Alya Dan Om Bejo free porn video

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Alya berdiri di tengah pos kamling sambil memeluk dirinya sendiri yang kedinginan terkena udara malam. Tubuh Alya masih terus bergetar, bukan dikarenakan oleh dinginnya semilir angin tapi karena perasaannya yang campur aduk.

“Uhhhhhmmm.” Desah Alya lirih saat tubuh hangat Pak Bejo memeluknya dari belakang. Pria tambun itu tidak perlu berbasa-basi dan ingin langsung menyantap hidangan utama yang lezat yang disuguhkan oleh ibu rumah tangga yang masih muda dan sangat cantik ini. Tangan Pak Bejo bergerak menyusur seluruh tubuh Alya sementara dia menempelkan tubuhnya sendiri di belakang sang ibu muda yang molek itu.

Alya memejamkan mata, setengah tak rela tubuhnya disentuh lelaki selain suaminya, setengahnya lagi menikmati rabaan Pak Bejo di setiap jengkal tubuhnya. Alya makin merinding ketika pria tua itu mulai menciumi bagian belakang leher dan telinganya. Suara kecupan Pak Bejo menjadi satu-satunya suara yang mengisi sepinya malam itu.

Alya melenguh lagi saat Pak Bejo menempelkan penisnya yang mulai mengeras di sela-sela pantat sang ibu muda. Pria tua yang makin bernafsu itu menggerak-gerakkan kontolnya di belahan pantat Alya dengan gerakan yang lembut sementara bibirnya terus menciumi bagian belakang kepala Alya. Tangan Pak Bejo mulai bergerak bebas, meraba buah dada Alya yang ranum.

Untuk beberapa saat lamanya Alya hanya berdiri di tengah pos kamling sementara Pak Bejo terus meraba-raba seluruh tubuhnya. Baru kali ini pria tua menjijikkan itu memperlakukannya dengan lembut.

Tak perlu waktu lama bagi Pak Bejo untuk segera melucuti pakaian yang dikenakan oleh Alya. Dia segera mendorong tubuh ibu muda jelita itu ke tikar yang kotor di lantai pos kamling. Satu persatu baju Alya dilucuti. Setelah pertahanan terakhir Alya yang berupa celana dalam mungil dilucuti oleh Pak Bejo, pria tua itu segera beraksi. Pak Bejo menciumi ujung jari kaki Alya dan perlahan turun terus hingga ke daerah betis, lutut, paha dan akhirnya selangkangan Alya. Ketika sampai di daerah rambut halus bibir vagina Alya, ibu muda itu menangis sesunggukan dan meremas ujung tikar dengan perasaan campur aduk, antara menikmati dan menolak.

Saat Pak Bejo menjilati memeknya yang manis, Alya menggerakkan pinggulnya tanpa sadar dan tubuh seksi wanita cantik itu melonjak-lonjak karena rangsangan luar biasa yang diakibatkan oleh jilatan lidah Pak Bejo. Ketika masih meresapi manisnya cairan cinta yang meleleh di pinggir bibir vagina Alya, Pak Bejo merasakan jemari Alya menjambak rambutnya. Pak Bejo gembira karena Alya rupanya telah tenggelam dalam nafsu birahi.

“Jangaaan… jangaaaan… aku tidak mauuuuu!!!” Alya megap-megap sambil menggeleng kepala menolak kenikmatan badani yang tiba-tiba saja mencapai puncak dan menguasai tubuh indahnya. Wanita cantik itu telah mencapai orgasme awal karena tidak bisa menahan gejolak nafsu birahinya sendiri.

Tubuh Alya melejit dan lepas dari pelukan Pak Bejo. Pria tua itu melepaskan Alya dan membiarkannya terbaring di tikar. Mata Alya terbelalak dan tubuhnya menggigil karena ketakutan saat melihat Pak Bejo melucuti pakaiannya sendiri.

Pria tua yang bertubuh gemuk dan berkulit gelap itu berlutut dan menempelkan ujung gundul kemaluannya yang basah di bibir vagina Alya. Saat dilesakkan kontolnya ke dalam memek Alya, ternyata liang cinta ibu muda itu belum sepenuhnya terlumasi. Hanya sebagian saja dari keseluruhan batang kemaluan Pak Bejo yang bisa masuk.

“Ahhhh… jangaaaaan diteruskaaan… saya mohon Pak! Sakiiiit!! Jangaaan… pelaaan! Pelaaan sajaaa!! Jangaaaan!! Hentikaaan!! Hentikann!!” Alya menjerit lirih karena takut membangunkan penghuni komplek di sekitar pos kamling, tapi rasa sakit yang dirasakannya terlalu menyiksa sehingga air mata menetes di wajahnya.

Alya berusaha mendorong tubuh Pak Bejo menjauh darinya walaupun sia-sia. Alya hanya bisa menangis sesunggukan dan berusaha tabah saat Pak Bejo malah menyodokkan sisa kontolnya ke dalam memek Alya.

“Siap-siap digenjot ya, Bu Hendra?” ejek Pak Bejo yang sengaja memanggil Alya dengan nama suaminya. Wajah Alya memerah karena dipermalukan seperti itu.

Pak Bejo menarik kaki Alya yang jenjang dan menempelkannya di kedua sisi wajahnya. Ibu rumah tangga yang cantik itu harus merelakan tubuhnya dibolak-balik oleh Pak Bejo yang memang berniat menikmati seutuhnya keindahan tubuh Alya. Dengan kaki terangkat ke bahu Pak Bejo, Alya memejamkan mata karena tahu apa yang akan segera dilakukan pria tua itu.

Pak Bejo menarik pinggul Alya dan menjebloskan penisnya ke dalam memek Alya.

“Aaaaaaaaaduhhhh!!! Jangaaaaaaaann!! Sakiiiiiiiiiit!! Aduuuhhhhh… jangaaaan… pelaaan sajaaa! Pelaaaan!!” pinta memelas Alya belum digubris oleh Pak Bejo.

Teriakan dan desis perih Alya ibarat musik yang merdu di telinga Pak Bejo yang bejat. Mendengarkan suara wanita idamannya menjerit kesakitan dan menggeram karena merasakan desakan penisnya di dalam vagina membuat Pak Bejo sangat terangsang. Pak Bejo menarik sedikit batang kemaluannya. Hal ini membuat Alya bisa bernafas sedikit lega, sayang tak berlangsung lama. Saat Alya masih terengah-engah dan menarik nafas, tiba- tiba Pak Bejo mendorong batang penisnya masuk ke rahim Alya sampai ujung terdalam! Alya menjerit kesakitan saat kontol itu menguasai liang cintanya yang sempit.

“Hiyaaaaaaahhh!!” teriak Alya di tengah sepinya malam. Dia sudah tidak peduli lagi kalau-kalau ada orang yang melewati pos kamling itu.

Kontol Pak Bejo masuk sepenuhnya ke lubang vagina Alya. Sekali lagi wanita cantik itu merasakan pahitnya disetubuhi lelaki menjijikkan seperti Pak Bejo.

Pak Bejo mulai memompa penisnya dalam-dalam di memek Alya. Kenikmatan bersetubuh dengan Pak Bejo yang pernah dirasakan oleh Alya saat diperkosa pria tua ini kembali terulang. Pandangan mata Alya mengabur karena kenikmatan luar biasa yang ia rasakan. Tubuhnya menjadi lemas dan kepalanya ia sandarkan pada tubuh Pak Bejo. Mulut Alya menganga keenakan dan rahangnya mengeras saat si cantik itu akhirnya menyerah pada kenikmatan yang diberikan Pak Bejo.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” lenguh Alya pasrah saat pria tua itu menyetubuhinya.

Pak Bejo meremas susu Alya yang montok dan menjilatinya dengan lidah. Dia melakukannya dengan sedikit kasar karena gemas oleh keindahan payudara Alya. Ibu rumah tangga yang cantik itu menarik nafas dalam-dalam karena bibir Pak Bejo yang besar seakan memoles seluruh buah dadanya dengan air liur. Jilatan Pak Bejo mengitari pentil Alya yang mengeras dan sekali dua kali dia menggigit ujungnya dengan lembut.

“Aaaaaaaahh!!” Alya menjerit karena sensasi yang ia rasakan. Sakit yang ia rasakan berasal dari selangkangannya berubah menjadi kenikmatan yang luar biasa. Memek Alya yang ditembusi penis Pak Bejo berulang-ulang akhirnya mengeluarkan cairan cinta yang langsung membanjir. Rasa malu dan puas bercampur menjadi satu sehingga wajah Alya memerah.

Pak Bejo melepas buah dada Alya dan menangkup pipi pantatnya yang bulat mulus. Alya melenguh saat Pak Bejo meremas dan memilin bokongnya yang halus dengan tangannya yang kuat. Penis Pak Bejo masih keluar masuk ke dalam memek Alya yang hangat dan becek. Pinggang Pak Bejo berulang kali bertamparan dengan paha mulus Alya. Karena dilepas oleh Pak Bejo, payudara Alya yang besar bergoyang-goyang erotis seiring gerakan maju mundur pria tua itu.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Alya terengah-engah tiap kali kontol Pak Bejo menerobos ke dalam liang cintanya yang hangat dan basah. Pria tua itu menyetubuhi Alya dengan kecepatan yang makin lama makin meningkat. Seiring makin cepatnya Pak Bejo mengentoti Alya, makin bertambah pula kepuasan mereka hingga hampir sampai ke puncak. Keringat mulai membasahi sekujur tubuh telanjang Alya yang putih mulus. Pak Bejo meringis menahan kekuatan dan giginya terkatup kuat-kuat.

“Huh! Hh! Huh! Hh!” Alya melenguh berulang, tubuhnya bergerak seiring desakan penis Pak Bejo dalam rahimnya.

“Ayo… Hunggh!! Kita… buatkan… Opi… adik baru…!! Huhnggh! Mbak Alya!!” kata Pak Bejo. Wajahnya yang berkeriput penuh keringat dan nampak cerah karena bisa menyetubuhi wanita idamannya.

Pak Bejo meraih ke belakang kepala Alya dan menarik rambut panjangnya. Ia mendekatkan wajah Alya ke wajahnya sendiri dan mulai menangkup bibir Alya dengan bibirnya. Bibirnya yang tebal mengelus-elus bibir Alya hingga basah kuyup oleh air ludah. Lidahnya yang panjang juga bergerak menyusur seluruh bagian dalam mulut Alya. Mata indah Alya terbelalak karena hampir tersedak.

“Hngghh!!” Alya melenguh parau. Pak Bejo melepaskan ciumannya.

“Bersiaplah menerima… uh! …spermaku…, manis!!” Pak Bejo meraung dan mengatupkan mata saat dia hampir mencapai titik puncak kepuasan. Tangannya mencengkeram bulat pantat Alya, melebarkan bibir memek istri Hendra itu agar bisa menerima penisnya yang besar.

“Engh! Engh! Engh! Huff! Ahhh!! Ahmm!!” Alya mengeluarkan lenguhan berirama tiap kali Pak Bejo melesakkan penisnya ke dalam vagina Alya. Ibu rumah tangga yang sintal itu tidak bisa mengumpulkan pikirannya dan berkonsentrasi, dia hanya mengikuti gerakan Pak Bejo. Alya telah dibuai kenikmatan sehingga tidak bisa berpikir apalagi mengucapkan kata-kata. Tubuhnya mental-mental dalam pelukan Pak Bejo. Alya melemparkan kepalanya ke belakang dan menyerah pada rasa nikmat yang ia rasakan di daerah selangkangan. Entah kenapa dia ingin sekali merasakan kehangatan sperma Pak Bejo di dalam liang cintanya. Dia ingin laki-laki tua itu segera menuntaskan permainannya.

“Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!”, Pak Bejo melenguh penuh nikmat. Ia menarik pinggangnya ke belakang untuk menyiapkan satu tusukan akhir ke vagina Alya.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuunnngggghh!!”, raung pria tua saat akhirnya ia melesakkan penisnya dalam-dalam. “Hunngghh!! Hunghhh!! Engghhh!! Hahhhh!!”, Pak Bejo menggeram keenakan saat pinggangnya menampar paha Alya dan memuncratkan banjir air mani dalam liang kemaluan ibu muda yang seksi itu.

Alya bisa merasakan semprotan air mani yang hangat dan lengket di dalam rahimnya. Sensasi yang ia rasakan membuatnya sampai ke ujung kenikmatan. Kepalanya dilempar ke belakang, rambutnya melambai di udara dan Alyapun berteriak penuh kepuasan. “Ahhhhhhhh!!”. Seluruh sudut tubuhnya mengeras untuk sesaat dan kemudian orgasme pun meledak dalam tubuhnya. Tak pernah sebelumnya saat bermain cinta dengan Hendra Alya memperoleh kepuasan seksual seperti sekarang. Walaupun dalam hati Alya lebih baik mati daripada mengakui kenikmatan ini.

“Fuhh… fuhh… fuh…” Alya terengah-engah usai mengalami orgasme dan melayani nafsu iblis Pak Bejo. Pria tua itu segera menarik penisnya dari dalam vagina Alya.

Tubuh telanjang Alya tergolek tak berdaya dan air mani meleleh keluar dari dalam memeknya.

Pak Bejo masih belum selesai. Pria tua itu meringis bengis dan bersiap lagi.

Dia menginginkan lubang Alya yang lain.

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 4

The week or so passed relatively without incident. Meaning that Debbie and Dan returned to work and got back to their normal routine. Except that Debbie continued to dress more provocatively (for her) including very daring, even scandalous, underwear, when she wore any at all, and that Debbie and Dan had sex far more often than previously, like nearly every day. And when they fucked, the house rocked. Every orifice Debbie had was used often and well. Oh, and one night Debbie (really Zach, but...

2 years ago
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The Story of Dan Everett Peyton List

The production team have been at it for over an hour now and are getting furious with the blonde. It isn’t Peyton List’s fault but none other than a stranger who has snuck into the crowd, Dan Everett. Dan Everett have been using his reality warping powers to mess with Peyton List. The reason he is fucking with her is for personal revenge for all those times his little sister forced him to watch the horrible sitcom, Jessie. He remembers the only good thing was watching Peyton List and...

3 years ago
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Amy Part 1 Dan

Then the company hired Amy, she was 18 and looked rather out of her depth, maybe it was the first day nerves Dan thought, but, looking around at his co-workers he thought it probably down to their obvious gawping at her as she walked past their desks. The boss did have a history of choosing looks over ability, but, none of the men really cared. Dan certainly didn’t although he wasn’t as obvious as the others, he couldn’t help noticing Amy’s perfect size 10 body swishing past, her pert...

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Dan and Kims Trust

He was gripping the steering wheel tight. He was trying to stay focused on driving as wishful thoughts danced through his mind centered on the beauty next to him. Kim was about average height for a girl her age, around 5’7. She was slender and curvy. She had round deep blue eyes that he could stare into for hours. Her breasts were not overly big but not nearly small, a decent C to D cup as Dan could assume. That assumption is based entirely on theory, Kim had never allowed him to venture...

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Dan AdamsChapter 4

The seven hour drive from Atlanta to Sarasota gave Dan time to think about what was currently happening in his life and the women he had recently met. In a way he thought he was a pretty lucky guy to have recently met Lynn, Cindy and Monica. These were women who realized that having sex was one of the great pleasures in life. Not to engage in sex when the opportunity presented itself just didn’t make sense to them. All that these women needed was there to be some attraction to the man and...

4 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch1

Dan and Jane have been married for 10 years. Dan is 46 and it’s fair to say that he is punching. Jane is 32 and if honest she was attracted to Dan because of his money and the life that he could offer her. She was fit when they met and she’s as fit, sexy and attractive now. Jane has shoulder length blonde bobbed hair, is a size 8 with natural, firm 36dd tits. Dan keeps himself in shape for his age, his wealth enables him to eat well, go to the gym often and have a personal trainer, he’s...

3 years ago
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My Best Mate Dan

It was strange all week, at school, I desperately wanted to grab Dan and kiss her. The static between us was almost visible but we behaved. We were still best friends although I think a couple of guys and a few girls noticed the change in our relationship. We were a bit more touchy feely than “just pals” should be. Friday night couldn’t come soon enough but sure enough it finally arrived. Dan said to be round at 8pm so I timed my arrival to perfection, spot on 8 o-clock. Dan greeted me...

3 years ago
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Dan Don Years Ahead In The Future

It was the first week of November, 2020. Dan suppressed the curse that he'd almost vocalized. He checked his six and saw that the rest of his small team was still well concealed. Dan reached around with Don's left hand to ensure that the tether to the towed equipment sled was still straight. What an absolute, total fuck-up! This completely degrades the usefulness of any phrase like "cluster-fuck'!!! Yeah, and what the HELL are we doing here! Just shut the fuck up, Don! We've got...

2 years ago
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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 5

Debbie returned home tired, a little sore, and in need of comfort. Dan gave it to her. Li had gone, leaving a kiss and a promise for Debbie. After a long hot bath, Debbie curled up in bed with Dan, the lights off and the house quiet. "You and Li had a good time?" Debbie asked quietly. "Sure, we missed you though." I got... tied up. Sorry I couldn't be here. What's Li like? Li's a lot of fun, very... inventive. But she's not you. I wish you could have been here, it would have been...

2 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch3

Dan has only just shut the front door to their house as Jane stepped out of her skirt. She pointed for Dan to kneel and he knew what she wanted before she put her hands on his head and started to grind her soaking pussy into his face. Dan couldn’t believe how wet she was from just a conversation with Mark, he wondered what they had been discussing. Dan eagerly lapped at his wife’s beautiful dripping cunt, it wasn’t long before she had an orgasm. “Go and fix me a G&T and meet me in the...

4 years ago
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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer0

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

4 years ago
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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer1

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

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Relentless Dan Fey Ch 04

Penny Fey had spent the afternoon assisting preparing the Fey Community Hall on Big Island (the largest island in the Gulf) for the local community’s annual ball. She was astonished to learn that a last-minute rush on bookings had filled the hall to capacity and even later request for tickets had to be turned away apologetically. Penny knew that meant a record number of ticket sales for a ball and sought an explanation from the treasurer, who looked at the chairman of the hall management...

2 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch 5

They pulled into the car park and Mark parked the car in one of the bays. Mark & Jane got out and waited for Dan to join them. They headed off across the car park towards the lift to the shops “Come on Dani, keep up” shouted Mark, there were a few people about and they probably heard “Dani” as “Dan” but it was still embarrassing. They got in the lift and went up to the second floor, where some of the shops were located. Jane spoke as they made their way to the shop. “Honey, now that you are...

4 years ago
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Dan and Jennifer

Dan and Jennifer Chapter 1 “Come on,” Dan thought to himself.“It's not really that big a deal.Just turn around and go back to your apartment.”Unfortunately, Dan's feet didn't seem to be listening to him, and even that thread of rational thought seemed dim, distant, under his anger.It was all he could do to not take the stairs two at a time, and the to neighbors he passed on the lower landing took one look at his face and looked quickly away without offering a greeting. The events of...

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Dan AdamsChapter 3

Cindy moving out to LA was a shock and a big disappointment for Dan. He lost the pleasure of taking out a beautiful woman to dinner who was also a very exciting sex partner. That Cindy had made an effort for Dan to find a replacement for her was a surprise to him. If Monica would go out with Dan and if she enjoyed sex as much as Cindy inferred she did it would erase the problem of Dan trying to find some female companionship on his own. Cindy had emailed him Monica’s contact information....

3 years ago
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Shoe store experiences Dan

I was price-labelling new stock in the back room of my uncle’s shoe store while he dealt with a customer, a bald man about his age, wearing a smart blue suit. When I finished the pricing, I carried some of the stock out to the front to put on display. I noticed the customer was leaving empty handed and my uncle said the guy thought the shoes were too expensive. They were an Italian patent leather slip-on and not cheap. My uncle told me that, if the guy should come back while he was away from...

Gay Male
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Uncle Dan Spanks Cindy

My Uncle Dan is only ten years older than me. He is my mother's youngest brother. He babysat me many times when I was a young girl. One time when I was about eleven years old I had aggravated him so badly that he threatened to take me "over his knee for an old fashion bare bottom spanking." I laughed at him saying. "You wouldn't dare!" But he did dare. He pulled me onto his lap, pulling down my pajama bottoms, slapping my ass once hard. "I don't dare, do I?" He laughed as he pulled...

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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor Part One

Every neighborhood has at least One. Do You know what I'm talking about? It's that,"Old Guy",some people wonder and gossip about. Well,Mine was Grandpa Dan. He was my friend Sherry's Grandfather,and He lived just down the street from me in the the trailor park that I grew up in. I knew from the start that He and I would be great friends because when we were introduced,Grandpa Dan got down on one knee and gave me a great big hug! It was nice having his strong arms wrapped around me,and I didn't...

2 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch 2

Dan knew exactly who to get in contact with. He’d been chatting to a guy online occasionally for a few weeks. His name was Mark, they’d met online and found that Mark was a dominant bbc. They’d chatted about cucking Dan and fucking Jane, but Dan thought it would always remain a fantasy, until now.Dan fired off an email, he checked every few minutes for a reply. One came about 6 hours later. “Cuck, I have to admit that I’m surprised to have received your email, but I’m happy to offer my services...

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Dan aka Becca

Dan had been fascinated with women’s panties since he had found a pair belonging to his sister accidentally mixed in with his clothing. He had rubbed them against his face feeling the silky smoothness. He kept them for a few days until he heard his sister asking about them, then made a pretense of finding them stuck in between the washer and dryer. After that, whenever he had the chance, he would try to sneak in a few strokes against his cheek with a pair of her panties. When his sister threw...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 3

"Well Debra," the demon said as Debbie walked (a bit wobbly) down the street after leaving the café. "That went well." "Went well?" Debbie started to rise to the bait. "How can you say that? Okay, okay, I'll stay polite, I believe you are who you say you are, and you obviously control me utterly. But what went well? I just let two perfect strangers violate me, pump their (retch) semen into my mouth and vagina! Besides being unfaithful to Dan, I'll probably get pregnant, or...

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Dan at the swimming hole

It was a great day to go swimming and sunning in the nude except my son Dan, age 20, was visiting for the weekend. He was home from college and enjoying the mid summer time in Maine. I have been a naturist since before he was born and often was nude at home but never required him to go nude. It was a very hot day and we both had voiced the opinion that we should go swimming. I said it would be fun but the only place near enough was a clothes optional spot at a small lake that I liked. He...

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Relentless Dan Fey Ch 01

EgmontOriginals © Rosina Swan stepped down from the float plane that had rolled up on to the sand and thanked the pilot for diverting to circle a couple of other attractive islands farther out from the city after he’d said some were uninhabited wildlife reserves, People were prohibited from landing on them unless in an emergency or were part of an organized groups of nature lovers accompanied by Government’s Department of Conservation wildlife rangers. Geoff the pilot said animals and birds...

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Beth Meets Dan

For several weeks Beth and Gwen had been exploring together. They had enjoyed discovering new things to do and new ways to do them. Gwen’s enthusiasm and adventurous spirit were contagious, and she was able to talk Beth into several things she probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise. One evening after an exhilarating session of oral sex, Beth asked Gwen a question that had been plaguing her.“Gwen, do you tell your husband about what we do?” “Of course, I tell him everything. Haven’t you...

1 year ago
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Dan and Marys Internet Tryst

Dan had longed for something to replace the good pussy he had with Gloria since she left him three months ago.  He resorted to looking for women online to replace the void he had...or rather looking for a void to fill of his own.  One lucky night, he met Mary while being so blunt as to tell any girl he met that all he was looking for was some holiday ass with no commitment.  Finally, he found Mary who was looking for the same thing.  They chatted online a few times talking of what they would do...

4 years ago
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Dan Allen met his match

Dan Allen has probably fucked me more than any other man on the planet. Many of our Island girls have been victimized and fucked raw by Dan’s massive cock. One day Dan was fucking me so hard all I could think about was having an orgasm. I begged him to put me out of my misery. Shit! Three orgasms later Dan was still ramming my wet cunt. I was exhausted and so I laid there like a rag doll while he continued fucking me. I remember my sister Amber yelling at Dan “give the fucking bitch a break!”...

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The story of Dan Jane Ch 6

“Honey, come in here!” commanded Jane. Dan made his way into the lounge where Jane and Mark were sat on the sofa drinking wine. Mark had his arm round Jane and she was cuddled into him. “This arrived this morning “ she said handing Dan a box. “Open it!”Dan opened the box and saw the small metal chastity device, it really was quite small. He wasn’t big, but he figured it would still be a snug fit. He looked at his wife and her lover for instruction. It was Mark who spoke, “Get upstairs and shave...

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My husband Dan likes me to tell him fictional stories about fucking other men

My husband Dan encouraged me to tell him stories about seducing and then screwing other men. I made up situations where I picked up strangers and let them have their way with me. Dan got really excited and sometimes had an orgasm when I got to the part where this fictional guy put his dick in me. When Dan asked me to spice up the stories to include letting him watch me fuck these fictional guys, I did that for him too. I told him a story where we were at a bar and met a guy that we invited to...

3 years ago
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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor part two

Sweat rolled off of Grandpa Dan's face as he positioned Sherry next to me on my Mother's bed. Like Me,Sherry was trussed up like a turkey waiting to be stuffed! Her thin,bare legs were raised in the air,and he had tied her wrists to each thigh,just above her knobby knees. He had also secured her ankles together,thus insuring an unobstructed view,and access,to her sweet,pink,little cunny and light brown,tightly puckerd butthole.He wasn't the only one sweating,but while Grandpa Dan's was from the...

2 years ago
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My Story How It BeganChapter 3 Dan In Dallas My research continues

Jim finally made it home late Tuesday afternoon. I'd stopped Monday morning at a walk-in clinic to be tested for STDs. I didn't want to use our family doctor, because I was pretty sure if I did, Jim would find out. Thankfully, the results came back negative. I was pretty sure Paul was safe, but I didn't want to take any chance's. The day Jim returned home, my period started. I felt guilty that I'd had sex with Paul, and was now unable to take care of my husbands needs. I decided to make...

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My best mate Dan Rewrite chptrs 3 4

We both dressed and headed off on our bikes, laughing and racing each other. It was pretty difficult, at first, riding with a hard-on but fortunately it soon went down. “Coming back to mine?” Dan asked, “Mom and Dad aren’t home”. “Sure” I replied. We rolled up at Dan’s new house, sure enough no-one home. We took off our shoes and went to Dan’s bedroom. “There’s some games on my P.C. or..” Dan said as she stood directly in front of me. I felt her hands undoing my jeans, first the button...

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