ReflectionsChapter 6 free porn video

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I was still uneasy about the whole thing and not really sure if I wanted to go through with this. But in the end my love for Clarissa and desire to please her won out.

We were ready to go down to dinner when Clarissa walked up to me and embraced me.

"Babe, are we good? You know that I love you and only you. It's just this compulsion that I have to try this cuckold thing."

She chuckled, "we are a fine pair of pervs. I want to be the slut and while you may not really want to be a cuck, you are ready and willing to submit to me and so many other ways."

"Let's just remember that nothing is more important than the love we have for each other. So let's do this."

She planted a hot kiss on me, did a quick repair job with her lip gloss, not that I saw the need for it but what do I know and we went down to dinner.

At first there was a definite tension between us but over the course of the meal Clarissa managed to put me at ease by little things like stroking my hand, telling me that she loved only me while at the same time heightening my sexual excitement by dropping the shawl so that again I had full view of her magnificent cleavage and then there was that stocking foot that every often rubbed over my locked up dick.

"You're enjoying this aren't you Princess, the teasing, knowing that I can't make a mess in my pants?"

"Yes babe, I'm having a real blast. Thank you again for allowing me to play my game. You'll get your reward in due time. I'm going to skip desert. Time to go cock hunting. Please don't forget to bring my shawl up to the room. I'll expect you shortly to be sitting at the bar with a soda watching your 'hot wife' snag the prime bull."

With that she got up gave me a quick peck on the cheek and disappeared in the direction of the ladies room.

I signed the bill charging it to my room, grabbed the shawl and went upstairs.

All sorts of conflicting emotions crossed my mind like apprehension, jealousy and general concern about where our marriage was going. What I could not deny was the pressure of my dick against that blasted CB. I guess it was a good thing in a way because it prevented the embarrassment of having to walk around with a tent in my groin area or worse a wet spot.

So it was clear to me that on some level I was turned on by the whole thing. That at least for the moment my sexual excitement outweighed the apprehension and general concerns about what is going to happen with us and where this all was going to end.

I steeled myself and went back down stairs and headed for the bar. By the time I got there, the place was jumping but I did find a spot at the end of the bar right next to where the servers picked up their orders. I asked for a diet soda and turned around to watch the action.

Clarissa was dancing – well if one can call it that. I would classify it as being on the border between 'dirty dancing' and prelude to a porno flick and the guy she was with loved it.

She must have spotted me because without him realizing it, she had maneuvered him towards the edge of the dance floor closest to me. She wanted me to get the full impact of her action.

Once they got close, it was clear that the guy, maybe eight or ten years older than us and quite distinguished looking, sported a considerable tent.

At the end of the dance, they disappeared from view into the darker area of the club.

I was on my second soda and they still had not come back to the dance floor. I started to wonder if they had gone up to the room without her letting me know. So I decided to 'cruise' the place and look for them while heading for the rest room.

I spotted them in a back corner partially hidden by some potted plant. He was munching on her boob and had one hand under her skirt and from Clarissa's facial expression was doing something nice to her pussy.

As I walked away towards the rest room I noticed a clear reduction of the pressure against my CB. I know that I get turned on watching certain porno flicks but watching my wife with some guy going beyond the flirting and dirty dancing was clearly not a turn on. I'm going to have to make that clear to Clarissa that watching her having sex with some guy was not on my 'bucket list'.

I was back at my seat by the bar and just about to order another soda when Clarissa walked alone towards me with a kind of 'the cat that ate the canary' smile, actually more of a grin on her face.

I turned towards her, she spread my legs and pressed herself against my groin and firmly grabbing my head and planted a kiss, forcing my mouth open with her tongue.

In an instant I went from thrill to total shock, almost knocked her over in the process and ran towards the rest room. The bitch had given the guy a blow job and was trying to feed me a 'snow ball' right there at the bar.

I got lucky and there was stall open as I lost my most of my dinner right then and there.


I spotted Terry at the bar and maneuvered my dance partner as close as possible, giving Terry the closest thing to an X rated performance that I could do in public without being arrested.

I carefully watched his face. He seemed to be OK, even at one point gave me a quick wink with his eye. Well, it looks like this is going my way.

When the dance ended we headed back to the corner my partner had snagged just before the place got too crowded. I was turned on by the guy, some sort of investment banker who was a bit older than us. He clearly had a take charge attitude the way he took 'possession' of my boob and shoved his finger up my pussy. I don't think he was too concerned about my pleasure and I clearly will have bite marks on my boob.

The flow of moisture increased when I spotted Terry cruising, looking for us. As he drew closer I put that 'enthralled by sexual bliss' look on my face and ignored him as he headed toward the rest rooms.

That's when Jack, yes that was his name informed me that he had to go home soon but really wanted a blow job before leaving. He almost dragged me out some back entrance into a dark corner where there was some grass, pushed me down and told me to get busy. To show him that my cock sucking matched my cock teasing. I unzipped him and dug out his hard cock from inside his boxers. It was a nice cock, not any bigger than Terry's, well maybe a bit thicker. Certainly a cock that I would like to have some place else besides my mouth. I gave him my best 'Hoover job'. I really did not want to spend too much time out here. That was not really part of the plan. I liked the way he had taken charge, but I really wanted to get fucked by him in the hope that he would display the same attitude in bed.

"To my surprise, he did last quite a bit in spite of my best efforts 'til he blasted a substantial load down my throat. While I was blowing him a nasty plan germinated in my head and I managed to keep some of his cum in my mouth.

When he came, he almost rudely pushed me away and said,

"Gotta go. That was nice. Maybe we can do this again next week. Do away with the preliminaries like dancing and get to the fucking part. So long dear. Enjoy the rest of the night."

With that he was gone, no 'thank you', nothing and damn if I wasn't turned on by his attitude.

OK, back to my nasty plan. I straightened out my dress, kind of ran my fingers through my hair and headed back inside to present Terry with his surprise.

Well the surprise was on me when he pushed me almost to the ground and ran off to the rest rooms. I tried to follow him, calling his name but the crowd sort of blocked my way and he was inside before I got there.

I knew I was in trouble when I heard him retching. It had to be him. It was too early for some drunk doing it. Shit.

That's when I realized that I had left my purse, better get it before someone walks off with it. As luck would have it, it was still there. I grabbed it and walked over to the bar, signed for the three sodas Terry had ordered and went back to the rest room area. Everything was quiet. I wonder what he had done.

So I walked out into the lobby, spotted a bell man and asked him if he had seen my man.

"Yes Ma'am, I've seen someone like him. He stopped at the Concierge desk and ordered a bottle of single malt and a bucket of ice to be sent up to his room. I think he said 823."

"Thank you" handing him a couple of bucks, then heading for the elevators.

Terry was fixing to get drunk. That didn't bode too well for me. I really screwed up but why did he react that way? I'm feeding him snow balls all the time and he eats his cum right out my pussy or licks it off my boobs. I don't get it.

I went to my room and tried the connecting door, it was locked so I found my spare key to his room and went in.

Terry was bent over the sink gargling with scotch that probably cost over a hundred bucks because it came via hotel room service.

"Terry, we need to talk."

He spit some booze into the sink and looked me like I was totally out of my mind.

"Get the fuck out of here bitch. Don't come near me, don't call me."

"But Terry..."

"Nothing but Terry, for a bright lady you are sure stupid. How did you think I would react?"

"We've done..."

"Yeah we've done it before but it was MY cum, not some fuckin' strangers".

"I don't know what I'm going to do just get the hell away from me. Go get laid, I don't give a shit right now. I just want to be alone."

He grabbed me not too gently and steered me towards the door, opened it and pushed me out. The last thing I heard was "Bitch" and the security latch clicking. I was not going to be able to get back in there.

I went to my room, threw myself on the bed and started to cry. I had never seen Terry that angry and he certainly never, ever called me a bitch. This was o fucked up.

When I calmed down a bit I tried calling his room – got a recording "the party you are calling does not want to be disturbed".

So I tried his cell. I knew I had to straighten this out, to apologize. I needed to talk to him. No luck there. My call went straight to voice mail so I left a message.

"Baby I'm soo, soo sorry. I got carried away. I don't know what came over me. Please believe me. Please call me. Don't do anything you'll regret later on. Please."

I tried calling him every half hour or so without success. Eventually emotionally drained I fell into a fitful sleep.

In the morning there was a text on my phone.

"don't call or look for me. I contact u day or 2"

What did that mean? Now I was worried.

I took a shower, packed my bag, called the limo service and went down to the lobby and had a cup of coffee. There was no way that I could eat a single bite and have it stay down.

No one was home when I got there. We had taken my car last night and it was back in the garage and the "beast" was gone.

I noticed some additional clothes missing from his closet. What was he doing?

When he didn't get home by two in the afternoon, I called one of his golf buddies.

"Sorry Clarissa, haven't seen Terry. He called early this morning before I left for the course and told me had a work emergency and could not come to play. Didn't give any further details. Did you guys have a fight? He did sound a bit strange."

I just thanked him hung up and tried Terry's cell again without any luck.

I called the office and one of the security guys answered the phone.

"No Ma'am, the boss isn't here. Don't know of any problems. A couple of the guys are here. Do you want me to transfer you to them?"

"No thanks. In case he does show up, please tell him to call home."

So where was he and what could I do to find him.

Trying the cops was useless because of their 24 hour rule but by five that afternoon I couldn't stand it any longer. I got lucky. I got a sergeant whom I knew back from high school and I told him that Terry was missing and if he maybe could push things a bit.

He promised to see what he could do and would I drop of a recent picture.

We had some vacation pictures on the computer and printed several of them and brought them over to the station.

There it was on the 10 o'clock news

"Prominent business man Terry Watson has been reported missing. If you have seen this man please call crime stopper at..."

Then just before the end of the news.

"We have an update on the missing Mr. Watson. Mr. Watson called the station and the police informing them and us that he had an emergency that kept him from home. That he was fine and no reason for any concern."

No reason for any concern my ass. I was getting angry. He could call the cops and TV station but he could not call me. Wait 'til I get my hands on him.

But of course that was the problem. I had no idea where he was. So the next morning, Monday, come 7 AM I was camped in front of his office. Well actually it is our office. I'm a 20 percent share holder and a director and I was ready to throw my weight around in case anyone tried to stop me from coming inside.

I knew there was a back entrance but I don't think that Terry had come in that way. There is no way I would not have heard the very distinctive rumbling of the "Beast's" exhaust system.

So when the main doors opened at eight, I went up stairs and ask the receptionist for Terry. She made a phone call and a few minutes later Monique, Terry's PA came out.

"Good morning Clarissa, what is going on?"

She ushered me into a small conference room off the lobby.

"I saw the TV thing on the news last night and this morning I found an e-mail that Terry would be out of town 'til Wednesday or Thursday. He did not give any reasons. Just that his phone would be shut off and would periodically call in to see if any fires had broken out."

"Did you guys have a fight? This is so unlike him."

"Monique, yes we had a fight but nothing seriously enough for him to run off like this. He disappeared on Saturday and when he didn't come home that day or on Sunday, I went to the police. You know the rest."

"I'm going out of my mind with worry. I know he told the cops and TV station that he was OK and I guess he is but it sure is strange behavior. He's never been out of touch with the company ever before. It's like the really old days before cell phones. One had to find a phone booth to check in at the office."

"Please tell him that I urgently need to talk to him. That I'm begging him to call me."

"There wasn't anything else for me to do there so I went to work but my heart wasn't in it and went home at three with a splitting headache and worries about my marriage.

Tuesday dragged along and no word from Terry.

Wednesday morning I got an e-mail from him and even though it was raining cats and dogs, for me it was the brightest spring day.

"Dear Clarissa,

I'm sorry I upset you but you bushwhacked me with that stunt on Friday. I needed this time to calm down and reassess my position in this whole thing. My problem is that I'm way to much in love with you to throw it all away.

I agree, we need to talk. I'll come home tonight around eight – after dinner and please, please do me a favor and be dressed like you would any other Wednesday night. Do not try to be the seductress. It will most likely turn me off and send me running. Just be yourself but be prepared to answer some hard questions. Maybe it would be best if you first try to explain your behavior on Friday night. I promise that I won't interrupt you. I'll listen and save any questions I have 'til after you are done. Then I'll try to explain my position and we see what happens. I'm not promising that I'll stay for the night but I might.

I truly love you and I hope we can find a way out of this mess.


There is was, a chance to set things right. Oh I was not giving up on my master plan but I needed a new strategy.

I was pacing nervously back and forth when the door bell rang. Somehow with all my anxiety and crazy thoughts going through my head, I had missed the growl of the "Beast".

"Opening the door, silly this is your house. No need to ring the bell. Please come in where do you want to sit?

Somehow, I didn't think this was the time to snag a hug and a kiss.

"The kitchen table would be fine Clarissa."

"I've made fresh coffee, want some or something different?

"No coffee is just fine. Thank you."

"You look nice. The Clarissa that I know..."

I was sure he was going to say something else but stopped himself. Maybe it was not too nice.

"Thank you babe."

I was wearing shorts and a sporty top with one of my regular bras. Something I would wear almost any summer evening after work.

"Here is you coffee babe, black as your soul but hopefully your mind is not quite to black."

He smiled a bit at that. A good start.

"OK, where to begin. A heartfelt apology. I'm truly, truly sorry that I ambushed you the way I did Friday night. It was cruel and mean and I've regretted it from the moment you rightfully pushed me away. Please, please believe me that..."

Oh I don't know, I guess lost my mind for a better way of putting it."

"I was so happy when you winked at me while I practically sexually devoured that guy on the dance floor. I had the time of my life and you seemed to be OK."

"I know you came looking for me and I was so turned on by what Jack was doing and knowing that you saw it. Then when I was ready to take him upstairs, he told that he had to leave and only had time for a blow job. He practically dragged my outside into some corner, forced me to kneel in the grass and to give him a blow job."

"His crass behavior was such a turn-on. I don't think I've ever been so aroused. His total disregard for my comfort and feelings – just treating me like a slut which I sure was at that moment caused me to have a small orgasm the moment he blasted his semen into my mouth."

"I had already made the decision to share the cum with you but in the beginning. I thought about warning you and if you seemed reluctant, I would drop it."

"The thing is that when he left me there in the grass with his cum leaking out of my mouth I felt degraded and used. The rush that I felt from his dominance was gone. I was really miserable and then I had this really crazy thought – one way to regain my Goddess status was to subject you to a similar act of humiliation that I had experienced. You were a ready target for my anger. So I decided to ambush you and we both know how that turned out."

"I can't say it often enough how sorry I was the moment I got your angry reaction. Then all those hurtful words up in your room. I know I deserved them but you've never called me a bitch ever before."

"I was going out of my mind when I couldn't reach you. I spent all day Saturday looking for you and finally managed to get Carl, I don't know if you knew him from high school but I did, to start the missing person process a bit earlier than required. That's how come they got it on the 10o'clock news."

"Babe, I was the happiest person in the world this morning when I got your e-mail. Please tell me that you can forgive me. Please."

"Clarissa, to say that I was angry is an understatement. I've never been so pissed at any one ever before. But maybe I overreacted with my disappearing acts. I'm sorry for that and also apologize for the language I used Friday night."

"I think in some way, I can understand what you felt after the guy left you out there. But his begs the question, actually more than one."

"Are you ready, because of the way you felt after the act, to give up this harebrained scheme of cuckolding me?"

He held up his hand as I took a deep breath ready to answer.

"I've got another question. Assuming that we come to an arrangement and keep going the direction you are so set on, will you treat me like shit, even physically abuse me because you have to reclaim your 'Goddess status' every time some 'macho stud' does his number on you and you've come down from that high?"

"Because if you do, then I don't think I want to play this 'game', at least not with some sort of ground rules and most certainly not every time."

"No please wait. I've got something else to say. I want you to know what it was like for me that evening before it turned into a total disaster."

"I was so turned on during dinner. I mean there you sat, the most beautiful Lady in the whole wide world with acres of luscious cleavage. I was bursting with pride. She is mine, She loves ME. The way you stroked my hand and looked at me. I felt safe. I thought I can do this. She really loves me and it is just a fad, it will go away eventually. She'll get bored once she found what she's looking for."

See, I thought that you just might experience what you did. That it gave you a high but once it was all over you'd feel used and appreciate more of what we have. You know, when we drift off to sleep after making love – no matter if it is the tender stuff or a high energy fucking, you ARE the Goddess and not some trashy slut."

"But I digress. I was really turned on." He chuckled "if it hadn't been for the CB I would have cum in my pants from what you were doing with your foot. I was actually glad I wore that blasted thing because it kept me from being embarrassed walking around with a tent in my front. Interestingly it didn't seem to bother your dancing partner."

"Speaking of him was his cock so much bigger than mine. Would it have ruined you for me for couple of days because your pussy would have so stretched out?"

"No silly, it wasn't any longer than yours, maybe a tad thicker but no way would it have stretched me to the point that I would not have felt your lovely cock."

"I told you before, it's never about size – only about attitude of the owner. That doesn't mean that someday there won't be a cock much larger. I don't know. Maybe a guy needs to have or at least think he has a cock that no girl can do without to have the attitude I'm looking for. I just don't know."

"Let me get back to what I feeling. As told you I was totally turned on when you left me at the table. I was all good and things really did not change, even when I watched you dancing. I know what that guy felt like. You've done the same to me. Hence the wink. At that point it was all good."

"When you didn't get back to the dance floor, I went looking for you and found you in that corner with the guy snacking on your breast. I bet you have some pretty good hickies there."

I blushed and just nodded.

"Any way as I walked past you towards the rest rooms, I noticed that my erection was fading. It's becoming more and more clear to me that watching you performing an actual sexual act is not what I want to do. Try to get that thought – the so called full cuckold experience – out of your pretty head. It could be the ultimate deal breaker and me using the 'master safe word' that would end this whole experience."

I put my hand on top of his and was happy that he didn't pull away.

"So babe, I hear you and keep in mind what you just said. So where do we stand? Can you except my apologies and explanation. I promise I'll never do pull another stunt like this before, not unless at one time or the other you have agreed that it would be OK. Knowing how you felt I doubt it so I won't ever bring it up. Let's stick with your cum in my mouth and pussy, not some strangers."

So are we good? What is going to happen to us.? Are you staying the night?

"No I'm going back to my hotel for the night. But I'll come home to stay tomorrow night after work. Maybe we go out to dinner in the neighborhood. You know like Jimmy's – it's supposed to be nice and we can walk."

"Oh I'd love to. Yes let's do that."

"What about... ?

"What about your fantasy? I guess we got off to a false start. I'm reluctantly, as you well know, willing to give it another try. I don't know why, I guess I'm a masochist of sorts. So yes you can set it up for this weekend even though I would prefer to skip it and wait for the next one. On the other hand, I also realize that you have a limited amount of time to work your charms on me. To try to seduce me into acceptance of having to share you from time to time. So you call it."

I smiled at him, "I know you said no seduction stuff but can I sit on your lap and hug and kiss you for being the most understanding super fantastic husband and lover any girl could ever have?"

He moved his chair back and stood up.

"Babe, please..."

"Relax Princess. I just think that that it would be way more comfortable in the living room on the love seat. I mean the sitting on the lap and hugging and kissing."

That is what we did, we made out like teenagers. It was fun and reassuring.

I had to think hard about the weekend.

Around 10:30 Terry said, "Princess it's time for me to go back to my hotel. I have a hard day tomorrow. Well at least in the morning. I should be home normal time. If I'm delayed, I'll call you."

We got up and hugged. I really didn't want to let him go, but knew I had to.

"Babe I love you so much. Thank you for trying to understand my needs."

"Princess, I love you too. I hope that you will understand very soon where I'm coming from. I'll keep playing your game for a while longer. But it could very quickly turn into a slippery slope from which there may not be any recovery."

He gave me squeeze and one last kiss and then there was the roar of the "Beast" and I was alone with my thoughts. That was another warning. He was serious. I also picked up on the subtle hint of what was going on in his mind. Less submissive than before. He never once called my Goddess but I could live with Princess.

Dinner next night was really great. Jimmy's, a local place has good burgers, fish and chips, stuff like that. All freshly made. No frozen stuff and about a half dozen boutique beers on tap. Since we walked, there was no need to hold back on having a few.

After dinner we went for a walk to a local park with a small pond. The moon was almost full and the whole thing was kind of romantic. But even here under these circumstance there was still that question hanging around – the one what to do about the weekend. Actually I had a thought about that and wanted to talk about it with Terry. So I steered him towards one of the benches near the pond.

"Babe, let's sit for a bit. I have an idea that I want to run by you about our current situation."

"OK – go ahead talk. I'll listen."

Babe, I know you are not crazy about me cuckolding you this weekend. To try again what failed to miserably last weekend. I have an idea that might work."

"The guy that I was with on Friday, he said he would be back this week. Actually I have his phone number and can make sure. Anyway he was talking about skipping the dancing and stuff and go straight to fucking as he so delicately put it."

"What if I get a room and go alone. I'll be OK. The guy doesn't seem to be a creep and the waitress knew him. He seems to be a regular there. Always Fridays but has to split the latest by eleven. My guess his wife gets home around midnight from whatever activity she's into on Friday nights."

"Think about babe, that way you are not subjected to having to watch me. True, it's a big turn on for me and did give you a thrill at least 'til you saw him chewing on my boob but it doesn't have to be every weekend."

"It's sort of a compromise between waiting a week or doing a complete rerun of last Friday tomorrow. You get all the anxiety feeling, stuff like that but don't have to witness any lewd acts."

"I'll be home when you get back from your golf game."

I smiled at him in the light of the moon – "the guys may finally be able to beat you or at least lose by not as many strokes because part of your mind will still be focusing on what I may or may not have done the night before in that hotel room."

"I won't rub anything in when I get home but will answer any question you ask about my activities. It will be entirely up to you."

"You think you can do that?"

"I'll call you from my room after he leaves to let you know that I'm OK."

"How about it babe, can I go please?"

"Clarissa", I didn't like that – Princess would have been way better, "I'll sleep on it and let you know in the morning before we go to work. Right now I'm kinda in a 50/50 mode about your idea. It does seem to have some merits and I guess sooner or later, if we go ahead with the whole thing we'll have a situation like that any way."

"Now let's go home, I want a night cap and then go to bed. This is all pretty stressful and I'm tired."

When we got upstairs Terry headed for the spare room.


"Princess, I've made one decision. When I wear the CB I'll sleep in this room. That doesn't mean I won't provide oral services for you but I will not sleep with you. If you want me in our bed, you'll have to unlock me."

"I'm not saying that you have let me make love to you. That will always be your decision. I need my sleep and if I wear that thing, I don't get it unless I'm alone. I found that out these last few nights. I slept like a baby after I got over the initial anger of what you did to me and had decided to make peace with you."

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As far back as he could remember, he had heard them. As if the attorneys, counsellors, psyches, not to mention Father Calvin himself from Drew's hometown of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin - were ever likely to understand? "Isn't he one smart six-year old Frank?" his mom had declared one morning after he had completed a five-hundred piece jig-saw puzzle in just under forty minutes. The voices of course had told him which pieces to pick-up. He could never figure out why no-one else ever seemed...

4 years ago
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Married Receptionist With Me

We have about 65 employees and beautiful reception and a sexy telephone operator cum receptionist to match. She is 28 years old married 3 years and dusky looking 5’5” slim and trim fairly good legs beautiful light brown eyes hair short and black big breast and a tight ass to match it.Being a receptionist she would come in a sexy see through saree and a low cut blouse which show a big cleavage and could almost have a breast coming out that’s when I would try to make some conversation with her...

3 years ago
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Once a Jolly SwagmanChapter 10

A few months after all this kerfuffle, shortly after Mary found she was pregnant, Damian received a phone call. A man name Nando Ferrule wanted to meet him on neutral ground. King's Park is a park just outside the city limits on top of a hill containing the best view of the city and the river. It is very large, well-kept and a marvellous place to meet unobserved at night. "Do you know who I am?" he said, and Damian nodded. "I've been away a long time. I went home to Argentina, and was...

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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer1

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

2 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 19 Serene I Know Her She Sings at the Hungry Owl

Well, everything would be serene ... except for the cave bear, the sabertooth, and the three mountain lions. Other than that ... gravy. The sabertooth was no threat. They have a distinct prey, the giant armadillo. Sabertooth was genetically predisposed to giant armadillo. When the giant armadillo went extinct so did the sabertooth. Those long teeth were for penetration of the armadillos armor. You could say the sabertooth hunted itself to death ... they didn't adapt to other prey. I'd say,...

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Kate Winslet Gets Snatched

I was on vacation in London during the summer of 2002, just enjoying the English country. I rented a motorcycle while I was there, I figured it was easier than trying to drive a car with the wheel on the wrong side. It sure made getting around in traffic easier. I had no itinerary just seeing what ever sights happened in front of me. On this particular day I was on one of the main streets, heck I don't even remember the name of it but it was in the shopping district. I was just about to enter...

2 years ago
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Submission of a General

       Tiberius Artemus tossed the majority of his cape over his shoulder, holding the bulk of it traditionally over his arm. To his left and right, two guards walked alongside of him. Though he knew they were bred and trained to fight and kill, he could not help taking in their pleasurable appearances. Their main bodice of armor, though tough looking corsets of leather, ended with thong bottoms. The women’s breasts spilled out from on top, since there was nothing to cover them. Around their...

1 year ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 23 Roots

Things quieted down around them over the next weeks, and they settled into their new rhythm. They usually spent the weekends in Trudy’s house, wedging themselves into Helen’s small bed there at night, but also trying to give Trudy some companionship. The older woman accepted this gracefully, but also let them know that she had friends enough to tide her over if she ever felt lonely. This uneventful period ended after three weeks when a report from DiRosa Investigative Services arrived at the...

2 years ago
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Strangers in the NightChapter 7

Strangers in the Night: 7. "Dalmar?" she asked. "Mr. Valmaat," I said. "Why would Mr. Val see you?" "Daddy," I said. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed ... and looked guilty. "It's ok, you never missed me, did you?" "You were gone?" "See," and I started laughing. "Am I in trouble?" "Nope, you performed your assigned duties with élan." "Sure I have," she said, "You haven't called me to your office since the first week." "Did you miss me?" "I found things to...

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by Gail Holmes Gypsy was a girl that most men would give their eyetooth to date but she was a loner. She carried her name well, with her trim figure and lusty long dark hair and her dress sense was admirable, trouble was she didn’t appreciate the effect it had on the male population, off the shoulder blouses, flared skirts. Her mother had died when she was but eight years old, as an only child she’d been brought up by...

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A good fuck

This story will contain : bdsm, fantasy and sifi elements, gay sex, sissifacation, transformations and various other kinky things. You have been warned. First a description of the world this story will take place in: In this world things are simple, there was a natural order to the way the world worked: real, strong, masculine men were at the top and then as you go further down the chain of society you reached the lowest of the low the bimbo sluts whose bra size was bigger than their IQ. The...

3 years ago
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Massage in unexpected places

I walk out into the waiting room to find you as my next client. I smile and call you into the room. “Well you know the routine, strip and lay face down on the table with the towel.” I told you with a smile. You smiled back as I left the room so that you can change. When I return to the room, I see you sitting up on your elbows waiting for me to come back in. I turn on some soft music and get my favorite lotion out of the cabinet. I look over my shoulder to find you staring at my ass. I...

4 years ago
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Bird of PreyChapter 15

Miles Dunton sniffled like a child as he was led out once more to Lana's whipping post; Lana smiled with spiteful satisfaction as he begged the buxom woman not to punish him, his feeble protests only serving to make her cunt juice with excitement. Penny was on hand to document any information and Maria was on hand to gleefully assist in strapping the weak and submissive male to the post, naked and whimpering, though his cock was already rudely erect in fear and anticipation of a thrashing...

2 years ago
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The Boston Bubble Loras Story Part Three

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter Six: "Friends, Neighbors, Countrymen..." "Yes sir, I'll take care of it. I know exactly who to call with this. I'll set it up for this morning." Hanging up the phone, she looked down at the front page of the newspaper sitting on her desk. "Boston's Heroine Addiction." Catchy headline. That, plus the picture of a beautiful, slightly rumpled girl sitting up in her hospital bed... this would probably be a record sales day for the Herald....

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Camping with Rachel and Meghan Contd from A New Town and a New Girl

We're in our room at a cottage beach house in the countryside that we rented for a week along with Allan, a bunch of our friends and Meghan. I gently roll her off to the side, trying the best I can not to disturb her sleep. I give her another kiss on the forehead and get up. Once I'm off the bed, she rolls onto her back. I walk out to the common room and see Meghan eating breakfast. "Good morning," I greeted her. She smiles and gives me a "good morning, how did you sleep?" ...

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The Paper RouteChapter 34

I was headed to the bathroom when I saw Becky waving for me. She was at the back door with Patricia and Melinda. When I went over to see them, I saw Patti and Polly Perkins. “Patti – Polly, I didn’t even know you were here. Where is your mom?” “She’s with Miss Sarah and your Mom. I don’t know which way they went. We arrived about two hours ago and we’ve been busy meeting all your friends and volunteers.” Becky told me, “Eddie, we need to slip away for a little while before supper if we...

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Surprise Chance for Love Ch 04 Monday

This is a fictional story with all characters over eighteen and all rights reserved to the author. Special thanks to Allison. ***** Monday morning, it was back to work, with no time to concentrate on anything else. The market began the week losing 269 points, followed with two more down days, sending signals that a bear trend might begin. I was so deep into work that until Wednesday I barely stopped to breath. Late hours kept me at the office too late to even get in any tennis. If this week...

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Dirty One Night

Dirty One Night It was a nice night for a walk. The type of walk where you take your time and simply enjoy the solitude. A walk to the gas station for some smokes was starting to become an evening routine for me. Tonight however was different….as well as unexpected. I waited in line as usual. The girl in front of me had long auburn hair that made me jealous. She had glanced sideways at me when I got in line. It was hard not to notice that she was really cute. Bright green eyes dominated her...

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Dangerous Games Chapter I

June ‘10 Amy sat slumped, ass perched upon the edge of the swivel chair, legs spread. The blinds were shut, dark drapes drawn, the only illumination this late at night coming from the computer screen before her as a slide show slowly played, each digital picture more revealing, more perverted then the one proceeding. She watched, face burning with embarrassment, as the scene played out, remembering that night when Lex had taken the photos, remembering the humiliation of it all, as well as the...

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Revenge in Moonlight

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. It is set in a past era. ———————————————– In a moonlit forest Elizabeth was running for her life. The life she knew, the life she cared about, the life that she adored. Sobs mingled with the exhaustive intakes of air, tears streaming down her face. She clung on desperately to an oak old tree and screamed in anger and forlorn despair. The screams echoed in the shadowy wooden wall around her until silence, only her gasping sobs muffled the...

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Sweet Baby Jane Chapter Four

Her body moved away from my back as the other two forced me to lie back onto the comforter’s satin smooth surface and began lavishing me with kisses and caress. Each paid particular caress to the bulge laying down my pant leg, swollen yet not quite hard as they gave it a good effort to make it grow to meet their needs.  I saw Jane lean over me from above, her huge bare breasts brushed over my face and my tongue managed to swipe over one of the bulging nipples as I felt her grab the hem of my...

2 years ago
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How I Met My Daddy

The heat is scorching hot, almost unbearable. I can feel tiny beads of sweat rolling down my back, sliding down my spine. My naked body is dripping with perspiration. It tickles in some areas, making me writhe a little. My wrists are bound above me. So, I can’t even wipe the sweat from my brow. It’s growing closer to dripping right into my eyes. How did I get myself in this situation? Am I really ready for this kind of thing? It doesn’t matter now, it’s too late to back out. I had my chance....

2 years ago
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School For Sluts Part One

It is my first day of school here at Freemont Academy. Looking down at a note I see that I am to go to the headmasters office. I walk down the hallway with my directions, pulling my way to short plaid pleated skirt down. After a few short moments I find the office and sit down on the bench. About five minutes later a tall attractive man with graying brown hair and a mustache walks in with a busty brunette trailing behind. ‘Ah, you must be the new girl…’ He looks at a sheet of paper in his...

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Sadie and Shannon The Twins

Shannon and Sadie are a set of twins that are in my class. These girls are some of the sluttiest girls in the entire state. I bet they have given as many blowjobs as there are men in my class. Shannon and Sadie were nearly identical in every way, except for the birthmark on Shannon’s cheek that was the basic landmark for telling the two apart. Other than that you had a 50-50 shot at guessing correctly. They were fairly short with B cup boobs that weren’t very big but they sure did know how...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Mama Uncle

Hi readers. I am a regular reader of ISS. This has make me to write a story. Introducing myself, I am Maya age 25 with a 38C breasts and a round big ass which every guy will die for. When I go out, I have seen many guys ogling at my breasts and want to fuck me there itself. When I got into the bus, I use to get the looks where some guys want to rape me in the bus itself. I have many sex experiences with many guys but I will make sure the guys I go with are trustable and honest. To make it...

2 years ago
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Fuck Off Asshole

I saw her at the gym in my yoga class. I should say that I saw her again, in my yoga class. We first met in high school. It took all I could muster to ask Meredith Basking to go out on a date. When I finally asked her out, she told me to basically ‘fuck off’. Actually, as I recall her exact words were “Fuck off, Asshole”. I must have been giving her the evil-eye or the death-stare because after the first class she approached me. “Do we know each other?” she asked cautiously. “We went to the...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Ashton

It started with my wife coming home from the doctor's and telling me that she had to have a hysterectomy. No biggie, happens to women all the time, right? Emotionally, it was of no concern for either of us because she was long past the age for having children and beside, I'd already had a vasectomy. My major concern was what the operation was going to do to our sex life. Ashton and I, even in our mid-forties, had a very active sex life and she told me that the doctor had assured her that the...

1 year ago
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My mum visited me at uni

I recently moved to university in Glasgow and I absolutely love it. I wake up everyday, and enjoy meeting new people. After two weeks of introductory lectures and meetings, my mum said she would come and see me as she missed me. She arrived on the Saturday morning bearing many appreciated gifts. Cakes, sweets and chocolate to name but a few! She asked me how it was going, and I told her that all the guys in my flat were cool and the girls across the hall were really, erm, "nice". She saw right...

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Diana nagercoil First lesbian sex

Hi, I’m Diana age 22 back again Friends. I’m really attracted with the site ISS. Accidentally I came to know about it. Reading the stories, I also got an inspiration. I am from Nagercoil , kanyakumari , tamilnadu .After many days preparation, I got the boldness to write the experience, ie my first lesbian experience. Mine is a small family with father, mother and elder brother. Ours is an ordinary family then. We live in a village. I’ve no knowledge about any kind of sex till my college days....

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More than just a Spanking

This is a TRUE story! The names have been changed to protect the guilty!b]Over 12 years ago I was new to the scene and I had been talking/emailing a woman (Eliza) who lived the life style.I had done a lot of reading/research on it. It really intrigued me that there are people who enjoy a good spanking.I had spanked a few other people but that's all I did. So we had met a few times so I could spank Eliza. Then there was this one session we met and did more than just spanking.Eliza lived on the...

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First time in tights

I’ll never forget the first time I had sex in tights. I have always been into nylon but I didn’t start wearing tights until my early twenties when my girlfriend at the time left a pair laying around and I thought I’d find out how they actually felt on. Instant hard on followed closely by short wank! Anyway, one evening when I wasn’t seeing her I decided to go into town, for a couple of pints, and thought it would be a bit of a turn on to wear a pair of tights under my jeans. I slipped them on...

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RebootChapter 7

The captain had assembled the entire crew in the room behind the bridge that he called the afterdeck. Jeremy didn't pretend to understand why the room was called a deck. He just stood in the back of the room, which was his position among the rest of the crew. The senior crew got to sit up front. The captain stomped into the room. "In a few minutes the first mate will hand out the assignments for docking. This is a four-day turnaround now because there is extra cargo to load. There will be...

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My wife had just joined me from Vietnam, we married a few days after her arrival. In fact we married on Pearl Harbor Day. December 7, 2004. Simple wedding, My Mom and Brother attended. She had a video business back in Ho Chi Mihn City, formally Saigon, but she had never experienced a real movie theater. What was I to do...I did what all of you would have done. I picked the best movie house in Oklahoma City, and took her there. My wife doesn't understand that much English, and...

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Altered Fates Milkshakes at Midnight

Altered Fates: Milkshakes at Midnight by Bashful [email protected] This is the tale of a young married couple, the husband's brother, and how the Medallion of Zulo altered their fates. Frank and Debra Walker had been married for close to three years when Frank's brother Ed moved in. Ed had lived with his parents until they retired and moved to Florida. Ed was frequently out of work and living with his parents had taken the stress out of finding a permanent job. Now Ed was...

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Burt Marias Amazing JourneyChapter 2

Subi nudged Maria with her nose, then looked at me and whimpered. "It's OK, Baby," I said, reaching down and scratching behind her ear. So much like a puppy yet her nearest relative would think nothing of taking a chunk out of the hand that just petted her. Maria looked peaceful lying there. All she needed to do now was heal and grow. No school lunches or harvesting squash to worry about. She was gloriously naked so what to wear wasn't a concern. I don't know how long I sat there...

1 year ago
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A Winter Wonderland

‘Don’t you love Christmas?’ My best friend, Maggie exclaimed. ‘Maggie. We went over this.’ ‘No, we didn’t.’ ‘We did. Suit yourself Maggie.’ It was December 5th, and Maggie was begging me to go Christmas shopping with her. I hate Christmas, and always have. While other kids were wolfing down marshmallows and hot chocolate, I would go to a secluded hill and ski the day away. After 13 horrible years, the memory of my dad’s death lingered fresh in my mind. The scar on my stomach served a reminder....

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Monkey WrenchChapter 17

We had laid our note in the kitchen cabinet. We all stood around for nearly eight minutes before anyone moved. Xiomara grabbed my hand. I squeezed her fingers. She let me pull her in front of me. I touched her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her softly. “Awww,” Renée reacted. Xiomara pulled away. She tried to apologize with her quavering smile. “I never thought I’d be kissing you,” She told me, “Yeah, Zoë once had this big idea that we’d get married.” “I remember,” I took up her second...

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Skinny Dipping

It's a scorching hot summer day. You've heard that the temperature has even broken several records. Everybody has to cope with the heat somehow, and just hanging out where you are, dry and clothed, is not going to cut it at all. You have to do something about it. Your natural next thought is to go take a swim; some cool water might just be refreshing enough to save you from your misery. Now, you just might be one of the brave few who would even dare to do so in the nude, exposed entirely to the...

2 years ago
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Natural Beauty Part 2 The Date

After a few months of chatting online with Bob, Ellen had agreed to meet him for dinner, followed by a night out. Not having dated since her husband, Ken, passed away, she was rather nervous about it and had used just about every beauty tip in the book to get herself looking good… **** Ellen caught herself admiring the tight little ass of the young Italian waiter, as she followed him to the bar area where Bob, her date, was waiting. “Stop it Ellen!” she chastised, smiling, “He’s young...

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First Time Hand Job

When I was sixteen, just about to sit my final exams, my long-term mate Adam and I were on study leave. I went to his house and we were going to revise together. I arrived at his house at round ten. Adam opened the door in a t-shirt and jogging pants. I was in jeans and t-shirt.His parents were at work so we went into the lounge and sat down on the sofa and chatted. Finally we got our books out. Geography first and then physics. Just before twelve, we decided to take a break.We started to talk...

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Gift from Candy True story

I took Candy on a date. It was a night I would never forget! I took Candy on a date. It was a night I would never forget! We went to a club to eat , drink and dance. We were sitting at a table towards the back of the club. This woman came in and sat at the table beside us. She was dressed in a very short dress that barely covered her ass. Candy and I sat there drinking and we noticed the woman had put her feet up in her seat and didn’t have any panties on. She was showing us her shaved...

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Lucky TicketsChapter 7

I had a turkey sandwich at Wendy's house. I was quite hungry and it was able to tide me over. My command the other day for Wendy and Camille to trust me seemed to be holding. Not privy to the workings of my lucky tickets, they weren't sure how I would be able to get Kristen under my power, but they felt strangely confidant that I would be able to do so. The only hole in my plan was getting to Kristen in the first place. It was not normal for any of us to associate with Kristen, so we...

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Sharon Does the Neighbours

"Bugger," Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. "Piece of shit computer." Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer. "What did it do?" he asked. "Did any message pop up?" "Nothing," she said and forlornly pressed the power button. "And yes it's fully charged." She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench. "Why do...

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Abbey Settles Down

"I leave tomorrow morning, but I will be back before you can miss me.""An entire week without the boss. What will we do without our fearless leader?"On the loveseat in her executive suite, Abbey crossed her legs at the ankles. "Hold down the fort. Although, this place already runs like clockwork without my interference."In the armchair next to her, Will leaned closer. "With you gone, who is in charge? Me, or Doug?""I'll let you duke it out with my assistant, even though your...

Straight Sex
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Thank God Im a CUCKOLD

April 7th, 2015I thought I would take this moment to talk about how great it is to discover my calling in life...that of being a cuckold. Even though this lifestyle has caused my wife to divorce me, the sexual intensity and addictive joys that being a cuckold have provided help me to not only understand why my wife of 12 years would divorce me, but when I think of how she chose her "Owner's" big cock over our relationship it usually turns me on and I'll soon be stroking my little dick until I...

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Grace the BikersChapter 3

The Elderly Wives Club of Long Leary continues It was Joy who broke the long silence after I had refused to tell them about my three individual love sessions with my sons. “We understand perfectly Grace, and we have no problem with that,” she said. “ unfortunately we do have problems. There are only seven days before the Wiccan meeting on the night of the Blood Moon. Due to unforeseen business problems involving Maureen, the movie we planned to make with you in Holland over two weeks will...

2 years ago
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Wife takes multiple men on MFMMM Camping Trip

"Each of our stories are written together and reflect our real-life experiences in the swing lifestyle over the past fifteen years. Any images or video attached is of us from the time of the story. We welcome and encourage all comments since it keeps us posting new stories if we know people are enjoying what we write. At this time we have many single male friends from over the years and are not actively looking for others. We do still meet men out at clubs, swinger events, parties, and other...

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Sunday Surprise

It was 20 years ago that it happened. It was like a dream or a male version of that old movie "Starman". When I was about 30 years old something or "Someone" strange happened to me. I could only find time in my busy job to run or walk for an hour a week. I had recently bought myself a pick-up truck as a treat. I decided to go looking for a quiet place to walk or run in and I remembered a place called 'Heber Downs Conservation Area' where I had taken, my now wife, Joan on a few picnics and...

1 year ago
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Tomorrow Idin Noah Book 2Chapter 1

She stood overlooking the field where the battle would take place, her soldiers all at the ready. She could see the tower clearly in the moonlight, the monolith was larger than anything she had ever seen, all her reports from her spies had come in, there could be no doubt now. Her father stepped up besides her putting a hand on her shoulder. "father the reports are in, Enoch did not lie to us, Nimrod is planing to open it." She said. Her father nodded glumly. "I thought we were done...

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The whole colonels family 1

The whole colonel's family Introducing myself This story is about me, Arnold Grabowski. Since this story is posted here one may suspect I'm really a girl inside and a man outside. This is true. This feeling didn't come suddenly. I felt it from when I was four or five. Just when I was fifteen I couldn't keep it inside me anymore. The main problem (I was sure it was the main one) I was already a six-footer when I was fifteen and my voice was gone already slightly down but I had no...

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Jens Dream SantaChapter 5

“Thank you,” Jennifer said, “I, er, I appreciate your offer to do the car service, and I really would like to take you up on it. To be honest, I really don’t think I’ve got much choice.” “I guarantee your car would receive the best service it has ever had, although I say so myself, I am really quite good at fixing stuff.” “Ha! I think I believe you, after getting the car going, I thought the battery had nothing left in it.” “Once everything else was in its proper place and ready to go, it...

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Isnt it nice when

Well, here’s the thing, I’ve been so busy of late I haven’t had a chance to even think about Antonia being naughty.But next week, I’m going to be hold alone for 6 days and nights so I’ve decided to make up for some lost time.I’ve got two new pairs of shoes on order, one pair are the ballerina style pumps, very practical around the house and the others a pair of 3” heel court shoes which will go well with my rather classical style of dress. I much prefer the fitted skirts and blouses, the sort...

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