BethChapter 117 free porn video

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December 30, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written January 2]

I woke when someone touched, then patted my hand, a hand that was lying on a chest that seemed to lack mammaries. I opened my eyes, blinked, then lifted my head slightly. Ah. I was curled into Brett and a pair of brilliant green eyes was staring into mine across his chest. It was Lana’s hand on mine. She wasn’t quite in a mirror-image of my posture, as she didn’t have a leg on him, but she might have had. I rotated my hand under hers, then gripped it gently palm to palm.

“I could get very used to this.”

Those whispered words originated right next to my head, so I rotated my head to look at Brett from less than a foot away.

Lana asked, “Have you been awake long, Brett? Neither of us have.”

“I think I’ve been drifting, not sure if my surroundings were reality or a dream. They’re something of a dream, but also amazing reality, a reality I couldn’t have imagined not long ago, waking to ... this.”

While Brett was talking, I let my head drop back onto his upper chest, but kept my eyes on Lana, who had rolled onto her front, then placed the right side of her head on her left hand, which was now palm down on the right side of Brett’s chest.

Lana responded, “One of my first thoughts this morning was of us kissing last night. That was ... much more than simply nice. However, that led to my next thought.” She looked back at me and said, “If you girls were concerned about being fair with the three of us that didn’t pose with Brett yesterday, then we should probably tell the girls that didn’t get to sleep with Brett that they’re owed two kisses each.”

Lana and I both felt Brett lurch a bit and turned our heads to face him.

I asked, “You had a comment about that?”

“Not really, but since you asked, is it really that important to make...”

“Yes, Brett,” Lana interrupted. “For that ... future possibility to have any chance of working, each of us girls must feel that she’s being treated fairly, as it would be far too easy for jealousy to tear us apart. I know I’ve only just met everyone, but I really like the other girls already. Also, given that I have a huge advantage for the next six months of living in the same house with you, it’s critical that I be seen as not having any more of an advantage with you than I already have.” She glanced at me, then looked back at Brett and added, “Beth ... and everyone else, including me, will be trying to maintain some ... figurative distance between you and us girls so we don’t get too familiar and slide into a ... depth of relationship with you for which none of us is really ready. It’s already obvious to me that we’re going to find it difficult ... and somewhat frustrating to maintain that distance, seeing as how two of us woke curled up with you here in bed this morning.”

She glanced again at me, and I gave her as emphatic a head nod as I could, given that my head was lying on its left side on Brett’s chest. She blinked her eyes at me to acknowledge receipt of my encouragement, then looked back at him.

Softly, she said, “Brett, I’ve spent little time with everyone here, but it’s already obvious that some of us, perhaps most or all of us, want to throw caution aside and go for it with you, but are also frightened of the possibilities of doing so. We don’t want to give up some of the closeness that we have with you – such as sleeping with you, and if that doesn’t sound like something of an oxymoron to you, you should probably make a reality check – but we’re just not ready, as a group, to take things any further. Last night, we probably shouldn’t have kissed you, but you were so wonderful that we needed to show you that we appreciated ... greatly appreciated that wonderfulness, so kissed you. That could have been any trio of us girls, but chance had it being this trio. We can’t let random chance give some of us benefits like that the other girls don’t get.”

When there was silence for quite a few seconds, Gracey made her consciousness known by asking, “Do you understand, Brett?”

“Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, I do. I just got lost in what Lana said about you girls not being ready as a group, from which I interpreted that one or more may be ready as individuals. I was trying to figure out if my interpretation was valid or not. Regardless, I know I’m not ready. Oh, I’ve enjoyed ... greatly enjoyed everything ... physical ... I’ve gotten to do, but I’ve managed largely because I knew ahead of time that most of it would ... not be repeated any time soon. I certainly see and understand Lana’s point about ... the kissing, and I suppose I could put up with having to kiss another five or so pretty girls, but only to make it even and prevent jealousy!”

Lana slugged him, though not hard, and we laughed.

Gracey laughingly said, “This is one of the reasons we like you so much: You’re such a martyr.” More softly she added, “And we really like it when you exercise your wonderful sense of humor. Beth has told us over the years that you’re really funny, and one of the most important benefits of you dropping your shell is the rest of us learning what Beth learned about you years ago. Brett, you fit with us, and that’s the thing that most makes it fun to be around you. However, it’s also the thing that makes us so wary, because it would be so easy just to let go and be and do what we want with you.”

Lana rolled onto her left side, her back firmly planted against Brett, looked at Gracey, and said, “That’s exactly right. I couldn’t figure out how to express that, and you got it exactly right.” She breathed deeply, then added, “I am so going to love living here and being with ... everyone. I’m going to have to figure out how I can stay here for the rest of high school. I really love my parents, but I really want ... this. This group of friends. This group of amazing people that fit each other and, I think, fit me.”

I turned to Brett and asked, “Can you do this? Can you be in situations like this, situations in which some of us are in physical contact? Situations in which we’re all enjoying ... this bit of intimacy without losing control?”

He looked into my eyes for a few seconds, then looked at the others. Lana contorted herself to be able to get her eyes on his, winding up with the back of her head right next to mine and resting on the middle of Brett’s chest looking at him, essentially, upside down.

“This is ... actually ... easy to do. This sort of casual ... intimacy has me just ... enjoying my good friends, all of whom happen to be pretty girls. Well, I admit to another reaction, but that reaction isn’t as strong as the feeling that I’m so happy that I worked out of much of my shyness with girls so I can have ... this. Dealing with all the touching yesterday was more difficult, but I’m certain I could do it again and not have problem with control, not that I’m advocating for that to happen again. I’m not. I’ll be very happy if this can happen with some regularity.”

Footsteps on the stairs suggesting our four-person idyll was shortly coming to an end, although not one of us moved except that movement required to put our eyes on the bedroom door closest to the stairs.

There was a knock on the door and Liya’s voice saying, “Get your clothes back on, ‘cause you’re soon to be invaded.”

She might have waited an entire two seconds before pushing the door open and stepping into the room.

“What a comfy, familial scene this is.”

“Come join us,” Gracey said.

Liya responded by putting her left arm behind her back and grimacing, saying, “Well, if I must,” after which she took a grinning, running leap and landed right by me. I rolled the rest of the way over to her and wrapped her in my arms and kissing her forehead.

“What’s going on?”

We all looked at Brett as he responded, “We’ve been having something of a ... bonding thing, talking about the us that is not quite more than a large group of really good friends. We’ve been discussing boundaries and ... and ‘feelings’ is as good a descriptor as any.” When he looked around and realized that he had four girls staring at him with something like amazed visages, he asked, “What? What did I do?”

Lana replied, “You just proved once again why it is that we like you so much. Not only did you take part in that conversation we had just before Liya arrived, but you just proved not only that you understood everything about that conversation, but also proved that you had internalized the take-home from that conversation.”

Gracey skootched a little closer to him and petted his hair, saying, “What she said.” She looked up and into Liya’s eyes and added, “He made our day. He said that this ... this sort of ... casual intimacy, with two of us lying partly on him and all of us in touching range, was something he liked a lot, and that it was not at all a threat to his control.”

Liya stared into Brett’s eyes for a while, then crawled across me and placed a small kiss on his forehead, then leaned away and looked at him some more.

“If this is the Brett that is a constant with us, that is, the Brett that is always in control, the chance of that fantasy of the future achieving reality climbs significantly.”

I said to Liya, “Lana made an excellent point with him that we were not ready for further intimacy... as a group, and he inferred from that that some of us might be ready as singles, effectively acknowledging that the group was the critical aspect. He then made a great self-effacing joke about it. He could not have had a better response.” I breathed deeply, then added, “We’ve got to find our way through the various problems we can see.” I turned back to Brett and said, “Please bear with us.”

He replied, “Isn’t that what... this is all about?”

He waved both hands about indicating the four girls in bed with him and, particularly, how we were in bed with him.

“Beth, I’m fine with this. It’s so much more than I expected, both in how many ... proto-girlfriends I have, but also with this ... level of intimacy. This, just this will keep me with you girls for years. I understand as I become more familiar with each of you that I may wish to ... up the intensity, but I can resist that wish. You girls are in charge, as it should be.” When Liya began something of an objection, he cut her off, saying, “No. You girls have the most to lose, so you need to be in control, as long as it’s a shared control with every girl having say. I’ve already said this a couple times, but I’ll say it again. I couldn’t have imagined it even a month ago, but I really want that fantasy possibility. And if I must put up with pretty girls sharing my bed in a mostly platonic fashion, getting all my nails painted by a pretty girl who has to hold my hands and feet to accomplish that task, and to have most of the pretty girls in the 9th grade and one or more from the 12th give me occasional kisses on a cheek or my forehead. I guess I could live with that just to get to that future.”

“Okay,” Liya said, “you asked for it, Boy!””

She scooted down and laid on her front, her legs and pelvis on the bed, her left arm on my back, and her chest on Brett’s belly. She gave a come-on gesture to Gracey, who pushed Lana a bit farther down-bed such that Lana’s left shoulder was abutting Liya’s right and her chest was also on Brett’s belly. Gracey then snugged into him, her chest on his.

“Yes,” he said, “I can endure even this.”

After finishing another cold-cereal breakfast, I made a mental note to get more groceries for this house. I was about to explain about kisses, but Lana beat me to it. She explained how we had come to kiss him twice each, then summarized what she had told Brett about us girls, fairness, and jealousy.

“So, each of you is owed a couple really nice, but closed-mouth kisses with Brett. I haven’t broached this with Beth or the others as I just thought of it. With the rest of the ... what did you call it?”

Heather replied, “The lunch-table gang, or LTG.”

“Yeah. With the rest of the LTG expected to arrive before lunch, we should get those kisses completed before then. Or-rr-rr-rr, if someone wanted, I suppose she could hold one of them in ... reserve for a future opportunity. Beth, I’m still new to this girl-group thing. Is that something we could do?”

Heather beat me to responding with, “I don’t see a problem with it. I’m definitely interested in holding one in reserve for some time that I absolutely need a Brett pick-me-up.”

“What,” Brett interjected trying to be funny. “You want me to pick you up when I kiss you?”

“Okay. That’d be great!”

There was much laughing, with Liya beaming her smile, then saying, “You’ve gotta be careful how you say things to her. She’s got a twisty mind that can have you on your back wondering what cute little thing just ran over you.”

“Yeah, I see that. And she really is a cute little thing.”

“Just for that, I’m claiming my first kiss now.”

Heather took a short running leap, forcing Brett to catch her, then plastered her mouth to his. He had no recourse but to kiss her back ... and, given that she had her legs wrapped around his waist, hold her up by her butt. Well, just barely off her butt on the very upper portions of her legs. She held the kiss for about 45 seconds, then leaned back still attached to him like a leech.

She turned to Lana and said, “Thanks for teaching him to kiss. That was great!” She looked back at him and added, “I’m saving my second one. If at some time in the future you find yourself on your back seeing stars, that will have been me claiming my second kiss.”

The response to her last sentence was solid silence, until Lana said, “You’re just a little force of nature. Aren’t you?”

Still attached to Brett, Heather replied, “Actually, if you’d have met me six months ago, you’d have seen a very different me. My girlfriends here released me from durance vile and let this me shine through.”

Rhee said, “She speaks the truth. She was quiet, somewhat shy, and a little scared. We were amazed by this Heather when we met her. We released the genie from her bottle.”

Heather began letting herself slide down Brett’s front, so he released her legs. When her feet hit the floor, she leaned against him for a couple seconds, then returned to her spot on the floor leaning against the fridge.

Lana asked, “Anyone else?” She showed something of a surprised face, then added, “I forgot. All these owed kisses must take place with others of us as witness. It’s not that we don’t trust folks. It’s just what we need do to make this ... group thing work. It’s going to be difficult enough as it is without someone getting it into her head that one of us has gotten private one-on-one time with Brett when we’re specifically trying to keep that from happening for the health of the group.”

I stared at Lana in something like amazement. When she finally looked at me, I stepped over to her and wrapped her in my arms and squeezed her tightly.

After 15 or 20 seconds, I leaned back and said, “I’m very glad you’re here, and I’m particularly glad you’ve figured out what the five of us had to discuss on multiple occasions to understand as thoroughly as you do,” and then leaned back in and kissed her forehead.

“Thanks. You know, anytime you want to kiss my forehead or cheek, I wouldn’t mind at all if you kissed my lips instead. I think we girls are still allowed to have kisses with each other without having to allow for fair play.”

I chuckled and smiled at her, then leaned in and planted a short kiss on her lips. Or, at least, I intended it to be short. She pulled me in more tightly, rotated her head a bit more, and greatly intensified the kiss, which went on for a half-minute or so.

When she pulled away, she stated, “No, I wouldn’t mind at all, not one little bit!”

Rhee said, “While you might not have to be concerned with fair play in relation to Brett for such kisses, the rest of Beth’s lovers might want equal time.”

“Rhee, I’m not easy. Except for one girl, every person I’ve ever kissed ... well, except for my parents, is in this room. That said, I’d still welcome a kiss from you any time, particularly if you wrap that amazing body around me. But, for me for now, if you’re going to do it, it must be with ... witnesses from this group. Since I’ll be living with Brett, any sort of intimate behavior in which I engage must be with others of the group present. No one of us should do anything to cause doubt or concern by any other of us. This is, and has to be, an all-for-all situation. The pre-existing relationships obviously need to be grandfathered in, but any hanky-panky between groups or either Brett or me must have one or more, preferably more, of the rest of us present.”

Cera asked, “Do you mean that you won’t kiss Brett or ... snuggle ... energetically with Brett without one or more of us also present?”

“Absolutely. It must be that way. Not only do we need to keep how we feel from his parents, but we also need you girls to know as well as you can that we’re not getting something on the side that no one else gets or could get. I pledge to you girls here and now that barring Brett losing his mind, overpowering me, and having his way with me, we will not be any more intimate away from all of you girls than a peck on a cheek or like a quick, good-night hug.”

Brit said, “You really want this.”

“More than anything I’ve ever wanted.”

All the girls decided to get one kiss now and keep one in reserve. While we were all socializing in the living room, I stepped away to call Mom and discuss our plans for lunch over there.

Meka took that opportunity to grab a private chat, which she introduced with a full-body hug. I breathed deeply and began to say something, but she started first.

“Oh, this feels good. So good that I shouldn’t kiss you while holding you like this. I would have no chance of maintaining control.”

I snorted lightly and replied, “I was going to say much the same thing.”

After we stepped apart, she said, “Lana, though perhaps a bit too talkative, seems a very good fit for ... this. She’s got an obvious brain that she’s not afraid to use, and she’s very quick. I think you’ve got competition for the head-honcho position.” She chuckled when I frowned at her, then said, “I know. I know you don’t need to lead, but you’re just so good at it. She also seems good, but I don’t think you need to worry about her in that vein. Once she establishes her bona fides with the group, I think she’ll back off a little. You two need to work together on everything related to the larger group as it relates to its relationship with Brett, and she seems perfectly aware of that. She’s certainly gone straight to you on several occasions, already. She truly understands, and made obvious today that she understands, the pitfalls, most of them, anyway, that you’ll have to avoid if this ... idea can come together. Of course, you’re still in charge of solving the most-difficult pitfall, and I don’t envy you that, as I still see no solution other than just telling him. I think he cares about you, you particularly, but the larger you, also, and would not ruin your life ... lives by informing on your various parents. I just don’t see that happening, but I could see him rejecting some aspect of you, either you, Beth; the Go5; or even the larger group of eight or whatever it winds up being.”

“That’s my fallback position. I, too, have trouble seeing him wanting to ruin so many lives, but I can’t quite convince myself of it, probably because it would ruin the lives of so many people I love, with even you becoming complicit when you turn 18.” I breathed deeply to stave off crying, then asked, “How can I do this? I love so many people, now, and all of them would be damaged by the wrong person learning about the family. I don’t know, and perhaps it’s just my paranoia, but I’ve been wondering if Dad’s pulling away. It’s almost certainly paranoia, as I’m virtually certain that Dad would talk to us if he felt the need to pull away. I’m losing sleep over this, although not last night. I was calm when we went to bed and woke that way after a lot of sleep.” I looked up at her after looking at my feet for most of that, and said, “In a different vein, I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t know if I could sleep if I were alone. I’m just so used to having bed partners that I can hold onto. Lana and I both woke curled into Brett. When I opened my eyes to see those green eyes looking at me, I felt nothing like jealousy. In fact, I felt...”

I frowned trying to figure out what it was I felt when I saw her looking at me, trying to recall exactly what I thought.

“It wasn’t even like, ‘Oh, there’s this new person in my bed.’ It was sort of like, ‘Oh, there you are.’ I’m not sure what that means, but I have my suspicions.”

“It sounds to me like once you met her on Wednesday, she seemed to fit, and you just expected her to be an intimate part of your life. I’ve seen you do that before. It was a slower process, but that’s what you ... and your lovers did for Brit and Cera. Yes, you didn’t expect them to join in your sex life. At least, I think you didn’t. But you did treat them as friends from the start. I’ve learned that you do that with most people, which is one of the things about you I’m most amazed, and one of the reasons... [her voice became more liquid at this point] I’m falling in love with you.”

I closed my eyes and grimaced, internally I hope, then looked at Meka.

“And how does that work? If you decide to allow or to pursue a sexual relationship with the Go5, how does that work with all the rest of this? I’m getting overwhelmed by ... not my libido, although that may be part of it, but with the number of people that I’ve come to love or am coming to love. Where does it end?”

“I don’t know that, but I know if I go all in with the Go5, I’m also going all in with all the rest of it. I’m still not sure whether that includes Charlie or Brett or Celeste, but Brit and Cera? Yeah. With Lana? Probably, given my apparent affinity for blondes and those incredible eyes of hers. Kim? Refer again to the blonde thing and add in that she’s been a good friend for years. But then, despite her apparent protestations about Brett, I’ve come to believe that she wants into whatever would get her a piece of Brett. You know, he’s going to have a bigger harem at 15 or 16 than your dad does now. It’s probably a good thing you’re getting practice as part of another harem,” after which she snorted, then chuckled.

I shook my head in faux exasperation, then stepped into her, put my arms around her, and laid my head on her left shoulder. Seeing her neck there, I leaned in and kissed it. She moaned. I apologized.

“You don’t have to apologize. I enjoyed that. I know and you know that makes it more difficult for me to hold off, but there are few experiences in my life for which I’d have traded that away. It felt like ... like we were already intimate and that you were just saying ‘hi’ to your lover.”

I looked up at her, stared into her dark eyes for a few seconds, then responded, “In a way, I was. I feel we are lovers, just ... in a future we haven’t yet reached. We may not reach it tomorrow, three months from now, or four years hence, but I feel that we’re lovers.”

She tilted her head back and sniffled at the ceiling. I could see a tear escape her left eye, as she looked back down at me.

“God, Beth. You make me crazy.” She sniffled again, then added, “I need to have that heart-to-heart with Dad. I need to talk this out with someone I trust whole-heartedly but who isn’t quite as tied into your family, and there’s only one person who fits both criteria. If Sandy doesn’t get him out here soon, I may have to kidnap him.”

She had made tears erupt into my eyes, but that last made me chuckle. A liquid chuckle, but a chuckle, nonetheless.

Katie arrived with all three of the other seniors. We introduced Lana to them.

“Damn,” Katie exclaimed. “Those eyes are spectacular. Oh, you’re the girl Mom told me about that was in the store on ... Wednesday.” She saw Lana’s confusion, so added, “We own the ice-cream store you visited.”

“Oh. Wow. How are you in such great shape? If my family owned an ice-cream parlor, I’d probably be roly-poly.”

There was much chuckling.

Katie replied, “As may be typical for kids growing up with such, I’m not gaga over ice cream. Also, I’ve played soccer for a long time, and these new friends of yours have insisted that I keep working out with them even though our season is long over.”

I rolled my eyes at Katie. She responded by pinching my cheek and grinning at me. I announced the plan for lunch and led everyone over to ... the Williams house. We climbed the back stairs to the deck where Dad was tending the grill on this pleasant day.

“Hi, ladies, Brett. Lunch’ll be another 15 minutes or so.”

Brett stepped up with Lana but was interrupted by Sandy and Carol coming out onto the deck, so he shifted gears.

“Lana Webster, please meet Sandy and Charlie Williams, Beth’s mom and dad and pseudo-parents to many of these other girls. I’d also like to introduce Carol ... Has Williams become final?” When Carol shook her head, he said, “I’d like to introduce Carol soon-to-be Williams. She is Rhee’s mom and a pseudo-mom to the same girls of which Sandy and Charlie are pseudo-parents. Sandy, Carol, Charlie, Lana is my cousin, daughter of my mom’s younger sister. Despite that my mom’s four years older and was married longer before I came along, Lana’s and my birthdays are only five days apart. We’ve been raised a bit more like siblings than cousins, although we get along better than many siblings.”

Mom said, “It’s lovely to meet you, Lana, we’ve been looking forward to that. You’ve probably already gotten a lot of such reactions, but anytime you want to trade eyes with me, I’m good with it. You’re quite lovely, but those eyes help make you spectacular. We understand that you’re now living in Brett’s house. Yes?” When Lana nodded, Mom continued with, “Good. As for Brett, you’re welcome here anytime. Just give Beth or any of the other girls a holler.”

“Thanks, uhh...” [she quickly turned to Brett, who nodded] “Sandy. It’s very nice to meet all of you. Brett’s told me good things about, you, this house, and your various daughters. I’ve greatly liked meeting your daughters, and they’re everything that Brett bragged about them, if not even prettier and nicer. I can see where Beth and Rhee got their looks and their ... differing but lovely bodies.” Lana blushed upon saying that last, then said, “I tend to talk a lot, like his mom, and my mom tells me I don’t have much of a filter on my mouth. I meant no disrespect to either of you.”

Carol replied, “And we did not take it as disrespect, but as a compliment. You’ll be going to school with our girls. Yes? Your last name is Webster? Yes?” After Lana nodded to both, Carol continued with, “Then you’ll probably be in the same homeroom as Beth and Heather. Make sure they introduce you around.”

The parents greeted by name the various other girls that don’t live here, and we eventually sat to a great lunch: those cheese-stuffed lamb-burgers, which were so well received the last time we had the whole LTG here. We socialized there with the three parents for a time during which Inez got home from the university. Gracey made the appropriate introductions.

Brit grabbed the floor, asking, “Is everyone comfortable with doing any nail-painting here on the deck since it’s such a lovely day?” When everyone agreed, she stated, “We probably can’t get everyone done today, so I’ll prioritize on any that aren’t staying overnight and try to finish tomorrow morning with anyone still here. Who’s not staying?”

Rachel’s boyfriend was picking her up here, and Katie was taking Hope home, as her family had previous plans, before going home herself, as she had to work the evening shift at The Cold Sweets. Given how nice a day it was, the ice-cream parlor would probably be busy.

Rachel, who went first as she would be the first to leave, requested something in rich blues.

Brit thought for a minute, then asked, “May I put in some white bits?”

“You’re the one who knows what she’s doing. I leave it to you, but good, rich blues would go well with what I’m wearing tonight.”

Brit nodded and went to work, Cera volunteering to be her assistant. Not only is Brit good at coming up with interesting schemes, she’s also very proficient and very quick. In what seemed like next to no time, Rachel had a fingernail pattern of declining darkness in blue, starting with midnight blue on her pinkies, shading to a medium blue she called Little Boy Blue on her thumbs.

When she had all ten nails painted with the five shades of blue, she said, “Sit over there and let them dry. I’m going to make some small additions once they are. In the interim, who’s next?”

Katie sat down across from Brit and Cera and stated, “Give me something in yellow.”

Same as Beth
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Dear brother-in-law, Man did your letter inspire Willow. Although I'm not sure she'd say it was inspiring. After she read it she stormed out of the house muttering that you were forgetting that Marissa is your wife and that you have concubines and children who desperately miss you. Don't take that wrong though. She does love you a lot, but she's grown to care for Marissa and the rest of your harem. To her, the most important thing for you to do would be to get home to them so you can...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 117

THE RETREAT: LATE THURSDAY NIGHT Arlene and Selina sat on Selina's bed, their backs propped against pillows as they played with Billy. Arlene slid her hand back and forth under the sheet as Billy pretended to stalk a terribly dangerous prey. He held his body and his head very close to the bed, occasionally lifting his head slightly to peek at his target, the tip of his tail twitching continuously. Then, he would jump as high as he could, coming down on Arlene's hand, tussling with it...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 117

Sean convened the Sunday meeting with much difficulty. There was a general hum of anticipation as everyone – except Adam – wondered what decision would be hammered out regarding dividends. Celina and Mike were there, but were sitting separately from the board members. Erin, Trinity and Karlie were also sitting along the wall. They had no vote in the matter – although they were sure the group would listen to their ideas, if they had any. The routine business seemed to take forever. There...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 117

At any other time, Laura thought, this would have been enough. But this time she had given Karen the license to do her worst, and unbelievably, even after she had freed Laura from the gag and handcuffs, she rolled Laura onto her stomach and began fucking her in the ass with the huge dildo. Laura was so destroyed already by the several violent orgasms she had had that she could barely resist. "Ungh! Ungh!" Karen grunted, driving the huge dildo deep into Laura's ass, making Laura wince and...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 117

Freda, the city clerk, wasn't very happy about having to fill in for the city manager, and she had tried to put off what she could until the new one arrived, hopefully in the next month. Still there was business to take care of, and sometimes it couldn't be put off. Since Kutzley had left, back at the end of November, Jack Musgrave had been dealing with most of the items to be done with the sewer system, and she let him have all of the mail unopened that looked like it might have something...

1 year ago
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MagicianChapter 117

OK, we miscalculated slightly. Instead of a perfect teleport Arwen brought us in at nearly three hundred miles an hour at a steep angle onto the plain of Jezreel. Fortunately Dhunvael and I were able to protect the Fae with inertial dampening as well as assisting Arwen with braking and heat dissipation. “Keldravan,” I announced, sweat running down my forehead as the coating dissolved in front of us and the Royal guard, including Talshish, ported in en-masse to surround us. “My Princess!...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 117

Have you ever listened to someone for a while and wondered “Who ties your shoelaces for you?” Compliments of MycroftXXX My son shared a giggle with me that’s sooo bad, I am sure you haven’t used it yet... Why are vampires sooooo gullible? wait for it wait for it!!!! It’s because they’re all SUCKERS!!!! These are compliments of fmwarmac‎ An explorer in the African jungle heard about a plan to capture the legendary King Kong. And sure enough, when he came to a clearing, there before...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 117

I had really enjoyed the dig, but I also enjoyed that it was over. I couldn't wait to get back to the barge with its hot water shower. I also missed my Canary mornings. We headed back to the coast with me in the lead. I wasn't really ready for a nice restaurant, so we stopped at a McDonalds. It was actually very good since we didn't have one in New Wales. When we got back to the barge, I rushed to be first into the office shower. I was in the shower at least twenty minutes. Most of that...

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 117

Present – Jens, Ben and Thom – In the Cobra on the way to the hospital Thom wants to bet Ben a bottle of Knob Creek that Liz’s baby is a girl and Ben shocks us all when he replies, “Thom, it has to be something other than alcohol because I’ve decided to stop drinking.” I immediately ask, “Ben why have you decided to stop drinking?” Ben kisses me on the cheek and answers, “Jens, I’ve been drinking too much lately and it needs to stop.” I smile at Ben because it reminds me of the time Daddy...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 117

Monday I went back to Washington. There were no surprises; I expected a fiasco and it was. Some of the Congress-critters were back - those that wanted to give the appearance that they were doing something. The rest were on taxpayer funded junkets - mostly to exotic tropical locations - and took their families as guests. With so few back, those that were had unlimited TV coverage and could propose all kinds of bills and laws on TV, knowing they would never see the light of day other than on a...

2 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 117

“I’m not frightened by the advent of intelligent machines. It’s the sarcastic ones I worry about.” —Quentin R. Bufogle, The Concubine of Mars DINNER WITH RAY AND DEBBIE, Joan’s father and stepmother, was pleasant and stimulating. We climbed into his Lexus RX and drove across the river to an Italian restaurant off Grand Ave and Halstead. Definitely a nice restaurant and it was obvious Ray was known there. We were immediately ushered to a table in a garden setting outdoors. “Rebeca, I...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 117

I woke up at 5:00 and decided it wasn't worth forcing myself to go back to sleep. I figured my body was telling me I'd gotten enough sleep while I was sick. Bozo perked up when I went out to the kitchen. I scratched behind his ears and told him to hang on while I put on the coffee and took care of my own bathroom stuff. Mom had gotten us a coffee pot that brewed a pot in about three minutes. I heard the beeps indicating it was ready as I was drying my face. Once I'd poured my coffee,...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 117

I shook my head to clear my ears but it didn’t work. The words were still reverberating in my head. My first instinct was to make a snide remark about alcohol and low birth weights. I bit it back because I knew Liz would never intentionally harm a fetus. I figured it was best to wait for an explanation. I had gotten myself into too much trouble by jumping before looking. “Wait!” I said. “How is that possible?” “Well, when two people really like each other sometimes they have sex,” Liz...

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Double TroubleChapter 4 New Horisons

In the next month, mom aunt Gen and I had almost no time to get together. Mom was busy getting her job relocated and aunt Gen was taking care of the houses. I was in charge of finding a new hose and packing up and selling off what we didn't need and all the duplicates. We had decided to move to southern California for the warm weather and the ocean and because mom's company had a branch office of which she would be in charge of. This would also make it easy for her to get a job for myself...

2 years ago
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Perfect Wife

Introduction: The story from my point of view The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldnt call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later, he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated, we got engaged and eventually married. I didnt know and didnt care if our sex life was good or not, it was good...

4 years ago
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wife finds new way

this a a true story from a close friend. I will not use there real names. Shelly and Mark have been married for 40 years have 2 daughter one 39 the other 37 both married. Mark is real quite type of a person almost femine. When her daughter married and move away Shelly was alone alot. So to keep busy she would go to local health club and work out Shelly is very nice looking woman she is 60 but looks 30 with a 40d-29-36 at 5'5". This where the story gets good she wear a very tight exercise...

1 year ago
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One Night Affair with Students Mother

I was on a recce trip to various schools in Shandong Province, China. This was for a research project. I enlisted the help of one of my students' mom - (i shall name her as Ms Z). She was in her forties, a confident and pleasant lady. She was happy to be my guide and we were together on the road for 12 days to Qingdao, Weihai, Jinan, Weifang cities. We had a great time together - she was certainly a good guide and a good host. We travelled by coach and due to the bumpy roads, we had to be...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alexa Flexy DP Threesome For New Years Eve Part 2

When David Perry comes across Russian blonde babe Alexa Flexy and French stud Vince Karter having hardcore sex in the bedroom during their New Year’s Eve party, he decides to join them for a DP threesome. He whips out his cock so the petite tattooed hottie can give him a blowjob while getting fucked from behind by Vince. They switch places so he can also get a turn at her sweet shaved pussy, while Vince shoves his dick down deepthroat, and then things gets even more hardcore as they DP...

1 year ago
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Accidental Drunk Sex With Hot Cousin 8211 Pt 3

Hey everyone, it’s me John back with the final part of the incest story with my hottest cousin. If you haven’t read the other two parts go read it before you read this. Let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I’m 21 years old, having a 6-inch thick dick. I’m a Mallu. Coming to my cousin sister, her name is Audrey. She’s 20 years old studying in Canada. She’s my sexiest and hottest cousin, with a fair complexion. She has medium thick pink lips, good boobs, and ass and a sexy S curve....

3 years ago
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My Fairy TaleChapter 9

I told everyone to go home and heal up. I was very concerned that there might be more trouble from a bigger group of soldiers. As magistrate I appointed three of the best riders in the community to be scouts. They were to work together and let us know if there were any more incursions by the army. I was not sure that the last attack was actually a true government backed army, or just a warlord that saw a vacuum he might be able to fill. Over the next three months we began to see an influx...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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Magic InkChapter 22

Friday, the 20th, we drove up to my parent's for Christmas. We needed to make several extra stops along the way now, so my wives could use the ladies' room. They had to go for three now. We arrived at my parent's house in the middle of the afternoon. "My goodness, you're even larger!!" Mom said, on opening the front door and seeing how large Katie and Margie were now. "Yes, we're having twins!" Margie told her, excitedly. "Which one of you is having twins?" Mom asked,...

2 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 1 Young Marrieds

Meeting Tad Curtis was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me. I was only 18 when we met, and Tad was just over a year older, but it was love at first sight and when I hit 19 and Tad declared me to be a "grown-up," we decided to get married. Tad was still a college student -- a junior at the University of Kentucky -- and I was barely out of high school and working at my first job, as a receptionist for a group of dentists. Tad worked, too -- part-time -- but we barely had enough...

1 year ago
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A Helping Hand

My Neighbor & I : Interracial Anal QuickieMy Neighbor & I : Interracial Anal QuickieLauryn was my next door neighbor. We didn't really say much to each other, other than the usual "Hi" whenever we saw each other outside. All this happened a few weeks ago.It was a normal Friday afternoon and I just got home after running errands. I walked up to my door and I was just about to get my keys out when Lauryn stepped out of her house."Hi there!" She said."Hey!" I replied, my attention now...

2 years ago
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Betty is Hot

Betty lives in the apartment next to mine. She is a divorced 30 something latina. She is very pretty and has a nice big ass. We became friends since we see each other almost every day. She works in an office and has been single for a while now. Last Tuesday, she was getting her groceries out of the trunk of her SUV. I was getting home at the same time and I saw her bending over and her big butt looked amazing in her tight short tan skirt. I couldn't help but admire her body. “Hi Betty!”, I...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 4 ResolveChapter 6

Suzan was stilling sitting on the bed looking around trying to piece together what had happened to her. The last clear thought was the time during the afternoon when she kept finding things wildly funny but couldn't understand why. She couldn't make herself stop laughing from time to time for some reason. Though when she tried really hard to concentrate, she could just barely remember tiny bits and pieces, flashes really, that came to her about the time when she was seated at the table...

3 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Showdown at the Hoedown

Teresa Scalia found her way from the middle school auditorium to the principal's office. The debacle between Barbara Anderson and Michele Smithson had just concluded and Teresa wanted to check on her friend. Michelle had suffered a humiliating stripping and spanking at the hands of Barbara. Teresa tapped on the office door "Michelle are you in there? Are you all right?" "Yes Teresa. Are you alone?" Michelle answered. "I'm alone." said Teresa. "Okay, come in and close the door behind...

4 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 66

As much as Brandy and I wanted to set up something with Angie or Karen or even both of them if we could think of a way - we were unable to put it together. On our way home, Ben, Emily, and Tara were all working with their new iPhones and I kept glancing in the mirror at them. I couldn’t help but smile that I was able to give my friends something so special. I was just as shocked as Ben when he showed me his number. The last four digits are 1111. His jersey number is 11. I stopped in Ben’s...

1 year ago
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Teasing at work

My pet had been very bad today. She was taking the day off from her internet professions and I was going into work. She begged and pleaded with me to stay home with her but I said I couldn't, and went to work. I hadn't been at my desk for five minutes before my phone went off. I checked it, and it was a picture that my pet, Rebekah, sent me seemingly in retaliation for not staying home. It was an incredibly sexy picture and sent tingles through me as I looked at it. However, being at work, I...

2 years ago
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Three is Not a Crowd

Cheri and Dan had been married about two years. They had the best active sex life. They also lived with Dave, Dan's father. Both men shared Cheri. Tonight she was naked watching a movie between both men and they were each sucking on her tits and had two fingers in her cunt fucking her. Both men were also naked and she was stroking both cocks. She knew where her husband got his big cock as her father in law was huge. He was always naked with a big hard on and loved fucking Cheri. Last Saturday...

3 years ago
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2for1 Discount

My name is Chas, short for Charles, but no one calls me by anything but Chas. I went with that version of my name when I was in high school. I figured it gave me something unique, maybe distinctive. It also comes in handy in my line of work. You see, I'm a male escort, a gigolo if you will. The ladies seem to love calling me Chas and, since they are paying to play, whatever they love works for me. I'm 26 years old, 6'2" and 185 lbs. of lean, toned body. I was blessed with a large cock, just shy...

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Take Your Momma

Taking Your Mamma ©Shyblueeyes1968 (FM, Older/Younger/Oral) Please do not place this story on any other website, without the express permission of the author, or as an absolute minimum, with the authors email address and homepage address. The use of this and other stories by the author ‘shyblueeyes1968 for commercial purposes or other activities were readers have to pay to access the story, is strictly forbidden, without the express consent of the Author. A woman in her 40’s, attractive,...

2 years ago
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Blood MoneyChapter 8

For the first mile or so, I ambled along, looking carefully to each side of the road. Fortunately from my point of view, the rain had stopped completely, but the ground along here was not bone-dry. At first, there was nothing especially interesting, but I eventually came to a place where the ground surface was very disturbed. It looked to me like several horses, moving fast, had turned away from the road at this point and headed northwest. I had nothing definite to go on, but it seemed to me...

4 years ago
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Rebel Holiday

"So where have I gone wrong?" "You have not gone wrong Jane, its just that we are not going anywhere in this relationship" "Graham, I gave everything in this relationship, I gave up promotion opportunities,hobbies, you name it". Tears were now in her eyes, there was also a pause. She thought about the holiday in Spain she had booked for them both. "Jane we have both tried, but I find it hard now." He did not want to say it, but before he could even think about it, Jane asked...

2 years ago
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My Nasty Honeymoon

Bill and I where married five days ago. It was a big wedding with all of our family and friends being there. All went well and they now found themselves on a houseboat alone in a slow moving river enjoying the privacy of our first days of marriage together. Our honeymoon had been wonderful so far. It was worth the wait (the sex part.) We were cooking for each other, eating and drinking, playing and making love this was the third day and we made love hour after hour the last three days in the...

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Quarantine Threesome told by friend to me

The quarantine has gone on too long, I have been masturbating more often than I did when I was young and not happy about that. Sitting in my yard, I started talking with a neighbor that lives on the backside of my home. We introduced our selves and it turns out he bought the home about 7 months ago and new to the neighborhood. Jake as it turns out has been working from home and mentioned that he also was sick of playing by himself. We talked about our health and whether or not we have had...

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The last 7 weeks my boyfriend has been fucked horny. He usually stays there for a few days after he becomes a father, but now it has been a long time. He has fucked a stranger girl, absolutely weather day. Everything from 19 years up to 72 years. No regular sex partners. He finds it mostly online, where there are girls who only look for a fuck and only that, in and out of it. He has not had a regular sex partner in a year now. When we hire a house washer. She was a beautiful girl from China....

1 year ago
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The Wifes First Threesome

My wife and I are in our late twenties and had run into a lull in our relationship so we began to look at ways to spice things up. We joined an adult site and I got my wife to slowly start thinking of the idea of bringing someone into our bedroom to spice things up. Originally we began thinking of trying to add a woman to the mix because we both were into the thought of that. So my wife started out chatting with random people (girls, couples, men) and finally progressed to the point of getting...

3 years ago
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Bondage For Little Sister

BONDAGEFORLITTLE SISTERBy Long Tall MaryPart 1 BONDAGE? FOR? LITTLE SISTER???? By Long Tall Mary?? Part 1 An older sister decides that bondage discipline is necessary for her younger sister. She turns to someone who claims to be a competent dom but the results aren?t quite what the older sister expects. This story was related to me by Bobbi upon my first meeting with her. She later became a submissive client of mine. I asked her to prepare a written version of her experiences so it is in...

4 years ago
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Las cinco amigas The five friends 12

*************Duod?cima parte************* A medida que avanzaba la tarde entend? por qu? Dalia nunca parec?a estar en una postura relajada, aunque estuviera sentada, comiendo o de cualquier otra manera. Al parecer, mi due?o hab?a elegido para m? que fuera elegante y sexy al mismo tiempo. Eso requer?a aprender toda una nueva forma de moverme, de sentarme y hasta de comer. En algunos puntos me parec?a a los juegos gestuales de mi nueva amiga, pero en otros me separaba. Ella era m?s... vulgar hasta en eso. Per...

4 years ago
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Cleaner Seduction

When I was just nine a policeman came to the house and broke the news that my dad had died in a car accident on the M4 motorway on his way to work. Mum was devastated, of course, as were my little brother and me, but she gritted her teeth and tried to hold the family together. She worked in the kitchen at a local school, came home and cooked us a meal then went to do a second job cleaning a few nights a week for a Mrs Wood, a woman who lived a couple of streets and a world away from us. She...

2 years ago
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Man breaks up with gf lets me fuck his ass

I jokingly started chatting with a random stranger who had told me he was interested in fucking with me. At first i thought little of it, as i replied back and we described in detail how we wanted to fuck. He was such a slut he even took pictures of his ass for me. Whatever else i wanted he said he was willing to do. After some constant messaging it probably seemed to him like i was going to flake. Which at the time, i really was. He then went ahead and told me about how he had just broken up...

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The Choir Director Pt 3

The Choir Director Pt 3The next day Janet and I were having coffee , my husband was gone playing golf with his buddy's and my k**s were playing in the back yard. So I asked Janet how do you feel after last night? Janet said that her pussy was a little sore from the big cock of Joshua but if given the chance she would do it again in a heart beat. That's good to hear because I was hoping to get the boys together again soon so that they might fuck us in all our holes, well are you game? Oh fuck...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 260

Marcy looked straight at me and asked, "Where do you think they are going with all these different contracts with us? We are going to have contracts with DHS, the FBI and CIA on the hangar and now it sounds like they may want part or all or the super hangar." "I don't know, but the money is good and with the markups that Frank just approved - double good. We may let them lease part of the super hangar but we are going to need part of it ourselves; having a divider halfway may be a...

1 year ago
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I like to think I'm your average working, family man. I have my own house, my own car, a very good paying job. Not to boast, but I make nearly four times of that of an average persons salary. So with this money, I like to try and make sure my family have the best things in life. Having two c***dren and a wife though, it's not easy. You could have all the money in the world and still they will find something that I can't give them. Let me introduce myself. My name is David Jones. I am a loving...

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The Parking Garage loyalsock

Where the heck is that woman? Joe thought to himself as he sat in his car. Sandy wasn't really late but Joe had been thinking about this day for weeks and was anxious to ravish her. Why had they decided to meet on the second highest level of the parking garage? They probably thought it added an element of intrigue to their secret affair.The two of them had been meeting infrequently over the past year. It never seemed like their schedules had openings at the same time. The hazards of being...

2 years ago
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Having fun with my sister

I am a 15 year old and my oldest sister is married and gone…2 years ago when i was 13 on my birthday, pretty boring day…Btw im skinny but my dick is 5 inches .On my birthday i wake up an my room is so hot it was like 90 so i got up and went to my sisters room which is my oldest sister and i went to sleep…she is 25 between my sis’s room i would usual put my hand around her and put my leg over her…Note that i had no intentions of any sexual activities with her. So i went to her and slept and held...

4 years ago
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Wife and I go on vacation

Just arrived in Prague for a a week of eating, drinking and site seeing. Our hotel is charming and nestled in the old city. Tired from travel we drop our bags, shower together, and after a relaxing fuck doze off in the comfort of our featherbed. We wake to a bell tower and the sounds of a rocking city friday night. Revelers in the streets. The high pitched buzz of motorbikes. The odd car horn. My wife suggests going clubbing as we are unlikely to get back to sleep after our serious power...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 21 A Swing Party Guest Likes the Group

Mark People started to arrive at our party about six-thirty on Saturday despite Elsa’s having said seven o’clock as part of the invitation. By their admission, they were eager to get started. By seven-thirty we had a condo full of people. Elsa and I made it a point to meet and welcome everyone, and to check them out. I heard her explaining about the NDA to a couple of people at the door. Steve introduced us to his new friend KC. She was not only nice she was hotter than sin. I wanted to...

1 year ago
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I gave baby to sister

Hi this is praveen kumar from tamilnadu,I am very big fan of ISS. And here is my first story to ISS and it’s happened in real hope u all enjoy the story. My sister name is jayanthi and she was very affectionate and careness with me and I also liked and had affection towards her, I am studying my engineering and my sister got married last year to she went to next area near to our house . I really missed her after her marriage and I forgot to describe her vital stats she was very beautiful and...

3 years ago
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The Botanicons

THE BOTANICONS (c) 2013, 2017 by Anthony Durrant As Professor Nostromo filled the tank at the Craxton College Arboretum to the brim, he turned to me and said in his soft, gentle voice: "David, would you please hand me the lid?" I handed him the lid for the tank, taking care not to step on the root of the giant prehistoric plant he'd grown from rejeuvenated frozen tissue found in a cave in Siberia. The plant, huge and pink and white in colour, was Nostromo's pride and joy. As...

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Happy Lovely Family 8211 Part 1

Kamala sumitha and Kumar relaxed for sometime and they slept around three am. It was 5 am when kamala got wokeup and for a minute she couldn’t believe what had happened in the past few hours..she was so excited and happy. She saw her two cute kids laying nude on the bed with full relaxation and after 6 hours of tiresome fun. She saw the bed full of sweet sweat, women honey spread all over and a scattered load of her sons white juices. She was so excited to see this and she walked into the...


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