ReflectionsChapter 15 free porn video

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I was sitting in first class with Roger on our way to Miami for a vacation. Coming to think of it, it was the very first time I ever went on an actual vacation without Terry. For a fleeting moment I was sad and then I remembered last night and this morning.

Oh how I was pissed at Terry, the nerve of the guy. First last night after sissy Petey went into full drama mode when Renee tapped his useless balls with her cane. Throwing my friends out and insisting on cleaning up first. I would have left everything but Roger insisted that we had to. We had made a deal with Terry and cleaning up after ourselves was part of that.

Then cooking breakfast for that slut Marge and her sissy hubby but refusing ME, his Goddess and wife. I'll show him. The ice age has just descended on him.

Then he had the nerve this morning to tell me I better be available for that stupid charity ball his "girl friend" Julie is organizing. Why did he have to volunteer to chair it. Well, to be fair he's chaired it for the last three years and each year the turnout and donations have been better than the previous year.

Now I have to cut my vacation short. Funny, I do believe him when he said that we are done if I don't show up and make nice but he's gonna pay for that. Just wait Terry 'til I have you tied up to your bed. I'll gag you with My sopping wet panties and then I'm going to hurt you. Ask Petey what I'm capable off.

I must have smiled thinking about him suffering.

"Hey Clarissa, what are you smiling about. Until a few moments ago you had 'storm clouds' on your face and suddenly there was 'sunshine'. What's going in that pretty head of yours?"

"Oh nothing. Just thinking of how I will make Terry pay for the way he treated us last night and this morning."

"Clarissa, I sure hope you won't try anything stupid. Terry is NO Petey and will never stand for any form of treatment like that. You can lose everything if you try. I've known a few cucks like him. They give their wives just enough rope. If they stay within the boundaries, all is good but step over the line and they'll hang themselves."

We both sat quiet after that.

"Roger, I better change my reservation at the airport as soon as we've landed. I do need to get home on Friday, not Sunday as originally planned. I forgot all about that stupid charity ball. But I did sign an agreement to be available for functions like that or any social engagement that is work related. I can't back out of that. You heard him."

I chuckled to myself – "too bad I can't bring you as my date to that stupid ball."

"Darn, I'm gonna have to take time out from fucking to go shopping for a dress."

Shortly thereafter our plane landed and we were off to our hotel in South Beach after I changed my reservation to Friday morning.

By Wednesday morning I had Roger so worn out that there was no way he could get it up for at least four or five hours and I went shopping for a dress to wear on Saturday. I found a hot number with just the right amount of cleavage and lots of skin showing in the back making it clear to everyone that I was not wearing a bra. It looked hot, just shy of slutty. It was dark green, Terry's favorite color besides that blue the beast is painted. The store promised to send it FEDEX overnight to our home so that I wouldn't have to deal with packing it.

When I got back, Roger was on the phone talking. He waved at me, blew me a kiss and mouthed "talk to you shortly".

Well, since he was sitting there naked, I decided to get him going and proceeded to work on his cock with my hands and mouth.

He made feeble attempt to push me away but gave up quickly because I was not having it.

I guess it was lucky for him that he hung up the phone just seconds before he came or the party on the other end would have heard some very interesting sound effects.

"Clarissa, that was a very good friend of mine. We'll be having dinner tonight with her and her husband. After dinner I'm going to go with Melody to their place and you get to keep Arnie, her husband. He's another Petey so I'm sure you'll have some fun. Follow his lead tomorrow. You'll experience something very special. Since you've changed your flight to Friday morning, I won't see you again until sometime next week back home."

Later I was to find out while Arnold or Arnie was his given name, he was better known as Prissy.

I was pissed, but bit my tongue. Maybe having a whipping boy for the evening and all day tomorrow might be just what I need to work off some of my frustrations caused by Terry's behavior. To tell the truth, I really could use the break from fucking. Well I almost did get my wish. But we did have a couple of hours to fill before we had to get dressed for dinner.

Dinner was at one of the upscale places in South Beach. We met Melody and her husband in the bar. She was a stunning former model, almost six feet tall without her heels while her hubby was a mousy little wimp. There was at least an 'acre' of cleavage. I wouldn't mind playing with those boobs. The way they moved under the fabric, they seemed all natural and hampered by any bra.

Besides a penetrating kiss Roger got a hug and a grope of his cock and balls before she started to pay attention to me.

"Come here darling give me a hug. Any fried of Roger's is my friend. I'm happy to meet his main squeeze from up north."

With that she pulled me towards her and kissed me full on the mouth, pushing her tongue into mine. This was hot but I was not all that sure about things. It confused me. However once she let me go I looked around a bit and there was plenty female – female as well as male-male kissing going on.

"Too bad you have to leave early, I was looking forward to play with both you and Roger here. It's been a while that he's been down here so I'm going to steal him from you. I have need for his special talents."

"He tells me that you sometimes enjoy dominating and tormenting some helpless male so in return you can have my husband over there.

"Prissy, come and greet Mistress Clarissa."

I was stunned when that little man dropped down to his knees and kissed both my feet before getting up and backing away again. His eyes never lifted higher than my knees.

"Clarissa, there is nothing that you can't do to him short of ripping off his little balls and dick. Here take this, I temporarily transfer ownership of my slave to you."

With that she took a golden chain off and placed it around my neck. On the end dangled a little gold key.

"Entirely up to you dear if you unlock his dick or not. I usually only do it so that he'll feel the penis whip. He has a bag in the trunk with toys for you to use on him."

At that point the maître de showed up.

"Ma'am, your table is ready."

"Prissy, you know where to go, I'll buzz you when we are ready to leave."

"Yes Mistress."

I looked questioning at both Melody and Roger.

"They a have a little room in the back where they serve burgers and hot dogs for drivers or wimps like my hubby. Can't have him starving. He'll need his energy later when you start to work him over."

Dinner was incredible and the conversation was good too. It seems that Prissy made a bundle in oil and the stock market and now Melody controls every penny. Judging from the way she was talking about him, he's just an ATM and whipping boy for her. I thought Marge was rough on Petey but this lady is ten times worth. My panties were getting wet just thinking of what I could do to that wimp without any repercussions. It seems that Melody didn't care what I did to him.

Finally we were done and it was time to leave.

Handing me a kind of remote control Melody said "push that red button. It will send an electric shock into his balls and send him out to get the car for you. You can use it any time, just don't while he's driving."

We all laughed at that.

"In the bag are a couple of very effective gags. You may want to use them so you don't upset other guests at the hotel."

We hugged and said our good byes.

"Clarissa I'll talk to you when I get back next week. I might stay a few days longer. There are couple of customers that can see while down here."

When I got to the front door, I spotted Prissy holding the door open of big SUV. I got in the passenger seat and couldn't help myself. I had to see what happened when I pushed the button. Prissy was just ready get behind the wheel when I pushed it and he jumped, grabbing his balls and moaning.


I'm gonna play with that some more as soon as we get back to the hotel.

He dropped me off at the front before parking the car. I had given him my room number and five minutes to show up. Early or late would be punished with more pushes to the remote.

There was the knock on the door. I looked at my watch – one minute and ten seconds late. Let the fun begin.

As soon as Prissy stepped through the open door, I slapped his face hard with my best tennis trained forehand and backhand.

"You are late, exactly one minute and 10 seconds."


"Shut up, do not speak. I don't want to hear a single word from you for now. Strip and get down on your knees. That door sill by the entrance to the bath room should do nicely. Adding a little discomfort."

With that I walked passed him into the bedroom of the suite to strip and put on a filmy robe. One that always drove Terry nuts. Why was I thinking of him when I was about to start tormenting a hapless wimp and masochist?

Never mind all that and I strode back out. I was a bit shocked as I looked at Prissy. Clearly he had suffered some serious whipping there were scars all over his back and his ass had deep purple bruises and cuts from a recent caning. How anyone could be such a masochist to absorb all that punishment went beyond my understanding. This was way worse than anything Petey went through. Roger was right about that.

I guess I'll get a real chance to find out how much of a sadist I can or better want to be. Melody had said that there would be no limits short of ripping his balls off.

"First your punishment for being late. Each fifteen seconds or part of that warrants one blast to your balls. Get ready."

I pressed the button five times, giving Prissy a chance in between to get back into position. Each push of the button lasted just a bit longer and on the last one Prissy tried to eat his fist to keep from crying out to loud.

"So where are the toys? Why aren't they laid out for ME?"

Of course he forgot and tried to say something which resulted in another shock to his balls.

I just shook my head and he headed off on all fours to find the bag of toys and lay them out on the coffee table in the living room.

Nice stuff. An assortment of gags, strap on cocks, paddles and a cane that came in two parts and went together like a fishing rod. Hmm, looking forward to using that one. And then he pulled it out, clearly reluctantly. Yes on the bottom of that bag was a humbler just like the one Marge used on Petey on Saturday. Oh what fun.

But first I had to make sure that Prissy wasn't getting to noisy so I selected an inflatable gag. It was different from what I had seen before. There was the part that went inside the mouth but then were was hard plastic piece maybe three or four inches long that stayed outside. I looked puzzled 'til Prissy picked up one of the dildos and attached it to the gag. Great, I could fuck myself on Prissy's face. Hmm, I like that. Maybe if things work out the way I want to with Terry, I'll get one for us.

I shoved the gag into his mouth and secured the strap behind his head before pumping it up. It was clear that he was suffering from the pressure but he was still able to breath, at least 'til I playfully pinched his nose shut.

I loved that panic stricken face. I'm sure he could have knocked my hand away but he didn't dare.

What followed was a sadistic orgy including riding myself to several orgasms on Prissy's face with the dildo attached to his gag.

I was tired, so I released the air from the gag but did not take it off. In another act of 'kindness' I removed the humbler before pointing at a corner of the room. Obediently Prissy crawled over there and curled into a fetal position as I closed the door to the bedroom. Took a short shower and went to sleep.

I was soundly asleep but slowly it started to penetrate to my still groggy brain. Someone was sucking on my toes. Terry? Is Terry here?

Then I was fully awake and kicked that face away with my other foot.

It wasn't Terry, it was Prissy.

"How dare you? I did not give you permission to remove the gag."

I groped at the nightstand and picked up what I thought was the remote to shock his balls except that the TV came on.

I had left it in the other room.

"OK, what you want?"

"Mistress, please tell me what you would like for breakfast so that I can order it. I'm so very sorry, but I need to go to the office for a few hours. Some crisis. Please forgive me, I beg you."

"Oh OK, one egg over easy, sour dough toast, orange juice, coffee and some fresh fruit."

"Yes Mistress immediately. May I have your permission to get dressed?"

For a moment, I toyed with the idea of saying no but then just nodded before heading into the bathroom.

I was wearing again that filmy robe – whoever was going to bring breakfast was going to get an eye full.

There was the knock and Prissy answered the door. A very handsome black fellow rolled in the cart with my breakfast. I had to giggle as his eyes opened wide at the array of toys that still were on the coffee table and then he spotted me.

"Good morning Ma'am. Your breakfast."

He got the message, that I was in charge around here.

"Please put my breakfast on the desk over there. I'll sit and eat there."

He had a hard time not looking at me and I made sure to stay in his field of vision as he set out the breakfast form.

"Ma'am, may I pour the coffee?"

"No thank you, I'll have my slave to that in a bit after I had the juice and fruit."

"Prissy, tip the nice man. I think fifty dollars is proper, don't you think so?"

"Ye... , yes Mistress, of course."

By that time I stood in front of the boy, that is what he was, maybe twenty, twenty two at the most.

Looking at his name tag "tell me Reggie, when do you get off? I might need some help later on this afternoon."

"Ma'am, three o'clock is when my shift ends."

He had a delightful island accent. Not sure from where, maybe Barbados.

"How about if you look for me at that time down by the pool. I'm sure I'll need some help with my sun tan lotion."

"Yes Ma'am, I'll be there. May I suggest that you speak to Mike, the pool manager. He assigns the cabanas. A fifty will secure one away from the crowd."

"I like that idea. Thank you for mentioning that. I'll see you shortly after three."

"Prissy, you heard the man. Before you head to the office make sure you speak to Mike and arrange for the cabana. I won't need you 'til say dinner at eight. Will that give us enough time for the entertainment your Mistress mentioned?"

"Yes Mistress, that will be fine."

"OK then get lost."

I took a shower and then went to the hotel spa and had them pamper me. After a light lunch I headed out to the pool in search of Mike.

"Yes Ma'am, Mr. Arnie arranged for a cabana for you. The one way back by the deep end of the pool. It should pretty quiet back there. This pool is for adults only and since it is a convention hotel it usually doesn't get real busy until shortly after five. Enjoy your stay."

It was a lovely day and at one point I called Mike over to help with some suntan lotion. I just couldn't resist teasing him – give him a treat.

I had already unhooked the top so when he showed up it fell down and he got a good look at my naked boobs before I turned over so he could put lotion on my back. He had nice "tent" but I was sure that Reggie had more to offer.

I wasn't wrong. He showed up just a couple of minutes after three.

"Hello Reggie, Mike just did my back but now my front needs some attention."

"Yes Ma'am, why don't we move inside the cabana and I'll take care of all your needs."

Reggie had firm but surprisingly soft hands as he pretended to put lotion on my boobs. Damn the felt good and soon his fingers were caressing my pussy.

"Reggie, those Speedos must be uncomfortable, why don't I do something about that bulge."

"Ma'am, are you sure you want to? See once a lady has gotten hold of my equipment, they are ruined forever for any white guy. So I think it's only fair to warn you. I'm sure you are not sleeping with that little runt that was there this morning. My guess, you have some real cock on the side. But I doubt that they will measure up."

"Cheeky bastard aren't you Reggie?"

"I've been told that but that doesn't seem to change the facts."

"Well let's see what you got. Now I'm really curious."

He stood close to me and I pulled down his Speedos with some effort.

I let out an involuntary gasp.

"Told you Ma'am".

He had a big grin on his face and the pearly white teeth "lit up" the inside of the cabana.

It wasn't the length. I don't think he was more than an inch if that much longer than either Roger or Terry – it was the girth. It was magnificent.

I had to have him. I grabbed his balls and pulled him towards me.

"Last chance Ma'am. If you do what I think you'll do you'll be lost to the white race for good."

I thought to myself, he's so full of crap.

I had a hard time getting my lips around his cock. And once inside my mouth it was almost like one of those inflatable gags I used on Prissy last night.

But I managed to get him off within a reasonable time.

"Reggie, think we should continue this in my rooms. I'll go up and take a quick shower. Why don't you come up in 30 minutes and we can explore your theory further."

From the moment Reggie walked through the door of the suite he took control of me. Roger has ways of doing that, but this was different. I'm not quite sure how – just different. There was different level of confidence. Roger's in part comes from his being a very successful business man and while not super rich he is up there. Reggie on the other hand was a waiter and provider of hot sex. Maybe some other things too but I was not about to ask him.

There clearly was something mesmerizing about him. Nothing I could put my finger on. He was just different. Maybe all it was a black guy with chip on his shoulder because ladies like me were anxious to get at his cock. Who knows.

There was little foreplay – no need, I was dripping wet in anticipation of that wonderful cock. I have to say, Reggie did go slow at first, let me get used to the feeling of having that fat "sausage" inside my pussy. I love getting fucked in all different ways, hard and fast like Roger or gentle and caring like Terry prefers. This was different, Reggie's fucking was like a piece of classical music going from dolce to crescendo and back to dolce and few variations in between. I lost count of the number of orgasms after three and was as limp as dish rag when he finally came spraying what seemed to be quarts of cum into my face and on my breast.

"Too bad, the little man or your hubby isn't around to lick it all up."

"Just shut up Reggie and let me catch my breath. I'm gonna need a little more of that in a bit."

We just stayed close to each other and the fingers of his one hand started to travel all over my body, from my clit to my cum covered breasts.

Scooping up some of it, he fed to me. I don't know what it was, there was something so hot about this whole thing and at the same time I felt like a depraved tramp – but very happy tramp.

Soon I was down between his legs and started licking and sucking on that wonderful cock of his.

After another round I managed to send him packing so that I could get myself cleaned up for the dinner with Prissy and whatever he had in store for me after that.

During dinner Prissy kept rambling about all sorts of things but my mind was on that very special cock that Reggie was "packing". I was almost tempted to dump Prissy and have Reggie come back to the hotel.

We pulled up to an old industrial building with bricked over loading doors and windows except for on roll up door and a regular door besides it. The lighting around the building was poor and I couldn't make out much of what was around.

Then I spotted in the moon light what looked like a penthouse and a roof garden. Obviously additions. There lights inside the penthouse.

"Wait Prissy, what is this place?

"Mistress Clarissa this a very private and very exclusive BDSM and sex club. My Mistress is one of the founders together with Mistress Belle DeJour. They started this place five years ago."

"So what does it take to get in? To become a member?"

"Money and sponsorship from at least two regular members or one of the ten charter members. Applicants sponsored only by regular members can be rejected by the charter members who are also the board of directors of the corporation. Sponsorship by a charter member is an automatic in as long as the financials are there."

"So how much?"

"For Ladies, 10,000 Dollars initiation and 25,000 Dollars a year. That gets you ten evenings and nights starting at 9 PM and you have to be out by noon the next day. They can purchase additional nights at 3,000 Dollars."

"You said for ladies."

"Yes for dominant males it is twice as much."

"What about submissives?"

"That depends. There are house slaves that actually get paid once their contract runs out and then there are member submissives that are single and looking for some play time. They are associate members and pay a onetime fee of 5,000 dollars but have to serve at least one night a month."

"Wow. What about the lights up on top?"

"That is where Mistress Belle lives with her house slaves. Only charter members are ever invited up there."

"Tonight you are the guest of my Mistress. May I please drive up so we can get inside?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Prissy pressed a button and a strange sounding horn bleeped. Shortly thereafter the roll-up door opened and we drove inside. Wow, on one side there was a very ornate door and on the other clearly a multistory parking garage.

The door opened and a large naked black guy came out with his huge cock in a polished steel CB to open my car door after he knelt on the concrete floor.

Prissy came around.

"Mistress, please follow me and do what I ask. It's important. Please."

"OK Prissy, don't worry."

As soon as we stepped through the door, Prissy got on his hands and knees.

"Please Mistress, sit on my back so that I can take you to Mistress Belle's office and introduce you."

I thought, OK your funeral. Gonna ruin the pants on that thousand bucks suit of yours.

Prissy carried me around a corner and down a hallway where a white guy, about the same size like the black one outside stood in the same attire except that his CB was either highly polished brass or maybe gold plated.

Prissy was huffing and puffing by then.

"Mistress Clarissa to see Mistress Belle."

"Good evening Mistress, please wait here for a second. Slave go back to the entrance. Slave X has instructions for you."

I got off Prissy and the guy pressed some button and the door in front of us opened.

"Please Mistress go inside. Enjoy your stay."

I walked into a regular office setting, well maybe a bit more feminine than a regular office for a CEO. No that is not right. There were some antiques and overstuffed chairs in addition to the desk and a whole wall full of TV monitors. Other than the monitors, the place looked like I would imagine a Victorian study in one of those New Port mansions the Carnegies, Morgans or Vanderbilt's.

A lady in her seventies approached me.

"Welcome dear, I'm Belle. Any of Melody's friends is welcome here. Please have a seat. Something to drink?"

"No thank you, not right now. I'm trying to take this all in."

Belle laughed – "yes, it can be a bit overwhelming for the first time visitor. This is a very unique place."

"I'll have someone show you around but first I want to chat with you a bit. I understand that you've dabbled in some D/s games with your husband and now have hit a snag."

"Don't look so shocked. I have a very inquisitive mind when it comes to guests. Roger filled us in after you planned this trip. Yes he is a member here. A special class probably not mentioned by Prissy when you asked him about this place."

"How do you know?"

"His car is bugged. Melody has him on very tight reign but he doesn't know about the bug. If the car is within a couple of hundred yards from here, we can listen in. Otherwise it gets taped and Melody checks them on a regular basis."

"But you are here to play and have a good time. So let explain a bit of what we offer."

"We have both female and male slaves here. All of them are extremely masochistic but we ask to try to restrain yourself to the point of not creating big open cuts with canes or whips." Accidents can happen. So don't worry too much about it. All of the slaves will be available for sexual services of any kind. The males have CB's but the bar tenders have access to the keys if you desire to have one unlocked. We also have a number studs here. Their primary purpose of course is to provide any form of sexual gratification. They don't have CB's but wear a leather pouch for their privates. There are public rooms with bondage toys of any form or shape you can imagine. Chose one of those spots to play and you may find some voyeurs watching you. There are also private rooms with different bondage themes. But your tour guide with explain all of those."

"I understand that you have a late morning flight and assume that you want to go back to the hotel at some point. Just let one of the bar tenders know and they'll get you back there. Prissy is needed by his owner tonight so we sent him back."

"Now dear, tell me. Any questions?"

I just shook my head.

Belle smiled.

"Would you like a female or male slave as your initial tour guide through the facility. You can change at any time."

"I think I would like to start out with a female. I would like to try being the Domme in a lesbian affair. The few I've had have always been the other way around."


Belle pressed a button and seconds later a stunning blonde with large but natural breasts came into the office bowing deeply.

"Ah there you are Violet. This is Mistress Clarissa. I want you to first give her the tour and then do whatever she demands of you."

"Yes Mistress Belle."

"Mistress Clarissa please follow me."

"Enjoy yourself dear. Perhaps I will see you later but don't count on it."

We walked down a long hallway to another door guarded by a big naked guy sporting a CB. He held the door open for us.

I looked at what must have been a factory floor. Not sure if they were original but now the floor was highly polished hardwood. There were various dividers set up around bondage furniture. All them large enough to allow space not only for the "players" but also a certain number of voyeurs. Towards one end was a bar and that is where Violet was leading me.

"Charlie, this is Mistress Clarissa a guest of Mistress Melody and Belle."

"Ma'am welcome, what can I get you?"

"A glass of... , No make that a Mimosa and a bowl with some ice please."

"Yes Ma'am."

After the introduction, Violet had settled at my feet, sitting on the floor, her head close to my feet.

"Violet, stand up. I want to look at you. See if you are what I'm looking for tonight."

Violet took up what I thought was the standard position in front of a Domme. Legs slightly spread and hands on top of her head.

She was a beauty, not really slender but curves to die for. In Belle's office I had thought that her breasts were natural but closer inspection right in front of me showed that they were "aftermarket" but must have been naturally large even before the enhancement because it looked almost natural. Only the thin scars around her nipples gave away the secret. My guess she was now at least a DD if not a bit larger. Her hips maybe 38 inches and waist miniscule. Top all this off with long blond hair like corn silk and she was hot. I wanted her.

Caressing her nipples gave an instant response and when I started to pull and twist Violet responded with soft moans. By that time the bowl of ice had appeared. I grabbed one piece and while one hand worked her breast over, the other with the ice went for her clit.

That resulted in a light jump and a yelp.

"Quiet slut or I'll have to punish you. Spread your legs more."

It did not take long and I had her shaking from all the torment as I continued playing with ice on her pussy and anus.

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Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with her cousin (a studly dog) Authors Note: This story takes place in a world similar to ours. The only difference is that men and women are quite different. Though people walk on two legs and speaks English, women are human in appearance while men are dogs. Literally. Their breeds vary, but aside from their appearance, they are just as human as the women. If you are able to accept this odd little fact, I guarantee you will enjoy this kinky tale. *** ...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Public Punishment

Made into a Public Fountain.The Rogues Public PunishmentI'd been caught with the other three rogues and led helplessly arms bound behind my back and half naked through the city streets to the public square before you, a growing, jeering crowd of all ages, many male but mostly female, and boys and girls; all enjoying our humiliation and helplessness before you.  We’d been caught almost in the act.  We had a half a dozen girls we’d overpowered helpless bound, gagged and spread in a variety of...

4 years ago
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My YouthChapter 24 Marge

I met Marge on a weekend assignment from my Army Reserve unit. We were ‘volunteered’ to work at a convalescent home to relieve the staff one weekend a month. Marge was the switchboard operator there. To describe her, it’s fair to say she was the spitting image of Cher, American Indian in heritage, but extremely fair skinned. Small breasted with a B cup, she was slim all over but drop dead gorgeous. Of course, all the guys in my unit were vying for her attention, but she only smiled and...

3 years ago
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AllisonChapter 25

When Kathy went back to her seat, Ken shook his head to clear it. Then he said, "I've done a lot of talking today, speaking on behalf of the men. However, I'm only one guy. I would like to see what they have to say for themselves." Looking at Charley Conrad, he said, "Following this afternoon's batting order, Charley, why don't you start?" Charley just stood up and stood behind Ginger, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Ken, first I want to thank you for your comments and Kathy...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 76 Ryoko my darling

Night had fallen at last. Still feeling the effects of Washu's minor surgeries, Tenchi made his way cautiously up the long darkened stairway. Pausing every now and again glancing around, It was only when he was most certain his accent had gone unobserved, he finally climbed the last few steps. Making doubly sure to 'skirt' the actually open plaza area of the shrine however. With everyone understandably up in arms over what happened to his father and having a stranger in the house to...

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Written and edited with the help of an ex-catholic friend. This story may stir some controversy but then why write if it tastes like vanilla. Raised in Boston to love, honor and obey his family and one-day to fulfill his spiritual calling, Tom O’Brien was the youngest of six American bred Irish children. Every Irish Catholic family dreams of the day that one of their children will be ordained into the priesthood, increasing the prospect of an eternal reward in Heaven for the parents, and...

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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 12

In the middle of Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo, Detective Lands called and asked Brad and me to come down to the station to sign our statements. Brad drove and we got there around one. Afterwards, Brad wanted to go check on his grandmother. When we got to the nursing home, we were met in the front hall of the lock-down area by Ethel Smith who was worried about missing her train. A petite ninety year-old with lots of vigor, her only health issue was the advancing dementia that left her confused. Brad...

4 years ago
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Hollywood Life Coach

-Career need a boost? Need a new agent? Just want to vent? My name is Dr. John Doe, and for the low price of $100 a session, payable in advance or in cash up front,I can give advice to help you and your life in the long run. 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money back. And that is a promise I am willing to keep! John Doe smiled at the ad he had posted on the internet he had posted three days ago. Los Angeles... he was gonna love it here. The nice food, rich neighborhoods, and most...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Moon Dance

It had been a long tough summer. My company had assigned me as usual to be the lead on major development project. For the past four months I had worked seven days a week, twelve plus hours a day. It seemed all I did was work and sleep. I seldom even had the energy for a stress-relieving jack off. The big celebration party and large bonus check after the successful completion of the project had done little to help me recover my wits. As I sat at my desk trying to get through yet another inane...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 17 What Is Right What Is Wrong

"A third realm expert?!" Zax exclaimed. "Girl ... Susuya, you are just an Earth's Core Holder, how can you so casually call someone a third realm expert? Are you even aware what a being in the third realm signifies? Please tell me that you simply heard the term 'Realm' from someone and trying to play a prank on me!" Zax refuted her statement the instant her words sunk to his mind. That she is his granddaughter and that superintendent Ten is a third level Core Master Zax could accept....

4 years ago
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Winning It All

Copyright© 2005 Soronel Haetir Sweetness and Lace were working on the laundry, seperating the clothes into many small batches and running them through the cleaner so that none of the colors ran. As each load was completed, one or the other would fold the garments and separate them as to where they belong. Lace looked up from one particularly nice silk slip and asked "would you like to hear about how I first met Master?" "Don't tease me, of course I do." "It was the last day of...

1 year ago
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Body Corporate Chapter 7

}7 words .85Chapter 7The Auction(Sheila’s Despair)The auction took place in the family room that Cindi like to refer to as the dungeon. A stage was set up at one end and chairs were placed all around the room in a theatre style. George was the auctioneer. Before the auction began the slaves were brought into the room then hung on hooks along the walls. It was like being at an art auction. This made it easy for the different masters to examine the bodies in anyway they wished by just...

2 years ago
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It was inside me and I was powerless to stop it

This story is tinged with shame, it is not something I am proud to admit to, but it happened when it was not supposed to, and as I recall the events, I realized just how easy it is to happen, and when it is happening, everything culminates to an incredible experience, and yes I have an extremely open mind and a willingness to be intimate with more than men.I am older now and at an age where I can make such choices, but my first time was when I was confused about sexual matters, a hormonal...

4 years ago
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I was shaken from my trance."Lick that come from my toes." Diana's voice had edge.I had just shot a rather large load onto the oak floor of the bedroom and was basking in the afterglow of my release. She'd found my eyes with hers. Her eyes were dark. My heart clutched, just a little, and, I took notice of it."I wonder what Matthews feels like?" Diana stepped in it. She lifted from the floor ever so slightly on the balls of her feet. It squished between her toes."Don't look down there, Matthew,...

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My sonrsquos friend Part 4

“My son’s friend. Part 3.” is only on my profile page.Every time I was with my wife, sexually, I was only thinking about Steven. His touch and body had awaken lusts and excitement in me that I thought was long lost. All our encounters up to this point had been quick, although amazing. First those late night visits, where we had to be not only quick but also quite. Then, quick encounters as I drove him home from my house after hanging out with my son. Every encounter, every experience, every...

1 year ago
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At a Loose End in Austria

It was Sunday 2nd July 2017, I was alone in a foreign town that I wasn’t familiar with. I had been drinking during the day and found myself at a loose end by 8pm as it was beginning to get dark. I was lay in my hotel room and the tv channels were not English and I was becoming restless. I started to watch pornography videos on my iphone and in no time found myself totally naked masturbating vigorously on the bed. I made myself cum at least twice, but still I was not satisfied.I tried to find an...

1 year ago
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Kidnapped Sex SlavesChapter 2

Devon ate slowly, munching on the cereal while her eyes focused and unfocused. There was not a great deal of the drug in her system. Freda wanted her to be aware, if not necessarily alert. The cereal was almost entirely sugar and had almost no redeeming qualities. Certainly, it had no protein. To go with the cereal, there was kool-aid, not milk. Milk was too nourishing. Amber was animated and happy, making up for Devon's comparative silence. She had less of the drug than Devon, needing less...

2 years ago
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James Goes WestChapter 4

We made good time on the road to Meridian. We found a nice camping spot and stopped. I had gotten a piece of canvas to make up a tent using the wagon as the main portion, so we set that up and washed up and fixed supper. It was still daylight and I wanted to teach Naomi to shoot. She had said that she could shoot a rifle. She didn't lie. She was a fine shot with a rifle, and an adequate shot with a pistol. I told her the second revolver was to be her main pistol, so she made up a belt and...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter II Prissys First School Day

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated...

3 years ago
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The Last ManChapter 16

Joanne Simmons (JoJo to her friends) was pissed! She had just got done talking to her old neighbor Mandy. Mandy had told her about what was happening up at the Adams estate. They had a guy there and they were having sex with him. Mandy had said since she was only eleven, she couldn't join up for at least two more years. That's what had JoJo so pissed. JoJo had always been a precocious girl and had loved to sit in her Daddy's lap or the lap of any man that would let her. She would wiggle...

1 year ago
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My First Callboy Experience

Hi guys, this is Ladesh (name changed) age 21 good-looking with normal physique and of height 5’11.I am studying in Chennai. Please forgive me for the grammatical errors. Because of the comments I got from my Indian sex stories readers encouraged me to write more of my sex journey. After having sex with my best friend’s sister and she left to Dubai I felt alone and lonely (read my previous story made my bestfriend s sister pregnant). I was sex starved so I just placed an ad in one of the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jenny Wild More Between Us

Jenny Wild is quite the professional. She’s dressed to impress as she brings Angelo Godshack over to sign some paperwork. When he arrives, Jenny can’t believe her eyes. He’s just so hot that she finds she cannot keep her hands to herself. She makes up an excuse to get closer to him, and from there, to put down an accidental touch. When Angelo doesn’t push her away, Jenny takes things a step further. Palms on Angelo’s chest, Jenny pushes him back into the chair....

1 year ago
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Breaking Drake Ch 03

Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 01

FANTASY VACATION   Chapter I   It was a beautiful July afternoon and Mike Tanner couldn't for this day to end. He was about to start a well-deserved weeks’ vacation that would take him away from the hassles of work. As the clock moved forward, slowly his mind wondered to home and what preparation need completed. The van required loading with all the supplies they need so he and Terri , his wife of fifteen years, could leave for the lake as soon she arrived home from work. With their boat...

Wife Lovers
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Georgia Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 Arm in arm, daddy and I walked into the main hall with the steel balls clunking in my pussy. The ball was in a big room with a big dance floor surrounded by lots of big tables, all set out ready for a meal. A man greeted us then directed is to our assigned table. I couldn’t help noticing a few people staring...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Sarah Cute My Bitchy Step Sister

Nikki Nutz has some brand new family in Europe thanks to his dad’s remarriage, including his stepsister, Sarah Cute. Sarah is really bitchy to Nikki to his face, and his feeling that she’s talking shit about him is very true. Eventually, Nikki uses a translation app on his phone to ask Sarah what her problem is. She gives him a literal list of things she dislikes about him. When Nikki tries to grab his headphones back from her, he manages to get her shirt instead, popping one of her...

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Reality Of Casting Couch

Hi, My name is Harry, and this is a story of a girl who narrated her experience to me. The story will be narrated in her words. I didn ‘t knew there was any struggle in the Bollywood industry… i just knew i had to be one of the top actress, where money and fame were too much to handle…. Let me introduce myself to u…. My name is sanjana… i belong to Chandigarh… i am just 23 years old, and u can call me beautiful…it took only 3-4 persons to convince me that i could be an actress in Bollywood and...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 74

"First of all Sylvia, EZ lived within twenty five miles of Jefferson Island most all his life. He was living around New Wales all of those five years. He has been in trouble with the law, but he has cleaned up his act. Had his share of woman troubles, but there was no sign of hostility issues. You can't say the same for Brian. But there is no connection between them. If they ever met, I can't tell from there cyber footprints," Wilson said. "Okay I gave him some cock and bull story...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Jessica Ryan Lena Anderson Maya Woulfe Sugar

Jessica Ryan is getting ready for a to-do with her sugar baby Maya Woulfe and a newcomer. She chats on the phone with her husband and tells him what a good boy he is. She puts the phone down when the doorbell rings to admit Maya and her friend Jessica Ryan to the house. Maya looks fine as fuck in the dress Jessica bought for her, but Jessica admits she didn’t know what to wear. She strips on Jessica’s command, which gives Jessica an idea. Maya fetches the phone so that Jessicaa can...

4 years ago
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When I Lost My Virginity Male Perspective

When I was in my senior year of high school I was doing great. My grades were good, I was good looking, had friends, a steady girlfriend, and was good at most sports I tried. My girlfriend and I didn't have to start classes until about noon so I would usually head over to her house around ten in the morning and we would relax for a while befor we had to leave. One morning I got there and she answered the door, gave me a kiss and invited me in. I just looked at her for a minute. She was...

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One Hour In Train With Mother

The story starts before 6 years from today. I was then 18 years and my mom Nisha was 38 years and my dad was 42 years. I was district level cricket champion and also a very good student. My mother was a lecturer of physics in a college nearby and my father was an administrative officer. Overall we were rich. Mom had a dream that I will be a doctor one day. I ranked so good in West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam that I got selected in Calcutta Medical College which is the best medical college in...

3 years ago
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Please Punish My Teasing Tits

Tit Model Is Given To Older Man For Rough SexAnyone who looked at the furious movements in the bar's dark corner could see the girl's lurid activity. The slut on her knees in the tiny black dress was frantically jacking-off a SEXUALLY-EXCITED older man.She had torn open the fly of his trousers and was attacking his protruding cock. His head was thrown back. He was groaning in ecstacy from the slut's ferocious handjob. The more she aroused him with her hands and showing him her tits.. the more...

2 years ago
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Meri Mummy Ki Friend 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, myself Rahul from Guwahati Assam. I am an average built guy 5’8 height , fair skin and i have a good stamina because i hit gym regularly. I am one of those guys who is very famous among girls because of my good sense of humor. I am the only child of parents so i was bought up with great care and affection. If any aunty , bhabhi , housewife, girl wants to come into my contact u can email me at The heroine of the story is Richa aunty. She is stunningly beautiful , 5’6 height , chubby ,...

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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric reflect the changes in the physical body over the course of a full lifetime. More important than changes in the body, are the different roles a person plays in the theater of life. A small sample of roles a person can hold include friend, employee, boss, lover, spouse, leader, follower, parent, grandparent, consumer, producer, and provider. A life isn’t being lived, unless a huge number of roles are being played. As the number of roles...

1 year ago
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Its just touching

Jake stroked his hard cock in the shower as his eyes glazed over. Almost there, but at the same time he was enjoying the feeling of holding off. Tiffany was waiting for him to get out, he knew, and he was taking a little longer than he should, but fuck it, it felt good to finally get a chance for some relief. Tiffany…fuck. As soon as the name popped into his head (as did her lovely face and beautiful, tanned body), Jake felt his balls tighten up just a little more, his cock swell even harder...

2 years ago
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Roadside Service

Ashley noticed them at the stoplight in the truck beside her. Two guys, obviously just getting off work. She probably wouldn't have noticed them at all, but the passenger had jumped out at the light to check something in the bed of the pickup. This drew her attention and she turned to see the driver looking at her. Both men were mid to late twenties, darkly tanned, and both were shirtless in the sticky ninety-something degree heat of a southern August. She gazed back at him through her dark...

Group Sex
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She takes over in the bedroom Pt1

This a story based of my own experiences. Exaggerated a bit of course, but, why not ;D Hope you enjoy!Last night was a night I’ll never forget. Last night was the night I let my wife take over in bed. Just last week she discovered my stash of toys I had hidden from her for some time now. I had really taken a liking to ass play so I bought all sorts of different toys; from just plain old dongs and beads to huge plugs, I definitely had made a good collection. The thought of her husband being into...

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Just Stop By and Check on Me Part 2

So, after Ms K had her fun with me in the restroom at the restaurant, we actually went right back to my house.We went into the house and she began grabbing me again. She kept chuckling and her hands were everywhere, all over me. I giggled and leaned into her so she could grab me as much as she wanted. Even though it was kinda uncomfortable sometimes, I really liked when she grabbed and prodded and poked and rubbed and touched me anywhere.She even gave me a big smack on the butt too! OUCH! She...

1 year ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 2

Mike ignored the voice that seemed to be distant and calling his name. Instead he concentrated on the files in front of him. The other thing that all these girls had in common outside of their profession was that they had all recently, within the last six months, had an abortion. They may have hidden it from their friends, neighbors, family members, but their medical records told all. He had searched Candi’s medical records to find out if she had been pregnant and found out that she had...

2 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 29

The Army band marched proudly down the parade ground at Fort Benning. On the reviewing stand were the Carlsons, but also the Kramers and the Christians. Ken, Brad and Bill were all in uniform, Ken as a major, while Brad and Bill were both captains. All were wearing the Rangers’ black berets. Kim was also in uniform, but wearing her Special Forces green beret. The band doubled back on itself, then took position facing the reviewing stand. A moment later, the presidential limousine drew up...

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iSster Act 2

iS!ster Act #2Previously:'Something feels different, like he's... Oh! My! God! He's getting hard.' She thought, her eyes settling on the boy's groin. 'Maybe I wasn't imagining it when I thought they might have been making out when I was in the bathroom. Kissing always did get him all riled up. Oh, hell, I can't let this opportunity go to waste.'Sam rubbed her heel over his semi-hard dick. "What's this, Fredstud? Happy to see me?" Freddie's mouth dropped open, this was NOT something he wanted...

3 years ago
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Fishnet Bait

Fishnet Bait, by Salacious Gossip Note from author: This is my final story as Salacious Gossip. My motivation for writing was a relationship that is now over. It was the most deeply beautiful, intimate, wonderful and uniquely special relationship I have ever hoped to have. I am incomplete. Story It was still dark when I stepped into her car. It smelled of her perfume and leather. I put my bag on the backseat and we were off, driving to a weekend conference. We had a long journey...

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Joe reached around and while he was fucking me started playing with my cock. It started growing as he did. I was in mind-shock. Even that started to feel good. After he squirted in my ass, he pulled out and said now lay down on the rug. By now I really was no longer resisting anything they said, so I did. Joe began stroking my cock again and it responded to my surprise. Then he did something I never had any experience with. He actually began licking up and down and it felt so good. After a...

4 years ago
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Skinny Jeans

The Skinny Jeans I've recently been introduced to one of the girl's "guilty pleasures" - tight, "skinny" jeans. REALLY tight jeans. I am hooked - it is now one of my most favorite girly things to wear. It all started on the recent tropical vacation. We've stayed at a place rented through Air B&B - private residence that owners were renting out when they are not there - and in my room, in the closet, was a treasure for a cross-dressing sissy - a big heap of sexy girl's...

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The Farmer and the Traveling Salesmans DaughterChapter 2

I didnt say anything. My mind raced, considering all the possibilities good and bad, and there were some bad ones. My cock twitched, nonetheless. It was obviously considering only the good ones. "ermmmmmm..." I stammered. This cute little country girl was propositioning me in every way but coming right out and asking me to fuck her. She laughed again. This time with a sort of 'evil stage laugh' ... full of portent. She got up and began to clear the table, scraping the dishes and putting...

2 years ago
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The horny neighbor A surprise Orgy Part B

..Continued from Part A.Sunday morning has arrived - Ram and his family woke early and I told them and Casper i’ll stay and study “For what test” Casper asked - “I have special assignment for Jerroti, i’m volunteering for the education center” - Capster nodded - “yea you sure love to stay up late with him” Yea if only he knew, actually he probably knew I was fucking him regularly and now maybe Ram suspected also, but my guess he probably knew I was whoring around. As long as he got his dick...

3 years ago
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Pink Leather Bag

This story was written in one draft with no editing for a special friend of mine. She liked it a lot so I decided to post it here too.I saw it when I walked into her bedroom, the pink leather bag sitting on her nightstand. I didn't know what was in it, only that she promised I would enjoy what was inside.She tells me to remove all my clothing, and she strips down to her underwear. I am told to lay on the bed and I see her reach into her bag. She pulls out a pair of pink handcuff, the first of...

2 years ago
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Pretty Mary Ann

Hi folks my name is Sahebji. I am a free lance commercial artist, tall, slim and ladies find me handsome. This incident which I am about to narrate took place some years back. It was early November. The weather was quite pleasant and I had little to do so I decided to visit my friend Mohan, a bachelor. He had recently i.e. four months back shifted jobs to a city, about six hours bus ride away. On a Sunday I caught the noon bus. I wanted to surprise Mohan and did not tell him of my coming. On...

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Nisha Escalates Fresher8217s Party 8211 Pt 1 The Unstoppable Orgy

Hello friends, my name is Nisha and I am Aastha’s younger sister. Don’t confuse me with Aastha didi’s daughter, whom she named after me, as she is very young right now. Aastha didi told me that she has been posting stories about her sex experience on this portal. So I thought to use this ID to post mine as well. Now, I won’t be boring you all with our family background and all. I am sure Aastha Didi must have told you about it. So, I will just begin with it. The incident took place a few years...

4 years ago
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Assassin PracticeChapter 12

Once the novelty of the mere fact of being able to fly had worn off a bit, the trainees were taken through the rest of the things that were possible with the armor. They were all impressed with the way the armor was able to stop bullets and the fact that the armor, alone, made such an effective weapon. They spend 4 more days becoming familiar with all of the aspects of the armor. Most of the trainees felt that they had never seen a better toy! Then they were introduced to the lightning gun....

3 years ago
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A Wonderful Blowjob At Paris In Chennai

Hi to the beautiful girls and handsome boys out there. I am Das.. Here to pen down my recent experience I had. I am an ardent fan of this site just like you guys and used to read. I used to read the stories and masturbate as some are really hot ones and few are more than fiction and fantasy. I suggest all guys to post real life stuff.. I am working in Banaglore and go for business trips to south. I am 30yrs old, dusky in color and not a bad body I do have. I had a divorce as my married life...

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