Relentless Dan Fey Ch 02
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Della Delaney called Penny Fay and she sounded really on edge.
‘Penny are you aware of the rumor?’
‘What rumor?’
‘That as a result of Kip’s dramatic rescue by Dan and that young woman from the South Island staying with you, half of the island thinks Dan is about to propose to her.’
‘Half of the island permanents think that, are you sure?’
‘Well a quarter of the population then. The girls came home raving about her after meeting her and I suspected this would happen, with her sitting right under his nose and probably with her knees wide apart.’
‘Rosina has worn long pants most of the time but arrives to dinner wearing a dress after showering and with her hair done and nails cleaned because that’s expected behavior at her home. Darling Della you should know better than to even half-believe island rumors.’
‘Ah I suppose so. Where are they now?’
‘They’ve gone to inspect more of the farm and will have a mid-afternoon picnic at Shipwreck Bay.’
‘Christ Penny, there’s only one reason why Dan would take here there.’
‘Oh, and how many men have taken you there darling?’
‘My husband and at times four other men including… um… oh god what am I saying?’
‘You were about to say Charlie?’
‘Ohmigod Penny, I always have thought you’d never suspect that despite knowing I’m a tad over-sexed.’
‘A tad?’
‘Please Penny, just accept a tad.’
‘Very well and what you and my husband did there will remain unspoken between we two friends. Um has Dan ever taken you to Shipwreck Bay?’
‘Ohmigod Penny there’s someone thumping at the front door. Must go. Bye.’
Penny sighed and put down the phone and thought his sister Trish had once alleged to her that Dan had scored sexually with most of the adult females on the island. She smiled and wondered if Della had ever suspected her husband Guy had given Penny a thoroughly nice time whenever Charlie was away for more than a week. Guy also had twice taken her to Shipwreck Bay where they’d banged away until both were almost legless.
She was unable to go off and find Trish and asked did she really know how many island females age 20-plus had her brother had sex with because her daughter had gone to the city for a week for a campus stay for mandatory lectures and group discussions relating to her degree home studies.
* * *
After 15 minutes’ travel, the vehicle Dan and Rosina was in reached the end of the rough farm track and thereafter it was a slow journey of just over an hour across hilly pastureland to the bay. When Dan stopped the vehicle and they looked down at the bay Rosina murmured almost breathlessly, ‘It’s glorious.’
‘I expected you to be impressed and the few who get to see it from the land are invariably enchanted, even on a misty day.’
‘It really is beautiful Dan and thank you for allowing me to glimpse this treasure.’
He studied her briefly and asked, ‘Are you coming on to me?’
‘I really don’t know.’
‘God you females get surprisingly feeble-minded at times.’
Rosina’s voice hardened as she said, ‘Comment like that will get you nowhere with me Dan Fey.’
‘Yeah right, I thought as much.’
‘You really should drop your manly veneer, there’s no one else here but me to impress and just accept such behavior turns me off big-time.’
‘Couldn’t you just turn sluttish on this occasion and pull off your panties so that we can get off right now.’
‘Dan Fey please turn this vehicle around and take me back to the farmhouse.’
‘God can’t you take a big tease Rosina?’
‘Not when I feel disgusted by your manner.’
Dan looked startled and said, ‘Oh crap I’ve obviously stepped over the line.’
Rosina looked at him speculatively and said, ‘I’ll accept that as some sort of oblique apology. Why don’t you kiss me and perhaps my usual good humor will return?’
They kissed and kissed and Dan began to tentatively grope and soon Rosina unzipped him and gripped his cock that became increasingly rigid in her hand.
And then, right on the point of them on the point of no return, both panting and heating up, Dan pulled away gently.
‘What’s wrong?’
He said softly and convincingly, ‘Let’s take a pause and do it on the tideline and the incoming sea will occasionally wash over our feet. I want you to remember having sex with me for the first time as an unforgettable experience.’
‘Ohmigod Dan Fey,’ she said ever so softly. ‘You do possess a romantic steak even if it’s a line you give to all the ladies you bring here.’
‘Nay it’s something that moments ago just entered my head for the first time and that I swear is true.’
‘Oh my Danny Boy.’
‘Christ Rosina, ease back a bit please otherwise you’ll have me creaming my pants.’
She giggled and said, ‘Now we wouldn’t like such an incident of our main memory of this occasion, would we?’
Dan smiled at her gratefully and started the engine and took her 150 yards and stopped just before a gully.
‘The family decided from the outset not to cut vehicle access down to the beach to make it less desirable to trespassers walking across our land to the beach as well as to deter people arriving off boats from walking up on to the farm and possible disturbing livestock or creating some kind of mayhem. We’ll have to lug everything down the narrow track’
‘Lead on General Dey after telling me what to lug.’
They were overlooking a classic half crescent bay sheltered from the prevailing wind by sloping cliffs that had been chiseled back by erosion over centuries and were now protected by as mass covering of a variety of native bushes that had originally covered the land inland but in more recent times the bushland had been cleared and grassed as farmland.
‘Omigod look at the variety of birdlife,’ Rosina gasped.
Dan replied, ‘Yeah right and my family regards this as a naturally created bushland that has naturally developed into a bird sanctuary. The farm also has three natural lakes that are now sanctuaries for water-fowl as the island’s administrative body has banned hunting on this northern coastal area.’
Within 15 minutes they had settled after having a very short nude swim and being a gentleman, Dan lay on his back on the wet sand. After he’d worked a condom on to his erection, Rosina had straddled him and was now on her knees working his fat dick into her pussy.
‘What’s the rush,’ he grinned.
‘I’m overdue for sex.’ she claimed.
‘Too bad, slow down to prolong our enjoyment.’
‘Yes you’re right,’ she said submissively.
Then he complained she was now proceeding too slowly and she told him to stop whining because he was about to get the best fuck he’d ever had on the sands of Shipwreck Day.
But just as Rosina began to pound him slowly the first income wave washed over their feet she shrieked in surprise and began to shudder and they both know what that meant.
As they got going again, Dan grabbed both swinging tits and clamped his hands roughened by farm work and squeezed rather hard.
Rosina yelped and climaxed again and yelled, ‘Your bastard.’
‘Don’t worry, that may help you to keep going.’
‘If you continue being so rough with me Dan Fey you’ll have to carry me up that steep path.’
‘Or leave you here stranded but I’ll return in the morning.’
A stronger wavelet wash up to their knees.
Rosina pulled out of him with a disgusting plop and lay on her side, lifting her upper leg up high.
He warned she’d get sand in her hair and she replied, ‘So what, I want you to pump more robustly and to work your way farther into me to maximize penetration for our mutual enjoyment. It’s ages since I was last ravished.’
Dan licked his lips provocatively and leered, ‘But other women have told me they feel maximum enjoyment just inside the opening of
their cunt.’
‘Watch your language when with me Dan Fey. I’ll experience maximum enjoyment if you can manage to get your cock to touch my cervix but gently.’
‘Your cervix eh, what’s that?
‘If you don’t know Dan Fey I shouldn’t be doing this with you, you pig.’
‘And I shouldn’t be wasting my expertise wearing a condom.’
Rosina looked at him speculatively.
‘Touché and are you confident about who you’ve had sex with in the last three to four weeks.’
‘Yes and it was only Tess and Kirsten and… and…’
‘And their mother?’
‘Um yes. She walked in on us one afternoon and said unless she was included she’d blab to the twins’ father what they had been doing together with me.’
‘Christ Dan Fey you are incorrigible. Well if you are absolutely confident about the state of your penis’ health then remove the condom.’
With that done, he resumed business.
‘Ooh I like the feel of that,’ she cooed.
‘So do I Rosina Swan. Now if my cockhead touches your thingy I’d like you to clamp pussy around my dick to maximize my enjoyment.’
‘Certainly you lovely man providing you’ll not enter me anally until I suggest it.’
‘Oh crap,’ Dan groaned and erupted inside Rosina.
Suddenly she squealed and clamped him firmly.
‘Well what an experience,’ she burbled, flushing furiously and experiencing the latest tidal wavelet that reached up to her, mid-thigh.
‘Come on,’ she said standing and pulling panting Dan to his feet. ‘I’m hungry and we should get more comfortable and open the wine.’
Beaming, Dan looked at her and purred, ‘You have great tits… um beautiful breasts and are such a lovely person.’
‘Dan Fey, you cunning devil and of course you’ll get more if you deliver a desirable level of encouragement and your interest in me extends beyond sex.’
‘I commit to that,’ he enthused and placed an arm gently around Rosina’s waist and as they began to walk up the sands felt her lean into him.
* * *
When Rosina emerged next morning just before 6:00 when the first streaks of dawn showed in high broken cloud, Kip was waiting for her and greeted her tentatively. She held out her hand and he licked it briefly and then bounded three times. Unlike the other dogs he was never chained up or put in a kennel overnight,
Rosina took this little display as a bonding session and fancied that Kip now regarded her as part of family and perhaps even a part boss because she’d rescued him, although she had no idea if a dog could think like that although being aware that dogs could exhibit deep loyalty.
Perhaps not surprisingly she now really liked a dog.
She’d been put off dogs in a big way when as a youngster watched in horror when three of the neighbor’s dogs chased down her fleeing pet lamb and after it was tossed into the air, the dog pack began a feeding frenzy.
Kip flushed out six rabbits and each time she picked up a body to place it in the sack tied to her belt Kip would watch her and wag his tail. She’d coo ‘Good boy’ and away he’d lope off to flush out another rabbit among the vines, doing his best to steer the pest back toward Rosina.
The Kip-Rosina combination had become so successful that with fewer rabbits about it took them at least ninety minutes to flush out seven of them (one fled too close to vine trunks to shoot without harming vine stems).
As the pair walked to the barn, Dan emerged from the house rubbing his eyes and passed wind. He joined them and took the bag and grunted, ‘Is this all?’
‘What no greeting, only criticism?’
‘Well you don’t look sexy in those thick pants and a man’s jacket.’
‘And more criticism?’
‘Aw Rosie give a guy a break Come to the barn with me for a blood-warming romp.’
‘No thanks,’ she said icily and walked to the house, leaving Kip undecided who to follow until Dan said, ‘Come Kip, she’s in a bad mood.’
Penny greeted Rosina with a hug and a kiss.
‘Are you okay?’
‘I’ve just met Mr. Grumpy. It pissed me off.’
‘Oh that, well he’s never good in the morning after a late night of drinking. It’s best to ignore him until you see him smile.’
‘I-I had thought he was perfect.’
‘Oh darling, if you believe you’ll meet a perfect man you’ll go to the grave as an old woman never having met one.’
Rosina laughed and the women hugged again.
‘No breakfast for me Penny, I’m off to have a shower and will rest for a while’
‘Sweetheart I’ll delay breakfast for an hour and will send him in to wake you and if another hour passes then no worries, we’ll still have breakfast together.’
‘Please will you come and wake me instead of Dan?’
‘I’ll think about that.’
An hour later Penny came into the bedroom with breakfast for two on trays and gently kissed Rosina awake. She said Dan had gone off to buy more weed control chemicals.
Pausing from slicing a piece of fried egg, Penny asked, ‘Now what really is the problem darling?’
Rosina looked apprehensive and said, ‘I have a boyfriend at home who wants to marry me. I feel I have betrayed him by having sex with your son.’
‘Oh is that all?’
‘Darling if you had been really keen on that chap you wouldn’t have let my son touch you like that you wouldn’t have come here.’
‘I don’t understand?’
‘Then what really was the reason for travelling 500 miles to come here?’
‘Omigod, you have guessed. Um my mother and his mother were pressuring me to commit to Alan and finally dad said, ‘Enough is enough of this nonsense, Rosina go and stay with your grandparents in Westport until you have sorted yourself out over this thing about Alan.’
‘I thought going off somewhere was a sensible suggestion but I don’t particularly like Westport and thought of staying on an isolated farm somewhere. I spoke about this to my best friend Paula whose mum suggested I should come here.’
‘Ah and what a great suggestion. Everything is working out fine. Grumpy Dan will be out spraying our huge hay paddock and that will give him plenty of thinking time about you, and you are in the process of getting a load off your back by talking about it. Come on, let’s finish breakfast and we’ll go to town and do some shopping and then chat and drink over lunch. I reckon that you’ll come home happy and a little drunk and one way or another it will be all sorted.’
‘One way or another?’
‘Yes you can spill your guts to me and we can dissect it but it will be you who makes the decision because I’ll insist we’ll not leave town until your problem is resolved.’
‘What an excellent response and obviously, my son hasn’t told to I can be a hard bitch at times. You really are a lovely young woman Rosina. Just remember from here on never to allow any male or for that matter woman ruin your life. Usually the answer is to resolve problems early.’
‘Penny,’ Rosina said huskily, ‘I’ll never forget this moment of such deep counselling.’
Penny sniffed and didn’t reply.
They arrived home late afternoon and Dan took one look at them as they walked into the kitchen and said, ‘Wow you babes are pissed.’
‘Take Rosina to bed Dan and if you ask why I’ll thump you into tomorrow.’
‘I have to flush out the spraying unit.’
‘I’ll do that, now off you go and treat dear Rosina tenderly.’
‘I’m drunk Danny Boy, you’ll have to put it in.’
‘Christ Rosina you are drunk, throttle back a bit and don’t offer him everything. And Dan I’ll pick up Trish from the 6.30 ferry.’
* * *
Rosina had returned to her own bed during the night, angry that Dan had yet attempted to part her legs yet again, that attempt being unsuccessful.
She’d left his room growling, ‘Feek Dan, you are like a kid with a new toy.’
He’d hit back and inquired was he being told off and merely grunted when she’d said
with restraint that she only reacted when she considered anybody’s behavior was excessive.
Dan then yawned, passed wind and holding his testicles as if they required support said goodnight politely and rolled over, pulling up the bed covers. As Rosina left the room she heard him sigh and say ‘Oh boy’ in a tone that suggested he’d been Little Piggy wallowing in the feeding trough.
Rosina awoke just before 8:00.
She heard a plate crash to the kitchen floor tiles with Penny yelling ‘Bitch, bitch’ and another plate shattered.
Rosina, wearing only panties after her shower in the wee hours, rushed to the kitchen to find Penny with another plate above her head ready to smash and yelled ‘No!’
Penny turned, lowered the plate and as Rosina moved in to hug her and watch the anger captured in Penny’s face melt away.
Fully dressed, Penny snarled ‘The bitch.’
Trish, also only wearing panties, entered the kitchen and asked who the bitch was.
‘I’m not saying.’
Rosina reacted swiftly. ‘Who were you talking to on the phone?’
Rosina said guessing, ‘You called Della to ask what would she be wearing to the ball and she told you they weren’t going because of me?’
‘Keep out of this.’
‘Mum is Della angry that Rosina has caught Dan’s eye.’
‘Angry, she sounded almost insane and began abusing me and you for conspiring to develop Dan’s interest in Rosina at the expense of development of his friendship with the twins.’
‘Mum that’s ridiculous and we all know it.’
Rosina sighed and asked could she borrow Penny’s SUV.
‘Mum she wants to go over and sort out Della but I’m going with her in case of big trouble.’
‘Thanks but no thanks Trish. You stay here and calm your mother.’
‘But Della can get stroppy and could well attack you and she’s at least one and a half times your weight and is taller…’
‘Trish I can look after myself. I began learning Taekwondo as a youngster and gained my red stripe to my blue belt last year. Ballet and some forms of martial arts are particularly complimentary to ballet for development of balance and agility.’
‘A blue belt-plus in Taekwondo, Christ Trish is there anything you can’t do?’
‘I’m only average as a cook and am almost tone-deaf when it comes to singing but don’t worry, I’m off to calm rather than inflame Della in sorting out this misunderstanding.’
‘Well I disagree and you and you can’t have my vehicle to go over to confront Della,’
Trish said, ‘Then take my farm-bike.’
‘Dammit, this is crazy. Use my vehicle.’
‘Thanks Penny and thanks for the back-up offer Trish. Now may I have the directions to get to Della?’
‘Well first may I suggest you dress first.’
They laughed and Rosina said it was lovely that Penny had regained her humor.
* * *
Morgan Delany looked up in the dining room and said, ‘SUV is approaching. Ah it’s probably Penny coming over to offer to kiss and make-up mother dear.’
‘That bitch can turn around and head back home.’
‘Mum this is ridiculous,’ Tess said. ‘Dan Fey is entitled to take up with whoever he wishes.’
Kirsten said, ‘Yes mum and you know we’ve given him a problem in choice by being twins.’
Their father said, ‘Della you’ve heard the girls whereas you’ve been out of your tree over this today. Please treat Penny in the manner she deserves, being the best and dearest friend you’ve ever had on this island.’
‘Christ I’m looking at the island’s stunning beauty?’ Morgan gasped. ‘She looks sensational.’
The twins left the table to stand by their brother and Trish said, ‘Mum it’s Rosina and I told you the other day when we met her she has guts to ride a horse bareback at a gallop and has a sweet personality.’
‘Sweet eh? Well we see how she reacts when I kick her backside.’
‘Touch her and you’ll answer to me,’ Guy said.
There was a moment’s silence and Tess said, ‘Dad don’t be so provocative and let’s all be nice to her.’
‘Nah I want to see if, mum with her big mouth, can deck this beauty who looks like a well-conditioned athlete. Out of loyalty my money is on you mum to come out top.’
‘Shut up Asshole,’ the twins yelled.
Guy said, ‘Every one step back and cool it. I’ll fetch her in.’
Guy said good morning and immediately saw why Dan Fey had been so keen to grope this honey. His son was right, Rosina was stunning.
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The story is true the names have been changed to protect every one involved. I welcome all comments good and bad as they will make my future stories more enjoyable. I had been visiting several adult dating sites when i was notified that there was a person interested in my profile. Now i am not a fan of on line dating but thought what the heck i had nothing to lose and maybe gain a friend in the process. Dan was the man that was interested in my profile he was three years older than me but age...
Oh, God, he's taking it out again! I shifted to get a better look as my older brother Dan began peeling out of his speedo and releasing his big, fat cock. Damn, I sure wish it were my hands in stead of his sliding up and down that cock. But that would be incest and wrong, but I don't see why. I was spying on my brother again. My voyeurism started when I was eight years old and I accidentally got a good look at my ten year old brother's "thing," as I called it then, when he crossed from...
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Daniel an 18 year old London teenager was just about to leave his home address, when his mother Karen entered through the door. Dan was surprised to see his mum had a young asian guy with her. Karen was 49 years old and had an eldest daughter around 21 years old aswell as Dan. Karen was around 5 foot 4 curvy build and shirt blonde hair and had been married for over 20 years. Karen had introduced this unknown guy to Dan as Chris. Karen had stated that Chris was here to help her with computer as...
The purchasing of this new property was proceeding without problems and would be concluded in two weeks. Dan would be using the Declarations and the condo offering letters that he had done on the prior property as guides in preparing those documents for this soon to be acquired property. Sue had been managing this property for the previous owner and was providing Dan with the information on the present renters. This time she said she would include the information on how long it was till the...
I’ve had to break it into chapters so I hope you don’t get bored. Chapter one My Best mate Dan. All my life I had known Dan. We were born one month apart, lived on opposite sides of the same road, our parents were close friends and inevitably we did everything together. We learned to talk together, learnt to walk together, went to the same pre-school, primary school, ate out together and spent all our spare time in each other’s company. Spoke about our dreams and our fears, family...
Dan made the suggested changes his attorney suggested to the condo conversion letter and mailed out the letters to the renters in his building. He was hoping to get a positive response from the majority of the renters on wanting to purchase their units. The twenty percent down could be an impediment to their committing to buy but he was hoping that it wasn’t and that the renters could see the benefits of becoming condo owners. He placed a phone call to the air conditioning repair people and...
I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping my third cup of coffee and looking out the window at the backyard. The grass was ankle high, weeds were taking over the flowerbeds and the roses were in bad need of pruning. That was all stuff that Dan was supposed to take care of. The front door squeaked when you opened it, the showerhead in the upstairs bedroom leaked, my car needed the brakes relined and it was due for an oil change; more stuff that Dan usually took care of. There were a hundred...
Dan and Vicki had only been married for 4 and a half years when they attended what would turn out to the most significant office party they ever experienced. This was before Dan made his fortune, and both of them were rich enough to retire young. He was already prospering, but the millions had not quite rolled in. Vicki was working at a medical office, where she did mostly boring, clerical work, when one of her co-workers caught her eye. His name was Larry, and he seemed to return the interest....
FetishBy the time summer break arrived, Becca has gotten quite comfortable going out with Andrea, or by herself. She had become a regular at a few of the bars that catered to the LGBQT community and had become friends with several of the “gurls” as they liked to call themselves. She had also found and become friends with several of the female regulars, one of whom she was really starting to like quite a bit. Tina was helping her a lot with her makeup and styling tips as well. She also ran into Candi...
TransThe week or so passed relatively without incident. Meaning that Debbie and Dan returned to work and got back to their normal routine. Except that Debbie continued to dress more provocatively (for her) including very daring, even scandalous, underwear, when she wore any at all, and that Debbie and Dan had sex far more often than previously, like nearly every day. And when they fucked, the house rocked. Every orifice Debbie had was used often and well. Oh, and one night Debbie (really Zach, but...
The production team have been at it for over an hour now and are getting furious with the blonde. It isn’t Peyton List’s fault but none other than a stranger who has snuck into the crowd, Dan Everett. Dan Everett have been using his reality warping powers to mess with Peyton List. The reason he is fucking with her is for personal revenge for all those times his little sister forced him to watch the horrible sitcom, Jessie. He remembers the only good thing was watching Peyton List and...
Then the company hired Amy, she was 18 and looked rather out of her depth, maybe it was the first day nerves Dan thought, but, looking around at his co-workers he thought it probably down to their obvious gawping at her as she walked past their desks. The boss did have a history of choosing looks over ability, but, none of the men really cared. Dan certainly didn’t although he wasn’t as obvious as the others, he couldn’t help noticing Amy’s perfect size 10 body swishing past, her pert...
He was gripping the steering wheel tight. He was trying to stay focused on driving as wishful thoughts danced through his mind centered on the beauty next to him. Kim was about average height for a girl her age, around 5’7. She was slender and curvy. She had round deep blue eyes that he could stare into for hours. Her breasts were not overly big but not nearly small, a decent C to D cup as Dan could assume. That assumption is based entirely on theory, Kim had never allowed him to venture...
The seven hour drive from Atlanta to Sarasota gave Dan time to think about what was currently happening in his life and the women he had recently met. In a way he thought he was a pretty lucky guy to have recently met Lynn, Cindy and Monica. These were women who realized that having sex was one of the great pleasures in life. Not to engage in sex when the opportunity presented itself just didn’t make sense to them. All that these women needed was there to be some attraction to the man and...
Dan and Jane have been married for 10 years. Dan is 46 and it’s fair to say that he is punching. Jane is 32 and if honest she was attracted to Dan because of his money and the life that he could offer her. She was fit when they met and she’s as fit, sexy and attractive now. Jane has shoulder length blonde bobbed hair, is a size 8 with natural, firm 36dd tits. Dan keeps himself in shape for his age, his wealth enables him to eat well, go to the gym often and have a personal trainer, he’s...
It was strange all week, at school, I desperately wanted to grab Dan and kiss her. The static between us was almost visible but we behaved. We were still best friends although I think a couple of guys and a few girls noticed the change in our relationship. We were a bit more touchy feely than “just pals” should be. Friday night couldn’t come soon enough but sure enough it finally arrived. Dan said to be round at 8pm so I timed my arrival to perfection, spot on 8 o-clock. Dan greeted me...
It was the first week of November, 2020. Dan suppressed the curse that he'd almost vocalized. He checked his six and saw that the rest of his small team was still well concealed. Dan reached around with Don's left hand to ensure that the tether to the towed equipment sled was still straight. What an absolute, total fuck-up! This completely degrades the usefulness of any phrase like "cluster-fuck'!!! Yeah, and what the HELL are we doing here! Just shut the fuck up, Don! We've got...
Debbie returned home tired, a little sore, and in need of comfort. Dan gave it to her. Li had gone, leaving a kiss and a promise for Debbie. After a long hot bath, Debbie curled up in bed with Dan, the lights off and the house quiet. "You and Li had a good time?" Debbie asked quietly. "Sure, we missed you though." I got... tied up. Sorry I couldn't be here. What's Li like? Li's a lot of fun, very... inventive. But she's not you. I wish you could have been here, it would have been...
Dan has only just shut the front door to their house as Jane stepped out of her skirt. She pointed for Dan to kneel and he knew what she wanted before she put her hands on his head and started to grind her soaking pussy into his face. Dan couldn’t believe how wet she was from just a conversation with Mark, he wondered what they had been discussing. Dan eagerly lapped at his wife’s beautiful dripping cunt, it wasn’t long before she had an orgasm. “Go and fix me a G&T and meet me in the...
Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...
Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...
They pulled into the car park and Mark parked the car in one of the bays. Mark & Jane got out and waited for Dan to join them. They headed off across the car park towards the lift to the shops “Come on Dani, keep up” shouted Mark, there were a few people about and they probably heard “Dani” as “Dan” but it was still embarrassing. They got in the lift and went up to the second floor, where some of the shops were located. Jane spoke as they made their way to the shop. “Honey, now that you are...
Dan and Jennifer Chapter 1 “Come on,” Dan thought to himself.“It's not really that big a deal.Just turn around and go back to your apartment.”Unfortunately, Dan's feet didn't seem to be listening to him, and even that thread of rational thought seemed dim, distant, under his anger.It was all he could do to not take the stairs two at a time, and the to neighbors he passed on the lower landing took one look at his face and looked quickly away without offering a greeting. The events of...
Cindy moving out to LA was a shock and a big disappointment for Dan. He lost the pleasure of taking out a beautiful woman to dinner who was also a very exciting sex partner. That Cindy had made an effort for Dan to find a replacement for her was a surprise to him. If Monica would go out with Dan and if she enjoyed sex as much as Cindy inferred she did it would erase the problem of Dan trying to find some female companionship on his own. Cindy had emailed him Monica’s contact information....
I was price-labelling new stock in the back room of my uncle’s shoe store while he dealt with a customer, a bald man about his age, wearing a smart blue suit. When I finished the pricing, I carried some of the stock out to the front to put on display. I noticed the customer was leaving empty handed and my uncle said the guy thought the shoes were too expensive. They were an Italian patent leather slip-on and not cheap. My uncle told me that, if the guy should come back while he was away from...
Gay MaleMy Uncle Dan is only ten years older than me. He is my mother's youngest brother. He babysat me many times when I was a young girl. One time when I was about eleven years old I had aggravated him so badly that he threatened to take me "over his knee for an old fashion bare bottom spanking." I laughed at him saying. "You wouldn't dare!" But he did dare. He pulled me onto his lap, pulling down my pajama bottoms, slapping my ass once hard. "I don't dare, do I?" He laughed as he pulled...
Every neighborhood has at least One. Do You know what I'm talking about? It's that,"Old Guy",some people wonder and gossip about. Well,Mine was Grandpa Dan. He was my friend Sherry's Grandfather,and He lived just down the street from me in the the trailor park that I grew up in. I knew from the start that He and I would be great friends because when we were introduced,Grandpa Dan got down on one knee and gave me a great big hug! It was nice having his strong arms wrapped around me,and I didn't...
Dan knew exactly who to get in contact with. He’d been chatting to a guy online occasionally for a few weeks. His name was Mark, they’d met online and found that Mark was a dominant bbc. They’d chatted about cucking Dan and fucking Jane, but Dan thought it would always remain a fantasy, until now.Dan fired off an email, he checked every few minutes for a reply. One came about 6 hours later. “Cuck, I have to admit that I’m surprised to have received your email, but I’m happy to offer my services...
Dan had been fascinated with women’s panties since he had found a pair belonging to his sister accidentally mixed in with his clothing. He had rubbed them against his face feeling the silky smoothness. He kept them for a few days until he heard his sister asking about them, then made a pretense of finding them stuck in between the washer and dryer. After that, whenever he had the chance, he would try to sneak in a few strokes against his cheek with a pair of her panties. When his sister threw...
Crossdressing"Well Debra," the demon said as Debbie walked (a bit wobbly) down the street after leaving the café. "That went well." "Went well?" Debbie started to rise to the bait. "How can you say that? Okay, okay, I'll stay polite, I believe you are who you say you are, and you obviously control me utterly. But what went well? I just let two perfect strangers violate me, pump their (retch) semen into my mouth and vagina! Besides being unfaithful to Dan, I'll probably get pregnant, or...
It was a great day to go swimming and sunning in the nude except my son Dan, age 20, was visiting for the weekend. He was home from college and enjoying the mid summer time in Maine. I have been a naturist since before he was born and often was nude at home but never required him to go nude. It was a very hot day and we both had voiced the opinion that we should go swimming. I said it would be fun but the only place near enough was a clothes optional spot at a small lake that I liked. He...
For several weeks Beth and Gwen had been exploring together. They had enjoyed discovering new things to do and new ways to do them. Gwen’s enthusiasm and adventurous spirit were contagious, and she was able to talk Beth into several things she probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise. One evening after an exhilarating session of oral sex, Beth asked Gwen a question that had been plaguing her.“Gwen, do you tell your husband about what we do?” “Of course, I tell him everything. Haven’t you...
Dan had longed for something to replace the good pussy he had with Gloria since she left him three months ago. He resorted to looking for women online to replace the void he had...or rather looking for a void to fill of his own. One lucky night, he met Mary while being so blunt as to tell any girl he met that all he was looking for was some holiday ass with no commitment. Finally, he found Mary who was looking for the same thing. They chatted online a few times talking of what they would do...
EroticDan Allen has probably fucked me more than any other man on the planet. Many of our Island girls have been victimized and fucked raw by Dan’s massive cock. One day Dan was fucking me so hard all I could think about was having an orgasm. I begged him to put me out of my misery. Shit! Three orgasms later Dan was still ramming my wet cunt. I was exhausted and so I laid there like a rag doll while he continued fucking me. I remember my sister Amber yelling at Dan “give the fucking bitch a break!”...
“Honey, come in here!” commanded Jane. Dan made his way into the lounge where Jane and Mark were sat on the sofa drinking wine. Mark had his arm round Jane and she was cuddled into him. “This arrived this morning “ she said handing Dan a box. “Open it!”Dan opened the box and saw the small metal chastity device, it really was quite small. He wasn’t big, but he figured it would still be a snug fit. He looked at his wife and her lover for instruction. It was Mark who spoke, “Get upstairs and shave...
My husband Dan encouraged me to tell him stories about seducing and then screwing other men. I made up situations where I picked up strangers and let them have their way with me. Dan got really excited and sometimes had an orgasm when I got to the part where this fictional guy put his dick in me. When Dan asked me to spice up the stories to include letting him watch me fuck these fictional guys, I did that for him too. I told him a story where we were at a bar and met a guy that we invited to...
Sweat rolled off of Grandpa Dan's face as he positioned Sherry next to me on my Mother's bed. Like Me,Sherry was trussed up like a turkey waiting to be stuffed! Her thin,bare legs were raised in the air,and he had tied her wrists to each thigh,just above her knobby knees. He had also secured her ankles together,thus insuring an unobstructed view,and access,to her sweet,pink,little cunny and light brown,tightly puckerd butthole.He wasn't the only one sweating,but while Grandpa Dan's was from the...
Jim finally made it home late Tuesday afternoon. I'd stopped Monday morning at a walk-in clinic to be tested for STDs. I didn't want to use our family doctor, because I was pretty sure if I did, Jim would find out. Thankfully, the results came back negative. I was pretty sure Paul was safe, but I didn't want to take any chance's. The day Jim returned home, my period started. I felt guilty that I'd had sex with Paul, and was now unable to take care of my husbands needs. I decided to make...