ReflectionsChapter 11 free porn video

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There I sat on the bed in my hotel room. The sun streaming through the window. I bet Terry is having a great time out on the golf course with that bitch and his buddies.

Then I started to think back on last night. The beginning was hot and l loved the way Roger tried to humiliate my hubby. I had to come to his defense but my heart wasn't in it. Not that what I said wasn't the truth. Terry is and always will be a great lover. But this is a game, well not really, more like a quest to find just the right path to make him totally subservient to me.

So far I haven't had much luck. Yeah, he goes along up to a point but then his macho reflexes kick in and I lose him.

And how in the world did he get out of that room last night? I was sure I had closed that connecting door. First of all it wasn't supposed to be that easy for him to get loose. I must have made a mistake, gave him too much slack. I really wanted him use his safe word. Pretend that I didn't understand what he was mumbling about through that gag. Have him beg me to release him when I finally relented and took my panties out of his mouth.

Maybe get some further concessions out of him before releasing him. I know it would have been risky and might have blown our relationship to bits but I'm still counting on him loving me so much that he either sucks it up and goes along with it or if not, after a while comes crawling begging that I take him back.

My pussy flooded at that thought, him begging to be let back into the house. I used my vibe and got myself off a couple of times visualizing him naked on his knees. Maybe outside on the front porch begging and slobbering all over my feet while doing so.

Well not this time.

I have to say, my baby has style. Blowing me a kiss and flipping Roger a bird when he realized that Terry was leaving. I had a hard time not to laugh at that.

It was hard getting Roger to calm down after Terry left. I sure as hell did not want some other guest call security about a disturbance in my room.

The strange thing, I wasn't really turned on by having Terry watch me giving Roger that blow job and then letting him fuck me. Maybe neither of us is much into the watching thing.

Now humiliating hubby is a whole different story. I really liked that and I'm going to have to explore that further. Maybe that is where his submissive side will be more receptive. He did say that he was somewhat aroused that very first time we came here when I flirted with those guys and bossed him around in front of them, then totally ignored him 'til it was getting too 'hot' and we had to bail before trouble started.

Funny, once Terry was gone, the sex with Roger was so much better. I felt free from any pressure and just let things happen. He was good. Not as good as Terry in some ways but he did have that commanding presence that I seem to need. So I might see him again. Go on a date during the week. Just tell Terry not to expect me home 'til late and not to wait up because I'm seeing Roger.

Now if I just could find a way of getting Terry to eat my lover's cum. He was so adamant about not wanting to do that. I wonder if I could sneak it by him like later today. Not clean my pussy inside. Roger left a ton of sperm in there. Just me knowing that he's getting some 'left overs' would be almost as good as him knowing that he's getting strange cream pie. Should I try? Just wash my pussy superficially when I take my shower?

I think that is my ultimate fantasy. Getting fucked by someone like Roger in My room while Terry waits chained up in the other room for me to come to him with a pussy and ass full of my lover's cum for him to clean up. To restrict him from having sex with me to the absolute minimum, like days when I really feel the need to be loved and cared for the way only Terry can. I guess I could also make an exception for his birthday and our anniversary. No not the anniversary. It is would be way more humiliating to have him clean me up on that special day. I know, that will be the ONE day he gets to fuck me after my lover. Sloppy seconds. The rest of the time he's just there for oral services.

Those thoughts got me off one more time.

I'm gonna have to try and steer him in that direction.

Well I'm hungry. Better get myself moving. A quick shower, then breakfast and go home.


Last thoughts as I drifted off to sleep on my doggie bed and chained to the john.

Other than really needing relieve from the CB I was content. Yes my ass hurt like hell but it think I can deal with that in the future. The spanking wasn't malicious, just that Julie had a need to restore the "balance" or "harmony". It was also clear that she appreciated my suffering for her in the way she soothed my ass after it was all over. The whole evening was a strange experience. So many unspoken promises. I have no idea where this is all leading. Well nothing to do but to go with the flow.

Now my relationship with Clarissa was a whole different matter. I still don't know what her final goals are but my sixth sense tells me that I won't like it. Well, I have my boundaries and made them pretty clear to her. So again it's a matter of wait and see where things go.

There was the nudge with the toes, waking me up.

"Time to get up pet."

This time it was Liza.

"Get on your knees so that I can take the collar and mask off. There you go."

I had to blink, to get used to the light in the bathroom and finally was able to focus on Liza.

She looked stunning. Her red hair in a pony tail and she was wearing either the same or a matching negligee like Julie had on last night. The same promise of hot body but no true see-through. One difference, because of her much larger breasts, there was movement of her hard nipples as she moved around.

"Stand up and bend over, let me see your ass. Hmm, not too bad. Some light bruising right here and there too."

I knew where because she hit those spots with her hand. Not too hard but also not really gently.


"Come on pet, don't be a sissy. Be glad it's me and not Julie doing it."

I was waiting for Liza to leave so that I could relieve the pressure in my bladder but she was just standing there leaning against the door frame and appraising me, a wide smile on her face.

"Well what are you waiting for. Go pee and take a shower and one more thing. There is some detergent under the sink. Wash the hood but do it all quickly. Remember to have a breakfast date and a tee time."

"Ms Liza, please..."

Chuckling: "You want me to leave don't you pet? Well, not going to happen. Learn to deal with it. Julie likes to hurt guys physically. I enjoy humiliating them. My way paying them back for making me want them. I blame you and every man on earth that I'm bi and not a true lesbian like Julie."

"So I'm going to stand here and watch you struggle to pee. I know. It's gonna be hard. Your cock is hard as rock from looking at me, from reliving last night's fun and games and I suspect the humiliation too."

She didn't help matters when she started to move the robe aside to create some spectacular cleavage.

"Turn the water on in the sink and sit on the toilet, it will come. It did last night. Of course it was a little easier then because you were wearing the mask and couldn't see my hot body."

Spreading the robe just a bit more, just to the edge of one areola while all the time having a great twinkle in those green eyes and a big grin on her face.

That's when Julie came to my rescue.

Liza leave the poor pet alone. You've humiliated him enough. He needs to get going. Come on, let's go."

Julie closed the door behind them and the flood gates opened.

I quickly washed the hood and propped it over the faucet handle to dry, then hopped into the shower.

This time I had to look for my clothes.

As I walked into the living area both Julie and Liza got up and once again I was in a hug sandwich.

"Good morning pet."

This was followed by a really nice kiss from Liza and a kiss on my cheek from Julie.

"Liza tells me that your ass is in reasonable shape and no long lasting damage was done."

The witch, she followed that statement up with a serious pinch.


"Liza you are right, he's a sissy. We have to toughen him up if we want him to stay around"

They both laughed.

"Come let's have a quick glass of juice and some coffee, then you can get dressed. Looks like a lovely day out there. It's all out on the balcony. Don't worry. There is no building higher than ours. Nobody can see your handsome naked bod."

Thirty minutes later we were ready to go.

I watched with certain envy as Julie and Liza embraced and kissed each other good bye. I hadn't had a nice good bye like that from Clarissa for some time. Well not really that long, but it seems like ages.

Then it was my turn, not anywhere nearly as long but very nice, the kiss from Liza.

"Have fun. Call me when you're ready to leave the club. I'll have lunch ready for us."


I was working myself into a snit, Terry wasn't coming home and his phone went straight to voice mail. I know he turns it off on the course but usually it's right back up when they are done playing.

Finally he rolled in just before four like he used to do before I laid down the law about skipping lunch, BSing with the guys after their round.

At first I thought about reading him the riot act, but then decided against it and just play the worried wife.

"Babe, I was getting worried about you. Your phone is off.

As I hugged and kissed him.

"Come get me a glass of wine and yourself one too or if you prefer a beer and we can sit on the patio and talk. I want to know how your evening and today went."

With that I headed outside.

He brought me my wine but had nothing for himself.

"Nothing much to tell. Now I better go and do your laundry."

Before I could say anything he was gone. Damn that man. He's so fuckin' irritating at times. There he does the subbie stuff of doing my laundry but ignores my need to know what happened. Again I was tempted to let him have it, but decided to wait 'til later. See how the rest of the afternoon and evening goes. Maybe he'll be more receptive to talking about last night later on.

I was getting hungry and started to look for Terry. He must have been dawdling because he was just hanging my last bra on the drying rack in the laundry room.

"Hey babe, thanks for doing those. What are we going to do about dinner? Not too many choices since we didn't talk about it earlier in the week."

"Burgers and a salad or Chinese takeout?"

"Your choice, I don't care. I would be fine with some soup and a sandwich. I'm not all that hungry."

"Suit yourself. I'll have some of the soup you pick and a salad. Just fix it and serve it out on the patio."

I turned and started to walk away.

"Clarissa, wait a minute. That is not the way it works around here. Remember meal preparation on weekends is a joint operation. I might have let it slide had you bothered to say please."

"I'm your still your husband, not the hired help or some slave boy."

I was stunned – how dare he. He's my cuckold, not my husband but then I caught myself.

"Sorry babe, you are right. I shouldn't have done that. I'm just pissed at you for coming home so late. I thought we had that all worked out. You know you come home right after the round is finished."

"Well, I had to drive Julie home and she invited me for lunch. Couldn't very well refuse her."

There was my opening.

"Why, did you pick her up? I assumed you went home after you escaped from the hotel room and that she would meet you at the club."

"Clarissa that is another subject, to be talked about tonight. See, you claim to be pissed at me for coming home late while I have real serious reasons to be angry at you. But that will wait 'til after dinner. I prefer to fight on a full stomach.

"Let's clear that up first why it took me 'til four to come home while you work on the salad and I get the soup going and fix us a sandwich."

"I have to go out of town for two or three weeks not really sure. The only thing sure is that I will be back the latest a day or two before we are supposed to go to that art exhibition and auction gala that Julie is putting on for the local talent."

"Why spring this on me now? Usually you know at least a week ahead of time that you're leaving for some place. Now you tell me on a Saturday. What are you trying to pull?"

I was getting angry again.

"It's like this, I had a phone call from Jason's wife while having lunch at Julie's place. Jason ran into trouble and is in the hospital. Not quite sure what trouble he's in. I won't know 'til I get to Seattle. So I went to the office to make travel arrangements and check on some reports that Jason had sent earlier in the week and hadn't read. In case you don't remember Jason is the West Coast manager. With him out of commission and us working on a special project for Boeing, I need to get out there asap. Hence I'm leaving in the morning. That way I can still get to the hospital and check on Jason and find out what is going on."

"The limo will be here at eight."

"I'll call you just like always when I get to my hotel."

"Two to three weeks, that's a long time. How am I going to manage without your loving tongue?"

Let's go and eat, then talk. OK?"

We went out to the patio with our soups, salads and Terry's sandwich. While there we talked about the golf earlier this morning and a bit more about the trip.

"You could always come out to Seattle for a long weekend."

I decided to not answer that. I really had other plans.

Terry put the dirty dishes away and came out with the wine bottle for me and cognac and pipe for himself.

"Now about last night. Like I said I'm really still very angry at your betrayal."

"Betrayal? What the hell are you talking about?"

"The connecting door was locked and if I hadn't taken certain precautions I would have been naked out in the hallway with possibly the wrong card key. There were several on the dresser. How could I know which one was for my room. I couldn't see which one you gave to the idiot to break in two."


"Yes dear, I've lost a lot of trust in you. So I arranged to have keys ready for both rooms for Julie and Liza, who is a very nice lady by the way. Sort of built like you, maybe a little bigger boobs. Yeah bigger boobs."

That stung. He's got a breast fetish. Julie was no competition with her being a died in the wool lez and smallish boobs. Liza being bi and having bigger tits than me is a different kettle of fish. I'll have to be careful.

"Like I said I didn't trust you that I could get out of the bonds. By the way I almost didn't. So they waited an hour and then came into the room. You were too wrapped up in your sucking and fucking to notice. I had just gotten loose, so I signaled them go to my room and make sure the connecting door was open. When I saw that they had it open, I left, blew you the kiss and asshole the bird. That was fun."

"So, just be absolutely clear, I will never trust you with a situation like last night. You will never be able to voluntarily tie me up and force me to watch. Maybe if you drugged me or several of your fuck toys overwhelm me, you could but never out of my free will."

"By the way how was asshole in bed? You didn't sound like you really enjoyed yourself. Remember I KNOW how you sound and react when you have a mind blowing orgasm. NOT while I was there."

"Ready to give this BS up and resume our normal happy marriage?"

"No buster, you agreed to three months of chastity and you'll serve them out."

"Speaking of chastity, you better get the key and unlock me. Replace the lock with one of the plastic tabs. I'm NOT going through security with that lock on my dick."

"Tough buster, you'll have no choice. I decided to leave the keys in the office since I was so very much tempted to unlock you after last week's fiasco, I decided not to take that chance and locked them in my desk."

"Oh, yes "Princess" I do have a choice."

Damn, he made that Princess sound like sneer.

"My trusty bolt cutter will do very well. I sort look at it as a 'master key'."

"You better use the safe word if you do that."

"Don't need to. You are the one breaking the agreement. You promised NO public exposure. I'm willing to risk that I will get picked at random for one of those body scanners and I have no idea of what if any they will see but having the metal detector go off in the crowd and answer awkward questions after they use the hand wands and emptied all my pockets constitutes public exposure in my mind and a breach of the agreement."

"Maybe you are just bluffing and really have the key or a spare here. You got 'til 7:30 in the morning to come up with a key and plastic tab. After that I'll cut it off."

Damn, that bastard. He had me cold. I did have a key. Another lie. Not good. I'm sure he's keeping score. Maybe I should just let him cut it off.

I switched subjects, trying to put him on the defensive.

"You still haven't told me what you did after you got out of my room at the hotel."

"And I'm not going to. I don't really want to know how your evening went with your fuck toy so I see no need to tell you about mine. Let's just say that I had a pretty good time and truly hope that you did too. That it was worth the risk to our marriage."

"Look, I need to get ready for the trip and then I'll have to go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to a very long day. Please remember 7:30."

"Terry, I really want you to spend some time with your face in my pussy and butt. It will be a very long time for me before I'll have that pleasure again."

"I'm sorry Clarissa but I really don't feel up to that. I have a lot on my mind, both work and relationship wise and would have trouble giving you the pleasures that you deserve. It's not that you'll go without sex, not like me stuck in this plastic cage unless you don't come up with the key and I'll cut it off. You can be sure that I'll use that opportunity to relief my blue balls. I won't cheat on you with a lady but my hand will see some action."

"Come on babe, you've never refused to eat my pussy ever before. What's going on? Are you falling out of love because of all of this? Talk to me babe."

I got up and hugged Terry and before he had a chance to do anything my tongue was searching for the long gone tonsils.

"Babe, I love you and I don't want to screw that up but we have a deal and really would like to see it through. I'm sorry if I haven't been more reassuring about me loving you. I know you've told me hundreds of times how fragile your ego is when it comes to me. Like I said. I'm sorry."

"I promise, you'll find at the end that it was worth the rough trip. So please, just a couple of O's for me. Please."

I was sure he couldn't resist but it felt like I had been kicked in the stomach when he said.

"Clarissa, thank you trying to reassure me but I'm just not completely convinced. I truly feel betrayed. That connecting door to my room was definitely locked. Both Julie and Liza confirmed that. You had promised to make sure that it was open and available for my escape. You tried to humiliate me to an extend that I find unacceptable."

"Like I said, I have a lot of thinking to do. Maybe being away from it all for several weeks will be good for me."

"Find the plastic tab for the CB and put it on the kitchen table. I'll try not to damage the CB when I cut the lock off in the morning."

"Good night Clarissa, I do love you but you are making things really difficult for me."

With that he turned away and went upstairs.

"Damn, am I losing him? Did I push too hard. I'm so confused. Well he'll be gone tomorrow and I can talk to Roger and see if he has some advice. I sure don't want to talk to Julie.


When I got up in the morning, I had a pleasant surprise. Clarissa was in the kitchen fixing breakfast and the coffee what hot and ready.

"Good morning babe, I hope you slept better than I did (a little chuckle). I guess you are by now a bit more used to being sexually frustrated. My toys are OK but I sure missed your lovely talented tongue."

"Clarissa, thank you this is a very pleasant surprise and it's very much appreciated."

"I'm sorry about last night. I really didn't mean to slight you but I hope that you can understand where I'm coming from. Maybe when I get back, we can take a couple of days, get away from it all and refocus on our relationship. I'll be OK if you don't unlock me for that just as long as we give each other lots of TLC."

"I'd like that Terry. Yes. Please let me know when you plan on coming home and I'll find us a place away from it all."

"I really love you and just like you, I'll review what has happened to us and try to figure out what to do to avoid making the mistakes I've been making. I don't want to upset you. I know I have my work cut out to try to regain some of the trust you lost in me. I could tell you that the connecting door got locked by accident but I won't. Yes it was deliberate and I'm sorry for that. I overstepped the boundaries that we had agreed on."

By that time I had finished eating.

"I need to take a shower and shave. Did you find the keys?"

"No, like I said, they are locked in my desk drawer in the office. Do you think that with my help you could just cut the lock and not destroy the CB? I do have a plastic tag to replace the lock while you're on your trip."

"Well, let's see. Come into the garage with me. I got a couple of bold cutters. One is pretty big with a nice lever action. I should cut the lock."

With Clarissa's help we were able to just cut the lock and not have to destroy the CB.

"Why don't you keep the CB off for your shower, I'll come along and make sure that you don't get yourself into trouble while washing your lovely cock. Just might help you."

"Clarissa, I don't have times for games. But sure, it will be nice to clean my dick without the thing on. Let's go, you can watch – not touch."

I kind of enjoyed that because I know she really wanted to tease me and get me horny. Payback for last night.

After my shower Clarisse inserted the plastic tab to secure the CB with a big smile and a certain amount of ceremony. Then made a big production of writing down the number of the tab.

"I'll stick this up on the fridge so I can check on you when you get home."

I got dressed and carried my case down stairs, grabbed my lap top and was ready to go just as the limo pulled up in front of the house.

It was a very tender and sweet good bye kiss. Something had missed the last couple of weeks.

As I waited for my suitcase in Seattle a somewhat familiar lady approached me.

"Hi Terry, welcome to Seattle. In case you don't remember I'm Grace, Jason's wife. I have his company car outside. I'll take you to your hotel and then leave the car with you. He won't need it."

Grace was a good looking lady, someone you could call in the current vernacular a MILF. Tall, nice boobs and long blond hair. A California girl transplanted to rainy Seattle.

"So what happened? Can we go to the hospital? Can I talk to him. I need to find out what is going on. What the status of the Boeing project is."

"Terry, please wait 'til we are in the car. I'll explain it all. You won't like it."

My bag came and we headed out the short term parking in front of the terminal.

"Terry, let me drive. I know the way and you can concentrate on listening."

"Jason got himself into a big mess because he couldn't keep his worthless dick in his pants."


"Yes, he's been sleeping with one of the project managers from Boeing. Her husband is over in Afghanistan and I guess word got to him. Someone waylaid the two of them. He's got broken legs, arms and his jaw is wired shut because it's broken too. So he can't talk nor can he write or type on a lap top. He barely can move his head to yes or no questions."

"Seems that word got around of what was going on and some army buddies took corrective action. According to news reports, the girl also suffered a broken jaw. Rumors are all over the place. Some people say she got her jaw broken because she was given Jason a blow job at the time that team of 'sex vigilantes' broke into her home. Yes, that's what papers call them. Seems it was five guys but there is no traces of any kind of evidence. Clean in and out kind of mission that rangers and other special forces guys are so good at. None of the neighbors heard or saw anything 'til the next morning when one of them saw her tied to a porch pole with a sign over her naked boobs."

"This is what happens to whores who disrespect their husbands serving in harm's way."

"He called the cops and EMT's and they found Jason inside the house. Another four or five hours and most likely he would have been dead."

"You sure he's been sleeping with this woman. Yes. I have some surveillance photos. I was getting ready to dump him when all this happened. I think, he was ready to bolt. He emptied what was left of our son's college funds. They are twins and would have started their junior year in the fall. If I can't recover the money, they'll have to interrupt their education unless I can come up with some financial aid."

By that time we had gotten to the hotel. I grabbed my bag and lap top out of the trunk and she handed the keys to the valet.

"Grace, come inside with me. I check in and then we can talk some more. I need more information. Why don't you find a nice private spot in the coffee shop and I'll join you there in ten minutes."

When I rejoined her, I ordered a coffee and a piece of apple pie while she just had some tea.

"So as far as you know, how long has this been going on?"

"I'm not sure, but you've been working on the Boeing project for almost a year. My best guess at least six month. That's when I began to notice some changes in behavior with Jason. Five weeks ago I found a condom pack in one of his pockets. I had some issues after the twins were born and I can no longer get pregnant, so we don't use any form of contraception. That's when I got suspicious. A cousin runs an investigation firm and I asked her to check on him. That's why I have proof. I had told her to stop following him a week ago. I had enough for the divorce."

"So my life and that of our sons is in the crapper because of that SOB."

What are you going to do about Jason?'

"I have no choice but to fire him but, I won't do it until he's out of the hospital. That way his medical coverage stays in effect. I'm not going to let you get stuck with hospital bills."

"Whew, that's a big load of my mind. Now all I have to worry about is money for the college. I have a good job and can provide for us. The house is in my name and paid for. I inherited it from my grandparents."

"Tell me about your boys. What are they majoring in?"

"Electrical engineering and computer science, just like their dad."

"Their grades any good?"

"Sure are, I'm really proud of those two. They've been a great support these two days."

"I want to talk to them maybe on Friday. First I have to see how much damage there has been done to the project and relationship with Boeing. I should have that worked by then."

"Tell them to prepare for a job interview. Have resumes for me. The company has a scholarship/intern program. I think your boys just might qualify for that especially since they have already two years under their belts."

"Wow, I don't know how to thank you Terry."

"Don't thank me yet, they still have to pass the interview. If they do, the company pays for school and books. In turn they have to work for us during all semester breaks, other than a two week vacation just before school starts again in the fall and the usual holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is no pay as long as they stay local. If I decide that I want them back east for the summer, they'll get a small cash allowance besides room and board."

"Listen Grace, I'm really sorry that Jason got himself into such a mess. I really liked him and I'm very disappointed. I hope that we don't have any trouble with Boeing over this."

"I managed to get a hold of Janice Walters, she was away for the weekend but I found her. That's why you couldn't reach her. She's home and is waiting for your call. You can get the status updates from her."

Janice is the number two person in the Seattle office. This maybe her big chance to advance to number one. This week will show me if she's ready for it.

"Thank you Grace that is a big help. The more I know before going into the office tomorrow, the better I like it."

"How are you getting home?"

"I'll call the boys, one of them will come and pick me up."

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Seduction of Sugar

Sometimes if Sugar does play hard to get, once in while if she has too wound up i tell her nah ah baby take your clothes off and get on the bed. She complies when she see's it not the day i want "hard to get". She can tell within the 1st minute what i am needing of her for that particular session and she rolls with it. i think that is what makes our sex so awesome. There are times though where i want lay on bed next to her or sit down next to her. She loves for me curl up next to her. Now i try...

1 year ago
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Clarissa Part 2

As he came, I felt his legs trembling and shuddering, draped over my shoulders as my own had so many times before. His eyes, locked with mine as the orgasm rippled through him were hooded but wonderfully alive. I smiled at him as I felt his ass muscles clench around the dildo and I felt a purr of cat-like pleasure rumble in my belly at the exquisite feeling of having fucked my husband till he came. I lowered my mouth to his and let him hungrily kiss my lips and pant his thanks to me. I...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 41 Postgame Bliss

I took my time in the showers. Most of my teammates spent little time under the water before dashing off to their lockers. Maurice saw me standing under one of the showers and shook his head. "Dude!" he shouted. "We're heroes. They even announced how it was a stunning upset over the loudspeakers before the varsity took the field. You should be out there scoring a few dates." Laughter rang out in the locker room. Jason walked over to the showers. He was already dressed. My friend was...

2 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 8 Black Cock Betty

Betty watched her nude best friend fly off to go rescue more of their squad from the island of madness. Her windows rattled as Olivia broke the sound barrier. She lived with her parents in a good neighborhood and they usually left the back door unlocked. It was cold and drizzling, Washington state being a world away from the Caribbean. She went to check the door, the ugly black penis slapping on her thighs as she walked. The hideous tip almost reaching her knee. The door was unlocked,...

4 years ago
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Checkard Flag

"And here is the winner of the Daytona 500, John Doe! What an exciting race. Do you have anything to say John?" asked Dick Bergren, FOX's Winner's Circle announcer said. "What the hell, sure, wow! I can't believe I actually won. Wohoo! Angela, come here, there ya go babe. How 'bout that, were ya nervous?" After the Victory Lane celebrations, you and Angela walk back to your motor home, but instead of the 10 minutes it normally takes, it takes you two a good 45 minutes because of all the fans...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 9 Jennifer Pete and Melanie

July 1980, Milford, Ohio I was happy when Stephanie joined me to swim laps and eat breakfast on Friday morning. When she hadn’t done those things with me, it had made me feel incomplete. I didn’t understand how the connection between us worked, but I knew that I didn’t want to be without her. “Steve,” Stephanie said while we were at breakfast, “don’t do anything stupid today.” “I have no plans to do anything stupid.” “You’re a boy. Boys always do dumb things without thinking or...

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Elaines Dog ShowChapter 7

"AHHHH! OHHHHHH, SHITTTTTTT!" Wanda cried out as she felt the fingertip push slowly into the tight, gripping ring of her bung. Elaine wriggled it around and around, teasing her and sending thrills racing from her ass to her clit. The brunette's clit throbbed in time with her to her friend's fingering, making her slam her ass harder against Elaine's face. "MFGGGFFF!" Elaine cried out, turning her face to one side to catch her breath. "Do it, babe! Do it!" Wanda cried out wildly....

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Exhibitionism in the airport

Let me start of by saying everything you are about to read is 100% factual they occurred 2 years ago to me personally and it is a deeply erotic memory for me. So here I was completely out of my mind desperately staggering through the airport in Rome. About 5 hours beforehand I'd gotten drunk and swallowed a litre of cheap corked wine (not fun) and if I didn't have friends with me I wouldn't have made it through the front door. But with them half carrying me I made it to boarding where I had an...

1 year ago
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Mommys little faggot

My formal training as a "pleasure sissy" started when I was around fiveyears old – as best as I can remember – under the loving guidance ofmy Mistress Mommy. She said my beauty was far to valuable to waste as aboy.Mistress Mommy doesn't have the equipment to be a "pleasure sissy," if youcatch my drift. But she WAS a "pleasure girl" for many years, and alsobegan her training at age five. Mistress Mommy knows the ropes very well.I sucked cocks during my first year of training, and I was eight...

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The Chest and Wardrobe

This is my third submitted story to Fictionmania with "The well of my desires" and "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F"?being the second. It has been many years since I wrote those first two, and am planning on writing more. I am actually in the process of writing a sequel to the second and have a 4th and 5th story planed. I hope you enjoy this story as it takes a little bit of myself and places it into the story. The only difference is, I am a M2F TS woman now The name I write under is a pen name...

3 years ago
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Saving a RelicChapter 6

They carried me over to the sofa and we watched some sports on the TV. I sat there, all sprawled out naked, sipping my drink. I tried to say something but nothing came, I was so out of it. So I continued to sit there watching TV. Then the guys got in a debate about football. It was fascinating to watch, even though I know little about football. Eventually, I got my legs back and got up and got myself another drink. As I poured, I looked at the guys who had made me orgasm like I never did...

2 years ago
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Releasing the wand for what he promised would be only moments, he continued sawing at his bindings, slowly, rhythmically, trying to gain precious centimeters of mobility... He was armed, and the realization had numbed him, his next move horribly elusive. With the rhythmic sawing of the shard, his mind fell curiously blank for the first time in what felt millennia. His gaze fell upon her as she moved, shoving herself up from where she lay on the floor, arms shaking fiercely, be it...

4 years ago
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I am the Puppet MAter Chapter One Coin Operated Girl

My name is Damien, at this point I had been seventeen for a grand total of twelve hours and so far it sucked. Maybe seventeen just sucks in general, maybe everyone who has even been there will agree with me. I mean, your still considered to be too young to do anything fun but for fuck sake your close enough that it shouldn’t really matter. I was still expected to listen to my parents (not that I even did that anyway) not drink, not smoke, (that I did anyway) and go to school, which was what I...

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JulesJordan Angela White Angela White8217s Ass Receives Maximum Penetration

Curvaceous cutie Angela White uses all her holes to please Manuel Ferrara. Angela White has made a name for herself as one of the best performers in the industry with her unquenchable thirst for cock and her willingness to do whatever it takes to get every last drop of cum. She’s looking super fine as she teases in a pink bathing suit and fishnets with her gigantic tits billowing out of her top… they can not be contained!!! Angela fingers her tight holes to get herself nice and wet...

3 years ago
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Trapped in an elevator

( GB, Stranger, Teen, Interracial, Public, Rape (?) ) Hi, I'm Sherri. I'm a 32-year-old married white female. I am 5'6" and have a nice body - maybe I could loose a couple of pounds. My husband is John and he is a super guy. We have made close friends with two other couples that are very much like us. We all live in the same part of the outskirts of San Diego. About a year ago we started going out for dinner, dancing and a couple drinks. On our third time out together we had a...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Sydney Cole 22313

Sydney Cole’s putting in the hours at work, but she’s not seeing anything in return, and she’s PISSED! She discusses the issue with her boss Van, but he calms her with his smooth demeanor and rhetoric, telling her she’s new, and that things take time. Green and eager, Sydney listens to Van’s wise words and tells him she’s willing to do what it takes to succeed. That’s music to Van’s ears, because it’s about blowjob o’clock for him! Sydney shows her boss just how hungry she is for success by...

4 years ago
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Gioving Marcy a Ride

Several years ago I worked as a salesman for a large electronics company. As one of the five highest grossing producers I was invited to attend a company cocktail party being held at a local Ramada Inn for several of our biggest customers. It was attended by the president of the company, several of our VPs and general managers and of course their wives and girl friends. Since I was unmarried and between girl friends and Mark, another salesman, was in the same boat I was, we went to the party...

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Do Your Duty part five

It was always good weather in Hawaii. Except when the storms came. Private Lovall was out on a training mission when a tropical storm came in and disrupted the exercise. But, a little wind and rain wasn't going to stop a field exercise for the infantry troops out on the range. They hunkered down, kept the tents and camo netting in place, and waited it out. The unit had gone out to the range the week before. Bad weather had not been predicted, but that didn't matter. Training had to go on....

Office Sex
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StepDaddy Bill

Please let me know if this get you hot!Mom met a guy last year right after I left for college and they got married at Christmas. I met him the night before the wedding and I was really surprised. Mom had told me he was the stud of her life, and I had figured he was younger than her, but I could not have been more wrong. Mom is an admin assistant to the CEO of a big company nearby, and at 39 has a killer body, so I assumed he would be about 35 (a very yummy age if you ask me), but he was 44...

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First Time With BBW Junior College Girl In Delhi 8211 Part 1

I am going to talk about the first time I hooked up with a chubby but pretty girl at my college. First, something about me. I am Sunny and I am a student at a college in Delhi. Physically, I am muscular but short, only 5 feet 5 inches tall. For privacy reasons, I won’t be using real names. I had been studying in Delhi for the past two years and till that time, I was not even able to make friendship with any girl. As you can tell, I was like any desi guy who was stressed about studies and could...

3 years ago
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The Realtor

My name is Paige, I'm twenty-seven, and I have brown hair. I'm 5'5, and I just happen to be a lesbian with c-cup boobs. I actually never had an experience with a guy, because I just wasn't interested. Anyway, I just had a four year relationship with a girlfriend suddenly end. I found her face buried in another lady's pussy, and that was that. Anyway, I had been using this realtor, who happened to be a woman, named Dina. She was smoking hot, and she always managed to get my panties wet. I...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 4 Daughter Enjoys Incestuous Creampies

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Daughter Enjoys Incestuous Creampies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Yes, that would be so hot,” Henry Archer, the newest god created by the Institute of Apotheosis Research, had said only moments ago. He was answering his new girlfriend he created with his mind-control powers. The God's words echoed in Ulrich's mind. The gangbang happening in the break room of the Institute's...

1 year ago
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Maddie by: Stacilynn Brown [email protected] Please feel free to email me with your comments! CHAPTER ONE Maddie walked into her bedroom, inhaling the flowery fragrance from the dozen roses she had received Friday afternoon from Jeremy. Standing there she felt right with the world..., almost. So much in her life had been groomed for who she was today. A young woman with a wonderful attitude about life..., and love. Yes, love. Jeremy had swept her off her feet the moment...

3 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 3 An Unexpected Encounter

George was pushed into a large room with only two small barred windows set high in the bare concrete wall. The far end of the room was separated from the rest by steel bars creating a prison cell but in the middle four wooden pillars were spaced evenly along the centre line of the room. Against three of them, three other, younger, men were already tied. The fourth pillar now served for him. The three others were dressed much as he was, one wore a suit, one a shirt and trousers, the other a...

2 years ago
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Taking It All In

Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti They were dancing to the beat. Dancing to the heat. Dancing to the hard-driving disco beat. Dancing! There were hundreds of couples on the floor dancing. The spinning mirror globe overhead sparkled and flashed, and hundreds of feet lifted and stomped, and a multitude of throats let loose high-spirited yelps of unadulterated joy. There wasn't a single woman to be seen. "I must... I m-u-s-t BECOME!" The music, that magnificent music blasted out in concentric...

3 years ago
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The Heavenly Agony of Denial

[ For ComeControl2000! ]As I sat facing 'Walter', his big, thick cock in one hand, and his equally nice-sized balls in my other, I could see that he was growing ever more desperate to finally be given his orgasm. Though I knew I'd pushed him this time quite a bit further along than I'd ever done before, and it was obvious that he was so in need of that long awaited orgasm, I wanted to push him just a little bit further before that occurred.So, I let go of Walter's fat cock shaft and balls, and...

3 years ago
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Good Vibes From a Big BrotherChapter 2

It didn't take long for Lori to begin to parade her body around; she's just oozing sex now. I wish she had a boyfriend but she always says she has her 'little buddy' and her 'big buddy', her names for the vibrator I gave her for her fourteenth birthday, that is the 'little buddy' and her 'big buddy', that's my dick which she wanked for me in thanks for the vibrator. She has started telling me when she has used her vibrator with a grin and a wiggle of her cute ass which I am...

1 year ago
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Whats good for the goose is good for the gander

When my husband Zack got released from cute sexy black girlfriend. We had a substance abuse problem. Shasha is my friends name. We did some product and I would text black men teasing them sexually sending nude pics of myself. Well my friend Shasha spilt coffee on purpose so she could take off her shorts and shirt. She was wearing a g-strings and matching bra. Posing bent over ass in the air then lying back legs spread wide. Her pussy was trimmed. You could see her crotch as the g-string went...

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Amber fucked in front of boyfriend

“Nooo don't stop! You can't leave me like this!” Amber stayed laid flat in her back with her legs spread as her boyfriend Nathan climbed out from between them. “We have to get going. We are already late.”Tonight Nathan was taking Amber to a party thrown for his bosses birthday at a local pub. Nathan had recently been promoted and was desperate to make a good impression. “But my pussy is soaking wet! You can't start eating me out and then just stop. You've been teasing me all day. I'm going to...

2 years ago
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Harpers Afloat

Introduction: Whatever can be accomplished on land transfers admirably to sea. Authors Note: This was the nineteenth episode in the series: We all knew it! Harper Valley was taking over our lives. It wasnt so much that anyone was getting bored with sex quite the reverse in fact. We could barely pass each other in the hallway now without having to resort to some minor indecency. A hot little spank, fondle of a breast even a full-on quickie up against the wall if the coast was clear. Admittedly,...

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Lust Part 1

Pure, unadulterated lust.That is my passion as organic and free flowing as you can make it.It all began before the months before puberty. I was ten and very curious about all things procreative.My parents lectured me on sexual intercourse and I was duly embarrassed.What was it all about really? I heard so much from the boys in the playground about who was doing what(blow jobs) to them.I wondered what a blow job was. There were no porn movies, magazines or anything giving full erotic...

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An afternoon by the pool part two

‘Wow, what an opportunity’, thought Carl as he held his cock in his large right hand gently stroking its growing length up and down as he watched them. He tore himself away and went to his wardrobe, grabbed a T shirt and a pair of swimming shorts and quickly put them on. He hurried downstairs to his office and snatched his iPhone from the desk and once more hurried back upstairs. He went into the spare room that overlooked the pool and patio and slowly eased the curtains apart. He then took...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...

1 year ago
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Ten thousand for a thief part 3

Entering the dinning room, he noticed the smile on Mistress's face. She motioned for him to come to her. Reaching over to where he knelt, she kissed him softly on the cheeks and caressed his hair. "You have made me very proud boy, you have learned well," she said as she then kissed the other cheek. A blush ran from Darrens head to his toes, a sense of pride swelled within him. Such simple words, yet they meant so much. "Thank you Mistress, I am learning. The hard way but still I...

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Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 4

She and her partner of the day had chosen this time to meet for that specific reason. My wife was wearing a bright pink tank top that contrasted sharply with her heathered-gray yoga pants. What was similar about her top and bottom, however, was the way the fabric stretched across her body, hugging every curve and accentuating her best physical attributes. Amanda spotted Jansen easily. It was hard to miss him, he was tall and a hulk of a man, standing well over 6 feet with the broadest...

4 years ago
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Changes 1

ChangesMy name is Emma until recently I guess I’d lived a steady life. Done nothing to risky or excessive. I have a husband who I love even after 25 years of marriage we are still close and two grown up c***dren, at 50 I’m fit and healthy and pride myself on keeping myself looking youthful and keeping my size 12 figure. I have what you may say is a top high-profile job with the City Council, it pays well but has its stresses.I can remember the period of time life changed for me, looking back...

2 years ago
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RetreatChapter 3

Friday: Arrival Michelle drives them through the gates, she is so excited, not only excited excited, but sexually excited, she is sure that Michael must be able to smell the moistness in her panties. She has spent much of the journey going over in her mind the things the woman on the telephone had insisted, “all part of the process,” she had answered to almost every question she had asked her. She has already resolved to not mention the stop on the way there that he had tricked her into,...

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Dealing With Amys Little ImpChapter 4

The “Hot to Trot” postal inspector called Mercedes rode me until I was plumb worn out where it really counted when two people had sex on their mind. Our little visit to see my trio of female nymphos called Amy, Misty and Amy’s red haired imp with her non-stop humping needs must have put her into the mood for love morning, noon and nighttime too. I had my four hour limit on the little pills cut down to one hour by the doctor and increased the dosage on my meds to triple the volume of my penis...

1 year ago
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Teacher Pt 5

--Six Months Later-- The next six months were probably the best time of my life up to that point. A sweltering Korean summer transitioned into a mild fall and our classes continued. My relationship and feelings for Sumin only deepened, and hers for me. Jihyun became our partner in crime and almost every weekend was spent exploring each other and finding new ways to please one another. Sumin and Jihyun jumped into bisexuality with both feet and it was not uncommon for them to visit each other...

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Swapping Cousins

Todd and Sissy Bracklin were two fairly normal kids, who had a fairly normal relationships as brother and sister. Todd, being seventeen, could drive and Sissy, who was fourteen, loved to shop, so it wasn’t unusual for them to spend time together as Todd ferried her from place to place. In each place he had friends to hang out with, and so did she. So they actually spent more time than usual with each other than the average teen siblings. Three states away, where Julie and Brad Bracklin lived,...

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A Dream Come True Orgy In Hongkong With My Junior 8211 Part 1

Hi Readers – I am a big fan of sex stories and thought of sharing one experience with you all. Hope you all like it. I am a well settled IT guy. I love women with big breasts and sexy ass. I especially love to suck pussy and breasts. My turn-on’s – Tattoos everywhere on women’s body, navel piercing, sexy lingerie etc. This incident happened recently with me. I keep on traveling in India and abroad frequently. Last month I was asked to travel to Hongkong for an urgent project opportunity for...

2 years ago
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my jobs

I was sitting in my office waiting for my 10:30 AM meeting with Celia Wu. She has been assigned to my office as a graduate for the last 3 months. Her prior placements in the organisation had been failures with her unable to handle the work given to her.In my area, I had tried her in a number of roles, and had found her performance wanting in most of the roles. She did however excel in organising presentations and looking after my clients. I had decided to offer her that type of role during our...

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Swinging Summer Party

It was a beautiful night out in the late summer and my husband and I had started a new adventure in our life together. We were a swinging couple, or least trying to be. We had had some fun with another man via video, me playing with myself for him, and then Adam joining in for the man to watch. I thought it was hot having another person watching us, directing us, and well, wanting to fuck me. It’s always nice to know that you’re attractive to the opposite sex even when you’ve been married for...

3 years ago
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New ride leads to fun time

‘What shall we do now?’ Christine was a fairly new employee at my workplace. Outgoing, with a very friendly toothpaste smile. Short hair, zaftig but w/ a sexy ass that was fun to watch when she walked past and tits that stretched her tops out to their limit. Dark skinned African-American girl, mid-20’s and a pleasure to speak to if you were lucky enough to be near when she stepped outside the Laboratory for a smoke. Other than saying hello to be friendly, mentioning my name and what I did at...

3 years ago
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A Mothers Sacrifice

Introduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugthers virginity for her groom In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or first night rights. In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures. This event takes...

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Japanese twin sexual lust

Hot and sweaty summer days are the worst, but luckily we had a local pool were my friends and I would hang out at after school. This particular day was another scorcher, so we headed for our favorite cool spot and went swimming. We were all swimming around, trying to enjoy the heated weather, when I noticed two hot looking Asian girls walking around the pool area. They were nearly identical, except for their hair and swim suits. One had a white skin tight, two piece bathing suit that had a few...

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made aunt pregnant with GMA help

I am rahul age 14 height 5.10” cock length 6” girth 5 cm dark brown.i am going to tell the story how I took my mami with the help of my grand maa.mami Payal age 31 weight 67, white fig 36 30 38 height 5.5” bulky . she married my mamu 6 yrs b4 but do not have child,my grand maa asked him to visit the doctor test both of them but my mamu said he do not have any problem take payal to the doctor .grandma took her there but doctor said she is fine only problem is that she never had an orgazum, as he...

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The Silent Love 8211 When Traveling To Trivandrum

Hello! readers. This is my first story here, i am putting down a real life experience. kindly bear with me if it gets long or if there are any mistakes. Since real names are immaterial, for the sake of the narration let us put me as Sagar. I live in Cochin. I am 35yrs old 5’10” tall, average built and fair. The incident I am going to narrate happened with a girl from my neighbourhood 5-6 years ago. Near to my house, there are some quarters, in which lived this family. Say Paul, Mariamma and...

1 year ago
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School Knickers A shared enjoyment Part 6

At the hotel, Wendy laid out her freshly pressed uniform, took a bath and, having got me to dry her (very nice!) started to get ready for the convention downstairs. Wendy always started with the blouse (no bra. Her breasts large and firm.) then her tie, stockings and suspenders, gymslip and, finally, she pulled on her navy blue school knickers. The sight of seeing her in her full ‘film’ uniform brought back so many very happy memories from when we first met, And looking down at my trousers my...

2 years ago
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Crystals QuestionsChapter 7

Crystal had taken off everything but her black lace demi-cup bra. Now she settled on Robert's lap, smiling in anticipation. "I wondered what had happened to you," she said. "I didn't see you in the main offices." "I transferred to this satellite office," he said. He ran his hands over her breasts. "Are you comfortable in that thing?" "Here's a secret you probably don't know about women. Most women are very comfortable in a bra. After all, that's some very sensitive flesh...

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