ChroniclesChapter 16 free porn video

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OK, so Saturday turned out to be a complete disaster – I try not to think about it, even now – what with Niusha and Debbie falling out so spectacularly, after the latter had turned up at the flat unannounced and leapt to entirely the wrong conclusions about why the two of us happened to be more than half naked in my bedroom, my various attempts through the day to contact the woman, explain things ... not that she was answering her phones or e-mails ... and then my taking the idiots way out and getting blind drunk – very much on my own – and finally damn' near setting fire to the flat with a misplaced cigarette.

Sunday wasn't a lot better – I missed a few calls, I know, simply through being too ill to find my bloody mobile in the wreckage, my post-op scars hurt like hell after the previous days ill judged exertions and ... well, I was ill, OK. It was a fair way through the afternoon before I crawled out of bed, at last, started to get stuff together. Like food and coffee as an immediate priority, simultaneously logging into the network more from force of habit than any actual desire to connect with the world.

And maybe I should have resisted the impulse, I thought, as the kettle boiled neglected and eggs burnt into the pan ... while I looked at the few new e-mails I'd picked up, some incomprehensibly cheerful ones from friends and associates, a couple of professional newsletters and advice notes, the normal guff from various government policy wonks. And a cryptic one from Carla – she'd phone me, basically, probably one of the calls I'd missed – and, of course, one from Debbie. Not the world's most affectionate or effusive communication, just a note to say that she'd arranged a Sunday morning meeting with Gareth in our offices, that if I was at all interested in the future of the company I might like to participate – either in person or by phone if I couldn't make it in.

I sat and stared at the thing for so long that my late breakfast went its unfortunate way. I could understand the anger that she felt – even if I knew it was completely misplaced – but even I could see that rather more of an immediate problem was that it was now quite late on Sunday afternoon and ... well, the meeting had presumably achieved whatever it might have achieved without any sort of input from me. I felt like smashing my head against the wall a few times, contented myself, instead, with cursing bitterly – and aloud – for a while. Then I tried phoning her back, of course, got her voice mail, equally of course, tried phoning Gareth – ditto. Left messages for both of them, then took some time to check with Seff if she'd heard anything – she hadn't but was at least back in London, would be at the big meeting – and then sort of sat there and found myself wishing I had a cat, once again. Only this time so I could kick the bloody thing.

I was still sitting there – obsessing with the state of my phone's batteries, since you ask – when it rang, caller ID showing an unknown, international number. So I answered and found myself talking to Carla for the first time in ages. She sounded cheerful enough and certainly no longer seemed to be at death's door. In the end, we spent over an hour on the phone – I half expected her to give me a hard time for not being entirely up to speed with whatever tricks Debbie was planning to pull at The Meeting but quickly realised that she was a bit out on a limb at her end, too, not yet having taken back full control of her own business. So in the end it was a slightly inconsequential conversation, however nice it was to be in contact with her again, which didn't really help much – except that I now knew that Bronstein Associates (US) would be represented by two 'bright young things' (her words) from their New York office and that her new-ish husband, Hal, was also planning to be there – except that he'd had problems with flights from San Francisco and probably wouldn't get to the venue much before lunchtime. If things lasted that long, I thought.

It was only after I put the phone down that I realised that I hadn't got anything all that specific from Carla as to what her plans actually were. Blame the hangover, but – I still didn't know whether she'd be backing us totally or in part, whether, given the information that Debbie had received about there being financial worries at her end, too, she could actually afford to keep to her previous commitments. That said, she'd bothered to phone – and had been friendly enough while we'd been talking – but it was all worryingly vague. And quite what was the husband's role in all this? I'd never met the guy, only had a single, rather unfortunate conversation with him, and I didn't know whether he had any authority in Carla's organisation or whether he was somehow going to be there as an observer, maybe even only to report back on the performance of the BYTs.

So, I thought ... a few more imponderables to add to the mix – and then I noticed that while I'd been on the phone I'd managed to miss three calls – two from Debbie and one from Gareth. With a deep sigh, I called the voice mail service, picked up the messages they'd left.


Dave didn't show up for the meeting I'd arranged with Gareth, which wasn't really a surprise, given that he'd failed to answer any of my calls. Actually, in some ways it was a bit of a relief – I didn't feel quite as angry, now, as I had when I first walked in on him and Niusha cavorting on his bed, but I still had a few things I needed to say to him and they would probably not be helpful in terms of resolving our corporate issues. So Gareth and I sat and did the business, corralling figures into vaguely respectable projections, rehearsing our various contractual points, generally agreeing that the only way to approach the argument was to remind PCW and the Americans as forcefully as possible just how much money they had anticipated making out of this venture and, thus, by implication, how much they would stand to lose if they canned the project.

Which might have been something of a counsel of despair: We both had more faith in the contract arguments than the financials, but then we realised that our chances of successfully suing the likes of PCW for breach of contract were non-existent, given the disparity in our resources. Actually it was quite a pleasant morning. Gareth was good company again, even though focused entirely on the work in hand, and we got what seemed like a lot done, my mind wandering hardly at all.

In fact, it was gone about three in the afternoon when we finally locked the place up and said goodbye – me heading home to have another go at the Californian end, him to, as he put it, blow some of the dust off some legal texts, remind himself of some of the minutiae of relevant statutes. It was only as he was walking away that I realised that I'd had my phone buried in my bag the whole time, pulled the thing out to check for messages. There was only one – from Dave – sounding distinctly frazzled but also apologetic, perhaps even sincerely apologetic – about not having made it in to join our discussion, something about his having been indisposed.

I had another flash of anger, imaging just what – or who – his 'indisposition' had involved, but I shrugged it off and gave him a call back. Except that his number was busy, so I went and got onto the tube home, called him again when I resurfaced – still busy. Quite a long call, then, perhaps. So I left him a message.

It was quite a curt message, to be honest – just that we should meet at our offices at 8:30 next morning, have an hour with the team prior to heading over to the hotel conference room that we'd eventually agreed as a venue. Then I bought myself a bottle of decent wine and, home, began to chase up our American friends ... and review yet again tactics for the coming encounter...


Monday morning I felt a lot better, the enforced day of rest having done my physical scars no end of good, while the complete lack of alcohol meant I had a relatively clear head. What I didn't have, I discovered on rising, was a wearable suit – the two that I owned were irretrievably crumpled and/or in need of cleaning – so, needs must, I just pulled on my standard jeans and sweatshirt combination and headed into town for the office pre-meet Debbie had organised.

Being the boss, I made sure of getting in first to ensure that coffee was on the go when the others arrived, and, this being a special day, stopped off at a Bloomsbury deli for a pile of croissants and pastries and other corporate breakfast essentials. I think that there may have been a subconscious irony in that decision – today was the day when our corporate days might well come to an abrupt halt, after all – but on another level it was simply a gesture to the team that I, at least, appreciated them.

Once I was in the office on my own, though, something of my good mood began to evaporate. Even by my standards I felt woefully under-prepared for the meeting to come – the fact that I wasn't even dressed 'properly' simply rubbed that in – and the fact that I was ultimately responsible for everyone involved being involved began to weigh on me. Hell, I thought – I never chose to get into all of this, I just answered the wrong e-mail, got seduced (in more ways than one) by a lovely young woman with a Big Idea. Probably it would have been better if I'd just stayed grubbing around as a freelance, responsible to and for no-one but myself.

Then again, there had been moments of genuine fun in the past few months, the proposed Lake District development could have been literally life changing – for me and others – and, well, generally, maybe it had all been worth a try. Also, of course, I'd met a whole load of new people, made more than a few new friends – not least in Cumbria, but principally in the office. I wondered whether those contacts would survive the potential destruction of the project – frankly, I'd never really have a lot in common with Naz and Seff, however much I liked them as people, and Debbie ... well, what the fuck was going on there?

On cue, of course, the woman herself arrived, carrying a largish cardboard box and, I noticed, dressed rather more casually than I'd have expected – a jade green silk shirt under a suit jacket, but hair loose and make up somewhat relaxed. She didn't see me, at first, standing as I was in the recess we kept the coffee machine in, and I could see the tension on her face, the worry haunting her eyes. I realised that I wasn't the only one who had doubts about the immediate future...

When I stepped out to say, hello, however, I can't say she seemed all that pleased to see me – actually a look of some scorn passed over her face, if only for a moment, followed by a slightly belated nod of recognition. Oh, well, I thought, things to sort out here ... things which should have been easy to sort, too, if only I knew what precisely the problem was. Jealousy? Well, maybe – hardly Debbie-standard behaviour, though, and actually there was nothing for her to be jealous about ... though convincing her of that would require a degree of trust on her part and, if she trusted me, she wouldn't be jealous, so ... Or maybe the problem was with one of my many other inadequacies, or possibly not entirely to do with me at all...

I think we could have spent the rest of the morning looking at each other in a passively hostile, suspicious and guarded sort of way – well, at least until the others arrived – if I hadn't finally remembered my manners. When I did, I finally pushed a mug of coffee in her direction, followed by a conciliatory tray of croissants and stuff. She looked really nonplussed by the latter, almost jumped in surprise when she saw them. Which I thought odd, given that they were fairly innocuous sorts of edibles, and then she started to laugh.

Which I found very odd indeed.


To be honest, I'd hoped to get into the office first, grab some time to compose myself before the others – well, before Dave – arrived. Needless to say, I was just putting my stuff down – hadn't even powered up the technology, taken my coat off, done anything at all, really, except quickly take in the office I'd grown quite fond off, where so many things had happened ... when Dave himself emerged from the corner.

I'm fairly sure I didn't look at all pleased to see him which was ... sad, because I was, really, in a lot of ways, really pleased – after all the last time I'd seen him upright was before Phil died ... well, aside from his sitting up on the bed with the lovely Niusha, of course ... Nonetheless, a lot of doubts and fears – about the business, about him, about me ... about us ... sort of took over the facial muscles and I must have glared at the poor bloke.

Not that he reacted, much – didn't say anything, make explanations, try an apology or whatever. He just stared right back at me. God knows what was going through his mind – he looked nervous, I thought, as if a lot was riding on this morning ... or on this moment. And then he looked away, suddenly, stepped back towards the coffee machine and handed me a cup. Followed by a selection of cakes and stuff ... remarkably similar to the selection I had in the box I'd just brought in. This seemed amazingly silly, to me, even as I knew that this was just the sort of gesture I should have expected from the guy. And then I found it really hilarious, started to laugh out loud.

When I got myself slightly more together I saw that he was looking at me with a sort of quizzical half smile, so I pushed my box over towards him, watched as comprehension dawned and he, too, started to laugh. I had the overwhelming urge to pull him into a really tight hug, make it all OK between us in the most direct way possible and ... Gareth arrived.

God knows what he thought when he saw the pair of us standing facing each other about a metre apart and laughing uproariously at nothing very obvious but he didn't seem to let it bother him. Instead, he threw his coat over a chair, put a box of his own down on one of the desks and commented, as Dave handed him a coffee that he'd bought along a few bacon rolls ... as the deli had been sold out of croissants.

He looked more than slightly perplexed when we both collapsed into hysterics, again...


By the time Seff and Naz arrived – the latter also carrying a big cardboard box – things had settled down a bit and we were in work mode. Gareth had accepted my explanation – and Debbie's apology – for our earlier behaviour and, while I think it was the first time that he'd doubted the wisdom of coming to work with us, he took the whole thing in good part. Possibly not least because the bacon rolls went down rather better with the assembled team than the rest of the stuff. I think we ended up donating it all to the architects upstairs...

There followed a brief updating session – Debbie and Gareth went through the work they'd done on Sunday morning, Naz &Seff talked through the possibilities they'd uncovered in Germany and I recounted, for what it was worth, my conversation with Carla. I apologised for not getting names and details about the Bright Young Things who would be representing her but Seffi immediately got on the case – Bronstein Associates' New York office was no big affair, apparently – and came up with a list of possible names in short order. Not that it made any great difference, knowing names, but it gave us all, I think, just a slight feeling of being in control. More so when Seff went on to print out their various public CVs – corporate clones, the bunch of them. So at least we knew what we were dealing with on that level.

Other than that, we discussed tactics for a while – go in there and answer their questions, basically, with the slight spin that Debbie and Gareth were keen on us concentrating on the financials rather than legal stuff ... and Debbie suggested that we got over to the venue we'd arranged well before the 10am start, establish ourselves in the room, make it clear that they were meeting with us, not the other way round. Which made sense, so we traipsed off in a straggle, a few hundred metres down the road to the Hertford Classic Hotel.

Which turned out to be everything you'd expect of business class accommodation – efficient, clean and utterly soulless. The conference room – actually a suite, there were a couple of breakout rooms in case anyone felt the need to go into private session – was set out as a boardroom, twenty or so chairs arranged around a long rosewood table. There were bottles of water all around, little bowls of those inedible mints and, yes, they'd even provided pens and paper on the off chance that we were too disorganised to have brought our own

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All for Mr Redman Chapter 9

Thank you to all those who have written to me about this, commented, and voted. I really do appreciate it very much. There is not a lot of sex in this Chapter, it is located in just after the middle portion. Please do not be too hard on me as for this story to continue to be true I had to admit everything and you may not like me after. I have never claimed to be a perfect person. I am not hiding anything... simply trying to fill in an important section in our lives. Please remember...

3 years ago
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2 December 2006Chapter 2

Karen, Dan, and the kids stopped at Tim Horton’s for breakfast on the way to her old house. Brenda was mad at Diane when she told her she gave their dad a blow job. “I give him his next blow job,” she countered. Vicky called, saying she, Scott, Abby, and Brad would meet her at home for moving day. Cathy and Ben had also volunteered to help with the moving. They arrived at the house before anyone else and began sorting boxes. “Dan I think you should tell Diane, Brenda, and Brad about their...

1 year ago
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AlifChapter 25

Ana hovered outside the gates to the Agdal Embassy, dressed in her smartest interview outfit, her makeup scrubbed off and her stilettoes replaced by a pair of comfortable soft shoes. Now she had actually arrived in Honey, having disembarked off the bus and finally identified which of the palatial buildings was the Embassy, her nerves were deserting her. The fear of disappointment was greater than that she'd ever felt for a job interview. Not only her happiness but that of Binta's rested on...

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His World Ch 05

The next morning, Raiyne couldn’t eat a thing. Her appetite was gone, and dread filled her. There was nothing Jaime could say or do to calm her down, but that didn’t stop him for trying. As they got in the car, she was silent and stayed that way. They walked in together, his arm around her waist, and they got a table to wait for Jareth. She sat across from him, afraid that if Jareth saw them sitting together, He would be upset with her. Over and over again, she repeated what she was going to...

4 years ago
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A Night of ExplorationBecoming HisPart

Draven opened the bathroom door and I could hear the shower.“Kali, come join me for a shower.” He said.“OK” Kali replied.She walked to the bathroom and they got in the shower.“Wash me.” He commanded.Kali grabbed her luffa, put some soap on it started washing his body.“Pay special attention to my cock and balls slut.” He said.Kali began washing his back, down to his ass, she got on her knees to pay attention to washing him. She washed him inside and out then kissed his ass and pulled his...

1 year ago
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Hated A Love Story Ch 00

Draco looked at the beautiful woman who was his mother with beseeching eyes. ‘Mother, I did not break that vase. Please believe me. Why do you never believe me? Why do you always believe Damian?’ The two little boys, only about one year apart in age, stared up at their mother as she got dressed for Lord Falkirk’s dinner party. Damian, the older between the two, put a hand on Draco’s shoulder and mouthed, ‘I swear I did not tell her.’ Draco shoved the hand off his shoulder angrily. ‘You...

2 years ago
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She Can8217t Stop Sucking Me

I was 18 when this happened. I was one of the most popular girls in high school. It was heavily raining that day. I and some more people had stayed back in the school to finish some preparations of the annual day that was dues the next day. After finishing my work, I was about to leave. But the rain go heavier and heavier. I went up to Jay, the cute head of the department I worked under. ‘Is the rain going to stop anytime sooner?’- I asked casually. ‘I don’t think so, I guess everyone will have...

4 years ago
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fucked my aunt and made her pregnant

Hi to all. This is madhu from Banglore. I am here to tell you about my sex experience with my aunt named Lakshmi. We are living together in a joint family. Her figures are 36-30-36. The incident happened recently when I was 18 years old and she is 35. I was so crazy about her. So I decided to have her.Once we both went to the swimming pool. Nothing happened there. On our way we went to a nearby park. The park was almost empty. Only 10-15 people were there. But it is a big park. At the end of...

3 years ago
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White sand blue water palm trees and lots of sex

They are by any measure, not your average couple.   Brooklyn and Morgan both hold six figure jobs running a chain of fitness clubs.   Morgan is 30 and close to 6 ft tall with slightly longer, curly brown hair and a well tanned body.   Tanning on their very private deck means he has no tan lines.   He has broad shoulders that narrow to a much smaller waist.   His arms, back, chest and abs are well defined with plenty of lines outlining every set of muscles.   Not overly huge muscles, just...

2 years ago
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Sibyl Peter Randy Constance Damn it! The little creek had been flooded from the violent rain. The placid little mountain stream, usually a pleasant, quiet little trickle, was a churning, heaving white water rapid. Foam was splashing up to, onto and sometimes over the old log and timber bridge; our only way out of Randy and Constance's mountain retreat. It was a nightmare scene now caught in my headlights. The forest surrounding us was so dark the hundred foot tall old growth firs crowding...

4 years ago
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Sex As An Exercise To Become Thin With My Tuition Teacher

First of all let me brief you all about my self and about my mouth watering sexy tuition teacher. I am from Hyderabad, and am a engineering student. My age is 19 and I belong to a very good family. I can’t tell you my name, well, but if you want to be my friend we can just get to know each other and then get to know our names privately. Now, about my tuition teacher, her name is Priyanka, she is 22 years old age she’s been teaching me since my 8th class. Man you just can’t take eyes off her,...

2 years ago
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The mom next door

The story I am going to tell you is a true one. It happened to me a few days ago and since I was out of fictional ideas I decided to write this one although it has been edited slightly. The woman involved is a neighbour of mine; in fact she was the mother of one of my friends. The friend (Jake) was not my best friend, but since we lived close to each other I did know him best and saw his family frequently. Since we live close to each other my dad takes me, my brother and Jake to school and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Layla Price After Workout Pussy Eating Stud Fucks Blonde in The Ass

Kai Taylor can’t believe his eyes when he’s invited to some after workout pussy eating and fucks Layla Price in the ass until he blows his cum all over her anus! Well, that’s the very short version of the story, so here we go: Kai happens to workout at the same gym as Layla and meets her in the locker room. They exchange phone numbers which leads to an XXX hardcore adventure extraordinaire just hours later. The long-haired blonde can’t get this handsome stud out of her head and agrees on...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 10

Barbara Dawson was sitting cross-legged on their king-size bed watching her new sister, Kristin, unpack. They had just arrived at the Kapalua resort on the island of Maui earlier in the afternoon and were settling into their suite. When Bobbie had asked Kris which bedroom she wanted, Kris had just marched her into the master bedroom and informed her that they were sharing it. "What's the sense of having a wonderful brand-new sister if I can't use her to keep me warm at night?" the girl...

3 years ago
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Eve Adam

My sister was a slut; there was never any doubt about that. It was like she hit puberty running. There was no stopping that girl. Maybe things would've been different if Mom had still been around. Though, er ... um, scratch that thought. Dad did the best he knew how. He got her a box of tampons, then took her to the doctor for a round plastic box of circular pills. Maybe at some point the old man should've bought me a box of rubbers, but that wasn't the way it was back then. If you had a...

1 year ago
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Study Night in the Dorms

Laura's Night In The Dorm On the bottom floor of one of the dorms at the University of Victoria, all the rooms are quite large, have queen-sized beds and come with all the other furniture as well. In the one room is an attractive young 20 year-old brunette named Laura; she is 4'10", 120 lbs., 36D chest, 34 butt — a very nice but small and voluptuous figure. She is currently alone in her room, working on an English literature essay; she is dressed in only a thin housecoat — and nothing else...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor and I first time

Recently I had a college student move into the apartment next to mine. He was small, shaggy blonde hair, without any facial hair, looks like ever. Skinny with little muscle tone. We started talking while he was taking a break. I told him the normal neighborly bs. Then I went on about my day. Seen him and talked to him every now and then. I found out he just turned 18 and was on his own for the first time. We both enjoy sports beer and junk food. One day I was walking by his window, I just...

1 year ago
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Sisterly Love

This story is fiction and from a guy's perspective.The summer this year is proving to be very hot, I am happy that Dad got a pool installed over the winter. I am a 21 year old male and in fairly good shape. I lost my job at the local surf shop a few months back because my ex worked their and she was a bitch and got me fired. So now I have plenty of time to sit at home and swim in the new pool; as you can see I am not complaining.I still live with my Mum, Dad and my little sister. My Mum is a...

2 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 5

The huge crowd of women parted, and clapped in time as he was led on his leash through the arena; feminised and humbled, the women smiled and jeered at the pathetic site; his cock permanently erect and lifting the pink dress, stumbling forward in the precarious heels, he was brought down to a new level of humiliation. On the many screens above, the huge amazon who waited at a nearby destination, smiled down with wicked anticipation as she stroked the huge synthetic phallus before her. The...

1 year ago
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The Scottish Professor

Jenny tied the bow of the black, silk blouse and tucked it further into her short, tartan skirt. One of the things she loved most about Britain was the huge variety of fashions and styles available here, a far cry from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Twenty three years old and yearning for exotic travel, she’d cashed in a 401K and combining it with her savings, had signed on at Edinburgh university for a three year media degree, due to start next week. Jenny loved the Scottish way of life, sweeter...

3 years ago
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The Secrets of KingsChapter 3

"What do you mean you can't?" Thule asked. Benton Bragg glowered at him. Despite the fact that Thule was Bragg's boss, the man always seemed to be a half-step away from bursting into a fit of rage and thrashing him. Bragg had left the police force after fifteen years with a partial pension to work for the previous owner of Bonderman Investigations, but his confidence clearly did not extend to the current one. "I can explain either word if you like," said Bragg. "Or both in...

4 years ago
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The Barkeep

My name is Rick Wells. I'm forty-one years old. I'm married to a woman of the same age and have been for the past eighteen years—that is married to her; she hasn't always been forty-one. They have been mostly happy and fulfilling of my years. We've had some mundane and pretty much meaningless disagreements of course over that period of time who among us would not have. At least, I hasten to add, I have long been of the opinion that they were mundane and meaningless disagreements. My opinion...

2 years ago
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Blood Lust Part Two

My name is Jackson Shaw. I'm a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago.  Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...

2 years ago
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Meri Girlfriend Ruchi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto mera naam abhi h mai south delhi ka rahne wala hu or bpo me job karta hu. Mai iss ka daily reader hu or aaj aapke saath apni real story share karne ja raha hu. Ye story h meri or meri gf ruchi ki. Story pe aane se pahle mai apne baare me bata du meri hight 5ft 8inch h. Lund itna bada or mota h ki koi bhi ladki, bhabi ya aunty fan ho jaaye. Ab aapko bore na karte hue story pe aata hu. Main ruchi se facebook pe mila tha kuch din humare beech nrml baat hui fir maine use propose kiya...

2 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 29 Board of Inquiry

Callee failed to make Sponsor to nobody's great surprise, coming in at a four point eight. Samantha was impressed with her nurturing scores and offered the surprised Irishwoman her sponsorship, which was immediately accepted. With that, it was felt wise by all concerned if Samantha took possession of her own family pod. There were two available slots in the corridor that her father's pod was in, so after supper that night she and her family moved two doors down. The move didn't take long:...

2 years ago
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In Loco ParentisChapter 24

As Wayward entered the early stages of fall, the temperatures drifted toward the low sixty's and upper fifties during the evenings. In the next few months, it might get cold enough to sprinkle the colony in a light dusting of snow. Each age group of children rotated through community chores. Four months of colony life had brought a sense of normalcy. An essential part of every colonist's duty lay in preparing the coming generations. To instill higher potential parenting scores for both,...

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Your class is over but in your way out you hear Mrs Doe say your name. You turn back and ask what she wants, she says “John im afraid I have something to talk to you about“ you’re worried but you can’t help but notice how good she looks “okay miss, what is it?” you say while obviously checking her out.

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The DavetoJane Chronicle Epilogue

Vanya and I were talking over dinner the other night and, as we do on so many similar occasions, reflected how we had changed and grown in our love. It prompted us to drag out my account of my - really 'our' - transition. We read it together being quite surprised to be reminded of some of the insights into our feelings at the time and, in some ways, how the path we found ourselves on seemed almost pre-destined for us both. Now that over five years have passed since we first stepped...

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