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“Oh please, sir, not tonight.”

James Abernathy had raised the girl’s skirts and petticoats to her waist and was about to push her onto the bed she had just folded down at the House of the Seven Gables.

“Why not?” he said.

“It’s the hanging, sir, up on Gallows Hill. It’s got me upset.”

Until that day Abernathy hadn’t given much thought to the accusations being hurled about by the Reverend Samuel Parris and other of the residents of Salem Village. He dismissed it as a kind of mass hysteria produced by the ignorance of the mainly poor Puritan farmers of the Village. But that morning, when the sheriff pulled the noose taut around the neck of Bridget Bishop, the reality of the situation had slapped everyone in Salem Town like a wet glove across the cheek. It was monstrous, yes, but it was no concern of his. As one of the Town’s wealthiest merchants, no one would be so bold as to accuse him or anyone in his family of practicing the dark arts.

However, this girl, Mary Wicks, was clearly troubled by the day’s events. If he were to have his way with her, he would need to use some tact.

He turned her round to face him and took her in his arms. “I’m sorry, Mary. Sometimes I’m an insensitive lout. Did you know this woman that they hanged?”

“No, sir. It’s just… well, I can’t understand why the townspeople are doing this. It seems as if everyone has gone mad.”

“You need to be careful who you voice opinions like that to, Mary. I agree with you, but prudence dictates that some thoughts we must keep to ourselves."

The girl looked deep into his eyes. Her own eyes were like dark tunnels to an abyss of sin, so different from most of the blue-eyed inhabitants here.

“I know, sir. I’m sorry,” she said.

“There’s no need to be sorry, Mary. I just don’t want anything to happen to you. You see… well, I guess I must confess, I’ve fallen in love with you.”

The look of infatuation that melted over the girl’s face he had seen many times before, not just with this girl but with numerous others over the years. All it usually took was a profession of affection. He didn’t understand why mistresses couldn’t just accept their station and enjoy the carnality of the tryst, the pleasures of the flesh, but they always wanted more. Even this girl, barely seventeen and a lowly chambermaid at the inn, was already inclined towards the romantic, fantasizing the perfect fairy tale of living out her years with a prosperous gentleman late of King William’s court.

“I... I love you, too, sir,” she said.

He kissed her, tenderly at first, then delving his tongue between her lips and swirling it against hers. He laid her back on the bed, raised her skirts and petticoats again, and traced a finger up her bare cleft.

“Oh, sir,” she moaned.

He opened the front of his breeches and placed her hand on his manhood. She squeezed it the way he had shown her. When he started to mount her, she said, “Please, sir, the other way.”

He smiled at that. Their first night together, he had taken the girl in the missionary position. However, the second time that evening, very shyly, she had asked if he might make love to her the way her beloved horses did. After years of boring intercourse with his wife, his cock had lurched at the prospect of taking this young nymph from behind. He was so excited that he lasted only minutes before flooding her womb with his seed.

He studied the girl’s face in the flickering light of the room’s oil lamp, at her youth, her exuberance. She seemed to get younger each time they met. “Turn over, Mary,” he whispered.

She rolled onto her hands and knees, her head resting on a pillow. He knelt behind her and reached around to unbutton her white peasant shirt. Their first time together he’d been frustrated by the long chemise she wore under her shirt. After that he’d instructed her to cut them short so they only tucked into the top of her skirts.

He pulled the chemise out, pushed it up, and molded her bare breasts in his hands. So firm yet so soft, he marveled. Young girls, he’d found, were so malleable and allowed much fondling, which he thoroughly enjoyed, and they reciprocated in the use of the medieval sex terms that heightened his pleasure. Fuck. Cock. Cunt. And girls this young were also a bit gullible and usually agreed to whatever perversion he wanted to inflict upon them. Although with Mary, even though he was the seducer, the teacher, he always had a sense that she knew more than she let on. And when he orgasmed with her, it felt like she was sucking out a piece of his soul through his cockhead. In their short time together it seemed as if he had aged ten years,

He trailed his hands down her bare sides and gripped her hips. Prodding his cock against her cleft, he was pleased to find her so wet that it slid all the way inside.

“Oh yes, sir!” she moaned, pressing back at him.

“Do you like my cock in your cunt, Mary?”

“Oh yes, sir!”

“What do you want, Mary?” It was a little game they played.

She hesitated a moment. “Fuck me, sir!”

He smiled. His libido crescendoed and he began pummeling the girl with hard, heavy thrusts.

“Oh yes, sir. It feels so good.”

Her cunt felt like it was strangling his cock, trying to choke the seed out of it. Soon, Mary, soon, he thought as he pounded her yet harder.

“Oh please, sir, don’t come inside me this time.”

“I won’t,” he lied. He had no intention of pulling out, unless it was to ram his cock into the girl’s mouth. But they hadn’t progressed that far in their lessons yet, although every time now after intercourse the girl cleaned his cock with her mouth, to get her scent off of him, he told her, so his wife wouldn’t suspect.

With each lunge the girl shifted forward on the bed, and he had to grip her hips harder just to hold her in place. Staring down at her buttocks, he noticed the little star of her anus puckering with each jolt. He had found no woman yet in the New World who would let him have her in the Greek fashion. Perhaps this one…

He wet his thumb in his mouth and slid it inside her.

“Oh please, no, sir, not there,” the girl pleaded.

He wouldn’t bugger her, not this time. He was almost there.

“Oh, Mary,” he moaned. He felt his testicles contract and the semen gush up from them like Hell’s fire. Suddenly a black cat leapt onto the girl’s back and glared at him with yellow eyes.

“Oh God! Christ!” he exclaimed as his seed exploded deep inside the girl. The cat spat and hissed and clawed the air. It jumped onto his face, and he staggered backward and fell to the floor. He tore the animal off of him and flung it against the wall. It let out an unholy screech, picked itself up, and leapt onto the bed near Mary’s head. She took it in her arms and smoothed its fur.

“Shhh, shhh,” she soothed.

Abernathy sat on the floor, shocked. He felt like he had just lost another two years. “Is that your cat, Mary?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I didn’t know it was in here. It frightened me.”

“Sorry, sir.”

“Perhaps in future we can keep it out of the room while we make love.”

“Yes, sir.”

He stood up. “All right. Now come over here and clean me.”


Edward Locke pressed his ear to the door of the room. It was quiet now after that ungodly noise. At first he had thought it was Mary shrieking, and had been about to fling open the door when he caught himself. As much as he wanted to protect her, the only way to stop this abomination was to carry through with his plan. Abernathy was a villain, preying on poor Mary this way. He knew what they were doing in there. The same thing they had done for a month now—copulating. It was against God and the Church and all things proper. The man was more than twice Mary’s age, and married with two children.

Edward couldn’t understand why Mary would have anything to do with such a beast. She was so sweet and seemed so innocent when he talked to her. He longed to be near her all the time, but his position as stable boy at the House of the Seven Gables wouldn’t allow this. Mary was a chambermaid, and also a serving wench in the private room in which the landlord, Robert Gates entertained his wealthier clientele. Doubtless, this was where Abernathy had seduced her.

Edward heard the church bells chime the hour. It should be soon now.


“That’s good, Mary. Very nice.” Abernathy lay back on the bed with the girl licking up and down his shaft. “Now take it all in your mouth the way I showed you.”

As he watched the girl’s lips slide down his instrument, the door to the room flew open. Abernathy’s eyes snapped up to it.

“You filthy pervert,” his wife snarled.

The girl jumped off the bed, pulling her chemise down over her breasts.

“Elizabeth!” Abernathy said. She looked stern standing there in her long black dress and white cap. “This isn’t what it seems.”

“Don’t lie to me, you bastard. Why are you even here? You’re supposed to be in Boston.”

“Gates and I had some business to discuss. The hour got late and I decided to stay the night and start early in the morning.”

“That doesn’t explain how your foul thing ended up in that girl’s mouth.”

Thoughts roiled through Abernathy’s head. “I… I don’t know how it happened. The last thing I remember was the girl turning down the bedsheets. She… she must have bewitched me.”

Mary’s eyes widened and a look of fear swept over her face.

“Is this true, girl?” Mrs. Abernathy said.

“No, ma’am.”

“It is true!” Abernathy said. “See there, it’s her familiar.” He pointed at the cat crouched on the foot of the bed. It turned its attention on him and began hissing.

“Is that your cat, girl?” Mrs. Abernathy said.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Abernathy thought he saw a look of doubt waver in his wife’s face.

“Will you testify to that in court?” she asked him.



Edward Locke tossed and turned in his bed in the room attached to the stables. Sleep would not come. Everything had gone so wrong.

That morning, July 19th, five more women had been hanged on Gallows Hill. Counting Bridget Bishop on June the 10th, that now made six.

Mary had been in jail for more than a month and was soon to be tried. Edward had no doubt she would be found guilty. The evidence against all the women who thus far had been executed had been paltry. In Mary’s case it would be Abernathy’s word against hers, and who would the jury believe?

He couldn’t have imagined this outcome when he slid the note under the front door of the Abernathy house on the 10th of June. Earlier that day, when Abernathy had pulled his horse and buggy into the stables of the House of the Seven Gables, Edward had known what the man’s evil intent was. Abernathy always took the same room at the inn, and from previous times when he’d spied on them, Edward had figured that 10pm would be opportune.

He had ridden hard to the Abernathy house and back again, hoping Mrs. Abernathy would see the note in time and act on it. She had, but with dire results.

This was all his fault. He had to make it right.

The black cat jumped onto the bed beside him. He took it in his arms and stroked its back. It was the only thing of Mary’s that he had, the only bond between them. He was embarrassed for a moment when he felt his instrument begin to harden at the close contact. But it wasn’t the animal causing this, he knew; it was thoughts of holding Mary this way, of fondling her smooth flesh.

He leaned his head down and kissed the cat. It licked its raspy tongue over his lips.

“That bastard Abernathy,” he said. “I hope he catches some disease. I hope he dies.”


Two days later, Edward showed up at the small Salem Town jailhouse at two in the afternoon. He was only allowed one visit per week and the intervals between them felt like months. Mary had no one else to come see her. She was an orphan, the same as he, and had come from the New York Colony after her parents were murdered by the French and their Indian allies in King William’s War.

The jailer led him to the open cell and walked away. Mary sat on her cot, her hands in her lap. Her features looked pinched and fearful, with lines creasing her brow and crow’s feet beginning at the corners of her eyes. She seemed to have aged ten years in the past six weeks. The stress must be terrible. Edward’s heart fluttered when she put on her brave smile.

“Hello, Edward. I’m so happy you came.”

He sat down beside her and took her hand. “I told you I would. I would never let you down, Mary.”

“I know.”

Oh, how he wanted to kiss her, but that would be too dangerous. It was dangerous enough just visiting. He had heard tongues wagging at the inn, rumors and conjecture as to the nature of their relationship. If he were jailed as a wizard, that would be the end.

They talked for a while, and then he whispered, “I will be bringing the late tea tonight, Mary.”

She looked into his eyes and nodded.

At least Mr. Gates, the owner of the House of the Seven Gables, had intervened on Mary’s behalf to keep her out of the Salem Dungeon and Jail. Edward had heard that the small cells there were rat-infested and filthy, with no bedding or food provided, the inmates often bound or shackled. This small jail near the Seven Gables allowed Mr. Gates to provide her with meals and an early-evening tea.

“Time to go,” the jailer said.

Edward gave her hand a squeeze, stood up, and left.


Being a stable boy, Edward didn’t usually take Mary her meals or tea, but Lucas, the kitchen boy who did so, knew that Edward was sweet on Mary, and the bribe that Edward paid him convinced him.

Edward entered the jailhouse with the basket and walked up to the jailer. He was reading a book at his desk under the light of an oil lamp. Mr. Legwand, it was tonight, looked up at him and said, “Where’s the regular boy?”

“He took ill, sir.”


Edward took the pot of tea, wrapped in a cozy, out of the basket along with two cups. “Would you like me to pour it, sir?”

“All right.”

Edward served the tea and stood there.

“All right,” Mr. Legwand said, “off with you.”

“Yes, sir.” Edward gave a short bow and left.

Outside, he crouched in a dark spot off the street, amid a cluster of trees. He waited about an hour, until the church bells chimed nine o’clock, and then went inside the jailhouse again. Mr. Legwand’s head lay on his arms on the desk. He was fast asleep. Edward rushed to the open cell and said, “Come on, Mary.” Her tea, he noticed, had not been touched.

He led her out the back door. Nearby he had tethered two horses—Mary’s favorite, a black mare, and the horse called Galahad, the fastest in the stables. He handed Mary a pair of his winter long johns to keep her from chafing, watched her put them on, then helped her onto her mare.

“My cat?” she said.

“He’s in the basket behind you.” He’d fastened a closed-lid basket to the back of the saddle. Mary opened the lid and, smiling, dipped her hand inside.

Edward mounted his stallion. “We have to be going.”

They rode hard to the east for a while on the main road, trying to put distance between them and Salem Town. Then Mary left the road and headed towards a bush thick with oak and hickory trees. At the tallest tree she dismounted and said, “Did you bring a spade?”

Edward pulled the hand tool out of his saddle bag and gave it to her.

She got on her knees and began digging.

“Do you need help, Mary?”

“No, I’ve got it. She pulled out of the shallow hole a small taupe oilcloth wrapped in a bundle. When she opened it, Edward was surprised to see a large number of silver coins.

“Where did you get those?” he asked.

“I earned them.”

There was no way that amount of silver represented her wages from the inn. Edward didn’t want to think about what that meant.

It was too dangerous to continue on the main road. They would have to navigate eastward through the heavy forests. Mary wanted to go to Billerika, on the Concord River, about thirty miles as the crow flew. She knew some people there whom she had met on her journey from the New York Colony.

They traveled through the night, sometimes riding, sometimes leading their horses so they wouldn’t stumble in a hole under the black blanket of the foliage overhead. Edward tried to keep their direction true by referencing the North Star.

They continued for an hour or so past daybreak and then stopped near a brook.

“We’ll water the horses here,” Edward said, “and make camp in that thicket of trees over there.” It was too perilous to travel during the daylight hours.

“Did you bring me a change of clothes?” Mary asked.

“They’re in your saddle bag. There’s a towel and some soap there as well.”

Although the jailers had allowed her a basin and water, she had not had a bath in six weeks. Mr. Gates at the inn had laundered her clothing during her incarceration, and Edward had taken her a change each week on his visit.

“I’ll go and set things up while you bathe,” he said.

He walked the horses over to the site he’d chosen and tethered them loosely so they could graze. He laid out two blankets on the grass in the shade. Searching in his saddle bag for his own towel, he noticed the small tin of baking powder and the toothbrushes. He’d forgotten to give Mary hers. Few people cleaned their teeth, but Mary had introduced him to it, and he loved the freshness it left in his mouth.

On his way back towards the brook he heard her singing. It wasn’t a sweet, dulcet tune, the kind he imagined might come from her lips, but rather it sounded melancholy, the words monotonal, like a mantra. Creeping closer he saw her standing in water to her waist, lathering herself with the soap. He stared, agog, as she massaged her small breasts with the suds and then reached between her legs to wash herself there.

His instrument lengthened and thickened in his breeches to the point of discomfort. He tried to adjust it with his hand and when that didn’t work he shifted his feet to change his stance. The snap of a twig underfoot caused Mary to look his way.

She smiled. “It’s all right, Edward, you don’t have to hide.”

He stepped out from behind the bush. “I, uh, I wasn’t hiding, I just came to give you your toothbrush.” He held up the brush and tin of baking powder.

“Thank you,” she said. She started toward the bank of the brook and he walked towards her. She took the items from him, wet the toothbrush, and sprinkled some powder on it. The water at the bank was shallower than where she’d been standing, and Edward could now see a tuft of fine dark hair between her legs. At the sight of this, his instrument lurched and billowed out the front of his breeches.

“Oh no,” he groaned under his breath.

Mary was rinsing her mouth. She looked at him and smiled again. “Why don’t you come in the water and get cleaned up too, Edward?”

His Adam’s apple felt too large for his throat, and he was barely able to say, “All right.”

With his back to her, he took off his boots, his long white socks, his shirt, and finally his breeches. He slowly turned around, afraid she would be shocked at his nudity. Instead she stared at his instrument, a grin on her face. She held out a hand towards him and he waded into the brook.

“Would you like to clean your teeth?” she asked, offering the powder tin and her brush. He had forgotten his own up with his clothes. He took hers, and as he brushed, she splashed water onto his torso and began soaping his back, and then his chest and arms. Being taller than her, the water didn’t cover his waist, and his instrument was exposed and jerked with every gentle touch.

Embarrassed, he said, “I’m sorry, Mary. I’ve never been naked before with a… ” His voice trailed off.

“It’s all right, Edward. Are you a virgin?”

He shifted his eyes away and nodded.

Suddenly her soapy hand was around his shaft, stroking it up and down.

“Oh God,” he moaned, closing his eyes.

“You have a beautiful cock, Edward.”

The crude word sent a shiver rippling up his spine. “Oh please, Mary… be careful…I think I’m going to—”

She dipped his instrument into the water and when it sprang back up, she swallowed it to the root.

“Oh, sweet Mary!” he exclaimed. A sensation unlike any he’d ever felt shook him to the core. It seemed as if his entire life essence was shooting out of the head of his instrument, directly into Mary’s mouth. She stroked his shaft, swallowing and glugging, until finally his legs gave out and he stumbled backward into the water.

“Oh, Mary, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“Shhhh.” She put her fingers to his lips. She sat in the water beside him and kissed him, her tongue making lazy circles in his mouth.

When she pulled back he was astonished to see that the lines seemed to have disappeared from her brow and eyes. She looked as young again as the day he’d first met her.

“Does this mean I’m no longer a virgin?” he asked.

She smiled. “No. To be rid of that you must fuck a woman.”

He grimaced at the word and hoped God would not strike them down. But he also took some comfort knowing he had not committed that grave sin.


They slept until dusk before starting on their trek again. They had drifted a bit south during the night and needed to ride northward once they reached the Concord River. Despite his long sleep, Edward felt tired.

After a few hours they saw a cluster of buildings, a small town.

“Let’s go around it,” Mary said. “The place we want is farther north.”

They skirted the town and soon saw a log house along the shore of the river.

“That’s it,” Mary said.

They tethered the horses to a hitching post out front, and Mary knocked on the door. An older woman opened it—in her late forties, Edward thought, her hair streaked with gray and age lines creasing her face. When she saw Mary she called out her name and wrapped her in a hug.

“Hello, Mother,” Mary said. She turned to Edward to introduce him, and seeing the surprise on his face, said, “Oh, Lena isn’t my real mother. All the girls call her that. Lena, this is Edward. He saved my life.”

The woman stepped out of the doorway and hugged Edward, too. “Thank you for that, Edward. I can’t believe how they treated my dear sweet Mary.”

Mary got her cat out of the basket, and Edward took their belongings from the saddle bags into the house. There were three girls inside, ranging in age from fifteen or sixteen to mid twenties. Mary knew them all by name and gave each a hug in turn.

“You poor dears must be famished,” Lena said. She and the girls sat them at the table and served them soup and hard-crusted bread.

After they had eaten, it became obvious to Edward that Mary and the women had a lot of catching up to do. He still felt very tired, and the heat from the fire burning in the hearth wasn’t helping. He drifted off a few times while listening to the conversation, until Lena said, “Have you heard about Abernathy?”

“No,” Mary said. “What about him?”

“He’s contracted the pox. His wife and children have moved out and he’s in isolation.”

Edward felt like he’d been punched in the gut. “It was me,” he blurted. “I caused it.”

Everyone looked at him.

“How?” Lena said.

“I wished him to die of a disease. I cast a spell upon him.”

Lena gave him a motherly look, though the small smirk on his face spoiled it somewhat. “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, Edward. After all, you’re not a wizard, are you?”


He found the girls stares unnerving.

“I’m very tired,” he said.

“Of course,” Lena said. “I’m a terrible hostess. Let me show you to your room.”

Edward followed her. The room was small and the bed narrow. Lena turned down the blanket and said, “I’ll leave you to it.”

The room had no door, but it was out of sight of the main area. Out of modesty, Edward considered sleeping in his breeches, but they were dirty from the road. He took them off and crawled under the blanket.

He fell into a deep sleep, but every so often the drone of voices from the other room broke through. He heard isolated words that sounded like “virgin,” “cock,” and occasionally a monotonal chant that reminded him of Mary’s song earlier.

Sometime during the night he woke with a start. The room was black. In the doorway he thought he could see a silhouette.

“Mary?” he said.

The figure approached and pulled back his blanket. Suddenly a tongue was swirling in his mouth, a hand gripping his instrument.

“Oh, Mary,” he moaned. He felt her hair tickling down his chest, his belly, and then that same wet, warm bliss he had experienced earlier that day engulfed his instrument. This time he couldn’t hold back, and clutched her head as his hips flexed up to meet her mouth.

Just when he thought he might explode, she crawled onto him and inserted his instrument in her cleft.

“Oh yes, Mary,” he whispered. “I’ve waited so long.”

She swiveled up and down and side to side while he held her hips and jerked his pelvis up. Her hips didn’t feel as slim as what he had seen in the brook, and when he moved his hands to her breasts, they seemed larger than he remembered.

She leaned down and kissed him again, raking her nails on his shoulders. When she bit his lip the combination of pleasure and pain was too much. With a loud groan he let loose, his seed searing up through his instrument like molten lava.

“Oh yes!” Mary moaned, though it didn’t sound like her. She pressed her buttocks down on him hard, her body trembling. She teased her tongue over his lips, whispered “Thank you,” and was gone.

Edward pondered for a few minutes about what had happened. He was certainly no longer a virgin now. A sense of pride blossomed in his chest at the thought of this, though he also felt some discontent. It would have been better in the light of day, he thought, when he could have basked in the beauty of his beloved and gazed into her mysterious dark eyes. Still, it had been good.

A bone-weary lethargy overtook him and he fell into a deep slumber again.


He awoke to the clang of pots on the pot-bellied stove and the smell of frying bacon. He got dressed and walked into the main room. All the girls were there, including Mary, her smile radiant.

“Good morning, Edward,” she said. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes,” he said, smiling back. “Yes, I did.”

Lena emerged from one of the bedrooms, and Edward was shocked. The gray streaks had disappeared from her hair. It was now raven-black. And the lines on her face seemed to have smoothed out completely. She looked ten years younger.

The girls had ladled porridge into bowls and placed a platter of bacon on the table.

“Let’s eat,” Lena said.

They all sat down, and Lena and the girls stretched their hands out to each other. Edward took Mary’s and the youngest girl’s to the left of him. She looked older today somehow, he thought.

Lena shut her eyes and said, “Master, we thank you for this food and pray we can do your bidding today. We thank you also for delivering to us Edward and our Mary. May you strike down our enemies and grant us comfort in eternal youth. The seed is life.”

“The seed is life,” the girls intoned. They opened their eyes and looked at him, smirking.

Then Edward knew.

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This part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. Hi all, I am back with the continuation part. First of all, thank you all for liking and emailing me your feedbacks. I am extremely grateful for the efforts taken by you to mailing me down your feedback and messages on hangouts. Now, many people have asked for the gangbang, please don’t ask for it. I am not at all interested in any...

1 year ago
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THREE IS NEVER A flyboyB4By way of introduction, I wrote this story almost a month after it actually took place in 1984 and had posted it on another site. It got such amazing comments that I thought xham readers might also enjoy it. I had worked with Stacy’s mother for a year or two and we had become close. I was 53 and she was 50. I was divorced for a couple of years, and she had been divorced for over 10 years. She knew that I had a vasectomy many years ago. I was hoping that...

1 year ago
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PervMom Lolly Dames The Corruption of Dakota Bruns Chapter Three

Previously, Dakota Burns and Filthy Rich became obsessed with one another and started fucking in secret from the rest of their stepfamily. Now, Filthy Rich wants his wife, Lolly Dames, out of the picture and sends her away on vacation. But she isn’t going alone. Nicky Rebel will join Lolly to “keep her out of trouble,” a plan which undoubtedly backfires and plays an integral part in Dakota’s corruption. As a way of consoling his weeping stepmom, Nicky gives Lolly a good dicking to take her mind...

2 years ago
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Pt 55 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

This tells about the rest of the fun we had enjoying Angel on Tuesday night._______________________________________________________Joe had finally told the 2 gals then DPing Angel to quit. The top gal had just got out of Angels asshole when Angel said "I really hope your not done using me. I just had my 1st few tastes of cum & I would LOVE a lot more." Joe replied "NO, we are far from done with you. I just want to switch to real cocks for the next few hours. I'm wondering right now if there...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Neighbour Kalpna 8211 Part II

Dear ISS readers, hello to everybody. Once again Raj is with you with my second part of My Sweet Neighbour Bhabhi Kalpna – II. I request all readers to read my first part of story first if they had not read till now. Now I starts the second part of my story: Mein ab doosre room mein sota tha aur apni kismat ko kos raha tha. 5-7 din ke baad jab phir se bhabhi mere se normal ho gayi to maine bhi unse dobara se adult joke karne start kar diye. Wo bhi mere se adult joke share karti thi. Ek din...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Chloe Temple Cute young blonde Chloe Temple gets fucked and cream pied by her handsome masseur

Chloe Temple has to work today, she doesn’t want to go but she will, mostly to see her favorite co-worker, Brad. When she gets there she sees that Brad’s clients have canceled their appointments and it’s her job to let him know. He’s a little upset to hear it but he figures since he got everything set up already he might as well just massage Chloe instead. Chloe loves the idea of course. Things start off normal but this is the kinky spa after all, Brad eventually gives...

2 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 12

Lt. Tracy Parker crawled through the air vent from the power room of Aziz's compound. The way was gritty and grimy. As she crawled, her stomach, breasts, legs and arms became black with the dirt and filth that had collected inside the vents over the many months since the construction of the underground hideout. Enough light filtered through attached duct-work to light Tracy's way as she made her way towards what she knew would be a room close to the area where the bomb was suspected to be...

3 years ago
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I am German by birth. My father never told me how he was taken into indentured servitude in England. He was named Frederick Packer. I am named Alfred. I was born into servitude. I never knew another life. Sr. Darkbridge held my papers and those of my father. I never heard mention of my mother. Sr. Darkbridge was a practicing Puritan and let no man go by that was not chastised for not believing as he did. He seemed to hold dear the principle that only through constant beatings should a young man...

2 years ago
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First Time Sex At Early Age With Neighbour

Hello Indian sex stories reader, So here the sex story comes, my name is Ashok Rajput (name changed). This is my first story on ISS which is my real life encounter 2 years back in 2014. I am 22 year old right now lives in downtown of Surat, Gujarat with my family, studying engineering in reputed college of surat! I am a gym freak and so have a well maintained muscular build physique with height 5’10 and fair complexion and dick around 7.5 inch to be honest :p My story starts in late 2012’s when...

4 years ago
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A Dialogue With Father Time

A Writer's Block Solution Story The guy's probably a kook! I thought as I idly stared at the old man with the long flowing white beard, his face a road map of wrinkles. Ut Oh... , he's heading my way... "Hey there! You look stymied. Can't think of anything to write... ? Well, poor you..." "Can't you see I'm busy here? Who are you?" I ask impatiently. "Why, I'm Father Time! Don't you recognize me? I been keeping you company right down through the Decades. I keep picking your...

4 years ago
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Heroines Journey

Long ago, in the times of the ancients, a war was fought for control of the world of man. Known as Manna-Heim it laid in the heart of all the known realms. Control of it meant control over all other realms. Many vied for control. From the Snow Giants from the eastern world of Nifelheim, who planned to freeze it solid. To the Succubi that dance in the flames of the western world of Muspelheim, who desired to set it ablaze. This threatened the lives of all those that lived there. Knowing her...

1 year ago
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Our first swing club experience

Mia and I met on an adult site. We shared for a couple of months our deepest sexual thoughts. Neither of us was experienced but our discussions became very erotic. Mia is a 54 year old sexy Puerto Rican. Her 40d naturals attract alot of attention no matter where we are. Long black hair and standing at 5 foot 6 she loves the attention. We had never had anything other than one on one sex although we talked about it alot. She loved the idea of a threesome with another man but said she could never...

Sex With Stranger
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When I met Henry and Helene

I wanted to share my most wonderful experience. It happened 2 years ago today so once again the memories came flooding back, making me horny and wanting it to happen all over again.I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years. The sex was only ok and there was still no ring on my finger or any prospect of it ever happening. So when I caught him jerking off to a picture of my friend I decided that he was not worth it.Yet, I had been in a relationship for so long that the world outside had...

1 year ago
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A Forced Existance Part 3

A Forced Existance (Part 3) Chapter 18. On our way home Sue congratulated me on my performance, but said that there was always roon for improvement. With that in mind we are calling somewhere on the way home to get a little more work done on you. Any comments on today and what is happening now. I liked my session with Chris and hope to meet him again. Oh you will certainly see him again, in fact in a couple of days, but he will see changes in you, but not so, you seeing him...

3 years ago
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Katy Samanthas Secret part 2

Monday morning came round quickly after a lazy Sunday. Samantha as she was now going to be called in the office dressed in tight skirt and top and with bare legs and tight panties underneath she was off on her way to work. Alice and Keisha were already in deep discussion, Alice calling Samantha in to join them and after explaining the setup for their new posts showed the two of them to their new design and strategic planning office as they had decided to call the new department. Samantha smiled...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 147

The USS Iwo Jima was close enough I could read the name and ship number LHD7 on the bow. It was an amphibious assault ship with a flight deck like a carrier for helicopters and a well in the stern that could be open and discharge air cushioned landing craft or traditional tracked landing craft. It was a newer sister ship of the USS Boxer that was in the Arabian Sea. When ready to fight, it carried two thousand Marines and at times - special operations personnel. There were three landing...

2 years ago
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The New Guy Chapter 5

“I’ve finally gotten you alone for a minute, Jennifer!” Gretchen cheered as she stepped into Jennifer’s office and closed the door slightly. Pulling a chair up next to Jennifer on her side of the desk, Gretchen could hardly contain herself. “So… tell me EVERYTHING.” Gretchen anxiously waited for a response from her coworker.Jennifer’s eyes bulged, shocked at the sudden intrusion into her office. She had been trying to finish up her last-minute changes to her presentation for the staff meeting....

2 years ago
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The Sex Addict

"Cut! That's a wrap," said Phil, the cameraman. "There it is, that look." Jimmy had just pulled his still hard 8" member out of his co-star's wet pussy. "What look?" asked Nikki, somewhat distracted as she lay back contentedly on the couch they had just had sex on. Phil piped up. "You always look like you just took a hit of heroin after we film a cumshot. Your eyes glaze over and look, you're even still fingering yourself after the scene is done. I've worked with a lot of porn...

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Uncle Lees WayChapter 5

We all got going again on picking grapes again. I wanted to have enough to eat and enough to make a couple of runs of alcohol fuel. We went to the area where we had been attacked before and picked grapes, while I kept watch. We got a wheelbarrow full of grapes. I rolled the barrow back to the house and put them with the grapes from before to ferment. I started looking around for signs of anyone watching our house from hiding and found nothing. I talked to my wives about what we would need...

4 years ago
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Old Lonely finds a Friend

In the days when I had an appliance business in a small town in Kansas, I often laughingly referred to myself as "Old Lonely", the Maytag repairman. But occasionally I did find that being in the business of making customers satisfied meant going beyond the normal "service" work.One hot July afternoon, the phone rang and I picked it up."Pioneer Appliances" I answered."Hello, Bob? This is Amy McMullen. You sold us our Maytag dishwasher last year and it's full of dirty water and it won't pump...

1 year ago
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The bedroom is all set up: candles lit, house deserted, cat on her nightly tour.Looking forward to the great midnightly spectacle, I check the pendulum clock on the wall: Friday, 11.58 pm—the perfect time. All is set up as instructed.I'm sitting on the bed, cross-legged, holding the mysterious, beautifully crafted cube in my hand. My index traces the ornaments on it, the intricate designs, the seemingly erratic patterns that lose themselves in the most filigree fractals—a masterpiece of...

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cheerleading team slave

Shannon is very embarrassed and scared. It is Monday and at school all day she has heard taunts towards her as everyone in the school knows of her humiliating loss in a fight. It is the end of the day and she is heading to the freshmen cheerleaders locker room to begin as their slave having no idea what they will make her do. She enters the room and sees the whole team waiting for her "There's the stupid slut"-said colleen "now you need to commit to being our slave." "I will not be your slave...

2 years ago
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Double Ds

Double D's By: Lyrissa The apartment was nice, but its owner had certainly added a personal touch to it which made it appear almost tasteless. There were fuzzy pink rugs in the living room and bedroom, the shelves were full with tasteless souvenirs from various travels, and a well-used transparent and pink vibrator sat right out in the open in its recharger. There was a widescreen TV, and instead of paintings the walls had tasteless posters of hunky boy band singers and handsome...

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Whos the Sissy Now

Who's the Sissy Now? by Richard-to-Rachel Like many people, I was bullied in school. I was small, slender and effeminate and, as a result, was often called gay, queer, fag and sissy by school bullies. The fact that what they said was sort of true just made it closer to the bone and more painful to hear. Like many teenage boys, I was going through something of an identity crisis surrounding my body and my blossoming sexuality. The feelings that I had always had as a child that me...

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Har Dopahar Chachi Ki Chudayi

Hi my name is Prem Sharma from Surat mein 23 years old ka hu aur mera khud ka business hai. Yeh story meri or meri chachi ki hai k kese meine apni chachi ko choda meri family or chacha ki family ek hi floor pe reheti Hai meri chachi ki age 48 years old hai unki el beti hai meri chachi ka naam rachna hai name changed ha toh mein siddhe story par aata hu. Baat aaj se 2 months pehele ki hai mein rachna chachi ko mere school days se kharab Nazroon se dekhta tha jab bhi unko dekhta mera khada ho...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Bella Rolland Titty Fuck And Cock Ride

Smoky-eyed, thick-thighed stunner Bella Rolland peels red lingerie from her natural tits and squeezes them seductively. Director Mick Blue captures personal, close-up POV-style footage. Bella sucks his big cock, letting it poke the back of her throat in the course of a slobbering blowjob. Mick takes a titty fuck — lipstick smears her chin as spit flows onto her boobs. Bella mounts Mick for a deep cock ride that makes her squirm in orgasmic heat. She pants and screams as he thrusts inside...

2 years ago
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The Junior Prom Queen

A nerd and the prom queen get together. Friday Night: I was excited just to be invited to a high school party let alone one thrown by Biff Taylor the Captain of our Football Team. He is know for letting us nerds come to at least one of his parties a year but I was never invited before. I am a junior in high school and the Captain of our Chess Club. I am also on the Yearbook Staff as a photographer. When Biff invited me he told me to bring my camera incase there was anything to...

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My man Nick

It was the the day after Christmas 2000 in Seattle Wa,. I had been at my parents house in Redmond for the past 4 days celebrating the holidays with family. It started to snow around four o'clock that afternoon and i decided i had better head home to my apartment on Capitol Hill before the roads became unpassable, it dosen't take much to shut down Seattle. It took nearly two hours to make the normal twenty mini trip and by the time i got to my apartment there was more than three inches of wet...

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The Adventures of Karen Our First Time Conclusion

I could feel thepressure if her thighs against my ears, and if that wasn’t proof enough, her ragged breathing and ecstatic moans told me of her orgasm. Her hands both full of my hair, she pulled me up from her moist cleft. She thrust her hips against my face, saying, “Fuck me Grey! Fuck me now!” With a smile on my face and her essence on my nose and chin, I replied, “Not until I drink my fill from your cunt!”, and returned to my task of taking her over the edge once again. With my mouth...

Straight Sex
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Craving For Sister In Law

Hi all. This is a real story. I decided to write in short parts. I had sex with quite a few women by now. I am 26 and just married. Even today sex excites me more than anything. Of all the people I had sex with, this one excites me the most. Because it was more passionate and fulfilling. It was with my sister-in-law and the more special reason being I may not be able to have this forbidden fruit again. I got married this year and one thing I noticed was my sister-in-law was way hotter than my...

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I Knocked them Up Blacken

Here is the story of my first cuckolding of an unsuspecting husband and what I learned from it.As a light skin black college student I didn't have a same-age girlfriend but for three whole years got to regularly (like four to six times a week) fuck a 35 year-old medical professional guy's beautiful 24 year-old white wife, completely behind his back.I never used condoms with her because fucking her bareback made us feel we were connected much more deeply than if my black cock was rubber-clad....

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Serial Blasts At Australia

(This is the second part of ‘Can’t beat Nepali Gal’, after I left Nepal for Sydney, Australia.) I landed at 8pm. After clearing security and custom when I came to arrival lobby, I saw Sarmista with her dark, tall and handsome Boy Friend. They looked nice together. Sarmista looked much better and beautiful then in Nepal. Her slim body, fair complexion, shoulder-length saggy colored hair was in perfect match with her blue top and cream quarter pants. Her breast looked perfectly round and her ass...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 15

“Yes, I’m afraid that we’ll have to triage these. Too far gone and they’re enemy besides. Orders are orders,” Anne decided, still not feeling great about the idea. She never did, that much I knew. For that much, for all of our callous talk about the foe, even though they were despicable racist scum, it was against my instincts and my medical ethics to be too comfortable letting anyone die. I could be a cold, heartless bastard sometimes, but it wasn’t my default setting by any...

2 years ago
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Passing the BatonPrologue

"Paul is going to snuff me on my birthday" Sarah's comment caused her two friends to stare at her in astonished silence. "That's impossible Sara" said Juggy "Paul loves you. He would never snuff you. He doesn't even like snuff, not very much anyway" "Why would he ever want to snuff you?" asked Lila "You are her oldest slave, he loves you, and you run his household for him" "I never said he wanted to snuff me" Sarah continued soberly "I know he loves me, but he will snuff...

2 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 05

25. They Day after the Day Before It hit him that he had school Monday morning. He told his dad that he would be home by 10:00p.m. In addition, no he asked his parents, if they would please have one of his sister’s rooms made up for a guest, who might be staying ‘permanently’! Dycke asked his dad not to pick him up, because he would be arriving at a different area of the airport than passenger jets and that he and his guest would make their own way home. Chad was okay with this idea for two...

3 years ago
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Packing for the weekend

I am packing for our weekend together, and having difficulty deciding how much of our toybox to take. It's a short weekend break, I'm travelling light and I simply haven't got that much space after putting all the clothes, shoes & other things I need. Ours is, right now, a long distance relationship, and every second we spend together needs to be used well, so I'm packing light and trying to keep things simple. Handcuffs are easy. I had a clear out; ditched the tacky fluffy handcuffs and the...

3 years ago
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Sedici anni Capitolo 10

"Claudio, quanti soldi hai? "“Qua, conta", disse tirando fuori un rotolo di banconote dalla tasca, "è tutto quello che ho."Contai i miei ed i suoi soldi e sorrisi annunciando che eravamo giunti alla nostra meta. Tutto a posto e quella sera avremmo messo in azione il piano di Alessandro .Per tutta la settimana precedente avevamo lottato per trovare un po’ di privacy ma non ci eravamo mai riusciti. Sembrava che i nostri genitori stessero tentando di non permetterci di stare insieme da soli. Il...

2 years ago
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Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 4

"You have the Earthers?" asked Quacut, Imperial Minister, brother to the Czar and Raynoor's uncle. "Yes, minister, two are "entertaining" the crew; the other, Raynoor's "pet" is safely locked in his cabin." The face on the view screen scowled. "And Raynoor will be gone for at least two galactic days?" "Perhaps longer. I have an agreement with the Ravi Ambassador. He will keep your nephew busy until I send him a signal." "Very good. Raynoor doesn't know we are aware of his...

3 years ago
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Hlw everyone,the is the third part of the story .so as i told richa didi and me staying in our home and my mom dad had gone to some relatives house and its the next morning the its starts.i woke up in the morning and came out of my room and saw richa di in kitchen cooking ,she wake up early as my mom is not there so she will cook today ,she had became so resposible she greeted me 'she-good ra.she-aii cha khai jai.she-kakima bodhai bikala asba tai hba...

2 years ago
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A night at sea

Amy had been fairly certain in taking Adam’s offer that sex was involved. But it would hardly be their first time together. They had flirted on and off for all the years of their friendship, and a weekend spent on a boat together? well, why not? He wasn’t bad in bed, and she rather enjoyed their brief liaisons. They had, in some of their hotter interludes, talked about various things they’d like to try, but hadn’t really ever acted on them. Both her and Adam had – at one point or another –...

4 years ago
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Doctorrsquos diagnosis lsquoGAY in a dayrsquo

Doctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 1I am a man in my 50’s standing 5’10” at 220 pounds. My hair is salt & pepper and my skin is white with pink at the points of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, & dick head.I had a new insurance policy forced upon me by the president of the country, but figured I would make the best of it. Little did I know how this change would alter my life.I scheduled my annual physical with the new HMO doctor, a Doctor Jackson, forced upon me under the new...

4 years ago
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Lovemaking With A Married Beauty

Thank you all for the huge support and response for my previous story. It was really great to see feedbacks and comments. I apologize to people who ask for contact numbers, I will not share. Girls/milfs/matures can email me at for discreet fun. To people who don’t know me, my name is prem, I’m 27 years old, fair, average build. I’m very adventurous and I like to explore and be naughty at times. I value discretion and will be careful, as I’m not looking to destroy our marital, social and...

1 year ago
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Untitled Project

You clasp your hands together in delight as you look over your work. So much has been accomplished over the past few months to make your fantasy a reality. After all, ever since you got laid off from work you've had so much free time, and, well let's be honest, money is beginning to run a little tight. With a little engineering know how, some elbow grease, and the last of your savings, you've gone all in on this idea. The thought gives you a slight shiver as you think about how this might be a...

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Girlfriend8217s First Crush

Hello friends, this story is about my girlfriend. I always wanted to know about her past life . The thought of her past with other boys always thrilled me, there is always a tingling sensation inside me whenever I had a thought of her with other boys . We were in a very strong relationship and in deep love with each other and I thought these things will wouldn’t affect us . I use to chat with her every night . We use to chat on various topic whole night just in sake to have a each other company...

3 years ago
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After we had rested for a bit and cleaned ourselves off we had ourselves a cold drink. Cathy and Ashley were eager to continue playing and they both were quite horny. We were all sitting on the sofa, Ashley to my left Steven next to me and Cathy to his right. The girls began playing with our cocks stroking and teasing us until we were both hard again. I was eager for Ashley to begin sucking on my cock as I watched Cathy suck Stevens cock. Both of the girls did very well making Steven and I feel...

1 year ago
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Our Weekend Getaway

We are lovers who can't get away from our spouses often enough to satisfy our desires for each other. So when we got the opportunity to get away a couple days after Christmas, we took it. The anticipation leading up to the trip was almost uncontrollable. Were we really going to have more than 48 hours of uninterrupted time together? My panties stayed soaked in anticipation for days before we even left. He was practically panting by the time I got in the vehicle with him. The drive to our...

1 year ago
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A virgins first fist

Just a few years ago, I experienced my first major sexual experience. Up until I was about 21, I was a virgin, an endangered species at my age, and wasn’t too worried about. Then, a few months before my 22nd birthday, I met this amazing guy. He was perfect for me. We both enjoyed spending many nights just sitting around, playing video games, watching movies and what-not, but we also loved going out for romantic dinners. He was also big into the gift and flower giving. A few days before my 22nd...

First Time
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Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 4 The Prototype

I really have to give my three wives credit for their putting up with me and supporting me during the time I worked on the design. Thinking back on my moods during the past year, I realized that their forbearance qualified them for sainthood. The only time they even came close to questioning the work I was doing was one afternoon when Mary asked, “Jim, the three of us are curious about how the solar car works and why it will be so much better than the current designs. Could you explain it in...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 149

At the National Art Gallery in Dublin, a husband and wife from America were staring at a portrait that had them completely confused. The painting depicted 3 black men totally naked, sitting on a bench. Two of the figures had black penises, but the one in the middle had a pink penis. The curator of the gallery realized that they were having trouble interpreting the painting and offered his personal assessment. He went on for over half an hour explaining how it depicted the sexual...

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