, waar mijn vrouwtje Katrien waarschijnlijk al klaar stond te wachten om naar dit grote feest te gaan, waar we verwacht werden naar toe te gaan. Al ging deze grote fuif uit van mijn werk , er gingen ook veel niet-bekenden zijn, het was dan ook een volle club, ongeveer 1000 man?De moeite dus om ons voor op te kleden !Als ik de oprit opdraaide  kwam ze  begroetend in de open voordeur staan : ze zag...

3 years ago
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Minding OthersChapter 4

Out of practice comes discipline. Only through discipline can one practice. I had learned the secret of my erection's effect, but learning to control it proved as dangerous as letting heated desires run amok. I mentioned that mother had kept silent since the evening everything fell apart. She answered quietly and succinctly when asked specific questions like 'Where are my socks', but she ignored everything else. I think she might have even talked with a shrink. I found a phone number for...

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Exgirlfriend Sarah true story 2

This is the next true story about ex-girlfriend Sarah, telling the world what a horny exhibitionist she is. I think she was about 23 years old when this incident took place. What a dirty, horny girl she is. Just read on….We had gone on another dirty weekend, this time to the city of Plymouth on the south coast of England, UK. We got there on a Friday evening and spent the time eating good food, drinking nice wine and fucking a few times before midnight. The next day we went for a walk early...

2 years ago
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My sr and Me Part 2 Conclusion

I woke up to half light in the room from the dawn. I could feel my s****r lying in my arms. I was half turned towards her with my arm under her neck. She had her left arm over my stomach holding me by the waist while she slept. I didn’t wear any shirt to sl**p and I could feel her bare nipples rubbing against me. They were hard and warm and I enjoyed feeling them rubbing me. She had apparently pulled her teddy up above her breasts to expose her nipples while I slept. I turned further to face...

3 years ago
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A Familys New Years Eve Part 5

A Family New Year’s Eve – Part V Please read “A Family New Year’s Eve – Chapters I, II, III, and IV” – before you read this (if you haven’t already.) This will make more sense if you do. Laurie’s heart had just about stopped; her breathing fast and shallow as her mind tried to grasp what her new Master, her eighteen year old son, Matt, had said to her. She was aware of the wash of her cunt juice over her spread thighs as she rocked back on her heels; she felt the hardness of her nipples push...

2 years ago
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Jim and Stacy Naked in SchoolChapter 2

Tuesday morning: When Jim and Stacy got to school Tuesday morning the clothes boxes were setting outside the front doors. The bus had, for, once gotten them to school early. They stripped quickly, with the intention of getting into the building before the crowds got there. The doors were locked. Since the boxes also locked as soon as they were closed, they had to stand in front of the doors naked. Jim commented that they knew not to do that again, as they stood there waiting for the doors to...

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My Neighbour Susan and Friend Linda

It was an amazing year in 1969. I was just getting ready to leave school and go to my first job, a five-year apprenticeship in a big engineering firm. For a couple of years now I had babysat for our neighbour Susan while her and Linda (about the same age 23 or 24) when to one of the many pubs around our area at that time. Susan’s husband worked away from home on the North Sea oil rigs so these two made the most every Saturday. Mum never stayed up for me so I had my own key, It was great time to...

3 years ago
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Aunt LilithChapter 5

“Bon jour, monsieur! Did you know that we’ve literally been having sex in some form all night long? I don’t think that you fell asleep at all. Then again, you’re an angel now. You don’t require sleep anymore, trust me. I think that you should know that you can now stretch your wings whenever you wish, but I wouldn’t that in public, of course. People wouldn’t understand, to put it mildly,” Lilith teased Maurice as she noted the sunrise. “Believe me, I feel like I’ve been having sex all night...

3 years ago
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Picking Up the Pieces Again Pt III

Note: Emily’s POV is in italics! Pt III.  (Chris) I woke up to the slight buzzing next to me. My phone was buzzing violently on the nightstand. I made a move to turn towards it realizing the soft warmth on left side of my body held me down. She was still sleeping, completely wrapped around my body. I stretched to reach for the phone. “Hello?” Realizing I didn’t even check caller ID before picking up. “Hey man, is Emily awake?” I rolled my eyes, … John. “You know what I’m not sure I...

2 years ago
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I didnt know she was watching

It was the usual Saturday afternoon, sat round my best friend Mel’s house, catching up on the weeks events, having a giggle, watching TV. Her boyfriend was out, so it was just the two of us chatting away. We’d been best friends for years, since school, we could talk about anything. I’d even once told Mel I’d had a sexual dream about her, God I woke up so wet that morning & dieing to rub my clit, but of course I didn’t tell her that bit! I am straight, though I get off watching lesbian porn &...

3 years ago
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Three Kinky Channels

I just recently moved to a new city, started a new job, and met so many new people that I felt very insecure and lonely. About a two months ago I met Mike and Annie through a mutual friend. Mike is very nice looking, at about six foot two inches with blue eyes and dark brown hair. I was attracted to him right away, but his wife Annie sort of intimidated me. Annie is a goregous blonde, the type that guys pant and drool over. She's really tall, about five foot ten, with long blonde hair that...

1 year ago
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Horny lust with maid manjula

maid lust hi, my dear hot men and women readers of sex stories. I am one among you, sex addict, love pornography, love admiring women totally ,her character ,body ,lust , love women in all ways .everything is sexy about women from eyes ,hair to toe . I cannot be without releasing my sperms at least 4 or 4 times a week I am married and rich, happy with family, but still, want more. love to try everything kinky ,new women ,sex in terrace , garden ,car ,porn type role play ,beech etc .bad luck my...


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