True Story Of Seduction With My Paying Guest Owners
- 2 years ago
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The leaders of the city arrived later than I had said. I expected this. I still remembered the way the senate of the city had treated Julian.
Personal guards came too and crowded the streets but only Mithridates looked at them with a smile and some stingers. Some of the common people came too because we did not look to be that threatening. I saw that some had the Möbius strip on a thong hanging from their neck.
There were nineteen surviving senators in front of me and I found that eighteen others were conveniently out of the city. I assumed that some of them had fled instead of coming to this meeting.
I began the conference in good faith and told them who I was and who I represented. The men were predominately Christian and Jewish though there were some followers of Zarathushtra. They believed most of what they had heard about me and especially about the way I killed. It was the way I healed that I wanted to emphasise.
The clean up of the city was first thing on the agenda then the repair of the stadium. The city was going to pay for this out of the public purse which meant that all the senators would pay. Property taxes did not exist here.
They were mainly worried about what financial demands I would put on them. I was angry at all of them but they may not have been able to thwart Quinctius' actions or even voice their dissent.
Schools and the costs of running them was mentioned next. I would pay for most of this. They didn't mind that prospect at all though they did not see the reason for education at all or at least not for the masses. I slipped into business now as a way of paying my portion with the men present getting some of the contracts.
This area had petroleum quite close though I did not know how accessible it could be or the quantity. I needed lubricants for my machines and possibly fuel for my boilers but I would rather use renewable resources instead. That way petroleum could be used for a great many more years and our planet could absorb the abuse done to it a little at a time.
I needed some chemical plants but I would rather have them on the Arabian Peninsula that Sapor gave me control of. There were not as much that I could damage and at the present none of it was of much use.
There was a lot of wood here but in later years it had been harvested and not replaced with seedlings. "A good industry is shipbuilding but the ships will have to be very large. I expect them to be able to transport one thousand five hundred tonnes each." When I explained how much a tonne was they were speechless.
I said, "The Romans now have grain ships that large but I want them to be able to voyage on the oceans and not the just the Mediterranean. To make the ships you need wood. I make the best saws and tools. You cut the trees and I will sell the steam powered saws to cut it up. You can do this work with people providing the power but my way is cheaper in the long run. Trees grow quickly here but they still take many years. New trees have to be planted to replace those that are cut."
The talks went on for an hour. I never threatened anyone except monetarily in how I would fight them with competition.
The men left, and I think with a sigh because I had made few demands on them. KhAvar looked better but not ready to gain consciousness. She was much the same way I was, or rather Jón was when I came to him.
Rogelius was not around so I went to the library and I found him hiding in there. "Why are you hiding, Rogelius?"
He whispered, "I found gold but I do not want it taken by somebody else."
"Show me please."
Rogelius moved a small table to one side and then a brazier. Under the carpet the floor looked no different than the rest of the wood flooring except that it was worn less. Rogelius put his fingernails to pull up on a short length of board. With this moved, he was able to pull up a larger board.
This opened a hidden area about a metre long and wide but only thirty centimetres deep. There were sacks of what I thought to be coins and some solid gold and silver bars.
I got down like a kid and hefted the bags out and looked inside each to find what goodies each contained. The majority was silver but there was still a lot of bronze coins. There was a sheet of papyrus in the hidden area with an update as to what the horde contained. It looked impressive but I knew that it was not that large when compared to what Quinctius had to pay out.
I whispered myself, "You did very well Rogelius. There is a lot here but not the amount needed to run Quinctius' empire. I would think the value would have to be ten times more and that is at a minimum."
"Ten times!"
"He had a private army to pay and a lot of other people. He was also paid his share from the pirates. There is a lot more someplace."
"I will look for it but I do not want somebody to come in here and take this from you."
"I will forbid everyone in Quinctius' family from entering. Now what do you want for a reward?"
"My freedom if I may have it?"
"Rogelius, I do not believe in slavery. You had your freedom as soon as I took you as a prize of war. Would you still work for me? You can be my treasure hunter and I will see what other duties you are capable of. If you are an organized person, I will give you a job that will make you rich. Is that a good enough reward?"
"Yes, my lord."
I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Then you have a treasure to find. Cover this back up and put some heavy furniture over it."
The barracks that the soldiers had used now housed most of the people. Quinctius' family still slept in the house but now so did KhAvar and I. Some of the people with the Möbius strip now were paid to warn me of anything that could harm us.
I bathed KhAvar and myself and I wondered how anybody could hurt such a loving and giving girl like KhAvar.
We were not bothered during the night and I paid the guards in cash and blessings. This was one of the jobs that a woman could do just as well as a man and I used many of them.
When everybody was up and fed I took KhAvar outside and tried to wake her up. I did it slowly and let her know that somebody that loved her was holding her.
When she finally recognised me her arms came out and she pulled me to her with a cry. It was long minutes later that she stopped crying and just held me.
The rest of my people gathered around as I talked of what I had done since I saw them last in Berytus. KhAvar went back to sleep soon after I started but I continued with my story though I took only ten more minutes.
I settled KhAvar so she was comfortable and then went around to everybody to make sure their healing was on track. This did not really have to be done but we both liked it.
Some of the people were still upset. They had seen many die in Berytus, and then more die by whipping. The boy that died has a sister here and she was very distraught when she heard he died even if it was done quickly.
Quinctius' children were included though Agrippina was opposed to this. She did not try to fight me on how I was going to take care of her family. Her son Crescentius was still weak but was still able to do many personal tasks for himself.
I found the soldier that I had spared. He surprisingly had not run off though he was able to if he wished. He was doing a good job of tending to those that had been hurt though they were much better now.
I walked up to him and he immediately got on his knees and bowed his head. I said, "I have a task for you."
"Anything, Master."
"Go into the city and see how many of your comrades are still alive. Tell them to come here if they wish employment. If they are the type that is cruel, foolish or a poor soldier then do not send them. They either find employment soon or I will chase them out of the city."
"You want to hire them, Master?"
"I do not want them getting into trouble. If they are criminals and have hurt my people needlessly then they should not come here. I do not want my people upset."
"From what I have heard, there may not be many alive."
"Bring me the wounded if they are good men. Woden may heal them."
"I will do this immediately, Master."
"Change into other clothes. I detest slavery."
"Yes, Master."
Mithridates and Demetrius were in charge of security and I told them, "I am having a sermon in a few hours. This one will be in the street in front of the house. After that we are going to go to the arena I think."
Demetrius said, "They are far from finished. They have not even pulled all the bodies out yet."
"That is a good backdrop for a sermon." Both men grinned.
Some of the Wodenists before the house were told of the upcoming sermon as well as the time and location. They hurried to spread the word. The crowd started to gather immediately but I had other matters to attend to first.
The sermon was only attended by perhaps a hundred people and the streets easily held that number. On a hastily built platform I talked of my aims and then quoted some of my own words in "Valhalla Visited" and "Understanding the word of Woden".
Some of the children with problems came up. They had to be forcefully urged by their parents sometimes but they quieted soon enough and they were set on the road to healing. Those that professed to be Wodenists were given a few extra kind words but got the same treatment as any other that came.
Demetrius had copies of my books and he took over for a while and seemed to get very enthused by the topic. Mithridates did the same thing but he spoke in the Persian language. When this ended, he talked about the news of a possible peace accord if the heads of the two armies could get a chance to talk.
I saw Lazeez in the background but did not acknowledge him because he must have a reason for what he was doing. When Mithridates was done, I went back on the platform and mentioned forgiveness one more time. Then I said, "I will forgive a man or woman if their sins are not that bad but if that person attacks me a second time there they will be the same as my bitterest enemy. I will do everything within my power to see them punished then our god will have eternity to make sure the lesson was well learned."
I hope this helped Lazeez but it may just polarize the people more.
Thirty nine men came to me that had been employed by Quinctius. They were all that was left of a four hundred and forty eight man contingent. A further group of nearly two hundred were guarding the farm about seven hours from town. Three hundred more were in the port of Seleucia guarding the house I entered. The person sleeping there was a young and very beautiful slave that the men said I would really like to meet.
All but seven of the men present were wounded one way or another. I now had to go into surgeon mode and remove rock fragments and other shrapnel. I even coined the word though originally it was a surname.
Two men died before I got to them but I put them last on purpose because I could not really overcome all of that damage. The rest were given a place to stay in the old slave barracks until they healed themselves.
When I questioned the men, I found that fifty three more men were alive but not suited for working with me. Most were wounded. I got a much better idea of how Quinctius ran his army but I gave my own rules instead. If these men worked for me, they would be well paid but have to forego loot, rape and the other activities that most soldiers did when not watched well enough.
Quinctius had indeed been at the centre of the explosion as well as the majority of the officers. The explosive charge had ensured that only fragments would ever be found.
KhAvar was awakened later in the day to be fed and urged to use the chamber pot. There were some women hovering around her but I still helped. She stayed awake more this time so she heard all of the story I told this morning.
KhAvar was still severely traumatised by being taken by Quinctius' men but she also seemed to be recovering. How much and how long it would take until she was able to function were not known. The others were not hurt as much for the most part and they were recovering from their ordeal as well.
I came to a decision on Quinctius' farm and his other property. It seemed I owned a great many more horses and land and buildings within the city. One of the stables actually housed the men I did not want. The seven men that were fit to travel along with the man that surrendered first were given some horses and weapons and sent out. Four men went to the farm to talk about what had happened.
There was a good chance that out of 200 or so men, some would just take whatever they could carry and flee. I said in no uncertain language that the farm and all it contained belonged to me by right of conquest.
Four other men went to Seleucia because everything there could and would be stolen. Very little was known about who kept the books but I could just ask around to see who was the best in the area.
We had searched for some of my other possessions. I had not heard where my larger ships had gone though Mithridates had found his and the smaller ones of mine in the harbour at Seleucia.
The reason I sent the men was because I could not go myself and I felt that this was the best alternative. Mithridates and Demetrius argued against this as the former soldiers would just rob and run.
Quinctius' family were given jobs to do. This was not a difficult task for the youngsters but I had problems from Crescentius and Agrippina his wife or should I say widow. The woman was now going to try out as a cook but I was not sure if I should eat what she prepared. She would find that her son would share my meal though.
The wall I had destroyed so easily was rebuilt and a new gate built. The city was getting back to normal in a way but Lazeez had not come back yet.
I hired accountants and did an inventory of what I claimed. At present, nobody had contested me at all. When the shock was over they may. That was why I wanted to gather all I could while I could. Much of the property I owned had two legs and I had to take care of them too. Many had been away and were afraid to return.
To start some employment, I had the ingredients made for glass manufacturing. It would be a while until I saw some finished products but it gave many people a purpose. Shipbuilding started again as I contracted for trees to be found and cut for timbers and boards.
Four days after sending the men to Seleucia, a delegation of twenty men were here to see me. It was luck that they came when I was practising with my swords. I had found eight men that were the best the city had they faced me singly and in groups but they could not beat me. I was the one giving lessons to them.
I put the points of my swords into the ground and waited. The soldiers paused only for a moment then got off their horses and got to one knee. None of them had armour or weapons on them but their horses carried this burden.
What I got was very close to an oath of fealty. The Romans did not usually have quite the same oaths. They wanted to not just be employees but as something closer if I would accept them. I thought of the Praetorian guard and how it protected the leader of the empire but they sometimes killed him and appointed another of their choosing.
"I will accept your oath for now but it is temporarily in nature because I have to assess each of you."
I talked for two hours trying to get an idea of what they knew. A lot of the gaps were filled in but there was far more that was a mystery still.
When we stopped for a meal one of the men gave a command and another hurried out of the building. Fifty more men came with wagons and slaves. I found a lot of valuable art but most of this was in precious metals. There were twenty seven talents in silver and fourteen in gold. A talent weighted just about twenty five kilograms. I was not sure because my grams were not quite the same as the old kilogram because I had nothing to weight it against.
I found I had a hundred and eighty seven more slaves and one was the one I had almost met in Seleucia.
MehrAk bowed as low as a human could. She was what the men had mentioned and she was very beautiful. I did not have an erection while looking at her but most of the men did. My excuse was that I was not making any surplus hormones. When the woman got up she looked at may crotch first then my eyes. I guess she was trying to find out how attractive I found her.
There were a lot more beautiful women but I did not want a harem or even a zenana which was the Persian word for the place to hold wives and concubines and sometimes used for the females in general. The religion I was professing allowed me to have one wife. I could not justify all these women. Some of the women I found in the slave barracks were of similar beauty but I had stayed away from all of them as bedmates.
With difficulty I sent the slaves away to get something to eat and find a place to sleep. Some had already been looking to keep me warm at night and I could see that the competition would heat up. Telling them that I was not available was not going to work even if I was a slave master now, or at least for a while.
I was given an accounting of what remained in Seleucia by the leader. His name was Galerius Caprenius Allobrogicus. He acted like the example of a very ethical Roman. He was tall, thin, athletic, intelligent, well educated and had an air about him on top of this. I was told I had something of this but this man I could take lessons from.
We ate in the house and the slaves were excluded. KhAvar was still weak and I left her in the care of the other women. Galerius seemed to warm to me as I did to him. He asked for facts as to how I killed so many soldiers and I factually told him the details but not the composition of the explosives. They were just infused with the power of Thor.
I asked him, "Why did you not take the gold and silver for yourself and run?"
He bristled at this and said, "I do not run unless it suits my tactics and the lives of my men. Honesty is a thing I was taught as a lad and I had not forgotten this. The gold would have been known as stolen and I would loose face. I did want to meet you. This was a good way without coming under your sword."
I said, "I think that we may have a lot in common. A man like you is rare. I would like to spend hours with you talking about ethics and a wide range of topics. Sadly I have little time to do such."
"The exchange of ideas is what we are here to do."
"I agree with you but most of humanity has spent little time finding enough to debate. I am afraid that it is education that is needed most and then only a selected few would have enough understanding to state their point of view adequately."
"I have heard that you are starting a school to do this."
"I have started many schools. The one here will be a little different but not much. I want to teach reading and mathematics then go into teaching a person how to be a craftsman. There is going to be a great need for these people and they will find good employment and I hope satisfaction in what they do."
"What would you have them learn?"
"That question is far greater than you might imagine. There are so many goals that I cannot list them all. Some of the jobs they will have to do are going to be incomprehensible unless you see what they can accomplish. As an example, men now cut metal parts for me that are so uniform that you could not tell them apart. If you had a very accurate measuring tool you may find that some parts are only the thickness of one hair different from what they are supposed to be."
"I have used your armour, swords and even some pots. The armour and swords are almost all the same but they have very small differences but the pots cannot be told apart."
"A craftsman makes armour and another makes one type of sword. It is almost as if the man puts something of himself into them as a painter and a sculpture does. The pots, pans, skillets, tools and stoves are all made the same."
He said, "I have talked to men that have seen where these are made and they do not understand no matter how long they look. Some say that this is magic but I do not think so."
I gave a smile and said, "The men did not start at the bottom and learn to make the tools that makes the tools that make the products I needed. It is a long process but machines can be made much better and then the better machines are used to make pots or even cannon."
"I have heard a great deal about your cannon. I was told that one could throw an iron sphere so hard that it would break the wall the way you did a few days ago."
"Cannons will get very big. Some will propel a shell that will be the weight of two full grown horses for twenty miles. When it lands it will explode and make a hole that you could hide fifty men in with lots of room to spare."
"Do you have such a weapon?"
"Not yet, and there is no need. My cannons are simple and small. They are more like toys compared to the large artillery pieces. One day a man like you can look at a wall in a city much like this and see an image of what is happening in Britannica that very second. You can then talk into a device and your voice will be carried there in a second. War will change and so will what a soldier has to learn but there will always be a need for them."
"How would my job be different?"
"There will be somebody like a king that will command each country. Somebody like an Augustus will command groups of countries. One could be your Augustus. He would cooperate with the person that controls the Persian Empire. When I talk to the rulers of India and China they will send a representative to talk for them. These four men and some others will command all of the planet.
"Talk will not take more than a second to reach each of the men and the kings below them. There will be trouble because that is the way humans are. As an example say the Huns want to go beyond their boundaries and try to capture a city. The message will be sent and you and four hundred men will get into a large metal device that will fly to where the Huns are going to attack. More flying machines will bring machines for you. You could kill or capture millions of Huns without a single casualty."
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PAINTING THE PICTURE, 6 yrs ago my life changed when i met my girlfriend faith. She was 18 at the time and i was 20. For the last 6 yrs we've had a wonderful relationship and an even better sex life. 3 months after getting togther i realised i'd got togther with a girl from the sluttiest family around.Alot of the stories involve my mother in law fiona, she'd of been 39 when it all began. She's around 5"6 short dark hair, not the most amazing looking but shes...
Next day Reverend James Deacons went to the address given him by Peggy Jones; he now knocked on the door and asked for John Jenkins. John's Mum led the reverend into the parlour and shortly he was joined by the seventeen year old John; making sure the door was firmly shut; reverend Deacons began his plan, "Young man; do you know Peggy Jones?" and receiving a cautious nod he continued, "Well she tells me that you have begun to travel the path of the satanic demons!" John Jenkins gulped...
The threesome trial quickly became a permanent arrangement. Steffany and Leann were as much in love with each other as they were with Merlin, and he was crazy for both of them. Their unions pretty much covered any and all conceivable permutations of two woman/one man lovemaking. Steffany kept hinting that another man might make it even more interesting, but Merlin felt it would take some time for him to work up to that. He didn’t discount the possibility all together, but he was still...
I was in a local fashion store where I had picked out a new skirt and blouse. Because I'd had trouble with clothes sizes in that chain before, I decided to try these on before buying them. I made my way to the changing rooms at the back of the shop. Before I got there I noticed a lad of about twenty carrying some jeans taking a token from the assistant and then he disappeared into the corridor containing the changing cubicles. I collected my token from the assistant and walked down the corridor...
I grew up in a mid-size city, a middle class family and mostly sheltered from the big city life of Chicago just a few hours away. We didn't have rave parties and orgies, but we knew about them of course. I was the oldest by three years and always very protective of my baby sister. My family and I tried to keep the realities of inner city life away from her the best we could. The world really opened up for me when I went away to college at Northwestern University. I found the "big city"...
100% fiction! "Goodmorning anand". Geetha welcome her 18yo son to a new morning after satisfying him without his knowing .amand was still in his hangs of last night due to the sleeping pills geetha had given him. She have a kiss on his forehead and asked whether his penis is alright . He said no . "Then you need not in to school today son ". Amand was happy to hear this and went to bed again after his breakfast. It was 10 am when geetha went to his room again . Amand was naked there and was...
IncestThe viewing is one which Elena has seen before. Only once, two days ago, but it is unique in several respects. It is the first vision in which she's actually seen herself. The hair, the face, the pink bathing suit she's wearing, everything the same as today. This alone would have ordinarily been enough to rivet her attention--like having a twin sister, albeit one who's forever out of reach--but Gavin is there as well. A thrill runs through her as she watches. She's seen him countless...
Her whole body hummed and purred as she felt His strong but gentle fingers glide along her thighs. He drew circles and other patterns up over her knees. Then, as the tips of His digits began to tease along her inner thigh, she tensed and gasped out loudly. “Master! You’ve returned. Oh happy day Sir. I am so happy to see You!" Her eyes shone bright with her joy and love as He placed His left palm over her smiling lips and slowly and gently pushed her back down. Without a word...
CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMUNITY By Brat / edited by Umgestalten Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. Transformation themes from human into animal and other mature themes are included within. If you would be offended by these, please don't continue! SUNDAY AFTERNOON The black coaches, driven by young Amish men, rattled through the...
I sat at the bar and waited for Katja to pour my usual Black Russian. After presenting the drink, she produced a business card and laid it on the bar. I raised my eyebrows at the attractive young lady."Came in here earlier, looking for you." My brisk nod of acknowledgement encouraged her. "Told him you usually arrive around midnight… if you come," she said, shrugging her shoulders.I glanced around the bar but failed to see anyone taking an overt interest in me. I turned back to Katja. "He...
SupernaturalI was very excited. Today I would see Londrail! Breakfast was another huge meal for Daddy, again all meat, some milk and some vitamins. “One thing seemed strange, I didn’t need the toilet this morning,” Daddy commented when we were finished eating. “I used everything that was available. I do mean /everything/.” I wanted to say “Ew.” But after a second’s thought just shrugged my shoulders. Nallen knew far more about thaumaturgic healing, I hadn’t even had the formal course yet - only the...
At the office, Janey felt a little weird. Good, but rangy. Different, very turned on, she was rushing around with her work, asking questions of her superiors, bull-shitting with other girls on the prompting of an instant, often spewing out five minutes of talk with them in two minutes, shifting impatiently from foot to foot. They didn't think she was trying to get away, rather they enjoyed the attention she showed them. Always friendly, she was today being aggressive, solicitous, and even...
Just a little something to tide everyone over until the third installment of the Meeting Derek and Jackie series is complete. As always this is a true story. Jay was having a rough day. Working in IT for a large midwestern bank often had headaches. Today was more like a migraine waiting to happen. The day started with the company issued mobile phone ringing as he stepped out of the shower. Still dripping wet he looked at the display and saw it was his boss. Jay hit the green answer button and...
Lizzie was in a mood, she decided to make a trip to the local lake to calm down. The water was always a source of comfort for her and today she really needed comfort. She finally arrived at the lake, after driving down the winding road to get to her destination. Lizzie parked her truck near the water’s edge and just relaxed looking at the lake. The calming nature of the lake brought about another issue for Lizzie. She began getting aroused, there was a slight moisture building between her legs...
Alles begann im Alter von 13 jahren, ich ging noch zu Schule und nach der Schule hatte ich ein bin in einem Bistro im nachbarort. Ich hätte sehr viel Spass und meine Chefs haben mich sehr gemocht. Eines Abends kam der jüngere Chefs mit seiner Freundin, eine wunderschöne Grösse Blondine mit Blauen Augen und ein geiles Gesicht. Sie sassen am Tisch und ich durfte dann auch mit am Tisch sitzen und erzählen. Die blonde Frau fing plötzlich an mich zu küssen und zu befummeln, dann auf einmal hat sie...
The wife wote this email to me, after I asked her what she would like to do this weekend, We hope you all enjoy reading as much as I did!!! You call me at home and tell me you will be home in half an hour and to start getting ready cause you want to go out for dinner and dancing. You get home and come upstairs and find me getting out of the shower, i'm all wet and rubbing baby oil onto my body and you ask if you can help. I tell you no cause then you wont want to go...
This story is a culmination of my first time experiencing the joys of sexual passion. I was 15 years old at the time. I was 252 pounds, green eyed, and blond hair. I was not fat, just big boned. I worked out a lot and was on the high school football team, so I was all mussel. I was a hearty 6" long. Considering my weight and age, I considered that to be OK. I always knew I had an interest in men, but I was not gay. Around 12, I came to terms that I was Bisexual. Until now, I had not had any...
It was early afternoon on another warm summer day and I was in my room practicing on my guitar. I could not really concentrate on the chord routines as my mind kept drifting back to the events of the last few days. My sister-in-law had taken it upon herself to educate me on the art of how to pleasure a woman. The experience so far had been beyond my wildest dreams, she had been so open and patient with my attempts to master the moves that she taught me. The day before I had woken early wearing...
Oral Sex"Goddammit! Who left all these sluts on the floor?!" I bellowed from beneath this damnable black hood. I hovered over the quivering body of a tall, pale brunette. Her eyes were the dreamy, watery eyes of a woman who had been spanked, spunked, and sodomized into near madness. Her ankles and wrists were bound in wide black leather restraints and connected with a black braided and studded length of leather. She was tiny compared to me, but then again, most were. I reached down and lifted first...
BDSMWho wants their orders from the sushi bar after they already start on the main course? Kaipo had a seat at the table between Porter and Nalani. Really? Come on. No one is going to take a picture of that look on his face. “Kaipo is still hungry, so she is joining her family,” I told him. “I’m throwing the party, so I guess I have to try to get everyone their sushi orders before cake.” The manager said, “You can’t do that. I don’t know you. Do you have a Health Department Card?” Sorry....
As I lay on my bed after an extremely heavy lunch thinking bout the mornings events, I heard a faint tap on the door and Mistress Roper entered. " My Lord with your permission I will stay and that villain who purported to be my husband has now gone. He never was my husband as we never married. Your father knew sire, but Roper threatened to reveal our affair and had a sort of hold over us. I owe you that explanation sire, but if you wish me to go I will sire. I miss your father greatly, he...
I live on one of the many islands off the Carolinas surrounded by a long stretch of very white, sandy beach. From the middle of June to the end of September, the hundred or so homes on the island are occupied by all sorts of the vacationers or party goers. By the beginning of October, the population on the island dwindles to less than ten and soon thereafter, to just one, me, as I am the only full timer living here. My house is a weathered sprawling mix of a house. Part Colonial, part Cape...
Miangel’s desire for women was somewhat strange. She only desired movies and pictures. She does not consider herself a lesbian or even bisexual even though she only cums when she masturbates to girl on girl flicks. In reality, she had no sexual interest in women because her looks seemed to create competition and jealousy. Her coffee colored body looked as if she never skipped a meal but not in the least bit or over weight. She was a natural beauty. The kind of girl who stood out because she did...
Group SexLast month my girlfriend got me joy snyder red thong. I find these are the best thongs I have worn so far, they give the great hot looking feeling and turn my wife on. At the same it give me great errction to when we both wear thong matching our colours. Since I was so excited about my pride fame thong I wore this to the gym late Friday evening after long day at work. Since it was Friday and it was late there was no one at the gym, so go into the sauna in my Joe Snyder. Sitting looking at...
My relationship with my mother began almost as soon as my parents arrivedfrom Texas. I had just gotten a divorce and lived alone in Ohio. Mymother called one day to talk and acknowledged that Dad wasn't doing toowell. She wondered if at this stage of their life they could continueliving alone. I suggested they move in with me and that's where the storybegins.From the first day, it was evident that Dad had slowed down tremendously.The slower gait, the slurred speech, the weakness in his arms and...
It was Sunday morning again, and the day before Pat and I were to leave Margaret's to return home. I awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon, and heard Pat and Margaret talking downstairs in the kitchen. I pulled on a t-shirt and sweatpants, and headed downstairs. "Well, good morning sleepyhead", Margaret said as I walked in. Pat was finishing his meal, and was dressed and ready to head to church. I sat down at the table, and Margaret made up a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for me....
Darcie McVey, celebrity host of “It’s a Girl’s World”, smiled into the camera as her TV show drew to a close. Her face was pretty, if not beautiful, and her voice was honey-sweet. “I thought our viewing audience had some excellent call-ins on today’s topic, Flirting in the Office.’ Before saying goodbye until tomorrow, I want to say a word of thanks to all of you who sent me flowers when I got my sniffles last week. You’re all so kind. . . It’s those little gestures that make me want to reach...
By : Passionatedesire It was a Sunday morning, Rahul was asleep as I sat on the window pavement looking at the dripping rain, reminiscing about the time I first met Ajay. Five years back working in a posh Casino as a bartender, I enjoyed life every moment. Every night I used to meet people full of vigour and zest, it was like being young forever. On one of such night shifts, a handsome man of 35 sat down and gave me a wry smile, I was attracted to him at the very first moment I saw him...
He invited me over and asked me how I expected him to look as he answered the door? I knocked on the door and sure enough he was in heels, holdup stockings, a dress that only just covered the lace tops of the stockings, some makeup and a long black wig. I wanted to drop to my knees in the halway and get straight down to it but I resisted temptation as in sure that the sexy one in front of me would want to see me dressed the same. We had a chat and then I was shown through to the bedroom which...
Bad SushiI was stopped at a red light on my way home from a dinner party. When the traffic lights turned green, I took my foot off the brake pedal and pressed down on the accelerator. My vehicle moved forward. Before I could turn my head to the nearing bright light in my peripheral vision, the ear-splitting sound of twisting metal and shattering glass exploded all around me. My vehicle was sent airborne. My life didn't flash before my eyes. A strange as it was, I thought to myself, ‘This must...
SupernaturalHello everybody, I am regular reader of this site. After thinking a lot I thought I will post my story also. I am Abhi and living in Bangalore, I am working in Software Company and had made good for myself. As I am from north India, I did not have any friends so I was looking for time pass. I am young so I was looking for making some girl friend. But as you guys might know if you are outsider it’s so difficult. Since I am horny I started looking for girl to fuck. Through one site I meet one...
Dear Jason,Thanks so much for everything you did for the wedding last night. Your sister Ashley and I really appreciate it. I am writing this to you because I know how protective and watchful you were over her during this whole process. You weren't sure if I was the right guy, or if I was the best person to take care of her. I remember you feeling a little aggressive sometimes over your doubts about whether or not I should marry her. I thought I'd write you this and let you know how her first...
Prologue Madison was on her way back to the pool bar with the empty glasses on her tray. Her large breasts gently flopped up and down in her skimpy bikini, whilst her curvaceous hips swayed sexily as she walked. She wore no bikini bottoms. As a waitress at the Black Rooster Resort, clothing was optional. It made her feel so sexy walking around like that, knowing that black guys could see her bare pussy and ass. She had thought about going topless as well, but she rather liked the way she...
Emma spent a couple of years working as a receptionist for a legal company under the supervision of a woman named Samantha, a good looking lady in her early 40's who, by her own admission had had a pretty wild life until she met her fiance Mark. Emma said that Samantha had the ability to turn any conversation they might be having toward the subject of sex. In fact, sex was all she ever talked about but Emma didn't mind as she found Samantha highly amusing and loved hearing her make lewd...
At 09:15 Jason walked the tunnel from the Hart Senate Office Building to Capital Hill, headed to the designated Congressional conference room for the meeting with the President and other members of Congress. Veneshia Jackson, his newest staff member was following close behind. She’d finished her work on the graphic presentation, but Jason didn’t have much confidence in his ability to easily access it. The plan was for her to connect her laptop to the large screen and display the information...