Reflections Ch. 06 free porn video

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This is the final chapter. Thank you for those who stayed with me on this one. As always a big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for his editing and making this a much better read.


‘Why do you want to go to college?’ I asked Vicky. I do have to say it bothered me. I wanted to trust her but because of my past, I was also worried.

‘I’m taking a citizenship test to become an American citizen. I have to go twice a week for the next six months. My travel visa will expire in nine months.’

‘You know if you would just marry me you could stay in this country. You wouldn’t need to go to college’

‘Buddy, we’ve talked about this and I think we have a good thing going. I love you and you love me. Your mom told me about your first wife going back to college and the problems that occurred. I promise you I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that. You have to learn to trust me more. You are my life.’

What could I say? She wanted to become an American citizen and stay with me. I told her I would take her shopping for a vehicle the next day. Mom smiled at us as we were leaving. I wondered if something was up.

After work the following day we went car shopping. I took her to the expensive sports cars figuring that would be what she wanted. She would sure look sexy in them even though it would make me a bit more insecure. Instead she went to the family type sedans. ‘I want something more like this,’ she stated.

‘I figured you would want something a little more sporty?’ I replied.

‘They’re nice but I want a vehicle with a back seat for the baby.’

‘Baby! What baby?’ I said rather shocked.

‘The one we are having in about six months. I wanted to surprise you. I hope you’re happy.’

I was shocked! ‘I’m happy but a bit shocked. I thought you used a diaphragm or something?’

‘I did till I moved in with you. Are you really happy?’

‘Yes, I am. We should get married you know.’

‘No, the baby will carry your last name. I don’t want anyone thinking I got pregnant to get you to marry me. Isn’t that what happened in your last marriage?’

She was right and people would think she tricked me. I wasn’t sure about kids but I knew Vicky wanted them. I remembered her mentioning it.

Life was good and Vicky had a special glow about her while being pregnant. She was happy and never complained. She had told Mom before she told me. That’s why Mom had smiled at us.


I’ll need to jump ahead here for a bit. We had a baby boy and named him William. Vicky and I called him Billy from the start. In the next three years we had two more kids. Our daughter we named Sasha. Vicky said she always liked that name. We named our other son Charles and nicknamed him Chad. After Chad was born I had a vasectomy. Vicky and I decided we had enough children.

I asked Vicky from the beginning if she wanted a nanny to help with the kids. She told me she was going to raise her own children and be there for them. She loved being a mother. Mom offered to help if she ever needed anything. Mom would watch them when Vicky had an advertising shoot.

During her first pregnancy she got a job offer. It was to do a shoot for pregnant women’s clothing. They couldn’t believe they found someone like Vicky to model the clothing in women’s magazine ads. It made Vicky happy that she was able to work and at her own pace.

After Billy was born she took a few offers to work with hair product ads and lotions. I believe it made her feel more self-assured. She never asked me for money.

One thing I never mentioned to anyone was that Vicky could easily support herself. She told me she had over eight hundred thousand dollars saved from her modeling days.

Shortly after Billy was born Vicky took her citizen test and passed it with flying colors. There was a party gathering for all the new citizens and we attended it. I felt a bit out of place but I was there for Vicky. I noticed she was one of the more popular people in her class, even though she was pregnant through all of it.

Many men and women came up to greet her and she introduced them to me. They would hug her and tell her how they would miss her. When there was music playing a number of the men asked Vicky to dance. She would look over at me and say, ‘No, I don’t think so but thank you anyway.’ If any persisted she would hold my arm and smile.

It was enough to let her classmates or friends know she was with me. I just had this thing about strange men holding my wife (that’s how I thought of her) too close. I knew I carried jealousy now but it wasn’t something I wanted. I wish I wasn’t that way.

Vicky had met some of the other women in our apartment building. They were all married and began visiting one another. They convinced Vicky to join the exercise gym. It was only a few doors down the block from where we lived.

At first I was worried because it was déjà vu all over again. It’s how it started with Marlene. Shortly after she had the kids she joined the same gym. I wasn’t sure of what to say to Vicky. She has done nothing wrong and just had a few new friends in our apartment building. I’m looking back and seeing her go to college and now the gym.

I did tell her I was worried a little about the gym with all its male members hitting on her. She smiled and said that she was going three times a week for two hours and it was women only. I really do believe that she liked that I was a little jealous.

I asked who was going to watch Billy and she said she was taking him with her. They did provide a baby sitting service. I felt a little better after that.

One night after I came home Vicky mentioned we were invited to a dinner party at one of her friend’s apartment. I guess she was throwing a small birthday party for her husband. She introduced me to her friends and we had dinner with them and their spouses. Vicky was definitely in a class of her own and did get flirted with all the time.

These couples were all my age so seeing Vicky there must have made them wonder what she was doing with an older man like me. To be honest here, I’m not a bad looking guy but I did look my age. I even got flirted with by a couple of the women at the party.

After the party I asked Vicky if any of the husbands of her friends tried to hit on her. She told me that they flirted but she let them know that she was a one man woman and I was that man and if they ever pushed the envelope that she and I had no secrets and that she would tell me.

One thing I should mention, but most people realize. Vicky told me that women get hit on and flirted with all the time. It’s how they handle it that counts. Some men are just predators and others want to see what they can get away with. She also told me that there are a lot of women the same way and that I should watch out too.

Vicky had mentioned to me if I had a problem with her going to the pool with her girlfriends. Needless to say it bothered me but I knew that I had to learn to trust Vicky more.

She said she needed to try on her bathing suit and when she walked in the room I looked at her nearly shocked. ‘There is no way in hell you are going to wear that suit to a pool. Maybe in a hot tub with only you and me in it.

‘Two band-aids and a cork would cover more.’ Vicky started laughing. She had put on that suit just to rile me up. She did come out later in a one piece but still looked great.

I did worry about her but that’s what men do, worry about the women they love. Vicky did spend a little time during the day with her friends. She kept busy with Billy and also going to see my parents. She loved visiting with them.

One day when I got home early Vicky was still at my parents’ house with Billy. There was a knock on the door and it was one of her friends Jenny. She came to see Vicky and wanted to know if she wanted to go for a girls’ night out with her and some friends.

Jenny ask
ed me a lot of personal questions, to which I mumbled out a few answers. She was out and out flirting with me. I could have taken her in the room and fucked her. She even told me if I was ever bored to give her a call. I tried to be nice and told her I would pass her information about the girls’ night out to Vicky. She flirted a little more, which made me uncomfortable and then left.

When Vicky came home I wondered whether I should tell her about Jenny and the flirting. ‘Vicky, your friend Jenny came to see you. She wanted to know if you wanted to go out with the girls tonight.’

I held back telling her about the flirting. Also I didn’t want to tell her I wished she wouldn’t go out with these women. I was doing my best to trust her.

‘No, I don’t do ‘girls’ night out.’ All it seems to do is bring trouble to a relationship. If a woman is single and out looking for guys, it’s one thing. But, for married women to go to a bar or lounge and want to meet up with other men spells trouble. If I want to drink and dance, I’ll go out with you.’

She then came up and kissed me. ‘Vicky, I don’t want to have any secrets from you. I think your friend Jenny was trying to put the make on me. I felt I should tell you.’

‘You didn’t do anything did you?’ asked Vicky.

‘Of course not. Why do you think I’m telling you?’

‘Mary, my other friend says that Jenny and Mark are swingers. Usually you just have to tell them you’re not interested and they’ll leave you alone. In fact I carry mace in my purse for those guys that can’t take no for an answer. I will tell Jenny to leave my man alone if she still wants to be friends.’

Vicky was so non-chalant when it came to people. She explained to me that she has come across many swingers, lesbians, and perverts in her modeling career that it doesn’t bother her. She tells them they can have their lives as long as it doesn’t include her. I have to admit she is quite the woman.

It was then she told me she had another surprise for me. She went to the doctor and was pregnant again. It was with Sasha. Again I was surprised but happy. Vicky was a great mother and took the kids with her most every time she went somewhere. Of course that made me happy.

After Chad was born I had the vasectomy. We both decided we had a big enough family. We did many things as a family. Throughout the years we were involved with the kids in everything they were in. I have to say having Vicky there was a lot easier on me then when I helped raise Mike and Lisa without a woman by my side.

While pregnant with Sasha we knew we needed to buy a house. We went house hunting and Vicky asked if we could get one close to where Mom and Dad lived. She liked visiting with them and it gave them a chance to see the kids.

We bought a house just before Sasha was born. It was big but not as big as Mom and Dad’s. We had five bedrooms and three baths and enough closet room so I could have my clothes in the master bedroom.


I need to go back and explain a couple of things. Needless to say when Vicky first moved here my daughter Lisa wasn’t sure of her. When the kids came home from college they had to stay with Mom and Dad since we didn’t have the room.

One day Vicky was home from college and learned of Vicky’s pregnancy. She came over to see us and was telling us she was surprised we were starting a new family. Vicky looked at her. ‘You are wrong Lisa. We are not starting a new family. We are all one family. You will always be your father’s daughter as Mike will always be his first son.

‘We are just continuing our family. Any children we have will be your brother or sister. As for me I hope to be your friend. One you can confide in. I know what it’s like to be raised without a mother. I never knew mine. I’ll always be here for you if you need to talk or even shop.’

Lisa looked differently at Vicky from that day forward. Vicky would stop over every time she was home. One day she asked Vicky if she would go shopping for a dress. There was a formal dance at college. They went shopping and Vicky bought a couple of maternity dresses. Lisa didn’t find a dress.

Vicky took Lisa into her closet. ‘I’m sure we can find something for you in here. I have a friend who is a seamstress. She’s one who can make sure it fits you perfectly.’

‘But, these are your Paris originals! Why would you do this for me?’ asked Lisa.

‘Because, I love your father and so I love his daughter. Besides, look at me, I won’t be wearing outfits like this for a long time and besides I’ll have to get them fitted anyway.’

Over the next few years whenever Lisa needed a nice outfit, Vicky always took her to Victoria’s closet. She even had shoes to match most every outfit. They became the best of friends.

After Lisa graduated she met a wonderful man and was to be married. She introduced him to us and told us about their wedding. She asked Vicky if she would help her with the wedding plans. They did it for the next six months. When it came time for a wedding dress, Vicky took her to Victoria’s closet and showed her the dress she had worn in the shows.

Lisa couldn’t believe Vicky would part with the dress. ‘I know we’re not that far different in age, but I love you like a daughter.’ said Vicky to Lisa.

They got the dress altered and needless to say my little girl looked beautiful. My son Michael was married two years later. Here I was with three kids at home and a woman I loved with all my heart but she wouldn’t marry me.


As time went on life was so good. I had a wonderful woman by my side and she was a fantastic mother to our kids. She was also a great business attribute.

Whenever I had a dinner engagement I had Vicky on my arm. A lot of people were surprised when they found out we were a couple. It was odd when strangers saw us together and they would catch me alone and ask me what service I was using. I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or proud. Whenever I told Vicky about it she would put on a little show.

Sometimes it was just a kiss or maybe she’d show a little extra leg. A few times she put her hand in my lap. If we were out with another couple and the man would ask to dance with Vicky I was always a little worried but I didn’t need to be. Vicky was always able to handle the situation.

As the years passed our kids grew up but even as teenagers we were there for them. Whatever they were in we attended as family. Even as we aged Vicky was always a beautiful woman. After our first child was born she had her long hair cut. She donated it the to an organization that helped kids with leukemia. They made human hair wigs for them.

After her hair grew back she cut it again about ten years later. I honestly considered her the perfect woman. About the only modeling she was doing now was facial and hand creams. She had these beautiful green eyes that pulled you in when you looked into them.

She donated a lot of her dresses or gave them to family members and friends. She still kept quite a few but since having the children she had to have them altered. Needless to say the kids pretty much changed her body but it was still beautiful and I loved kissing and rubbing oil on every inch of it.

At least once every other year we would take the trip to Paris to do the audit and visit with Ron and Barb. They had kids of their own who would soon be in the family business. While I would audit the books Vicky and Barb would go see some of Vicky’s old friends.

Most were married and doing some modeling job. They weren’t part of the traveling troupe anymore. Vicky always seemed both happy and sad after our visit to Paris. I asked Vicky if she was disappointed with the decision she made to come live with me.

‘No, not in a million years. Don’t get me wrong. I love Paris and I enjoyed being a model. I’m both happy and sad to see my old friends but I would never have wanted to give up the family and life we have together. I’m sure ever
yone knows that by now.

‘Buddy, you and I were always meant to be together from the day we met. I really believe that and bet my life on it and won.’

I kissed her.


My ending thoughts:

There was a knock on the church office door. It was my youngest son Chad. He was the only one still at home, He would be graduating next year. Sasha and Billy were already in college but came home often.

‘Everyone was wondering where you were Dad. It’s time for us to go in the sanctuary. Everyone is waiting for you.’

I got up dabbed my eyes from all the reflections. You see, for my sixty-fifth birthday Vicky asked me to marry her. After nearly twenty-one years she said everyone should know that she has loved me for the wonderful man I am.

Chad, my youngest son was my best man. Our daughter Sasha was one of Vicky’s bridesmaid and our son Billy was giving his mother away. My twins from my first marriage were both in the wedding. Lisa, my oldest daughter was one of Vicky’s best friends and her matron of honor. Her daughter, my granddaughter Brittney, was the flower girl while my son Mike’s youngest son, Jimmy, was the ring bearer. It was truly a family wedding. Mike and his wife, and Lisa and her husband each had three kids.

I walked into the packed sanctuary and couldn’t believe all the people who came to our wedding. All eyes were on Chad and me as we walked to the front of the church. It looked like just about everyone I knew was attending our big day, which was a long time coming.

Sitting in the front row were my ninety-two year old father and eighty-nine year old mother. Both still had their wits about them. They had sold their large home to my son Mike years ago but still lived in a smaller home and still had servants helping them out.

The wedding was starting. First coming down the aisle were the bridesmaids with the groomsmen, all family members. I have to say that I had nothing to do with setting up the wedding. All I was told was that I would be wearing a tux. Vicky took care of everything.

First to come down the aisle was my daughter Sasha. Then, there was my son Mike and his wife, Lisa and her husband, followed by two of my grandchildren rolling out a white roll of cloth for the bride to walk on. I watched it all unfold in front of my eyes. I saw the flower girl as she threw down rose pedals, Vicky’s favorite. She was followed by the ring bearer.

Then I heard the wedding march and everyone stood up. In the doorway was the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Victoria had on a bridal gown that she had ordered in Paris when we were there last year.

She had planned this for an entire year and I didn’t have a clue. All my family and friends knew but all kept Vicky’s secret. On my birthday when she asked me to marry her I couldn’t believe it. Needless to say, I said ‘Yes’.

Vicky looked like an angel. She had let her hair grow long again and it was draped over her shoulder. I know everyone must have had tears in their eyes as Billy walked his mother down the aisle, I know I did. When she got to the front of the church I stood next to her. We didn’t have a rehearsal dinner so I played it by ear.

Everyone sat down. I was standing there facing Vicky. She was smiling and looked so beautiful. I was waiting for what comes next when my oldest granddaughter stood by the piano and sang my favorite song.

I’m not a religious man by nature but I do believe in God. There must be someone who watched over me and matched Vicky and I together. I know it didn’t just happen by dumb luck.

I know I had watery eyes as my granddaughter sang ‘Precious Memories’. The song is just one of those that get to me and Vicky knew it. I listened as it was sung.

As I travel down life’s pathway, Knowing not what the years may hold.

As I ponder hopes grow fonder, Precious memories flood my soul.

Precious Memories how they linger, How they ever flood my soul.

In the stillness of the midnight, Precious sacred scenes unfold.

Precious father loving mother, Fly across the lonely years.

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Die neue Wohnung

Erwartungsvoll spreizt Marianne ihre Beine ganz weit auseinander, hebt ihr Becken an und drückt ihrem Ehemann ihr enges Fötzchen einladend entgegen. Da kann Martin nicht länger widerstehen und schiebt sich über den zierlichen Körper seiner jungen Frau nach oben. Sie ist ganz feucht zwischen den Beinen, so dass sein steifer Schwanz ohne Probleme gleich tief in ihre enge Scheide eindringt, kaum dass er ihn leicht in die Spalte zwischen ihren Schamlippen gedrückt hat. „Ich liebe dich so sehr“,...

4 years ago
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Princess SaraChapter 18

Three weeks had passed since the adventure with the young man and the fearsome monster. Princess Sara learnt from her overhead messengers, the birds, that the brave and strong youth had indeed been acclaimed as King, had recovered well from his wounds and was now betrothed to the lady originally intended as the monster's next victim. She was happy to hear this. For some time, now, she had entertained doubts concerning her own role in the affair, letting him suffer so much hurt when she...

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Raping the High School Tease

Mary May comes from a broken home with a screwed up mom and a dad married to a emotionally abusive step mom. Mary is insecure and starved of love and stability, desperate for someone to love her unconditionally. Mary is also your girlfriend. She is beautiful with green eyes, a soft innocent face that begs to be fucked, and long brown hair. Mary has a body to kill for at 5'4'' with long tan legs and toned body. Mary both runs and swims regularly and it shows. Mary is extremely self conscious...

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Oral rough and trucking

Oral, rough and trucking. By Harley K. GrantHe grabbed her hair and roughly pulled her head towards him.  Her mouth opened and he thrust his thick cock into her waiting mouth.  He pushed her deep and she began to make gagging noises.  He let go of her and she began working her mouth vigorously up and down his shaft.?I didn’t have to force you did I?  You wanted that.?  He leaned his head back and savored the feeling as she leaned into her work.He glanced down and their eyes met.  He got an...

2 years ago
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New Sofa New Cocks Gay

It was Friday afternoon, 4:30, and I still didn't have my sofa. I bought it a week ago, and they said the earliest they could deliver it was Friday afternoon, between 1 and 5 pm. No problem, I thought. I went to the gym in the morning, took care of a couple of errands, and then settled in to wait for the guys from the furniture store. If they had been there right at 1:00 I think I would have gone into shock, but I'm pretty good at entertaining myself. I had a good book to read, the Internet to...

1 year ago
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Took what wasnt for Taking

Ella Ross has been a tease to Kai’s cock for three years and he’s had enough! Ella asks Kai for help with one her nursing classes. Kai decides to take this opportunity to his advantage. Will Ella comply or completely freak the fuck out? After three years of being close to the beautiful hot young, Ella Ross and not ever touching, it grew to become too much for under my belt. It had to be dealt with. And soon! But how? Ella was 22, stood 5’4”, long black curly hair, blue eyes, pouty...

2 years ago
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A Teenage Walk in the Woods

"Let's go for a walk." It was the end of our senior year, and we were at my best friend's secluded lake house. All of our friends were heading down to the water to dive off the dock or go canoeing. But you suggested we hang back at the house for a bit. It was morning, and we had all just finished breakfast. As soon as the last of our friends shut the door, you grabbed me by the back of the head and kissed me, your tongue exploring every corner of the inside of my mouth. My shorts tightened,...

3 years ago
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For Starters 5

CHAPTER 5Next Friday I took the decision to give Mike the suggested call “when I was alone”. All the week I couldn’t forget how his huge cock had made me feel the last time. Even after my anus stopped to hurt after 3 days!He was glad to hear me and immediately told me he was coming to pick me up. When I entered his car, I saw that he was wearing only a top and a short and it was noticeable that he was happy to have me there, according the size of the tent in his pants.I started to touch his...

2 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 4

Jim smiled when he saw Jenny walk into his office the following morning. She brought him another folder she said that she had missed yesterday. He was a lot more relaxed then he had been yesterday. He knew that he had been silly, acting like kid that had never been on a date before. Still when he asked her to sit down and got her a cup of coffee, he became nervous all over again. He could smell her perfume and almost feel an electrical charge in the room. He watched her cross her sexy legs...

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Charlie was struggling to get free from a swarm of opponents when he heard the referee’s whistle and the siren indicating the game was over. His team had been defending hard for the last few minutes protecting a three point lead in their first Northern district Rugby League final. Now as reality set in they knew that they had achieved what was deemed impossible by the critics. Against all odds their small country town had broken the games longest running drought by defeating the highly...

4 years ago
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Massive ass on the office

Betty was one of my work colleagues, she was about 5′ 4 and was overweight just the way I like my women. Her breasts where huge and needed those huge bras to hold them and no matter what she wore you couldn’t help but notice them. Her back curved in to the top of her massive ass that must have been twice my width and her legs where not out of shape just must larger, thicker and she always wore stockings or at least I hoped so. It was my second week there and I was still getting...

2 years ago
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Home for the SummerA Goodbye Present

My cellphone rang during my lunch break Friday. I recognized the number. "Hi Christine," I answered. "Hey." "So what's up?" It had been two weeks since we had gotten together, and I hoped that she was going to be home alone again tomorrow night. I was only going to be around this weekend and the next before I went back to school, and I wanted for us to hook up. "So, I know it's short notice, and you can say no if you have other plans, but do you wanna go out with me and Amy for...

3 years ago
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The Last State is the Best Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - On the Virgin River Lois looked around her room one final time before checking out of the motel in Cedar City, Utah. She tried to contain her excitement as she made sure she had not left anything behind. Not that she had brought that much in with her. Cedar City was just a place to stop for the night: about halfway between Pocatello and Las Vegas. Originally she had planned on going straight from Pocatello to Vegas. With the economy so bad, the MGM properties were running a...

2 years ago
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OMGHappening with my neighbours wife one

Just wanted to share my story of me and my neighbour's wife...I live in a HDB in western SGP, and my flat shares a common rubbish chute in every floor. Every night, I will bring out the thrash to throw after the 10 pm news. A few times, I saw my neighbour's wife throwing rubbish too. I know her and her husband and k**s. We see each other family in the lift sometimes, and share smiles and greetings everytime. We will also exchange small talks too. One evening, I went to throw rubbish and saw her...

1 year ago
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Maiden MaidCh 6 John Teaches Sara

Maiden Maid Chapter 6 John Teaches Sara The next morning, Sara walked slowly into the kitchen, her body still aching from the punishment and the fucking she had endured. She had gone back to her room after Michael had fucked her hard and lay on the bed, naked. She allowed her legs to spread, wider and wider as if forced to do so, until they hung over the edge. She let her fingers trace down the flat plane of her stomach until she reached her flaming red bush. She could fill the heat from...

3 years ago
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Mom After Father8217s Death

My father died when I was 12 years old and after that me and my mom were living in our house alone (my mom has a white skin curly hair she is about 5.5 and her assets are all very huge her boobs size is 38e and 34 hips and 38 ass are her sizes.She has a very calm face with beautiful black eyes) My father when he was 34 years and then my mom was 32 he died in an accident.My mom was a nurse in a private hospital back then and my father was a real estate agent.After my father’s death my mom would...

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Demigod of WarChapter 60

Day??? “Well, that was ... interesting.” John said to Adam as he approached from the floor’s entry spot. The SEAL was leaning against the opposite side of the corridor by the now blank door that had borne Dulgan’s name. “Can you ... talk about it?” Adam asked. John shook his head. “I got a headache last time, so let’s go do yours.” “I wonder.” Adam mused. “Do you think all three of the hidden doors are on this level?” “Let’s keep an eye out.” John suggested. Back in the SEAL’s...

2 years ago
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In Eden

This is the fourth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. Robert and Juliana had already been in the Maldives for a week. He had booked the trip as he knew how drained Juliana had been recently. They had both been under the pressure of projects, deadlines and keeping clients happy in their respective work, for months. It was time for a break before either of them burned out. They normally spent vacation time in Europe, but...

Love Stories
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LA FunChapter 34

My phone beeped and I sleepily got up. I patted bottoms, telling everyone that it was time to get up for exercise. Katie turned to me and said, "Please let us sleep in. Willy has the day off, so she isn't going in this morning. Jules and I will work out later." I supposed they would figure it out, but they needed to remain in a routine and be regular. I slipped a jock, shorts, T-shirt, socks, and running shoes on in the closet's dressing area. Willy was standing there waiting for me in...

2 years ago
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The PlatformChapter 2

I meant to get up early the next morning to hear the explanation I had failed to get the night before, not just why Mom had decided not to go on the trip but specifically what role I had played in the excuse. Mom had said she wasn’t going because of me due to a problem I supposedly had, and then everyone had treated me like some kind of leper. I had hoped to corner Dad to find out what was going on but he was still out like a light even though it was late morning and I couldn’t rouse him. As...

1 year ago
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A Bet

‘You’re on,’ Deborah said. ‘Unfortunately we won’t be able to watch it live,’ Chris responded, ‘So I’ll Tivo it. We’ll just avoid any news on the way home.’ Chris and Deb had a reoccurring bet since they started dating. Chris was from Washington D.C. and a Redskins fan while Deb grew up in New York, and rooted for the Giants. ‘I told Patty that it wouldn’t make a difference if Timmy got christened next month, but she didn’t agree. It starts at one thirty. And then there is lunch at some...

3 years ago
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Subway Stories part II

"Answer me before I decide for you!" I coughed and hacked until I couldn't take the burn anymore... "Okay ! I'll do whatever you want...", the tears blurred my vision. Alex chuckled behind me, releasing my neck before stripping me of my top. I was going to be raped. "Turn the fuck around" he said softly and I obeyed . He curled his fingers around my bra and ripped it off. He scoffed, "Look at your little slut tits. What're you? B cup ?" I whimpered in shame. Alex...

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The Surprise

He said he had a surprise for her, and that she should dress nice. That was all. So Meg slips into a white halter dress, black tights, and cute heels before pulling on a huge coat and stepping outside of her apartment.It's the middle of winter after all, and though it isn't snowing, it is still far below freezing outside. She drives carefully to Danny’s house before parking on the street and checking her makeup in the mirror. Just enough sexy and sweet makeup is on her face. Her hair is curled...

2 years ago
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It Isnt Easy Being the Grandchild of a Senile Witch

The night grew darker as a cloud drifted across the full moon. Amanda walked through the front door and strolled into the kitchen. She saw her brother, Nick, reading a newspaper, while their mother cleaned the kitchen sink. Nick noticed a dour expression on his little sister's face as she looked down at him. Although Amanda was three years younger than him, she was a few inches taller. It was something that had often embarrassed Nick. Their mother was 5'9," and their father was...

3 years ago
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My heart grows heavy and tired. As I kneel down against the moist, unforgiving pavement, I long for my own death, my own eternal solitude. I calmly remove the knife from her once vibrant chest and notice the blood flowing from the gaping sore towards the ground. It makes a perfect homogeneous mixture together with the acidic rain water that discolors these back alleyways a nauseating green. Yes, she bled very much. We all bleed, I suppose. I tuck the knife neatly into my black overcoat and...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 3

Although this could be read as a standalone story, it may be easier if you read the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read ------------------------- Two nights running Bob had returned to his wife Sue late, she being bedridden with a migraine in their holiday apartment. So far Bob had successfully managed to convince her that he befriended some lads on a stag weekend that got him into a...

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Perfect PairChapter 3

Alicia answered the door, paid for the pizza, and quickly shut it again before she could ponder whether the pizza guy was salvageable or a complete dork. Walking back to the kitchen, she put the pizza down. "Kaci, come and get it!" She yelled out to her new friend. "Coming!" Came the reply from the bathroom. Since meeting her new friend yesterday morning, the two of them have really bonded fast, Alicia thought. After the movers left, she had taken another shower, and spent until lunch...

4 years ago
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My Buddy wins a bet Real

So After the first time sucking my friend off, We have done it few times since.One time I will never forget, because I let my mouth write a check my ass had to cash....He looked at the original dildo that we used to get the girls excited. Made some comment like "its not that big" I told him if he could take that in his ass I would let him have mine.WTF was I thinking? Anyway that toy disappeared right before my eyes.I'm not sure if I was more shocked at the fact that he just popped it in...

2 years ago
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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 6

The semester progressed. At school, Carla and I got closer to the end of another successful term. At home, we continued to have incredibly torrid sex. At the time, I lived in a part of the country where it never got too cold in the winter, and even if it had, the house was kept nice and toasty, thanks to central heating. One night, before the evening temps got too brisk, I remember Carla and I had just made love when she suggested we go outside and join my mother in the back patio, and so we...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 26 August 10 1999

8:15AM At the Stinson household, Peggy gathered up her schoolbooks and ran for the door, remembering at the last second to call out a pleasant goodbye to her Mother, Ann and to her brother Davy who was going to be home with an upset stomach. Two blocks later just before reaching Kathy's, with whom she'd garner a ride, she remembered her English assignment which was due that morning was still on the dresser in her bedroom. She waved to Kathy who was waiting by her car, signaling her to...

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Housewife Enjoys Indian Lesbian Sex

I am Sarika, recently married. My husband works in an MNC in Gurgaon. We stay in an apartment near his office. I am a housewife. After my husband goes to the office, I complete the household chores. As we have a family of two only, I become free from these household pieces of stuff by noon. After lunch, I generally watch some movies, web series or surf the Internet. One day while doing FB, I came across the profile of my college best friend, Ipsita. Ipsita and I were roommates and best friends...

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Kitty Teddy LLC Ch 03

Author’s note: This is where the real world starts to intrude. Just a head’s up, things will get very dark shortly. Thanks for editing to clairegerm. Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: After the date it was more phone tag and more Aunt Francine. She came to town for some girl talk and Chinese food. Mom likes to remember feeding Aunt Fran a dumpling. Aunt Frannie says mother hogged the bed and she should have slept on the rug. Chapter 5 – Roasting Marshmallows in the Afterglow Sean: ...

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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 3

I have been asked by one of my friends on SOL to share a few more experiences from my wilder young days, in particular relating to a holiday abroad (in Magaluf) I had with some of my girlfriends and also about a bit of "gang" fun I had with 6 guys. I will start by relating the holiday episode. I was 21 at the time, just about to turn 22, and was having a fortnight summers hols in Magaulf with several of my then girlfriends. We were a close bunch, always going out together and yes often...

4 years ago
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Her son James was thirteen, one of the two best players on the team and the only black kid. He was a good kid with good skills and an attitude to match. He played shortstop and third base and I'd worked with him and helped him become a pretty good pitcher too. My name is Rob. I'm six feet tall and about 165 pounds, thin from years of distance running in addition to the baseball, with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, German ancestry, about as white bread as you could get. That summer I was...

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