ChroniclesChapter 12 free porn video

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This is all from Naz's POV - but alternating between flashback and realtime. God knows why I thought this was a good idea.

It was kind of weird to be on the boat, at last, what with everything that had happened over the last few days ... not to mention the stuff that Seffi had told me on the train. Then again, it felt pretty good, too– hey, I wasn't really used to this business travel stuff, the expense account, all that shit. So we did first class on the train– another first– and now we were in a Captain's class cabin on the night ferry. OK, so it was a naff name, but ... room with a view and all that– even if it was a night sailing but, hey, all you'd see was bloody sea even in daylight, so ... More to the point, it had an actual double bed.

On which I plonked myself down, watching Seff as she paced the space, getting herself together before we went to get something to eat. I think she maybe caught my reflective mood, turning to me as she was pulling on her stripey 'Denis the Menace' jumper.

"Well," she said, "We're on our way at last ... and who'd have thought it, eh?"

Monday morning both Seff and I were in the office really early. I think Dave calling me at home over the weekend had hit some sort of nerve, or maybe I was nervous about what would happen with the turbine blade designs I'd come up with– a work of genius even if I did say it myself. So I'd spent a fair amount of Sunday working on some animations to convince Dave of the benefits ... and been surprised when Seff had really got into helping. Turned out that her degree– in computing– had included a load of stuff on 3D modelling. Strange the way that we knew each other so intimately in some ways and hardly at all in so many others.

Well, whatever. All that would work out in time ... or so Seff said, and, well, she was a bit more experienced with this sort of stuff than me, you know?

Anyway. Niusha came in pretty soon after we did, looking really happy and sitting down at Deb's desk like she owned it. So, OK, I knew we needed her here– especially if Seff and I were actually going to get the Bremen stuff sorted– but something really rankled, anyway. I mean, Deb was ... you know ... well, the reason why Seff and I were here in the first place, amongst a lot of other things.

So I was maybe a bit reserved, even as Seff went into full welcome mode, abandoning her Monday morning trawl through the e-mails to make sure Niusha was fine, making the coffees, settling things for the team.

In fact, Niusha was smiling enigmatically, politely but obviously failing to answer Seff's questions about her weekend, when Dave walked in. And, frankly, he looked shit. OK, he was as friendly as ever, giving us all a smile, accepting a coffee from Seffi, but ... well, he didn't normally lurch to his desk, nor drop into the chair with such a thud. I swapped a glance with Seff, saw she'd picked up on it, too, so I started to ask him if he was, like, OK.

Dave cut me off– speaking in a slightly tight voice but with the calm authority I'd come to respect in the guy. Shit, Dave didn't know what the fuck was going on, he told you. Else, he told you what was. Guy didn't look well, to my eyes– not a mega-hangover or anything, he seemed to be in pain - but, hey, he was the boss, so we all listened.

And it was good news– very good news, from my point of view– Debs was coming back to work– in London, I mean– within a few days, he was going with the wind power idea ... meaning I'd need to find someone to manufacture the damn things, maybe think about patenting the design, all that ... and Niusha and the CareSpan people had apparently come up with a new way of working with CastList, which Dave would be working on for the immediate future. And, best of all, really, Seff and I were finally free to get off to Bremen. Seff was booking the tickets while Dave was still speaking.

Afterwards I realised that he'd not mentioned PCW and the 'troubles' at all but, then, we never got to ask him anything– Colin the architect came in, asked for some time with Dave and got it ... even if Dave did not look keen on climbing the stairs...

We did get out to eat, had a few drinks and a bit of a smoke on the observation deck, and got back to that cabin while the ship was still in sight of land. So we enjoyed the view for a while ... or maybe Seff did. Given that she stripped off to just her bra and pants as soon as we got through the door, though, I was mostly taken up with enjoying that view, whatever the charms of the Essex coast. Then again, I don't think Seff was exactly concentrating on the landscape, either, given the way she was rubbing herself against me...

Next morning, we got a series of trains, the local shuttle from the Hoek then InterCity trains to Amersfoort, Osnabruck and finally Bremen. It was all incredible smooth– maybe not quite as quick as Eurostar, but the ferry had been relaxing and anyway we still arrived at just gone 13:00, so time to find the hotel and then head off to do some work– or at least meet up with Beate and Rainer.

By the end of Monday it was pretty clear that Dave really wasn't well. Like, really not well. I mean, he was keeping it together, work-wise, but movement was clearly a problem. While he was upstairs talking about the new building, Seff had phoned Deb, and the news was good, there, too. She'd already been to see the planning people, given them copies of Colin's initial drawings and got a verbal understanding, as she put it, that formal permission would not be a problem. Which meant that we could begin the tendering process as soon as Colin had finalised the drawings– which is what he was doing with Dave even as Seff was making the call. Anyway, Debbie felt that she could leave the local side of the work– actually inviting the bids from local firms– to the mysterious Rosie who both she and Dave had been so taken with, which meant she'd be back in London either on Tuesday or Wednesday. They didn't talk about Dave at all.

In fact it was Niusha who finally did raise the subject, asking him what was going on more or less as soon as he came back into the office. Didn't get a particularly fulsome response– something about abdominal pain, starting some time the day before– but she did at least get an agreement that he'd get an early appointment with his GP, get stuff checked. Except that, later, things took a turn for the worse– I mean, Dave went into a spasm or something, however briefly– and Niusha took some sort of decision. Which is to say, she got Seff to call a taxi, bundled Dave into it and promptly took him off to the local walk-in treatment centre.

Which left Seff and me in the office ... and that's when PCW decided to call.

I'd seen Seff's university pictures so I knew something of what to expect ... but was still taken aback by the reality. Beate, for a start, was an almost cliched Nordic blonde, actually taller than me– so she completely dwarfed Seffi– and, well, put her in a breast plate and a helmet and she could have been picking up the heroic departed from any battle saga you could imagine. Luckily, though, her character didn't seem to confirm to the Valkyrie image, as she greeted us both warmly, hugging each of us in turn and jabbering away in German for just as long as it took her to realise that I didn't speak a word of the language– and switch to an almost equally fluent English.

Rainer, on the other hand was– at least at first– a much more reserved figure, nothing like as effusive, in fact quite shy, with rimless glasses, very neatly cut hair and the sort of suit– very pale grey, oddly Edwardian in cut– that would have got him stared at on the tube in London but was apparently the height of fashion here. I think if I'd had to sum him up in one word, on that first meeting, it could only have been serious. Then again, he'd managed to marry Beate and someone had decided that we should meet up in this particular bar ... which was not the sort of hi-tech hi-fashion venue that his image would have suggested. And, somehow, I knew that it would be Rainer who took the decisions in this particular relationship, so...

So we relaxed, for a while, none of us having a pressing need to plunge into work ... and all of us realising that this could not just be a business only deal– if the sort of dispersed development structure we were proposing were to work, we'd actually have to get on with each other. Which, of course, should not be a problem, given that most of the relationships were already in place ... except that that put quite a lot of stress on me, as the outsider to their trio. I kind of wished I had a spliff to calm the nerves, not quite sure how to avoid lapsing into an uncomfortable diffidence that I can get into when I'm meeting new people, caring and worrying how I'm coming across to them.

Not that it was actually a problem, Seff carrying our end of the conversation quite adequately, and including me mainly by draping herself over me in a very possessive type of way ... which I didn't mind at all.

I did wish I knew what some of Beate's apparently hilarious German asides meant, though...

Tuesday morning, we'd had a little crisis management meeting in Hertford Square– or, rather, at the cafe, Romano's– the three of us trying to work out what to do for the best. Dave was in hospital– peritonitis, apparently, needing surgery, probably keep him in for a few days, even now– Debbie on her way back– probably– from the Lakes. And PCW were being very unfriendly indeed.

In fact, they'd more or less pulled the plug on the whole thing, their phone call and subsequent e-mail– oh and the impressively complex looking documents they'd couriered over to us a short while later– basically withdrawing any further funding at least until we'd met with them and someone from Carla's mob, a someone who was supposedly flying over early the next week. Which meant that Dave should at least be out of hospital, by then, though none of us knew whether he'd actually be fit to take on something like that. And Debbie was– well, we'd left her some urgent voice mails, but hadn't heard from her. Which was a bit worrying in itself ... I mean, she was often out of mobile signal, out there in the sticks, but she'd always got back to us pretty quickly before. But then, I thought, maybe she'd just chosen the wrong moment to relax, what with having wrapped up all the stuff she'd been up there to do. And being sure that Dave was on hand to deal with stuff around here...

As it was, Gareth was looking at the documentation from a legal point of view, we were all drinking coffee, smoking and, basically, worrying. It didn't help that no-one knew what had provoked this particular crisis– I wasn't completely sure that there had to be a reason, given my own experience as an employee of the bastards, but that didn't stop the endless circular speculation. Eventually, I came up with a rare burst of assertiveness, called a halt, suggested that we got ourselves back to the office and did something ... if only to take our various minds off the whole situation.

Later on we went on to eat at some restaurant down by the cathedral, still not talking much about work– although Rainer and I did get some odd asides in about code and coders we'd known, including a while discussing genetic algorithms in which, I discovered, he had a particular interest. Mostly, though, we talked about their University days and, for a while, about just how Seffi and I had finally got it together after all those years working in the same office. Of course, Seff was only too willing to go into the gory details of the latter– look, I never claimed to be a consummate Lothario, and things could maybe have progressed a little more smoothly than they did, but ... hey, its the result that counts, yes? What I found more interesting, for the moment, was that none of them were being equally open about everything that had gone on between them. I mean, sure there were loads of stories about drunken nights and out-of-hand parties, some references to embarrassing faux pas on the part of themselves or others, but ... there were things that weren't being said, too.

Still, it was a pleasant evening with a fair amount of wine ... and I was a bit surprised when I discovered that it had gone midnight, the restaurant was closing up around us ... and Rainer and Beate were offering to see us back to the hotel.

In fact, once we were back in Hertford Square, things got quite focused, quite quickly. Sadly, given that we were supposedly a pretty non hierarchical type of organisation, it took a little bit of Management Intervention to kick start things– such as Debbie finally getting a mobile signal, picking up the messages and getting back to us pronto. Didn't even sound all that surprised when Seffi told her the news– but then, she'd been a reasonably high flier in PCW only a few months ago, so she really did know what they were capable of– but she didn't, Seff told us, sound all that worried either. It seemed more like she was slightly apologetic, apparently– there was something about her having spent the previous evening with some friends she'd made up in Cumbria, having too much of a good time to check for in-coming, but, anyway, she seemed to feel that her delay in getting back to us was a bit more important than the news about PCW ... or even about Dave. Well, maybe she'd had her fill of hospitals, recently, I thought, or maybe she was just being realistic, given that Dave's prognosis was pretty bloody good. Anyway, once they'd got the polite stuff out of the way, she was all business.

And so I found myself working some more on the wind generator idea– patenting the design was a definite according to Debs, so I began to research the process, first off, simultaneously looking for people who could do complex curve machining. In the background, Niusha and Seffi started to work in detail on the New Idea– something about resource distribution in the real world. Didn't take a huge amount of notice, at first– what I did hear was all a bit theoretical for me– but soon enough I got dragged into the discussion, given that Dave had suggested re-jigging some of the CastList code and, as he wasn't here ... I got into it, after a while, began to see that this actually could be a more socially beneficial use of the concept than anything we'd been working on to date.

Wouldn't make us anything like as much money, of course, but...

I think I began to realise that Germany was ... well ... another country ... when we all got back to the hotel. Or maybe just that Germans did things differently ... or maybe, in retrospect, just that Beate and Rainer did things differently ... Whatever. While I admit that I'd thought the place was pretty bloody flash– and Seffi did not seem to have had any complaints when we'd checked in earlier, either– we were now informed in no uncertain terms that it was completely inadequate, that we could not possibly stay there for more than one night. I was quite pleased by that concession, actually– I was kind of knackered and the very large double bed in our room looked extremely attractive– but before I was going to be allowed to get some sleep (or something a bit more fun) I had a quarter hour or so of guttural German discussion to listen to. Largely between Beate and Seffi– though she increasingly became Josepha, I noticed, as the conversation became more and more agitated– with Rainer sitting back on one of the chairs toying with a table lamp and smiling slightly to himself. I wondered, vaguely, what was going on, but frankly I'd got to the point where I just wanted them both to go away and let us get on with being alone together. Which eventually, they did, Beate looking strangely triumphant as she hugged me to say good night ... hugged me very, very closely, to my embarrassment, given that Seff was– well, Seff was being hugged similarly by Rainer...

Not that I got any hint of what was going on ... or any explanation, anyway. In fact, Seff seemed quite reluctant to talk, or least to be rather keener on getting me into bed, so no problems there...

Next morning, though, I began to think that something was up when Seff leapt straight out of bed and started packing stuff up before she'd even got dressed, pausing only to collect breakfast from the room service guy– she did grab a towel for that– and then sitting on the bed beside me while we ate, conspicuously shoving bread, cheese or whatever into my mouth every time I tried to ask what the hell was going on. After which, she dragged me into the shower, this time shoving me into her mouth, which, once again, worked quite well in keeping secrets secret. And then we were dressed and out the door, leaving bags and stuff to be picked up later– I still really thought we'd be moving to a new hotel– and went off to see Rainer and Beate at their place of work.

Deb got back to London Tuesday afternoon. She went in to see Dave before coming to see us, of course, which I thought was nice– if not particularly productive, given that he'd just been given his pre meds and so wasn't exactly compus mentis. Whatever. Dave would be OK, everyone was sure, and Deb herself looked superb. The fresh air had obviously agreed with her, I thought, she'd given up wearing the subtle make up that used to be so professionally part of her, her hair was loose and quite a lot a lot longer than it had been, she just seemed looser and more relaxed, more vibrant than she'd been before. And, she was pleased with us, what we'd achieved while she'd been away ... and somehow I knew she meant it, was genuinely happy with the changes she saw, with the new code, even with the bloody wind generator ideas. Which made me childishly happy, the more so when I saw Seff was reacting in exactly the same way– she looked a bit like a kitten being stroked behind the ears– and even Niusha was clearly instantly under the spell.

It wasn't even that much of a shock when she abruptly shifted into work mode, huddling in a corner with Seff, going through all the contacts we'd had with PCW, FreiBank, Carla's lot, coming up for air now and then to get my opinion on stuff– I was flattered, even as I realised that it was my job, for god's sake. And, gradually, as I watched, covertly, from where I was pretending to be concentrating on Niusha's Big Idea– Niusha was doing exactly the same thing, of course– I saw a tight smile form on her lips. Not that she gave any hint of what she was thinking, but, clearly, a plan was being formed. And we would find out about it in good time.

Rainer and Beate's workplace turned out to be a new build office on a business park in the Neustadt, near the Applied Sciences University, the latter turning out to be a major partner in some of the work they were doing around practical applications of number theory to decision making systems– Rainer tried to explain that, later, but it went over my head a bit: Pure maths was never really my thing, though at least it did explain his interest in CastList and why he/they had contacted Dave in the first place. First impressions, though, was that the place was cool– sort of laid back corporate, lots of big plants around, individual workstations quite widely spaced around a single big room, a lot of high technology on display. Also quite a few high technologists, all seemingly hard at work despite the early hour, all dressed in the standard anything-but-smart casual of their trade even if Rainer, the boss, was wearing a suit that was even snappier– or maybe just weirder– than the day before. I began to feel that I should have invested in a new pair of jeans, or something, wondered if that was why Seff had so quickly chosen an unusual-for-the-office little black dress to wear, not to mention the matching black underwear ... But Rainer was doing the introductions, showing off his team, and I did my best to concentrate, remember names, specialities, all that sort of stuff. I was more or less succeeding, too, until Beate entered the room, wearing a very short white dress of what could even be latex, god help us all, and smiling warmly at Seff and myself. A very short dress– on her, I mean, it would have done as an evening gown for Seff– and with a distinct display of cleavage on show to boot. None of the nerds batted an eyelid, though, so maybe this was normal– or maybe they were just nerds. I went back to concentrating on Rainer and his spiel.

Which continued when we went on through to their meeting room which, I wasn't at all surprised to see, actually had a higher concentration of computers than the work space outside, giving a subtle hint about the sort of meetings these guys probably had. And, indeed, the sort of meeting we proceeded to have. In fact, Rainer had a copy of CastList up and running even before we'd all got ourselves sat down, even before one of the placement students came in and distributed very strong coffee and pastries to all of us. And then he was off, giving me a run down on his ideas for improving the system, how to take it forward to the 'next generation' as he called it. Most of which were good ideas, I felt, but I'd have to admit that that might be because most of them I'd thought of and implemented already. So I loaded up the latest version, yet to be released into the world because Dave had wanted to launch the windows version simultaneously and after that we got properly started. Some time during our discussion Seff and Beate must have gracefully retired because after a while– Rainer was scribbling manically on an interactive whiteboard, trying to explain his ideas on number theory and how they should be instantly applicable to Seff's idea of using psychometric data to engage with the corporates, an idea I'd told him about maybe half an hour before– they came back in. And told us it was time for lunch. In a place by the campus but quite unlike any university cafe I'd ever come across. Well, almost as informal but the food was in a different league. And both Seff and Beate were quite assiduous in swatting either of us– and not lightly, either– if we showed signs of lapsing into tech speak.

In the afternoon, talk turned more towards to the business end of things– we clearly already had ideas we could collaborate on– and that involved the four of us more equitably. At least, until Rainer dropped into the conversation the news that a couple of the bigger research groups at the university itself had expressed a concrete interest in using CastList to refine and focus their team activities ... and suddenly he and Seff were haring away across campus, heading for what he seemed to think would be an easy to arrange impromptu meeting with a bunch of senior academics. Which left Beate and me in the meeting room.

Actually, we still had a lot we could usefully discuss– I'd gathered that B, like Seffi, was more on the marketing side of the operation, though she clearly knew one end of a data bus from another– but somehow she didn't seem quite so focused now that we were alone. Instead, she started talking a lot more about me, how I'd got to be involved in this scenario, what I'd done at college, my outside interests, that sort of thing. Which was all very pleasant, and we did have time to sort the business side of things out later, did need to get to know each other a lot better if we were going to work together. Still, I had this nagging feeling that there were things going on of which I was unaware, some covert agenda that was being played out, one that somehow involved me but which no-one was planning on explaining any time soon. But it was pleasant, and I found myself liking Beate more and more ... she was witty, charming ... and very, very beautiful, even if she was the polar opposite of Seffi, the love of my life...

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Unexpected First Time

Bags packed, check. Passports found, check. Best friend round on time, check. We were finally almost ready to go on holiday. My family and I always try to go to the South of France and this year they let me bring my friend along. Steph and I have been friends for 5 years now, and even though I know she likes to experiment with her sexual side that’s never bothered me. She has great big boobs, I think they’re a 38DD, nice and round and juicy. She is about the same height as me and roughly the...

2 years ago
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Are You Being Served

You come home after a long hard day at work. You’re all frustrated and tired from having to deal with traffic. I tell you not to worry. because, even though your day sucked, your night is gonna get better. I take you by the hand….and lead you into the kitchen. That’s right I made your favorite for dinner….. Oh and did I mention that I’m wearing nothing but an apron? Hehe You sit down at the table and I proceed to serve you…… While you’re eating I go and run a bath for you….. After you eat,...

3 years ago
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Game Night

Game Night By Tvstar Thank you for reading give me your comments at: [email protected] "The store owner said that the game had some magic in it," said Randy when he laid the cards on the table. Every Friday it was game night my friends and I gathered together to play some board games, Monopoly, Risk, Poker, Domino, everything we could lay our hands in, being in our second year in college we managed to play at least every Friday to ease our school tensions, also once in a while...

1 year ago
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First Time Pain and Pleasures

I was casually looking through the evening paper, browsing the personals out of curiosity in a search for something different, musing on the odd fantasy. In the men’s section it said, ‘Mature Edinburgh gent seeks younger man to bend to his will’. I laughed at the prospect, and wondered if I would fit the profile with some doubts as to age. Anyway, I called the number on my mobile and, after passing through all the hurdles, reached the mailbox which had a pleasant well-to-do public school voice...

4 years ago
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My Addiction

My addictionIs the sweet syrupThat drips from your dickIt’s like honey,And the more I tasteThe more I wish I could shoot it in my veinsIt’s like my liquid cocaine,Daily doses required to keep me sane…And I will be your junkieJust tell me how you want meDown on my knees begging baby please,Just let me taste you.I would do almost anythingTo have that every so sweet nectarTrickle down the back of my throatAs I drain you dryNothing compares to the complete embraceOr look in your eyes when I am...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 220

They were high up and soon over the ocean, having left the continent behind. They passed the terminator and continued into night, still headed west, the myriad lights of the cities twinkling as the Earth seemed to slowly spin below. But before the view could become boring – if it ever could -- the horizon seemed to shift downward on the big screen as the Ship gradually pointed her nose away from the planet, the full moon drifting down toward the center of the viewscreen. There was a...

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RESEARCH By GENEVA Marty, a professor, and Dean, a graduate student friend, are working in some archives when Dean uncovers and steals a magic book. Through it he is accidentally changed into a woman. Marty helps the new woman begin making the best of her new reality. Dr. Martin Wright squinted as he stepped out of the doors of the gloomy archives building into the bright sun. It had been a productive day and he had almost filled his notebook with data from the files. Now he...

2 years ago
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Panty Raid

It was Tuesday night during the fall semester and it was nearing about 3 am. The frat boys had been partying all night and having a good time. A couple of the guys were talking about some of the hot girls who lived in the nearby sorority house. The girls had been to the party earlier that night and had been looking damn good. The guys continued talking and came up with a crazy idea. Tom (leader of the group) said, “Let’s go on a panty raid tonight.” Everyone thought it was an excellent idea....

3 years ago
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Best Going Away Present EVER

I remember it like it was yesterday, it was yesterday come to think of it. To properly tell this story I must go back a bit further though. My name’s John, and my best friend Rick and I have been hanging out for the better part of 6 years. We went to high school together, experimented with drugs together, partied together, and played games together. You would think we were separated at birth as much as we had in common. We even looked slightly similar, both standing around 5’9’’ and weighting...

Straight Sex
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Idle Cunts Are the Devils ToolsChapter 6

I arrived back at the apartment and it was empty. That didn’t surprise me. It just meant that Cherry and Berry would still be cleaning Rahjeesh’s house. What I couldn’t fathom was that my coffee pot was still cold and empty. I figured I’d forgotten to add that task to their to-do list. I mean I must have or it would have been done, right? I found the list just where I’d left it and it was indeed written right there. I was much more confused than angry at first. It wasn’t until I realized the...

1 year ago
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Fun With Friend In Theatre

Hi frnds i’m shravan.. This is my first story in iss. I’m from dindigul.. Plz mail me your fedbacks to : Will share you wit a real experience of mine… This is true story which happened in march 2015. I’m from dindigul age 22. The heroine of this story is jenifer age 21. V both are studying in a reputed college in dindgul.. Her structure is 30 size breasts and 32 size waist.. We were studying final year and as you know final semester is for projects and no staff really care if u come to coll or...

3 years ago
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PNP or Edging

Here another educational blog from me on what edging is, what it meansand how it started ! (And how it started for me) Well for all of us that don't know right away what it means: It really is in the word already, it means being on the edge of an orgasm and pulling yourself back, or being pulled back and repeating this process over and over again with the goal of having a gigantic orgasm that nearly makes you pass out!! (I have been there a couple of times where I almost lost consciousness due...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed by My Own Student Again

It was Friday and the last day of school for the week. I had a terrible week, being gang banged by Jeremy and the others earlier on. Thankfully since the day I was raped and molested by Jeremy, Carol and the rest, I was left alone. When I came out of my pantry after taking a rest in the teacher’s lounge, Jeremy came up to me. “Don’t make plans for the weekends, teach. You are required to stay over at my place on Saturday night. You may wear anything, it doesn’t matter. I have your outfit with...

3 years ago
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A Party Girl

I was one of the first to arrive that evening. My host had e-mailed me and particularly asked me not to be late. And, he said, there was no need to bring a date unless I especially wanted to: there would be plenty of girls. It sounded as if he thought there might even be too many! That is the sort of challenge I enjoy, so I made a special effort to be on time. In the room set aside for men to leave their clothes, I pulled off my shirt and slacks and put on a towelling robe, tying the belt...

Straight Sex
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BrattySis Scarlett Alexis Stepsister Gets Her Way

Jason is mid-masturbation when his stepsister Scarlett Alexis barges in on him. She wants a ride to the beach, but Jason says no. If Jason won’t give her a ride, Scarlett wants him to at least rub her down with suntan oil. When Jason hesitates, Scarlett sweetens the pot by saying he can rub the oil onto her big titties. She even pops them out of her bikini bra just for him. How can Jason say no to those stunning DDs? Scarlett reminds him that she’ll do anything to get a ride to the...

4 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt6

Mick walked me to behind the counter and grabbed some measuring tape. I asked him "Do you measure over my dress, or do I need to remove it?"... I knew he could do it over my dress... I just wanted to see what he'd say...I was giving him an opportunity to take advantage of me, and I wanted to see if he would take it. He looked at my dress, and I'm sure he could tell I wasn't wearing a bra... he said "well... I could do it over the dress... but we'd get a much better measurement without...

1 year ago
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The Girl Who Came Back

It starts the same way. Standing in my living room with the phone ringing. Around me, walls rip away, frames are sucked into the sky, the ground cracks, everything is chaos, and yet, there was no sound apart from that damn ringing. I try to stop myself, but as always, like every other time, I walk over, the dream refusing to end, refusing to let go. I pick up the phone, and hear the words, ‘Is this David Leonard? Sir, there’s been an accident…’ And as always, I jerk awake, my face drenched in...

4 years ago
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IKEA Girls

"Would you two stop giggling and get out of the car?" Miranda called as she got out of the drivers seat of the mini van. The two she was referring to were her daughter Leslie and her friend Sarah. The two high school girls had spent the entire car ride huddled together on the back seat whispering and giggling. "Coming mom," Leslie called back as she opened the sliding door. The two girls hopped out, looking more like sisters than friends. They were both five and a half feet...

2 years ago
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My Delhi Trip

I am Karan and working as a media executive in chandigarh. One day my boss called me into his cabin and said ” Karan, you have to go to New Delhi for a week and meet our Delhi branch head and plan our new calendar for Advertisements”. I said “okay” Next week I started to Delhi from Chandigarh. In Shatabadi Express it was a nice journey to Delhi. As soon as I reached Delhi somebody from our office came to pick-up me from the station. He took me to the Hotel where room booked for me. I fresh up...

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Life On The Road MFF

If you travel enough you start to see the same faces. Business travelers seem to take the same flights. They go to the same cities. They stay at the same hotels. Everyone picks an airline or hotel chain based on a loyalty program. So if you spend a month in the downtown Hilton in Minneapolis, it's not uncommon to run into someone you met in the bar a year later in the same hotel brand in another major city.It's not like you become friends. You might strike up a conversation in a bar. But...

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AllGirlMassage Brett Rossi Cadence Lux The Tutor

Tutor Brett Rossi is helping her student Cadence Lux study anatomy and physiology. Cadence is frustrated because she’s trying to understand, but can’t retain the information. She’s overwhelmed with her tests and her rent, and the stress is giving her backaches and neck pain. Good thing Brett used to be a masseuse. She hikes up her skirt to prepare to massage Cadence. When Cadence sees Brett’s black panties, she suggests they stick to the books, but Brett insists that a...

2 years ago
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The Parking Garage

I hadn't seen Ryan since that last encounter in the hotel but I'd thought about him every now and again in the last couple months. I knew it wasn't going to be an every week deal, and I like for my random hook ups to be few and far between due to the chance of catching a disease so I asked my husband to call him again and to arrange a meet.A few days later my husband said we were going out Saturday night. He said Ryan was very busy but had agreed to meet us on the roof of a parking garage...

3 years ago
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Fun With Team Leader At Resort

Hello everyone, This is Andy,from Mumbai.I’m happily married,working as a system engineer in a leading MNC.This is my second story in Indian sex stories.The story I’m penning is my own story happened at abroad when I went on-site.Professional people know more about this. The heroine of the story is Rachel,caucasian,in Toronto.She’s 31,divorcee staying alone.She got no kids.Coming to the story,I was asked to go Canada onsite for 3 months.As it is indeed a short period,I had left my wifey at...

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With Office Colleague

HI, my name is Sameer working in an IT firm in pune. My colleague Sarika , she got promoted and was working on the same project with me. Sarika, she was a good looking female , not very hot ,just simple beautiful girl. We have been working on the project for about a year , we use to only have office discussions and nothing more. For giving project details we were called to our Mumbai head office. It was a weeks discussion with our seniors. We started to Mumbai in my car. while on our way i got...

4 years ago
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Carnal Connection Pt 01

A tale set in modern rural Midwest about sex and other passions as a young divorcee, after working on her back (and in other positions) for a year to boost her income significantly, casts aside that activity and leaves the city seeking a new life with the apparent belief her destiny would find her. Chapter 1 Jilli didn’t know why she did it – she meant having random sex with men. Perhaps it was her fondness for variety, or the hope of some athletically flexible guy stimulating her to an...

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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 13

Things settled down after a few days. The papers were full of eulogies about the late, departed Datuk Feisal. I bet his family didn't lament his passing. Cleopatra went off to do lawyer things and probably chase some political windmill. I opened the copy of Asean Autocar I had bought and browsed through it over a cup of latte in the Koffee Korner. One particular article caught my eye. I read it carefully and decided I needed the car they were frothing at the mouth about. "It's almost...

1 year ago
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Widows CompanionChapter 2

"That little cunt has cost us a fortune," said Maxwell when she had gone, his voice thick with disgust as he scratched Handsome's ears. "I'll say," agreed Dominique, putting out her cigarette in the nearest ashtray. Then she began undoing the belt on her robe until it opened fully, revealing the sumptuous pears of her high, widely-spaced breasts, the molten white belly beneath with its soft nest of auburn pussy hair, and the long slender columns of her legs. She lay back on the couch...

2 years ago
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Global Warming Ch 02

I almost couldn’t believe it! I was over there helping out Marilee with her frozen pipes and one thing led to another and she let me FUCK her! Man oh man oh man! The object of every fantasy I had had since the day I looked out the window a few months back and there she was. Long flowing hair, it shined just like that gal in the TV commercial’s did, you know the one I mean, she flips her hair and it flows back like water. She also had on a halter top that had just one function and that was to...

4 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 17 Busted From the Army

Colonel Mary Chamberlain was waiting in the small interview room when Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters the Third, also known as Trey, was escorted in by the guards. "Lieutenant, I need to show you something," Colonel Chamberlain stood as she spoke. "I intend to scare you senseless. Follow me soldier." "With all due respect--" Trey began. "Your objection is noted, Lieutenant," the colonel snarled, "now MARCH!" Trey's objection was cut short by the colonel's finger on a...

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A Tale of Submission Day Twelve Decision Time

A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day Twelve - Decision Time "Linda, this could be your last night with us. You need to decide tonight if you are truly willing to give up control. You need to convince us that you trust us. If you can't do either of these things then we have failed you. We will ask for your answer in the morning." Those words returned over and over in Linda's mind as she struggled to come to terms with her life-long desires and the reality of what she had been...

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I pick dare

Around Christmas time the spirit and the mood is perfect to organise these little private evenings with your friends . You know what I mean , you invite around 4 to 8 people , and you play some funny but mostly naughty games , like there is strip poker and spin the bottle , and lets not forget , the most favourite game all time : Truth or dare ! Who hasn't played that before ? Having to tell the truth to those annoying private question , confessing to your best friends , or dare something , to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Come Malika

She said, defiantly and almost angrily, "Yes. I'm saying I want to cheat on my husband. With you."I knew she'd been working up to that, but it shocked me all the same. Malika and I had been platonic friends for years, going all the way back to college. We drifted apart after school, found each other again two years ago, got close, and then inappropriately close. She told me her secrets, told me about being sick of her husband Jeff. Told me he was indifferent to her happiness and never really...

2 years ago
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Repair man with an extra special tool

Repair man with an extra special tool!!Another adventure for my loving wife Karen and her need for cock….Things had been slow for Karen since her weekend fucking with our neighbour’s son Steven at our caravan. I had kept a close eye on her but she seemed wary, making me think that she had rumbled me. Had she found out about me and Sue screwing or was it that she knew I had been watching her? To give her some space I told her that I had arranged a week away fishing with some old work colleagues...

1 year ago
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Another Afternoon Affair

This morning Kay came down, in her robe, and what a sexy sight she was. Her sexy D-cup breasts were gently swaying as she walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and a Danish. From her look, she had something on her mind.I asked her what was on her mind, and she told me that she had been thinking about Jim, the man I had seen her with the other day. She told me how wet she was getting just thinking about him coming back for another visit.I told her that I remembered him and how she...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 14 Friday at School

Honors seminar had less than its share of athletes but membership in chess, debate, drama, Mathletics, and other organizations made up for it. Altogether, I think three, maybe four kids showed up in clothes, Petunia Pei and Yulan Yuan were kneeling in front of Ben, each sucking one of his cocks. No surprise there. I snuggled up next to Pietre Agoras, who was dressed much like his dad but without the foustanella. Then, to my surprise, Julio Sessums snuggled next to my other side. His cock was...

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best roomate ever

i was in my 26th year and had a geat gilfiend Trish, we lived together in a big house that we could not afford so we got roomates, no of witch neve stayed fo very long.....Then we met Liz a 20 year old blonde who had move to town with her boyfiend and they split he left and she stayed and needed a place. Liz was tall about five foot ten hundred and 15 pounds, small hard tits tight little ass, long legs and the brightest blue eyes, witch perfectly accented her long blonde hair. I was living...

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Culture Shock Ch 22

Woodenly Elaine made her way up the stairs.   She held the railing, steadying herself.   Her legs were like jelly and she had to stop a couple of times.   Despite the feeling of taking one step forward, two steps back, she was wiping her feet on the mat and sliding her key into the front door in less than a minute.   I wish I could stop thinking.    Maybe I could take a nap…   Inside the apartment Elaine was somewhat surprised.   Her roommates were on speed!   Or at least that’s how it...

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My YouthChapter 5 Youth Part 4

Sal and Barb came back after making sure Mary was ok. The girls were gone about an hour and it made me wonder if they were partying themselves. Arriving back, Sal told me Mary went straight to Alice and Sharon and they shut up into one of the bedrooms, later calling our girls in to talk. “They acted like we were some kind of ‘sisterhood’ or something. After Mary told them, pretty graphically I might add, EVERYTHING you did to her. She even unbuttoned her dress and pulled her bra cup up to...

4 years ago
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AshleyChapter 3

Characters introduced in chapters 3 and 4: Frank Intel man, former Green Beret, 5’-9” tall, 250 pounds, 64 years old, gray hair and eyes Jerry Plumber, 5’-8” tall, 175 pounds, 45 years old, auburn hair, blue eyes Tommy Jerry’s assistant, 5’-9” tall, 165 pounds, 30 years old, brown hair, gray eyes Phillip New security chief, 6’-1” tall, 155 pounds, 42 years old blond hair, blue eyes On returning to the living room, I got out the 10 gauge double barreled shotgun from the gun cabinet....

2 years ago
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Good Time in A Shower

I was getting ready to take a shower after PE. The class hadnt been that hard so I didnt sweat alot. I took off my shorts, shirt and boxers, grabbed a towel, and walked over to the shower completely naked. Some of the boys noticed as I walked between some of the lockers. I found an empty shower and turned on the water, gently rubbing my self around my abs, chest, and slowly moving down to my dick. After I was completely wet, I grabbed some soap and started to lather up. I reached around...

1 year ago
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BigCockBully Mellanie Monroe 30905

Mellanie Monroe’s son hasn’t gone to practice lately because one of his teammates, Mazee, has been bullying him. So Mellanie invites Mazee over to her place to give him a stern talking to, but it’s no use, Mazee says he will not go easy on her son. Mellanie is willing to do anything to have the bullying stop, but the only thing Mazee wants is Mellanie’s big tits and sweet pussy. Mellanie gives Mazee what he wants after he promises to leave her son alone; a deal that...


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