Earth Mother The Ritual
- 4 years ago
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When Zax woke up the Young Mist Users Conference was already over. Actually, it ended two days ago and Zax's whereabouts were currently in his house, lying on his bed.
The sequence of events after the encounter with the Martinez's family members went on the following way ... For obvious reasons, when Mr. Majid returned to the fifth floor with Zax and met with Jinka, neither she nor the other three kids felt eager to watch the exhibition fights. The four of them were utterly exhausted mentally and physically.
Taking into account the condition of the four, when they expressed their desire to leave Mr. Majid ordered his own driver to take them back to their homes at cave twenty five, that, of course, after he assured all of them that Zax do not require any special treatment but rest and time to heal. He did recommended, before they left, that Zax should receive something called "Three Ways To Heaven" therapy, but did not elaborate what sort of treatment it was, simply asked Jinka to pass his counsel to Zax's family – in hindsight, he most likely intended it to get to the expert in the family, Zax's big sister, Zetsa Zel.
Zax got up slowly from his bed. Even though he rested for two days, his soul was the only thing which entirely healed after this time fiasco. His body, in comparison, was sore all over and his Qi channels, which were already miserably small much like any child who never trained in Qi refining techniques, shrunk even more to the point that he nearly forgotten the newfound contact that he established with this aspect of the human body.
"You really should learn how to pick your battles, Zax". Zetsa sat in a meditative pose, approximately one meter from Zax, but until she opened her mouth and spoken her presence was undetectable.
"Big sis?" Zax ably fended the surprise. Somewhat, he felt contented with himself without knowing why. The reason that he did not dwell about was, in fact, deeply repressed in his mind. His recent escape from death.
When his soul first perceived Gerardo's intention, as a means to tolerate and defend itself it shrouded its core, the spirit, from the noxious killing intent. This spontaneous effect, similarly to the soul energy manipulation, was not within the capabilities of someone at Zax's level, or perhaps talent? In addition, this was just a temporary effect that meant to hold for an unknown period of time and eventually compel Zax to deal with the pent up pressure, hopefully, after attaining a better insight of his soul rather than advancing its level.
"Have you heard me?!" Zetsa burst involuntarily. "Jinka returned here with your friends two day ago, and guess what, you were also with them, carried like a bag of potatoes! Do you think that mom and dad cared for an explanation before imagining the worst?"
"What? Two days? Have Serah and Dane told you exactly what happened? It wasn't my fault!" Zax talked back angrily.
"Would it matter if you were dead?!" Zetsa replied instantly and the two stared at each other unbending. "Come here and sit down in the same position". She changed her tone to the one she used with Take and lately with Zax, too. She radiated the bearing of a Mor. "Tell me your side of what happened".
Submissively, Zax obeyed and began to explain in detail his part, above and under the surface ... The look on Zetsa's face did not change from beginning to end, but inwardly she felt as if struck by lightning twice during Zax's description. Although there were no thunder and lightning storms in New Earth, the old sayings still applied to the local phenomenon of light rays ... Lightning did struck today and twice at the same place.
Zetsa's heart wavered when Zax's started telling her how he could suddenly sense his Qi, but a bit earlier even more when he told her about how he first nearly reached the realm of outer and inner mind then later tried and succeeded to attack Turan's soul.
Before, when Jinka told her and their parents the part about the Qi that she saw in her own eyes and the part about the soul attack that she heard from the two men of the Martinez family, Zetsa reacted only to calm her parents and promise them that everything will be fine and that she is familiar with the Three Ways To Heaven therapy. Afterwards, Marco and Laylen, knowing that if Zetsa said so things will be alright, changed their initial distress to sheer excitement for their son's unparalleled achievements and the benefits that they can supply in his future!
Zax quieted down as there was nothing more to say that he could remember and reading his big sister's serious expression, was impossible for him, so he waited with anticipation for her response.
"Ahmm ... I've also investigated the case and apparently neither side twisted the truth to their favor". Zetsa said in a low voice.
"Did you expect me to lie?" Zax frowned.
"Of course not, it's just that the Martinez family really do not seem afraid of the consequences of this incident".
"Then go beat them up. I'm too weak, but you can hurt them like they hurt me and my friends!"
Zax was not the type to ask for help, but he was consumed with hatred toward any of the three figures that he met who belonged to the Martinez family. Unexpectedly, Gerardo was not the one he hated the most, rather the most insignificant of the three, Turan, the one who made Anet fear so much with the threat that he will cause her pain unless she will give up her seat. In the end, that was what she did, and then she left them.
Although it turned out later that Anet left to bring Jinka, by then Zax was not in a state of mind to distinguish anyone existence apart from Gerardo. Ultimately, Zax will learn the truth behind Anet's actions, but that will not be from Zetsa.
"Stop spouting nonsense, Zax!" Zetsa rebuked. "Have I not thought you better than this? Say that I'll take revenge, what will happen then? When adults fall into conflict it's not the same as kids' quarrel. There are many things involve that determined which side will suffer less. There are no winners, remember. Even if my Martial powers are stronger than anyone in the Martinez family, they are a high class family with a wide web of influence. When they'll see that they can't hurt me, do guess what they'll do next?" It was not another lesson that she simply tried to install in him. When she will tell him her decision, Zetsa wanted Zax's comprehension to be right there with her.
"Well ... Have you come up with an answer?"
"They'll hurt others..." Zax said softly.
"Yes! Right now, the child that you nearly killed – that's what you almost did and we'll talk about that later, he and his parents hold great animosity towards you. The father is the head of the Martinez family, a valued high class family in Tongguo. If he and I were impulsive like two kids, he would have hired experts to take get revenge for what you did to his son, and I ... I would have done something awful in return".
When Zetsa saw that Zax attentively listened she proceeded. "If they won't be able to hurt me directly, they will look for people who are close to me and through them indirectly hurt me. Mom and dad first, other family members, friends, neighbors. They won't shy from seeking people related to you, either. Jinka, Serah, Dane, Anet ... They saw them in the Young Mist Users Conference, right... ?"
Zetsa paused and looked at Zax straight in the eye. "Your big sister is strong, stronger than I let most people know". She sounded as if she revealed a personal secret. Zax sensed a tingle in his heart, rarely his big sister showed weakness in front of him. The handful of times that it happened never caused the atmosphere to darken like now.
"Do you want me to kill those who hurt you?" She asked out of the blue. Her eyes emitted a cold and sinister sensation that reached Zax soul. Right then, he knew that if he will say "Yes", his big sister will certainly abide.
"N ... no..." Zax's voice trembled. Something inside him was suddenly afraid of the idea to take life, to lose life, to be beside this big sister of his with the willingness to murder in her eyes. He steadied himself and repeated. "NO!"
In compliant with his response, Zetsa closed her eyes. What seemed like a second to Zax was infinite time of domineering battle to subdue her raging murderous craving that she held up till this moment. When Zetsa opened her eyes again, the same warm glint that brightened her face whenever she looked at him emerged. "Continue to grow well, little Zi". She smiled and rubbed Zax's head.
"Big sis ... What shall we do?" Zax's temperament regressed to that of a docile nine years old boy.
"Don't be mistaken, your big sister care for you more than anyone else in the world, therefore this matter has already been solved long before we started this talk".
"Ah! How?!" Zax's asked flabbergasted.
"Don't' concern yourself with knowing. You gave me too much trouble. I'm not gonna answer that one, just understand that your big sister is almighty". Zetsa raised her head and mocked with a smile. She wanted to distract Zax by annoying him and readily change the subject. "Here..." she tossed a round colorful object to Zax's gaping mouth and grabbed his head to close his jaw before he could retort.
The round object was at the size of a baby's clenched hand and had a rough surface which tasted terribly bitter but because Zetsa forced Zax's mouth shut he could not spit it. Zax grabbed his big sister's hands and tried to push her away but the difference in strength between a talented coreless child and a talented level B Mist Master was the same as the never forgotten heaven and the ever surrounding earth.
"Ignore the taste, little Zi, this pill will help you to get back into full shape". Zetsa said. With one hand she pulled Zax to her bosom and with the other she covered his mouth.
Unable to move or open his mouth, Zax stopped fighting and listened to his big sister. After all, Zax was not like any other coreless kid, his soul was at the Advanced phase of level G, for that he was slightly more mature than other kids in his age and had an eccentric quick mind.
"Good boy ... This Three Ways To Heaven therapy pill cost me a few favors, little Zi, you know that I don't work. See, I meant that when I said that I care for you, you should appreciate your big sister more, little Zi..."
Zax rolled his eyes as the Three Ways To Heaven therapy pill slowly melted in his mouth and a strange gas that formed spread throughout his body, his dantian and his consciousness. Somewhere along the way of Zetsa explanation the strict Mor totally vanished and the overly loving big sister with a little brother complex rubbed her cheek against his head.
After half an hour Zetsa asked. "Are you still feeling the gas?"
Her hand was still covering Zax's mouth so the only way for him to answer was by nodding his head.
"Splendid. Now listen closely, Zax, for seven days from now you are prohibited from training or execute yourself in any from or way. The Three Ways To Heaven therapy takes about a week to achieve its full effect. If you'll hinder it by training, more than half of its healing properties will dispersed. Understand?"
Zax nodded again, yet his eyes shown with inconvenience.
"Avert this obstinate gaze. You are in vacation till the end of the month, go play with your friends. You have progressed so well, if you'll become aloof because of training I'll get mad..."
Zax lowered his head, not feeling like nodding again he let out an unintelligible voice. "Mmaay..."
"Good. Let's talk now about the fights that you had, the soul attack and perception of Qi".
Zetsa deliberately did not query about the forced attempt to reach the realm of outer and inner mind, it will naturally manifest when his soul will reach the beginner phase of a level F Mist User. Besides, she already heard about it, including the soul attack and display of Qi when she went to see that man ... Now she wanted to hear it from Zax's perspective.
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xmoviesforyouIt was Tuesday – the day when new inmates arrived. Chris, a tall, white dude with a long, thick dick was the first off the bus. He was ready to get inside and sample the faggot punks this prison had to offer, the final person down the steps was Jericho. Jericho was 18 years old. He was five-foot-seven and weighed one-hundred-forty-two-pounds. His crime of joyriding had cost him dearly. Veep heard about the young, soft bitch. He was promised to him now.Veep was a medium-height, medium-build,...
I awoke Saturday morning forgetting for a moment what had transpired between my aunt and I the night before. However, as if on cue, a warm slurping sound came up from between my legs. I was still half asleep when I looked down to see my beautiful aunt devouring my morning woody. Out of ritual, I raised my arms over my head and began to do a full body stretch. It felt completely natural when she took this as an opportunity to swallow another inch of rigid cock.I lowered my hands onto her...
IncestMissed my window.After yet another week of late nights at work had kept us from doing anything but sleeping in bed, I’d finally managed to escape at a reasonable hour. I knew it was almost that time, but I had hoped I’d beat the clock. No such luck.She was only wearing her bra and panties, getting ready for a shower when I walked into the bedroom. Her panties let me know I had come up a day late and a dollar short. They covered more than any others she owned, but looked just as amazing on...
FetishI was waiting in my car in front of Kiera’s apartment for her to show up. She was my colleague and we were going to the office party. I always liked her in the office. She was the person I go to in the office whenever I had some doubts in the work as she was a senior in office. A few minutes later, she showed up. She was wearing black color one piece with noodle strap on her shoulders. This dress showed her neck and back and gave her the sexy look which she had. I wouldn’t say Keira was busty...
Raven haired beauty Gianna Dior thinks she is alone, so she is lounging around and watch TV in the nude. But when her stepbrother stumbles upon the naked goddess, he breaks out his phone to film. Gianna is pissed, but the only way that footage is getting deleted is if she sucks her pervy stepbros dick. Later, Gianna needs a little help with her schoolwork. To incentivize her horny stepbro, she slides her pussy onto his thick cock. A couple days later, Gianna wants to show her friends what her...
xmoviesforyouI fell asleep again, I assume, because when I woke up I was being very gently washed. Alistair knelt on the bed beside me, an intense look of concentration on his face. Seeing that I was awake, he encouraged me to roll onto my back and spread my thighs, and he wiped away our combined secretions from first my thighs, then even more gently from my groin. I watched his face, admiring how beautiful he was, wishing I could show him what he looked like from my perspective. His eyes went wide, and...
Amy and I have been dating since high school. When I met her I assumed she was the typical prudish cheerleader. Boy was I surprised! One weekend she informed me she had a fake identification and wanted to check out the amateur night at a topless place in a town a few hours away. I borrowed and id from a buddy and we drove to the club. I assumed she wanted to watch and see what it was all about. She signed up as one of the participants. Amy is 5’5′, 110 lbs. firm titties and tight ass. I haven’t...
My wife Maria and I had taken to reading Dad and mom’s love letters in the bedroom. They had become so deliciously naughty that, after a while we just had to give in to our own carnal desires, more often than not, mimicking what we had just read. It seemed as if all we did was eat, sleep, read….and fuck! We had read through the rest of 1943, amazed that my father, Mr. conservative, had virtually fucked his way across England, and after the invasion of June 6, 1944, had continued to follow his...
TabooIt had been two days since Dana had blown him away…literally. Two whole days since she even gave him so much as a lustful glance or even any sexual sign that she wanted him. Could people do that? Be insanely sexy one encounter then completely untouchable the next? Must be female thing, Derek concluded as he patted his forehead with a towel. If Dana was suffering the least bit, then he was in complete agony. Whenever he saw her, all he could see would be her sweet lips wrapped around his cock...
The Pleasure Complex Part-1 The Cruise Ship provides sexual therapy to a family. 03.01 Pleasure Complex: 03.02 Amanda, Julie and Tyler: 03.03 Fantasy Room, Tyler and his female Entity: 03.04 Fantasy Room, Julie and her male Entity: 03.05 Pleasure Room, Amanda gets a makeover: 03.06 Amanda, Chamber Preparation: 03.07 Amanda, Chamber, First orgasm: 03.08 Amanda, Chamber, Breast enhancement: 03.09 Amanda, Chamber, Clitoris enhancement: 03.10 Amanda, Chamber, Vaginal...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I spent the next hour on my own, cleaning myself up and tidying away the training equipment in the kitchen, until my attention was drawn to preparing my cum meal for the following evening. Miss Marsh had left me with a small Tupperware container, complete with lid so as it could be transported easily during my journey the following night, though I had...
The Visitor Monica's Diary July 1, Saturday I brought up the dilemma of Timothy's necessary accommodations to Nathan over supper on Friday night. "According to Rachel Berry, he sleeps in the girls' room or in one by himself. That means the boys camp out during the summer and sleep in the living room when it turns cold, or we give him our bedroom." "And you sleep on the sofa and I on the floor." Nathan chewed both on his food and those possibilities for a few...
Hi all, I am Vijay from Tamilnadu. I’m 23 years old working in a Private concern after completed my engg. I’m 6 feet high with the dick size of 8 inches, I love to masturbate often. This is my first story and all of the names are changed. This story is about the luckiest day I have ever had in my life fucking two sex goddesses in my life, my father’s brother’s wife (Sheela) and her daughter (Keerthy) My family and my uncle’s family lives in a same house. My family consists of Me, Brother, Mom...
IncestOh ... that was a good break. It looks like we went about an hour over our time. But by the satisfied looks your faces' you don't mind. Let us move on. This is the part of F.A.G. where we delve into the changes that the virus has had and is still having on society, law and everyday morals. As you know my daughter is my wife and she is sixteen. About a year ago this would be considered illegal. That is no longer the case. Five months after the virus went global, You guys most likely...