InterfaceChapter 5 free porn video

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I almost didn't want to get out of bed on Monday I entertained ideas of pretending to be ill and staying home. With the state my parents were in worrying about me, I suspect they would have let me get away with it too. Only the fact that Tara would see my staying away as a victory kept me from doing it. I mentally braced myself for the day ahead and was soon sitting in my classroom awaiting the inevitable attacks.

I noticed there was a new girl in the class today. She was small like me, with a nice body, short dirty blond hair,, and glittering blue eyes. She was a little odd in that she was wearing clothes that completely covered her arms and legs. Every inch of her skin was covered, with small gloves on her hands that tucked into a long sleeved top. She wore trousers that tucked into socks, with a pair of boots laced tightly on her feet. When someone asked about the gloves, she shyly mentioned a skin condition then carefully adjusted her clothing to ensure she was covered up. She made a few overtures of friendship to me, but I was wary, remembering Anne, so I said nothing. From listening in I learned her name was Vicky Miller, and her family had just moved to the area. She seemed like a nice enough person, but I had learnt the hard way, appearances could be deceptive.

When Tara arrived, the presence of a new girl, who was a little odd, distracted her briefly from her usual activities. But as soon as the novelty had worn off she resumed teasing me. Some way into this something terrible happened. Using her powers she grabbed Kittybot off me.

"Haha, got your little toy, perv! Here, fetch!" She tossed Kittybot across the room, smashing her into a wall. I howled in anguish and ran sobbing to where my only friend lay twitching.

I quickly surveyed the damage. The blow had caused a little denting to her casing, but the shock of the impact had shaken her power cells loose and broken the connections to Kittybot's main control circuitry. She was losing power rapidly, and since her program or mind was all kept in volatile storage, if she lost power, I would lose her. She was dying! I worked frantically, trying to reconnect things, but she was losing power too fast. In a last desperate move to save her mind I used my magnetics power to induce a current in the wires leading to her main processing unit just to keep her brain alive. It worked just well enough to buy me the time to do makeshift repairs to the power connections. She would be all right, but it had been very close. I carried my gravely wounded metal companion back to my bag and left her in sleep mode till I could make more permanent repairs.

I was in a rage. Tara had tried to kill my Kittybot, my only friend. I wasn't going to take that anymore. She had crossed a line that I wasn't going to accept. I spun and glared at the laughing Tara and bared my teeth, making a strange high pitched shriek that caused most of the room to cover their ears in pain.

I leapt at Tara like a wild thing. A look of surprise graced her face as my tiny form hit her at speed and toppled her to the ground. I pummelled her face and chest with my fists. She raised her arms defensively, deflecting almost all of my strikes, so, I was not really doing a lot of damage but the surprise of it caused her to cry out in fear. Two of her friends grabbed me and pulled me off her. I fought in their grips like a wild animal and kicked at Tara on the ground with my legs.

She got to her feet, and I redoubled my efforts, managing to breaking free and charging at her, making another screeching noise that distracted the two who tried to stop me. I wrestled with the larger girl, my own ferocity making up for my small size and lack of muscles. Her fear also played its part, as until then she hadn't really seen my teeth properly. I had taken great pains to keep them hidden. Now my attitude, combined with my angry eyes and bared teeth made me look quite unlike the small girl she had tormented.

She pushed me off with her power, knocking me into some chairs. I got back up and ran at her again, knocking her over and grabbing her by the hair. I had been the victim of many bullying attacks as Alex, and had learnt the hard way how fight to hurt someone. I had also learnt about pain, and how to function under it, since sometimes you had to fight through it in order to escape to make the pain stop. Most bullies, at least in my experience, knew about inflicting pain, but not receiving it. It seemed in this regard Tara was typical. She was completely unable to focus with me pulling her hair, so her telekinetic attacks went out the window.

I grabbed onto her and didn't let go, so that was how Mr Roberts found us, Tara and I were rolling around on the floor, me with my legs wrapped around her, grasping her hair with two other girls trying to pull me off her.

"STOP THIS NOW!" Mr Roberts shouted. I almost immediately let go, causing Tara to flop forward onto to the floor with a crash.

The moment the fight had stopped, I began feeling awful about my loss of control, and about the anger and how I had given in to it. I began bawling my eyes out. I tried to stop, but I just couldn't. I sat there crying, sobbing like a little kid. Some of Tara's friends looked at me like I was trying to get out of trouble by pretending to the victim or something, but even they realised my anguish was genuine.

Everyone, Mr Roberts included, seemed quite confused as to what to do. We were made to stand outside as Mr Roberts got the scoop, and eventually we were dragged off to the Head Mistresses office for fighting. By now, Tara had recovered somewhat and was loudly claiming she had done nothing wrong, and that I had attacked her without provocation. Even then, she kept shooting me worried, almost fearful glances as I sobbed my eyes out, quite unable to stop crying. The emotional floodgates had opened and all the pent up feelings were rushing out.

We were sitting in the waiting area while Mr Roberts explained what had happened to Mrs Thomas. The secretary, Mrs Donnal, eyed the two of us with her beady eyes, her mouth set in a sneer. I had taken my bag with me, not wanting to leave a fragile Kittybot near Tara's allies for fear of losing her. I reached into my bag and stroked her chassis gently just for comfort.

The door to Mrs Thomas' office flew open and Mr Roberts motioned us in with a grim look on his face. We sat in two chairs, sitting far enough apart that we couldn't reach each other. Mrs Thomas sat behind her desk, her face serious, her eyes hard. I had never been in trouble like this before. It was making my already turbulent emotional state worse.

"Now girls, we take a very dim view of people fighting!" She began.

"She started it! I didn't do anything!" Tara said, trying to play the victim.

"I know full well you have been tormenting Miss Jones for days," Mrs Thomas said sternly, causing Tara to shut her mouth and scowl, "I also know that you took something of hers and tried to break it, which instigated the fight. You are far from blameless in this, Miss Patterson. Be that as it may, we don't tolerate that kind of behaviour, Miss Jones even if there is provocation. I will, however, be lenient as a result. In future you will inform a teacher of such incidents and they will select a suitable punishment. You two will be spending lunch time in detention and I don't want to hear of you two fighting again. And Miss Patterson, you are now on notice. If this bullying happens again, you will get a far more severe punishment."

I nodded my head, meekly accepting my punishment. I didn't really feel bad about attacking Tara. She had deserved it. I felt bad about losing control and acting like some sort of wild animal.

Tara, however, was outraged at her punishment. "WHAT! She attacks me and I get a detention too, just because someone lied about me starting the fight? This is an outrage! I'm going to tell my parents!" she huffed.

"By all means, tell them. Then when they contact me to complain, I can bring them in and talk to them about the rest of your behaviour. The choice is entirely yours." Mrs Thomas face had a sly grin.

Tara quieted down after that and took to scowling angrily at Mrs Thomas and me. Pretty soon we were dismissed, with instructions to report to the staff room at lunch time for our punishment. My tears were still flowing a bit, but the flood had begun to wane. We left with instructions to return to our lessons. Most of my anger seemed to have fizzled out.

Tara took my quiet sobbing as some sort of capitulation. She started to try and reassert her authority, "If you try something like that again, you filthy pervert, you'll regret it I'll..." she started.

That was all it took for the rage to come flowing back from behind the tears. My face became a mask of anger, eyes burning hate, my hands clawed, my teeth bared. A strange growling noise came from deep in my throat the tears were suddenly completely gone. I leapt at her, reaching for her with one hand.

She squeaked and fell over backwards. I stared murder at her lying there on the ground. My sudden shift from crying girl to maniac had completely terrorised her mind. So, even though I couldn't do anything to her, she was scared to death of me. I took one more step, watching her scrabble backwards out of reach.

"You ever speak to me again," I growled as best I could in my new voice, "and I'll make you wish you'd never been born!"

They were pretty bold words, since she probably weighed twice what I did and had telekinetic powers to boot. But given her current mental state it had a fairly strong impact on the whimpering Tara. I wasn't sure how long she would fear me, but it might give me a little peace for a short while till she realised it was all basically an angry bluff.

Just to underline my point, I took another step forward and spat on her, then turned and headed on to class. I had always hated people who spat, and I took very little pleasure in doing it, even to Tara but in my rage it had seemed like the thing to do. I carried on, with Tara following, wiping her face on her sleeve, staring at me with frightened eyes, keeping enough distance so I couldn't spring on her again. With each step I found it harder and harder to hold onto the rage, and by the time I reached the classroom I was again crying a little. We were ushered in by our teacher and quickly took our seats.

Throughout the lesson, Tara watched me fearfully when she thought I wasn't looking. Every now and again a jolt of anger shot through me, and almost without meaning to I bared my teeth at her, causing her to look away. Most of the rest of the class didn't seem to notice, though the new girl Vicky looked thoughtful. She was obviously trying to work out the dynamics of our group, and had arrived on a day where the standard order of things was upset.

This probably give her a twisted view of things, or at the very least mixed signals. By PE, Tara had been spreading rumours about me enough so that I was getting fearful glances from many of the girls. It seemed she had spread word that I was some sort of unstable raving psychopath. Now all the girls were giving me a wide berth. There were no more repeats of the clothes throwing incident. In fact, I had a nice area all to myself, and when showering I had no one either side. I noticed Vicky hadn't come in to PE and had presented some sort of note that let her off. Probably her skin condition again.

Lunch came and I presented myself for detention. The tears had dried up and the anger was seemingly extinguished. I felt almost numb now, as if I had completely used up my quota for emotions for the day. I spent a boring time sitting at a desk down the corridor from the staffroom. They didn't even give me anything to do, I just sat there feeling hungry. I could feel Tara's eyes on the back of my head for the entire time. At one point I saw my Dad as he made his way about. He spotted me sat there and looked surprised. He started to come over but was then called into the staffroom and I didn't see him after that.

Finally our time was up and we could make our way down to lunch. It was getting pretty late so there was no choice but at least we got something to eat. Tara and I sat as far away from each other as we could physically get, both facing the other so we could see if they came at us, but pretending to ignore each other. As if we could see everywhere in the room but the space directly across from us.

After lunch was over I headed to the library for what little time I had left. For the rest of the day I was avoided. It seemed during lunch, the rumours had spread further and got grander in the telling. Now when I walked down the corridors, whispers followed me, stopping if I turned to see who had said something. People got out of my way like there was some invisible force field around me, excluding everyone in a sphere around me. Despite my size people seemed to fear me which was a very strange feeling. I knew full well what it was like to walk these halls afraid of someone, but to be the one people feared was a new and unwelcome experience. The only person who sat near me in class was Vicky, and even then, only for one lesson till she was pulled aside by some of the other girls. I even seemed to have lost any attraction to boys who had been eyeing me up since the moment I returned to school. Now they stole glances and looked away fearfully when I looked back. I didn't know what rumours had gotten started about what I was capable of, but it seemed I was universally feared now. It seemed to put a stake through the heart of any hope I had of making a friend in my new life.

It was a very tiring and stressful day and I was glad when it was over. In some ways the new fearful glances were better than the barrage of insults, but then neither was what I would term ideal. I waited for Dad as usual, and when he came out he gave me a stern look and said nothing. The car ride home was quiet. I had nothing to say and it seemed Dad was saving what ever was on his mind for when we got home.

We went into the house and Mum called out, "Hello, Dears. Did you have a nice day at school?"

Dad turned to me and said, "Lexi, go wait in the kitchen! I want to have a talk with your mother."

I nodded and walked past Mum, who looked confused and looked at Dad questioningly. I wanted to get upstairs and start repairs on Kittybot, but I had been expecting something like this. Mum and Dad liked to present a unified front when I had done something wrong. Though not a regular occurrence, it had happened in the past.

I sat at the kitchen table, laying my head down on the cool surface, feeling my tears surfacing again. It was not enough to start crying but my eyes moistened. I could hear Dad's voice from the living room. I couldn't make out what he was saying but the low earnest tones were familiar. I could hear Mum interject things from time to time as they discussed what had happened.

Eventually they came into the kitchen and I raised my head to look at them. My wet eyes made Mum's eyes widen.

"Lexi," said Dad, "Mrs Thomas told me you had been fighting with a girl today. You know we don't approve of fighting and we want you to tell us what happened and why you did it."

"Well, Tara was shouting mean things at me again and I was ignoring her. Then she got hold of Kittybot and threw her against the wall, trying to kill her." At this point the tears that had been threatening, burst out again, and I began sobbing, "Kittybot was my only friend, and I just couldn't take it any more and lost control."

Mum looked ready to run over and comfort me as I sobbed. It was only my Dad's hand on her shoulder that stopped her. Even then, she looked like she was going to shrug it off and come over anyway.

"Did you apologise to the girl afterwards?" asked Dad.

I felt the glimmerings of anger again, "No, afterwards she threatened me, so I threatened her back and now she's afraid of me, so hopefully she'll leave me alone now."

"That's not the way we taught you to do things," Dad scowled.

"If I had apologized, she would have continued to tease and hurt me," I said, angry but still sobbing a little.

Dad looked set to say something more but Mum stopped him, "Enough Love, she's been punished at school and she's been through a lot. This girl has been badgering her for days. She won't let something like this happen again, will you Lexi?"

I nodded, and Dad seemed to capitulate. I was allowed to trudge up to my room with no further punishment. I gently extracted Kittybot from my bag and placed her on my work bench. Opening her up, I connected her circuitry to external power so I could safely repair her battery without cutting her off from the juice. I redid the mountings that held the battery in place, and reinforced them so the cells wouldn't come loose again. Then I rewired the power cells into Kittybot's circuits with proper wire and made sure the connections were sound. With that done, I thought about what else I could do to prevent this sort of thing happening in future. I thought about adding some EEPROM (electronically erasable programmable read only memory) shadow memory to store her fpga program in dynamically saving any changes, but I didn't really have the space on my custom pcb (printed circuit board) to wire it in. Also the slowdown associated would probably cripple her ability to function. Instead I wired in a backup battery cell directly to the main processor and memory systems and a couple of super capacitors to provide some tempory shutdown power, then added some additional code that stipulated that if she lost power for any reason she would switch to her backup power cell and go to sleep, running with minimal systems. I estimated that the charge in the backup would allow her to survive for almost a month, powering only her locator systems and reserve power to her memory. Pleased with my work, I closed her up and switched her back to internal power.

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HiWhen I was 19, I was invited to a private adult Halloween fetish party,I went as a naughty upstairs maid and was a big hit no pun intend and was introduced to the B&D S&M fetish seen and have been into it ever since and my Ex wife that I was introduce to at the party was into Medical fetish play big time come to find out that her Mom & Dad was into Fetish play and her Mother was a Dom and her Dadwas also a Dom and on top of that thy both were Doctors so when my wife informed them...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 14 Cockroaches

Jason woke earlier than usual, and felt an emerging sense of unease. He knew the feeling, and it was of danger. He waited until he was due to go on his run, which was when the most senior guard would be awake, and alerted him to his premonitions. “This is an emerging problem of some sort. I do not get the sense it is today. The threat is developing towards me. Please inform the Emperor’s guards to be extra alert, and ready for an attack, and for the battleship and Marines to similarly be...

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Rescuebreathing Difficulties

I had just stormed out of the local bar when some jackass bartender wanted to be an asshole and refuse serve me anymore. I had gotten into an argument with my boyfriend while we were there because he said I’m too snobby to get drunk ... What the hell is that even supposed to mean? ... Because I know I’m a higher class than most there, I’m too good to get drunk? Is that what he meant?! Or ... Maybe he wanted me to get upset. Maybe this was a plan to make me mad so I’d leave. I did notice him...

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My St Pauli Girl Pt 2

The warmth of Chelsea’s lips woke me, kissing along my neck. My eyes fluttered open to the sight of that beautiful, smiling face.“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said.She straddled my lap and hugged me close. Her breasts pressed into my chest. I noticed her knees, still clad in those sexy white cotton thigh-highs moving on either side of my waist.An even greater warmth emanated from our nether regions. I felt her warm slit slide up and down on my already hard morning wood, raising my heart beat...

Love Stories
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CuffsChapter 10

I was looking up at my ceiling. Mary’s face popped into view, looking down on me. “You know, you might want to get that checked out. Most people don’t black out when they come like that.” I struggled to sit up and found Laura at my hips, trying to clean me up with a towel. Diana was probably in the shower I heard running. I fell backwards onto the bed. Wow, I was drained, but it felt fantastic. Eventually all of the women came into the room to find me still lying there. “Jen, come lay here...

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Raw Intensity

I cannot keep my eyes off of you. Your beauty alone captivates me. Yet there is so much more to you than that. I can tell. A classic presence. An Intelligence. Sensuality. Passion. Raw emotion. My eyes continue to fixate on you. Your smile, the way you play with your hair, the sparkle in your encapsulating eyes, every subtle move you make. You have trapped me, without you even knowing or trying. I know now what a fool feels like. I would do anything to be with you. Your eyes meet mine. My...

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Holly Takes Them All Part 2

The excitement was high as Holly looked around the room at the ten guys ready to fuck her and the girl watching the show. A feeling of electricity shot through her as she surveyed the collection of hard cocks surrounding her waiting for their chance. She selected Chris, Dave and Rob. “Rob, show them how I like to be fucked.” Rob knew that she loved it hard and rough. He placed himself behind her, forcefully bent her over, and pulled her ass into him. Pulling her silky white panties to the...

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El of a ThingChapter 8

FRIDAY 3: 45 P. M. Lake's Edge Hold, Elfrealm Lake's Edge Feeling like he needed to probe the attitudes of his Dark Cousins, Elnore called them to a meet in the Solarium. After the formal greetings were taken care of food and drink appeared. While Elnore nibbled at his portion the others fell to with a will. Snatches of tight band comm between the Dark Crew gave rise to Elnore's thought, 'What in the worlds must they be eating over there, that makes simple fare like this seem...

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Undercover RoseChapter 66

Four thirty came early. I seldom used an alarm clock but that morning I set my cell phone to wake me. It took me fifteen minutes to get myself ready to do my morning run. I was still a little groggy, when I went out the front of the apartment building, I waited about five minutes before Jamie came running up to me. "Morning Laura, let's get a move on," she said grinning at me. "Surely you can run circle around me. After all you are a cop and I'm a nerd," I said. "How about a little...

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gf k saath uski behen

hello frnds, This is sidd again. Ye story mere pehle 3some ki kahani hai. Mai apni gf shefali se milne uske ghar pe gaya tha. Uski choti behen shruti jo ki 18 saal ki bahaut hi sunder aur sexy ladki thi mujhe aur shefali ko ghar me chod kar khud bahar se taala lagakar apni 1 frnd k yahan chali gayi thi. Uske jane k baad maine shefali k hotho ko chumna shuru kar diya aur wo bhi mera sath dene lagi. Apni jeebh mere muh me daalkar chuswa rahi thi. Fir usne apni jeebh se mere hotho ko chatna shuru...

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When a site is called 4K Porn UDH, I think it is pretty fucking obvious what they have to offer. However, we all know that some sites like to sugarcoat their shit, and make it seem a lot more attractive than it actually is, right? Well, I am here to tell you whether is full of shit or not, and seeing as I am here talking about it, the site might be worth it.Premium-looking place, with free content.When you hear that a site offers HD porn videos, you usually think that they will be...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt3

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from...

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Two Teen Lesbian Virgins and a Vibrator

I don’t suppose I’m the only girl whose first sexual experience (other than solo masturbation) was with a member of the same sex. It’s obvious that when you’re having your first stirrings of sexual feelings, even if they are only directed at your favourite pop singer, it’s much easier to talk about them with a friend who is going through the same emotional turmoil. And is it any wonder that talking sometimes turns to physical contact and experimentation?I had a good friend called Julie, who I’d...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 68 Back to School

After such a rough start the rest of the vacation went surprisingly smoothly. Miki proved to be a huge asset. She knew places to visit that we might never have thought of. There was a small feeling of loss after Liz and Cassidy were picked up. None of us knew them well, but they had been friends. Her short tale of the conditions at the pickup had definitely impressed everyone. Maurice was at times fawning on Jessica. Fortunately the young lady just laughed and then had her minions pounce on...

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The Feminization of Leslie Part Two

The Feminization of Leslie - Part Two Chapter Two - Leslie At Alison's suggestion, Catherine began dressing Leslie in boy's clothes well before he started attending nursery school. He seemed not to have acquired any significantly feminine mannerisms from his sojourn in skirts as a toddler, but he was nevertheless blonde-haired, delicate featured (one might even say pretty) and slim, almost willowy. For the most part, he favored trucks and soldiers as playthings at school, but he...

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The Accidental MasterChapter 2 The Brown Jacketed Stranger

I awoke sometime later that morning in a CT scanner. I had no idea how I got there, all I knew was that I was strapped down on a cold hard stretched and moving through a CT scanner. "Uh, Hello?" I ventured cautiously. "Master!" screamed Angela and she was at my side a second later clutching my hand, kissing it and crying on it all at the same time. "Ma'am, you need to come out of there, the scanner is still going," I heard someone call from the other room where Angela's scream had...

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Sponge bath

I'm bed ridden at home and require a health care worker to come and look after me each day. I had a fall off my motorbike having multiple breaks in several bones mainly both arms and legs.Today the lady who usually looks after me is away. A nice young girl has come to look after me. She is perspiring in the heat her blouse has wet spots. My wife left the door open with the sun shining in I am feeling rather warm myself. Maybe it is looking at the nurse porn on xhamster.The nurse Solitaire. Who...

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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part Twelve

The feeling was so intense and, when Martin asked if I liked his cock in me, all I could manage was a whimper of pure pleasure. It sure felt good. Images of his giant cock pumping deep in a real pussy surfaced out of the blue, making me squirm at the fantasy.''Push it deeper,'' I ordered and his strong hips surged forward, impaling his shaft to the hilt.A tinge of pain made me tense, expecting him to pull back and thrust again, but he never did. My ass muscles massaged the invading manhood...

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A guy and his 35 Mary

---------------------------------- "Mistress I am so weak it is hard to move, please mistress help me," came the pleading voice of Mary's Jinn, Inger. Mary was pretty weak herself as she looked into the almost begging eyes of Inger the exact same eyes that Mary had trained on her. Mary looked away as new tears began to fall from her eyes. "My god Inger I have been trying to save...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 88 Not Again

They were on the ice at the University of Wisconsin, in their first practice with Kathy Sleighter, their new coach there. She had met them over a cup of coffee, chatted a bit, and then asked them to do their programs from last year, so she could see them run through a couple of completed programs from close-up. "I wasn't at Nationals the last two years--I took a break from coaching to have a kid--so I've only seen you two on TV." They ran through last year's original dance and free...

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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

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Emancipation 02 The Game

Day 1: The Game "That wasn't too subtle Sue, but very tantalizing anyway. Ready? I'll go first. Lois, BLUE?" "Nope. Hmm, I want you to put your hand in Sue's armhole and pull her nipple for thirty seconds." I don't think she figured out the game yet, but this can still be interesting. Strangely, nobody reminded her that I was supposed to lose clothes before issuing challenges. Not a problem! Sue's armholes were so big, all she had to do to fully expose at least one tit and nipple...

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Babysitter Part 2

From: A K little sister AlyssiaBabysitter - Part 2I'm a mess in the mirror, well, I think I look sexy too with my hair alltussled, a little cum rubbed over my cheeks and chin, and a grin like thecat that ate the canary. The dress has some wet spots and a few small gobsof his cum. I wash up as best I can and blot the spots on the dress, Istart thinking, Nicole is going to kill me! I might have ruined her dressand I just gave her man a blowjob. That could be a problem. I still can'tbelieve it!....

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Surekha Part I

Dear Friends this is Akshay from Mumbai I am an avid reader of ISS & I really admire some of the very hot & erotic stories posted by our fellow readers , today I want to narrate my real life experience which is still fresh in my mind & & it keeps me aroused immediately as and when I think about it. I was around 18 years of age at that time , my sister had a friend called Surekha who was 4 years older to me . She was very close to our family & she always used to visit us regularly , let me...

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Bhabhi Ko Satisfy Kiya 8211 Part 2

Hello friends main apka Deepak Kumar fir se Hazir hu apni agli story le kar ye story meri pichli story ki aage ki kahani hai. Pichli story me maine apko bataya tha ke kaise maine apni wife ki friend dimple ko satisfy kiya tha uske baad hamari phone par aksar baaten honi lagi aur maine jab unse pucha ki Fir kab aau tumahri pyas bhujhane to usne kaha ki jiju jab marji aa jao fir ek din seema ko mummy papa ke ghar jana tha to who 2 din ke liye mummy papa ke ghar par chali gayi. Uske jaane ke baad...

4 years ago
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early experience

I remember sleeping with my older cousin when we used to go and stay for summer holidays. He had a bigger cock than me but I thought I would get bigger when I was older. The very first time we slept together I remember looking secretly at his cock and wondering what it would be like to touch him. I woke up through the night with a hard on and started to play with myself secretly so as not to wake him. As I was gently stroking myself he turned towards me and put his hand over mine and whispered...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 37

“Ms. Maria asked me to run an errand for her then she wanted me to help her open a couple of packages and make sure that everything was OK inside them and I didn’t get a chance to see you before I left.” The first week of school was spent getting us into a routine and I must admit it was working, here is it Thursday and we’re playing our second scheduled conference game of the season today at four o’clock. Coach Miller told us to be at the athletic complex at 2:30 pm for a team meeting, so...

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Life In The TesseractChapter 4

"Nice shooting, Matt! That makes five games to three, your lead." Kathy and Matt were just starting the third week of their honeymoon, and had started shooting 4-D pool after breakfast. Matt had just won the latest game, sinking the last 27 balls in a row. "I would never have guessed that playing this game would have become so easy in just two weeks," said Matt. "We're both at a point now where one shooting error by either of us usually lets the other run the table. I still love the...

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EvilAngel Maya Woulfe BigCock Pussy Pounding

Fit, frisky young Maya Woulfe pouts in fishnet stockings and revealing lingerie. Porn pro Mick Blue’s POV-style footage captures her up close. Maya plays with Mick’s balls and swirls her tongue around the head of his big cock. She spreads her legs and shows off her delicious pussy, shoving her fingers inside and licking them clean. Maya masturbates sensually. She licks Mick’s scrotum, gives him a thorough blowjob and shoves her tongue up his ass for a nasty, tasty rim job....


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