Reflections Ch. 03 free porn video

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You may want to read the previous chapters before this one to know what’s going on. As always a special thank you to Estragon for his editing and making my story a much better read.

Chapter 3

I arrived at the airport in France along with one of our financial officers and his wife. Max Riley has been with the company as long as I have and we were good friends. I was the best man at his wedding to his wife Deanna. They made a wonderful couple. They also had two kids, both of whom were also now in college.

I remember asking Max if he wanted to go to France and audit a set of books. His wife’s reaction made me laugh. ‘He’s not going to Paris without me!’ she said.

Actually I was the one that didn’t need to go but Mom and Dad told me I would like Paris and it would be good for me to get away for a few days. We took the shuttle bus to our hotel, which was beautiful. Ray and Barb, the office managers, took great care of us in getting our reservations.

It was already evening when we arrived and after checking in to our rooms we dined in the beautiful restaurant. The atmosphere was great. I looked around and saw many couples out for dinner. I tried to figure out which couples might really be together and which were escorts or mistresses.

After dinner we went into the lounge and had a couple of drinks. Deanne looked around at all the French women and said, ‘Now you can see why Max wasn’t coming alone.’ She had a good point, there were quite a few unattached beautiful women.

I really had to wonder if I might hook up with one of them in the next couple of days. I knew it wouldn’t be tonight because I was quite tired from the flight over after a busy day of work.

We headed to our rooms. I figured I’d get a good night’s sleep but I wasn’t sure about Max and Deanne. I figured they would get a little less sleep than me. It was Paris, after all.

The phone rang the next morning. It was Ray and he asked if the accommodations were satisfactory. I told him they were and he said he would be by in an hour to pick us up to take us to the office. After I hung up I rang Max’s room and passed on the information.

We met downstairs and had time for a French pastry and a cup of coffee. Ray arrived just as we were finishing. We all knew Ray well and said our hello’s and headed to the office. Barb was there with open arms to greet us.

Barb showed us around and introduced us to their employees. I do have to say the women looked good. It would only take a half a day to review the books. Ray and Barb always did an excellent job of keeping the books correct. It was just a mandatory review, which we did once a year for everyone’s protection.

As I said, it was usually Mom and Dad’s vacation to come and see Ray and Barb. This time Max and I came. Barb mentioned that she would take Deanne shopping while us men went over the books. It got a worried look from Max but a laugh from Deanne.

Needless to say there were no problems with the books. At lunch Ray mentioned that he and Barb were going to take us all out tonight. There was to be a modeling fashion show in town. At first I couldn’t picture myself at a fashion show but Ray assured us we would love it.

Ray gave us the address and we told him we would meet them in the lobby of the theatre. The three of us arrived by cab and Ray and Barb were waiting for us. This theatre was more luxurious than I had anticipated. There were hundreds of people, many dressed in tuxes and expensive evening wear.

Barb told us that this theatre served a dinner that was to die for and afterwards had a world famous fashion show with some top models. Barb mentioned that they got tickets because some of the models were their clients. Investments and brokerage were their main businesses and they did extremely well.

We were seated and again brought a wonderful meal. The theatre had a runway running down the center. It would be where the models would be showing the latest fashions.

I don’t think I mentioned that after that night Max and Deanne said they would like to tour the city. They had bought a tour pass at the hotel, which would keep them more than busy for a couple of days. I hadn’t thought about it. I would’ve liked to see some of the sights myself but I didn’t want to be a third wheel.

The fashion show began and I couldn’t believe how grand it was. The women were beautiful and the gowns and bathing suits were something else. They even had a few male models in suits and tuxes. All the attendees, like me, got a small order book in case they wanted to order anything.

Ray said the clothes are quite pricey but getting an original from Paris was something most women loved. I didn’t have a woman to buy for but Max told Deanne she could purchase any one item. Damn! They made a nice couple. I actually wished I had someone to buy an outfit for.

Each model wore at least three outfits, one being a fancy bathing suit. The models were gorgeous but one in particular caught my eye. She just seemed special to me. I later learned her name was Victoria, and she was stunning, with very long dark brown or brunette hair that went half way down her back.

She also was the last model of the night and wore a wedding dress that made her look like an angel. Her long flowing hair over her shoulders made her look so beautiful. Needless to say, everyone stood up and applauded the fashion show and we retired into another room of the theatre, which was a huge lounge where music was played and drinks were served.

Barb said that it was a greeting room, where you could meet the models and the directors and producers of the show. We were sitting having a drink when the models and the other personnel came into the room. For some reason I was only looking for one model, Victoria.

Ray saw me looking at the models coming in and asked me if I was looking for anyone in particular. I told him not really, not wanting to show my emotions, but I did think the bride was very angelic.

‘Oh! That was Victoria. She is one of our clients. Barb, would you mind inviting Victoria to meet our guests?’ replied Ray.

I saw Victoria walk in. She had a gray dress on that showed her beautiful shape. I was sure she didn’t have on a bra but her breasts stood straight out. They weren’t overly big but most definitely in the right proportion to her body. Her long hair draped over her right shoulder.

Barb walked over to her and they looked in our direction. They both smiled and walked toward us. ‘Bud, this is our friend Victoria.’ She also introduced her to Max and Deanne.

I wasn’t sure about French greeting except what I had seen at a few movies. I took her right hand in the two of mine and kissed the back of it. She smiled at me and said it was nice meeting a gentleman. Her English was good, and her accent was cute.

Ray asked her if she would like to join us. She looked straight at me with her beautiful green eyes. I don’t know how I looked on the outside but inside my stomach was queasy. I couldn’t believe that any woman could have that effect on me. I thought maybe I had drunk too much, but realized I was still on my first drink.

Victoria smiled and said, ‘Give me a moment. I need to talk to my friends. I’ll be right back.’ I stared at her as she walked away.

‘She’s beautiful,’ said Max. Deanne slapped him playfully on the arm. When she came back we three men stood up and she picked a seat next to me. I slid in her seat, trying to be the perfect gentleman. I couldn’t get over how nervous I felt. My God, I’ve been out with I don’t know how many women.

We all talked about the fashion show and I kept repeating how beautiful she looked, especially in the bridal gown. ‘Do you have someone special in mind who would look good in the gown?’ asked Victoria.

‘No, I’m not married and besides, I don’t think anyone would look as good in the gown as you do.’ She smiled while thanking me.

About that ti
me they had a band playing music and Ray and Barb got up to dance as well as Max and Deanne. I asked Victoria and she said she would love to.

While we danced at least three slow dances in a row, Victoria told me a little about herself. First off, she told me her friends called her Vicky. I mentioned my friends called me Buddy.

I’ll tell you what Vicky told me about herself, but some of it was while we were dancing and other things over time. She was an orphan. Her parents were killed when she was a very young age. She couldn’t remember them. Her father was French and her mother was Irish. That explains the beautiful green eyes.

She was raised in foster homes and while a teenager was sent to a special school for models. She was raised there and even before finishing high school had become a model. She earned money and saved most of it but had to pay for her keep.

She was taught etiquette and the modeling world. She told me it was all she knew. She was now twenty-six and said she had a couple of good years left. After that, models were considered too old for the circuit and did side modeling jobs on their own.

I couldn’t believe that a woman as beautiful as Vicky would ever be out of a job unless it would be by choice. Holding her in my arms and smelling her perfume I couldn’t get over the feeling in my gut. When we went and sat back at the table I already missed not having her in my arms.

We all talked and drank Champagne. I loved to hear Vicky talk and she had this beautiful accent. I wish I could write the way her voice sounded. As we were all taking a man came up to me and asked if it was all right if he danced with Vicky. Without hesitation I told him ‘No’. I think it shocked everyone, including me.

I quickly corrected what I said and told the man that we were just about to get up and dance. I took a surprised Vicky’s hand and we went back to the dance floor.

‘What was that all about?’ asked Vicky. ‘Are you a very jealous man? In case you didn’t know, I know that man.’

‘I’m sorry! I’ve never reacted like that before. It wasn’t my place to say who you could or couldn’t dance with.’ I was surprised when all I got from Vicky was a smile and she actually pulled me closer. I was having feelings that I never had before. Was it Paris or just my inner thoughts?

At the table we talked about us being from the US and would be in Paris for a couple of days. Deanne mentioned that they were taking a couple of days to tour the city. She told Vicky that her husband even bought her one of the dresses that the models were wearing.

‘That’s a beautiful dress you purchased,’ mentioned Vicky. ‘Everyone should own an outfit that they bought when visiting Paris. We are the fashion center of the world. Buddy, did you purchase anything from the show?’ asked Vicky.

‘No, I have no one to give it too.’ I laughed.

‘There was the gray suit that you would look fabulous in. I picture you in that suit with the lavender shirt and the purple tie. You would be irresistible to any woman.’

‘Does that include you?’ I asked laughing. ‘I’ll order it if you promise to take me on a tour of the city tomorrow. You did say you were off the next two days.’

Vicky stared at me with her beautiful green eyes and picked up my order book and ordered me the suit along with the shirt and tie. ‘Pick me up tomorrow and I’ll take you for your fitting and then show you some of the sights in our city.’

About that time everyone was saying their goodbyes. Ray and Barb had their vehicle. Vicky said she would catch a ride home with her friends and Max and Deanne asked me if I was heading back to the hotel in a taxi with them.

‘No, you two go ahead. I’m going to see Vicky home so I know where to pick her up tomorrow. I’ll see you two for breakfast in the morning. Have a good night.’

‘You don’t have to see me home you know,’ said Vicky.

‘Yes, I have to. It’s just something I feel.’ We walked out and she gave directions to the cab driver. Before we knew it we were at her rooming house.

‘I just rent a room here. I’m on the road sometimes weeks or even months at a time. This is just a place to lay my head and keep my belongings.’

I wanted to be with her so bad but I wasn’t going to push it. She gave me a gentle kiss and thanked me for seeing her home. After she entered her room I got back in the cab and headed back to my hotel, wondering what was wrong with me. I was already missing her.

I slept well, and got up early and showered and got dressed. I was already at the breakfast table when Max and Deanne sat down. We talked about the night before and what a wonderful time we had. They told me what a beautiful and nice person Vicky seemed to be.

They were surprised that she was going to show me the city since she could probably be with any man she wanted. They thought it might just be business and me buying the suit. I agreed with them but inside my gut I knew better. I felt there was really something between us. I just hoped I was right.

I rented a car for two days and went to Vicky’s boarding house. She came out as soon as she saw me get out of the car. I gave her a hug, she looked so damn pretty. All she had on was nice slacks and a white blouse. Her hair was braided and fixed so it didn’t go all the way down to her butt.

She was one gorgeous woman. I believe she would look good in anything or nothing at all. I asked her if she wanted to drive, seeing she knew the city a lot better than I did. She smiled and when I asked her why she said, ‘Most men are too macho to let the woman drive. I really like you. Do you know that?’

I took off my sports jacket and tie. Vicky said we wouldn’t be needing it for now as we sped off into the city. First we had to stop at the tailor to get my suit fitted, the one I promised to buy. Vicky went in with me and talked in French to the man. I asked her what she said and she let him know I was a friend of hers and the suit better be perfect.

She went and talked with her friends until the fitting was over. I saw her friends smile at us when we left. ‘Ok, why were they smiling?’

‘They told me I was lucky to find such a handsome man who also was rich.’

‘It that how you feel?’ I asked.

‘Yes and no. I’m happy you’re a good-looking man with a wonderful personality or I wouldn’t be with you. As far as the money goes, I really don’t much care. You see I have quite a financial investment myself, but I wouldn’t want a man that would have to live off me.’

‘Buddy,’ she said (she actually said it with an accent, kind of like ‘Bud-dee’), ‘do you have a girl back home?’

‘No, I was married twenty years ago and divorced around a year later. I do have twin kids who are now starting college. What about you? Surely there is some guy in waiting for a woman like you.’

‘I’ve never had time in my life for relationships. It’s mostly work. I’ve met a few men that I was attracted to but I travel all the time and most men wouldn’t care for their wife to be on the road all the time. Maybe I’ll find the right person when I stop traveling.’

I have to admit she had my heart pumping. I kept thinking what Dad always said, ‘lust, infatuation and love’. Could she possible be the one? We really hardly knew each other yet. She made a few suggestions and I told her I’d go wherever she wanted to take me. This first place she went to was the Arc de Triomphe, which is that big arch in that traffic circle you always see in pictures of Paris.

I was happy that she was driving, I don’t know if I would have ever gotten us alive out of that traffic. Next came the Eiffel Tower. She parked the car and we went to a sidewalk café and just watched the people. We ordered a light lunch and were getting along pretty well.

A few seats away from us were a couple of young Frenchmen, who kept looking at us and talking in French. I really didn’t care for it but all of a sudden Vicky came out with a string of wor
ds that I knew weren’t nice. I think I caught the word ‘fuck’ and ‘asshole’ among them.

She then turned and laid a kiss on me that I will never forget. Talk about French kissing! I felt like I was making passionate love to her right there at the café, when all we were doing was kissing. She looked back over at the two young men and they got up and left.

‘OK, I loved the kiss but what was it all about? I was about to take you right here on this table.’

‘Those two men were idiots. I hate people like that.’

‘So Vicky, do I get to know what they said? I take it that it wasn’t very nice.’

‘They called you an old man. They say the two of them could do me a lot more good than you could. They then say I was probably with you for your money.’

‘I get it but what did you say and why the kiss?’

‘I told them they were assholes and yes you have money but are a better lover than the two of them put together. I knew because I fucked your brains out. Sorry about the kiss.’

‘I’m not! That was one of the best kisses I have ever had. I meant it when I said I could have made love to you right here on this table.’

We both had a good laugh and then she took me to Notre Dame. It was quite a sight. I remembered back when I saw the movie ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ years ago.

It was late afternoon when we took a short tour of the Louvre. It was way more than we could see in a day, and way more than I could understand. Vicky took me around to see some of her favorite paintings. We stayed until they asked us to leave since they were closing for the night.

Vicky asked me if I would like to go off the beaten path to a real French restaurant. It wasn’t all that big but quite crowded. Vicky talked to the right people and we got seated rather quickly. We had a table for two with a candle lit in the center.

I had Vicky order for us because I couldn’t even read the menu. While waiting for our food, Vicky put her arms on the table. I took her hands and held them. I could feel my heart beating and wondered if she was able to hear it.

Our dinner arrived and I hated having to let go of her hands. We talked during dinner. I asked her a question I ask a lot of people. ‘Where would you like to find yourself in five years?’

I could see her thinking about it. ‘I’m not sure. If I find the right man I would like to be married and have kids. I always liked kids but never had any brothers or sisters. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to work unless I choose because my husband could support me and the children.

‘I would like the opportunity to work some on the side but I wouldn’t want to travel. I’d want to be home enjoying life with my family. Where do you see yourself in five years, Buddy?’

‘To be honest with you, I haven’t really thought much about it. I just figured I would go on running the business as my dad is working less. My kids are in college so I haven’t thought much about the future.’

She really got me to thinking. I would love to find a woman and have a life like she described. It was the kind of life you read about in books. I knew Vicky was getting to me. Was I feeling pangs of love? Does love at first sight really exist?

After dinner it was late, and Vicky drove back to her rooming house. We were standing on her doorstep when she leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips and thanked me for a wonderful time.

‘It was you that did me a favor. I must admit I totally enjoyed our time together. I wish I could see you again tomorrow but I remember you saying you already had plans.’ I really did want to be with her.

‘Buddy, my plans were to go see ‘The Phantom Of the Opera’ with a friend. If I called her and begged off, would you go with me? She’s already seen it twice and was just going so I wouldn’t be going alone.’

‘I’d love to go with you. Just tell me what time to be here. Would you like to have dinner first?’

‘I’d love to have dinner first. I’ll call you at the hotel in an hour after I talk to my friend.’ We kissed again and I headed back to my hotel.

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Email id()Mere age 31 hei.Meri bibi 24 years ki hei aur o ek school mein teacher hei.Mein ek advocate hun. Hamara sali yani ki mere bibi ki choti bahen Lora hamare sath mein hi raheti thi,jo ki college mein +2 padhti thi.Uski age 16 years thi aur o dekhne mein khub sundar thi.Jija sali hone ke nati mein uske sath majak aur masti karti thi.Uske aur mere bich mein 2 mahino se sex ki sambandh chal rahi thi.Mein har roj usko ek ya dou bar chodti thi. Ek din lora boli,’jiju mere ek saheli apse...

3 years ago
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Devar Ke Dost Ke Saath 8211 Part I

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko Monika ka pyar bhara namaskar. Meri stories ko padhne aur best feedback dene ke liye many many thanks. To jaisa ki mere pahli dono stories se aapko pata chal gaya hai ki mere aapne devar ke saath pyar bhare relation hai aur mere devar ne story leekhi ki kaise maine uske sabse close friend ke saath bharpur maaze kiye. Lekin uski yeh story thori chhoti aur kam mazzedar hai. iss ka karan yeh hai ki maine usse, maare dar aur sharam ke puri baat batayi hi nahi. Aaj main...

2 years ago
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Horny House Guest

Horny House Guest Don Abdul ©2008 Dawn chatted away heartily while Robert weaved the car through the scanty Sunday afternoon traffic on their way back home after dropping Jessica off at the airport. Although he made the right noises at the appropriate moments, Robert’s thoughts were far from the topic of his wife’s babble. His mind is preoccupied with memories of his dirty passionate encounter with Jessica the night before last. Jess as they called her, had been Dawn’s closest friend through...

1 year ago
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The Score

I watched from my car as she hurried across Maryland Parkway. The long hair turned me on. It was almost flowing behind her... The street lights flashing off her blonde tresses. She was wearing a jacket but her breasts were free in the "T" shirt; I could see them bounce. Just as they were at the party. She wasn't self-conscious about them. I'd stared at them several times that evening. She never seemed embarrassed. We both laughed about it. It was a sexual thing and I was positive the...

1 year ago
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Visiting The Construct

"I can do anything I want?" "Within limits," the counselor said. "We offer access to two possible universes, the public, and the private. The difference is that other people, people like you, share the public universe. If you do anything to one of them without their consent, you will be in violation of the terms of your contract." "How do I tell the denizens, I think that's what you called them, from people like me?" "Visitors, which is what we call people like you, will have a...

4 years ago
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Deborah was a teenager in the nineteen-sixties. In nineteen-sixty-two she was seventeen-years-old. The industrial town where she was raised was hard-core blue-collar. Women knew their place and the bulky men she grew up with were traditional male chauvinistic pigs. That was simply the way it was.On Friday and Saturday evenings, women congregated in the kitchen playing cards after they had fed their husbands who sat in the lounge, smoking, drinking, and stinking out the place. Naturally, all the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 3

After her affair with Eric began, Millie thought of nothing but teenage cock. She tried to interest herself in shopping and other feminine pursuits, but nothing worked. She even resented her sister-in- law for seeming so happy lately. The redhead who usually moped around was suddenly a smiling, happy woman. She went running early one morning and when she returned to the house she went right up to her room. She hoped no one was home, but if anyone was there she prayed it was Eric and not...

4 years ago
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Alexa Gets A Girl Off

Earlier in the week Alexa wondered why she kept giving Derek hand jobs. Sure he was kind of cute, in a nerdy sort of way, but there were lots of cute boys at school and she never gave them hand jobs. She thought at first it could be pity; he was otherwise a virgin, after all, who had never even had a girlfriend. But as they continued to have these naughty encounters, Alexa realized the reason was the size of Derek's penis. Stroking it nice and slowly, Alexa stared at the big thing. It was...

2 years ago
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First pantiesfirst cock

My brother and I grew up in a rural area so we didnt get much interaction with other people after school so we entertained ourselves by riding dirt bikes and doing what normal country boys do.My brother was a yr older then me so he went to high school first which was a 1.5hr bus ride to town.He would tell me how different people were in town and how it was so much fun.One day he came home and came into my room with a bunch of magazines.I had never seen a dirty magazine before.He said his friend...

4 years ago
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A black man assaults me in a party

That Saturday late afternoon my cell phone rang. My best girlfriend Cecilia was home alone, her loving hubby Peter had gone to visit his parents for the rest of the weekend.Cecilia called me up to invite me to go with her at some of her friend`s party. I really was not in the mood, but hearing Cecilia`s voice, I started again to feel a little bit horny, rubbing my pussy lips.After all, I was home alone, bored, absolutely bored because Victor was flying abroad for three days at least. Bored but…...

2 years ago
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Fucked by the College Jock

Introduction: Blackmailed into sex as his slut It was a no-kickers under my skirt, type of day. Most of the student chicks wore trousers, but not in my secretary class, we wore skirts and looked smarter. Shoes not trainers, we were smart and professional and considered ourselves a cliche above the others. The jokes were great too does the secretary training include missionary? Do you have to bend over the desk? well, not yet! I had sucked of two boys in my tutor group round the back, and would...

1 year ago
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BangBus Misty Quinn Misty8217s Big Ass Rides The Bus

The Bus is working hard for you and came up big today. While cruising the beach we came across Misty. She was of Brazilian mix and the prove with in that big juicy of hers. She also had a pair of amazing tits and gorgeous skin color. As usual, she was hesitant when we approached her until she saw the wad of cash we had. Her eyes literally lit up. We had her do a few sexy stunts for us and she started racking up the money. We knew we had something special when she actually flashed a boat passing...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 69

Life went on much as normal. Mark and Victoria found their relationship deepening still further. Not only did they still often speak as one but also they found themselves thinking as one. Equally, in conversation with others, one might produce a complete non sequitur but the other picked it up without a pause. Mark found too that a similar empathy as his one with Serena evolved. Victoria, with her relationship with Rupert, went further and was always aware of Mark's moods, even at a...

2 years ago
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Sexually Liberated At Last

After 20 years of playing the dutiful and faithful wife, I've been sexually liberated, and about time! I am now getting laid by some younger stud every week and having serial orgasms. Met hubby in school at 18, only kissing and a few feels before marriage at 18, immediately pregnant with the twins and fulltime motherhood, into the workforce part-time about six years ago, then converted to full-time three years ago when the twins left home. Hubby is a steady provider whose passion is playing for...

2 years ago
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Kassidy This takes place during the summer after Julie and I experienced our first time together. Although I was same age as Julie and a lot of our friends, I was only going to be a freshman, whereas they were all going to be sophomores. My parents had me start school a year later so that I would not end up in classes with my older brother who had been held back a grade. Pool time Since I was very young, I was involved in gymnastics. I spent many hours in the gym every week working out. Most...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls Kate England Lisa Tiffian 08272016

Kate England is pissed, and she’s about to make things right. She’s suspected her man is cheating on her with one of her pals, Lisa Tiffian, and now she’s about to learn the truth. That’s why she shows up at Lisa’s as this scene kicks off. Soon, she’s choking the truth out of Lisa with a huge, black dildo! Once Lisa confesses, it’s on! Kate straps on another big black cock from her arsenal, then gives it to Lisa in all three holes. If that’s not...

3 years ago
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Beckys Slave

Chapter 1 How it all began It was another typical Saturday morning. I was on my knees beside of thebed waiting for my dominant wife to awake. With her feet in my hands and mylips paying homage to her delicately painted toes, I could already feel thestirring in my balls. The scent of her unwashed feet always gets me excited.She suddenly kicked me away and stretched her body in an effort to wake hermuscles. After a few moments of this, she opened her eyes, moved up on herhands, and let her feet...

3 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 4

The next morning was not as fun as Dani had hoped for. First when she went down to help with breakfast she was very late. But then Mike walked in and Mrs. Lynnette just glared at him to the point that Dani had to ask. "Mrs. Lynnette why do you have such a problem with Mr. Heyens staying here. He's taking his own valuable time to see to my safety." "For that my dear I am grateful, but you should not have him staying with you. Have him stay in one of the cabins. It's just not right. And...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 33 Come In To My Kitchen

Over the next few weeks, we concentrated on working up the new songs to the point where they were at least acceptable for public performance; I had called Mike, and asked him if he would want to play with us again. He jumped at the opportunity; he said he wouldn’t be available for touring over the summer break; Karen had given birth to their son, Karl, a few months earlier. But before our first rehearsal session, he arrived with his Yamaha stage organ, and we set it up in the ‘keyboard’...

1 year ago
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Reddit Outercourse, aka r/Outercourse! Everyone loves having sex. I don’t think there’s a single person out there that doesn’t like a good shag. Even asexual dudes probably get a rush of dopamine when they get inside a chick. Here’s the thing, though, since we're all about penetration, penetration, penetration, is there any other way in which we can get satisfied? Well, I think we’re on to something here and we should give it a close inspection. More specifically, we should talk about the...

Reddit NSFW List
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 8

Breathtaking, buxom Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior shows off her voluptuous body in crimson stockings, gloves and skimpy underwear. Ready for some holiday celebration, she licks a thick candy cane and buries it between her big tits. Kianna sucks Rob Piper’s big Black cock while director/performer Jonni Darkko rails her fuzzy cunt. They trade her holes, with Rob slamming her slit as she gives Jonni a blowjob. The festive threesome includes spit-roast fucking by the tinseled Christmas...

1 year ago
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Beauty and the Fetishist

Beauty and the Fetishist Belladonna "So, what do you think he's going to do when he walks in?" Lily asked the girls standing around the receptionist's desk. "He's going to flip," the receptionist replied. "I bet he does a double take," Jocelyn added while nodding at Claire's comment. "Any thoughts?" Lily asked Freddie, the oldest woman in the group. "I think he's going to know we're screwing with him!" "No doubt," Lily seconded Freddie's answer with a laugh. "Oh,...

1 year ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 20 Sasha and Ashtyn3

Pleasure from foxy serious spanking is a new idea to teach sexy Sasha and awesome AshtynErotic experiences of pretty Petra in our demonstration get the girls very sexily excitedThe tasty teen with wide open wet twat smells so sexy, so she must be ovulating right nowReally makes me wonder who rules whom in our hot household? She pretends all time it is meAfter all she is my granddod! Well, this part needs some explanation we will write later!Soon I find out that the two beauties from Sweden are...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 1

I had just recently moved to LA, and had not really met anybody yet. I was 16, and coming from a little town in Idaho to the culture of Sex and d**gs, Punk Rock and Valley Girls was a bit of a shock for a country boy like me. But I did enjoy looking at the cute girls with their poofed out hairstyles, pastel colored blouses and short skirts.Having nothing to do one night my dad gave me $10 for gas and entertainment and I went out exploring. After hitting up one of the local arcades for a bit, I...

3 years ago
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The Education of Diana ch 01

It was the summer before her junior year in high school. Diana was unsure of what would happen. She was new here in this small town. Her parents had moved the family to this coastal area as soon as she and her brother had completed school. Now they were getting adjusted to living in a town that had the amount of people found on one block of her old home city. She still thought of her last home as her real home.  Diana was a shy girl. She hadn't always been that way. But coming of age had caused...

1 year ago
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Super Bowl Bet

To start, let me say I am not a big sports fan. I have nothing against sports and do not mind going to an event every now and then but mostly I have no real grasp of the rules and no real interest to learn them. I rarely ever watch sports at home other than to watch a major event and that is really more so I can invite people to over for a little party. Super Bowl for me is just one of those times, drinks, food, funny commercials and friends. For a few weeks my boyfriend, who is a Giants fan,...

4 years ago
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Hard Times

Megan glanced at the clock as her friend on the phone laughed about the latest bit of gossip that they’d just shared. “I’m going to have to go, Angie. I have somebody coming to look at the basement in a few minutes.” “I can’t believe you’re taking in a boarder. I don’t think I could have a stranger living in my house.” “I know,” Megan agreed. “It’s either that or lose the house, though.” She shook her head, remembering how long she and her ex-husband had searched to find a place within their...

3 years ago
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KateChapter 4

Nothing was said until they drove through an open gate and past a lodge at the start of a long drive. "Two bedroomed cottage?" Katherine asked. Andrew chuckled. "Yes. It's a former gamekeeper's cottage on the Netherbourne Manor estate which is what we're driving through." "Ah! Wow! Is that the manor house?" "Yes." "It's huge!" "Mm. A bit big for my needs. Apparently the original family moved out after the First World War and an extremely rich man bought it and enlarged it...

3 years ago
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Made My Neighbor Horny 8211 Part 5

Hey everyone! I am back again with a new part where my fantasy dream became reality. You people are amazing. I thank you all for sharing the positive feedback. This time story will be a bit lengthy. Let me introduce myself. I’m Akhil Bisla, my age is 26, and my dick size is 6″ inch, which can satisfy any female. Just a recap, we did another session of phone sex. Then she went shopping with Gayatri, and I got busy with household work. So I was chilling on the couch, sitting nude. And then my...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 32 Inclusion

Alexa Chapter 32: Inclusion The first thing I remembered was waking up to a kiss on the cheek. I knew it could only be one person and I let out a moan of happiness. I then heard the voice of an angel wish me a Merry Christmas. That was where the enjoyment of Christmas morning quickly ended. "Come on, we have to get up. Daddy just called and said he was on his way." I tried to use the toddler voice Jenny loves to use on me. Heck, I even stole her complete line. "No, cuddle," I...

1 year ago
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  When Daniel and I had got married, it was a dream come true. I was only 24 at the time, and he was 30. He was sweet, caring, funny, energetic, and very loving. We always went on date nights, and had romantic dinners, it was wonderful. But over the first year of our marriage, he started to change. He would stay later at work and leave me eating alone 2 or 3 times a week. It was heart breaking to say the least. Every time I asked him to come home on time for dinner he would, at first. Then...

3 years ago
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Handsome But Naughty Young Men

"Sit down at your desks," I ordered them, before a gap as I watched them, and I leaned on my mine with my arms crossed. "I hate to burst your bubble, but you two are not gonna coast through college on your looks, I assure you. I've already given you two an extension, but you're confirming that you haven't done any work?""Yes, Ms. Treble, but we've had a lot of football practice and dates lately.""Really, Billy? That's what you came up with, just blame it on football practice and dates? That's...

1 year ago
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How I found out that my wife likes to play

First a little history . I am a older man few years older than my wife of 30 lets call her Joan . We have been married for a little over two years and her sex drive has always been over the top . Enough about that I kinda always knew she played around on me but was never sure . So when we moved to our new house I installed a hidden video cam in our bed room . After the first few weeks their was nothing I started thinking to myself I was wrong. Then a few weeks when by and I had to work latte...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Uncle Aur Meri Chudai

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise uncle aur meri chudai ye meri sacchi kahani ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri kahani kaisi lagi. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani kuch din pahle ki h main apni colony me hamesha apni saheliyo ke sath masti kar rahi thi aur hum sab log baaten...

2 years ago
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A teachers erotic adventure pt3

Randy, from his chair whispered to the two wives, ‘Start excruciatingly slow, and make it exquisitely delicious.’ Both females faced each other now, still slightly embarrassed. ‘What do you want to do first,’ Jennie whispered sexily to her friend. Both women wanted it to be good for their husbands, but, each was uncertain ‘what to do first,’ as they prepared to engage in this ‘first time’ erotic behavior they knew their men were waiting to see. ‘Okay, ‘Peggy finally whispered, ‘I have an...

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