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Now, the news anchors and their writers really were confused about how to cast my story. The three pimps were also drug and gun runners. I had just missed an ATF and FBI raid by about an hour. These three men were bad news, no matter how they were depicted. The locals agreed that Nyx was not so bad after all, and, just maybe, had been misjudged in their previous reports. The warrant against me was still outstanding, but I got the distinct impression that the police were not making any great...
Chris walked in not long after I got back from changing into my full sparring uniform. Sensei Douglas met him, and they had a short conversation that I could not hear. Sensei Douglas said, "Chris, I have a rare treat for you. By coincidence, my best pupil is here for a workout, so I thought you might like a workout with somebody who does not know your every move. I can guarantee you an interesting session." "OK, Doug, that sounds great. I'll be right back as soon as I can get changed...
Temporarily, we forgot about the South End Motorcycle Gang and went back to my first love: rapists and pimps. Another trip to Humboldt St. with me in my African-American disguise proved that we were a long way from getting rid of those bastards. I had hardly stepped out of the alley and started down the street when I was accosted by a man who looked like the very stereotype of a pimp, with his wide-brimmed hat, his black pinstriped suit, and his overload of chains and bangles. He looked like...
Chris' call to report the drug operation was not as satisfactory as he had expected. It turned out that the guy he was supposed to contact was not available, something about a trip to Toronto, and there was no word about when he would return. Chris finally figured out that he was getting the runaround while they were trying to trace his call. In disgust, he hung up, and let off a string of cuss words like I have never before heard in my life. Martha even looked impressed. When he ran out of...
By the time Nemesis was ready to join us, the weather had started getting too cold to spend time wandering the streets, so we were pretty much at loose ends until spring came back. After a few weeks of sitting around the house, I was not the only one getting a bad case of "cabin fever." Finally, I couldn't take it any longer! "Look, Guys, I've had it with the weather. I have got to get out and about. What do you say that we head South to Miami or someplace warmer like that?" I got a...
I thought that it would be a good idea to take a break from the Tom Cats and look for other scum bags to hit. I was afraid that the Tom Cats might go into some sort of hunkered down defensive mode if they got the idea that I was concentrating on them. If they did that, they might be impossible for me to find without more detective skills than I knew I had. I talked it over with Martha, and she had a suggestion. We rigged up a disguise for me where I looked like a low income, but not...
This was an exciting week for me, not so much for the work we did as for the way I got to know Chris. When you spend that much time with someone under such stressful conditions, you come to know him very well. I was more and more impressed by Chris and found my regard for him growing daily. We made one more pass at Humboldt Street, but drew a blank. It was my guess that we had simply scared the low-lifes to some other neighborhood, and it would take a while for them to come back. Therefore,...
Hi, everyone. This is my first story for Fictionmania following a long hiatus, and there must have been a lot of creative energy building up inside me over that time, because it's about four times as long as any of my previous TG fiction. I think I was also inspired by ambitious, talented authors like The Professor, Julia Manchester and Danielle J, whose work has done so much to raise TG fiction to a new level of sophistication and inventiveness. They gave me a lofty goal to...
CHANGE HERE FOR MARILYN MONROE By Charlotte Dickles I guess that in the light of the events over the next couple of days, those few words of the announcement at Dorton Station might have been declared apocalyptic. 'Change here for Marilyn Monroe...' the announcement said, and the end of the announcement was virtually inaudible, as most people on the train stood up and started yelling to their travelling companions to get off the train quickly, before it pulled out of the...
Howard Philkins had one really good thing that happened to him in his life, and it was so good that he almost didn’t believe it was happening. He wasn’t used to good things happening to him, and his natural impulse was to distrust the amazing thing when it occurred. It happened when he was retired from his job as a toll collector on the New Jersey turnpike. Actually, he was out on permanent disability, because his eyes went bad. After 40 years of collecting tolls, he could no longer make...
Act Two Scene One As the curtain opened, the music started -- Audrey and I started this scene with the Johnny/Norma verse of ‘Why?’ I was aware that the audience would give an appreciative applause at first sight of the traditional buxom, eye-dropping, gorgeous creature known to me as Audrey but to those 800, she was Marilyn Monroe. Maurice was told about my expectations as he just kept vamping, as the wolf whistles and applause happened. I sang my verse, and as the vamp started up for her,...
Melanie Monroe was born in Florida on September 14th, 1976. She spent her young adult life working various retail gigs until, in 2009, at the age of thirty-two, Mel was faced with a difficult breakup.From Break-Up to Great FuckMel was living in Miami, Florida, at the time of the breakup, which isn't a bad city to be single in. While recovering and repairing her heart, Mel ran into and became friends with Adriana DeVille.Adriana DeVille worked for both Reality Kings and Bang Bros at the time....
Twitter Porn AccountsMallory felt naked as she stepped into the night. Like a frightened child, she peered from her shadowed doorway, searching for any sign of someone coming her way. Seeing no one, and with a churning mix of relief and trepidation, she forced herself to begin the long walk toward the complex gate.The night was quiet on this side of the wall. Mallory’s senses were tuned for any sign of movement. By the time she was half-way to her goal, she’d heard nothing but the sound of her own heels on the hard...
MoneyThe next night, we revisited Gutierrez and McMichael Export and Import to try to get a better picture of what was going on. We returned to James Boniface's office and gave it a thorough going over. The other filing cabinet in his office was full of small plastic bags of a white powder; we were sure it had to be drugs. OK, now we knew where the courier was picking up his merchandise, but we didn't know how it was getting to Boniface's office. We went through the papers in Boniface's desk,...
Now it was Archie's turn. We had an address, but not much else. Like most of our clients, Archie was using an abandoned building as his headquarters. This was a four-storey masonry building, and we could see some lights on the third floor. We decided that Ajax needed the practice, so we climbed the outer wall to get to the fire escape. Once at the fire escape, it was simplicity itself to reach the roof. The three of us went up and slithered over the parapet when Phobos signaled that it was...
Now it really hit the fan! I don't quite know how to describe the people who were doing it, but we were being verbally attacked from all sides by people who were sure that we had precipitated the apocalypse by training people in how to defend themselves. "That's the job of the police!" was the most often heard criticism, but these were mostly the same people who were screaming about a fear of a "police state" and how their taxes were high enough already, so we didn't need more...
Big Bertha had taken more time than we had expected, so we quickly moved on to a different street, but in the same neighborhood. This street did not have as much action as we were looking for, so we shifted to another neighborhood. The weather was damned hot for us damyankees and Phobos began to show some signs of a "hangover" from this afternoon's sun. He was forced to join Martha in the car while the rest of us continued our patrol. Ajax was feeling especially important, since this left...
"OH ... MY ... GOD!!! I AM PREGNANT!" I'm sure that I could be heard clear to North Adams, I yelled the words so loud. The rest of our extended family erupted into cheers and applause. Such was the report from the home pregnancy kit. Of course, we wouldn't know for sure until I visited a doctor. It's amazing the number of people Martha knows and can call in favors from—she had me scheduled in for a complete examination at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I hope I can wait that long for...
I double checked the unconscious Tom Cats to make sure that I was not intruding on an innocent party. No way! Two of the men in the room were the rapists I was hunting for. In fact, one of them was the leader of the group that attacked me. Now I really felt good about picking this room. I glanced at the TV and saw that Jerry Remy was in the process of going over the lineup of the visiting team and pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. That meant that the game had not started yet, so I...
At last, we were going after the Tom Cats headquarters. Martha drove us to the site and went some blocks away to park. We were afraid that she might be spotted if she parked close by and warn the Tom Cats of our presence. It was not safe for Martha to sit in the car unprotected, so Chris had taught her how to shoot the Beretta I had taken from the police captain a few months previously. We planned to enter the building from the roof over the kitchen. There was a maintenance trap door there...
Well, there's nothing like subtlety, I guess. There it was: a large burning swastika over the door. On one side was a sign that said "Death to filthy Jews" and on the other a sign that said "Death to scabby Niggers." Of course, the Free Speech amendment assured that they could get away with it, especially in a city as liberal as Boston, but I did think that the whole thing was going more than a little too far. Over the icon was a sign proclaiming "Home Clubhouse of the South End...
She stood under the shower head, letting the hot beads pound on her head and neck before running down her back. She moaned and shifted slightly, enjoying the heat and pressure of the water. It had been a hell of a week and this was the first scrap of free time she'd had to herself all week and she was going to take as long as she could. Picking up the shampoo bottle and depositing a generous amount into her hands she began to lather her hair slowly, enveloping herself in the scent of coconut...
Some time had passed since we last sat down together and worked on this; Audrey used the ‘Let’s separate to see what we can think of away from each other’s premises’ concept, which actually worked. I called her to come over, telling her I had the words and a possible rhythm to another new song, called “Why?” She was there in less than ten minutes, I asked her to sit down in front of the piano and start a 50’s Motown backbeat. She did and I placed a piece of paper in front of her. She...
The scene started and went really well; practically everybody was off script, a director’s dream. I motioned to Maurice. He played a beautiful interlude as Darlene started to sing... MARILYN “Everybody hears me talk, but none of them actually care, I’m trying my best to rehearse all my lines, While someone is doing my hair.” “This whole damn movie business is really hard to stand. The lights, the cameras, the lines and the people, Have all become -- so grande” “All I want is a drink. A...
As with the other Norma’s, I went up to Doreen and explained her emotional need in the song. She listened carefully and when I was finished, she said, “Thanks.” Being a song that nobody but Audrey and myself knew, I motioned Maurice to start ‘Dying of Boredom’... JIM “The problem of marrying a girl with a plan, Is that she might not Have, a place for a man, When I first met Norma, my sweet Norma Jeane She was so young... and just barely fifteen.” NORMA “The boys that I met growing up as a...
The other actors all freeze on stage as the music starts to play. Maurice changed from a piano sound to an organ sound a few rehearsals ago and I liked it a lot. MARILYN “Everybody hears me talk, but none of them actually care, I’m trying my best to rehearse all my lines, While someone is doing my hair.” “This whole damn movie business is really hard to stand. The lights, the cameras, the lines and the people, Have all become so grande” “All I want is a drink. A little scotch and soda All...
The car grew silent as the motor’s hum faded. It was an eerie feeling, the air inside heavy and full of expectation. It was always like that, and Mallory associated this quiet moment with the sex that always followed. Weeks earlier, she'd been terrified by that sense of vacuum, but now her fear had gone, replaced by a flush of tingling heat as her pussy became wet with anticipation. “Um, I’m not much for condoms,” the man said, reaching for his wallet. “Would you mind if we go bareback? I want...
MoneyWe’ve had a lot of fun in our neighborhood, and playing around sexually is a hobby that everyone enjoys. I’m happy to say I’ve been intimate with eight of my girlfriends already, and that list seems to be growing. I know Elexis, Jodi and Brandi like girls, but I have yet to experience sapphic sex with them firsthand, other than watching Jodi and Laurie fool around a few weeks ago.The four of us were over at Elexis’ house the other day after golf, when the conversation centered around sex toys...
Audrey and I needed to make our first cut. I gave everyone a lunch break. Some stayed. We huddled up and discussed whom we were keeping. If she would take it, Darlene would make a wonderful Gladys, getting to sing two first act songs. We were still short men, but we still had plenty of talented people to cast this show from. We went to the car and created our cut down list, and printed and posted it on both doors to the theatre. We sat on the edge of the stage watching all kinds of...
After a couple of days of blocking scenes, it’s time to hear some of our music. Maurice had completed the orchestrations and the overture and entre act. He brought in a couple of his keyboards and synthesizers. We were eager to hear what he’d done. “DARLENE and CAITLYN! -- On stage, please?” They came up, I asked, “Have you looked over ‘I Was Born?’” They both said ‘Yes’ as I cleared everyone off the stage, putting them back to back telling them to sing out, not to each other, but to...
ALMOST NO ONE has ever heard of Ms. Jennifer Penelope Deaux-Fontaine, but plenty of folks know her alter ego, her nom de plume, her pseudonym, her pen name, Wendy Wilde, the wicked writer of sexually explicit novels and articles. Yeah, that Wendy Wilde. The same offbeat writer who had more people hating her than even Adolf Hitler could ever have imagined. But, as of today, everyone's heard of the woman behind the Wilde mask. Anyone, that is, who bothered to read last night's evening paper....
Tim, Troy, Rob, Frank, and Jeff were quiet most of the way on the drive to the address included with their multi-colored cards found in their lockers after the beating the Rough Riders had given to the Johnson Jaguars. The five young men crammed into Jeff’s GTO were mostly quiet, daydreaming about the story Troy had told them. “I think I know what this is. You guys feel like having an experience?” Troy asked with a strange, tilted smile. “My dad told me a story that he said I could never...
“In from the woolly wilds,” Dad laughed as we all slid into the seats and waited for the waitress to come around and take our order. We all smiled but said little as it was his standard ‘joke’ each time we came into town. Living in the middle of the Black Mountains, the small mountain range that runs along the southern edge of Wales, part of which is famous as the Brecon Beacons, did occasionally feel like being out in the middle of nowhere. Even though it was only three miles away, we couldn’t...
Black Orchids and Wildflowers by Armond 1. Friday, 5:00 PM Sam was all about helping people. But for Samuel Albert, Esq., this week of endless legal counseling needed to end. Friday had stretched into three forevers, crawling by like a turtle, appointment after appointment. Or was that sliding by like a snail? Tricky things, metaphors. His last of the day, appointment, not metaphor, was Last Will and Testament drafting time with sweet Mrs. Beasley and her son...
Lynneth trudged along the dirt road. Her legs were tired and sore, her skin filthy, and her clothing smelled of the three weeks' travel she'd spent. Her home was forbidden to her now; she could not return until she had found the subject of the dream. That damn dream.... she silently cursed. The dream had been littered with omens her grandmother had deciphered for her. Few were good. And because of them, the elders had sent her away, fearing the darkest times possible to come from them if she...
Welcome to Liberty Girl & Onyx. For this CYOA you will be given the option of following one of two characters. Ashley Wilson AKA Liberty Girl: The heroine of Ultra City, Ashley Wilson a geologist who was granted superhuman abilities after being exposed to mysterious meteorite. Her powers include super strength, speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, invulnerability and the power of flight. Simply put, she is basically unstoppable as the superheroine Liberty Girl and her very presence in Ultra City...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 25 - Home of the Wildcats The time was fast approaching for the concert to begin. I was nervously pacing in my bus. I had been assuring myself all day that nobody would see the similarity between Sarah...
Wildfire This is a story that I started, and wrote a few chapters of, on another site several years ago. I'm not comfortable with just bringing it here, so I'm rebooting the whole thing. I know, some of the characters are blatant rip offs, but the idea for this story came to me almost 30 years ago. Some of the characters reflect that. I admit that although these are Marvel characters, the name Wildfire is a dedication to my all time favorite, a member of DC's Legion of Superheroes....
Onyx Blessing Chapter 1 I was walking about downtown one day when I came across this odd store. It had scented candles, incense, masks, clay figures, earrings, and so on. The floor was like an old hut. Planks of wood laid across, with matching wooden shelves. As I browsed through the the various oddities, I noticed this necklace. It was a polished onyx rock with a hole drilled through the top, and a black leather strand going though it. I knew I wanted it. I took it up to the...
50yo Girls Gone Wild Just about everyone has heard of “Girls Gone Wild” where young attractive girls willing show the camera their boobs, butts, or pussies and sometimes all three. They are usually drunk, drinking, or just get caught up in the moment by their friends. No matter what…they are very sexy DVDs to watch. My favorite is “Girls Gone Wild - On Campus.” It is an old DVD and apparently its out of print (I checked their web site). Anyway there are hundreds of girls flashing. A...
Flowers in Her HairThe flowers were waiting for Julie when she pulled up to her apartment. A bouquet of daisies resting upon the welcome mat putting a smile on her face. Even after all these years, she mused as she unlocked the door, then closed it behind her before searching for an unused vase to set them on, settling on a glazed pink cylinder, which was placed on near the kitchen window. She’d always loved flowers. The backyard was small, but there was enough room to keep a carefully...
Group Sex14yo Girls Gone Wild I was suckered into chaperoning a field trip with Miss Amore. She was the Earth Science teacher and it was her idea to take just the girls off into the woods for a full day of exploration. I was the teacher adviser of the Photography Club and Miss Amore told me to come prepared to take some nature pictures. Miss Amore had requisitioned a small bus for the trip that would hold the nineteen girls and her along with the driver, I was to be the bus driver too. She...
've been a single dad for quite a few years now, my daughter's mother simply wanted a divorce and didn't want anything else to do with me or Jenn. You can ask me why but I really have no clear explanation, that's just the way she wanted it.So, I became Mister Mom when she was five and, while it's been a strenuous job being a single parent, there have always been abundant rewards that have made it far more than worthwhile.Jennifer has always been both pretty and bright, I've never had to push...
On the way back from home to cave zero eight, Zax was torn with his decision to leave his family and friends, even though he stopped talking to them, for three years. When he saw his parents' eyes, Zax traced regret in them. It made him ask himself all the more what his big sister told them to make them agree to let him go. Ultimately Zax kept his questions buried in his wondering mind. 'Maybe', he came up with one possible solution. 'They chose to benefit of the doubt in their decision,...
Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...
VoyeurHello everyone! I am the 21-year-old guy from Hyderabad my name is Charan. This sex story happened almost a year ago and I want to share with you all. Please give feedback at This is a real incident that happened in my life.Read along to know. The lady of the sex story is Keerthana (name changed). She is a friend of mine who stays near my house. Her age is 19, she is 5’2 stats are 32b, 28, 36 not very big but can make men very horny. We are just casual friends, we barely text. One day, she...
This chapter contains mature subject matter. It should not be read at a distance nearer than 1.352 astronomical units. The characters and plot are probably shamelessly stolen from other sources. If you find themes of transformation to be repulsive, you will be repelled. If you like French toast, does that mean you are a Gallophile? Who Is Mercy Wild? Chapter 1 by Jacquie Windsor [email protected] "Boadie's late again," sighed Terry, the lead singer and guitarist of...
Carla Carrington sighed, took a sip of her vodka collins, and pulled the strap of her bikini away from her back. She was restless. No, she was just totally fucking horny, craving sex in the worst way. As she lay in the early Saturday afternoon sun, she reminisced about her college days when she had been a real party girl. When Carla first experienced sex at the age of 18, she couldn't hold back. Carla had fucked at least half of the Deke house at Ole Miss, lots of Kappa Sigs and even a few...
InfluencersGoneWild is exactly the way I like to see my favorite internet celebrities. I’m a fan of Twitch gamer sluts, Instathots, Snapchat whores and even the lovely babes of YouTube. I’ll have to admit, though, I’m a bit of a pervert. They don’t call me ThePornDude for nothing! That’s why I’d much rather see those girls in social media porn like nip slips, nude galleries and OnlyFans vids than in SFW viral videos.InfluencersGoneWild.com scored a good name and a killer domain, if you want my...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesNote : This story is completely fictional! I heard that girls gone wild was coming to my town and I knew I would be there. Sure I’m married with a eighteen year old but those commercials are the closest thing to porn my wife allows. At any rate I told my wife that my buddies and I were going to a card game and I would be home late..very very late. I met two of my buddies from work and as we walked into the club my dick was already hard. A hot little teen wearing a white tshirt that was soaking...
IncestThe silence was almost deafening, even the small camp fire in front of Mona had burned down to the point where the crackling sound was barely audible anymore. The forest had long fallen asleep and the sounds of nocturnal a****ls were few and far between.It reminded Mona of her c***dhood, growing up in an age when a Diskman was the state of the art she had never listened to much music. When she had finished school everyone was suddenly running around with smartphones, ipods were long outdated...
Wild world Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in the courtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of raping and murdering a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and with nothing else to save, but my pride, I answer, "Yes, your...
Wild world by Sylvia Wechsel Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in themcourtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of rape and murder of a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and since I have nothing else to save, but my...
As you will notice, this is all written with a north London accent. Almost all"H"'s are dropped e.g 'ouse-House, 'eads-Heads, 'ave- Have etc. I have written He's as 'ees and Handsome as 'aandsome because people from that area tend to stretch out those words. Slang words some people may not be familiar with are listed below. glossary Beemer – BMW Bell – Telephone call Bird – Time in prison Bog - Toilet Bollocks - can mean rubbish or testicles, depending on context Bollocksed –...
"I am pleased to announce the newest partner at Jensen, Sharone and Anderson, Susan Conroy. Congratulations Susan." Vigorous applause filled the conference room and a parade of partners, associates and staff shook her hand and offered further congratulations. The irony that the first to shake her hand was her personal secretary Jennifer and the last John Stickner was not lost on her. John looked her straight in the eye and told her he had the utmost respect for her abilities, effort and...
Reddit GoneWildAudio, aka r/GoneWildAudio, aka GWA Reddit! Do you remember, back in the day, when the highlight of our porn life was either to buy a porn video, get some bootleg shit, or make one of those calls where you get to talk to an actual sex worker? Well, this subreddit is sort of like that, but not really. It is called GoneWildAudio and I think that pretty much explains what it has to offer… right?As for Reddit by itself, I think it is safe to assume that everyone knows and loves...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit GoneWildPlus, aka r/GoneWildPlus! Ah, you gotta love the ‘gone wild’ category overall, because that means that there will be lots of lovely babes doing something naughty. Well, on Reddit.com you have a variety of categories that are seen as ‘gone wild,’ and this one in partial is dedicated to all the pretty plus sized chicks. I think you can get that from the title as well since I am talking about r/GoneWildPlus/ subreddit.So, if you are interested in the plus-sized chicks, and you...
Reddit NSFW List