Devlin's StoryChapter 63B free porn video

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The changing room was on the way to the shower, so she decided to see who was calling. It probably wasn't her mother. She had seen her mother and baby sister the day before. It might be Evan, letting her know why he hadn't pitched the night before. She fumbled the cell phone out of her purse and accessed voicemail.

"What is it?" Emma asked moments later as she appeared in response to Devlin's shriek.

"It's Evan," Devlin bubbled happily. She waved the cell phone around the room. "He's going to pitch in the majors. He got called up last night. He's pitching in Chicago in..." She glanced at the clock and began pulling her clothes out of the closet. "He's pitching in three hours and he left a bunch of tickets for me at Will Call, and I've got to get dressed and..."

Emma put her hand on Devlin's shoulder. "Well, then we have to get you to Chicago, don't we?" Devlin was balancing on one foot and trying to pull on her panties at the same time. "Easy there, girl," Emma said. She grabbed Devlin's clothes out of her hand. "You need to get cleaned up, first. Tim will get your car, and Krissi or somebody will get you taken care of." She carefully pried the cell phone out of Devlin's hand and steered her towards the stairs.

"Marie, Krissi," she called when she saw the two gals. "Get Devlin cleaned up. Evan is pitching in the majors in Chicago this afternoon and she needs to get there so she can see him."

"I guess we'd better hurry," Krissi said. "Those afternoon games start at 1:00 or 1:30 or something like that, and it's just after 10 now."

"And we should stick some food in her," Marie added as she took Devlin's arm. "Poor thing would faint from lack of hunger about the time we got there, and she'd miss the whole thing."

"Good point," Krissi said. She spotted Rick. "Get some food for Devlin. We'll be downstairs in the shower."

"What's up?" he asked as he turned towards the kitchen.

"We're going to Chicago to see a ballgame. Evan's pitching in the Majors today." Rick nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

Marie and Krissi gave her a rough but effective shower, showing little mercy as they scrubbed her vigorously. Marie concentrated mostly on her hair, while Krissi soaped and scrubbed the rest of her. At first Devlin tried to help, then gave it when she realized she was just getting in the way.

Then Marie helped her turn on Krissi. Together they made her squeal as they lathered her hair into a rich froth. And then it was time to gang up on Marie. Devlin lathered the girl all over, squeezing and cleaning with the wash sponge. Marie's breasts felt no different than her own, she decided. She'd wondered about that.

Finally they got through with all the cleaning, scrubbing, and fun in the shower. Devlin dried off and helped Marie and Krissi with their hair just as they helped her with hers. Finally, wrapped in big fluffy towels, they went back upstairs to the changing room.

"Why do you wear a skirt all the time?" Devlin asked Marie as they got dressed. She had pulled on white shorts and an ISU tee-shirt. She'd tucked and pinned her hair back and was rummaging through her overnight case for her watch and earrings when she noticed Marie holding up a skirt.

"Blame it on my upbringing," Marie said. She pulled on a faded denim miniskirt and smoothed it down. "It's the way I was brought up. A girl always wears a skirt or dress—no exceptions, even if it's freezing outside—it's part of being a lady. Pants are for boys. I heard that from my mother, my aunts, my grandmothers, my sisters, my teachers, everyone." She waved her hand, taking in relatives she hadn't mentioned. "I even heard it from my Dad. All of us girls in the family did. I must have heard it every single day of my life, and I guess it stuck." She laughed as she pulled on a white tanktop. "I'm not exactly a lady, but it's still a habit." She brushed out her hair and pinned it in place with a silver clasp.

"Besides, when I wear a skirt or dress I look less like the public 'me' than I do in jeans or shorts. And that's kind of important. If I get recognized, guys start hitting on me. Just because I fuck guys in the movies, they think I'll put out for anyone at any time. After all, we're all sluts, aren't we? And a slut will fuck anyone, right?"

"Reminds me of the difference between a Bitch and a Slut," Krissi said. "A Slut will fuck anyone. A Bitch will fuck anyone but the guy calling her that."

"I've always told people they call me a bitch like it's a bad thing," Marie replied. "I've never dared quite say that about the word slut."

"That's a little too charged a word," Krissi said. She was wearing her long white sundress again. "Even if it does apply to me, at least around here."

"We could all claim that around here if we wanted to," Devlin said. "And, yeah, I heard that about skirts and dresses all the time from my relatives. That's one of the things that happens when you grow up in a family of all girls. My aunt was the most practical about it, though. She told me there are times when a skirt is a lot more comfortable than shorts. But I always thought dresses were dressed-up for some things."

"Which is why I don't wear that many," Marie said. "Oh, I do when I'm teaching, but that's different. That's work."

"It's just that people don't try to look up your jeans," Krissi said. She laughed. "I should talk. I'm wearing a sundress and no underwear, and if someone looked up my dress right now they'd see everything."

"And this is bad in what way?" Devlin asked, bending down and lifting the hem of Krissi's dress. Fortunately Rick appeared with the food right then, so Krissi didn't have to answer.

"Who all is going?" Devlin asked when she'd finished the ham and cheese croissant Rick had handed her. She wasn't feeling quite so light and fluttery as she had a few minutes before. She felt like she could do most anything, but she also felt a little tired. She hadn't slept much the night before, and was feeling it. She'd planned on getting a nap after she got back to Bloomington, but obviously that wasn't going to happen today. Instead she finished brushing out her hair, gave her face one last inspection, and decided she was ready.

"I just called Steve," Krissi said, "and he'll meet us there. "Are you and Rick coming, Marie?"

"Maybe," Marie said after a hesitation. "I've never really been to a baseball game before. Football, sure; we'd go down and watch the Chargers in San Diego, and I've been to a lot of basketball games. We were sort of expected to show up at Lakers games. I think we were supposed to go to a Dodgers game once, but something came up and we didn't. Let me check with Rick."

A couple of minutes later she was back. "Sure. Neither of us has to be anywhere until tomorrow morning. Rick doesn't have to be back in LA until next week, and I don't have any classes starting until Tuesday evening."

"Good," Krissi said. "Let's see. Emma, Tim, Steve, me, Marie, Rick." She counted slowly, looking at people. "I think that makes six of us, and Devlin. Have I got that right? How many tickets did he say he was leaving, Devlin?"

"He didn't say," she replied. "He just said he was leaving a bunch of tickets at Will Call."

"Count us out," Tim said. "We have to clean the place up. We'll have to catch some other game, okay? I may watch it on TV it I get a chance."

Krissi looked around. "Amnita? Up for a baseball game in Chicago? White Sox, not Cubs. Evan is pitching today."

Amnita glanced at her husband, and after a moment nodded. "Sure. We haven't been to a ballgame in ages. We'll have to go get the kids, though."

"Don't forget to get plenty of sunscreen," Emma warned. "It's supposed to be in the 80s today, and you might burn if you're not careful."

"I've got it," several gals said at once.

"Who's riding where?" Krissi asked.

"We could take our van," Marie said. "It has room for everyone."

"We'll go separately," Amnita said. "We'll pick up our kids and meet everyone at Will Call, okay?"

"Works for me," Devlin said. Krissi nodded. "Let me get some stuff." She threw a few essentials in her overnight bag. She didn't know if she'd spend the night in Chicago, or not. Summer school didn't start for another week, so right now she was free.

They'd just gotten on to the interstate when her phone began chirping. She dug through her purse, glanced at where they were, and pulled out the antenna.

"Devlin, it's Evan."

"Where are you?" she asked excitedly. "I got your message, talked to a few friends, and we're on our way to the game. What happened?"

He laughed. "First, how many tickets should I leave?"

"Six adults, two kids and me."

"Nine. If you want you can sit with the team wives."

"No, maybe next time. I-I'll want to meet them socially, first."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. That may be a bit. I'm just up for a cup of coffee."

"Okay," she said. She'd heard him use that phrase before. "What happened?"

"The big club played back to back extra-inning games. Last night's game went 17 innings. The night before it went 14. They were down to using a reserve shortstop as a pitcher last night. Their pitching is all shot, and so they dipped into Triple-A. I was next in the rotation, so I got the call-up. They said I'm only going to be up for this one start. The big club is flying back to Oakland after this game. I'll accompany them there, and then catch a commuter flight to Sacramento."

"I wish you could stay with them permanently."

"Well, yeah, me, too. Anyway, we can't stay long after the game. I have about an hour before the bus leaves for the airport."

"Just enough for a hello-good-bye kiss," she said. She remembered something Bo's wife Trish had said. "Evan?"


"Trust your stuff, Evan, and throw what the catcher calls."

He chuckled. "You sound like my manager before I got on the plane last night."

"Well, he's right. Work fast, throw strikes, and keep the ball down."

He laughed. "Yeah, and fear is not an option. I remember."

"I'm serious about this, Evan. When you get to Des Moines in two weeks I'll drive over and we can have some time together."

"Sounds good to me. See you right after the game."

"See you. Love you."

"Love you," he replied, and hung up.

"Details," Krissi said at once. "What did he say?"

Devlin explained it briefly, and everyone nodded. "Makes sense," Rick added.

The parking lot wasn't that full, and Will Call had all the tickets. Steve was waiting for them, and folded Krissi into a hug and kiss. Devlin identified herself and got the tickets. She had just started distributing them when Amnita and Jack appeared with their kids in tow.

"Paul, Mary and John," Amnita said, putting her hands on them in turn. Paul, if she remembered, was 11, Mary 9 and John 8. Paul had his baseball glove with him and was wearing a Little League baseball cap. Mary had a smaller glove and was looking around uncertainly.

"Ever been to a major league baseball game?" Steve asked them as they went through the ticket turnstiles.

Mary shook her head. "We've seen them on TV," Paul added.

"Well, let's do what my Dad did for me when I went to my first game," Steve said. He led them up the main stairs and across the concourse. The field opened out in front of them.

"It's so green," Mary said in awe, taking in the field.

"It's like a temple to baseball," Steve said as everyone drank in the scene. Oakland was on the field taking batting practice. Balls were flying through the air, and guys were fielding them everywhere.

"Hey, kids, let's go to the outfield and see if we can get a souvenir," Jack said. He glanced back at Devlin and Krissi. "Shall we meet you guys at the team store?"

"Meet us at our seats," Devlin said. "I want to get a couple of those disposable cameras." Her regular camera had plenty of film in it, but that was back in their apartment and there hadn't been time go get it.

She bought six of the disposable cameras, with 24 shots each. She also bought a scorecard. She wanted a complete record of Evan's debut. The other gals were looking at the clothes. She glanced over everything, and decided that was for later.

"I'm going to go find our seats," she told Krissi. "I'll see you guys there."

"Sure," Krissi said, examining a tee-shirt. "See you later."

Devlin slowly worked her way along the concourse, looking at the food, looking at the people, and watching to see what was happening on the field. Finally, on the third base side, she saw her section. She glanced at the row numbers as she started down the steps.

"Hey! Devlin! Over here!"

She looked around, and saw Trish waving at her. She waved back and hurried down the steps. "Hi, Trish!"

"Good to see you," Trish said. Her hair was longer and she was balancing a baby on her hip. "I heard Evan was starting, so I was pretty sure I'd see you here today."

"So, how's Bo doing?" They edged out of the way of several kids who were running down the steps.

"He had a tough April, but his bat's coming around," Trish said. "I think he's going to stick, even if he is batting eighth."

"I hope so," Devlin said. "Evan says he has this one start and then he's going back to Sacramento."

"Um, well, if he does well, he'll get called up again," Trish said. "After a couple of trips he'll probably stay. Everybody needs good left-handed pitching. Have you two set a date?"

"After the season," Devlin said at once. "At first we thought it might be November, but I was thinking of some time in January, before Spring Training. He hasn't asked me yet, though."

"He will. When do you graduate?"

"December," Devlin said. "I just got the notice from my adviser." She grimaced. "Summer school starts next week."

Trish nodded. "Where are you sitting?"

Devlin looked at her ticket and then showed it to Trish. "Just a couple more rows down," she said. "There are 9 of us."

"Just behind the Team Wives Section," Trish said, pointing. She looked around. "It's a pretty sparse crowd today. Tell you what, after an inning or two, why don't you all come down and join us."

"Are we supposed to?" Devlin asked.

"Well, no, but they cut a lot of slack for the Team Wives and the guests, especially when there isn't much turnout." She looked around. "And it looks like there aren't going to be too many people here today, which is a shame. Chicago's playing pretty well right now."

"So are the A's," Devlin said. "They aren't that far behind Seattle."

Trish sighed. "I don't know if we'll catch Seattle," she said. She looked around. "But don't tell anyone that. Bo thinks they'll catch 'em, and so do most of the guys on the team. Me, I'm not so sure." She sighed. "And then they'll have to beat the Yankees. That's a mighty tall order."

Devlin blinked, trying to shift gears. This was a whole different world. Trish was actually worrying about the performance of a team that everyone had heard about. The Yankees! She smiled uncertainly, and Trish laughed. "This is the big leagues, Devlin," she said, "and it takes some getting used to."

Someone called something and Trish glanced over her shoulder. "I've got to go," she said as she turned back. "We'll talk again in a few innings, okay?"

"Sure," Devlin said.

She found her seat, just a few rows behind Trish and the other wives. She settled in it uncertainly, looking around. The sheer size of the stadium was intimidating. She'd been in smaller ballparks, ones that seated 8-9,000. This place could hold nearly 50,000 people. There was a second deck, and another one above that. The field looked bigger, though she knew it wasn't. Everything about this place just seemed on a bigger scale.

Before she could feel dwarfed by things, the others began trickling in, Krissi first, with Marie and Rick. After a bit Amnita, Jack, Steve and Amnita's kids came down the steps, everyone carrying buckets of food. Amnita got them all settled. Devlin nervously checked her cameras, and then tried to balance her scorecard with the cameras. Finally Steve took the scorecard.

"I'll take care of scoring the game," he said.

"Bless you," she said. "I may be too nervous to do that."

"Are you going to take pictures of every pitch?" Krissi asked from beyond Steve.


She laughed. "How many to you have? Pictures, that is."

"144, I think." She thought for a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah, that many."

"That should be enough," Steve said.

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The last thing that Erin wanted to do was to go to the gym for the third time that week.Sure, her English husband Steve had purchased her a three month personal training package with one of his part-time co-workers, Eve, but that was two months and three weeks earlier. Now she’d shed five kilos and was looking tauter and was feeling better than she had ever felt since she met Steve when she was 22, seven long years ago.Erin stared at the message on the screen with a tired sense of despondency...

4 years ago
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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part One

Unlike my initial thoughts, finding Miss Manson after twenty-eight years had not been difficult. All it seemed to take was a Facebook message that my friend had found and then a Google search. Turned out that my ex-History Mistress and the lady who had smacked my bottom five times in after school detention, was still doing what I had heard she was, and Google had revealed exactly where she was based. I had managed to find an address for her goat farm on the internet and had even driven up...

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naughty wife and black lover

My wife’s naughty night with black cock My wife, is now in her 60’s, with short straight chestnut colour hair, with lovely rounded non saggy 38dd breasts that even a 20 year old would like to have. We have been married for 20 years and have a very active sex life since I first fucked her in the changing rooms where we worked. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each other’s fantasies as possible and this is the story of one of my wife's, and my own, longest standing fantasies and...

1 year ago
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The First Time

I waited silently and checked my watch. It was 6:50 in the afternoon, and Daddy should be on the way from work. Daddy is my boyfriend, and even though my actual father does not approve of him, we have been together for two years. Not only am I his newly titled submissive, but I am the love of his life also. We go to the same university, but he's a senior and I'm a junior. Daddy ordered me to not have on any clothes by the time he came home. We share an apartment together, with the permission of...

4 years ago
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Bisexual Mature Guys at the Pool

Monday evening, 9:45 When I moved to Montreal three years ago from Winnipeg, I chose the South West district of the city because of the George-Vanier sports complex and its amazing pool. I retired from competitive swimming after the London Olympic Games and went back to College to finish my MBA. After that, I went to work for Scotia Bank and ... when the opportunity to transfer to Montreal reared its head, I jumped at the chance. Anyway, ever since I’m been coming to this pool, I’ve had...

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Secretarial Duties 4 Entertaining a Client

“Todd, hold my calls,” Patricia walked quickly into her office, trying to hide her excitement. She set her purse and briefcase on her desk and sat down. She was still flushed and trembling. What an exciting morning! Patricia rocked back in her chair, reflecting and trying to calm herself. She couldn't believe she'd actually done it! Just thinking about it gave her butterflies. “It must be Dr. Schmidt's influence,” she thought. “The hypnosis. He's made me bolder. I like that. I'm...

4 years ago
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MING ©2005 by C.A.Smith In collaboration with a real, live Ming whose fantasy inspired the story. Chapter 1 Was it bravery or boredom that had made her do it? Ming certainly wasn'tthe gambling kind. Or, at least, never had been. And she was not kinky!Not really. Not her real self. Not counting the stuff Lyle had brought intoher life. But she wouldn't have done those things if it weren't for tryingto please him . She just went along with it. Althoughshe couldn't in all honesty deny that it...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 31 My Wives Are Married

September – Year 1 I woke up on Thursday morning with no one hanging on me for the first time in a long time. As I looked around, I remembered that last night I had taken myself out of the middle position between my wives. I rolled towards the middle of the bed and there were the two most beautiful women in the world, naked and in each other’s arms. Erin was on her back and Lynn was cuddled up next to her with her left leg thrown over Erin’s thigh. I lay there looking at the perfect image...

1 year ago
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Me and Sam from sub to bottom

In this story I share how I no longer had any limits, mainly how I opened up to the joy of being fucked and dominated by a guy.This story starts the morning after me, my girlfriend, my mistress Nicky and my roommate Sam had an amazing hot night together! U could find that one on my profile.Be warned my stories tend to be long and detailedI woke up a few hours later, it was about 3 or 4 amI took a quick shower and then grabbed the camera and skimmed through the videoIt was over an hour long, it...

2 years ago
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2 sex parties

Back to LA for a weekend and I went to 2 sex-parties. This is what happened Friday Jan 24. Very excited to go. I haven’t had sex since November and I needed cock!. Arrived early and went into one of the cubicles with a glory hole. After a few minutes I gave a blowjob to a tall guy with very nice tick cock. I enjoyed sucking him for a long time, but he didn’t want to cum and left . I went to the groperoom. The club has several rooms and cubicles. However the groperoom is the...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood watch

Alannah walked purposefully down the street, shoulders back, head up, doing her best to look intimidating. She'd worn a tight white dress that began at her amazing cleavage and ended only a little down her thighs. Her dirty blonde hair fell down her shoulders and curled at the tips, her big lips were ruby red and her green eyes were smoky with her maskara, she was, after all, going to confront a man, a black one at that, and would need every asset she had. All the c***dren were in school and...

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Doggy Styles 8 Sultans Revenge

Summary - Claire babysits Sultan for the evening, and Darlene, Candice and Duke stop by for a visit. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire’s mother Darlene visited her friend Candice, and brought along a furry friend Hope you enjoy! If so, let me know! UU. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity...

2 years ago
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Become My Slut or Else

Introduction: chapter 26 I face the music after being caught with Adam. I last left you with just having been caught having sex with Adam by John. The voices I heard were those of John and Angelo, they had entered the apartment just as my orgasm had finished. I managed to slip off Adams lap. As I stood up my pussy belched and cum started to run down my thighs. Adam in the mean time just sank deeper into the sofa. JANET, What the fuck, John screamed out as he approached the sofa. Let me...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Sexy Mami 8211 Part I

All names have been changed from their original t keep discretion. I am Mark and this is my story. Well I still really don’t understand that I was able to achieve an impossible task, something which I had cherished since I was a child. I mean literally a child. To be honest to do something crazy, which you really don’t think is possible you need to be patient… Well you also have to know how to act. At least that much which could convince people that you are telling the truth…obviously without...

3 years ago
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Lillys First Experience

LillyLilly worked in an eight-foot by eight-foot cubicle all day, five days a week. She had worked in this same miserable place for the last ten years. As her thirty-fifth birthday approached, she realized she wanted more, needed more, actually. She was never super active sexually, and she suddenly found herself surfing porn sites.What she found herself attracted to was sites with bondage, spanking, toying, and overall rough play. Every time she brought one up, her pussy would flood her...

4 years ago
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PoppyChapter 5

Jack held his head in his hands as the door slammed in the Police van. "Fuckin' 'ell mate," a voice in front of him cried. "This is against 'our 'uman rights." Jack had lost sight of Poppy and guessed she was in another vehicle, but the indignant man in front of him yelled constantly – despite being ignored by Police officers – for them to release him. The Police station in Northwich seemed barely able to cope with the influx of the two-dozen doggers and Jack was led in to the small...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Cum True MMmMM

If you ever met me, even after you got to know me well, you would never believe for a moment that I would be involved in the story I’m about to tell let alone would you believe for a moment that I was not one of the dominate males but the lone bottom in a room with four tops. Its not that I’m some kind of macho guy, but I was an athlete through college, considered good looking and never have had a problem with women to this day. Now I’m happily married and though considered “liberal” by many, I...

Gay Male
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 62

Isabella reassured her husband. "It took her some time, but she saw the reasoning behind it. She told me that as long as she did not see you making love to her, she could cope with it." Ebenezer was mightily relieved. "Thank God for that," he said. "It is fine for you, as there is no relationship between you, but I was terrified if Effie and Phoebe came to blows over me. They have only recently become reconciled, and I would not want to be the cause of a further breakdown in relations...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kate England Smoking A Monster Pipe

Kate is working at her smoke shop and has this guy coming everyday bluffing on expending big money on smoking paraphernalia when in reality he just wants to check her out and see her beautiful ass. Kate catches him and fells faltered that he’s so into her nice tight ass and wants to find out what he has to offer. To her surprise, she pulls out of his pants a huge dick that she starts to suck and smoke, literally!! He then fucks her tight little pussy and not being enough, she wants it also in...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Little Blonde Secretary

My former name was Daniel Patterson before I changed it legally to Danielle Patson. The reason I wanted a sex change from man to woman was because I never felt like a man I always knew I was a woman deep inside the wrong body.So a few years ago I saved a few grand and had a sex change operation. I still had a dick and balls though.In my new body I've had sex with strippers who were, as you can imagine, disgusted but some didn't care.When I started my new job at a news editoral company I met...

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my mother in law

My mother in law is a lovely person, very beautiful as well. she had to buy a new tv this morning so she phoned me to go around and tune it in for her, i have fucked her a few times before and she has gave me a few blowjobs in the past , she is a curvy size 18 and 38g breasts her nipples are massive. so away i went around this mornind to set the tv up i let myself in as iv got a key to her house,i walked in to find her in a pair of short shorts and a very low cut teeshirt, she had no bra on so...

3 years ago
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Our new freind and the swingers party

So I went to this school event in which I was supposed to meet up with my wife and later that evening we were intending to go to a swingers party, the hallway was very crowded and I found myself in a small space between two sets of lockers with a narrow door between them that led into a Janitor's closet, while I was standing there a slender dishwater blonde had made her way through and was standing in front of me, she was wearing a dark blue dress with matching heels and a pearl necklace, I...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

I put on my blue-and-white pleated cheerleader skirt and my white fuzzy sweater and admired myself in the mirror. Though I had just turned 18 last week and knew I was still blossoming, I had already filled out nicely. My 35c-23-34 figure looked awesome in my cheerleader outfit, and my long blonde hair and blue eyes finished the picture off very nicely, I thought. I smiled as I looked at myself and then smoothed my clothes again and ran downstairs. Just before I got to the front door, my mom...

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How I Shared My Wife With My Best Friend

My story is about my wife and my best friend and what happened this summer. My story is a bit unlike the ones I read on the Internet. My monogamous wife of many years didn't just all the sudden see a friends penis and find she had to have it. This seduction took place through many years of friendship that grew closer and more intimate as years went on. I guess I should start in the first few years of our marriage when this closeness started. John was my best friend from 7th grade. After...

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I was sick of my life. I was sick of getting up early to go to work. I was sick of having a job I hated. I was sick of trying to ass-kiss my way to a promotion I didn’t even want. There was no way out, no break from the constant grind of never-ending work. In short, I needed a break. Then I met Sky. Sky was the kind of girl that all other girls instinctively hated. She was the girl every boy’s mother dreaded him bringing back home. Thick, dark hair falling in waves and loops down her back,...

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My parents were going out for the evening and I had my best friend Holly spending the night over. We were not alone, my big brother Nick was there. Holly had a little crush on him and stole glances at him whenever she could and blushed when she got caught. "I wish Nick was my brother," Holly said once. "You're so lucky to have such a hot brother." I think it was Holly who planted that little seed in my mind. Before Holly's lusting remarks I did consider Nick in any other way but as a brother....

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Jonah Wills was the type of man that any lady could appreciate. He was sweet, considerate, gentlemanly and polite. Plus it did not hurt that he had the looks of an A-List actor. He was a successful man who owned a real estate business which he had built up by himself. Through the good and the bad, he kept it alive and he was reaping the rewards.  He had everything that a person could want and need. So when he met Celine, he thought he had it all. Celine was a melting sexpot. She was half...

3 years ago
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Oh The Pain Of It All

So, after a two-hour love making session with Terry, we were lying in bed catching our breath when she came out with,“You're too good to me.”“Thank you, I try hard.”“No, no. I mean you’re too good to me, ah, physically.”“So, you want a session in the basement?”“Well, yes, I do want that, but that’s a planned thing. Sometimes, I just want to be totally fucked. I don’t want to be asked, I want to be taken.“Wow. Where did that come from?”“I had lunch with Gail last Monday. Of course, the...

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BMTI By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies for erotic reading material. If you are not of legal age where you live, or you find explicit erotic literature distasteful, read no further. This fictional story is not for you. Any similarities with factual events, places or people are purely coincidental. 1. Evolutionary Premise A significant shift in...

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The last few months had been even stranger than the few before. Wanting to no longer deal with the "REAL WORLD", she began trickling into the other world.. A world that would become so real to her, that it breaks her heart. A world so real, the intense cybersex is addicting. A new "real world"... Never having been very creative with cute nicknames, she had stayed out of the 'Net Games. Besides she couldn't understand why anyone would ever want to spend THAT much time on a computer....

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She Needed More Than One Man

We’d gone down to a local restaurant and we’re just sitting in the bar, having a drink and relaxing. Chatting with each other about what happened that day, who’d done something crazy and how things were in general, I kept looking at her. I’d always had a hard time not just looking at her. It seemed like I could look at her forever, just taking in the sights, so to speak. Her body was, to my mind perfect. Lush, yet petite. Long legs, perfect and encased in nylon hose. I could see the tops of...

Group Sex
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The Fight Off The Matt Ch 06

Hello Literotica readers sorry for the delay It been a tough time in my life right now and writing was far from my mind. I’ve finally finished this and working on the next so hopefully I can get it finished quicker this time. To anonymous comment from earlier chapter I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement. It means a lot to have someone enjoy something that you put your heart and thought into. Hopefully after reading the many amazing pieces on this site it will allow me to grow as a...

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