A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 9 - KamiChapter 6: As The World Turns free porn video

September 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois
“Morning, Doc!” I said enthusiastically on Friday morning.
“How the HELL can you be so cheery this early in the morning?” Gina asked disgustedly.
“I’m always cheery in the morning! And so is Birgit!”
“Jess is right; you two are mutants!”
“Let’s run, Doc!” I grinned.
We ran our usual course through the park, then walked to Starbucks as had become our norm. I objected to paying $2.00 for a cup of coffee, or $5.00 if milk came within shouting distance of the cup, but Gina was addicted. Most days I declined her offer of buying me a cup, but occasionally I would accept a ‘tall’ coffee, a moniker which made me laugh as it was the smallest cup on the menu. Off the posted menu, you could get a ‘short’, which was smaller.
“See you on Sunday night for dinner!” I said when we parted.
I walked home, showered, and then joined Kara, Michelle, and Elyse for breakfast. The kids came in with Amanda to say ‘goodbye’ before heading to school, and then Elyse and Michelle left for the NIKA office.
“I’ll walk you to work this morning,” I said. “We can bring Ashley along if she wants.”
“She feels so left out because she can’t go to school with the others,” Kara said.
“One more year,” I said. “And then Amanda will leave us. We’ll just need someone to come in for the afternoons when the kids get home.”
“What about the Summers?”
“Jennifer suggested we hire a college girl to be here during the days, at least for the next few years. Once Jesse is thirteen, a babysitter seems a bit excessive. We’ll see how things are when the time comes.”
“That probably makes sense, because my time will be limited. I’ll do most of my research and writing during the Summers in the future. I need to do that to get the tenured position. Shall we get Ashley and be on our way?”
We gathered our daughter and the three of us set off for the University, with Ashley walking between Kara and me. When we arrived at the Chemistry building, Kara and I hugged and kissed, and she hugged Ashley.
“Have a good day at work!” I said.
“Have fun playing hooky!” Kara said with a soft laugh.
She went into the building and Ashley and I turned for home. I had some time, because I’d confirmed with Melissa that I’d leave home around 10:00am, thereby missing most of the rush hour traffic.
“Yes, Cinderella?”
“Play a game with me at home?”
“Of course!”
She smiled broadly and I picked her up so I could walk faster. At home we played Sorry! and Trouble, then I kissed her and handed her off to Amanda so I could leave for Naperville to meet Melissa.
“Thank you for playing with me!” she said.
“You’re welcome! See you tonight!”
I got another kiss, then headed out to my car.
The drive was uneventful, and I only ran into the usual small pocket of traffic around Harlem Avenue, which STILL had left-hand exits, causing congestion where none was necessary. When I found the street, I was surprised at the size of the houses. Melissa had told me she lived alone, and these houses were certainly close to the square footage of my house in Hyde Park, and some of them were bigger. I pulled into the driveway, shut off the engine, put the gear selector in first, and set the parking brake. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door and rang the bell.
“Hi!” Melissa gushed when she opened the door.
“Hi!” I replied. “Nice place!”
“I bought it from my parents. They were planning to move to Arizona, and I decided I wanted the house. They’re carrying the note for me.”
“I have a similar arrangement with my dad because I bought my house while I was still in college. You said it’s just you living here?”
“Me and my three cats!” she laughed.
“So, you invited me to...” I smirked.
“ ... a house full of pussy, yes!” she smirked. “Come on; let me show you the house.”
She led me through the house, starting with the first floor. My assessment of the size had been correct, and the house was cavernous with only Melissa and her cats.
“Nice canopy bed!” I grinned. “Pink, too! My oldest daughter would love it!”
“Soft, comfy, and warm!”
“Just like you?”
“I suppose you’ll have to decide that for yourself. Can I ask a question?”
“Do the ground rules allow you to spend the night? I mean in the future; I know you have plans tomorrow.”
“I could probably do that from time to time, yes. Anything else?”
“We didn’t talk about an important topic.”
I smiled, “I had a vasectomy.”
“That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time!” she laughed. “I guess I don’t need the box of rubbers in the nightstand.”
“Any OTHER questions?” I teased.
“None that I can think of! Do you want to finish the tour?”
She led me through the rest of the house, including the finished basement, and we ended in the kitchen where she offered me a drink.
“Remember; nothing with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup,” I replied. “And no aspartame, either.”
“That leaves coffee, water, or I think I have some mint tea. Did you want lunch first?”
“I leave that up to you,” I said. “Are you THAT nervous that you’re delaying?”
Melissa sighed, “Is it that obvious?”
“Not arranging to finish the tour in the bedroom? Asking, without sounding silly, if I wanted to finish the tour? Ending in the kitchen? Yes, it’s that obvious.”
“Well, shit; I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Acting like a teenager alone in my parents’ house for the first time.”
I chuckled, “Well, you did say this was your parents’ house!”
Melissa laughed softly, “I did. We moved into this house about twelve years ago, right about the time I left for CalTech.”
“Where did you live before?”
“First, should I make some lunch?”
She knew about my carbohydrate restrictions and made lunch accordingly. I watched as she prepared wraps for us.
“We lived about four miles from here, in an older house in Naperville.”
“And were you alone there?” I smirked.
“Never. I didn’t lose my virginity until I went to California. It just seemed like the thing to do when I was a Freshman.”
“The thing to do?” I asked.
“I felt like I was the only virgin in my dorm. I met a guy, we dated a few times, and I did the deed. I broke up with the guy a few weeks later.”
“I take it the experience was less than satisfying?”
“You could say that. It was a year before it happened again, but that time it was a lot better. That relationship lasted about eighteen months, I guess. From then, I mostly just dated casually and didn’t fool around. About five years ago, I dated someone seriously, and the sex was pretty good. I thought we might get married, but he got a job offer in Boston and accepted without even asking me if I wanted to move. He just assumed I’d go with him. We had a big fight. He’s there, I guess. I’m here.”
“And that was the last time?”
“Are you SURE you want to do this?” I asked.
“I was, right up until you walked into the house,” Melissa sighed. “Then I got cold feet.”
“We don’t have to do this, you know. We can stay friends and I can be your mentor.”
“I feel like I led you on.”
I shrugged, “Even if you did, I’m not upset.”
“You don’t want to?”
“Now you’re putting words in my mouth! I’m telling you I don’t want you to do anything about which you’re unsure.”
“What do you want to do?” she asked as she put the wraps on plates and added celery and carrot sticks.
“I don’t think that’s the important part of this conversation,” I replied.
She set the plates on the table and got me a glass of ice water and a Sprite for herself. We sat down and started eating.
“What’s giving you pause?” I asked.
“That’s just it; I don’t know for sure. I think I’m actually more nervous than the first time!”
I could make suggestions as to why she was nervous, but I didn’t want to put ideas into her mind, nor did I want Melissa to feel as if I was pressuring her.
“Then let’s just hang out. You have a pool table, and I saw a chess board, and I suspect you have a VCR. I’m sure we can find stuff to do.”
“And you really aren’t upset?”
I shook my head, “No, of course not. Why would I be?”
“Because you were expecting to get laid, you idiot!”
“No; I knew there was a chance I’d get laid. There are never any guarantees.”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake!” she hissed. “Seriously?”
“Do you know how frustrating you are?”
“I’ve been told that before, but I’m totally missing the point. Did you want me to be upset?”
“No! But you’re unpredictable and THAT is annoying!”
“I’m perfectly predictable,” I said. “Have I put pressure on you about this? Heck, have I even ASKED for it?”
“No. Not like a normal guy!”
“And would you even consider doing it with what you call a ‘normal’,” I made air quotes with my index and middle fingers of each hand, “guy?”
“I wanted to do it with a married guy, so I think my judgment is questionable!”
“If THAT is true, then we absolutely shouldn’t do anything. I’m very comfortable with what I call an ‘adult love affair’. So long as my partner is willing and isn’t in a committed relationship with a friend, then the possibility is there. But I’m very selective and I have rules.”
“You’re breaking one with me, aren’t you?”
“That rule has always had gray areas; well, outside of NIKA employees. The default answer is ‘no’, but in the right circumstances, it’s maybe.”
“Why say ‘yes’ to me?”
“Because after you began flirting with me, I decided I wanted you.”
“Then why not chase me?”
“For the exact reason we’re sitting here with empty plates at the kitchen table - if the woman in question isn’t fully comfortable with the situation, I don’t want to push her into doing something she’ll regret.”
“I don’t get how someone who is as driven as you are can be so blasé about something like this. Don’t you want me?”
“You certainly weren’t working as a waitress in a cocktail bar,” I chuckled.
“The song, Don’t You Want Me? by The Human League.”
“Why the song reference?”
“YOU made it! I just named the reference!”
“You are a goofball at times.”
“At times?” I asked with an arched eyebrow.
Melissa stood up and took the two plates and put them in the sink, then turned and leaned against the sink.
“What do you want to do?”
“Whatever you want,” I said.
“Why won’t you just tell me?”
“Because I don’t want you to regret anything that happens and I sure as heck don’t want to ruin a good relationship. Remember, I said those things to you months ago. If you’re having second thoughts, that makes it risky.”
“Even if they’re just related to nerves?”
“I suppose it depends on WHY you’re nervous.”
Melissa took a deep breath and sighed deeply.
“I don’t want to disappoint you,” she said quietly.
“I don’t believe you would,” I said. “For the most part, it’s not about experience, but about desire, attitude, and enthusiasm.”
“Bad sex is usually about attitude, more than anything.”
“I guess you’ve had a lot of bad sex?”
I shook my head, “Very little, and for exactly the reason I refused to answer your question about what I want to do. If you do it just because I want to, it’s going to be bad. I’ve had more than my fair share of virgins and in nearly every case, the sex was great because they were enthusiastic and wanted to do it. Were some of them nervous? Sure.”
“I never thought of it that way.”
“Because you confuse sex and intimacy. They aren’t the same thing. You can have one without the other. When you have both, it’s WAY better.”
“We’re intimate?”
“To a point. We’d have to talk a lot more about life, the universe, and everything.”
“That’s a quote from something, isn’t it?”
“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. ‘42’ is the answer to ‘the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.’ The more stuff we talk about at a deep level, the more intimate we’ll be. And we don’t have to have sex to do that.”
“As my dad would say, you’re an odd duck, Mr. Adams!”
“I have an idea, if you’re up for it.”
“Let’s use the Jacuzzi.”
“Naked?” Melissa asked.
“Not if you’re uncomfortable with the idea. You know I’ve been using sauna naked since I was fourteen; and mixed sexes most of the time. And YOU dropped your towel when we were there!”
“I did, didn’t I?” she laughed softly.
“Yes. And orgies do not break out. I told you I’ve been in there with my best friends and their wives. Heck, we often have our kids in there with us.”
“Naked? With the adults? I didn’t realize THAT!”
“Nudity is not about sex, despite what society says. This country is so uptight that it’s illegal to breastfeed your kid in public!”
“Who would do that?”
“I’d be VERY careful discussing that topic with Elyse,” I warned. “She’ll take your head off.”
“She thinks it’s OK?”
“Of course it’s OK! The problem is the people who think it’s not! Those things on your chest were designed to feed babies. Any other use is secondary.”
“I don’t have kids!” she protested.
“Which doesn’t change their primary intended use! The fact that men like to look at them doesn’t change the fact that they are for feeding babies!”
I chuckled, “Stare? And play, of course.”
“Mine are too small.”
I shook my head, “They’ll feed a baby just fine. And for the OTHER use, that’s the size I like!”
“One more mark in the ‘strange’ column for you!”
“And as to your concern before, my favorite type of sex is slow and loving, in the missionary position.”
“You keep asking that as if you expect me to lie to you!”
“No, it’s just not what I expected.”
I shrugged, “Sorry if I’m disappointing you. I can be as wild and crazy as you want. Heck, I may have done things you haven’t even thought about!”
“I’m not sure I want to know.”
“You probably don’t. You know what? Why don’t we just go play pool or chess?”
“You aren’t angry?”
“Do I seem angry?” I asked.
“You’re usually pretty even-keeled, so maybe you’re just good at hiding it.”
“I’m not hiding it. Drop the whole notion that we’re having sex today and let’s just enjoy our day off.”
We spent the afternoon playing pool and chess, then went to dinner at Connie’s on Route 59. When we finished, we drove back to her house and said goodnight in the driveway. I offered a hug and Melissa accepted it.
“Sorry,” she said.
“I had a good time hanging out with you today. We should do it again sometime.”
“Seriou ... uhm, OK.”
I laughed, “Good. I’ll let you know if I hear from Dante.”
“Thanks. Talk to you sometime next week?”
“Sure. We can have lunch on Thursday, if you like.”
“I’d like that. Thanks.”
We hugged again, and I got into my car for the drive back into the city. A little over an hour later I was sitting in the sauna with Jessica and Kara. Michelle had decided she didn’t want to be in the sauna now that she was pregnant, and despite Jessica’s assurances, Michelle had remained firm.
“Did you have fun today?”
I nodded, “We played pool, played chess, and went to Connie’s on Route 59 for dinner.”
“Oh, you did NOT!” Kara laughed. “Well, not only that!”
“It’s the truth,” I said. “I detected she was nervous and wasn’t sure of herself.”
“So, you talked her out of it?” Jessica asked.
“I didn’t need to talk her out of it! I just reassured her that I understood, and I wasn’t upset with her.”
“What was the issue?”
“Self-confidence, if what she said is to be believed. I honestly think she still can’t get past the ‘affair with a married man’ thing, despite having a couple of years to think about it.”
“Do you think she’ll change her mind?”
I shrugged, “I have no idea. Maybe, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I’d say it’s far more likely that Jillian and Marcia will offer me a mother-daughter threesome as a reward for helping Marcia win the tournament than Melissa changing her mind!”
I kept a totally straight face for about three seconds and then burst out laughing.
“IN YOUR DREAMS, Tiger!” Jessica laughed.
“Jess, you know darn well that crazy opportunities seemed to fall into our husband’s lap at every turn in the past! But Steve, I thought we weren’t allowed to tease you about stuff like that!”
“You didn’t! I said it, not you. That’s different!”
Kara smirked, “Just for that, I hope that actually happens! It’ll be fun to watch you tie yourself in knots over it!”
“I’d never do it!” I retorted.
“No, but you’ll sure THINK about it,” Kara laughed. “In fact, I bet you won’t be able to get the idea out of your mind now that you’ve said it!”
“I have far more important things to think about,” I said smugly.
“Banging Eve on your desk? Penny fucking YOUR brains out? Kimmy making gentle love to you?”
“Thank you VERY much for reminding me of those,” I groused theatrically. “And YOU aren’t allowed to tease!”
“Oh, poo!” Kara replied.
I broke up laughing at Mary Harrison’s famous line from when we were teenagers.
“What time are you leaving in the morning?” Jessica asked when we all stopped laughing.
“About 7:00am. Molly called and asked if I’d join her for breakfast. She’s driving down from Wisconsin.”
“Dining with the enemy in advance of sleeping with the enemy?”

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