Cindy s doctor visit Chapter 1 I react
- 4 years ago
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Their wedding took place in the little United Church at the west end of the Village on a sunny fall Saturday afternoon in October. Jenny's parents had come from Calgary a few days early and were staying with Tony and Louise at the Blanton house. The two sets of parents had taken an instant liking to each other and were getting along famously.
Perhaps, Jenny thought, because they were so much alike. Unpretentious, upbeat, and obviously happily married. It took a great deal of pressure off both Jenny and Tom to see them comfortable with their new 'parents-in-law' as they called themselves.
Jenny hadn't seen much of her parents in the last year as they only came to the coast to visit in the early summer. She had been to Calgary for a day in mid-August on her way through to Winnipeg on a buying trip with Mr. McDonald, but she had only been able to spend a few hours with them. She did tell them in detail of her relationship with Tom, and her expectation that they would marry. They were happy for her and seemed more confident that this marriage was right for her. Meeting Tom and his family only confirmed that belief.
Vincent was the best man, and Nikki was Maid of Honor. Vinnie was a little the worse for wear, having partied somewhat recklessly the night before at what was to be Tom's stag. Tom, knowing his limits, was much more circumspect, and cruised the last half of the evening. He knew tomorrow would be stressful and sleeping alone in his bed tonight wouldn't help any.
Jenny had insisted that they keep up appearances for this one night at least and was staying at the Inhalt's for the night. Nikki stayed with her grandparents at the Blanton house, and would meet up with her mother tomorrow morning at the hairdressers. She was excited when she saw her new satin gown in pale green. It was beautiful and even more exciting because it was the same as her mom's new gown.
It was a quiet, short ceremony with fifty or so guests in the church. The reception was held in the Community Hall in West Bay, and naturally was catered under the supervision of Steve Inhalt. It was a happy occasion for both families, but no more so than for Jenny and Tom. Each had waited a long time for the right person to come along and now they were together. Ingrid was also especially enjoying this moment, having been the catalyst for their meeting in the first place. Few, if any of the attendees would leave without knowing she had put them together.
Their honeymoon would be two weeks in London and Paris with a couple of side trips in each location. It would be Tom and Jenny's first trip to Europe, and they were excited at the prospect. Nikki was in school of course, and would stay with Tom's parents while they were away. She was disappointed that she couldn't go with them, and didn't understand what a honeymoon was really about. Tom had suggested to Jenny that they take the week after Christmas and go to Disneyland with Nikki as a make-up. Jenny agreed and Nikki was delighted. She was already counting the days.
Tom and Jenny enjoyed every minute of their honeymoon. They explored the tourist hotspots during the day, and their bedroom hotspots at night. For Jenny, it was a dream come true. She had married the man of her dreams. Tom was everything and more that she could want in a husband and lover. She hoped that she would have some special news for him soon. Her joy at his genuine love of Nikki, and their mutual desire for more children, was just more proof of how wonderful her life had become in such a short time. Too soon their trip would be over and they would be returned to their regular lives, but there would be many happy memories of the two weeks.
As they pushed their luggage cart out of the Canada Customs area, Tom looked for familiar faces waiting in the lower lobby of the airport. Finally, he spotted Vinnie and then his mother, and beside her, Nikki. Vinnie waved and Tom acknowledged the younger brother's salute. They slowly walked through the arriving throng and met the group. Tom and Jenny hugged Louise and Nikki and Tom thanked Vinnie for coming to get them. He noticed the dark circles under his mother's eyes and the somber expression on her face after greeting them. He looked at Vinnie and could read nothing.
"Mom, are you OK?" he asked. "Where's dad?"
Louise burst into tears and reached out to hug her eldest son.
"You father is at home," she sobbed. "He's sick, Tom. He had a stroke."
"What! When?" he asked intently.
"About ten days ago. Not long after you left," Vinnie offered.
"We didn't want to bother you on your honeymoon and there wasn't anything that you could do for him here."
"You said he's home?" Tom asked, turning back to his mother.
"Yes. He's resting and you can see him this afternoon," Louise said in a trembling voice.
"We didn't want to spoil your honeymoon, Tom," she continued. "That's why we didn't try and find you."
Jenny reached out to Tom's mother and held her closely.
"I'm so sorry, Louise. This must have been terrible for you," she sympathized.
"What's the prognosis, mom?" Tom asked as they headed toward the family car. "Is he going to fully recover?"
"It's too early to tell, Tom," she said, now recovering her composure.
"They think his heart will be OK, but there's been some damage from the stroke and that's what we can't know yet."
"What kind of damage?"
"He's lost some mobility in his left side and his speech is slurred," Vinnie said.
"He can't seem to think as clearly as he did before," Louise hesitated.
"It's OK mom, I'm sure he'll get better," Vinnie consoled.
Tom was aware of a sinking feeling in his stomach.
"I feel terrible about this," he said quietly. "We were off having a great time and all the while Dad was in trouble."
"You couldn't have done anything, Tom," Jenny said.
"Jenny's right, Tom," Louise stated emphatically. "Being here wouldn't have made a difference and you would have ruined your honeymoon. I didn't want that to happen."
All the while, Nikki had been silent; listening to the adults talk about her new Grandpa, one she had hardly gotten to know. She liked him and now he was sick. She had talked to him today and he recognized her and said her name. He had a nice voice and she hoped he would be better soon.
She was happy her mom and Tom were home again. She missed them and she wanted to go back to her regular bedroom and eat her regular food. Besides, she was going to Disneyland after Christmas. That would be cool!
The drive home was quiet. Tom was lost in though about his father and what the implications for the business might be. Louise and Jenny tried to talk about the honeymoon but that conversation was unfocussed and neither could muster much enthusiasm.
Vinnie drove in silence; also thinking about the meaning of this illness and what it might mean to the company, and more importantly, to him. It had been the dominant thought in his head since his father had been stricken ten days earlier. Perhaps this was the time that they could find a buyer for the company, and he could cash in his share.
When they arrived at his parent's home, Tom steeled himself for what he would find when he saw his father. He had conjured up some horrific scenarios in his mind, and was fearful of how he would react. Instead, he found his father sitting in his favorite chair in the living room, watching TV. He walked tentatively to his father and took his offered hand, bent to one knee and embraced him for what seemed a long time.
"How are you Dad?" he said quietly, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
"Hi Tawwm," he replied slowly. "Di you haf ah goo time in Pahrish?"
"Yes Dad, we had a wonderful time," he smiled. "I'm very sorry to hear about ... your illness. We didn't know," he explained.
"Ah know Tawwm," he smiled slowly with the right side of his face. "Ah be ohkaay soon."
"Good to hear that Dad," Tom said. "You just take it easy and get better. Vinnie and I can look after the business."
Tom stood up and went to his mother's side.
"How you holding up, mom?" he asked with a concerned look.
"I'm OK Tom," she replied with a faint smile. "I'm getting used to the idea now. Your dad is going to be home for a while and I don't know what to expect," she continued.
"We have an appointment with a physiotherapist Monday, and I think there's another evaluation scheduled for the week after next."
She looked at Tom with a hopeful smile.
"He's getting all the best help, so ... I'm hopeful," she smiled.
"Good for you Mom," Tom said seriously. He was beginning to feel a bit better, despite the obvious handicaps his father would have to overcome.
He turned to Jenny and walked to her side, putting his arm around her.
"Not the greatest homecoming, honey," he said ruefully. "Are you OK."
"Yes ... I'm OK. I just feel so badly for your mom and dad ... and Vinnie. What a terrible thing to happen," she said.
Nikki crossed the living room to stand beside her mother. She silently took her hand and looked up at Tom.
"Is Grampa Blanton going to get better?" she asked with little girl directness.
"I think so, Nikki," he replied, smiling. "It's just going to take time."
Tom moved to Vinnie who had been sitting in a chair on the other side of the room from the group.
"We'll need to have a meeting on Monday morning so that I can catch up with where we are with our projects," he said directly.
"Can you get in touch with Robbie? We can meet at ten at my house and you guys can bring me up to speed."
"Sure," was Vinnie's simple reply.
"OK, that will give me tomorrow to get back to this time zone and get the house organized for my new family," he smiled.
"When's moving day?" Vinnie asked.
"Tuesday, I hope. I could use some help," he hinted.
"I get the message," Vinnie smiled. "I'm sure I can get a couple of volunteers," he grinned.
"Thanks, Vin," he smiled sincerely. "I'm going to gather my gang and head for the house now. I'll see mom and dad tomorrow after we get settled."
Tom said his goodbyes to his father and mother and promised to see them tomorrow. They headed out the door to the truck Tom had left in the R.V. parking space, and they slowly drove home.
Jenny silently watched Tom's face as they drove the short distance from his parent's home to Tom's. She could see he was lost in thought and probably worry over his father's health as well as his mother's ability to cope with this stressful situation. She was learning once again what a strong and remarkable man her new husband was as he handled this unexpected event. It was another reminder just how lucky she had been to find this man and she smiled secretly to herself at the thought.
On Sunday afternoon, Jenny and Nikki packed up their clothes and personal items from their former home, piled them in the back of her Corolla, and brought them up to their new home.
Nikki had insisted that she wanted to remain in the basement bedroom, and not the second bedroom near her parents. She liked her freedom and independence in the lower suite; it even had its own TV. Jenny quickly made some rules that applied to when the TV could be on, and keeping the small bathroom clean. Her bedroom had an intercom that its other receiver was in the kitchen. Jenny showed Nikki how to use it and the young girl was thrilled that she had her own communications system.
On Sunday, Tom went back to his parent's home on his own. He wanted to talk to his dad, specifically about the future direction of their company. It would be a long and painfully slow conversation, but Tom knew it was important. He had no illusions about what Vinnie wanted: the sale of the business for cash.
Tom wanted to continue the business as is, but knew he would need the support of both his parents as well as recruit at least one more manager and possibly two. Robbie Delgado had proven to be a godsend. He was bright, exceptionally hardworking and properly grounded in the business. He handled his men well and despite his diminutive size, was respected and listened to. His crew regularly met their targets and easily outperformed Vinnie's crew.
Vinnie continued to be a problem for Tom. He obviously resented his father putting Tom in charge of the business in the field. To Vinnie, it was unfair. He was a brother too, and now he was reduced to crew chief. Worse than that, Tom was constantly on him about his crew's performance, always comparing him to that shrimp kid, Robbie.
Vinnie had more absenteeism than Robbie's crew and they seldom got jobs done on schedule without having to work expensive overtime, or Tom having to divert resources from his other jobs. In his secret heart, he wanted to sell the business and just take the cash for his quarter share. With a quarter million dollars or so, he could find something else to do with his life, something that would be a lot more fun than slaving for his workaholic brother.
Tom was not confident that he could fulfill the role at which his father was so masterful. The elder Blanton's skills were public relations, regulatory agency negotiations (building inspectors), and project selection decisions.
Tom's expertise was the ability to manage the business in the field. It would be taxing his time, and if Vinnie continued to be an underachiever, it would tax the company's resources as well.
He reminded himself to talk to Steve Inhalt again about his options on revising the corporate structure. It was a touchy subject, buying out Vinnie's share. He dare not talk about it with his parents now, and would not raise the subject unless it was absolutely necessary. One role he could not take on was family patriarch.
In bed that night, Jenny propped herself up on one elbow and gently ran her fingers over Tom's naked chest.
"Are you OK Tom?" she asked quietly.
"I guess so. I'm not sure. I'm still upset about dad." He looked at Jenny and smiled.
"Thank God you're here. It's like having a life guard standing by."
He turned toward her and raised his hand to her face. Jenny moved across and kissed him softly on his forehead. Tom gazed at her in a look of love and complete comfort.
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That changed my life. See, I was a little runt. That guy who was never good at any of the ball-games, smart, but a bit of a smart-ass, who usually didn’t have a lot of friends. I was the kind of kid who didn’t get much respect from my peers, and considering we moved around a lot (dad had a hard time keeping a job) it was that much harder to make friends. So when the older boy gave me a pat on the back, I really felt good about myself. I didn’t care that he was congratulating me for doing...
Hello, everyone. Thanks for your support for my last sex story. I m glad everyone likes it and people can approach me through my email id This sex story is about my profession. It’s a long sex story and please bear with me. If you are ready to read a long story you can continue, or you can skip. As I told in my previous sex story, I am a massage therapist in Chennai, offering doorstep massage to ladies. This incident happened on Dasara holidays, where I posted an advertisement on the internet...
The Taming of LouNote: This story is about taking a sexually precocious 16 year old girl and stripping her of not only her ability to have sex, but to bear children or even enter into a normal, consummated heterosexual relationship. If the thought of ripping the womanhood from a girl, however wayward she may be sickens you, stop reading now. Don’t forget, it is fantasy and not something I (or I hope you) would ever even consider in reality.My step sister moved to Germany for a new job, dumping...
Introduction: Blasphemy & sacrilege Youll recall from my earlier story, Devilish Cruelty, that my wife had discovered that she was something of a pain slut, and had found that abuse, both physical and verbal excited her tremendously. Youll also recall how we watched the movie on TV, and became inspired to have me talk about all sorts of Satanic and Devilish things for my wife. I know that Id gone a bit overboard in advertising my wife along those lines on the net sex sites, but Id been feeling...
My wife and I married when she was 24, and at the time we were too broke to afford a nice honeymoon. So after about a year, we were able to scrimp and save enough to go on a vacation. We decided on going to an all inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic for about a week and a half. We were both quite excited as we pulled into the resort after a very long plane trip. We quickly got acquainted with where everything in the resort was, and dropped our bags in the room to have a look around,...
Hi all ISS readers. This is my first story on ISS so please excuse me for the lengthy story, hope you will enjoy the story About me, my name is Raj. I am from Mumbai. I am 6 feet tall with the average muscular body. The women in this story, her name is Namrata. She is 5 feet in height with the figure of 38 36 38, the figure you want to die for. She stays next to my house. Being neighbor,s there was good bonding between our families. She is educated however is a housewife. Her husband has...
Deeper and deeper, Noah delved into the sea of his memories, losing all sense of identity and time. Random moments from his experience in the multiverse flashed across his mind’s eye with crystal clarity, hypnotizing his senses with experiences of thousands of years in the past. Pleasure, pain, laughter, tears, exhilaration, fear, intoxication, love, loss, they washed over him, with moments stretching across centuries and lifetimes passing by in the blink of an eye. With what shred of...
‘Pomp & Circumstance’ began playing over the loudspeakers. The graduating class of Eleanor Roosevelt High School marched inside. The boys wore green robes while all of the girls were wearing white ones. In the stands, sat the family of Claro Booker. The s*******n year old’s mother, Belinda, was present with both of her sisters. His stepdad rounded out the crew that came to cheer him on. He had been a star pupil. And finished in the top ten percent of his class.When his family saw him enter,...
She wore a sturdy wool gown with a lace and cotton pelted bodice that seated her breast, making them an automatic look when someone spotted her. The dark green wool curved down her body ,lacing up the back so her small waist was showed off, and her breast were pushed up and together. She wore sturdy riding boots and thigh high stockings tied into place by a garter belt. Her hair was braded into a fish tail down her back and over her shoulder and covered with a heavy wool cloak. She...
Hi guys, my hubby Bill has been on at me for ages to write down some of our adventures as he thinks this site could do with some good reads for a change. The beginning is a little slow and the actual story is very very long so get yourself a cuppa. It is long purely for getting the atmosphere right and it helps me remember more clearly and allows me to let you the reader know how I was feeling all the way through our first time. Therefore I think the best place for me to start is at the very...
Miss Aparna (not her real name) was the replacement, and when she came in to the class, I am sure all boys got a hard on. She was just out of college, sharp features, very fair, thin and sexy looking. We could make out that she was new to sarees, and could hardly hold the pallu in place. She used to wear a front opening blouse, and we would get a free view whenever her pallu abandoned her Saree. She mostly wore a flowery bra which we could make out from under the sheer material of her blouse,...
Hi friends….. I am sallant (name changed) aaj me aapko apni ek story bayan kar ne jar aha auro ki tarah faltu bakwas nahi karunga to directly story pe ate hai. Mera naam Sallant hai aur me ek 26 years good looking banda hu.. Muje logo ki tarah ye to nahi pata ki mere lund ki size kya hai par ha sabhi ladkiyo aur aurton ko ye aaram se khus kar deta hai…… To friends, baat kuch 2 saal purani hai….mere saamnevale ghar me ek piyushbhai rahete hai jinki us samay nayi nayi sadi hui thi….aur...
‘Angela By Darkko’ opens with the most outrageous sex scene of Angela White’s career! The reigning AVN Performer of the Year teams up with Markus Dupree for an all-anal squirtfest that sees Angela squirt more than 30 times and her asshole filled with over a gallon of Spunk lube. The opening tease sequence is electric! Covered in silver glitter with a galaxy of stars exploding behind her, Angela stares into the lens with searing blue eyes while her hands explore her divine...
xmoviesforyouHi friends. Helloes to my fellow who says they r missing me. I was busy with works now days. Here is my new story, I had experience when I was in college. its was happy days in college when I met Savita ever since I could remember her tits were always bigger than anyone else in her class, and now as a senior she filled her bras out to a very full 36d. All this big tit flesh ran in the family, as both of her older sisters were d’s and her mom and two aunts were double d’s! It’s not as if they...
Part of a series of short stories with the common connection of ‘Naked’ placed in various sections on this site. Some of them are funny, some are sad, some are quirky but all reveal the many facets of human emotion in all its naked rawness. If you like this one, please read, Naked Revenge under the exhibitionist and voyeur section, and watch out for Naked Fear and Naked Ambition, coming soon. * The face that stared back at her was poignant, so like her, but unlike how she saw herself. Where...
“You’ve been a very bad boy!” she purred and dragged him into the bedroom, quickly whipping off his towel and pushing him back onto the bed. She straddled his chest and slowly inched up his body. Taking his left hand in hers she roughly pulled it up and secured it to the headboard with a pair of handcuffs. She repeated this rough movement with his right and he was soon safely secured to the bed. She slowly slid sensually down his body till she was pinning him with her legs wrapped around...
Present – Ben, Jens and others – The trip I had a hell of a nap and when I wake up I find Jens is still asleep. I slowly extricate myself from her arms, slip out of bed, find my underwear and clothes and put them back on. I look at Jens, sleeping in the bed, and realize I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’ve married an incredibly beautiful woman who actually wants sex more than I do. I make sure to cover her up after ogling her incredibly hot body and head out into the main area. I pick up...
Maine apne pichle part me bataya tha this kis tarah kaamwali ne bhi gand mari aur mujhe piddi, gandu sahab kah k chirha rahi thi, aur fir dildo se meri zabardast gaand mari aur dildo andar hi dal k mere upar so gayi n all that… Jab maid chali gayi to shilpa ne bola: tu to bara hi gandu aur chudakkar nikla, thori der k liye bahar kya gayi tune to ek kaamwali se bhi apni gaand marwa li… tujh jaisa randwa gandu to aaj tak nhi dekha… Me: are mam jaisa aap soch rahi ho aisa kuch nhi h, meri gaand me...
Sarah drove up to the gate and smiled at the young guard. He smiled back and after checking her ID welcomed her to the base. Once past the few buildings close to the gate there was nothing but fields and woods with a few small fenced compounds. As she expected there was no one around in the wooded areas of the base. She parked the car on a dirt side road and moved the seat back so she could change into running attire. She stripped off her work clothes and slid on spandex shorts and a...
There's a new girl I've seen around college, a striking redhead that I sometimes pass in the corridors between classes. She's not taking any of my three subjects, so I've not had the chance yet to find out her name. I've noticed her a few times now, she's a redheaded version of me in many ways, she's small and petite and keeps herself to herself just like I do. The first time I saw the new girl I had to turn to take a second look at her and her wonderful long hair, take a few moments to admire...
Love Stories