StrandedChapter 8 free porn video

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Tory collapsed wearily into the bench seat, holding his head in his hands. Tonight was the last night of the festival and they still weren't any closer to freeing Daphne. In fact, if anything, they were further away from that goal—sadly due to the information they'd gained over the past few days. The man had killed five experienced heroes already. What hope did he have of beating him?

Chirurgen—that was the name Daphne gave them that set everything in motion. Tubal was horrified to hear that Sir Erno Sebesz was actually the Surgeon—a mercenary and bounty hunter of the fiercest reputation. The stories the smith passed along were chilling. Obsessed with knives and poisons, he left quite a trail. And if was he on yours, your only chance was to run for a port, hop a ship, and disappear.

It was Sofie, by way of her maids, who found out about the dead heroes. Evidently Garrick and Tomas were more than a little loose in the talk, especially after they'd been drinking and were around women they wanted to impress. Five heroes and two damsels, plus Daphne's father and mother—that death toll had Tory's full attention. Evidently this Chirurgen was looking for one hero in particular—hence the thugs up at Wolf Creek keeping watch on the bank for him. Problem was he didn't have a name, only a description, and Daphne was the closest thing he had to a damsel he could find for bait.

The biggest puzzle, though, was why none of this showed up in their planning sessions back on Crossroads. How could both Elizabeth and Tasha have missed all this? Tory sat up and leaned back in the pew with a despondent sigh. Not that those answers would help him now.

Glancing around, he took in the white plaster coated walls and high arched ceiling. The acoustics of the space were astounding, which was why Sofie had shown it to him, but the room itself made little sense. Even she didn't know why it had been built into the castle. The story was that the original builders many centuries ago built it simply because it was supposed to be there. What exactly that meant, no one knew.

It was a long, somewhat narrow room with hand carved wooden pews divided by an aisle. At the far end, the room ended with a slightly raised dais in a windowed apse. There were three windows total—two of the long arched variety and a third round one beveled into the wall at the top of the apse.

The space was actually quite lovely, and if he had been back on Earth, Tory would have assumed he was in a chapel. Given where he was though, that thought was ludicrous. Best he could tell, the people of Chaos had no organized religions of any kind. In fact, they seemed to give little thought to such things. What a paradise—a whole world living out John Lennon's fantasy.

Tory snorted at the thought as he stood up. "Imagine that," he remarked out loud.

Walking to the apse, he ran his fingers over the plasterwork. A tune came to mind and he unthinkingly began to hum it, preoccupied as he was with the whole Daphne dilemma.

What an awful world this was, he mused. As bad as things on Earth could be, this place—in all things that counted—was far worse. The plight of women alone here was damning enough. As far as he could tell, this Chirurgen had broken no laws by what he'd done—so outing him to the Duke was a non-starter. Women and children were little better than property here and "might makes right" after all. As awful as it was, at least what happened to his mother and sister back home was illegal. Here on Chaos it would just be considered unfortunate.

All of the sudden, Tory realized what he'd been humming. And he was struck by the thought that he was now living in a world without Christmas. His mother had loved the holiday and something she had said once, made him wonder what kind of religions they must have back on Cassandra. It was from a few years earlier, when they were walking home from Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. His parents were holding hands, and his father had asked her what she liked so much about Christmas.

"It's the giving," his mother had said. "People are always taking. But at Christmas we stop and sing songs about a God who gives, rather than takes. I don't think most people realize how special that is."

Tory was finally beginning to understand what his mother meant. Lifting his violin to his chin, he softly and sweetly began her favorite Christmas carol. The late morning light streaming through the windows lit the tears falling down his cheeks, as he finally let himself start to mourn.

"But we have to do something!"

Miri agreed with Sofie but was at a loss as to what that something was. She was at least glad that Tory wasn't going to try and confront Chirurgen. Pavel was right, that was suicide.

"Well, I'm open to suggestions," her brother muttered in frustration, running his hands through his hair. "At this point, we have nothing. Tomorrow she'll be heading back to that rat's holding and be completely out of our reach."

"Can't we just sneak her out of the castle," Miri asked, looking earnestly at her brother and Pavel, "or grab her in the Market Square and run for the bank?"

"That's no good," came a deep voice from the front room. Turning in their seats at the table, they watched the forge master come into the kitchen and sit down. "He's got men watching it. You'll never make it to the front door."

"Really?" Miri asked, crestfallen.

Tubal glanced her way and nodded. "After you mentioned that rabble up in Wolf Creek," he said, turning to look at Tory, "I've had two of my smithy boys running errands back and forth past the bank. Near as they can tell, there's at least three that are always hanging around nearby, from the moment the bank opens until it closes."

Desperate to do something for Daphne, whom she really liked, the petite girl offered another idea. "Couldn't we just sneak her out of the city? We're good at hiding and we could try another bank somewhere else."

Her brother looked at her for a bit, considering it, but then shook his head. "I don't think so, Mir. Even if we manage to get out of Judgment Falls, I doubt we'll find it any different at another bank somewhere else," he explained.

"But we've..." Sofie was about to say it again, but Tory laid his hand over hers on the table and she stopped.

"I agree," he told her quietly. "Which means we have to confront and beat him somehow."

Miri, herself at the point of tears, was about to object when Pavel spoke up.

"Maybe we're looking at this all wrong," he said, looking from person to person.

"What do you mean?" Sofie asked.

"Look, up to this point, we've only talked about things from our end, our point of view."

"So?" Tory chimed in.

Tubal, however, shushed him. "I think I know where he's going with this. Let him talk."

Pavel nodded to the smith and then continued. "The important thing here is not coming up with some way to defeat Chirurgen. It's about freeing Daphne. She needs to be separated from that man. So, what are all the ways that could happen?"

Discussion flew back and forth, as those around the table caught on to Pavel's proposal. Options they had not even considered were now bandied about. Nothing clicked, though, until Miri spoke up again. She'd been clutching her pendant when the thought came to her.

"She's really good on the lute," she shouted, trying desperately to be heard.

"What?" The smith asked, who gestured for the others to be quiet.

"I said, she's really good on the lute," she told them. "Sofie's dad likes music, right?"

Sofie nodded in agreement, as did everyone else.

"Well," Miri continued, "maybe he could make that bad man let Daphne stay in the castle to play music for him."

Her brother seemed dubious about it and was about to say something, when Sofie stopped him.

"No, I think your sister's got something there," she told him. "Daddy's been talking about opening a music school for ages. He's even hired several musicians but all they've been doing so far is teaching my brothers and sisters and me here at the castle. Maybe it's time he did more than talk about it," she proposed with a twinkle in her eye.

It'll only be a temporary fix, though," Tubal observed solemnly. "I doubt this Chirurgen will put up with something like that for long."

Tory agreed. "You're probably right but it's the only real option available right now."

Daphne was seated at the vanity, applying makeup to cover the bruises on her face, when he walked in.

He nodded approvingly at her work. "Good. We don't need that fat cow from Greenfields asking any more questions tonight. Bad enough you jabbering away with her last night. I see that again and you'll regret it," he threatened.

The girl, knowing she'd said no more than five or ten words to the woman in question, just rolled her eyes.

The gesture infuriated the man, but Daphne was beyond caring by this point. Her voice was ice cold when he raised his hand to strike her. "By all means, do it," she sneered. "Give me a reason not to go tonight."

Stilling his hand, he grabbed her chin and eyed her coolly. "Finally showing a little backbone, I see. I like it."

"I couldn't care less what you like," she spat back at him.

"Ah, but you do, I think," he said with a laugh, turning her face from side to side. "And I know what you like."

She yanked her face from his hand and chuckled grimly. "You mean your tiny pecker? Hardly. I have to watch your face just to know it's in me."

His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. "You will regret those words," he hissed. Walking for the door, he turned to appraise her one last time. "You embarrass me even once tonight and you will not live to see tomorrow."

Daphne just looked at him and laughed grimly. "Promises, promises."

He stalked out.

Why he was hanging on to her, she didn't know—and to be honest—she didn't really care anymore. This night would be it for her. There was no way she would return willingly to his holding to the south, where he would likely torture her at his leisure. She was going to force his hand and go out on her own terms.

The evening meal started peaceably enough. They'd made their formal entrance and she smiled suitably. Once they approached the table, though, Daphne made her first move—managing to finagle a spot next to Lady Greenfields and across the table from Chirurgen, rather than next to him.

It amused her to no end to see him glare at her as she chatted gaily with the other guests. Low, out of range whispers, accompanied by giggles and gestures in his direction served only to enflame him. She was about to take the goading and ridicule up a notch, when she heard Tory's cousin call out from the minstrel's area.

"Your Grace," he pleaded reverently, "it would appear we are missing a musician yet again."

Glancing at the empty chair and the lute propped up next to it, the Duke smiled. "I do not believe my lovely daughter's hands and lips would help you with that particular instrument, my good collier."

"Aye, Lord, you are observant as you are wise," he replied with a bow. "As much as my cousins and I have enjoyed playing with your daughter's hands and lips..." He paused momentarily to allow for the guests to chuckle and laugh. "We are indeed in the need of another young lady's services."

Daphne giggled along with the rest and watched as Pavel approached the head table. She was surprised, however, when he stopped next to her chair and extended his hand. "Would you do us the honor of playing with us this evening, Maid Daphne?"

Fearful of playing in front of so many, something she'd never done before, she momentarily thought of declining until she saw the fury in the eyes of her prison warden. With an enormous smile on her lips, she took the collier's hand and accompanied him back to where Tory and Miri awaited.

"Please don't worry," he whispered to her as they walked. "Miri picked out three of the songs you've played with her."

Daphne nodded as he listed them. They were her best ones, to be sure. She took a deep breath and smiled as Tory stepped up and handed her the lute—her father's lute. More than a little curious as to why they were even having her play with them, she gazed at the other boy with an inquisitive expression.

"You'll see," is all he said as he gestured for her to take the seat of honor.

The first song started a little rough, due to her nervousness, but she eventually settled down. Pavel and Miri harmonically weaved their flutes in and out with her, while Tory played the melody. The second provided a bit more of a challenge, in that it required her to sing as well as play. She was tentative at first, but quickly found her confidence—belting out the light ballad with gusto. Daphne was warmly surprised as generous applause followed each of the performances.

Prior to starting the third, however, she motioned for the other three musicians to be still. Standing, she turned to address the Duke and the assembled guests.

"Your Grace and honored guests," she began nervously, "before we continue with my last song for the evening, I would like to thank gentle Pavel and my dear friend Sofie for finding my father's lute for me. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel." Breathing in a deep breath she steeled herself and fixed her eyes squarely on her tormentor. "With this gift, they have given me at least a portion of all that was so viciously stolen from me."

"I know my friends up here are expecting we'll play Forester's Serenade next," she said, turning to look at them. "But I hope they don't mind if I go with something different."

She smiled as each of them bowed slightly in deference to her.

"When we were little, my father would sing a song from his homeland to get us to go to sleep. I heard it played so beautifully this morning," she remarked, looking straight at Tory before turning back to the audience. "And in honor of my father, Manfred Schreiber of Bavaria, I would like to share it with you. It is called Stille Nacht."

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Extreme Detail

(You may skip this if you desire to, just explaining in depth what this story will be like and why.) WARNING: In this story I will be trying something new for me at least. Here I will not be doing a few things: • Explaining a characters thoughts or feelings. • Using standard paragraph story telling writing format. (Continue) • Explaining past information via narrator. • Having narrator exposition of any kind. • Using titles for every chapter, but maybe arcs or large groupings of chapters....

4 years ago
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Mom I Cant Help Myself 2

In the first Chapter, Robert Long was found by his sister in her bra and panties. Where he confessed that he couldn't help himself. Jessica Long then decided to help Roberta find her true self. By the end of the summer, Roberta has been wearing some kind of feminine clothing since April. We now find Roberta about to start her new school. It is not what she expects. Mom, I Can't Help Myself Chapter 2 Roberta: First Day at Miss Lynne's School for Girls By Jennifer...

1 year ago
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Hard WinterChapter 16 Summer Bikers and Farmers

As soon as I got back to Oak Tree House at lunch time on the day after our argument with Kat all three wives draped themselves over me and Kelly came out with the standard comment that I suspect women have been using since Adam and Eve, "You know you love us all..." I suspected I knew what was coming and Kelly confirmed it, "I know we all enjoy a bit of fun together, even Karen joins in now, but sometime I wish there was just two of us in a bed. We could still have fun all together, it's...

2 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 15 Reunion

Tristan sat in the Captain's ready room, gazing out of the view port at the large planet sized moon. He lent back in the chair, legs resting on a low table. His fingers drummed on the broad arm of the chair belying his relaxed demeanour. The meeting should have started half an hour ago. He resisted the temptation to go and find the reason for the delay. He knew he would be informed as soon as something were known. His heart missed a beat as the door buzzer sounded. He sat up quickly and...

2 years ago
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part 2 from taken in public

ello this is an adult story if you are not over 18 please close this page immediatly. Thisstory deals with crossdressing gay males if you are offended by this type of material pleaseclose this page also. Thanks for all the replies to my first story; sorry it has taken so long but school hasstarted (college for all you perverts=:) so I have not had much time to write. As I left the movie theater my mind was racing; I could not believe what I had just didand what that man did to me aswell....

1 year ago
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Living with my step sister

100% fiction! Hi, my name is David; I’m 30 years old I’m 6’2 215lbs I have green eyes, blondish brown hair and a nice body. I had been married for 10 years when my wife came home work one day and told me to get out. I had nowhere to go so I got a hotel room and I stayed there until I could find a new place. I had been at the hotel for about a week when while out getting some grociers I ran into my step sister (Carrie).Carrie is 25 years old she is 5’4 105lbs she as hazel eyes, brown hair and a...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 03 The Race

There are four major events at the Faire, the Dolphin Rides, The Carousel, The Race, and the Ferris Wheel. The four segments stand more or less on their own but make much more sense if you read them in order. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...

4 years ago
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Auntyai Mazhaiyil Nanaiya Vaithu Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en ethir veettu auntyai mathiya nerathil en mama veetil vaithu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ravi vayathu 27 aagugirathu. En ethir veetil oru aunty irukiraal aval miga sexiyaaga irupaal, mulai matrum soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum. Avalai naan iru varudangalaaga site adithu varugiren, aunty en idam nandraaga pesi pazhaguvaal. Aval kanavar irukum pozhuthu en idam athigam pesi kola matal,...

2 years ago
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In Love With Anthony Part 2

If you haven’t read the first part of this story it simply won’t make sense, I reccomend reading it to get the back story and make it that much better. He paid for the lunch and we left hand in hand to go back to my apartment and finish cleaning. He entered and after I was in the door he spun me around and held me against the closed door. He had his hands on either side of my waist and lowered himself to my face. He smiled at me and then he kissed me softly. It was even better than I remembered...

4 years ago
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Blast From Past Goa Encounters 8211 Part 1

You know what they say, “What happens in Goa, stays in Goa”. But not this time, because this is a story worth reading. It’s special and it’s hot, so get right on! This was the time of Christmas 2014, and the festival mood was everywhere. Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai. This is Malvika’s story mainly, but I’ve collaborated with writing it since she’s been a little busy lately and because it involves my first time with Malvika (the one and only). Before I narrate it, here are the...

2 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 4

Dear readers, I’m Krishna again with my next part. Thanks for your valuable support. As you know, they have drilled my holes and opened it for them. It was very paining at that night and the next day. On Monday it became alright. My friends were waiting for me at the school. They were so happy when they knew I was happy with what ever they had done. They didn’t get much more opportunities to enjoy me at school. Even though they kissed me in the corridors, squeezed me inside the class. Stripped...

1 year ago
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For the money

Gwen Turner sat nervously while she waited for Miss Alden to read her resume'. "Hmmm," she hummed while flipping the pages slowly, stopping now and then to take some notes that she scribbled on a yellow legal notepad on her desk. When she was finished she closed the resume', removed her reading glasses, leaned back in her chair and asked, "Why do you want to work for Mr. Valentine, Miss Turner? Gwen had experienced enough job interviews to know when you could and couldn't bs someone, and April...

3 years ago
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first time

I had my first gay sex not too long ago and i figured id share it. I met up with a guy off of craigs list about a month ago and we decided to go into the woods for some fun. As we walked back to our spot he slowly rubbed and fingered my ass to see just how tight i was. After we got there he put down on a blanket and i immediately got on my knees and put his growing cock into my mouth. I sucked his cock and gagged on it till he was rock hard, which was when i stripped off my shirt and pants and...

3 years ago
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Two Heads Are Better Than One

Hi, readers. I am extremely happy for the feed back that some of readers sent in on the previous submission and the list of regular readers is growing day by day. The below submission is a kind of continuation to the Southern Spice, yet again we are to tread the same line. The back drop is the same Kumbakonam 320 km south of Chennai also this time around its Vaishali & Janani both in their final year of higher secondary in a private school in Kumbakonam. What exactly transform in their night...

3 years ago
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Letters to a Friend

Dear George,I think I told you that our young wife (Lissie) is from Canada, and she was raised by her mom and grandmother to be their sex slave, and that I have been serving both of them when we go up there to visit.  What I didn't mention is that it was Lissie's grandmother, Mistress Chantal, who was the one who broke my resistance to being used as a human toilet, and I love her so much for doing that to me that words fail me to describe it.Lissie's mom, Lorraine, visited us a couple months...

3 years ago
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The Continuing Adventures of Julia

Twelve years into her career, Julia was still focusing on advancement. She was determined to make partner by the age of 35. She’d been working hard to learn everything there was to know about international law and that final step to partner was very close. She had been so focused on her career, her love life had been lacking. Sure there was the occasional fling… like the yacht… mmm that was fun, or her induction into the mile high club, but she was finally ready for more. The difficult part was...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Fucked a teacher

I am mizaab from thane,cock size 8 inch,, if aunties, gals,bhabhis wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id ,,relation will be kept secret…. This story is about me and a teacher,i used to meet a girl, a beautiful girl of about 24 or 25, well endowed, dressed in simple way with a carry bag in her hand. Once when i was bound on a long journey i met her in the local bus stand. I knew her by face and she knew me also and used to exchange smiles when we meet at the bus stop or railway station. This...

1 year ago
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Already Gone

Catherine already knew what her fatal flaw was, although she didn’t actually expect it to ever be fatal. In fact, she didn’t really even think of it as a flaw. Being inquisitive was a good thing, as far as she was concerned. It was a sign of an active, intelligent mind. And it had never really gotten her into too much trouble. Sure, she’d gotten a few scoldings as a kid for trying to find out what her Christmas and birthday presents were–she remembered her dad saying, ‘Curiosity killed the...

4 years ago
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Reluctantly WillingChapter 3 Ravished

The following night the three got together in the barn. Mike had a huge hardon and had many plans for his two sluts tonight. Little did he know Karma and Anna had other plans. They explained how this all got started to Mike and that it was most fun working a girl up to the big stallion. They decided to claim a new victim and were going to hit the bars in the city where they knew many beautiful young models tended to hang out. They returned a few hours later with the prize. A gorgeous young...

2 years ago
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Horny dogging session

Last weekend both me and my partner were off work. We decided that we would try something a little different and went online to find some local “Dogging” areas. For anyone that doesn’t know, in the UK “Dogging” is where strangers meet up, usually in a reasonably secluded car park, and basically have sex with each other or watch couples have sex. We found a dogging site that we liked the sound of and decided we would give it a try. I wasn’t sure what to wear but I needn’t have worried. My...

Group Sex
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Sow and ReapChapter 40 Darkness and Sacrifice

Over the last few hours, Yugi, Honda, Pharaoh and I had taken turns sitting with Joey, rotating an hour or so at a time in pairs. None of us wanted to be alone when the machines went quiet. Pharaoh and I sat beside Joey's bed. We had placed two extra blankets over him because he was shivering in his sleep. I was beyond tears. Pharaoh had stopped praying. Joey groaned and we both looked up. He winced. He had requested that we reduce the amount of pain medication he was receiving and that...

2 years ago
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The Slave PrincessChapter 6

"Leia," whispered a familiar female voice as a hand nudged the Princess' bare shoulder. "Leia, wake up." Leia opened her eyes, noticing Camie there beside her. "What is it?" "Some guards are here to take you," Camie answered, motioning to the other room where she could hear a couple of Gamorreans grunting Leia's name to Melina Carniss. Leia sat up on the bed of pillows, an uneasy feeling growing inside her. "Take me where?" "You know where..." Camie said sorrowfully. "I...

3 years ago
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The Night Zoe Michele Raised Hell

-Cotton Mather *** “Zoe,” Michele said, “I don’t think we should be doing this.” A draft blew through the basement as both girls crouched on the concrete floor, still wearing bits and pieces of their trick or treat costumes. Zoe was dressed as a witch; Michele was her black cat. It was almost midnight. They were supposed to be asleep hours ago, but Zoe‘s mother had gone to a grown-up Halloween party with her boyfriend, and as soon as their car pulled away the girls crept down...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Natalie Porkman Fresh Young Teen Slut Natalie Porkman Wants More

New porn starlet Natalie Porkman is 18 and ready to show Manuel everything she can do! Natalie’s laying on the couch in a purple top with matching panties as Manuel interviews her to find out more about this nubile young babe. She’s from Florida and decided to get into the industry because she was already having a lot of sex and she figured why not get paid for it and be safe. Manuel has her stand up to show off her sexy body as she takes off her top to expose her perky little titties, then she...

2 years ago
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Favors Small and GreatChapter 8

“So, how’s your lunch, babe?” I asked Margret as we ate together yet again, being very pleased at this latest turn of events. “Are you fucking kidding me, dear? This meatball marinara sub is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and you know it, too! I love a good hoagie!” my sexy boss assured me as she tore into her sub yet again. “This cheesesteak ain’t half-bad, either. What about you, Stace?” I asked the sassy brunette concubine who had been one of my first lovers among this...

3 years ago
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Simpsons Revenge

Bart Simpson was back again in Principal Skinners office for another of his usual pranks. This time lunch-lady Doris caught him pouring some sedatives into the chili, and now he sat in the familiar office of Principal Skinner. “I am sorry Bart, but I have to call your parents, this sort of behavior has to stop. After, groundskeeper Willie is still recovering from the incident with the tractor” Bart sat in the Skinners office as he listened to the call to his father at work. He could...

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