Justins Descent Part 1
- 4 years ago
- 47
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Abundant gratitude to my editor, Privates1stClass, for his patience with my refusal to properly use commas. This is a better story (and not just grammatically) thanks to your involvement. If you’re looking for a cute love story with some sexy moments, look no further. Feel free to leave me comments. I love feedback! -MC
‘Tatum Wu? You think I should take Tatum Wu to prom? Is this some kind of joke? She’s got the body of a 12 year old boy, for fuck’s sake. What kind of prom night would that make for?’ Eli Cunningham said with a smirk on his ridiculously handsome face to some of his football buddies who were standing near him, a group of jocks who waited for Eli’s ok before breathing.
He was having this conversation with my best friend Channing Matthieson. She was everything I wasn’t in high school, hell, still. She was tall, blond, athletic and had The. Biggest. Boobs. that have ever graced the body of someone so thin. Come to think of it, she looked a bit like Barbie. Whenever people get all up in arms about Barbie being unrealistically proportioned and ruining the girls of our nation’s self esteem, I think of Channing Matthieson, then, now, hell probably always. If I swung that way, which I don’t, I would have in love with her… just like everyone else.
We became friends because, like a bad stereotype, I was a total math and science whiz. I swear, I wasn’t just trying to suck up to my incredibly strict Asian family. Of course, that was totally part of it, but the other part was that I just liked numbers and equations and things that logically made sense. Channing was in all of my honors and AP classes with me, but she was struggling. I don’t think the fact that she always had swim practice or volleyball practice or soccer, etc etc after school really helped. When we got paired up for a big science project sophomore year and I saved her grade/ass, she decided to make it her personal mission to help me fit in better at our school.
For starters my name is really Ming-Na, it means enlightenment in Chinese, which is beautiful and all, but doesn’t really help you blend in to white suburban anywhere. Channing decided to call me Tatum (after the actor Channing Tatum, because she was slightly obsessed with him and the movie Step Up, plus she thought it was hysterical when people referred to us together and had to say Channing and Tatum). Since everyone was so enamored with her (or her boobs, tough to say) people followed along. Ming-Na Chan was in my freshman yearbook, with braces, glasses, bad hair and the worst possible clothing, but by sophomore year she had been replaced by Tatum, a girl with perfect makeup, straight teeth and incredibly cute clothes, usually picked out by Channing. She often bought me stuff and called it her payment for tutoring. Teaching me to flat iron my ridiculously frizzy hair is probably still her greatest gift to me.
By senior year, I was reasonably popular… nothing like Channing but enough that people like Eli at least knew my ‘name’ instead of just calling me ‘that Chinese girl’. My dream was to have him take me to prom and get nominated to the prom court. I knew better than to dream I’d be queen, not with Channing around, but the rest of it seemed fairly plausible, and I’d unwisely shared this dream with Channing one night, taking shots of whiskey (god awful stuff!) in her room since her parents were out of town.
‘You know what, Eli, you’re an ass. Tatum’s smart, pretty, and funny. In ten years, when you’re fat and still working some minimum wage job your dad could find for you, she’ll be working for some major think tank, coming up with solutions for cancer or world peace. I hope your prom date gives you herpes, you fucktard.’
Channing, while having the face of an angel, had quite the sharp tongue. I cringed as she relayed all of the details to me later over the phone, since I’d had to go home right after class, like always. My parents were huge on studying. Huge.
‘Oh my god, you did not say that!’ I was touched at her defense but mortified that it had been needed. I guess shooting stars can only rise so far before they have to fall back to earth.
‘He’s a waste of space, Tay. I told you that before, but you had your heart set on him. I still think you and Jay should go to prom together.’
‘Ugh, Channing, I’ve told you a thousand times, it’s just not like that with him.’
Jay was my other best friend, an exceptionally tall, skinny, computer nerd with dirty blond hair and thick glasses who was probably the only person I’d ever met whose brain worked faster than mine. We had a single class together freshman year, in which I decided that I absolutely hated him. While I was smart and super dedicated, things just came to him without trying.
We finally decided to become friends by the middle of sophomore year because we were both on our school’s robotics team. The competition between us was just too intense otherwise. He had the world’s biggest crush on Channing (shocker), so between the verbal sparring he could engage in with me and the attempt to get closer to her, we had plenty to talk about when Channing was busy attending to the business of ruling high school.
‘He’s kind of cute… in that nerd cute sort of way. I know he’s super thin, but it’s not like you’re gonna get him naked after prom, prissy pants.’ Channing was always giving me a hard time for still being a virgin when she’d been sleeping with her boyfriend since sophomore year. I’d explained many times that my parents wouldn’t allow me to date, but she insisted that I should be sneaking behind their backs like a normal teenager. The most I’d ever been able to muster up the courage to do was make out with a few guys at parties she took me to.
‘He’d look perfectly presentable in a tux and at least you’d know you’d have a date who could keep up with you mentally, which of course is just my way of getting in another ‘I told you so’ about Eli. Though how tall is he, 6’5? Even in heels you’re only 5’4, unless we get you six-inch stripper heels – which I can’t see your parents going for… You’re going to look like a midget!’
‘Gee, thanks. We can’t all be tall blond amazon princesses, you bitch,’ I laughed good-naturedly.
‘Oh, Tay, you know I meant to say that you’ll be a very exotically beautiful midget.’
I wasn’t really sure if Channing put him up to it or not, but later that week, Jay asked me to prom. Seeing as I was unsure that I was likely to get another offer (if Eli thought I was useless, most of the other guys in school probably did too) I accepted. It was a little embarrassing to have a ‘friend’ date to prom, but since I wasn’t allowed to date anyway, it seemed rather par for the course. At least my parents already knew Jay. He and I had spent countless hours working on my science fair research.
Even though Jay was crazy smart, he was also completely apathetic about school. He had a perfect GPA, but had intentionally passed on the opportunity to be in any AP or Honors classes. I also had straight A’s but my classes were weighted to account for the increased work, so I was a shoo-in for class valedictorian. My parents couldn’t understand why Jay had purposely eliminated himself from the running, but were happy that I was going to come out on top, nonetheless, especially since he got a perfect score on his SAT’s and I didn’t.
‘So, I’m like supposed to buy you a corsage or something, right?’ Jay asked after class on Friday. Seeing as prom was the following night, it was clear he was procrastinating like always.
‘Pretty sure you’re supposed to order one ahead of time, but don’t worry about it. My favorite flowers are lotuses and I’m pretty sure that would make an awkward corsage anyway.’
‘Yeah, maybe I’ll just get a carnation from the grocery store, break the stem and put a rubber band around it,’ he joked.
I was actually completely surprised the following night when Jay showed up (on time!) looki
ng really handsome in his tux, holding the most beautiful corsage with mini Chinese roses and a lotus in the center. It could not have been more perfect and I suspected that he’d probably gotten help from my mother, but just the fact that he’d put in the effort made my heart skip a beat.
I found myself giving him a once over in a way that I’d never really done. Had Channing been right? Did I totally belong with Jay and I was just too slow to catch on? Then I remembered his long-standing crush on Channing and realized that while I might be coming around to considering Jay, he was just being a good prom date. He’d never been into me like that.
‘This is really beautiful, Jay. I know I’m half obliged to pretend I hate it since we give each other so much shit, but really… it’s perfect. Thank you,’ I said quietly as he put it on my wrist. With my parents hovering, taking pictures every 5 seconds, it was anything but a private moment. The forced pictures with his arm around me did give me a good chance to smell his cologne, though. I don’t know what it was, but it smelled amazing.
‘Ming-Na, you look so pretty. Isn’t she so pretty, Jay?’ my mom prompted. I blushed, mortified that my mom was intent on putting words into his mouth.
In truth, I did look really cute. While most of the girls in my school had picked out bright, short, flouncy dresses, I’d happily gone with a beautiful deep purple Chinese qipao dress, complete with a mandarin collar and frog buttons, that my mother picked out from her favorite store back in Hong Kong. She’d special ordered it over a month ago, the second that I agreed.
It was quite form fitting with a skin tone mesh fabric from the collar down to the low neckline, with purple and gold embroidered flowers to keep it from being immodest. Well, immodest in the world of my parents. I was sure many girls would be baring cleavage full stop, not that I had any to show off. Even with a pushup bra and without standing next to Channing, my A cups weren’t much to take in.
The slit on the side showed an embarrassing amount of my thigh and I thought for sure that my father would throw a fit, but he was just thrilled that I’d agreed to forgo the lime green monstrosity that Channing had brought over for me to try on (just to make whatever I did choose seem like a reasonable choice – the girl was diabolical).
‘She looks absolutely stunning,’ I heard Jay agree. My breath caught in my throat and I almost made a most unladylike choking sound. His tone didn’t sound like he was just mouthing words to humor my mother. My stomach fluttered as his glance slid up and down my body, slowly over my exposed leg and taking note of my bright red lipstick and hair done up like my mother’s had been for her wedding, with combs supporting its weight. The resulting tingle I felt from his perusal caused me to blush for the hundredth time and it was still so early in the night.
I decided to pull Jay out of there before they could embarrass me further. Mouthing that it was time to go, Jay picked up on his cue and led me to his car, opening the door for me. To add to my shock, he’d actually cleaned it out. There were no cds cluttering the seat and passenger floorboards like usual. Jay wasn’t that in to music, but he usually had tons of computer software and games floating around, not to mention random pieces of computer hardware. He was always putting something together, usually after having first taken it apart.
As Jay got in the car he looked me over again, ‘I mean it, Ming-Na, you look beautiful. If you aren’t prom queen this year, this whole school is full of idiots. Well, that being said, we know the school is full of idiots, but you know what I mean.’
‘Don’t tell me you’re going soft on me now, Haggerty,’ I joked, uncomfortable with the serious tone. We didn’t do serious, just lots of jokes, shit talking and homework… those areas didn’t cause butterflies in my stomach. They were safe. ‘And you know I hate it when you call me Ming-Na. I barely let my parents get away with that fucking shit. Ugh… Just drive.’
‘Ok, ok, Wu. Pump the brakes. You open that mouth of yours and go from China doll to yellow trash in less than 5 seconds.’
‘You know that both of those things you just called me are horribly offensive, right?’ I asked, pretending to be outraged, though actually I kind of found the term yellow trash amusing for its inventiveness. It sure beat ‘chink’ and ‘ching ching china’ which an asshole kid had insisted on calling me all through junior high. Plus, I knew Jay was kidding, while Rory Lamonthe had not been.
‘Precisely. You accused me of going soft on you, gotta be prepared for the backlash,’ he smiled and I could tell he was contemplating ending the sentence in another racial slur but thought better of it. And just like that, we were back to being us… only a really well dressed version.
Dinner with Channing and her boyfriend, Willis, was a good time. The four of us had been out together a lot. Never on an actual double date, but since my parents knew and trusted Jay, he was a good option for keeping me from being a third wheel when Channing refused to ditch her boy.
‘Seriously, Jay, you are one lucky bastard. I’m pretty sure you have the prettiest date in the whole school,’ Channing quipped over dessert. I was pretty sure she and my mom were in league with each other and wished the two of them would knock it off already… especially since I knew damn good and well that Jay preferred her to me. I expected Jay to make an offhanded comment but instead he just nodded. My stomach did a little flip again. Sure, it was only polite to agree but tell that to my quickening pulse.
At the dance, the four of us took turns trying to do the worst dance moves we could think of. I could tell that we were totally annoying our peers who actually wanted to dance, but I figured it was my prom too and I didn’t have to bow to them. When a slow song came on I always retreated to our table or went to get something to drink. I was sure that Jay didn’t dance any better than I did and had to be grateful that I was saving us from lots of stepping on each other’s toes. Besides, he was more than a foot taller than me. I was sure we’d look completely ridiculous.
‘You can’t avoid me all night, M,’ Jay said quietly as he stood behind me at our table. It was the closest he would come to a compromise on not calling me my real name, with the exception of using my last name. I paused in putting on more lipstick at the sound of sincerity in his voice. Our classmates were swaying to Stop and Stare by One Republic. In truth, I loved the song and it while it was slow dance worthy it wasn’t a smushy gushy love song. If I had to tough one out with Jay, this seemed like my best bet.
‘Avoiding you? Psssshhh, I’ve been waiting for you to ask me to dance, you moron,’ I laughed, knowing it was a total lie.
‘Well then?’ He asked, nodding toward the dance floor.
My head didn’t come to his shoulders and I didn’t really want to risk getting makeup on his tux, so I just placed my arms on his as he wrapped them around me and had no choice but to look up into his face. I hadn’t counted on that making the moment feel more intimate, but there we were, holding each other, swaying to the song and all I could think was… ‘kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.’
I was fairly certain he was thinking something similar, but the song ended and our class president took the stage, announcing that it was time to declare the winners for the prom court.
I thought fleetingly of my dream that I would be nominated and that Eli would be my date. I was actually pretty glad the latter hadn’t happened, but I still had a glimmer of hope for the former.
‘We’ll announce the guys first. Gentlemen, please all come forward when you hear your name called. Eli Cunningham, Gavin Walker, and our King is… Presley Gruniger. Congratulations, Presley,’ she smiled as she placed a shiny crown on his head.
‘And now for the lad
ies of the court. Gina Cornell, Jessica Daly, and our queen is… Channing Matthieson.’
My friend made her way up front and got her crown. I waved to her and yelled my congratulations but Jay just frowned.
‘I told you… school full of idiots. Do you want to get out of here?’ he asked, his hand on the small of my back. I was torn between wanting to go somewhere with him and the desire to stay in a situation that made it ok for him to have his hands on me.
‘Uh, sure. It’s not like the rest of prom isn’t going to be more of what we’ve already done. Just let me text Channing so she doesn’t waste time trying to track us down.’
I retrieved my phone from my purse, but in the end told Willis that we were going as he was forced to the sidelines while Channing did her obligatory dance with Presley. Thankfully Presley was a friend of hers, so it wasn’t too terrible, just sort of awkward for Willis.
Back in the car, Jay asked me if I had anywhere I wanted to go. As dressed up as we were, I couldn’t imagine going to any late night restaurants, so I told him to just drive. We ended up at a park. Even though I’d seen it a bunch of times, I’d never actually been as it was usually full of stoners who would never have let me hang out with them in a million years.
‘So have you finally decided which school you’re going to? I know that you got accepted into like 6, captain perfect SAT score.’
Jay grinned, a sort of sheepish look on his face, ‘Yeah. I’m gonna do computer science at USC.’
‘USC?! So we’re going to be rivals… how fitting for us,’ I laughed. I’d only applied to UCLA and thankfully been accepted as that was my dream school, namely because it was in Los Angeles, thousands of miles from Indiana and had a much higher population of Asian students in attendance. I wouldn’t be the only Chinese girl in my school.
We were quiet for a minute before Jay said, ‘I’m sorry you weren’t on the court, M. You should have been. Seriously,’ Jay said as we sat on top of a picnic table in the cool May air.
‘It’s no big deal, really. Would it have been nice? Yeah, but really I can’t say that I’m surprised. I’m not tall, blond and bubbly and that’s pretty much the Midwest code for beauty, you know?’
‘I’ve always thought you were beautiful,’ Jay said quietly and I turned to look at him. He’d spent the past two years worshipping Channing, so I simply raised an eyebrow at him.
I thought he was going to explain, but instead he leaned forward and kissed me. A rush of thoughts went swirling through my head. ‘Oh holy crap, it’s happening, Jay is kissing me. Wait! Jay is kissing me? What? He doesn’t even like me. I don’t even like him…’ but as his lips continued to press against mine, it was awfully hard to remember why we weren’t supposed to be together.
While I was happy that my earlier wish had come to fruition, in truth it was a really sloppy kiss. I wondered if maybe it was his first. Unfortunately, I didn’t just wonder it in my mind.
‘Jesus, Wu. You’ve always gotta kill the moment. Yes, that was, thanks for letting me know it showed.’ He said, irritation topping his embarrassment.
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. It’s just… well, here, let me show you. Less tongue, or at least, lighter,’ I said before kissing him again. This time it was better, but the instructional nature of it took away some of the romance.
‘Ok, miss know-it-all. You win. You’re a better kisser,’ he laughed, gently biting my bottom lip, a move that surprised me in how much it turned me on.
‘Yeah, but that’s all I’ve ever done, you know? Beyond that, I’m reasonably clueless. An 18-year-old virgin who has never ever been felt up.’
‘We could help each other with that, you know,’ Jay smiled. I’m sure he figured I’d shoot him down and he could just pretend that he’d been kidding. I surprised myself by leaning forward and whispering, ‘Not in a public park.’
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HardcoreBeing raised in a place with little to no racial diversity, it isn't a stretch to say that all of the thuggish looking African American men walking around holding their crotches and probably hiding weapons, kind of scared us a bit. (There are undertones of joking racism, but you have to understand that all of the jokes are actually poking fun at those people who truly feel as though all black people are thugs and thieves, or rapists. We don't actually feel that way. On the third night of...
Justin Timberlake was in love with Britney Spears. He had known her for several years, since they worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club. Now that the two of them had become famous, it was very hard for either of them to meet people. So when they started hanging out again, it was like instant chemistry. Unfortunately for Justin, Britney had been brought up in a relatively conservative home, and she had yet to go past 2nd base with him. But that was all going to change soon. That night while...
I opened the door of my house after a long day of helping a friend move. It was dark, aside from the lights in the house and the stars in the sky. Small, wet snowflakes melted on my cheeks. "Justin! I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the house and kicked off my boots. No answer. Just a trail of rose petals that twisted and swerved all throughout our home. I tiptoed along side the crimson trail. It lead me to the couch. On the side table, there was a steaming hot chocolate. On the couch,...
Love StoriesJustin and Steve were best friends. They had been best friends since high school but only recently had they shared a drunken kiss. Which made things a bit awkward between them as they were both very much into girls not guys. One night when Justin went to a club with some mates from college he noticed Steve within the crowd hunched over his glass at the bar in his black leather jacket. His golden blonde hair glistening underneath the light. Justin decided to walk over to him, "Hi," he said.Steve...
Gay MaleMy name is Chris,I was 17years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was a in good shape because i was on the track team. I was only on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 17 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned skinned From staying at the Beach too long. He was the kind of guy who everyone want to go out...
This is my first story, so any comments and suggestion are much appreciated. This story is completely fiction, and none of the events happened in real life. Enjoy the story. Justin and I have been dating for six months now. We are the perfect couple; he is tall, dark and handsome, perfect muscles, great eyes and smile. I am small, with blonde hair and tanned skin, a slender figure with large breasts. He frequently complimented me on my slim figure; saying I looked “hot” and “sexy” and,...
First TimeMy name is Chris,I was 12years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 12 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned. I was gay so whenever the team was changing i would always sneak a peak at Justin, and the other boys. After track was done I asked him if he wanted to...
I gently pinched them between my fingers and they swelled out to the size of acorns. Dark red. I felt the same beautiful sensation as when I stroked my cock. As I rubbed my nipples I felt my cock harden again – as if demanding attention. This time I was wanking my cock with one hand while rubbing my nipples with the other. I had never known such ecstasy. The next day I was looking in a mirror at my body. There was not a hair anywhere – pure smooth silky pale. The hair on my head was...
Those here on this site who know me, already know the basics of my story. I have been married three times, divorced twice, and for financial reasons I’m now trapped in a loveless, joyless, sexless third marriage. Frank doesn’t hit me or anything, there’s just really no marriage anymore. But I still really, really enjoy sex…just not with Frank any more. Over the past eight years since our marriage basically became meaningless, I have had five male lovers outside of my marriage. My friends here...
So I drove to a remote spot where the snow had melted being still in early March with winter still around, left on a pop music station on the radio and enjoyed the heater as we kissed passionately helping our bodies warm up, Rowena sucking my tongue like I hoped she,d Soon be sucking on my rock hard cock. To prove her point she squeezed my dick “All our kissing sure gets This hard, doesn,t it?” “No babe You get it hard just being near me.” I told her. “That,s the first thing I noticed about you...
Those here on this site who know me, already know the basics of my story. I have been married three times, divorced twice, and for financial reasons I’m now trapped in a loveless, joyless, sexless third marriage. Frank doesn’t hit me or anything, there’s just really no marriage anymore. But I still really, really enjoy sex…just not with Frank any more. Over the past eight years since our marriage basically became meaningless, I have had five male lovers outside of my marriage. My friends here...
LesbianI have been married for 10 years and with my wife for 13 years. She is a very sexy Latina with great 38D's and wonderful pierced nipples. Over that time we have had what I would call a very healthy sex life. A few years ago I started telling her that I wanted her to have sex with another guy,, mainly just bedroom sex talk. She also would play along and tell me stories or so I thought they were stories. I was working shift work and came home early one night to find my wife not there. I guessed...
WARNING: A brief note to the readers this story does contain scenes of Rape as well as descriptions of mutilation of the male genitalia. To The Reader: I as a Rape or Sexual Assault Counselor for both men, women and children, see Rape as one of the most heinous of crimes done to the human body by another human being. Many of the victims have or will undergo years of intensive therapy just to be able to function again within society after their physical/medical needs are met....
Los dos amantes se revolcaban apasionadamente en la cama. Se supon?a que no iban a pasar demasiado tiempo all?. Iban con prisa. Mark acababa de robar junto a sus chicos uno de los furgones blindados. No cualquier furg?n blindado. De hecho se parec?a m?s a una furgoneta, pero aparte de ir blindada llevaba varios matones dentro. Todos bien armados. Lo normal cuando trataba con la mafia. Arriesgado, si, pero un golpe redondo. La recaudaci?n de todos sus negocios. Prostituci?n, casinos, drogas. Pr?cticamente un mill?n po...
JUSTICIAHelena Martin stepped off the plane with a huge smile on her face. And, why not, life has been very good to her lately.Flying first class, she had just landed in Ibiza for a fun weekend with friends at her lover’s palatial villa, were she expects him to announce their forthcoming engagement, after exclusively dating for the past year. Her hoped to be fianc?, was the young, ruggedly handsome and extremely wealthy Juan Antonio Rodriguez de Cuellar, a renowned financial genius, who also h...
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Love Stories#Genesis "They're finally ready, Sir ... Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan and Dakota Goyo", The Scientist replied, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, "But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?" "An island", I answered, "My own little one just off Maldives ... Tell me, Doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?" "We factored it all in. The technical details are...
Justin time [part 1 of 2]By: Helena Handbasket I'm divorced, 48, a redhead and curvy. This is my first story, I hope you like it. As time goes on I will takeyou on my many fantasies, but this one is true. Episode one - the DIY Store. You may call this a Hardware Store. I ammeaning a shop that sells paint, plaster, tools etc for jobs around the home and garden. I needed some paint to repaint my front door. There was little chance I would ever actually paint it, but on this particular day I had...
Although he is keeping both his lovers satiated, Justin is aware of his need to improve himself. There is cost and reward, pleasure and pain as he grows. School started. I enrolled at the highschool near Jules’ house, just a kid with a couple of hundred other kids. Normal. I didn’t like being away from Jules and Daria all day; Daria was at work anyway. Jules dropped me off and picked me up in one car or another. I didn’t mix with the other kids much at first. Some guys tried to bully me...
In which young Justin pushes the envelope of age gap sex with 67 year old Jules. I met Charlie at the mall again and we talked for a long time. She asked me how it went with Nora, and wanted details. She laughed happily as I told her. “So you’re not into the bisex thing at all?” she asked. “No, men aren’t attractive to me.” I told her. “Too bad.” She said, “There’s a lot of opportunity for a good looking boy like you if you’re into a little cock play.” “So you’ve done that sort of...
The quest for an interstellar drive has gone on since the 1940’s at least theoretically. An intergalactic drive was of course always assumed to be impossible. It was thought that even wormholes would, if even possible to use, only provide shortcuts within our own galaxy. Hyperspace, at least mathematically, has been proven to exist, but no has ever had any idea how to access it. Some people thought that achieving superluminal speed would do it and magically thrust you across the space...
Young Justin is sucked into hungry old Jules’ vortex of sensuality I woke up alone, the smell of her perfume and our sex permeated my small bedroom. The memory of her filled my head with euphoria; my muscles were a bit sore and my cock was exhausted. Damn, that old woman was hot in the sack. I could hear voices; Jules and Mom. I sat up as a spear of terror struck me; I can’t say what I was afraid of, it just seemed that no good could come of their meeting. I wrapped a towel around my hips...
“Maybe you shouldn’t ride her today,” I teased. “What!? Why not, I love Mystic, she’s the best horse in the world, and she loves me too daddy. Why can’t I ride her?” I looked at my teen daughter and judged her to be about the prettiest, most loveable daughter in the world. I felt a surge of Father’s Pride that she was so vibrant, so intelligent, so spirited. A father couldn’t ask for a better child, a better person in his life. Yeah, I loved my daughter Pepper without question, without...
I just arrived home from my morning workout sweaty and feeling great. Craving a shower, I head to the bathroom leaving a trail of clothes across my bedroom floor. Standing naked in front of the mirror I admire my hard body that I’ve worked so hard to maintain. Tugging on my cock it becomes semi-rigid. I stop knowing what’s on the agenda for the day. Satisfied, I begin to shave the important areas of my body then jump into the shower. Afterward, I dry myself and fix my hair. Once again, standing...
Straight SexToday was an exciting day for you. You have been looking forward to your test drive of the new Subaru WRX sti for months and the time has finally come. You have organised a leisurely day for yourself by taking the whole day off work, you don't want to rush through the test drive..... you want to savour it.Your booked for 10am and arrive 10 min's early, you walk straight into the showroom. The salesmen are expecting you, they recognise you and stand up to greet you. You shake hands and make...
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