The Liberation Of Father Mortimer
- 4 years ago
- 106
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The sudden chirping of a phone woke me. I started to sit up, but the sudden motion hit my head hard and I groaned. Cate mumbled an obscenity besides me and pulled her cell phone out. I think she was about to shut it off when she recognized the number, so she went ahead and answered it. She was getting up to leave the room but I reached out and held her, feeling this was probably something that I should hear.
“Hello? You’re going to have to keep it quiet, because Alex is trying to sleep,” she answered in an almost whisper.
“What was that, Caroline?” she asked, becoming quickly concerned.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. We’ll meet you here,” she turned to me and explained briefly. “It’s Caroline. They went home a while ago with Chalise’s father and things started to get ugly. The father hit Chalise, and when Caroline went to her defense, he hit her, too. They managed to call the police.”
She listened longer before relaying more information.
“He denied everything, but the hospital had already reported an assault against her by her brother, so the clear signs of an attack meant the police are bringing her to the hospital here,” Cate explained. I figured I’d better respond.
“Yeah, Boss?” asked Gail as she stuck her head in the door. Apparently she’d finished with the police interviews while I’d been out of it.
“Need wheelchair. Need to see Chalise. She’s coming to ER.”
“Uh, if it’s alright with you, how about you stay there and recover, and I’ll do down and make sure they’re OK?” She asked, looking a bit nervous about my moving around.
“Police bringing her. Let them, check her, bring here,” I instructed her in still broken English. It was taking a lot of effort to form complete sentences.
“Aye, aye, chief,” she replied with a quick salute and was off. I looked around and noticed more people than I’d realized were here at first.
“When did everyone get here?”
“They’ve been arriving off and on. Gail would only let them enter if they promised not to disturb you,” Cate told me. My other two sisters were slowly waking up, apparently they’d been nodding off before the phone woke us all. My mother and Natalie were also sitting there watching me.
“How’s everyone else?” I asked her, just to check.
“Everyone has been meeting with the police, off and on, since you zoned out. Apparently Gail, knowing police tactics, was advising us on how to respond. She told us to answer honestly so it wouldn’t look like we were hiding anything, but not to say anything about our relationship to you other than what we decided. She also told us to drop in lots of personal details, as that would disarm them and prevent them from thinking the testimony was prearranged,” Shani explained.
“Good. Makes sense,” I replied.
“Luckily you weren’t completely out, so we were still able to communicate while you slept, but the messages were a bit problematic as they’d come and go unexpectedly,” she explained before continuing on.
“Probably ‘cause sleep fitful,” I said.
“It was funny when they tried to interrogate Anh,” Cate laughed, continuing on. “They couldn’t figure out how to interview her when no one in the family knew how to speak Vietnamese and she kept playing ignorant. When we told them they’d have to wait for you to wake up, they couldn’t seem to figure out how you could possibly know enough Vietnamese to translate for her to the whole family.”
“Good, keep off track,” I responded, still keeping all my comments short.
“I’m afraid they are already thinking you’re leading some kind of cult,” Natalie informed me. “Plus they wanted to know why we were all living in your room.”
I simply asked “Why?”
She answered, “Because you said they could search the house. The first thing they noticed was all the women’s clothing in your room, in a variety of different sizes and styles.”
“Ah.” That was enough encouragement for her to go on.
“They’re still anxious to speak with you, but Gail convinced them to return in the morning.”
“When Becky, Melinda get here?”
“We came as soon as Mom called us,” Becky answered. “It took a while to get here, and I’m not sure how soon she was able to call. We wanted to give you lots of hugs but your bulldog out there wouldn’t let us,” she said, laughing gently.
“By the way, in case you are concerned, the bruising on the sides of your brain appears to be going down, as you can tell by your increased ability to concentrate now,” Cate informed me. She looked ill at ease, sitting so close to me and not holding me, but she was taking her role of keeping me informed very seriously.
“Yeah, better, still hurt,” I said, wincing in order to emphasize my point.
Cate passed me a glass with a straw.
“Allison took off after her interview, assuming you’d be sleeping for a while, to visit your other fans in the hospital,” Shani informed me. “Also Kitty came soon after we got word to her. She went with Allison so she’s anxious to speak with you as well. They’re all concerned about you.”
“Speaking of being concerned about you,” Natalie said, “you should probably try contacting Patricia and Brooke. They called when they couldn’t reach you, the other girls all say that whenever you get in trouble they get these strong emotions from you. I’m sure they’re worried.”
“What bout Anh?” I asked.
“Ah, she went down to the cafeteria to get us all coffee. She said she couldn’t stand looking at you so helpless,” Shani told me.
“Alex, can I—?” Cate asked, suddenly looking weaker now that her ‘official’ duties were over. I held a hand up, holding her off for a second. I knew she needed me, but I also know I could relieve a couple of worried women with only a few seconds communication.
‘Brooke, Patricia?‘ I asked, trying to contact them both in order to save some time. I’d never tried this before, but feeling as weak as I did, I thought it made sense to try it now.
‘Alex? We were so worried about you, ‘ Patricia answered.
‘We got a couple of panicky messages from you, then you wouldn’t respond to us afterwards. Are you alright?‘ Brooke asked.
‘I was out of it for a while, ‘ I answered, finding mental messages a bit easier to handle now. ‘I was struck in the head with a large chair. I’m in the hospital now, but I seem to be improving.’
‘Oh, no!‘ Brooke cried. ‘Have they done any tests to see if there’s any internal damage?‘
‘Even better, Dr. Moore accepted Allison’s diagnosis that I was OK, that it was just some light bruising and that I’d slowly recover.‘
‘Oh, that certainly makes me feel better, ‘ Brooke answered. ‘By the way, we’ll be there shortly. As soon as we got your garbled messages, Rebecca and I called each other. We started driving almost immediately after packing some essentials.‘
‘You’re coming here?‘ I asked, unbelievingly.
‘Of course we’re coming, ‘ Brooke assured me. ‘We’d had most of our stuff packed and ready, so mostly we just had to get the kids organized. They’re both anxious about you, by the way. We had finished the preparations when Dr. Moore called the other day, telling us we had the jobs, so there wasn’t anything holding us back.‘
‘What about Patricia?‘ I asked, having to accept what they told me as established fact.
‘I’m fine, ‘ she assured me. I’d forgotten I was already speaking with her. ‘I really wanted to come as well, but I knew you were depending on me to watch over things here.‘
‘OK, ‘ I told them, already tiring from this extensive discussion. ‘I’ve got to go now, I’m getting weak and Cate looks like she’s about to fall apart.‘
‘Go, go. We’re sure she needs you. I’ll tell Rebecca what you’ve said. The kids are both asleep at the moment, ‘ Brooke assured me.
Once we finished I turned back to Cate and opened my arms to her. She almost leapt into my lap, but held herself back at the last moment, being cautious of hurting me. She ended up just snuggled gently against me and holding me tight.
“You talked to them?” she asked me. I simply nodded wordlessly, not even sure if she could see me, since her head was nestled against my chest. She seemed to as she responded, however.
“I’m sure it must have been hard on them not knowing what was happening to you. It was hell sitting so close to you, afraid to touch you but still having to keep track of everything going on, since I knew you’d want to know everything as soon as you were coherent.”
Again I simply nodded, not yet feeling strong enough to say much. With all of that out of her, Cate began to cry as she let herself go, shaking gently in my arms. I held her tighter, despite the fact her crying was producing sharp pains radiating throughout my head. As I tried to wordlessly console her, I briefly reached out to both Allison and Anh, letting them know I was finally awake. They both answered simply, telling me they’d be here shortly.
It wasn’t much longer when I had to alert Cate by clearing my throat. When she looked up I said, “We’re about to have company.” She quickly stood up, not wanting to announce to the world that, out of a room full of lovers, she was the one lying against me crying her eyes out.
The door opened a moment later. Gail began maneuvering Chalise into the room in a wheelchair while Caroline held the door for her. But as soon as she saw me, Chalise leapt up and raced towards me. She almost made it, too. Gail, blocked by both Caroline and the wheelchair, simply leapt over it, using the wheelchair as a vault, and grabbed her around the waist before she could reach me. She whispered in her ear before she could get upset. Chalise quickly calmed down.
“Sorry,” she meekly said to me. “Are you OK?”
Grimacing slightly, I opened my arms to her and she came to me, gingerly this time. She too gave me a firm hug and sighed once I was safely in her arms.
“I was so worried about you,” she confessed.
“Seems, like the consen ... sus,” I managed to get out. She immediately backed up.
“Oh, no, I shouldn’t be bothering you. You’re still weak,” Chalise protested.
“He’s been suffering from a concussion to a particular area of his brain, he was delirious until a short time ago. He’s recovering, but it’s slow,” Cate informed her, struggling slightly to maintain her strict composure. Chalise just looked at her for a few moments, not questioning how she could possibly know such a thing, then ran to her instead of me.
“Oh, you poor thing, it must have been terrible to have to sit here all this time and not be able to hold him.”
I thought that was odd. She was consoling my sister instead of taking care of her own emotional needs? I wondered if maybe she might not know more than I’d suspected. But then again, they’d been talking, and Cate had been acting attracted to me for quite some time, as everyone keeps telling me.
“So, how are you feeling?” Caroline asked me, as Chalise and Cate whispered to each other.
“Fine, tired, head hurts,” I summarized. “Still, need take control,” I told her.
She looked at me oddly, tilting her head. “Why?”
Gail leaned over. “He feels responsible for all of us. The police were giving us trouble, so he recovered enough to put them in their place. It’s twofold. He needs to do it, and it’s also helping him focus,” she explained.
“Oh,” Caroline said, looking confused. “Couldn’t you have done that yourselves?”
“They rely on me, my responsibility,” I informed her, answering instead of letting Gail respond. Caroline still looked a bit confused, so I simply concluded, “Complicated. They need me be responsible.”
“All right,” Caroline conceded, nodding that she got it. “I take it that’s one of those things I’m not supposed to understand yet. So, who is this newest member of your little menagerie? She mentioned her name was Gail, but that’s about all we could get out of her.”
“That’s all I know as well,” I replied. “Please, Gail, could you tell us about yourself.”
Gail looked a little nervous. “Well, I’m glad you asked, because everyone else seemed afraid to ask me anything without you there, but ... how much am I allowed to say?”
Hoping to curtail any unnecessary questions I quickly reassured her. “Just tell us about yourself. You don’t have to tell us whether you smoke dope in your spare time or something. I’m just interested in who you are.” I hoped that was worded carefully enough that she’d know not to reveal anything about their abilities, but if she slipped, I’d deal with it as I’d been dealing with everything else. It was hard work trying to keep everything under wraps all the time.
“My name is Gail Sanders. As you can tell, I’m an officer of the law. I work out of St. Louis. I was ... uh,” she paused, unsure how to explain. “I was returning from dropping off some case files when I, uh...” She was once again stuck with just what to say.
“She stopped in to visit a friend who was in one of the nearby rooms,” I offered.
While she’d been speaking I took the opportunity to examine the new woman who stood before us. It was hard to really evaluate her, as she had her hair pulled back tightly and it was hidden behind her cap. I gathered it was the way she normally hid herself from her fellow officers or members of the public that she didn’t want to reveal herself in front of.
She seemed strong, like Brooke and Rebecca. Well, probably more like Brooke, who gained her strength and bearing from having to use her muscles every day on her job. It was hard to see, you could tell she was certainly in shape, although she looked a bit softer overall than either Brooke or Rebecca. She wasn’t real tall, but she was more rounded than my other girls. She certainly had a no nonsense look about her. Her hair was dark brownish, falling a little past her shoulders. She had inquisitive eyes and a cute little smile that she’d occasionally reveal, usually whenever she’d unexpectedly look at me. I could tell she could quickly go from comfortable and relaxed to aggressive and demanding as the occasion called for.
“Yeah, that’s right,” she said, brightening, as she continued.
“And you knew this, how, since you didn’t even know who she was?” Caroline asked.
“Mother!” Chalise warned her mother sharply. “Alex warned me that there would be others who might show up unexpectedly, so it’s hardly surprising. I met another one the other day when we took a tour of the hospital. That one was another patient. Give them room to get to know one another before you start demanding explanations.”
I just had to stare at her in amazement for a few seconds before I could think to respond.
“Thank you, Chalise.” Turning back to Caroline I continued, having had a chance to gather my slow forming thoughts. “My brain is still moving in ... slow motion,” I tried to explain. “I can’t quite think straight yet.”
“I’m sorry,” Caroline offered, looking very apologetic. “Go on, Miss, I apologize for interrupting you.”
“No problem,” Gail replied in an almost mumble before switching to her more straightforward response to me. “Anyway, I stopped by to visit my friend and I met some of Alex’s...”
“He calls them his ‘girls’,” Chalise explained.
“Right, I met a few of his girls out in the hall and we got to talking. Anyway, I came in here and we continued our discussion when suddenly some of the local policemen showed up. I thought they were responding a little strangely, given the circumstances, so I started to stick up for Mr. Alex,” Gail explained, adapting her story to make it sound more plausible.
“Please, no formality, especially with ... me in hospital robe,” I said, still having trouble stringing together all the little nuances of speech, even though I was gradually thinking clearer. “Sides, cops from ... Shawneetown.”
“I’m sorry,” she responded, nodding to acknowledge my correction, “but I’ve been estranged from the church for a long time. It seems they didn’t seem to be particularly relevant in my life anymore, but when I—”
“Yeah, I know how you feel,” I hurried to jump in before she had a chance to explain how I was godlike or something similar. “I’m not religious myself. I just couldn’t convince myself that there was any reason for God to exist.” Caroline looked at me oddly when I’d said this, and I growled at myself, thinking I’d just stepped from one fire into another in trying to avoid a little heat. I couldn’t keep mentioning my atheism without eventually alienating someone.
“That’s how I felt, but I was suddenly afraid all my disillusionment with the church was wrong and you were going to punish me for my doubts,” she stated, her nervousness overriding her thinking through what she was saying.
“Yeah, voices from on high can do that to you,” Cate offered with a quick laugh. I shot her a quick dirty look, which hurt my head, but she seemed to either not notice or ignore it.
“Does he do that with you?” Gail asked.
“Nope. Sorry, but I’m not one of the Chosen few. I’m simply his lowly sister.”
I coughed, loudly, to try to cut this sidetrack short. Both Caroline and Chalise were busy looking back and forth at each of us. Luckily Anh arrived then, carrying a tray full of cups on it. Everyone quickly turned their attention to helping her and hopefully forgot the current thread of the discussion. When everyone had their own cup of coffee their attention turned back to Gail.
“So, Gail, do you have a boyfriend or husband?” I asked, hoping the answer was yes for a change. Although that didn’t seem to have impacted Patricia in the least, I reminded myself.
“Ah, no. I don’t have any significant others at the moment. Not many people are interested in the drama and distractions of getting involved in a cop’s life. It’s often hard on the spouses, you understand,” she explained.
“Can you spend any time with us?” I asked, trying to move the conversation along
“Well, I’m off for the weekend, so I have until midday Sunday,” she offered.
“So there’s no one who’d be looking for you at home?” asked Shani.
“Nope, just me. I haven’t been close to my family for years, and its hard having much of a dating life as a cop,” she explained. “Plus, I walk into bars and everyone immediately freezes cause of the ‘cop’ look.”
“Well, I want you to know you’re always welcomed to come by the house whenever you need or want to. You’re already a member of the family as far as everyone is concerned,” I assured her in what appeared to be my most complex sentence I’d yet uttered.
“Ha!” Cate exclaimed, “I’m sure if you asked Melinda, she’s already a step above family.” I certainly wasn’t about to try discussing Melinda in front of Cate yet. I figured one serious blow to the head in a night was enough, thank you very much.
Before anything more could be said there was a brief knock on the door and Kitty opened it, allowing Allison to push a wheelchair holding Jennifer Pickford in it. I could tell that Kitty wanted to run to me, but she was being very patient and was carefully watching out for poor Jennifer.
“Thought we’d bring a big fan of yours up to see how you were,” Allison explained. “Seems there are more than a few people worried about you around the hospital.”
“Man, you wouldn’t believe how quickly news of you has been spreading across the entire hospital,” Jennifer told us. “The doctors never say anything to anyone, but everyone knows you’ve got to talk to the nurses to ever find out what’s going on in a hospital. They’ve all been abuzz about you since you first arrived on Tuesday.”
Allison quickly pushed Jennifer up to me. I moved unsteadily to the edge of my bed, so I could give her a quick hug, Kitty once more holding back so I could deal with Jennifer before she did anything herself.
“Allison told me you were awake,” Kitty explained, “even though we were already in the cancer ward at the time. I’d first gotten here when you were still asleep, and I was terribly worried, but everyone assured me you were fine. I’m not sure how they could all be so sure about it, though, since head injuries are usually so difficult to diagnose.”
“That used to be the case,” came a clear voice from the still open door, as both Ryan and Dr. Padilla entered the room. “But we’re thinking of starting up a new experimental service at a certain local school to try to treat unexpected head injuries on the scene,” Dr. Moore informed us.
“Because of what Alex does?” Jennifer asked excitedly.
“Well, what he’s been able to help us with, but more precisely from what we’ve been able to learn since he came in with his own injury,” Ryan carefully explained. I was glad he was being more careful in what he said than my own sister was being. But I had to concede that it gets difficult trying to keep so many secrets.
“It seems we have a new technique for evaluating patients quickly, although we’ll still need a doctor on hand to make the official diagnosis,” Dr. Padilla explained. “Luckily we have several new hires that are already fully trained in the new procedure.” He smiled at me as he related this information.
“That seems a safe approach,” I said, not committing myself.
“So, Alex, you helped all of us so much, couldn’t you have done the same for yourself?” Jennifer asked. I just looked at her, mostly because my brain just wasn’t thinking very fast and she’d surprised me.
“Uh, not that I’ve really done anything unusual, you understand,” I stressed, trying quietly to tell Jennifer to hush up, I continued. “But aside from being out of it, I still have no idea what goes on. I have no medical training, so I can’t speak of what is or isn’t medically possible, but I think doing nothing was the best approach in this case.”
“That was exactly our thinking,” Ryan said. “By the way, how are you feeling, Alex? You’re sounding better.”
“His speech is improving the longer he’s up, I think he’s recovering pretty quickly,” Cate offered, possibly in order to save me from having to answer.
“I’m feeling pretty good now, although I wouldn’t fight a nap if I was offered one,” I replied.
Ryan looked around the now crowded room. “I can’t see how you are going to arrange that with all these well-wishers in here. Do you want me to order them all out?”
“Nah, that won’t be necessary,” I assured him.
“Besides,” Chalise replied, “I’m sure his girls would enforce peace and quiet in any case,” she said, glancing at Gail.
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Introduction: Went to visit my 15yo asian gf while she was sick in bed My name is Sean and I live in Seattle, Wa. where I currently attend highschool as a Sr. where I play football and run track. I am 6 ft tall and have an athletic build, I have dolphin blue eyes with a slash of gray and am moderately attractive. Earlier this year I was dating a Vietnamese Soft more named Amy that goes to my school. She was born in the states so she didnt have an accent at all, but her parents whom I never got...
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SICKShe is so beautiful, he thought to himself. He loved her so much. Her hot, silky body. The way she tucks her hair behind her ear. Her ever so loving voice. But most of all he adored her sweet, innocent face. He knew all its lines and creases. Its many soft curves and sharp angles. Sometimes, late at night, he would lie awake for hours, staring at her while she lay peacefully on her pillow. Gazing lovingly at her features, memorizing its contours with the tips of his fingers. The brow was an...
This happened quite some time ago, back when I was still a teenager in school, right smack in the middle of that golden age where you'd still be exploring your own personality, but absolutely couldn't wait to start exploring another person's body all at the same time. This other person, let's call her Annette, had been in my life for a few months already up to this point. From that first feeble, trembling kiss shortly after we met, we had lost enough of our shyness to finally dare touch each...
So, this just recently happen and is still fresh in my thoughts.My wife had to rush out of town and had spoken with her mom prior to leaving. It appears my mother in-law was not feeling well and now my wife was torn between her job and looking after her mother. I told her I could check in on her mom and if needed I could go stay with her and work from her home. My wife thought that was a good idea and called her mom to tell her. I worked that day and drove out to my mother in-laws' place. She...
One cold late fall day in New England I was relaxing with my girlfriend after a long work week. My girlfriend and I lived together in a two bedroom duplex. I was in my early 20’s and she was in her early 30’s. We were very happy and had an amazing sex life.Crystal was short, maybe 5’2” tall with huge 42DDD’s. Her breasts were splendid and I played with them constantly and she adored the attention. She was quite chubby; but looked great. She had thick, curly shoulder length brown hair and...
She was short, maybe 5’2” tall with huge 42DDD’s. Her breasts were splendid and I played with them constantly. She adored the attention. She was chubby; but looked great. Crystal had thick, curly shoulder length brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. We sat on the couch and watched TV and I lazily flipped around. She said her stomach had been upset all day and she felt began to get very nauseous. I felt bad for her because she was not one to complain. Crystal had already changed from her...
I just stood there with my mouth open as she walked into the refectory. I have never seen anyone so beautiful. "What you looking at moron" she said as she caught sight of me standing there. "And shut your mouth before a bus comes along," she said loud enough for all my friends could hear. She was gone now to join the queue but I stood routed to the spot. "Come on man," said one of my class mates. "Leave her, we'll be late if you don't get a move on. I couldn't concentrate, sleep...
Lindiwe 2069 Although this was by no means the first time in her life that Lindiwe had been ill, she'd never before felt as desperately sick as she was now. Her luck had run out. The Buffalo Pox that had spread across England as it had the rest of Europe, Africa and Asia had finally chased her down. The horrible boils of pus on her face and chest could never be symptoms of anything else. And here she was, still living in the same Redhill squat which had been her home for almost a year with...
I went into school expecting the usual harassment from Natasha when I saw that same group of friends looking rather glum. So I went over and asked what was wrong. "Natasha died on her way to school this morning... it was a car accident." I was shocked. I always expected her to be the same bitchy person that I had the unfortunate encounter with every morning. However I was also a bit upset, I would never get the chance to ever fuck her. That is... until I had this great idea... That...
Warning! Do not read this story! We mean it! The following tale is based on a roleplay between two unusually depraved females. In fact this isn?t a real story what is telling something, but a rather long and concentrated bunch of the most extreme fantasies human mind able to create. This tale hasn?t got real plot, hasn?t got sense. All described acts are about weird fetishes which were compressed into one seemingly coherent storyline, but in reality the story is secondary and neglected. ...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Sick Junk! Are you one of those few gifted people who can somehow defy all odds and exceed their physical limitations when it comes to masturbation and manages to whack off every single day for years and years on end while barely maintaining a life outside of porn consumption? Are you one of those few hardened porn warriors that’s so desensitized from watching gigabytes-worth of pornography that you aren’t even phased by the sight of a naked woman or sex in general, and need something a little...
Extreme Porn WebsitesThis is a dark one that has been rattling around for a while. Be warned, it's way darker than most of the stuff I write and it does not end well. This also has the distinction of being a mostly true story. I've changed names and locations and obvious embellished some of the background, and the ending is mine (since I don't know what the real ending is). While it seems unreal, this is reality. It was a guy I met while at a conference in the great North West a few years back. We got drunk...
Climbing out of a car clogged with dust once again, Alex took in the quaint little village laid out before him. It was a small community, with small structures built much like they were long ago, with red stones and the old style adobe, as well as a few scattered newer structures which stood out in sharp contrast. There were several people sitting out, including a few young children. One looked up and called out to a friend, watching Alex and his cohorts. "Look, it's him." Soon both boys...
The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...
College SexThis is a dark one that has been rattling around for a while. Be warned, it’s way darker than most of the stuff I write and it does not end well. This also has the distinction of being a mostly true story. I’ve changed names and locations and obvious embellished some of the background, and the ending is mine (since I don’t know what the real ending is). While it seems unreal, this is reality. It was a guy I met while at a conference in the great North West a few years back. We got drunk –...
Ritika,ek hardworking woman,jo apne sath sath apne pati ka bhi bojh uthati hai (including financially).Prakash uska pati jo ki mentally sick hai.Recession ke time uska naukri chale gaye,aab iss umer mei (at the age of above thirty) use koi naukri bhi nehi mila,frustration mei uska mansik santulan kho baitha.Ritika pahele housewife the pad aab use ghar chalane ke liye choti moti naukri karne lage. Pati ka treatment,ghar-bar aab sab use hei dekhne padte hai.Un dono ke 8 saal pahele shadi hue...
Hello friends, I came back with the second part of my story the mental sickness. Earlier you read about how the boy got sick and I helped him to overcome that. Few days after that treatment I gave him, everything seems normal to me. The boy used to come to home for food. I feel somehow happy that the problem get resolved.. A week passed and everything works fine. He used to talk to me regularly or come to my home in my absence to watch tv. I left one key with him. I informed my husband about...
Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...
Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...
Mind Control=== Homesick === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ----- We'd all gone to see the new _Tombs of Atuan_ movie, Mom and Dad and Kiara and me. On the way home, we chatted about the movie and got into an argument about whether they'd gotten Ged and Tenar's relationship right. Those were the last normal moments of our lives. Then Dad turned into our subdivision -- still normal --...
Earlier this year I was dating a Vietnamese Soft more named Amy that goes to my school. She was born in the states so she didn't have an accent at all, but her parents whom I never got to meet only spoke Vite so she spoke both. Amy stood about 5'2" long black hair to the middle of her back with blond highlights, She had light brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She has B sized tits and just enough ass to grab onto, about 105 lbs at her heaviest with a small vagina that only has a slit, no...
Looking around the room, John Rose saw twenty-odd students, all in uniform, textbooks open, bright and attentive. Junior students had to take his classes, but these students were in their final year, their final semester. They were here because they wanted to be. While he enjoyed teaching English, his real passion was history, something he shared with them.It was his favourite class.He sat relaxed atop the raised desk at the front of the room, his muscular frame topped with short black hair,...
SpankingSeventeen-year old son Josh was uniquely quiet tonight, his young brain awash also with the twin sins of guilt and lust. Having enjoyed stepsister Lucy's attentions via a wonderful handjob that was subsequently reciprocated as his fingers worked her tight young pussy to climax, he craved more, much more. Glancing up only to look at the object of his affection, his mind was agonising over how to get her alone and into bed. Sixteen-year old stepdaughter Lucy sat in between, the focal point...
Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... Too sick to work Its been a horrible night... you were tossing and turning all night long... you know you are coming down with something and you decide you had better stay home today. You call out and ask me to bring you some water...
The Greyhound bus pulled away leaving them in a cloud of dust and diesel fumes. Loxville had been on the UK tourist guide ‘must see’ list but neither John nor Tori could see why – it wasa grade A dump! Loxville only had one thing going for it – it was full of convention centres. The couple were Tori – superb example of an English Rose. blond, blue eyes, stunning looker, ample breasts without being too flash, and long legs. Rounded off with a Surrey accent that...
Ten minutes after I got home from work to find my fat, old landlord with his cock in his hand wanking into a pair of my little pink panties, I was lying on my bed…. Heels still on as my ripped panties hung from one ankle and my big tits spilled out over the silk bra he had torn open.He was running a massive dildo across my cheek. 10 inches long and 4 inches thick it was covered with knots and bristles - it was obviously the pervert’s own creation and he’d brought it with him.“Open your mouth."...
Hello, I am Zeeshan from Canada and this is a continuation of my earlier story titled ‘My Sick Day’. As I and Parveen played with each other in my bed, mother was working upstairs. I had no idea how I would get Parveen to her home in time, without her being caught by my mother or her family becoming suspicious. Since I and Parveen had already committed a ‘crime’ we found it fitting to commit another one. My room was in the basement and it was set in such a way that it was divided into half by...
Three weeks after my landing I said goodbye to Joan and I was taken to Haslar Hospital near Portsmouth for a full medical. I had a chance to report to Captain S/M at the base, and renew some old acquaintances. My old boat Tenacious was out on patrol, and my ex First Lieutenant Bill had been made Lieutenant Commander in my place, and was now in permanent command. He had been very successful, and had been on a special operation, and sunk a couple of enemy ships in another patrol. However, it...
Monday October 10 Before I left the hospital, they’d given me instructions on how to rehab my hip pointer. They called the first few days the ‘acute phase.’ I assumed that meant pain level because I agreed it was ‘acute.’ The suggested treatment was to rest, ice it down, take pain and anti-inflammatory meds, and to wrap it. They warned me not to try to do too much until the pain subsided some. My instinct was to stretch and exercise, but they’d warned that I had to let my injuries heal before...
Anna was walking in the park. It was the first day of summer break and her mother would be working until 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening. It was 10:30 now so she had plenty of time before she had to be home. The last thing she remembered was walking around the forested area and a hand covering her mouth. Now she was naked and tired face up on a hard surface. She heard voices she didn’t know coming near her. Despite the fact that she was blind folded, she could tell that at least four men maybe...
The next few days of going without a steady supply of sex probably wouldn't be as bad as I'd thought. The previous weekend's sexual marathon was simply an anomaly in my otherwise uneventful life, so returning to celibacy should be relatively easy. Of course I'd only been awake for ten minutes when I thought this, but it sounded reasonable enough. It turned out to be much worse when I got to school. I found myself hard once again, walking down the crowded hallways, thinking about seeing...
The orange cat is sick today. She hasn't been throwing up the way she was last fall, when it seemed that every day we were cleaning up behind her. It's a wonder she kept any food down at all. We changed her diet to some special kidney disease formula that she and her sister hate, but they eat it and they don't throw it up. Every few days we give them some "ice cream" as the vet staff call the common commercial products. The cats love that stuff, which I guess is why they call it "ice...
It was July 12, 2013 at 10:12 am, he was going thru the traffic light at Rt. 50 and the lights went out. Nine months later he woke up in a rehab center. When he opened his eyes Beth his wife of six years was leaning over him running her fingers thru his hair, with tears running down her face. He tried to talk but his mouth and throat were bone dry. The doctor said give him a sip of water. Tammy a Candy Striper put a cup of ice water with a straw in it up to his lips as he took a sip. He looked...
These events happened around 2 months after the second part on isla sorna. They all came on the north end of Isla Sorna to put the trackers around the island and to go down the sea of braso and down the little gulf.Brittany, Melissa, Jordan, James, Chrissy went searching for evidence of dead dinosaurs to try to figure out what is happening. Me, Brittany, and Melissa were brought to that island by ingen to investigate why some of the dinosaurs were dying from a mysterious sickness. Ingen hired...
Life had changed now. Madeleine and Penn rarely spoke to each other, and Madeleine spent all of her time in Poe's room, or her own. Penn was not welcome in either. Winter was closing in, and, although it rarely snowed in Gynt, the mornings were frosty, the nights were cold. Dee's position had changed, too. She no longer felt excluded from the Madeleine and Penn club, as it had been dissolved, or, more like, exploded. How she wished that circumstances had been different! Mrs Beale could no...
Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...
Outside Homeroom, Medway High School 8:17am, Monday, November 12, 1979 “Hey, Mike! How’s the ankle?” Tempe called as she rounded the second floor side-hallway near our lockers. “A little tender but I’ve already iced it twice, and Coach just finished putting an Ace Bandage wrap on it,” I replied as I dug out my Music and English notebooks and Anthology. “So, Coach knows, huh?” Tempe softly asked. “Oh, yeah. I went to his office as soon as I got here. His semi-angry lecture to me would...