ReflectionsChapter 7 free porn video

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Wednesday was incredible. I left the office early to stop at the fish store for some fresh salmon filets. The rest of the stuff we had home.

I had all my preparations done when the two ladies showed up. Clarissa gave me one of those tonsil probing kisses and Julie a chaste peck on the cheek. Instantaneously, my dick was hard in that unyielding plastic prison. I guess she had not come from the office but from her home because she looked hot with plenty of cleavage.

After the greetings, the ladies settled in the living room and I followed to asked there drink preferences.

"Hon, at the request of our guest, there is a change of plan. I know I told you that dinner would be a normal setting with the three of us but Julie feels that in order to go through with the rest of the evening, she kind of needs to get into the 'Domme' mood."

"So I want you to strip right here and kiss our feet and then ask again for what we would like to drink."

"Furthermore, you will remove your plate setting from the dining room. You can snatch bites in between attending to our needs."

I was blushing and I didn't think that I could get any harder. I guess the humiliation really was a turn on. I looked at Julie and she had the sweetest smile on her face before turning into a vamp licking her lips in a way that promised the hottest blow job. But of course NO man would ever get one.

"Do wear an apron while cooking and serving us. I don't think it would be proper to have your dick near our food."

So there I was, embarrassed and humiliated like never before but ready and eager to comply. This is going to be an interesting evening.

They kept me hopping and I had barely a chance to snatch a few bites each time they sent me off to the kitchen for something. The rest of the time Julie made me stand at "parade" rest near the door way to the kitchen

As they were done eating Clarissa got up and accidently on purpose spilled here almost full glass of wine on the floor. The dining room has hardwood floors so it was not really a big deal.

"Oh my, I'm sorry pet, do clean that up. NO, silly boy. Not with a rag. Use your mouth and tongue. That way you get to share the delicious wine with us."

I had no choice. No not true I had a choice but that would end the game and I wasn't ready to do that. I wanted to find out what else they had up their sleeves and the prospect of attending to Julie's pussy even if I couldn't see it had me really turned on.

"Here boy have some more."

With that Julie poured the content of her glass on the floor right after I had lapped up every drop spilled by Clarissa.

Both girls giggled as they walked off. But I detected a difference. Clarissa's was kind of mean sounding while Julie's showed more of a girlish delight at her prank. I started to wonder if Clarissa hadn't his in mind all along and was using Julie as an excuse to further her dominance over me.

"Hey boy, leave the dishes for later we need you here for other things but I want you to come in on your hands and knees. No looking at us at all. And bring an ice pack. I want to modify your CB before we get started."

What was that all about. I didn't like where this was going but I felt secure that Clarissa would honor the safe word if things got out of hand and at 'til now I was kind of enjoying it. Sure I kept struggling with the whole concept but whatever submissive genes I had in me kept me from rebelling. Maybe I needed to see a shrink, see if I could figure this out.

So I got the ice and made my way into the living room on hands and knees, pushing the ice in front of me and making sure I kept my head down.

I stopped in front of Clarissa.


"Stop, not a word. I want you completely silent until I give you permission to speak. Sit up time for the hood and cuffs."

I got on my raised my body but stayed on my knees being careful to focus my eyes on Clarissa's feet. Well mostly, I did dare a quick glance and was surprised to see a gleam in her eyes that I had never seen before. Anticipation of some undefined pleasure. I quickly averted my eyes and got lucky net getting caught.

The hood was of some sort of spandex material and completely form fitting to my head. It was quite tight and not very comfortable. There was some extra thickness of the material where my eyes are and there was absolutely no chance of seeing anything at all. Breathing was difficult through some holes by the nose but it got a lot easier after Clarissa opened the zipper by my mouth. That eased things for me. I really did not care for the mask at all. I got concerned about being able to breathe when I got started with the pussy worship. Those air holes for the nose were either in the wrong place or very small. We'll see.

"Stand up and turn around, hands behind the back."

Two quick clicks and felt steel handcuffs which she now tightened to the point of being painfully tight.


Clarissa grabbed my balls and squeezed them tightly.

"Shut up or I'll have another toy here that will keep you from talking but won't stop you from being able to lick our pussies. Be very, very careful. I don't mind you moaning but no words unless you want to really disappoint us and wimp out with the safe word."

I felt Clarissa's hands on my balls and dick again and soon it was free from the cage. A couple of strokes and I was hard a steel and pointing at the ceiling.

"Julie, I know you are not into cocks but what do you think of my boy's?"

"Kind of small isn't it?" I mean I don't have any real experience but I always thought that men had bigger cocks that that. Every picture I've ever seen of a nude male had a bigger one."

"Hmm, I never thought of that, I guess you could be right."

I wanted to run but Clarissa had a firm grip on my balls.

"Well it's going to get a lot smaller in a second" and she hit me with the ice. I yelped which got me a painful squeeze. I can't help it. It's not so much the pain but the shock, especially since I could not see it coming.

"Damn, I didn't think it could get any smaller" chuckled Julie.

"What's next?"

"A CB."


Clarissa must have shown Julie what she was going to put on my dick.

It felt different, heavier than the plastic one. Then I felt its spikes. What is up with that. This is not what I signed on for. I was sorely tempted to use my safe word but was unsure of the consequences.

At the same time I felt Clarissa's hot and excited breath by my ear.

"Don't disappoint us. Don't use the safe word. I'll watch for blood."

I heard the click of the lock and then Clarissa's mouth was over the head of my dick. I groaned in pain as the teeth dug into the soft skin.

"Hush boy or I'll have to punish you further."

"Hurt the bastard, make him pay with pain for the privilege of being allowed to worship MY pussy. Make him suffer."

Julie clearly was aroused by what was going on. Maybe that was a good thing, make it easier for me in the end. That is unless she freaked out when I got near her pussy where no man had ever been.

"Get back down on your knees."

That was difficult and Clarissa steadied me.

"Now sit down and spread your legs wide" which I managed with her help. We had determined that her "Throne" was the best place for Julie to sit. She could recline and lift her legs over my shoulder and place them on an ottoman behind me. Clarissa would make her slide forward enough so that her anus was accessible to me as well as her pussy.

I heard some furniture being moved and suddenly a soft stocking clad foot started to tease my dick.

"So vulnerable, so fragile."

To emphasize it, the foot started to press down on the CB pushing the spikes deeper into my skin.

"Look at the head of his little dick. It's turning purple. It's so cute, trying to get hard. Trying to impress me."

Thankfully foot lifted of my dick and her legs rested on my shoulder.

"Scoot closer pin prick. Inhale my essence but don't you dare touch my body – not yet."

I moved closer until a hand against my head stopped me. I felt the ottoman pushed against my back and the legs lifted of my shoulder. There was shuffling in front of me and the increase in detectable body heat told me that I was very close to Julie's pussy.

"OK, pin prick – get busy. Make me cum. I don't have all night."

"Should we tell him our bet? Tell him what's in store for him if he fails?"

"No let him sweat. Imagination is such a powerful torture tool. Having to worry about what might happen if he fails increases your chance to win."

"OK, work your alleged magic."

That is what I did, I don't know for how long. It seemed like an eternity, that I worked on Julie's pussy. She was absolutely quiet but I did detect and increase in her breathing. It got a bit louder and more rapid. Then I hit her with my secret weapon. My tongue flicked across her anus a few times before going back to her pussy.


With the mask on it was hard for me to create some suction so I was pretty much limited to licking, probing as deep as possible with my tongue. Then back to the anus, this time trying to penetrate it with my tongue


Her breathing was getting ragged and that's when I decided to attach her clit. She was ready whether she wanted to our not and damn if she wasn't a squirter. I was drenched right through the mask. I tried to pull back but those athletic thighs had locked onto my head and I was afraid she was going to pop it wide open, killing me.

I must have passed out from lack of air because when I came too, I was on my back and I heard both of them in unison.

"Are you OK?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, not sure if I could or should speak.

"Let's help him up."

The grabbed my arms making the cuffs dig deeper into my wrists which made me grunt in pain. But the I was standing a bit unsteady and one of them held my arm to keep me from falling suddenly Julie pressed herself against me and started to lick the mask covering my face.

"Hmm, I do love the taste of my own cum."

That licking brought another groan as my dick hardened again from the attention and that fact that I felt one hard nipple against my chest while her other breath was still covered with a bra. Those damn spikes were getting me again. She must have been playing with it while I worked on her.

Suddenly she stepped away, grabbed my nipples and viciously twisted them.

"You are not done suffering for me you bastard. You made me lose the bet."

"You've been wondering about that haven't you?"

"Well, I tell you – either way, you are the real loser, I think."

Twisting my nipples again.

"If I had won, I would have been able to use your belt and blister your ass twelve times. You can be sure that you would have felt every one of them. Now that I lost, I get to make you a cuckold and you will have NO choice but to watch. At least for a while. I'm going to take your wife away from you. Show her how she doesn't need your puny little dick. Remind her of the pleasures she experienced when she was in college."

"Oh I'm not greedy, I'll let her have an occasional fuck by some guy with a man-sized cock."

I was stunned, I still wore the mask so I couldn't see any of their faces. I was just about to utter the safe word when one of them closed my nose holes forcing me to open my mouth to breath and before I knew it they shoved one of those wire things the dentist uses to keep the mouth open while the they work on your teeth.

"There, that will keep you from talking."

That was Carissa.

"I'll give a chance to talk at some point but right now you are still our slave. Make all the noise you want. My dentist says it's safe to leave it in for up to two hours. Behave and maybe I'll take out before that time is up."

"One thing is for sure, I'm going to test how well you can eat pussy and worship my ass with that contraption in your mouth."

"Let's get him up and secure him in MY bedroom."

There is was, she said it and I didn't like it. 'til that moment, my dick had stayed semi hard in spite of all the humiliation, the pain in my nipples since Julie never stopped tormenting them except when they put that wire thing into my mouth. But with that last comment, I went soft. I was happy about that because the spikes were getting to me.

They guided me up the stairs and both of them kept rubbing bare breasts against my arm in the process which cause an erection and they spikes did get back into action.

"On your knees slave. Move forward a bit. Good."

I felt them attaching the fur lined leather cuffs to my arms and each one grabbed an arm quite firmly. Then I click and the steel hand cuff fell to the floor. I was grateful for that because they were really starting to hurt and hands started to get numb. With the wire thing in my mouth I could not have told them about that.

"Stretch that arm and tie it the bed post, then the two of us can pull on the other and make it really tight."

Within a couple of minutes I was on my knees, chest pressed against the foot board and my arms stretched, maybe not to the limit but pretty close.

"There, now I have you where I want you boy and when the night is over you are both mine."

It was a harsh speech but what surprised my was a soft hand stroking my head and a kiss on each cheek. Maybe this was not going to be too bad. But then again, maybe they were just setting me up for the next humiliation.

"Let's take that CB off. I think we need to check for cuts and I want to check from time to time how he's reacting to what we are doing."

"I call his little dick the 'truth meter' because no matter what he might tell me that little thing never lies when it comes to telling the truth about being turned on or not."

I sure was relieved when that bloody thing came off, at least 'til I yelped in pain because one of them sprayed some sort of disinfection stuff on my dick. It stung like the dickens.

"Oh did it hurt baby?"

The words were sympathetic, the sound of the voice pretty sarcastic.

"Better give it another shot Julie. We don't want to take any chance with his little thing getting infected. Who knows, it might have to be cut off. Not that it's a big loss but still it's kind of cute. Don't you think so?"

"Not from my point of view. You know I have no use for what's hanging down there but I guess you are right. If he lost it, we wouldn't be able to torment it."

One of them picked up my dick gingerly wearing gloves and sprayed it one more time. This time it didn't sting quite as much.

"Look at him drooling. Julie stick your panties into his mouth. 'Flavor' them a bit first. I don't want his drool stain the carpet or the bed."

Soon I had a moist pair of panties in my mouth. It made breathing harder again but not bad enough to cause real problems.

"Look, he likes it. Told you the 'truth meter', even a miniature one like his works."

"Stop yapping and get up on that bed, I'm going to show you what it means to have a REAL lover, not some wimpy assed boy with a little dick."

For I don't know how long, I heard the two of them making love on the bed, having multiple orgasms. Having heard Julie orgasm down stairs, I now could tell who was cumming each time.

The pretty much ignored me except every once in a while Julie would make a comment.

"Isn't this way better than pin prick over there?"

Stuff like that.

"Before the night is over, I'll own you boy because your wife is going to surrender the key to your CB to me. Any form of release will be on my say so."

Chuckling: "Fat chance of that."

There was a period of quiet whispering. I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"OK, let's do that."

One of them took the panties out my mouth and the next thing there was a very wet pussy in my face.

"Clean it cuckboy, make it good."

It had to be Clarissa's. I would recognize hers any time. It was hard with the wire contraption in my mouth but she was turned on enough to have one of her gentle orgasms which saved me from having my head crushed.

"Let's take him to the other room. Give him a chance to pee and a couple of sips of water before we tie him to that bed. Time for some privacy for us."

"You take him, he's your husband."

They released me but before I got a chance to stretch my aching shoulders one of them locked the two leather cuffs together behind my back.

"OK get up and get a move on."

I almost fell over. My knees had gotten stiff. I must have knelt there longer than I thought.

"Steady there."

One of them grabbed my arm, I assume Clarissa and guided me out of the room and across the hall into the other bedroom suite and then I bumped my feet in front of the toilet.

"I'm gonna help you sit down to pee. There is no way I'm going to hold your dick and aim it for you."

Problem was that I was hard and had a really difficult time to void my bladder.

"Hang on there sport. I'll fix you."

I yelled as sharp fingernails dug into my scrotum and squeezed my balls. But the erection was gone and I was able to pee.

"Try to open your mouth a bit more. I'm going to take the spreader out but I need you to be absolutely quiet. Not a word or it goes right back in."

I nodded.

It took a while to get my jaws moving again.

"You OK? Don't talk just nod or shake your head.

"Do you want to continue or use the safe word? Nod for safe word."

With the hood I couldn't see what Clarissa was thinking.

She must have read my mind.

"Keep quiet and I won't put the wire thing back in. You can use the safe word if it gets too much later on."

So I shook my head.

"Good boy." I quick peck on the cheek. "Here have a couple of sips of water."

She held a paper cup against my mouth and drank greedily spilling half of it.

"OK, time to lock you back up. Relax, it's your regular CB minus all the spacer rings. I want you to be a bit uncomfortable."

Another vicious squeeze to reduce the just rejuvenating erection down and click, I was locked up.

Clarissa guided me from the bathroom to the bed and pushed me on it, unhooked the cuffs and tied each hand to one of the posts of the head board like so many times before. This time not super tight. I had some wiggle room.

"Sorry, the hood stays on. Good night."

I felt pressure on the bed but then from the door way.

"Never mind that stuff, get your ass back here. I'm going to show you what a real cock can to your slutty pussy."

Suddenly I felt a huge dildo pressing against my lips.

"Open up sissy slut, get it ready for your wife. I'm going to fuck her like she's never been before. We are going to leave the doors open so you can hear here screaming for more."

It hurt having to open my mouth this wide after the ordeal with the dental fixture. I can't believe that any pussy could accommodate that monster.

Thankfully, it did not last long. I was withdrawn and they both left to head back to Clarissa's room. Why did I think of it that way. That is so wrong. Did several hours of mental and physical torture brainwash me to that extend that I accepted her terminology?

What is wrong with me. I just don't understand. I'm so confused. I'm going to have to look for some help. I won't be able to figure this out by myself.

Things got loud again in the other room but eventually quieted down. I was both mentally and physically exhausted and fell into some restless sleep and woke up yelling the safe word. I dreamt that they were double teaming me with monster cocks.

"Honey, what's wrong? Let's get this mask off and get you untied."

Are you OK? What happened?"

My eyes hurt when the mask came off even though the light was very muted.

"A bad dream. I'll be OK."

"Tell me about it."

"No, I rather not. It's silly. It was just a bad dream. Just go and leave me be. I'll be OK. I'll go to the bathroom and take couple of pills and try to go back to sleep."

"I'm staying right here with you."

"No please Clarissa, just leave me be. I have a lot of thinking to do. Having you around is not going to help."

"Just leave and please close the door behind you."

Now that I was untied, I got up, went to the bathroom to pee and took a couple of pain pills. My jaws and knees were still hurting quite a bit.

I must have fallen asleep again because the next thing I knew was that the room was flooded with sunlight, the door was open and the smell of cooking bacon and coffee was working its way up.

I got up, relieved myself and very gingerly brushed my teeth after washing my face. I was still a mental mess but the most of the body aches were gone.

I went down stairs and there where the two beauties, both wearing one of my old oversized tee shirts. The one on Julie was a bit short but she had put on pair of old fashioned bloomers like people wore in the 1890's that Clarissa had once gotten for a Halloween party. I has to smile. My dick liked the picture too and tried to get hard in the shortened cage which made me wince.

When they saw me, they both rushed me and hugged me. Feeling their braless breasts press against me did not help my confined dick but it did make feel like that they did care for me.

"You OK big boy? I hope I wasn't too mean last night."

"He babe, glad you're among the living. Sit have some coffee. We are going to spoil you this morning."

I looked at the kitchen clock, it showed almost 10 AM.

"Relax babe, I called the office, told them you would be late or maybe not come in at all but would call them before lunch."

"Now sit, and have breakfast, we kind of shortchanged you on dinner last night and you must be starving."

It was only after I had eaten that I suddenly realized that I was still naked. I had so gotten used to the idea that it never occurred to me. Clarissa's mind games were sure working on me. What's it been less than two weeks, ten days that she issued the edict that I was to be naked at all time in the house.

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And just as I was about to tear her clothes apart the doorbell rang, it was Jordan her son and my “So called” best friend and here I was trying to rip her mothers clothes apart and fuck her brains out. Lets take a rewind Imagine yourself watching a movie when the cameraman shows you the narrator describing what he thinks about the world and shit. No, that’s not gonna be me. Now imagine, A young boy in black leather jacket and black jeans sitting in a bar staring at what girl he should hook up...

1 year ago
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Dyked Chanell Heart Misty Stone Pussy Payment Plan

Chanell Heart was pensively waiting for her divorce lawyer Misty Stone to divulge to her the outcome of her divorce case. It looks like Chanell will be receiving almost one hundred percent of the estate! Talk about a big win. Just as Chanell was about to jump for joy, Misty laid her retainer fee on the table. Damn, it doesn’t look like Chanell would be able to afford it. Good thing Misty had alternative methods in mind, and since Chanell wouldn’t be a married woman anymore, she should have no...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter In A Movie Hall

This is a story which happened just a few days ago in a theater near my home. I came back from work. Completely tired with my work, I needed a small break. I got quarter Old Monk rum and gulped it completely. I took a walk and went to a Kannada movie “Chowka” in a theater near my home. There were hardly 50 people in the theater. This gave the liberty to sit in any seat that we wish to. I went on and sat in the middle rows. The movie started rolling. 30 minutes into the movie, Just as when I...

Gay Male
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A fun nignt with my X and her sister Pt 5

After having my cock sucked dry by my X wife. The girls took a hand each and lead me back to the house, my limp drained cock hanging between my legs bobbing as I walked. We went into the house and thru to the bed room. Jane opened the French windows and it was like been outside only comfortable. I flopped down on the bed on my back with a silly smile on my face.Jane asked, " What's up with you horny fuck??". "Oh I was just trying to imagine how you and s*s would look in a 69". Jane blushed and...

1 year ago
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Personal Touch

Chelby waited for the ferry on the docks of Seattle that took her across the waters to the ship yard on the far side of Puget Sound. The evening was chilly and she could tell autumn was here. The sky was clear the air crisp and the stars sparkled overhead. She leaned over the side of the ferry to gaze into the water as the ferry chopped through it, she loved the wind in her face, and the way it caused her hair to fly wildly. It had been a long time since she had taken the journeys she would...

4 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK III

“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...

3 years ago
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Will You Do This for MeChapter 10

Ellie and I stood on the porch and watched them go. We didn't let them go far before we hurried inside. "It's getting colder," she told me. "I know. The sky is clear and there is little wind. It might be quite cold out there tonight." I looked at my watch. I was a little after two in the afternoon. "I have a radical plan to suggest," I told her. "Lets pack some things and head to Flagstaff now. We'll get there about dark, we find a hotel and check in. Then get a decent...

2 years ago
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Lactation Room by loyalsock

CRASH!!! "What the hell was that," Andy Ozinski said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room! The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff were out to lunch, and Andy wondered who could possibly using the vacant office at this hour. Well who ever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there, so Andy put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty...

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AlmaChapter 6

Yesenia and Alma rode for a while before pulling up to the club. They got out and walked to the door. Yesenia knew the bouncer, so both girls were given wristbands that showed them to be over 21 year old. They walked into the club and looked around at the people dancing. They decided to go to the bar and sit for a while. They ordered a drink and sat on a barstool. It wasn't long before the girls were approached. "Hello. Mind if we sit with you?" the first male said. His name was Jose and...

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The Debauchery of a Young Housewife

Asha was newly married to Rajesh Sinha, a young businessman, who hadhis own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of Delhi. Theylived in a big bungalow with Rajesh's parents. They had just returnedfrom their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virginbefore marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with afew boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could go anyfurther her marriage was fixed. She was a lusty young woman with abig body, heavy breasts and a tight...

2 years ago
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Virginity Lost2

I'd always had a good relationship with my sister. We weren't your stereotypical siblings, we never argued and we were comfortable with each other naked, we had to be, we shared a room. But I never viewed her in a sexual way. I guess I started looking at her in a sexual manner once I started secondary school. I was one of the few people in my year that had not been exposed to sex so when my friends used to talk about wanking I was clueless and would just nod along. But it did however, get...

2 years ago
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Sexy Fairytale part 7

Kristen awoke, her arms aching from being tied above her head. She was in some kind of dungeon setting, but when she tried to scream... she couldn't from the gag in her mouth. Standing mostly upright, she found that her ankles were tied apart, so that her thighs were spread and her pussy and her ass were vulnerable.Then suddenly, the b**st stepped in front of her and she stopped struggling... he was huge! At least six and a half feet tall, with broad, strong shoulders and muscles that rippled...

3 years ago
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My boss took charge

My name is Nicholas and I am thirty-one years old. I have always had a lot of pride in my body and had never had much of a hard time picking up dates. I was down on my luck and found a hard time finding a job. With all the skills I had learned in college, I had obviously spent too much time partying. When it came time for me to find a real job I could find a low-key job as a researcher for a law firm.When a firm takes on a case, and they need to get back checks and corroborate information given...

4 years ago
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Something in the WaterChapter 5 Measure Them In Feet

By the Friday evening, Louise was excited about the trip. She didn't get away much, not being able to afford to run a car. A weekend away would be a break for her as well as being company for Jessica. Louise's only reservation was that her bust had now reached 48 inches, which was pretty impressive on her tiny frame. At least, it indicated that her rate of growth was slowing down after the initial burst. I wished the same could be said for the Sargent girls and their friends. The six of...

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Amys Chat Room Visitors

Eric had been away on business for over a week and I was really feeling horny. I knew it would still be a few more days until I saw him and could relieve my frustration, so I pulled up our Lush page to see if I might find something to satisfy my needs. It wasn't long before I was approached in a chat room by a man who noticed I was on line. He commented on how much he liked my profile images and how hot they made him feel. He also wanted to know if I'd like to see a few of his. "Absolutely!" I...

3 years ago
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Agony Aunty 8211 Innocence to Excellence

Hi friends, I m Rajan age 26 yrs and working as a Physiotherapist in one city of Gujarat. The story I m going to narrate is an absolute hott experience of my life that won’t get repeat ever. A bit long one but definite horney. From the adolecence,I m much interested in Mid aged horney women in b/w 30-40 yrs of age,instead of Virgin girls. My thinking is that They r much experienced, familiar and horney during their this phase of life and can give a definite satisfaction to anyone. I was 20 yrs...

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This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age. This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a work of...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 276

????After my wife died, I couldn’t even look at another woman for 10 years. But now that I’m out of jail, I can honestly say it was worth it! ????Got an e-mail today from a “bored housewife 32, looking for some action!” I’ve sent her my ironing. That’ll keep her busy! ???? My wife asked if she could have a little peace and quiet while she cooked the dinner, so I took the batteries out of the smoke alarm! ????Anyone got an owner’s manual for a wife? Mine’s giving off a terrible whining noise! ????My wife...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Jessa Blue 24383

What a horrible date. First he brings her to a steakhouse not knowing she’s vegan, then he invites her to his backyard for a potential swim, but it’s a bit cold and rainy, and they don’t even have swimsuits. Kyle has no idea what he’s doing with Jessa Blue, but it’s just as well, considering that she’s a friend of his sister’s. But he’s got a last resort, and it’s a BIG one. After getting under the covers in his bed, he tells Jessa to enter his bedroom for his last-ditch effort on this...

4 years ago
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A View Down

I could hear my wife on the phone, I didn't think anything of it even when she came to tell me she's been talking to Paula next door. I remember thinking how lazy to phone, she's only next door. My wife told me her daughter's bedroom light had stopped working and her husband's working away so she'd volunteered me to go and look at it.I'd had a couple of beers and was feeling quite chilled, but the daylight was fading so I'd have to go straight away if I was to have any chance. I grabbed...

2 years ago
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Lending a Hand

I stood in my room pleasuring myself, I placed mom's panties to my face and inhaled deeply then moved the panties to my cock and came in them, a large load but not very satisfying. I had this feeling that I was being watched. I looked at the load I just put in the crotch of mom's panties. Not as big as usual I thought to myself. Who would be watching me? I knew mom was deep asleep. I decided to quietly go check. Down the hall and to her room. I pushed the door just enough to see in. A small...

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Sexy college girl

Hi ISS readers. This is Sachin from Mumbai again. I hope you all liked my story “My neighbor Kaku” I received some encouraging response to my earlier story from Iss lovers, so I am now writing my second story for you readers. I am sorry, I neither a good narrator nor a writer, but a good fucker. The story revolves in the years 2005 I was doing my Mtech through Distant Education (correspondence course). I was also working at that time. During the first day of my First year exam, when I was...

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He Really Was Gay

This is a true story of my school days and our 10 year class reunion.I'm Sam. This is the story of me and my friend Joseph from high school. Joseph was a total jock. He was captain of the football team. He had a different girl every week it seemed. All the girls wanted to date Joseph. Although he could be known as a total asshole, I saw a different side to him--he could be very kind. I remember one time all the jocks were talking shit about the "band geeks" and they were making fun of them and...

1 year ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 4

The kitchen in the Walha's household smelled of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ginger. The kitchen counter was a little bit of a mess. There was some flour, spices and sugar on it. Renee just finished mixing the batter and was pouring the batter in the cake pan. As she was handing the pan to her dad, the first-time baker could not be prouder of herself. Renee was going to be able to say she made the cake when she gave it to Luke. This cake was going to be a gift to Luke. This...

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my sister the bitch part 2

Jennifer was shocked but also turned on as she watched sarah drain robbie of all his sperm and swallow every last drop down. "so jennifer you have wanted to feel my cock for sometime then?" asked robbie as he saw dani returning from the bedroom with the camera in hand. jennifer uneasily smiled as her face turned a deep red.dani walked to her and said " my master will be good to you as well look how happy we are" robbie yelled at dani from across the room, " slave take jennifer to your...

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Constanzas Submission

The Picture: Constanza's Capitulation Time ? Late 18 th Century, Place ? Harem of the Sublime Porte,Istanbul Introduction Mozart got it all wrong.  But then he was a man, and he was an infidel,and he had never seen the inside of a seraglio.  In fact he had nevertalked to anyone who had been inside a harem.  Actually all the eventshe based his opera on had taken place well before he was even born.  Andhe left me, probably the most important actor in the drama, out of his opera.  Mozartfocused...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 15 Closing the Circle

I was dripping in sweat when the P.T. hour was over. I hadn't done that much, but the effort required to spend even five minutes on the stationary bike was enough to wear me out. When I weighed myself after two weeks I had lost another ten pounds. Just as it had with my first surgery, that single fact was the motivator for me to endure the pain and keep going. Well ... that and Kim. The physical therapy department was closed on Christmas Day and the following day as well. That didn't save...

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new submissive

Introduction: Ive been running away isnt being submissive and I was very intrigued The frist day of being a submissve was the best day of my life….. I was tied to the bed with arms and legs spread (spead eagle). Blindfolded and gagged while I heard music it so I can not hear or see where he was. I was completely naked and he was somewhere around the bed. He made sure the restraints are tight enough that I cant move but loose enough that they are not cutting off circulation. Then he came over on...

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 98

Flashback – Major M – Held Hostage My head was bagged, my hands were cuffed behind me then they roughly dragged me out of the taxi, threw me on the ground and kicked the hell out of me! Thank God they didn't go after my head! One of them bent down and swore in broken English, "You are the American pig commander of the spawn of Satan that killed many of my men. For this you will pay!" I quickly thought and objected, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm only a Major, the...

4 years ago
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Slaves Market TakenChapter 19 Tea in Paradise

It’s a chilling meeting. Rebecca is wearing a camisole that is tied between her legs and leaves her breasts visible. A lace garter belt holds the white stockings at mid-thigh. A pair of black high-heeled shoes forced her to be on tiptoe. A large rubber ball placed behind her teeth keeps her mouth wide open. Her head is held in place by a leather tie that connects her clean hair to the base of her neck. A special glove wraps around both arms and holds them behind her back with elbows in...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Stranger From Home Land

After reading a lot of stories from Indian sex I decided to post my own story. Little bit about myself, a guy from Delhi age 25 with athletic body, 5’11 and the girl in my story 36dd-28-36, fair complexion 5’8 height. It all started in 2012 when I went to London to study for 2 years and work as well, little did I know about the city and the culture. After few months I was traveling in London tube when I noticed girl sitting right next to me I got of my headphones(was listening to...

3 years ago
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Raped By a Rapist

Julie Peter was a beautiful, attractive woman, She was 43-years-old, 5'5 (166 centimeters), 158.4 pounds, long blonde hair that was up in a pony-tail, blue eyes, she was married to her husband named Adam Peterson of 26 years, and is a loving mother to a 17-year-old Teenage Daughter named Tracey, and a 3-year-old son named Mark, They live in a house in a shaded, gated tree-line neighborhood in a town called Chestnut Falls. On That Day Julie was driving the Family's Silver Ford Fusion Car to a...

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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 27

The meeting with Homer in the diner was over a lot sooner than Cal had expected. He walked out of the front door of the diner and took notice of the pleasant summer weather, as the days were slipping toward August. Cal decided to walk the long way around back to his office and that would put him there right on time for the afternoon appointment with his client. “It was a good idea to call Mildred Watkins before meeting with Homer,” he told himself. Indeed, it was, for Cal knew that Tanaka’s...

1 year ago
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A Call to Cum Home

I was at this hopping frat party, and was just about to bang this hot chick when I got a drunken txt from my sister. Grt homee now! Now Becky normally gets on my case about my txt speech so I knew right away something was up. I walked in to the living room to the sight of my mother passed out on the sofa wearing only a thin bright yellow summer dress and plain white panties. I could see her panties because sitting next to her, my drunken naked sister was trying to pull them off. This sight...

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Dont mess with magic part 1

"Uh-huh? Uh-huh...yeah, sure.""No, really, Tori, it's true!"Tori held her phone between her ear and shoulder as she shimmied out of her work trousers. "Look, it's all bullshit, okay? Don't get my hopes up so high. I know it's one of your biggest fetishes...what? Scared? Like Hell I am. Sure I'd do it myself. Alright, send me the link and I will, asshat." Tori hung up to the sound of her friend's cheerful laughter. For a week now her best friend Cora had been gushing over some 'secret...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 410

All of us left to go to the airport; we were going to eat at the restaurant tonight and wait for the plane to arrive from Texas. It was scheduled to land at 6 PM. The general had called shortly after Frank left to go back to Washington to say everything had gone smoothly and had been approved. I had forgotten how busy the restaurant was on Friday nights. We had trouble finding a table for all of us. It seemed like all the county department heads and wives were there as well as law...

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Just one Picture OK Daddy

Just one Picture, OK Daddy? Narrator&hellip,. __We have two very horny females in this family. Mom and daughter. Can the dad handle them and find harmony between them all?&hellip, lets find out&hellip,. ___My daddy (Ben) and I ( Millie) had our super secret. I was a real daddys girl and would do anything for him. I was his little spoiled brat, and we both liked it. I started doing little sexy things to get his attention. Mom (Lena) would get pissed and tell me to go get a bra on&hellip,or...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Bong Bomb

Hello everyone!! I am paurush. This story is about a fling which I had for 3-4 months. Her name was piyu. Well, here it goes. I was traveling from Kolkata to Silchar by Air India flight. But due to a technical snag, my flight got canceled and we were accommodated in a hotel by Air India and rescheduled for next day’s flight. That is when I met piyu. There were happy hours that day in the bar and we decided to meet in the bar in the afternoon. We consisted of two girls and two boys, all of us...

2 years ago
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College Threesome and Then SomeChapter 2

"So, do you like girls?" I asked the next morning as he was pulling his underwear up over his muscly haunches, and I lay there, too reamed and sore to move. "Uh, yeah," Steve said. "I just don't ONLY like girls." I thought that was a pretty good way to sum up how I felt, too. "'Cause I thought you were pretty hot for Kristen." "Yeah, she's got fantastic tits," he said. "Good luck getting at them, because take it from me, she's got very particular tastes," I said. "She...

1 year ago
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Not A Single Word

 From my childhood I have always known that I have this thirst, this need and I haven’t figured out what, it was like something missing from me all the time and nothing I did ever filled that gap. Everything seemed so boring, maybe it was because my forefathers were hunters and soldiers so I too share these wild instincts. I am Raj and actually I am a cool guy, good with people and do have a good conscious and morals like I don’t support prostitutes and I hate and simply hate rapists and...


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