Dirty Angie 2 free porn video

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Angie was thrilled when Dave got the new job. He finally had a chance to make something of himself and provide for his young family. Angie and Dave had married in their early twenties, he was twenty-two, she twenty-one. Neither had gone to college. Dave was working in a small pay day loan office and Angie was a waitress.

They met at church. Both had been somewhat loners, neither dating much. Angie had only moved out of her parent's house two years prior. They were somewhat of an anomaly, as they were both virgins when they got married. Dave was, well, a "geek." He began going to Angie's church when he heard that there was a large singles group. He hoped that somehow he could meet someone.

Angie had grown up in the church with her two brothers and younger sister. She was the oldest c***d. Her parents were very active, her mother volunteered to cook the mid week meals, her father drove the church bus. They almost never missed. It had been drilled into her to be sexually pure. She had always been an obedient daughter, evidenced by the guilt she felt when she kissed a boy in the youth group when she was sixteen. Nothing else had happened, but she was forbidden to see him again.

It was three years after Dave and she were married when their daughter was born. Two years later they were blessed with a son. Angie had quit as a waitress, taking a job at a laundromat in order to be with her two young c***dren as much as possible. Dave's job at the loan company just wouldn't pay the bills.

But now Dave had been able to land a job at the local bank! It was only entry level, but it afforded Angie the ability to quit working at the laundromat and stay home with the c***dren. It was also promised that Dave could move up at the bank. It was clear that if he performed well, he and his family could be set up. That was two years ago.

Her daughter was now seven, her son was four. Angie had just turned thirty-one. She and Dave hoped that he could move up at the bank soon, so they could buy a house. They were still renting a small two bedroom they moved into when their daughter was born.

The bank had held a reception for new employees and their spouses two years ago when Dave was hired. The reception afforded Angie and Dave an opportunity to dress up and go out for an evening, something they rarely could afford. Angie remembered she had worn her nicest dress, a button-up simple dress with a tiny spring floral print. And it was there she was introduced to the bank president, a man in his mid fifties, with slightly graying hair.

He was impressive to her, she had never met a bank president before. She was honored when he asked her to accompany him to his office. Dave was busy with the head teller as she was introducing him to his co-workers. His office was magnificent! It had an extremely large desk, a huge, leather couch and chairs, and dark heavy wood paneling. Everything said to Angie, money and power!

"You know Angie, may I call you Angie? You may call me Robert," the bank president went on. "You had more to do with Dave getting hired than you think."

Angie was silent, not understanding this. What did she, a former waitress and laundromat employee know about a bank? She had been asked to come with Dave on his second interview. One of the vice-presidents had met with them, letting them know that the bank expected a stable family from its employees. But that was all.

Robert went on, "you're quite attractive, you know. That's a real plus."

Angie had never thought of herself as attractive. She didn't think of herself as ugly, either, but no one in her limited experience had told her she was attractive other than Dave.

Robert put his arm around her shoulder, holding her close to him. Angie was immediately nervous. "You have a beautiful face, your complextion is so clear, your ivory skin so soft," he commented as he moved his finger tracing down her cheek to her neck, to her arm.

He had gone on, "your breasts are very ample, even if you do hide them in that dress. Could you please undo a few buttons so I can get a better look?"

Angie was now red-faced and squirming to get out from under his arm. She clutched her arms over her breasts, afraid he would try to unbutton the dress himself.

"Such a pity," Robert replied. "I do find you very attractive. In fact several of the other executives have noted your beauty as well. You can really help Dave progress if you know what I mean."

"Never, I could never," Angie stuttered. Embarrassed, angry, and shocked, she quickly had walked out of the office.

That was two years ago. Robert had hit on her on every occasion that he could, not so subtly hinting that if she would have sex with him, Dave would get a promotion. She had never told Dave. She knew it would crush him if he thought that he had only gotten the job because the bank president wanted to sleep with his wife.

Today she had to face Robert again. She had grown to resent him. Dave had not received a promotion. The tiny rental house was getting smaller and smaller. Her daughter and son fought all the time, having to share a bedroom. Others hired after Dave had been promoted over him.

Today Dave was leaving for a two day conference with his immediate superior. He was excited about it, telling Angie that maybe he was finally going to get a break and move up some at the bank. His superior had been hired after Dave and had already been promoted twice. Robert had asked that the wives and their husbands meet with him at the bank before they left.

"This is an important meeting and I want you to know that I will be looking at both of you and evaluating how you perform. A good job could get you promoted, a poor one could get you dismissed." The men were silent. "I wanted you to know the importance of their trip," he spoke to the wives. Then he turned to the men, "I've arranged a taxi to take you to the airport, so say your goodbyes and get on, it is here now."

Dave quickly hugged Angie and kissed her on the cheek as he grabbed his bags and headed for the taxi. As the men rode away, Robert asked the wives to come back to his office for a moment. "You both know that you will play a most important role in the outcome of this meeting. I expect you both to call me within the hour. Enough said."

Angie realized that she wasn't the only wife Robert had hit on. Had Sharon given in? Did that explain why her husband had been promoted? She noticed that Sharon had dressed in a low cut blouse and somewhat short skirt. Earlier she had thought Sharon had dressed a little inappropriate. Angie had worn slacks and a old crewneck top.

As she drove home, Angie alternated between anger and reflection. She changed her mind a dozen times as to whether she would even call Robert or not. Once home, she paced around the house, finally telling herself that she would call him, but absolutely nothing else!

When Robert picked up the line, all she could say was, "It's Angie." She even shook a little as she said it.

"Well, I can't believe Mrs. Better-than-you really called. It's good you did, I was ready to fire Dave," Robert stated.

"Please don't," Angie said.

"Than let me take you to dinner, that's all. It's your choice, and," he added, "Dave's job."

"What time?" Angie found herself saying.

"I'll pick you up at seven," Robert replied. "I'll be sending over a dress, wear it!"

"No, don't come over here, please," Angie replied. She couldn't imagine her neighbors seeing a strange man at her house.

"Then meet me at my house at 6:30, don't be late." He hung up.

Angie buried her face in her hands and cried. What have I done? She wondered.

The dress arrived at 3:00 pm, along with two dozen roses. Angie had never recieved roses before. She put them in just about every vase she had in the house. They were so beautiful! She then opened the box with the dress. As she held it up, she could see that not only did it look very expensive, but the short black dress with the flowing skirt had a neckline that literally plunged to the waist! Also in the box were black high heel shoes and red lacy thong panties.

A smaller box contained a small evening purse, a bottle of bath oil and some expensive looking perfume.

A note was in the box that read, "Wear it all, and nothing else, or don't come."

Angie was nervous, but she had to quickly leave to pick up her c***dren from school and take them to her mother's. As she dropped them off, she made up a quick story about going to dinner with a friend.

Angie went home and took a long hot bath, using the bath oil Robert had sent. She then fixed her hair, and put on her makeup. She noticed that she had taken extra care with her hair and makeup, hoping he would find her attractive, and then wondering why she should care.

She put the red thong on, more than a little embarrassed at how little it covered. She had never worn thongs. She took a long breath as she took the dress off the hanger. Closing her eyes as she put it on, she finally opened them as she snapped the top behind her neck.

The dress was backless, the flowing skirt only came about mid thigh, and she could barely keep the areolas of her breasts covered by the top, much less anything else. She had never worn anything like this before. Angie put on the perfume Robert had bought her and left.

She felt as if she were naked as she walked to her car, hoping no one would see her. She felt the air blow across her breasts and between her legs as she drove. She would have rolled up the window, but it was so hot! Or, was it just her?

She had a little trouble finding Robert's house. She didn't frequent this part of town. As she drove up the long driveway, she thought how her car was so out of place here.

She rang the doorbell and Jones, the butler, opened the door. He ushered her into the study and said that Mr. Woods would be down soon. Angie examined the beautiful furnishings and couldn't believe that people really lived like this!

She didn't even notice as Robert entered the study. She turned and was startled at Robert. He was unashamedly staring at her. Angie moved her arms to somehow cover herself.

"Drop them," Robert said forcefully. She did. "You are absolutely stunning!" He moved to Angie. As he faced her he held both of her arms as he moved to kiss her. She turned away, but not before his lips touched hers.

Robert held her at arms length, "let's have a look, please turn around." As Angie turned, the skirt swirlled. She felt beautiful.

"You are beautiful, and I told you that you shouldn't hide those magnificent breasts!" Robert said with a smile. Angie looked down and realized that her right breast was completely out of the top. She turned and moved the thin fabric back over it. She also noted that her nipples were erect and could be easily seen protuding through the thin fabric of the dress.

"Jones," Robert spoke to the butler, "come and see Angie, isn't she stunning?"

"She certainly is, sir," replied Jones, "quite stunning."

"Angie, please turn around so Jones can see the whole package," Robert ordered. She did, but slower and more carefully this time. She ended facing the two men, nipples at attention, as they stared holes in her. He certainly saw her, she thought.

"This is Mrs. Angie Thompson, Dave's wife," Robert informed. Angie couldn't believe he had just revealed her full identity.

At the restaurant, they were seated at a table for two, near the center of the room. Angie was very aware of the looks of the men, in fact she felt that all eyes were on her. As the waiter poured her water, she could feel his eyes on her. Although it was a very nice restaurant, she was very uncomfortable. She felt as if she were naked in the center of a stage.

Her nipples felt to her as if they were headlights pulsing out for all to see. Robert ordered for her. She barely ate, but did drink whatever it was he had ordered for her. She excused herself to go to the ladies room. As she stood by the sink she saw herself in the mirror. Her nipples were clearly visible, and the sides of her breasts were totally uncovered.

For the first time she realized that her lacy red thong could be faintly seen through the material of the dress. And although she told herself no, she felt wet between her legs.

She returned to the table hoping beyond hope that no one had noticed her panties. As they drove back to Robert's, he placed his hand on Angie's leg. He slowly slid it higher. Angie moved to stop him, placing her hand over his. She realized that he was already at her crotch, that his finger could feel her wet panties. He firmly held his hand there. They rode back with her hand over his, his hand at her crotch, his finger stroking the wet spot on Angie's thong.

Robert parked, opened the car door for Angie, and took her by the hand into the house. They entered the study. Angie's heart was beating so loudly she knew Robert could hear it.

"I've got to go," Angie stammered.

Robert closed the door. "I'm going to take you first."

Angie gulped, her knees buckled.

"The dress snaps behind your neck, unsnap it," Robert ordered.

Angie could barely raise her arms, she fumbled for the snap, and finally undid it. She lowered her arms. The top immediately fell, fully revealing her breasts. The dress slid below her waist, over her hips, passed her panties, down her legs, to the floor.

Robert took Angie's hand and helped her step out of it. She walked with him to the couch. He stood there.

"Get on your knees."

She did.

"Undo my belt and unzip my pants."

Angie quietly obeyed.

"Take out my cock and suck it in your mouth."

Angie hesitated, she had never, never, done this. Married to Dave for ten years, and she had never done this.

Angie pulled down his boxers, his cock sprung up into her face. It was much larger than Dave's. She held it before putting it in her mouth.

"Lick it," Robert told her. "Suck on it like a lollipop."

Angie took his cock and licked it up and down, just as he said. She sucked it as he held her head. She almost gagged on it as he pushed it deep down her throat. He pulled out of her.

Robert took Angie's hand and led her to his bedroom. She followed him as if in a trance. She thought that the butler was probably watching as she walked in high heels, red thong, and nothing else down the long hall. Her tits were bouncing as she walked. Thats what they were now, she thought, tits, not breasts that had suckled her c***dren, but tits that would be used by men.

Robert had Angie lie back on the bed, he slowly removed her panties, he fingered her pussy. She started to move and lightly groan. Robert bent her over, spreading her legs, and skillfully began licking her outer pussy lips, then her slit, and her clitoris, driving her to squirm on the bed before he plunged his tongue inside her warm, wet hole.

Robert stood and presented his cock to Angie's cunt. "Do you want it?" He asked.

Angie shook her head "yes."

"I want to hear you say it. Tell me you want me to fuck you. Tell me you want my dick inside your pussy. Your married pussy."

Angie began to cry, "Yes, I want you to fuck me, put your dick in my pussy. Fuck my married pussy, now!"

Robert shoved his large dick inside Angie with one thrust. It almost took her breath away. He pumped her hard and fast. She matched his thrusts. He kissed her full on the lips, his tongue invaded her mouth, her tongue his. He voraciously took her, her mouth, her tits, her cunt. Robert held Angie's ass and pulled her up into him as he pumped her and fucked her and claimed Dave's wife as his whore. He erupted in her, spewing his cum deep within her womb. Angie came as he was shooting in her, their juices mixing inside her.

They lay together on the big bed, each totally spent. Robert remained inside Angie on top of her. She held him tightly.

Robert said, "Now you're mine. I've claimed you. You're marked. Say it! Tell me you're mine. Your pussy is mine. Your tits are mine. Your ass is mine. Your mouth is mine. Say it and Dave keeps his job."

Angie let go of Robert, her arms lay by her sides. She had gone from bliss to broken in one minute. She began to repeat, weeping, "I'm yours, my pussy is yours, my tits are yours, my ...ass is yours, my .....mouth is yours."

As she succumbed to Robert, he began to harden again and fucked into Angie. She lay still as she repeated the mantra over and over again.

When he finally pulled out of her cunt, Robert stradled her chest slapping her tits with his dick before having her lick the cum off it and suck and remaining juices out.

As Angie drove home, crying all the way, thoughts of Dave and the c***dren were going through her mind. However, she was focused on the fact that Robert had ordered her to call him tomorrow. What would the day bring?

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Dirty Sex

The refrigerator was a simple fix after all. It turned out that the water line to the icemaker was blocked with algae and once I blew it out, the device worked like a boss. Who was next on the schedule?I stared incredulously at the contact that popped up on my tablet: Mrs. Claire Blaylock, 10011 Windy Wood Lane. It seemed that the pilot on Mrs. Blaylock’s gas water heater would not stay lit.Oh, I’d heard about Mrs. Blaylock, alright. According to the stories, she called for a technician every...

1 year ago
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Dirty Tricks Chapter 9

Previously in "Dirty Tricks" While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayor’s extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.During the party, Bob Anderson is seduced by Alexa. She lures him to her office and...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter 9

Previously in "Dirty Tricks" While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayor’s extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.During the party, Bob Anderson is seduced by Alexa. She lures him to her office and...

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Dirty bbw younger dirty anal at dentist

Mandy, as it turns out, used to weigh a lot more before her experience with gwen and her naughty boy. It was maybe 4 years beforehand, and she was still in dental training and only an assistant at the time. Mandy saw working with a younger dentist, maybe in his thirties with tall muscular features. Mandy thought that weighing over 400lbs, she would never be able to get a guy as nice as doctor Steven's, but she sure wanted him. One time in the bathroom and she could swear dr Steven's had poked...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter7

Previously in "Dirty Tricks"While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayoress's extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.Heather and Sean eventually agree to let only Sean’s shady campaign manager,...

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Dirty Tricks

To say that Reed Pena had a complicated life was a huge understatement. He was from a branch of one of the most powerful families in Massachusetts, if not the entire United States, and was rubbing elbows with people who had more money in their bank accounts than 99.999% of the United States would earn in their entire lifetime. Money didn't matter to him, he had grown to not care about it or what it bought. Born the unwanted and unloved third son of Kevin and Penelope Clarence, he was...

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Dirty feet domination

It was my second year in college and my foot fetish got stronger. Now I wanted to worship dirty feet and be dominated by them. My chemistry teacher who we will call ms Roberts was one of the hottest teachers at the college. Most importantly she had the nicest feet I've ever seen. She always wore open toed shoes to show off her pedicures. But she had a bitchy side and wasn't too find of me. I always fantasized about her dominating me and making me her foot slave but what were the chances of...

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Dirty bbw threesome has dirty anal at dentist

So this girl I found out was named mandy and I tried to report her, but she cleaned up so well, no one believed such a ridiculous story. I assumed however that she knew I had reported her and was trying to figure out a way to get her revenge as she had said she would. I was driving home from work the day after I reported her and I had gotten pulled over. The cop looks like an even bigger woman than mandy and maybe 10 years older. She came up to my window and before I knew it, she had a rag over...

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This storey relates to me and a time when my life was so good, that I thought o would put pen to paper and tell you good folks about an incident that happened to me back when I was being used by dirty old men for there gratification.Ive told you all before about the 2 dirty old men that used me in various positions and the like over a 3 year period that I would never change in my life and is something im quite thankful for, well this incident is a follow on from them stories and involves the...

2 years ago
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Dirty Bengali Story8230

andromeda_stain: hello shalini yaa tomar ekta pic send koro na plz yaa tui dirty sex like koro tai to > amio khuub rog roge chat bhalobashi tomar bhetor e ki pore acho ? bf4: bra andromeda_stain: r ? niche ? bf4: kichuna andromeda_stain: mmm……..tomake niye ektu ektu kore masti korbo tomar ta taste kortey ychhe korche bf4: konta???????? andromeda_stain: tomar ghore eshe room lock kore tomar ghare ami chumu khabo soob kichu bf4: dirty sex korbe??????? andromeda_stain: yessssss tobe dirty sex ektu...

3 years ago
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Dirty Tricks Chapter 6

‘Damn it!’Trish scowled at the night. She was frustrated and couldn't sleep. Each time she closed her eyes that morning's fortuitous rendezvous with Heather replayed in steamy detail. Fingers, scents, and wet pussies. Lips, tastes, and tongues. Instead of relaxed and sleepy, Trish was hot and bothered, and she now had to deal with it.She reached for her laptop and drafted a message to Dylan, her private club's manager. He'd understand. Even though Trish didn't provide him with much detail, only...

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Dirty Little Secrets 1 Performing For Two

I know he’s there, even if he isn’t.What I mean is that I can never know if he’s there, but he’s so real in my mind that he’s always there when I perform.Oh dear, I’m not explaining this very well, am I?It’s like this. My husband, John, spends every other working week abroad. I’ve never had any reason to imagine that he’s been anything other than completely faithful to me, but at the same time I’m a realist. I know that things can happen, that temptation can ensnare. Where does that line come...

Wife Lovers
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Dirty Laundry Day

19 year old Jason Leary crouched at the open hamper in the laundry room that his mother had just brought in minutes ago before she had left for work. His 18 year old sister Denise had left for class earlier and there was no one at home to keep him from rooting in the week's worth of dirty clothes his mother and sister had deposited in there. He wore a rose patterned nylon Vanity Fare brief of his mother's that he had slipped into because they were on top and the first pair he had gotten a hold...

3 years ago
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Dirty Kelly 1

She didn’t want to do this. She really didn’t. Maybe, her big, black, two year old Beemer had a mind of its own, and it really wasn’t her, driving towards this one place, this one place, she had vowed never to return to. The five storey block of flats, grew bigger and bigger the closer she got. It had started to snow, and she would have to run to get to the entrance lobby before she was soaking and cold. She wasn’t dressed for winter. The carpark was near empty, but still she parked as far...

2 years ago
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So after returning from Brighton I settled down at home just the normal things really, work seeing friends and the like, I still very annoyed with Ken talking about my mother but dismissed it really on the count that he was just horny and couldn't wait to get home and watch the video of Alf and his friends fucking my sister, still in was in the back of my mind to watch out for my mother who at 51 had kept herself in pretty good shape and she was at a low point that my father had walked out on...

4 years ago
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Dirty And Hot Sex With My Ex Girlfriend In Delhi

Hi readers of ISS. I am Samir from Delhi with my new story here telling you about my sexperiences. Thank you for the response to my last stories on ISS. For new readers, I am single, hot and horny guy and I love dirty and oral sex a lot. Today im going to narrate you my one of the dirtiest sexperience with my ex girlfriend. My girlfriend was also from Delhi and we enjoyed some real good moments and even after breakup we do cherish such moments. So we often used to discus about sex and one day...

3 years ago
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Dirty Love Taboo Tales of the Springfield Three

A sign on the side of a building reads, “Welcome to the Pink Poodle, Springfield’s Finest Gentlemen’s Club”… And then we’re inside. It’s a cheesy, dark, noisy – BUSY – dive. Plenty of ‘gentlemen’ enjoying a drink whilst mostly naked woman dance (or writhe) on the stage and in a couple of cases, on the businessmen themselves.We watch one woman in particular, spinning around a pole, upside down, legs spread wide with a g-string barely covering her crotch. Under the harsh flashing lights we can...

3 years ago
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Dirty old guy

My name is Michelle, I’m 35, and my husband would consider me prim and prudish and so would nearly everyone who knows me. I consider myself very conservative and a bit of a goody two shoes, when it comes to the opposite sex, very reserved and shy, but until recently, fairly innocent. Mike, my husband, had begun mentioning the idea of me having sex with another man, but it really wasn’t for me, I was much too proper for that sort of thing. But I would play along with him in bed,...

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Dirty unwashed festival fun true story

As it's festival season I can't help but be jealous of all the people off having fun right now. I used to go to Download festival, I was lucky though and the times when I went it was lovely weather, not like the monsoon it seems to usually be nowadays. Festivals are brilliant for my unwashed fetish, as it's days on end of no washing, getting hot and sweaty in crowds, and just generally letting yourself go. I thought I'd share with you all one of my favourite festival experiences:It was 2006 and...

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Dirty Laundry Alternate Chapter 2

Stacey and I decided to take this story in two different directions. Stacey has already posted her own version of Chapter 2. I hope you enjoy both of our stories. Dirty Laundry Erica's Version of Chapter 2 Characters and situation inspired by Stacey Wilson Written by Erica Wright Peter slid the pink panties up his smooth legs. He tucked his semi-hard cock between his legs and pulled the spandex panty-girdle tight. He looped the lacey garter belt around his waist and clipped the two...

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Dirty Horny Family

Huma presents a new hot story of a dirty family. Hope all my kinky readers will love it. I am 26 years old photographer, married to a sexbomb named Sarita who loves sex. I have been fucking her in all positions and at all places, like, bathroom, kitchen, in the lawn and soemtimes in bed too. I live with my mother Sunita who is a gorgeous looking woman of 46. She has a few male friends who used to be my dad’s friends before my dad died two years ago. My wife tells me she fucks them like a whore....

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Dirty Porn 303000

@_Dirtyporn! Porn is one of the top sources of joy to modern man. It is a cold world for men as they work their asses off for the benefit of their family.I know feminists with would argue that both men and women work hard for the sake of society and their loved ones. They often point out that they have fought for equal opportunities for both sexes. Yet, you don't see them advocating to work at mines, construction sites, and other jobs that keep our civilization running.Men have little to no...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Dirty Old Dog 1

“Why did you take it?” Mike asked, “All you had to do was ask.” And that was the problem really. I was pretty sure if I had asked to borrow the money he would have let me but instead I just took it. Anything I said from here would just sound like an excuse. I was just so disgusted with myself. Mike was in his late sixties and vulnerable and I had robbed him “I’m sorry Mike, “ I said “Really. I am. I can only say that I panicked when the bank threatened to take my house off me. It’s been hard...

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Dirty Old Men

“You’ll go blind if you keep doing that!” I laughed at the dirty old man as he lay on his bed stroking his cock to hardness as I pulled the soiled sheets off the other bed in the room. “But I wouldn’t go blind if you did it for me then?” The old man chuckled as he raised his hips so I could get a clearer look as he cupped his wrinkly ball sack with one hand and rubbed his cock as fast as possible with the other. I just shook my head and smiled. “Come on Gail,” he...

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Dirty Little Secrets 11 All Tied Up

Something is going on. I don’t know what it is, and it makes me nervous. I’ve had this feeling all week. Now it’s Friday evening and I’m all in the dark.I mean this literally. Straight after work I went to the sex shop, where my videos now show on repeat, the ones where I demonstrate various products. The latest video shows me in bondage. A spreader bar holds my legs apart, and my wrists are attached to the metal too. I’m wearing the hood that renders me anonymous, but apart from that nothing...

Wife Lovers
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Dirty Lauras Gangbang

My ex bird Laura (then 29) and me Sean(then 32) were very sexual people and quite honestly dirty in bed ! Or other places then bed !Anyway, lots of sex and dirty talking, her clear filthy fantasy was to invite more than 2 guys to join me for a full session ! This went on for about a year before one night while fucking and talking I said " Told a few lads about your gangbang idea " ! (I actually hadn't at this point. She just giggled and said well I'd have to be tipsy and have notice to ensure...

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dirty jo

i was in my local pub a couple of weeks ago having a swift half on my dinner break,this woman walked in long black coat light brown hair just past her shoulders but what caught my eye were her legs black fishnet's black stilettos she walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of wine . i have a bit of a thing for nice underwear and just wondered to my self are they stockings ,she sat by the table by the door and as she sat down her coat fell slightly open a i had a glimpse at what she had on...

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Dirty Kelly 1

She didn't want to do this. She really didn't. Maybe, her big, black, two year old Beemer had a mind of its own, and it really wasn't her, driving towards this one place, this one place, she had vowed never to return to. The five storey block of flats, grew bigger and bigger the closer she got. It had started to snow, and she would have to run to get to the entrance lobby before she was soaking and cold. She wasn't dressed for winter. The carpark was near empty, but still she parked as far away...

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Dirty cuckoldress Jayde

When I first arrived abroad and started living with Mandy, my aunt, a few years back, Mandy had a carer coming in the daytime, to help with various things, as my aunt is elderly and disabled. Her carer, Jayde, was GORGEOUS…the best looking woman I personally think is possible;a jaunty little rock chick with long, luxurious hair, and eyes like dark pools, and the prettiest, most atrractive face and figure you could ever find. A few tattoos finished off her exotic little hippy-chick appearance. I...

4 years ago
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Dirty Little Secrets Mommys Midnight Romance

It had just gone quarter to midnight and Diane had reduced her pacing up and down the hallway to a small shuffle in either direction. Where the hell is that girl? She thought. It wasn’t even a Friday or Saturday night, but she still decided to break her curfew.Any more of this nonsense, young lady and you will never leave the house again. Toni, her eighteen-year-old daughter was in trouble more often than she cared to admit, and Diane was sick of telling her to be in by curfew. She had set...


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