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December 29, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written December 31-January 2]

I woke stupid early, listened to my bedmates breathing in sleep cadence, then eased out of bed. I grabbed my laptop and went into the bathroom and finished yesterday’s entry. Even though I was writing about stuff aimed at today, the writing kept me focused so I did not worry overly much about today. However, I am a bit concerned with how Brett is going to take Brit’s plan. Despite being tired, my mind was focused, and writing went quickly, such that it’s only 7:19 and I have finished. I aim to slip back into bed.

[Added December 31]

I made it back to the bed and saw the covers pushed down revealing Liya curled tightly into Meka, her left arm across Meka’s torso just below her breasts, her head on Meka’s left shoulder. Meka’s head leaned slightly against Liya’s, and her left arm was wrapped around Liya, that hand on Liya’s left shoulder. I just had to do it, so grabbed my phone and, after making sure the camera was on silent mode, took a photo. Then I eased back into bed, sliding under the covers but leaving them where they lie.

I must have drifted to sleep quickly, as the next thing I knew, Meka was lightly tapping the top of my head. Unsurprisingly, I woke curled into Meka.

She whispered, “I like your hand on my breast, but it’s turning me on something fierce, particularly with Liya breathing almost in my ear. This is wonderful, but I’m not quite ready to allow myself to sex up both of you.”

I was having trouble parsing her words, so lifted my head a bit and noticing my right hand lightly holding Meka’s right breast. I think she saw my reaction on my face.

“It’s okay. I know you didn’t intend that. I’m heartened because when I woke, I just lay back enjoying the feel of your hand. It did these occasional very slight squeezes, and I kept hoping you’d do that a bit more strongly.”

The meaning finally broke into my consciousness, and I reflexively removed my hand with haste.

“You probably didn’t need to be so abrupt, although it’s also probably for the good. That truly was feeling very nice.”

Liya’s breathing changed, after which Meka said, “G’mornin’, Liya. Do you know you kick a little in your sleep?”

“Yeah, Gracey’s told me. I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay. I’m ... ahh ... somewhat used to it.”

Liya lifted her head abruptly and looked at Meka, who gave a short nod in response to her unasked question.

“Besides, it was nice to realize when you got me into a slightly waking aspect that I had two of my best friends curled into me, theirs heads on my shoulders. It might have been a little claustrophobic, but my eyes leaked tears one of those times because I was so happy that I have friends that love me enough not only to help me out when I’m having trouble coping, but who want to love me as they do their other sisters. I’ve watched and learned about you five, and I cannot imagine any other person or people with whom I’d more love to become lovers. I can’t do that, yet, but I would like more nights like this.”

Liya looked across Meka’s chest at me, and I pointed my chin at her.

“Meka, you’re welcome in our beds anytime, even for just a pleasant, cuddling sleep. We love you, and we’ll do whatever we can for you.”

“I ... I ... umm ... might take you up on that on occasion. While I miss having sex and making love with Dad, the thing that gets to me most often is not having someone with whom I can cuddle in bed.”

“Anytime,” I told her.

We lay with no space between the various neighboring bodies for a few minutes until there were footsteps on the ceiling. We rose and started our day ... with quick, light kisses. After a breakfast of cold cereal with banana slices, we dressed for the imminent arrival of Brit and Cera.

After arrival hugs and introducing Brit and Cera to Celeste and vice-versa, Brit began explaining her plan. After some overall plans, she got into the nitty-gritty.

“I’ll paint Brett’s arms onto your outfits and bodies. Obviously, given how little you’ll be wearing, that will suggest intimacy, as there’s little of a bikini that doesn’t cover intimate areas. While I can draw and paint almost anything I can see, I’m not good enough with anatomy to be able to paint something I imagine.” She inhaled deeply, obviously to buck herself up, then continued with, “I hope that all parties will be okay with this, but I’ll need Brett to actually model the ... intimate postures.”

“Uhhh,” Gracey aspirated, with the others responding to Brit’s words in similar manner.

“I roughly drew particular ... poses so each of you, my two assistants, and ... Brett know what I want. The poses aren’t ... highly sexual but are the sorts of things I imagine that long-time ... lovers might do just for closeness but including a bit of a ... sexual edge. These would require you to permit Brett to touch each of you in ... intimate ways, but always outside your outfits. The sort of things I imagine that ... one of you five might do with one of the others.”

Her face quickly turned red as she finished that sentence while the seven of us all inhaled deeply in surprise.

“I know I’m guessing, but Cera and I have talked about it, and we suspect you five are ... lovers.” As a couple of us began to put voice to our reactions, she overrode those reactions by saying, “And it doesn’t bother us. You five seem to be in love. If you’re not, you might want to have a heart-to-heart, because that’s the impression you give to those of us that spend the most time with you.”

The following silence was broken by Meka bursting into laughter. The Go5 stared at her as she got in nearly a minute of full belly laughter.

After she had mostly calmed, and with a smiling face, she said, “I told you, Beth, you weren’t being very subtle, at least for those, like me, that spend a lot of time with you.”

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as I tipped my face to the ceiling, then let the breath out, lowered my head, and opened my eyes.

“How long?”

“We began suspecting before the first sleepover and were reasonably certain by the time of the second. We’re ... jealous. Not of individuals, but of such strong friendship. Despite that you five do nearly everything together, even living together, now, there’s never any apparent strife. No one of you ever seems to be on the outs with any of the others. While Cera and I have known each other for a few years, we didn’t become friends until we both gravitated to you girls at lunch. We’ve had a couple of disagreements that caused some minor strife, but we worked through them because we considered the friendship important enough to work at it. That’s something I’ve learned this year. Rather, that’s something I’ve taken to heart this year, and I did that because I’ve seen in you girls the value in it. I’ve never met so many happy girls, and ones with such positive outlooks. Those are the sorts of things about which we feel a bit of jealousy, which is why we’ve discussed with each other how to get ourselves to that point. We want to know you better, so we can understand how it is the way you are.”

Cera jumped in, saying, “We assume that part of it is ... not ... dealing with ... or having to deal with boyfriends or possible boyfriends. You made it obvious after we began suspecting that ... you ... all of you ... are interested in Brett. We’re a bit jealous of the easier...” She turned to Brit and asked, “What’s that word?”


“Yeah. We’re jealous of the easier rapport you had with Brett when he began hanging with us at lunch, but our little run-in with Ricky seems to have gotten us nearly on the same footing with him as you girls have. Oh, he’s still in love with, at least, Beth, but it seems as if he also has some sort of feelings for the rest of you ... and for us.”

Heather asked, “We’ve thought this, but you two want him, too?”

Brit replied, “As Meka said on that day at school when I did the one thing I’m most proud of in a life of not quite standing up for what I like and want, ‘I’ll give it to him the second that we’re all sure’.”

The silence was thick ... until Rhee said, “You make that sound like you would be willing to ... share him, not only with Cera, but with us?”

With a red face, but head held high, she responded, “I think it’s the only way I can have him. If he wants only one of us, then it would be Beth, and I don’t want to be someone for whom he settled if he couldn’t have Beth. And before you object, Beth, we are certain he loves you, but we also recognize that he at least likes us a lot.” She shrugged, then added, “Who knows? He might even love us in some fashion, but there’s no way either or both of us can have a ... relationship with him without you in it, too, or without him settling for us if he can’t have you. Neither of us knows how that could possibly work, but we are both certain that we won’t be able to have him without him having all of us.” Her face had lost its blush as she spoke, but it went red again as she said, “Besides, you girls are all pretty ... and powerful, and I can imagine much worse happenstances than being in a large, multi-angle relationship with most of the pretty girls in our grade and with the absolutely most wonderful guy in school.”

Quietly, Heather said, “Well, fuck me.”

Meka and Celeste both laughed loudly when Cera brightly responded, “Okay.”

Gracey alerted us that it was nearly 9, so I turned to Meka asking, “Could you meet Brett and Lana and hang out in the kitchen and tell him that we girls are still hashing things out?”

“Sure. I’ll introduce Celeste, too.”

The rest of us went downstairs and into the bedroom and closed the door.

I looked at Cera and Brit and asked, “Have you two started into sex, yet?”

Brit went red, but Cera replied, “Started, but we’re taking it slowly. Except for being here last weekend, we haven’t been fully naked together.”

I said, “You are right. We’re all involved with each other, although there’s a trio and a duo, but the lines between those have been blurring of late. I should say, blurring further of late; the lines were never very sharp.” I looked at the ceiling, breathed deeply, and said, “You’ve thrown us a monkey wrench, but one that could do some good. I don’t know how you guessed about us as fully as you have, but that helps in the regard that you understand that we share each other and, somewhat by extension, if we were able to generate a good ... loving and sexual relationship with Brett, we’d have all been in it together. We’re nowhere near ready to just jump into bed with you two, but that is something we’ve discussed in relation to Brett.

“I don’t see this as me having such a strong inside track with Brett, although none of my sisters agrees with me; apparently, they agree with you. However, despite how difficult it is to really know what Brett thinks about any of us or all of us, it’s obvious that he has at least some interest in each of us ... and in Meka, possibly in Kim, but certainly in us seven.” I breathed in and out loudly, and continued with, “We have wondered whether he’d be interested in all of us ... together. I cannot imagine many other guys refusing six of us to have a relationship with only one of us, but if any guy could do it, it might be Brett. However, the five of us come as a unit, for as long into life as we can make happen. I would flatly refuse a relationship with him if it didn’t include the others. We have another constraint that may make it impossible to push for or accept a relationship with Brett, and we’ve not found a way through that.”

I was looking at Brit when I said that last, and her eyes widened briefly, but I could not know what it meant. I looked at the ceiling when we heard the doorbell.

“Okay, let’s put all that aside and finish your plan, Brit. You have drawings that I assume you were going to distribute. Yes?”

She nodded, reached into her backpack, and walked the relevant drawings to each of us.

“Holy shit,” Liya exclaimed; other exclamations followed by the others.

I looked at mine, then asked, “Do you think he’d really be willing to do this?” I held up the drawing and asked, “This in particular?”

“I don’t know. I can imagine, quite easily, that he would decline. The only option is to have him model his arms in approximate positions without having you ... in hand, so to speak, and I do what I can.” She looked at the floor as her face flushed again, then looked at me and said, “I really hope that he’ll be willing because...”

I stepped on her, saying, “Because you wanted to imagine it was you.” I looked at her for a few seconds as she tried to keep her head up and eyes on mine, then said, “I don’t blame you. This fall, I’ve had many similar ... fantasies involving him. I’ve known him a long time and have had a ... relationship interest in him for over a year. He and Rhee shared places in my fantasies back then. I never anticipated that he would ... open up to ... me, much less to all of us.”

Brit left Cera’s side and hand, stepped rapidly over to me and wrapped her arms around me; I did the same to her.

“Ohhh, what a fucking mess,” Liya exclaimed, then added, “Or, what could be a mess. I must admit that I’d really like it if Brett did mine. Why did you pick that pose for me?”

Liya was looking at Brit’s back, but Cera answered, “Because you have the best ass of all of us, at least in our opinion. It’s not that huge ‘baby’s got back’ ass, but juts nicely, is not overly wide, is proportional to your small body, and it’s beautifully shaped.” She shrugged, then continued with, “He wants Beth most, hence her pose. Rhee’s got the most impressive boobs, hence hers. Everything is cute about Heather, hence hers. Gracey’s just all-around cute, but whose best feature is her breasts, but that one had to go to Rhee, hence hers. And everybody wants Meka, hence hers, which she won’t show anyone until Meka sees it. We didn’t know Celeste, so hers is just something of a compromise wild-ass guess.”

Brit looked slightly up at me, then stretched and gave me a peck on the left cheek, then whispered in my ear, “We’re not ready, and we don’t even know if you girls would truly be interested in us, but what I said earlier stands for both of us. We’ve discussed it on multiple occasions, and we would ... gladly have a ... sexual relationship with you girls, particularly if Brett were also involved.”

I hugged her more tightly as I tilted my head onto my back and exhaled at the ceiling.

I whispered, “Unfortunately, this complicates our lives, although it is something we’ve discussed, but we’ve never come to any sort of agreement when it comes to you two. Also, none of us thought you were interested or anything like ready for ... this. I’ve gone from having no lovers eight months ago to four girl lovers and the possible startup of a fifth and the potential for another, all since mid-May. And, no, without the girls agreeing to it, I can’t say who the others are. I will tell you that neither is Civia. I don’t know why we are the way we are; I mean us five. Four of us have been friends for three or more years, but I had no inkling that when Rhee and I started up that we’d add the others.

“We’ll be starting on the remodel of this house in a couple weeks, we think, but once it’s done, we’ll have more facility for overnights. We’ll invite the whole LTG at times, but, perhaps, we should invite just Cera and you at times, just so we get to know each other better. I don’t know that you two or us five will agree to an expanded sexual relationship, but any decision would be easier to make if we knew each other better.”

She nodded, then gently stepped back.

Rhee stated, “That other voice you hear up there is Lana. She’s ... ummm ... quite talkative. From what Beth said, not quite as much so as Brett’s mom, but reminiscent of her.”

I looked to Rhee and asked, “Should we bring them down?”

Rhee nodded, then headed toward the stairs while I turned back to Brit.

“Do you want backup, or do you want to explain to Brett by yourself or, possibly, with just Cera?”

“Not that you know him all that well, but you know him better than anyone else here. How will he take my idea best?”

I shook my head slowly, answering, “I’ve no idea. I can see my presence being of aid, but also of hindrance. If you think you can do it, I suggest Cera and you. Don’t try to convince him if he’s said anything like a firm, ‘No.’ But if he’s unsure, you can tell him that we all want this, even though we wouldn’t permit such intimacy again anytime in the near future, and probably not for at least a year.”

She nodded as we heard many steps coming down the stairs.

I quickly added, “Oh. I suggest you also include Lana. If she doesn’t explain to you why I suggest that I will, later.”

As she handed me two drawings, Brit said, “Oh, take these to Meka and Celeste.”

The door opened, and Lana was first through the door, saying, “Cera! Brittany! I’ve so wanted to meet you. Brett’s told me so much about you, so I feel like I know you, sort of. May I hug you both?”

They were both stunned by Lana, and, perhaps without truly realizing it, agreed, so Lana wrapped each up, in succession, in tight hugs.

I grabbed control by saying somewhat loudly, “All right, all. Brit and Cera are going to explain to Brett and Lana what we’re here to do. The rest of us will go back upstairs to let them do their job without so many back-seat drivers.”

The Go5, Meka, and Celeste gathered at the kitchen table where I passed the two drawings to the relevant recipients. Meka’s eyebrows rose in response, while Celeste elevated her right eyebrow, then showed hers to Meka, receiving Meka’s in return. I put mine in the middle of the table for all to see; the others followed suit, and all got passed around.

“Wow,” Gracey exclaimed. “Mine is tame compared to some of these, particularly to Liya’s ... and ... Beth’s. Do you think she’ll really have him partly pull your panties down?”

When I pointed my chin at Liya, she answered, “I hope not. I hope she only needs his head there and his hand in the position that would be needed for pulling my panty down.”

“I think I hope that but am not sure.” I faced Liya and asked her, “Do you understand what our two ... poses mean?”

She colored a little while she answered, “She thinks that he feels most strongly about us.”

I nodded, then said, “Now, do you see why I kept trying to make you understand when he didn’t talk to you that it was because he had feelings for you? Look at how easily Brit ... and Cera figured out about us. They seem adept at estimating interpersonal relationships. And this is why I always thought he had something for you, due to the way he didn’t talk to you. Liya, you are so much more than plain, and Brett sees that ... as does Brit.”

Liya looked hard at me for a couple seconds, then I saw her face crumble. She turned and threw herself into Gracey’s arms. At least, as much as one can when the two people are sitting in different chairs.

Heather left her seat and walked to me, wrapped me up, and whispered, “Perhaps, she’ll truly understand now, although, from personal experience, I know it’s hard to accept others’ words over your personal estimation of yourself in such situations.”

I whispered back, “So, you now accept that you’re amazingly cute and, when you’re really happy, beautiful?”

“I don’t know that I’d go that far, but I accept that a surprising number of people whose other opinions I respect think I’m cute.”

“I’m head-over-heels in love with you. I can admit to being biased, but ever since you started getting happy, you’ve gone through incredibly cute to that sparkling-eyed, gamine-grinned beauty that I fall in love with all over again every time I see it.”

She threw herself against me and plastered her mouth to mine, her tongue demanding entrance into mine. I obliged, and we made out until we heard footsteps on the stairs. She backed off, stared into my eyes for a couple seconds, mouthed “I love you,” then returned to her chair.

Celeste touched my arm and gave me a thumb up. I smiled and nodded at her just as the principals of the plan stepped into the kitchen, all wearing neutral or severe faces ... except for Lana who wore a look of wonder. I was not sure how to interpret that, but it seemed a positive indicator.

No one said anything until Brit gave Brett the “get-on-with-it” gesture. In response, he closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and opened his eyes, which were looking straight into mine.

“I ... I f-find this a b-bit difficult to ... deal with. Have you seen all the ... scenes, as Brit calls them?” When various of us nodded or answered in the affirmative, he said, “Do any of you have any concern about any of them?”

I waited for Liya’s eyes, then pointed my chin at her when her eyes met mine.

“Brit, did you want him to partially pull Beth’s and my panties down?”

“No, but someone will have to do that so I can get a photo so that I can paint the scene.”

No one said anything for a while, until Celeste asked, “Brett, I’ve only just met you. Can you do with me what Brit wants?” When he stammered, she added, “Perhaps I should tell you that I don’t have a problem with it. I know you’re only almost 15, but these girls think the world of you, and I trust them, their knowledge, and their feelings.”

Brett’s eyes went wildly wide, and he quickly looked at me, then down at his feet. Okay, I thought, that might confirm the various opinions that I am first in his thoughts. I was not sure that was a good thing, considering the albatross around my neck ... and the necks of my sisters.

I decided to help Celeste and Brett, so said, “Yes, Brett, Celeste is gorgeous. She’s certainly the most attractive girl or woman I’ve ever met, but she’s still a person, with feelings. Just tell her whether you can touch her in such an intimate way or not. I don’t know if it would help you, but you’re one of the two most attractive males we, that is, Celeste and me, know. I can tell her that your beauty is not just skin deep but goes all the way through you. We all know that this will be difficult for you, but all of us want you to do it. We won’t be ready for any follow-on behavior like that for quite some time, so this project may be the only chance for something like this with all of us, perhaps any of us. Brett, you’ll still be our friend when we’re done here, today. We feel we know you, now, at least much better than we did in September. You’re probably the most respectful boy in school, and that is the primary reason we care strongly for you. Heather told you that we want you to become a very good friend of ... all of us, though keeping sex out of the friendship for the time being ... except for today. We will not think less of you no matter your decision, but we do hope you’re willing to do this for us, for our ... admittedly silly little competition. Given that we’ll all be wearing identical garments for this version of the competition, there’ll probably be no individual winner. However, we don’t do the competition for competition’s sake. We do it to get to know our friends in the competition a little better. Because of that competition, we’ve gotten to know both Meka and Celeste much better, enough so to be able to ask them to be the house mothers here, in this house, once the remodel is complete, and enough better for both to agree. So, you’ll have a chance to get to know Meka and, particularly, Celeste better, as she’ll probably be here for every get-together, every sleepover the LTG has here.”

I looked around the table, then added, “Brett, we understand, at least somewhat, your conundrum. We understand about ... males and sexual excitement. We understand that your excitement will be obvious. Don’t worry about that. It’s a natural reaction and we understand that you will have no control over it once you agree to do this for us. We will not make fun of you. We will never make fun of you. Not for that, certainly. We also understand that you might think our excitement will not be noticeable. However, every girl here will be able to tell whenever any of us get excited, and I guarantee that you putting your hands on us will excite us. Also know, however, that we truly do not expect anything like this to happen again for quite a while, if ever. Interests wane and change. Perhaps you won’t have any interest in being our friend come the end of the school year. We truly hope that won’t come to pass, as we greatly value your friendship and appreciate greatly how much you’ve opened up to all of us this year. None of us is interested in dating boys this year, but we are greatly interested in developing a deep friendship with you that, in the future, we may wish to move in a ... more-intimate direction if you’re amenable

By the time I finished speaking, Brett ... and Lana ... were staring at me, with Brett’s mouth hanging open. Lana’s mouth was closed, and her eyes seemed to suggest, at least to me, that she was thinking hard.

She stepped over to me, leaned over, hugged me, and whispered, “I look forward to a great friendship with you ... and your girlfriends.”

As she moved her mouth away from my ear, she planted the lightest of kisses on my right cheek, then stepped back over to Brett. I managed not to put my hand to my cheek to feel the place she kissed me, but my stomach butterflies, which were roiled after my expostulation, took an extra tumble at that kiss. Meanwhile, I looked at the kitchen clock and was shocked that it was only 9:16. I felt that this ordeal must have taken at least an hour, if not two. I returned my focus to Brett.

We waited with bated breath for Brett’s response; fortunately, it came soon.

“I’m very ... nervous, but okay.”

Brett found himself the focus of a scrum of six freshmen girls.

Once the scrum broke up, Brit took charge, sending those of us getting painted to wherever we needed to go to change into our outfits; she led the others downstairs. We had already placed drop cloths and there were two chairs and an old couch the Jacobsens had left down there. When I got there with one of Dad’s old t-shirts hiding my outfit, Brit and Cera were in the finishing stages of setting up a laptop on the seat of one of the chairs and then connected Brit’s phone to it. She explained to Lana what help she needed from her, beginning with being the first to oversee making a pictorial record of the whole effort. I briefly wondered what Brit would do with the intimate photos once the project was complete.

“Brett, “Brit asked, “would you prefer starting out tamer or wilder?”

He turned red, but answered, “Tame for the first one; whatever you want for the next.”

Brit channeled Coach, saying, “Gracey, front and center!”

Gracey breathed deeply, settled, then removed her T, and moved herself to where Brit wanted her. Brit asked Brett to get in position, but he hesitated.

Gracey said, “Brett, it will be fine. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while.”

He breathed deeply, then stood behind her and began moving his arms around her to her front when Brit said, “Brett, you need to be right up against her back. You’re her lover and all you’re doing is just showing her in a sexy way that you do, indeed, love her.”

Gracey added, “I know you’ll be hard. Or, at least, I hope I turn you on enough to be hard. Don’t worry about it. I won’t get the vapors and immediately demand that you mount me and make me yours. Brit’s going to take a photo or two and then it will be over. It won’t be long enough to make you concerned that you’ll mess your pants.” In a softer voice, she said, “Remember. We all like you a lot, and we’re not ... absolutely not ... trying to embarrass you.”

I could barely hear his, “Thanks, Gracey. I like you a lot, too, but I can’t believe you’re going to let me touch you like this.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going to enjoy it. Perhaps one day down the road, you’ll get to touch them again. I think I’d like that.”

He snuggled tightly into her back and gave out a barely audible, “oh, god,” then reached under her arms and around her torso and placed his hands covering each of her breasts, with his forearms perpendicular to the floor and his elbows against her belly. Gracey’s eyes closed in obvious pleasure.

Brit took two photos from each of three angles, then said, “Thanks, Brett. That wasn’t so bad. Was it?”

He stepped back from but stayed behind Gracey, answering, “No, not bad. Entirely too enjoyable.”

In a tender voice, Brit said, “You don’t have to hide it, Brett. We’re all going to be moving around a lot, and we’ll see it. We won’t make fun of you. We’ll never make fun of that.”

Gracey turned around, obviously looked down, then stepped to Brett and kissed him on his left cheek, then said, “Indeed! Entirely too enjoyable. Thanks, Brett.”

She picked up her T and put it on, then joined Liya and me on the couch. Without making it obvious to others that she was whispering to us, she told us, “Not at all insignificant, if you get my meaning.”

Same as Beth
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Dear Willow and Family, I got a few minutes to read your letter recently, and I have to say that after Ensign O'Mally got out his e-reader and started looking through human books on how to navigate around the galaxy the Aer Lingus' AI got a lot more cooperative. Our methods might be a bit primitive by the standards of the Confederacy, but we were sure we could find our way back to Tellus-At (we said that just to see if the AI was at all historically literate about humanity) if...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 116

Children are so honest! While I sat in the reception area of my doctor's office, a woman rolled an elderly man in a wheelchair into the room. As she went to the receptionist's desk, the man sat there, alone and silent. Just as I was thinking I should make small talk with him, a little boy slipped off his mother's lap and walked over to the wheelchair. Placing his hand on the man's, he said, "I know how you feel. My Mom makes me ride in the stroller too." As I was nursing my baby, my...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 116

HOSPITAL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Bobby and Sandra walked into Hanes' room and closed the door behind them. Sandra pulled the sheet down to his knees. "Time to get that Foley out." "Yes," Hanes enthused. "I hate that thing." "Just hang on a minute while I deflate the balloon, then we'll get the catheter out." When she was ready, she spoke to Hanes again. "This might make you feel like you need to pee, but it will be over in a second." "I'm ready," Art said, expecting pain. Bobby...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 116

The arrival of the newcomers didn't slow down Erin's torture any. Every time anyone passed nearby, they touched her in some manner. Even Rachelle and Mary got into the act, which surprised Adam slightly but not completely. The two new girls seemed oblivious to the display. They started to sit down with Timm and the guys but Allie immediately brought them to the girls' side. It simply wouldn't do to have females stuck listening to the guys talk about sports and cars and guns and stuff,...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 116

As soon as Lorrie disappeared through the "Employees Only" door, Laura plunged into an even deeper depression than before. She cried all the way driving home, and then drank herself into a stupor. The whole business with Trina had come flooding back to her, and she realized that she could never give up Lorrie for Trina, or give up Yvette, or Sholandra. But Trina wanted complete fidelity. And Laura wanted Trina. She longed for her, ached for her, cried for her. Finally, against her better...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 116

It was slow for a Thursday morning in the Record-Herald, so slow that Mike was working on his old dog musher stories when Heather Sanford and John Pacobel walked into his office. "How's it going?" he asked. "Pretty good," John said. "I heard your kid stirred things up at school a little bit yesterday." "We really don't need a newspaper in this town," Mike laughed. "Things get around. I've got to give her credit, though. She didn't want to miss school. Can I get you some...

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MagicianChapter 116

Morning dawned ... well not exactly, but it was morning and I gently woke Arwen from her slumbers from where she’d had a disturbed night. “I had bad dreams,” she said when we ate breakfast. “It wasn’t very nice to see,” I agreed. “So much hunger, so many red eyes...” she sighed, trailing off. “I know, but I’ve dealt with those for now,” I said, cuddling her in. “How do you feel?” “I ache.” “We’ll take it easier, but we still have a little bit of a climb out of here,” I chuckled. We...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 116

These are compliments of fmwarmac‎ A terribly overweight blonde woman goes to her doctor about her weight, so her doctor puts her on a diet. “I want you to eat vegetables and grains for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you will have lost at least 5 pounds.” When the blonde returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly 20 pounds. “Why, that’s amazing!” the doctor said, “Did you follow my instructions?” The blonde nodded. “I’ll...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 116

I managed to survive the experience of sleeping with Wilson. Since nothing happened I assumed he really had blacked out the night of the storm. If he was faking it, I was perfectly happy to go along with it. Wilson and I were up with the first light. We drove to the cafe for breakfast. We both had a large breakfast since it was going to be our only meal till almost dark. I did stop at the convenience store for Generator gas and a box of oatmeal cookies. The kind with the creme filling of...

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 116

Flashback – Masha and Louise – Furniture shopping With Louise wanting to know all the details of what I did to the долбо еб and the bartender, we talked far beyond our normal bedtime. We also had a bit too much celebratory wine and now I was awakened by someone ringing the doorbell. I looked at our bedside clock and swore, “Tвою мать, Louise wake up! Michael is here to take us furniture shopping.” Louise swore, “Son of a bitch, we overslept!” I took control and said, “Louise, you get up...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 116

After the New Year’s parties and celebrations that I was requested to attend as a representative of the administration, life took a different turn. The President was in the final year of his second term and was not able to run again. With former Vice President Mason out of the running because of his health, there was now a free for all in the candidates for President - and there were plenty of them. I was being pressed to endorse one of the party candidates and campaign for them, but that...

3 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 116

“I had thought Chicago was inevitable, like diarrhea.” —John Varley, The Persistence of Vision 18 AUGUST 2020 I think Cindy has become a part of our regular lunch table. It’s natural enough, I suppose. She traveled with us this summer and became part of our performance troupe. Everyone in the pod likes her and she gets along with everyone. Plus, we’re in orchestra together and that means we break for lunch at the same time and just naturally walk to the cafeteria together. It’s...

3 years ago
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ObserverChapter 16 Day 116

It was Saturday and my 24th birthday. Let me restate that. It is Kara's birthday. My birthday was actually more than a month ago, and I had sent myself a gift. Rather, I had sent my body a gift, since I no longer occupied it. But until Kara and I switched back, this would be considered my birth date. Carol had insisted on serving me breakfast in bed this morning, and had made me promise to stay in bed until she brought it. But when I woke up, I had had an urgent need to use the bathroom. So...

2 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 116

I went upstairs with Jill to find Wanda sitting on the couch, looking almost like she was embarrassed. Jill said she was going to go in the kitchen to get something for us to drink. Wanda and I had never gotten close to one another. I reached down and took both her hands in mine, urging her up off the couch. I pulled her close and put my arms around her, pulling her into my body. She was stiff, her hands at her side as I pulled tight. "Thanks for doing this, Wanda. You obviously did a good...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 116

I rubbed my forehead. I didn’t want things to devolve into a genuine argument and I could see that Liz was on the threshold. “You don’t believe me,” she said. “I told you, nothing like last night will happen again!” “Until tonight,” I said. “I know you already have plans. Dayton told me last night that you’ve got something going on today. The fact that everybody is already dressed and ambulatory tells me that it’s going to kick off pretty soon. Right?” Liz sighed heavily. “I can change...

1 year ago
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PR9117 CHP1 - Learning the rules Amanda look around the room, there were six girls there, each clutching their files and small bags with their possessions inside.  She was scared, but she didn’t want to show it. She wanted to appear disinterested, like the situation didn’t bother her. Prison had a formidable reputation and she didn’t want to be eaten alive. When the door opened, two male and two female guards dressed identically in thick black trousers with starched white shirts contrasted with...

1 year ago
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Welcome to the park

I knew exactly where I wanted to take you when you visited my small town. I prayed my secret spot still existed. I hadn’t used it in years. In high school it was a well-kept secret. As teenagers we were all looking for a place to skip school and avoid the police. We also wanted privacy to mess around with our boyfriends. I missed so much school I really never used it like some girls. I just knew it was always an option. Here in florida we have a ton of parks designed to be trails and...

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A Stitch in Time the BeginningChapter 5

In the next 6 months, until school ended for Charlie and me, our lives changed dramatically in some ways but in others, life got into a rut. Billy was committed to a mental institution to live out his remaining years, a certified nut case. The hospital told the local news reporters that when he learned of the tragic deaths of his 'family, ' he completely and irreversibly snapped. The fact that his change in behavior preceded their deaths by a few hours was a small detail conveniently left...

1 year ago
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He doesnt know hes gay

When I was a college freshman, I got to be friends with a guy down the hall who came from a place near my hometown. Although it was a big state school, it turned out we had one late-afternoon class together, and about the third week we started going out afterward for beers before heading back to the dorm. Dan and I didn’t have a lot in common -- he had been a pretty good athlete in high school, I was more the studious type; he was religious as a kid, I never set foot in a churchl -- but we...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Everybody said it was my mother threw acid on my face because I was born freak ugly from the start. But it was never her. It was one of her junkie boyfriends she had back then. The one called himself Uncle Danny. I was already six and not a baby anymore. And it wasn’t acid. It was cooking oil. The scars are from wet burns, not chemicals. Everybody just talks a lot of shit because everybody’s got nothing else to say. It’s just what they do. They only know whatever they know and it’s always less...

Straight Sex
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Wild Trip To Coorg

Hello Readers, Well, this is my first time sharing a sexstory of how a date night converted into a wild night in Coorg. here. This happened when I was in Bangalore for work. I am a good looking guy with 7” dick, staying in Hyderabad. Ladies looking for some secret fun in Hyderabad can contact me at This was when I was working for an MNC in Hyderabad. I had to travel to Bangalore to attend an annual board meeting for 3 days. So during those days in Bangalore, I needed a girl for a date and to...

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Changing of the Guard

Changing of the Guard By Maddie Valasek "Julian, you better get moving. You don't want to be late on your first day," Mom yelled out to me. "I'm just about ready," I answered as I finished tying my shoes. "What time is it anyway?" I asked. My alarm clock was still packed away in the moving truck that wouldn't make it to our new house until sometime that afternoon. "7:00, sweetheart. Classes start at 8:00. Remember, you have to stop by the office and give them you...

1 year ago
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K, 40 from near RochdaleI first chatted to a lovely lady who I will just refer to as K in the autumn of 2014 and we had a few chats on Badoo. I didn't hear from her again until the New Year 2015 when I saw her profile again and decided to chat her again.We chatted initially on Badoo then switched to Kik when the chats got more interesting! She was happy to make a friend of me but I thought she might just be after more. And it turns out yes she was. So after lots of Kik 'n WhatsApp chatting and...

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More public sex adventures spain

We love public sex especially when we are seen. Our next big adventure was in Spain. We went on holiday on the island of Ibiza where going topless was a norm in all beaches and complete nudity in the special beaches on the island. It was very hot on the island and the hotel did not have air conditioning. But that didn't bother us since the sea breeze was very nice. We were there for 7 days and every night we would do it on the balcony. We would make out like dogs in heat . Frequently...

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TeensDoPorn Summer Brooks Not Quite A Virgin

Summer Brooks is a timid teen who has had sex in some weird places including a doctors office and a trampoline. She tends to like nerdy guys and lost her virginity within the past year. This girl is fresh and perfectly petite. You can tell she was not the most experienced by her slow yet sensual cocksucking and her affinity for getting drilled as opposed to taking the initiative and riding strong, but regardless this tiny treat is super fun to watch. There is nothing cuter than an inexperienced...

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Carree Loves Billy AwakeningChapter 4

"Our relationship is supposed to be based on honesty and you were not honest with me if you had all that bottled up. I swear to God, it's like the nuns put me in a soundproof room and announced to the world that I had a vocation and anyone who said anything to ruin it would be stricken from the earth. I even asked my mother about it, and she said, 'don't be silly; no one thought you were going to be a nun. My cousin Clarice took you on a retreat once when you were 12, when she was a...

3 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet Ralph, Tyrell and Jerome were in Ralphs garage drinking beer and in general just hanging out. Ive got to piss said Jerome. Jerome go in the house and piss already Ralph replied. Tyrell looked as Jerome went inside and laughed. Whats so funny, asked Ralph? Tyrell started to explain both he and Jerome had been blessed or cursed with very big cocks, 11 and 12 inches respectively. The problem was neither of the mens new girl friends would or could take more the half before they were...

3 years ago
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Bound to My Clothes 5

Bound to My Clothes 5 When I awoke I was again wearing all of the garments that Becca had removed--the dress, the pantyhose, the panties, the bra, and the shoes. I was strapped to a table with a gag in my mouth. I saw a light bulb dangling from the ceiling and realized that I was no longer in my house. I pulled at my restraints in a vain attempt to remove myself from them--but to no avail. The more I struggled, the more pain there was in my chest. I thought that perhaps this was due to...

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Meeting my match Part 3 of 3

I awakened from many hours of sleep to find myself dressed in heels and hose still, I decided in the clarity of waking that I wasn't about to be taken out in public looking this way. Mistress Mary could be persuasive but why would she want to do this to me?.I was beginning to like the feeling of the lingerie I was wearing, my legs felt fabulous in those black stockings and the Basque clung to my body moulding it into a very feminine shape, my asshole only ached slightly but the pain gave rise...

1 year ago
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Bam Bet! If you are ready to get your gamble on without having to visit your local, icky, sticky, gooey local casino, then you are in luck! That is because Bambet has all kinds of ways for you to get your bet on and find new and exciting ways to win the big one! Bitch, I don’t fucking care if you get off to sports betting, casino betting, or something else entirely. If you want to win that big enchilada, you will want to visit Bambet today! Now fucking get to it!Bet on your favorite sportsLook,...

Betting Sites
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 8

The bumpy gravel road to Julie’s house was driving me crazy with the clit stimulation from the clothespin biting into my body. I had never felt such a precisely annoying yet stimulating pain. I wanted to yank it off, and at the same time, I was enjoying it, and I hated myself for liking it. I didn’t want to be turned on by the sensation of having my clit pinched hard to the point of anguish, but I was squirming and struggling not to play with myself openly. If I could just reach down and...

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Outward BoundChapter 4

After the end of the Earth-Mars war, many naval personnel, from both sides, ended up in the Martian system looking for work. Some of these ex-military people ended up mining the asteroid belt. If you listened to the corporate recruiters, everybody working for them had made fortunes in the belt. If you checked around, you would soon find that working for a corporation was a form of slow suicide. Better to take a walk outside without a suit. The corporations also hired their own “Security...

3 years ago
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I look up at the clock for possibly the twentieth time in the last hour, it still doesn’t move any quicker. All I want is it to reach five o’clock so I can get out of here for a much needed weekend off. In my little section of the office it’s just me and my colleague James left as the others have all managed to get an early finish. The calls have dried up now, and we’re both trying to kill time in the last half an hour. We share a little office banter and a joke or two to fill in the...

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Jessies StoryChapter 2

We were sitting for dinner at our favorite place out west. “We need to talk,” I said, solemnly. She got that look in her eyes. Sorrow, sneaking up behind fear. “Not that kind, the other kind.” She tried to crack a smile. “Oh. OK. You talked to Momma again?” “Yes, you could say that. I’m going to say a few things, then get your reaction, then we can continue, OK?” She nodded. “I love you. I know that for a fact.” She smiled faintly. “I want to be with you for a very long time. You make me...

2 years ago
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The Slut Wife Part 6

I was so tired when I came home but my husband woke up and snuggled against me and I could feel his rock hard cock. I was tired and my ass and pussy were sore so I decided to give him a blowjob. I felt bad because I know he wanted to fuck me but I needed a rest. I used to always think of his cock as a good size and it isn’t small but…it’s not as big as I like them now. It’s so easy to swallow the entire thing. I pushed my lips against his pelvic bone and he could barely stand it. He didn’t last...

3 years ago
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Big Ideas

Big Ideas By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Cindy and Me Cindy and I have been best friends ever since we were almost seniors in high school and she and her family moved to our town. Cindy says she got the Big Idea first, but I know it was me. Cindy's sweet and pretty, but I'm the smart one. You don't see her writing this biographical story do you? You see, back then, when we first met, Cindy and I were pretending to be boys, because that was what everyone expected of us. I...

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How Daniel broke my resistance2 revisied

Daniel was in no hurry to cum, he also had another agenda for the first time the three of them used me for hours and my mind went numb and I turned into their 'Bitch'. All I knew was that if I did not please them they would never let me go or so I thought! So after the first few hours Bruce and Charlie was able to release my ankles and hands and I was conveniently theirs to use as they wished which they did for the best part of that day! Over the past year or so they had taken me numerous times...

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The OldFuck Shuffle

“Nah, I’ve done my bit.”This was Elsie talking, a big, brash widow who held court every Tuesday morning at Jack’s Lounge, a coffee shop/restaurant/bar in this Caribbean community of expats. Jack’s changed its nature depending on the time of day, and in the mornings it grabbed a slice of the too-lazy-to-cook brigade who enjoyed being served.The group was almost entirely composed of widows. Breakfast was their time because lunch meant a few glasses of pinot grigio, down which path lay early...

Group Sex
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More of the Thert3

A week had passed snce my encounter with Liz. I was hard at work when our receptionist called the wareehouse saying. "You have a visitor in the office." I walked across the lot and into the back door of the office, and was shocked to see Liz standing at the counter. "Hello, Trev," she smiled, "I was in the area and wondered if you'd like to get lunch." Donna, our receptionist, shot me an ice-cold look which to me was dripping with female jealousy, so just to be a jerk, I said, "Sure Liz...I'd...

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Nasty Old Fat Granny

I got a phone call from Judy(First Encounter). A friend of hers needed some work done.She told me to be careful because this woman would no doubt try to fuck me.I said,"you know me Judy I'm ready for anything".Judy and I were fucking off and on but she knew I was fucking other woman.She was cool with that.She told me this woman was fat and very aggressive.She likes telling people what to do and how to do it.She told me when you see her you may not want to fuck her because she is really a big...

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Level Three Emergency

I work at a convenience store. One night a couple of years ago, it got brutally cold. About -30˚ with the wind chill. My shift ended at 8:00 pm. I rushed out to my car to warm it up, but my heart dropped when the damn thing wouldn’t start! It wouldn’t even turn over. My roommate, Annette, was out of the state, my parents and my brother live over twenty miles away, and no one at the store could take me home until the store closed. I thought I might have to be there until midnight. You know the...

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Flight of the Griffin

Flight of the Griffin Life is a funny thing. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes it changes just when you think you've got it figured out. It's that last part that can really throw you or maybe it can give you a new direction depending on how you see things. Not so long ago, I was just some guy trying to figure out where I belong in the grand scheme of things. To be totally honest, I wasn't having much luck. I didn't feel like I fit anywhere. After twenty-six...

2 years ago
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Hottest of my experiences

Hello everybody! This is Arnav 26 male from Aamchi Mumbai, The city of dreams. I stand 5’9” tall with an average built, good looks and positive attitude. I have been surfing through this site since a pretty long time now & just thought to share a couple of personal experiences for you people. This happened to me just a couple of months back. Actually, this happened between me and Mitali my dad’s friend’s daughter. To describe her in brief she is just 19, slim, wheatish skin, long dense hair,...

3 years ago
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Birth of Mayhem

Birth of Mayhem Megan Roman "Doubt me if you want, but hand to God, she's one of them," Ron whispered to Tim before he took a sip of beer. "I was out with Lana last night. 'Round midnight, I found 20 horny-lookin' goons surrounding three college girls in an alley. All of a sudden, bam!" Ron took another sip of his drink and pointed to the far side of the swimming pool in the middle of his back yard. "There's Morgan, beating the crap out of all 20!" Tim still doubted it. ...

2 years ago
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Mud MagicChapter 3 The Tower

For a blissful moment, Rhys thought he was back in the village, back in Dara’s bed. The soft linen on his naked skin, the smell of apples- “Rise and shine, my boy!” The voice was most definitely not Dara’s. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, blinking furiously. Next to his bed, barely able to look at him over the tall frame and mattress, stood a blonde, beardless dwarf. His hair was neatly parted to one side and he didn’t bother with the student robes, instead wearing a simple shirt, an...

1 year ago
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Scratching an itch before marriage

I cheated and lied to my then girlfriend, now wife, Barbara about an encounter I had with another man years ago while we were dating. As I recall the experience happened before we moved in together. At the time I was on a business trip in Houston and while at the hotel I got extremely curious about what it would be like to go down on another guy. The more I thought about it the more it got me going, so on a whim I posted an ad on CL that I was at the Holiday Inn just off I-610, was curious and...

Gay Male
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Chris and Sarah Part 2

Sarah waited patiently as Chris locked up the house, and she put her hands in her pocket, walking side by side with him. They talked about a ton of subjects from what was going on in the country and how it was affecting his job, to the classes she was gonna be taking in school. After about an hour of walking they turned and headed back home. ‘Well, the move was a hard one.’ She said, looking up at the sky, which was a hue of pick and orange, blue and purple. It was getting darker, and colder....

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Kylie Shayyy I Love Giving Head Favorite Thing

Meet Kylie, a 20-year-old girl who loves giving head & it’s this miniature big boobed sexpots favorite thing to do and Tyler agrees. He also gets a taste of Kylie’s BJ skills in the bathroom before things even get started for some awesome BTS and you just know today’s going to be something special. “So do you want to see my tits,” is what this 4’10” walking hormone asked of Tyler as he followed her into the bathroom. Ummmmm, is that a trick question? Of course we want to see your tits, and...

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HorseplayChapter 15 Tremors

Neil realized during his first trail ride of the final week that he'd been denouncing Mae's reluctance to cheat on Steve while essentially cheating on her on some mental level with Leah. It was an epiphany of self-judgement that rattled him, and Neil spent a long time in the saddle wondering how he felt toward either girl. Each time he doubted his love for Mae he pictured her face and heard her whisper "I love you" in his ear and all doubts were suddenly gone. When he started to doubt his...

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Story of Jane Updated Final Cuckold

I posted this before but this is the updated & final version with some additions.Every event in this long story is true and happened exactly as I have told it with only minor embellishments. The story covers a period of about 30 years and includes only events that I remember as highlights – there were many others who were similar so this really should be called “The Best Bits of the Story of Jane”! If you like it and it turns you on please rate it so more people will read it and share our...

1 year ago
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Amy 23 Amys Revenge

Amy 23: Amy's Revenge Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Want the Getaway One super nice spring day, feeling kind of self-conscious about my buzzed head thanks to Ms. Green, the school psychologist who had called me to her office as if my having short hair was a cry for...

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MFelixSprite present Whores Lies and Sinker

Friday 8:36 AM Charlotte knelt on the king-sized bed, her slender legs parted, her soft white ass nestled between her thighs as she went about the task of folding laundry. She quietly hummed while listening to the shower door slide open, glancing once towards the bathroom as she deftly folded a pair of green lace panties. She listened for the sound of the electric shaver, smiling to herself at how well she had memorized her lover’s routine. Shower, a quick shave and a thorough brushing of the...

2 years ago
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Village Father In Law Makes Into Me

Hi ISS readers, I am Sagarika from Bangalore – my age is 29 and got married at an age of 28 which is quite late for a south Indian girl. Let me just tell you my social surroundings – Married to a software engineer – Project manager to be precise, who is 5 years older than me. He was 33 when we got married. We moved to Bangalore after we got married because I husband was working here and his native was a village in the south of Tamil Nadu. We currently live in 3 bedroom apartment and I have...


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