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When we were about ten feet away one of the boys exclaimed, "That's her! That's the woman we told you about!"

I brought Karen to a stop in front of them and said, "Hey, guys. What were you telling your friends?"

One of them smiled and said, "We told them about yesterday, when your girlfriend sucked us off and we played with her tits."

The other one excitedly added, "And her pussy, too! I had my fingers right up inside of her!"

It was obvious that the three teens that were not there yesterday were not entirely convinced. Even seeing her now, standing in front of them with her breasts nearly exposed, they still found the story hard to believe.

I said, "Your friends look skeptical."

"Yeah," one of them said. "They didn't believe a word of it."

"It's too bad that there's a young lady present. We could have shown them that you were telling the truth."

As I spoke, Karen's knees nearly gave way. She leaned into me for support. She whispered, "Oh god, please no!"

But I could hear the excitement in her voice. There was fear, too. But that was a part of the excitement.

The teenage girl smiled and said, "You don't have to chicken out on my account. Hell, I'd like to see that myself."

One of the boys said, "She's my sister. She's just one of the guys."

I led Karen up the stairs, stepping carefully between the kids. I led her to that same place in the back of the bandstand. The boys saw the rope around her wrists as we went by them. They were very excited, judging by their comments.

The five teens followed us up into the bandstand. After I sat down the girl asked, "Why is she tied up? Is she being raped? Is she doing this against her will?"

"That's a hard question to answer. She likes being made to do things that she doesn't want to do or she is afraid to do, sexy things that most women would never do because society frowns on women doing those kinds of things. It turns her on.

"Some people are like that. She doesn't like it all the time. But sometimes it's an exciting game to play. She would never come out here to the park and let two boys play with her tits while she dropped to her knees and sucked them off of her own free will. But when I forced her to do it yesterday it excited her. She wouldn't admit it, though.

"She likes being embarrassed, too," I continued. "Like this."

I lifted her top over her breasts and I reached down and lifted her skirt up and tucked it into her waistband.

I looked at the teenage girl to judge how she was reacting to this. She was obviously amused.

The boys, on the other hand, were way beyond amused. They were gathered tightly around Karen. As soon as I nodded my approval and stepped back she had four young eager hands exploring her body.

I kept an eye on them to make sure that they weren't too rough on her. But I saw from the expression on her face that she was getting very turned on.

The boys were talking excitedly among themselves about her beautiful breasts and her tight pussy and how beautiful her sweet young ass was.

Karen was standing in the middle of them with her eyes closed and her head back. I could hear her moaning as they groped her roughly. I interrupted one of the boys briefly to show him a little trick. I reached between them and replaced his hand on her right tit with my own. I squeezed her nipple harder and harder until she had a loud, violent orgasm standing right there on the bandstand. As soon as her orgasm was just about over she started to collapse to her knees on the hard floor.

I caught her and lowered her gently to her knees. The boys looked at me. It was obvious that they were looking for permission.

I nodded and one of the boys who wasn't here to get a blowjob yesterday unfastened his pants quickly. With a brief, guilty glance at his sister he sat down on the bench and we all watched as Karen struggled to take his hard cock into her mouth without losing her balance because of the way her hands were bound behind her back.

I considered removing the rope from her wrists. But I didn't want to spoil it for her. I could tell that she was handling him without difficulty. He was guiding her head up and down on his not quite fully developed cock and I knew from the feverish expression on his face that it wouldn't be long.

The girl had moved closer and was kneeling down to get a closer look at what was almost certainly her brother's first blowjob. She was fascinated. She seemed to be getting nearly as big a kick out of it as he was.

I reached down and ran my fingers through Karen's pussy. I discovered that her juices were starting to run down her thighs. I stood up and offered her pussy to the boys as well. In seconds Karen had another cock in her pussy and I watched in amusement as the girl moved back to get a close-up look at what a cock entering a pussy looks like.

After watching for a couple of minutes, the girl stood up and moved into the shadows. I could see that she had reached a hand into her shorts and she was her rubbing her pussy as she watched the four boys taking turns raping Karen.

All four of the boys came quickly and so, nice guy that I am, I let them each go around again. I could see the frustration building up in Karen. She was very turned on. Unfortunately, none of the boys was providing her with enough stimulation for a long enough time to let her achieve orgasm.

I wasn't concerned though. I was hard as a rock and I had every intention of fucking the hell out of her when they were done.

When the last of the four boys finished fucking her I pulled my cock out of my pants and knelt down behind Karen. I finally untied her arms. I ordered her onto her back and I invited two of the boys to hold her arms out so that she couldn't move. I knew she'd enjoy it more that way.

I noticed the teenage girl coming closer. She seemed curious so I let her get a good look at my cock. Then I lifted Karen's legs up onto my shoulders and I pushed my cock into her sloppy, freshly fucked but still very tight pussy.

I started slowly, enjoying the way her breasts swayed and jiggled while I fucked her. I quickly picked up the pace, though. This situation was extremely erotic. I was turned on because I was fucking Karen in a public park. It was even more exciting because five teenagers were staring at us in awe. I had no idea that I was such an exhibitionist until this very moment.

Karen was lying on the hard floor of the bandstand, held firmly in place by two boys as she struggled and swore at me. She yelled at me to rape her hard and fuck her faster and she didn't care who heard her.

She started getting too loud for comfort. I didn't want to attract too much attention to what was going on up here. I asked the girl if she would mind putting her hand over Karen's mouth so the neighbors didn't call the police.

The young girl grinned and happily joined in. I guessed her age to be about the same as the boys, around fifteen or sixteen. But her breasts were significantly larger than Karen's.

As she leaned down to cup her hand over Karen's mouth I could see down her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra and I could see one of her tits almost to the nipple.

She looked up and realized where I was looking. But she just smiled at me and then went back to watching my cock driving brutally into Karen.

Karen started screaming into the girl's hand and cumming violently. I thought it was far too soon but when her pussy clamped down on my cock I started cumming right along with her. It was a very exciting scene, especially for Karen. I would have liked to have been able to make it last longer. But everything about this scene turned me on.

Even after my orgasm began to recede I managed to grind against her pubic area with my own long enough for Karen to cum one last time. Then I pulled out and told the kids to let her go.

She sat up and smiled at me. She slid closer and took my cock into her mouth. It was really nasty, covered in her juices, my cum and the mixture of cum from the four boys who had all fucked her before I had my turn.

She didn't hesitate, though. She dove right down and took my soft, slimy cock right down to the base. Then she helped me put it away.

I looked down and saw that the front of my jeans was sopping wet from all of the liquids that had escaped from Karen's pussy. It looked as if I had just wet my pants. I was glad that it was getting dark and it was unlikely anyone would notice.

I stood up, looked down at her and asked, "Are you okay? Can you stand?"

She grinned and answered, "I think so."

I helped her up. She was a little unsteady at first. But she was certainly sated. We sat down to rest for a minute. The teenage girl sat near her. The girl looked into Karen's face for a moment. She looked like she was in awe of her. Finally she quietly asked, "Can I ask you some questions?"

Karen looked at her for a moment and said, "I will answer your questions as best I can. But you know that what happened here just now, and yesterday with your friends, that wasn't normal. Most girls would not do this kind of shit. You know that, right?"

The girl smiled and said, "Yeah, I know. But it was hot, wasn't it? I mean, you don't look like a skank or anything. You're just a hot woman that likes sex. Well, okay, you like kinky sex, right?"

"So I'm discovering," Karen said.

"Up until Friday evening, well no, up until Saturday afternoon, I lived a normal live. I'm a happily married twenty-four year old woman with a good job and a college education. On Friday I was drugged and raped and since then my life has been turned upside down."

The teen looked at me and asked Karen, "Did he rape you?"

"Not really. Well, sort of. But he didn't rape me on Friday. He took care of me after it was over. He brought me home and we developed our warped relationship in the last three days. What we are doing, and what we have done, well, it's a long, confusing story.

"It's okay for you to find what happened here this evening interesting, even exciting I suppose. But you would be well served to not let it be something that affects your life. You will be much happier if you forget all about what you just saw here tonight."

The girl said, "I don't see that happening anytime soon. These guys are going to be raving about fucking you for months!"

Karen looked at her and asked, "How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen."

"Are you a virgin?" Karen asked.

The girl nodded.

"Smart girl," Karen said. "Stay that way for a few more years. You'll be a lot happier. I made the mistake of having sex just before my fifteenth birthday. I had half a dozen really bad sexual experiences in the next year. Finally I realized that not only was I not ready for sex yet, but the guys I was fucking around with didn't have a clue. I stopped putting out until I got out of high school. The older guys are still pretty clueless, well most of them. Some are better informed than others."

She smiled at me and then turned back to the girl. "But when guys get older they start to think about something besides there own satisfaction. With a little luck, you can find a decent one and train him to do it right. The only other thing I can tell you is the one thing that I have learned this weekend. Don't be afraid of your fantasies. And don't be afraid to experiment, when you're ready. Now, what are your questions?"

The girl smiled and said, "I think you already answered them. Thanks."

Karen looked at me and said, "I'm tired!"

I laughed and said, "Yeah, and you're a fucking mess!"

I put my arm around her shoulder and we relaxed for a while longer. The kids started to leave but I stopped them. I suggested that we might be able to do this again from time to time. They enjoyed it and it amused me to watch. But they would have to keep it to themselves. If I came by and saw anyone but the five of them, all bets were off. We could get in a lot of trouble screwing around with them. We had too much to lose to take any chances.

They all swore that they would only talk about it among themselves. Then they left us alone.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. It was a comfortable silence, though. It was a very pleasant evening.

After a few minutes Karen exclaimed, "It's driving me crazy! I really wish you'd tell me where you know me from. What did I do to you that left you holding such a grudge?"

I was glad that it was dark and she couldn't see me blush. I sighed and said, "I'm embarrassed to admit it now. Really embarrassed."

She turned towards me with a questioning look and I said, "It sounds so petty now. And you're so different. The more I get to know you the more upset I am with myself for not coming to your rescue. I've been such an ass."

I paused for a moment, afraid of how she would react when I told her. Finally I said, "We were in college together. We had three classes together in our freshman year. I was extremely shy. But a friend of mine had been drawing me out, trying to build my ego and give me more self confidence."

"I thought you were nice. We had never spoken. But we had nodded, said hello. We smiled at each other from time to time. You seemed like a nice girl. One day, just before class started, I asked you to go out with me. You burst out laughing, very loudly. Then you turned and joked with your girlfriend about me, how much nerve I had and what a loser I was. You kept it up until the professor came in. I just about curled up and died inside after that. It took my friend months to undo the damage you did to my self esteem that day. Even now, seven years later, my friends still tease me about that day."

She stared at me with a look of horror on her face. Finally she said, "Oh my god! I am so sorry. I swear to you that I don't remember that!"

She sat up and turned to face me for a moment. Then she said, "I remember being the kind of bitch that would do something like that, though."

She put her arms around me and hugged me. She rested her head on my chest and said, "I guess I understand why you didn't come to my assistance Friday night. I don't blame you. But, you did make sure I didn't get hurt. That's something."

Then she looked up at me and said, "I don't think you're even yet. You should continue to blackmail me and make me do awful things."

I kissed the tip of her cute little nose and said, "I have every intention of doing just that.

"I knew that you wouldn't remember. I was fortunate enough to have a roommate like Phil. He owns the club where you got drugged last Friday. He was the charming, personable guy that was always the center of attention in college. But it never went to his head. He knew the day that we met that I needed help. He drew me out of my shell and built up my self confidence, probably better than any professional could have.

"The great thing about him is that he did it because he cares about people. I don't think you knew him back then. But you'll be meeting him on Friday. I've finally convinced him to take a night off. He'll be at the poker game."

I stood up and watched Karen put her cum covered clothing back together as much as possible.

She grinned at me wryly and said, "As a wise man once said, I'm a fucking mess!"

We walked back to her house with my arm around her until we got close to her house. We didn't want the neighbors talking. I sat on the front porch and she went in and got us both a glass of ice water. We sat on her porch in the dark and I suggested that from now on we should meet at my place. I didn't have to worry about what my neighbors thought and we could enjoy a dip in the pool from time to time.

I hadn't been there more than fifteen minutes when my pager went off. I had to go downtown and straighten out a mess at a processing center for one of the local banks. I stood up and Karen asked, "Do you get that a lot?"

"No, not a lot. And it usually doesn't take long to straighten out. It's almost never really a software problem. Normally it's someone that doesn't know their job screwing things up. It can happen at inconvenient times. But I get paid very well to fix it. On the plus side, I often go days without doing anything. I may never get rich. But I make a very good living and I love my job."

I stood up and she walked me to my car. We both felt like it was a good time for a long, passionate kiss. But again, we didn't want the neighbors talking. I got in my car and drove downtown thinking, "Christ, I can't believe I'm Jody to some poor fuck in Iraq!"

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Healthy Tip8217s K Bahane Choot K Nazrana Part 2

Hello to all, Areeb is back with a sex story. As this is a continued part of my last story, healthy tip’s ka bahana, choot k nazrana part 1. So I request all to read my sex story reader’s please read the 1st part also. So mae ab apne story pr aata hu. Us raat hm phr sone k liya chle gye the apne apne rooms m shower k bd, maene mami ko bola the k mere sath hi sojao aj ki raat, tho unhone bola k so tho jate pakka lkn kya kre mera beta b tho hai yaha ,subho ko vo hmse phle uth gya tho problem ho...

3 years ago
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Celestes Pacific Downfall

                               Celeste's Pacific Downfall                                                  by                                           Lex Ludite                                          Chapter 9        The two men escorting the patriot turned and left the room, leaving a naked and helpless Celeste to face this monster. She could only hope that the monitor was being manned and help would quickly arrive in the event that he lost control. He set up his workstation as before...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Ivy Lebelle Instructs You To Fuck Her Tight Asshole

Foul mouthed fem, Ivy Lebelle brings her “dirty dick-tionary” in this sullied sentence filled fuck-fest from Manuel Ferrara’s “Dirty Talk #7”. Fully stacked Lebelle warms up Manuel with her tantalizing tongue wagging. Then she takes that messy mouth of hers and slides it down Ferrara’s crankshaft. She likes but wants to continue her dirty diatribes, so she slides her pussy onto his cock and lets the naughty nouns and adjectives fly. Manuel likes so he fills...

3 years ago
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Strict Owners Daughter

My name is Angie. I’m 19, and a few months after starting work as a shop assistant in the local butcher’s, I was asked to witness a very exciting punishment of the Saturday delivery boy, Jim. He started doing deliveries each Saturday when he was 16, and even though he was younger than me, I quite fancied him. He was fit, attractive and had a sense of humour. The shop was owned by George Andrews, but really it was his very attractive daughter Janine who ran the place. Another young lad, Dave,...

3 years ago
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Amys first time

A couple of nights back I was getting ready for bed, I went to the window in my bedroom to pull the blind. I looked towards my neighbour's window as I always did in the hope of a glimpse of their eldest daughter, Amy. I was never lucky enough to see anything, until that night a couple of days back. When I glanced towards the window I saw the girl getting ready for bed. She look like she'd just slipped the white blouse she'd been wearing off and was now standing right by the window with the...

4 years ago
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My best friends boyfriend

My best friend’s boyfriend and I have always had this crazy chemistry. In the beginning we tried to hide it, but soon others noticed how we looked at each other. Even my friend would ask me if there was anything going on between us, and I would tell her no. It got so bad that I decided to stop coming around. One night after about six months of not seeing them, I had a dream about him. The dream was so powerful that I decided to find out where they had moved to and pay them an unexpected visit.

3 years ago
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Study partners study body anatomy

Andrew was a tall, older, simple city boy whom I had met in my college history class. He was also quite the character. Charming, attentive, and friendly,he listened to every thing I said and always offered his opinion in return, which I always looked forward to hearing. Just to hear him talk, be near him, see his tanned, questioning face, was fasinating. The more we talked, the more I began to like him, and Andrew and I always converesed. We’d talk about our family, our social life, our life...

3 years ago
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Deaf Dumb Blind

Deaf, Dumb & Blind by 1941aaa I first met Sergeant Bernard West, later called Bernie, and Corporal Tony Meredith when I joined the regiment, as a Second Lieutenant. My name is Bryan Shorthose and because of my surname, I was known in the cadet school, as well as the officers mess, as Sox. I was also called by that name whilst I was at school, that being Harrow before I went on to the university, where I studied Military History. I wasn’t the first of our family to join the Guards, for my...

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Swim Coach Chap 10

I left Matt’s house that night feeling more emotions that I’d ever felt in my life. After the first time we’d made love I left Matt feeling nothing but a simple euphoria. When I left that night I felt some of that elation, but also a confusing mix of worry, happiness, desire, anxiety, and self-doubt. I think I was beginning to worry that Matt’s desires and the things he was asking of me were a bit too much for me. At the same time though it felt so wonderful to be wanted like that - to see...

4 years ago
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Weekend Stayover

I was about 32 when I went on a business trip in a city my cousin lived in.  I thought that I would do a weekend stay over and stay with him and his partner.  It was the late 90s and he had come out a few years earlier.  It was back in the day where coming out was way less accepted by most families than it is today.  I thought it would be good to reach out and see how he was doing.That Friday I arrived at his house.  I visited with him and his partner for hours and had lots of laughs with...

Gay Male
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Friends Become Swingers

I’m Cindy and my best friend Betsy and I have been lovers since High School. We not only were lovers, but we shared our boyfriends, as well, Now, we are both married, and yes, we share our husbands.Betsy is a short beauty with huge tits that seemed too big for her sexy tight body. While I was taller with nice sized tits (34C) and long slender legs that go all the way up to my ass. We both have very tight pussies that when well lubricated would stretch to accommodate bigger cocks.I met my hubby...

Group Sex
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Barbara Jeremy Ch 04

It is a good thing that Jeremy had completed the presentation he was preparing for the board of deacons, because when Angie came walking toward him with a clean shaven pussy, wearing nothing but a pair of high heel shoes, he knew what he was going to be doing for the next hour. He turned and started to fondle her tits, however, she said ‘I just came to see your presentation.’ Reluctantly he started the presentation, which was projecting on a six foot screen. She stood behind him watching the...

1 year ago
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Fringe Benefits

Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage apartment and the house had a three car garage so it should be pretty large. Dan parked his car, got out and headed for the front door. Knocking on the door he was glancing around taking in the nicely manicured lawn and fantastic landscaping. The door swung open and Dan was struck a little speechless. Standing before him was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen. Dark auburn hair and green eyes. ...

2 years ago
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A Night At The Club 2 The Taxi

Hey Sexxy You,I had really wanted to send you something nice for Christmas, but things are still a little out of sorts at the moment. But that will all change once I go to closing on the house next month.So I guess I’ll be sending a “belated” Christmas gift now that I know that you can receive it safely. I’ll let you know when it’s coming so you can be on the look out for it.Although technically, I suppose Christmas is over since it’s past mid-night, consider this a post Christmas...

1 year ago
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She Ra v Dragon Queen

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ???? SHE? RA? v? DRAGON QUEEN  ?By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])  Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave. Story: Our Earth Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.Dragon Queen was a tall, slim...

3 years ago
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Part 44 Queen of the Highway

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 44: Queen of the Highway “I can hardly believe this” I said. “I know it’s so weird.” Holly said. We both stood in the living room, blue gowns hanging down to the floor. “How did all this time pass” I said “It seems like high school was a year ago.” I stared at Holly in her gown. I was amazed at how she looked. I was just amazed at her, what she was, what she meant to me, and I to her, and how she would feel in a few hours. I imagined her face...

4 years ago
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Gas Station Shemale

Before I begin this story let me say this: I know that a gas station is a place where one would not likely see a chick in a short skirt with heels and even if you did it wouldn't happen in the wee-hours of the morning.........would it??? On this night I hadn't paid close attention to how much gas I had in my car and when it was time to drive home from the party I'd been at I realized that I absolutely had to stop to get some (probably not a real good idea but I had no choice). Signage along...

2 years ago
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In Rileys Arms Part 1

Introduction: <,i>,Thank you to everyone who read and commented on my previous series. Sorry this one took so long to start getting up. School started and this got crazy! Again, there is a lot of build up, and there is no sex yet in this part. If thats all that youre looking for, save yourself some time and look elsewhere. Everyone else: enjoy!<,/i>, Jon, whos the chick? I gave my older brother the same look I had given him before we even left the house. Before I could tell him, once...

1 year ago
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College Changed Everything Part 3

I woke up early the next morning. Well this morning was gonna be awkward as fuck. How the fuck do I speak to my mom now. I threw some clothes on and headed down stairs. Mom was sat at the kitchen table with a large mug of coffee in front of her.“Hi mom” I sheepishly said.She looked up to me “morning honey, you're up early.”“Yeah couldn't sleep well”“Me neither” she rubbed her head “can never sleep long after a night out. Hangovers are no good for an old woman like me.” She cracked a...

2 years ago
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Trickling EffectChapter 6

Five years later... Thomas held his wife's hand as they walked down the isle of the church where they'd started their life together twenty-five years earlier. They had many years to go, the first twenty-five had been ones they learned from and they knew the next twenty-five, forty, sixty... would be ones to learn from too. They'd made mistakes. They admitted them, but in the end as they waved goodbye to their son and their daughter, they knew it was worth holding onto and fixing. They...

2 years ago
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Celebration of the Wheel

If I had been kicking around the summer art and festival scene longer, I never would have booked the 'Celebration of the Wheel' Festival. I most likely wouldn't have if I hadn't been in a hurry to fill my summer event schedule either. I just didn't read the description, it was close enough and fell on a July weekend that had no other shows or festivals so I booked it. I put it on the calendar then forgot all about it. The next time I read the booking was when I parked my vintage camping...

2 years ago
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Eight Months

Brandon sighed as he laid down beside me. We had been dating nearly eight months now. Our relationship is great, except for one thing that seems to bother him. Right now, we are at my house studying, well supposed to be studying, for a big test tomorrow. Yes, a test. We’re both sophomores at the local university. Now this brings me back to the one thing that bothers him. In high school, when a relationship lasts past six months, theres a trend. The two of them start to have sex. Now with me and...

3 years ago
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The Slave and the Sissy Part One

She had always been very rough with him, the big woman, but this morning was exceptional, and different. She had come home late from her usual soiree with other local mistresses and had whipped him mercilessly for no apparent reason; she had woken him during the early hours several times, tormented him and had her arse licked while she applied her dildo or had him lick her till she grunted out yet another orgasm, before serving him with cane or whip. Now morning was here she face sat him; her...

3 years ago
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It was new years 2007 and i was ask to go to a gay party but i am bisexualso i thought it would be fun and i got to the party and everybody was naked having so i got naked and joined not long this guy came up to me he had a huge cock and it looked so good he asked me if i would like to suck it so i did and there was about 45 guys at the party and not long this one guy came up behind me ans started rubbing his cock up and down my ass and then he stuck it in and started fucking me hard and then...

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Choda Maid Ko

Hi ISS reader I am back with a wounderful experience with my maid chalo ab ma aap ko apni maid ka bara ma batatahu woh dekh na ma kali ha lakin us ki gand gazab ki ha ek dum badi-badi aur gol us na mera kam kar ta hua 1 mahina sa zayda ho gaya waisa bhi mana apni purani gf ko chod diya ha aur ma ek aur kuvari chut ka intazar ma tha jo mujha meri maid ko roop ma mili waisa kam kar ta waqt ma us ka boobs dkh ta tha aur janbuj kar us ka samana towel ma ghumta tha ek din jab ma subha sokar utha to...

1 year ago
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Lost Virginity To My Boyfriend

Hello everyone I’m sweta dash.I m a regular reader of iss .Me apne boyfriend ke sath sex karti hun or meri best friend ke sath lesbian v ki hun.Meri figure 32-30-34 he, I’m a beautiful fair girl. Mere boyfriend ka name rakesh he hum two years se sath he.Ye bat one year pehle ki he hum oral karte the phone pe sexting v krte the but sex nei kiye the.Uske bday wali rat ko me cake leke uske flat pe gayi hum dinner karne bahar gaye dinner ke bad flat pe gaye 12 am hua use kiss karke bday wish ki fir...

2 years ago
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How Did You Like Me

I never questioned why you wanted me there. I just knew it would be for something I would also want, or at least I thought it would be. I was only partially correct.As instructed when I arrived, I went directly to your bedroom, undressed and sat on the floor. When you came in, my heart skipped a beat. You wore my favorite black lace bra with your breasts pushing the limits of the fabric, and nothing else. My cock stirred easily.When you approached and leaned over, I expected you to kiss me but...

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Jawan larke se chudai

Hi I am Suhail me Indore me rehta hu or computer institute chalata hu. Meri age 31 saal or meri biwi sheba ki age 29 saal hai hum dono mia biwi ko sex ka bahut shoq hai.abhi pichele mahine ki baat hai hum dono chudai kar rahe the sheba bhi bahut garam ho chuki thi bar bar mughe kehti thi suhail plz or under dalo na plzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Me bhi tez tez dhakke laga rah tha tabhi hum dono ki ek sath chut hui or hum dono so gaye. Subah mene pucha raat ko kyu or under kerne ka keh rahi thi to vo kuch...

3 years ago
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Lori And Her Sister Make Four

Lori And Her Sister Make Four My wife answered the phone, talked for a minute, and then said, “Lori and her sister Judy are coming over. They ran out of booze. Lori actually asked me if they needed to get dressed up or if they could come as they were. Of course I told them to come as they were.” About two minutes later there was a knock at our back door. I opened it and smiled wide as I invited them in. Lori said, “Your wife said to come as we were.” I was looking at two very...

3 years ago
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My ex fucked me made me wear my panties soak

I ran into my ex at a wedding reception. I had spotted him from across the room and hoped he didn't see me. I remembered how he use to ravage my pussy. I don't know what he did but he had the most cum I'd ever seen. I could never even swallow all of it. Half of it would come out the side of my mouth, drip down my chin onto my tits. Just the thought of what he did to me made my pussy tingle.I found the seats where my husband & I were sitting. I looked for his name & saw he was sitting...

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