Deacons Choir Boiz
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
The new people knew their business just fine, didn’t need lessons in tracking, just local knowledge, asked nice too. Took me a few days to get the team set and the other wolf pack territories marked up on the team’s maps, told them part was guesswork, but the main boundaries were solid. They even had their own lye soap or something like it, not a whiff of anything, not even spearmint gum, that smell spreads on the wind, might as well carry a bell as chew that stuff.
Took the papers with me and headed out to take the supplies to the girl, planned on staying out a few days this time, hopefully I could get a reply to the letters, I figured if’n the girl was going to care, she’d have an answer soon as she read them. Long days and warm nights now, high summer don’t last long up here on the mountain, but it sure is worth waiting for. Makes for a slower hike though, what with every critter out looking to feed their young, takes more care to leave them be, better that way, I’d hate to have to shoot a momma bear protecting her cub just ‘cos I wasn’t minding my surroundings.
Tried the radio pack once I was close, nothing, might be hunting so I hike up anyway, the den was abandoned but there was the jute bag hanging up just like always. Same system we always used, only the locations changed. Note said to head down to the low valley so that’s where I headed, took the higher route, harder hike but it would give me more range with the radio. Wasn’t until the next day I found the wolf pack. Girl knew the mountain better than me, must have scouted the overlooks, knew I’d choose this one because a part sack was hanging right where I’d choose to put mine. I took the sack down and hung up the one I brought before moving back to the overlook, never hung the sacks too close to where I camped. Not that I made much of a camp, never cooked, just cleared the ground where I laid my bedroll at night.
Not all of the pack were in sight, not unusual, watched and waited. When the growling started I couldn’t see the cause, no point moving ‘cos there wasn’t a better overlook, the growling stopped and started, seemed to settle for a while then start right back up, maybe an hour later they drifted out of the trees above the den, the big alpha male first, then the Girl, close to her another female, Didn’t make sense at first, but as I watched them the Girl was coaxing the female towards the alpha, he was doing the growling, low and deep in his throat, Girl persisted, the female obviously reluctant. Another pause then the Girl tried again. Alpha must have had enough of it, nipped the Girl’s butt enough to make her yap, then mounted her, rougher than I’d seen for a while. That big alpha wasn’t just breeding her, looked like he was dominating her, forcing his will, Girl was as submissive to him as I’d ever seen. Girl never cried out, rough as he was. Through the binoculars I could see his jaws around her neck, the radio collar worn and frayed now. When he stopped thrusting and held deep, pumping her full, those teeth closed, just a little, just enough, purposeful like, I could see the little pinpricks of blood where he pierced the skin. I got the message from best part of a thousand yards away, reckon the Girl did too, whatever it was, the alpha’s decision was final.
That evening the pack hunted, I stayed put, better to keep away and wait. It was dark before I saw the shadows emerge from the trees in the starlight. The sack was still there in the morning, guessed as much from her cries in the night, those were pure pleasure. The following morning the sack was gone. Watched the den all morning, was midday before she made the sign, looked right at me again as she did.
Late afternoon I was up near the little waterfall that fed the stream running down the valley, Girl was there, had picked a spot higher up, close enough to talk low and be heard, but far enough to stay out of my scent range. Girl motioned to a crevice to my left, papers were rolled and stuffed in there. The forms were signed, but parts were blank, the note explained, she watched as I read them. Girl’s answers were her business, all I needed was to know her decisions could be understood and made real for her. We signalled back and forth, then it was done, I stuffed the papers into my thigh pocket. Girl signed, pointed, another note in a lower cleft, I turned to get it and when I turned back Girl had gone. It was only when I was hiking back to the cabin I realised we only signed, Girl never spoke, not a word.
Handed the papers to the Man, he offered a glass but I had things to do, left him reading the papers. Ate some and cleaned up afore settling to read the note, the Girl was trying to get the alpha to accept the female joining them, Girl knew what she had done could well damage the pack beyond recovery. Within the pack it is the alpha bitch that has pups, Girl could do a lot, but not that, her plan was to share the alpha with the other female so there would be cubs. Seems the alpha having accepted the Girl was having none of it. Wolves mate for life most often, he was committed just as much as Girl.
Her decision was to leave the pack, that part of the note was stained, tears I was guessing, but she was determined to stay the winter with the pack, so long as she left early in the following year it would be ok. Wolf bitches come into season March time around these parts. Girl wanted me to get her two wolf hides, as scent free as possible and best not from any where too close. Guess she planned to use them to keep warm enough, wear them, Girl might still freeze if she got caught out or got wet without a way to dry and get warm. Said it afore. Lord save me from crazy womenfolk.
Wolf pelts are not hard to get, trick for me was getting a couple of big ones without damage, wanted fresh so they’d be easier to mould if’n she wanted. Time to do some trading.
Man seemed happy with the papers, not so happy with the blank parts, but they were mostly simple stuff, home address and the like. Man seemed happy she named me as her proxy. Told him a little of the Girl’s plan to leave the pack, then when and the why. He understood, seemed happy she’d be back in the new year.
Then he made his plea, wanted me to take him along next time or soon, promised he just wanted to see her for himself before winter, and what with her leaving the pack soon as winter quit. I could see his point but somehow it didn’t feel right. Man had kept his word though. Told him it didn’t sit right but I’d take him if’n he followed my rules. Man agreed.
The new people were doing good, staying out like I often did, putting in the time to learn the wolf pack assigned them. Even had a bunch of collars fitted, used a fancy dart gun to do it. Only got the junior pack members though. Young’uns mostly, not old enough to be wary of easy pickings left out to bait them. I trekked out with each team, took me three weeks to rotate through all four, then a day or two for trading and making up the sacks, one for supplies, other had the two pelts the Girl wanted.
Summer was passing once again, shorter days now, yet the sun was still strong on the mountain so it was a warm hike when we headed out to take supplies to the Girl once again. Once we got close where I last saw the Girl I used the radio pack, got a weak signal, didn’t make no never mind. Only place they could be was up near the head of the lower valley, so I reckoned we needed to cross the ridge soon, give us a better chance to find a good lookout point. Man was breathing hard as we gained the ridge, soon enough made the old game trail that wound through the high tree line. Let the Man stop a spell then, better shade this side, seemed grateful.
Sun was setting when I tried the radio again, good clear signal, the pack were using a den I knew from way back, hard to get too, but good for game this time of year. Was dark afore we reached the lookout, moon was up though, would be full in a day or two so there was light enough to clear a spot for each bedroll. Man held his tongue and made his bed quiet like. I lay listening for a spell, expected I might hear her, expected wrong.
Tried the radio soon after first light, signal was strong but not steady, must be moving, maybe hunting. Around noon I nudged the Man and nodded towards the game trail, the Man’s eyes widened at seein’ the big alpha appear, the Girl close by, wary. They both eased back into the trees, didn’t see them again until they were near at the den, got a head count then, the pack was complete. From the looks they had killed night before, heavy in the belly and lazing in the sun. Man spent the morning studying them with his binoculars, me too mostly. Around noon the girl moved away, I watched her move, fluid like, her body held different, not crouched, more like she was set to sprint at any moment, held her head like a cat, still, level, body following the ground, eyes following the prey. No, not cat like, wolf, a bitch wolf hunting.
I caught myself gawping at him, and snapped my mouth shut. Never in my twenty three years had I ever met a guy like him: he ticked all the right boxes, every damn one of them. The second that I walked into his office I had fallen under his spell, my heart had double-timed, my legs turned to jelly, and a hot flush had scorched my whole body. From the top of his neatly groomed head to the tips of his highly polished shoes he was immaculate, and in-between those two extremities it was clear that...
Ok guys, this is my first story so go easy but hope you like it. Sorry about the long intro but its essential to the story. Happy reading!!!!From my early teens and right through the following years when I started to watch television and film, the more I watched them the more I became a movie buff so I decided that I wanted to get a job in the television/film business.So I studied hard got good grades and then went off to film school in Dublin. After my 1st year I got an internship opportunity...
If you want to you can read my previous stories from which this follows on, but it is still a stand alone story if you do not want to read the previous ones. Well here we go, perhaps I need to change my outlook on life, perhaps I should explain, I had just read the Yes Man by Danny Wallace, and it made me think did I said Yes very often, the answer of course was No. I did not want to fly all over the world, but I wondered if I should say yes more often?
***DISCLAIMER***This is a work of fiction. Names, places, and events are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or actual events is purely coincidental.***DISCLAIMER n°2!***English is not my native language so if something came out a little wrong i'm sorry :Pthat being said, enjoy!A Daring DateIt was still early morning when she got into the bus and calmly walked to an empty seat close to the center. She was a young...
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All based on an actual event at my home this summer, names changed to protect the filthy.Me: 35 going on 36, six foot, dark-haired, bisexual, straight-acting, horny.Kevin: my male fuckbuddy for most of this year, 25, five-ten, dark-haired, gay, straight-acting.Danny: Kevin's other regular top, as of about a month before the events described below, 30-ish, around six-two, redhead, bisexual, married.Yasmina (aka Yaz, aka Asif): cute local CD, 18, around five-three, Pakistani origins, gay,...
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Hi dear all iss member lady n gent’s i am aditya i am gigolo from delhi doston jaisa ki ap janta hai gigolo ka chut marna orchut chatna kitna accha hota hai waise he mera lund bhi bohat accha hai dosto main month 2 or 3 time he fucking karta hun ussee ziada nahi to doston main apni kahani shuru karta hun: Main apne kaam par har night ki tarhan nikla mujhe wanha khade 2 lagbhag 2 hour’s ho chuke thee koi nahi araha thaa main paresahan horaha tha ki yaar aj ka kaam to esa he raha but naseeb hai...
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This is first chapter in my erotica series: Mark's Lucky Streak! (As published under a previous name, oogleking.) As it is my first work, please keep your criticisms constructive, and enjoy! Ideas for part two -a work in progress- would be greatly appreciated either via comment or direct message. Bored. Mark was, to say the least, bored. He'd spent the majority of his summer playing video games in his room, - or "The Cave" as his mother had grown to call it - jacking off, working out, trying...
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Romance"Tell me a story, Jacob. Oh, please, you promised me!" Jenny pleaded whilst straddling her brother’s thighs, black lace panties pushed to one side to accommodate his throbbing cock. Running her hands through his shoulder length blonde mane, she giggled as she slowly rose and fell, her tight pussy squeezing his erection delightfully, her deep blue eyes full of impish delight as she gazed into orbs that matched her own. Jacob was the eldest of the pair by a scant handful of minutes, a fact that...
IncestI pulled my Bimmer under the large port-e-cache and parked next to Gypsy’s triple red Cadillac El Dorado. That’s the biggest damn car I’ve ever seen. I smiled to myself as I walked around the large chromed continental bumper and into the back door to the house. ‘Gypsy!’ I called as I walked through the back door. ‘You here?’ That’s odd I thought. The house was usually lit up like Christmas and had music blaring so loudly you could hear it down the street. The house was instead, dimly lit and...
With Eddie's help I got pictures placed in the new office and my room. My dressers were now filled with more personal items both on top and inside. Boxes remained but with things I'd put around the house later, after Cleo went back to the city. For now they'd sit in the closet in my office. I plopped on my bed laying spread eagle on my back. "Done!" Eddie laughed. "Yes. For now." From the foot of the bed Eddie climbed between my bare legs, propped on his elbows at the crotch of my...
Hi I am Sam with another experience with a high profile lady, who used me as a sex slave. Normally I used to chat more in internet in the name of Using that id I register in a dating web site. I got lots of request in that site but most are fake. I paid to that website for one month subscription and started to search for some ladies to have fun. Nearly after 10 days (Saturday after noon) I got a message from a profile stating… “U Really enjoy licking?” I thought it’s a fake one and never...
Author's note: the word slavey is a synonym for a drudge: one who does menial work, specifically a household or kitchen worker. Aaron, Tanith, and Dana spent an uneventful night camping off the side of the road. He took the last watch and woke his mates at dawn, where they shared a quick breakfast and after extinguishing the fire continued on their journey. The tendril of blue mist split in two and followed along on either side of the road, hugging the ground flitting from tree to tree, or...
Again, it had been some time since my last sex-adventure. Recently, I received a PM, requesting my first encounter with my pinay, Lovely. If anyone had follow my stories, Lovely is a domestic helper with my mom, staying with my mom. I had been dating her for almost close to a year now.Of the many things, I would love to write and share about my hot, beautiful, loving Lovely. My first hit-on Lovely was actually a proposition from her. Many of you might remember that Philippines was hit by the...
Hi I am Manisha back again to share with you another exotic experience of sex. Thanks for all your response to my previous stories. I had already posted my previous experiences with my tailor sudesh and his cousin ramesh, by the name “the powerful experience of sex (part one and two) and then my experience with my servant boy ramu in “my hot servant ramu”. So let me continue with my sexual journey. Let me remind about myself, I am manisha, 25 years old, 5 ft 7” height and with a body of 34D,...
As much as I love to get my pussy fucked, I adore getting screwed in the ass by my lover. The feeling of a stiff ten inches up my chute makes me perk, my asshole twitches and my mouth waters. My husband wouldn’t ever do that to me, so I had to find someone who would. I found David, the older brother of a friend of mine. I live with my husband and daughters in Northern Georgia; David lives in North Carolina and loves camping in the mountains. Actually, it started quite by accident. David...
We had been smoking green quite a bit throughout the night, it came to around 12 when I had ended up in the garage alone with him, to me he was beautiful, 6ft with medium length brown hair. We sat there together and discussed the night whilst passing the joint, when we fell quiet and he asked me ‘Would it be okay if I kissed you?’ I accepted gladly, I had been attracted to him all night and had wanted nothing more than his attention, after the joint went out we rejoined the party together...
In 1977 wife Sarah and I desperately needed a break. Thanks to horse racing I,d won enough money to place a deposit on our first house in Essex, but with two young c***dren under three she couldn,t work and I was exhausted from commuting to London and back often getting more sleep on the uncomfortable often late running trains in and out of Fenchurch Street then working a twelve hour shift in industrial security all around the London area so Sarah,s parents stepped in to babysit and once more I...
I got ready and left for my college. I entered my class and saw that the black guy was sitting with his friends. He had not reserved seat for me. I felt relieved and sat with my friend. The black guy did not talk to me. After the college got over he came to me and told me to come to his place in the evening. I asked him about the proposal he was talking about that morning. He said nothing and went away.I went back to my hostel and attended my evening classes. Then I went to the black guy's...
Fun in the parking lotWe were headed to another of the porn theaters in Denver for another hot evening with a bunch of horny guys for her to entertain. Cheryl was in the passenger seat, short skirt, shear blouse, shelf bra, hose, her sneakers on till we got to the theater where she would change into a pair of stiletto heels, for more of a whore look.I pulled around the side of the theater and found a place to park, backed into the parking spot so Cheryl would be on the side of the car away from...