Audition NoticeChapter 11
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Daphne couldn't sleep. It wasn't a new thing, though. Nightmares frequently plagued her nighttime hours, leaving her wide awake, staring up in the darkness. But just because it was old and familiar, didn't mean she was used to it or liked it—not at all. With a quiet but determined sigh, she decided she wouldn't put up with it any longer.
Casting back her covers, she sat up in her cot and placed her feet over the side. The grass of the tent floor was rather ticklish. Standing in the cool, early morning air, she tightened her wrap around herself and tiptoed over to her target. She heard a chuckle in the darkness.
"Can't sleep either, huh?"
She shook her head no and then realized he probably couldn't see that. "No," she whispered. "Mind if I join you?"
She noticed shadowy movement in the darkness and heard the rustle of fabric. "Come on in," he told her.
However much she hated Chirurgen, she had to admit the man had great taste in just about everything—including tents and travel accessories, like comfortable and roomy travel beds. And this was the first time, she thought to herself as she snuggled up next to Tory, that she'd ever come to this particular bed voluntarily.
Realizing she'd made a rather sour sound, Daphne spoke up. "I was just thinking bad thoughts of the previous owner of this bed," she explained.
She felt him nod. "I can imagine," he told her. "It's a shame we didn't find his body on the field today."
She agreed but then thought of something she'd wanted to ask him. "What was that song you played after the captain and his men buried those six troopers?"
"It's called Ashokan Farewell," Tory explained softly.
"It was really pretty and really sad, all at the same time."
"That's true," he agreed. "It was originally written as what's called a goodbye waltz—a last song at a dance before everyone has to go home. It reflects the sadness that the dance everyone so enjoyed is over."
"Very fitting. I can see why you chose it," Daphne murmured as she rolled over and laid her head on his chest. "Made me cry, though."
"Me, too," Tory admitted to her. "Those men died protecting us and that was the only way I knew how to say thank you."
"Who taught you to play?"
"My mother, mostly," he replied, "though I've had a few other teachers, as well."
"What was she like?"
"Intense ... very intense," the boy admitted with a chuckle in the darkness. "Music was her passion and we kids learned quickly that there was no interrupting when she was playing. She was a lot of fun, though. Always on the go and forever dragging Papí and us along on trips to new places she'd heard about. We'd complain at the time, but what I wouldn't give to go on one with her now," he ended with a sigh.
"Did you ever go to Bavaria?" Daphne asked, curious to learn as much as she could of her father's homeland.
She felt him nod and listened as he told about that particular trip. She was amazed to hear how far apart Tory's home of Colombia was from Bavaria, which was part of a larger country called Germany. It was so far that he and his family actually had to fly to get there! Daphne had always thought her father was joking the few times he talked about flying. The mere idea of hundreds of people in a giant metal covered wagon with wings, soaring high in the sky like an eagle, seemed impossible. Tory insisted it was just a machine but she knew it had to be magic, like the portals or his new stick.
Daphne was disappointed when he didn't recognize her father's hometown. Still, his stories of his mother's concerts with something named a symphony, a big week-long party called Oktoberfest, as well as a Mad King Ludwig and his beautiful fairytale castle, fascinated her. Just hearing it all brought tears to her eyes. She had thought her father lost forever, and here was Tory giving a piece of him back to her.
Her heart totally melted, though, when her handsome protector noticed her tears.
"Missing the folks, I imagine," he softly guessed as he wiped them away.
"Sorry," she sniffed.
"What were they like?" he asked when she had quieted down.
"Papa was really tall and wide at the shoulders. And he had this longish, dark blonde hair that always got in his eyes when he was working," she recounted, the memory bringing a smile to her face. "He was a printer and usually had ink on his hands, so he'd have either Mama one of us girls tie it back in a ponytail for him."
She let out a small laugh. "Of course, he'd often chase us around the shop with those same inky fingers. Mama never seemed to mind getting caught, though. She was always a rather quiet, reserved person except when around him."
"It must have been hard for them, never being able to go home again."
Daphne nodded against Tory's chest. "It bothered Papa more than it did Mama. He'd left family behind on Earth—a mother and two sisters—so he sent letters back with any hero he came across. But he told us more than once that he never regretted his decision to stay with her. Mama, on the other hand, didn't miss home at all. Like nearly all Cassandrans she was an only child but sadly she couldn't stand her parents."
"That is sad."
"It was but Mama and Papa loved each other, so it was okay."
They laid there quietly for a while, just listening to the wind whisper through the trees. Daphne could hear the steady rhythm of Tory's heartbeat, and breathe in the masculine scent of his skin.
"So, where do you want to go when we get back to Crossroads?"
"Well, I'd like a chance to come back and find my brothers and sisters, but after that—Earth, definitely," she answered. "I'm sure Cassandra is nice, but Mama's descriptions of growing up there left me a bit cold. Maybe I'm selfish but I want what my parents had. And I have to confess something," she said, snuggling closer to him and twirling her fingers on his chest. "The longer I'm with you, the more I understand my mother's attachment to my Papa."
A giggle escaped Daphne's lips, when she both felt and heard his pulse speed up. He was so cute when he got bashful. He hemmed and hawed and mumbled a bit until she put a finger to his lips.
"Could you do me a favor?" She asked insistently.
"Ah, sure, I guess," he hesitated, his voice revealing his sudden nervousness.
"Nothing like that!" She teased, lightly slapping him on his chest. "There's just something my Papa would say to Mama that would make her really happy, and I was wondering if you would say something like it to me."
"What was it," he asked, clearly confused by the request.
She leaned up and whispered it in his ear.
"You sure?"
"Will you just say it!"
"Okay! Okay!" He stopped to clear his throat. "Ahem ... Daphne Schreiber, I am Hector Valderrama of Earth and I am here to rescue you."
Tingles of excitement ran up her spine at the mere hearing of the words, causing her to shiver. Giddy, giggly and horny all wrapped into one, she now understood what got her mother all hot and bothered. Propping herself up on her elbow, she leaned up again and this time, pressed her lips sensuously to his.
"My hero!" She murmured into his mouth as the kiss deepened.
Miri gingerly stepped out of the tent and into the morning sunlight. The warmth of the sun felt good on her skin even if its brightness bothered her eyes. Shielding them with her right hand, she glanced about at the hustle and bustle around her. Most of the activity appeared to be villagers hard at work constructing temporary dwellings. The reason for this was obvious when she looked to her left. There, still sending hazy plumes of smoke into the air, were the charred remains of Red Feather Village.
Though she'd woken up not long before, Miri felt worn out and exhausted. The truth was, while she'd survived the previous day's wounding, the poison was still taking its toll. Her left arm in a sling, the petite girl reached for her fairy pendant with her right. It felt very warm in her grasp. Katka, the Veela healer who'd watched over her during the night, had told her they were only able to slow the progression of the toxin—not stop it. For complete healing she would need to go back to Crossroads.
"Hey, you're up!"
She smiled at the sight of Pavel walking up, hand in hand with a familiar Veela—who was just shy of his shoulder in height—and her small, dark-haired girl in his other arm.
"So are you," Miri shot back, trying to affect more cheerfulness than she felt. "And who is this little cutie?"
"This is my daughter, Duska," the collier beamed proudly. "And this... ," he said, turning toward the woman.
"Is Janja," Miri finished for him. Smiling at the lovely fairy, she greeted her in her own language. "It is so good to see you again and I'm so happy for Pavel. He adores you. You're all he ever dreams and talks about."
The white-haired Veela blushed at her words and smiled back. "I am happy, too. Before I was only allowed to go to him at night and let him think it was a dream. But now we can be together."
Miri was about to ask why, when Pavel interrupted.
"Hey now, Miri, it was bad enough you and your brother always babbling away in—what was it, Spanish?" he complained, somewhat teasingly. "Now you're doing the same thing with my woman. It's not fair."
Janja, however, turned on him and let off a long string in her own tongue, even poking him somewhat fiercely in the chest. When she finished, she put both her hands on either side of his face and pulled way down towards herself.
"You I love," she told him eye to eye. "No worry. Miranda you be nice to now." And then she kissed him.
Miri and the baby giggled at the interaction between the child's parents.
"What did she say?" Pavel asked in wonderment when Janja let him up.
"Pretty much what she said to you at the end, only longer," Miri tried to explain. "She also said she'd teach you her words so you won't feel left out when she talks with her people."
"But only if he's good," Janja added.
"But only if you're good."
Pavel laughed. "Okay, okay. I know when I'm beat."
They talked for a little bit longer before the trio headed off to where the Veeli were staying. Pavel would return with Dalibor after lunch to escort her and Tory back to Judgment Falls. Miri tried to dissuade him—after all, he'd just reconnected with his love and gotten to meet his daughter for the first time. Janja, however, intervened and eventually Miri relented.
"We take care of our own," she had said.
Watching them leave, Miri realized that while she was looking forward to going back to Crossroads, she was also sad to leave. She was just getting to know this place and its fascinating people and now she had to go. The melancholy strains of Ashokan Farwell came to mind as she walked through the camp. She'd heard it on the breeze when Tory played it for the burials the previous evening and it reflected her mood perfectly.
She knew she could probably come back to visit someday but Miri was a realist. Chaos is a dangerous world for adult heroes, let alone eight year old girls from Earth. "Especially eight year old girls who get themselves shot with poisoned crossbow bolts," she murmured to herself in Spanish.
Feeling very tired all of the sudden, she put her hand against a tree for support. In moments, there were two other hands there holding her up. Lifting her head, she found herself staring into the older face of her healer.
"Hi, Katka."
"Don't you 'Hi Katka' me," she chastened. "What are you doing all the way over here? Trying to scare me to death?"
"I'm sorry, Katka."
"Hmm. Let's have you sit over here a bit," she said somewhat mollified, pointing to a rough-hewn bench near a fire pit. "When you're feeling stronger, we can head back to your tent."
Sitting there, watching people come and go, Miri decided to ask the older woman something she'd been curious about. "Katka?"
"I've been wondering ... why did the Veeli come all this way to help us?"
The healer looked at Miri with a searching gaze and then shrugged. "When Dedek Bran sent word to Beyla that you three were in trouble, we had to help. She sent us ahead of you here."
"But why?"
"We take care of our own," she replied, matter-of-factly.
"Janja said something like that, too. What does that mean?"
"You are one of us," the healer told her as if it were totally obvious. "Pavel, because of Janja and Duska. Tory, because of you."
That only confused Miri more. "But I'm not from here and my parents aren't from here."
"You may be of Earth and Cassandra, Wonderful Girl, but you are one of us," she replied, fingering the pendant around Miri's neck. "You can wear the lifeshield. Only a Veela can do that."
"About that," the young girl asked, looking down at the pendant, "don't you want the necklace back? It seems awfully important for a little girl like me to keep."
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I collected myself from the floor and awaited decisions what we'd be doing next - if I could go to the bathroom or would be needed yet over there. Stan went to the table for a glass of water, and I sat on the chair reaching for a tissue to remove the splendid mixture of tears, sperm, mascara and saliva from my nominally cute face. I deserved to see the world straight."Leave it like this," he ordered. "Your whole voluptuous body needs to be covered with bruises and semen."I hang on to my dress'...
BDSMAfter Mr. Walker and Mr. Holmes left me in the middle of my living with cum down my throat and cum leaking from my ass, I just sleep there the floor. I was spent and my jaw and ass was sore from the beat down by two BIG BLACK COCKS. I didn’t hear from either Mr. Walker or Mr. Holmes over the next month and everything went back to normal. I started messing around with hand full of women but I left all the black married parents alone. However, one night while I was fucking one of my regulars I...
My slutty exhibitionist trip... I just returned from yet another trip to the wild, wild West. I was in Arizona on a business trip and took a couple of days off to visit the Grand Canyon. After securing the proper Park Service permits, I headed off for a three day backpacking trip into the mighty canyon. I purposely picked a little-visited part of the canyon to I could indulge in my exhibitionist ways. I drove over what must have been 30 miles...
Some say (and I wholeheartedly agree) that it is the most well policed county in the state. I keep this town safe with an iron will, and, an iron cock. There are a lot of things that go on behind closed doors that aren't made public- like our unorthodox methods for getting information out of prisoners. You know what they say: a bit of cum goes a long way, and no crim hasn't buckled yet after our top-secret, 10 hour long bukkake sessions. If 10 hours isn't enough, just rinse and repeat. I...
Cory Chase is wearing a red, white and blue bikini while Amiee Cambridge is wearing a solid blue bikini. They walk into the bedroom and they start to make the bed together. All of a sudden Amiee yelps that something is pinching her, and she can’t get her hands out from the bed! Cory tries to take her hands out as well, but the two of them both have their hands stuck inside of the bed now! I hear yelling coming from the bedroom, so I walk into the room to see what’s going on. I untie...
xmoviesforyouDoreen and Jimmy became lovers with their mothers approval. Bessy knew she couldn't stop them from fucking each other. Jimmy worshipped the ground his sister walked on. Doreen's birth control pills kicked in and the kids had noisy sex every night. Doreen shouted in climax and it was upsetting to Bessy. She pushed her cunt against the bed post and got herself off. She needed a man, any man to fuck her. Jimmy was still sleeping and Bessy greeted her wet cunt."I'm not wearing any panties" the...
IncestSeries 7, Episode 6: Bailey Dummett (26) Welcome to Torquay - a picturesque harbor town on the English riviere. We float over hundreds of small craft and yachts moored along wooden jetties behind the Princess pier, before closing in on one of the boats. As we get closer a very pretty young blonde woman steps up onto the small deck of the boat. She’s wearing a bikini that highlights both the beautiful weather and her stunning body. Slim from top to bottom, with small but firm boobs barely...
Walking in on interracial cuckoldingNormally you announce your arrival when you get home from work. Today you can hear your wife moaning before you open the door so you keep quiet. She’s either having sex or masturbating, and as she usually masturbates in the bedroom, you suspect there’s another man in your house enjoying her pussy.It’s so much louder when you open the door. Her moans are loud and beautiful. You can hear the sound of flesh slapping together as another man fucks your wife. You’d...
CuckoldAmy was wearing an open leather vest; her nipples had been rouged and they were a bright red as they stood out from her tits. A pair of shiny silver tap pants covered her ass and pussy. She walked Fido around the room on his leash; pausing every so often to pinch a nipple or run her hands over her panties. Fido must have known something was up, his cock was all ready poking out from its sheath. Amy stopped in the middle of the room and got down on her knees in front the dog. He towered over...
Introduction A lady of eighty years told me this story. “I was working as a nurse in a hospital. One day I turned a corner in a corridor, and standing there was a young man in pajamas and dressing gown. I had never seen him before, but his nurse told me he had been very ill, in fact, near death. He had made a remarkable recovery and was now just starting to walk around.” I stood looking at him and he at me. What I can only describe as an electric current seemed to pass between us. In that...
Introduction: Just a fantasy of mine, characters based on real people. It was a bright and sunny Saturday evening, Jenna Harper was sitting on her bed talking to her boyfriend, Ryan, on her cell phone about their plans for that night. Since Jenna was 15 and Ryan was 20, they had to sneak around to be together. Jennas parents had a hard time letting her go out with guys her own age, she could only imagine what they would say if she asked them for approval of a guy 5 years older than her. What...
For a long time I have had a crush on my friend Shane, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Kind, caring, same interests and he’s soo handsome! Not the handsome 6 pack. The handsome as in normal and doesn’t care what you look like. Shane's 22 soon to be 23 with short dark hair and a couple of tattoos on his slim body. Myself Im 22 and a chunky girl. Not what I want to be but slowly changing that. All my life I’ve believed that big people should be with big and thin with thin, don’t as where this...
The next morning, after a much-needed breakfast of dry toast, a hard-boiled egg, and black coffee, we were loaded back into the paddy wagons and driven to the courthouse. Still barefoot, we were led into the chambers of Judge Samuel Fahey. I was somewhat relieved to see a pair of diplomas from our college on his wall, and even more relieved when he mentioned that he had been a brother of Lambda Pi in his college days. "Now where the hell is that prosecutor?" he asked "He probably wasn't...
Cain was tired. He had spent most of the night talking to his wife’s young cousin and initiating her sexually. It had been a tremendous night for him and one that he would never forget. Up to this point, he had always been faithful to his wife, Carolyn, and he couldn’t say what had come over him last night. Still, he wouldn’t trade his night with the lovely young Ellie for anything. He hoped that she felt the same way. They had been snowed in to the family church after their annual reunion....
A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 5 As I walked up the drive to the Scott's house, Mrs Scott opened the door and gave me a warm, welcoming hug. "Come on in. Anna is just finishing making sure your room is clear." "Thank you Mrs Scott. I'm sorry for intruding at this late hour." "Poppycock, we've known you for about ten years and if we couldn't help then who would you turn to? Go on up with your case, you've been here often enough to know where to...
Hello, friends. Main Sahil apke liye iss hot chudai story ka dusra part lekar aaya hu. Mujhe umeed hai apko meri story ka pehla part pasand aya hoga. Uss raat hum dono sex kar ke nange so gaye. Kuch der ek dusre ke baaho mein baahe dal kar lipat kar kiss kar rahe the. Aur ek dusre ke badan se khel rahe the aur chus aur chat rahe the. Hume neend kab aayi kuch pata nahi chala. Subhe kuch 7 baje the aur main abhi bhi so raha tha. Tab mujhe mere lund par kuch mehsoos hua. Neend mein mujhe laga ki...
Hi to all I m Rahul and I am 24 year old. Mene kuch time pehle MBA pass kiya hai. Aur meri job surat ki ek bank me lagi hai. Aur me Rajkot se surat rehne ke liye sift ho gaya, me yah ape apne kuch dosto ke sath flat me rent pe reha ta hu. To yeh story start hoti hai jab me ye falt me rehne aaya yaha se. Mere flat ke samne ki flat me hi ek mast cute or hot bhabhi rehti hai unka nam reeta hai. Unke boobs ki size takriban 38 hogi aur gand bhi badi aura chi hai. Jo akshar jab me subh job pe jata...
When I finally summed up the courage to go back downstairs my auntie had left. My mum apologized to me for her bad mood the night before and told me that she could find me something old of hers to wear to the fancy dress party. She told me very casually and gave no hint of the plan that my auntie and her had come up with earlier. The rest of the week however my Auntie spent alot of time at our house and there was plenty of whispering and giggling going on. My initial arousal at the thought...