Crossroads RulesChapter 5
- 2 years ago
- 40
- 0
The main street of the town was a mess. Rain had turned it into a strip of mud that sucked at his feet and threatened to pull his boots off with each step. Although he had expected to see wood planks laid out to make crossing the street less messy, there were none. It wasn’t even clean mud, but had manure from a variety of animals mixed in with it. The air was ripe with the odor of shit, spoiled food, and human activities.
In the middle of the town, a two wheeled cart pulled by an ox had sunk to its axle. Even the ox had sunk into the mud. It was struggling to pull the cart free while the drover was whipping it. The cart wasn’t the only one stuck in the mud. There were two others that were in just as bad of a situation, but the drovers had unhitched the oxen and led them away leaving the carts where they were until the rain stopped.
Sid couldn’t tell what the carts were carrying, but they must have been heavily loaded based on how they had torn up the street. What looked like a small puddle often turned out to be a deep hole created by an ox. The slick mud made slogging across the street difficult, but the holes and ruts made it nearly impossible.
A cold biting rain was falling, thoroughly soaking Sid as he trudged his way towards the closest inn. Although it was only across the street and four buildings down from the bank, it seemed like a long trip. By the time he reached the narrow strip of wood that served as a porch for the inn, his leathers were soaked and his boots were filthy.
He muttered to himself, “Not a very auspicious beginning for this adventure.”
He looked for, and found, a small metal stand next to the door of the inn. A pile of mud surrounded the stand giving a clue as to its purpose. He had observed another man using a similar stand in front of the bank. Sid went over to it and scraped his feet along a projection of metal removing the majority of mud that covered his boots.
He stood outside the inn for a moment before he commented, “Never thought about what it meant to have paved streets.”
There was no one to hear him since anyone with brains had stayed indoors. He opened the door and stepped into the inn. A sudden blast of smoky air brought tears to his eyes. A small fire in the fireplace appeared to be spewing more smoke into the room than out through the flue.
Pulling the door closed behind him, he paused to look around the room. The fireplace was along the right side of the room. There was a long table to his right and two long tables to his left. The seats were pairs of benches that ran half the length of the tables. There was a short counter at the back of the room. A short bald man stood behind the counter watching him. In a loud voice that could carry over a crowd, the man shouted, “Wipe your feet.”
Sid looked down and saw that he was standing on a horse hair mat. He wiped his feet a couple of times and then stepped away from the door. Seeing that the man wasn’t coming to greet him, Sid walked over to the counter. Upon reaching it, he said, “I need a room for the night.”
“Yes,” answered Sid since the only place to eat in town was the inn.
“Three quads for room and board for the night,” said the man with a grunt. He had already taken note of the fact that Sid carried a staff and a homemade one at that.
“Three?” asked Sid bothered by the unusually high price. The typical rate for a night in an inn was two quads. The price could run up to six quads for a night, but that was for a high-end inn located in a very large city. Looking around at the rough wood walls, simple tables, and pewter tankards it was obvious that this wasn’t a high-end inn.
“Take it or leave it. You leave it, you get to sleep in the rain,” said the man. For the first time since Sid had entered the building, the man smiled.
Sid grimaced at the sight and felt like telling the man that he shouldn’t ever smile. His mouth was filled with crooked teeth that were a sickening shade of yellow green. The man was disgusting and greedy.
Considering that there wasn’t much of a choice concerning where he could stay the night, Sid bowed to the inevitable. He pulled out his coin purse and removed three quads. Handing them to the man, he said, “The room had better be clean at these prices.”
“Clean enough,” replied the man as the coins disappeared. Gesturing to the hallway to his left, the man said, “The room is the first one on the left.”
“Got one further from the public room?” asked Sid thinking that a few loud drunks in this room would keep him awake the whole night. Even putting some distance between him and the public room wouldn’t assure a good night’s sleep. The odds were pretty good that he’d have to share the room with others and one of them was bound to snore.
“Only got one room,” answered the barman with a chuckle.
“Pitcher of watered wine,” requested Sid, realizing that he was not going to get much sleep that night.
“That’ll be two pinches,” answered the barman giving him the same creepy smile.
Before the words had even left his mouth, Sid had swung his staff in an arc and slammed the length of it flat on the counter with a loud bang. There was less than a half an inch between the staff and the barman’s hand that had been resting on the counter.
Growling in a low voice, Sid said, “Don’t play those games with me.”
The speed and ease with which Sid had swung the staff surprised the barman. He was talking and then the next thing he knew the staff had struck the counter right next to his hand. Looking down at the staff, it was clear to the barman it was exactly where Sid had wanted it to be. He had barely seen the young man move.
The barman was used to a rough crowd and prided himself on being able to spot the customers who were likely to make trouble. Belligerent drunks weren’t usually a problem. While they were busy swaggering around, he’d just hit them up side the head with his club. They weren’t dangerous, just loud. The dangerous ones were the quiet men trained in the use of weapons.
The barman reevaluated Sid and decided that the young man was to be treated with a lot more respect. In as calm a manner as possible, he moved his hand away from the staff and said, “I believe I may have misspoken. The ... ah ... price of the room and board includes two pitchers of watered wine.”
Sid smiled as he replied, “I thought that might the case.”
Turning away from the counter to fill a pitcher with watered wine, the barman eyed his club which rested under the counter. Glancing back at Sid, he noticed that the young man was once again holding his staff in the same easy manner as before. Deciding it would be better not to try anything, he went ahead and poured a pitcher. After grabbing a pewter tankard, he returned to the counter and set them both down.
Sid carried the pitcher and tankard over to the table near the fireplace. His clothes were still wet and he wanted to get dry. He positioned the bench so that he was seated with his back to the wall, straddling the bench. There was no way that he was going to sit with his back to the barman or in a manner in which it was difficult to stand. His placed his staff so that it leaned against the wall within easy reach.
He filled the tankard with some of the watered wine and took a sip. Much to his surprise, it was a high quality watered wine. He settled in for a long wait. It would be several hours before dinner was served and hours after that before he could head to bed. Until then, there was nothing for him to do except wait and think about how he was going to complete this adventure.
Looking around, Sid considered his situation. He was less than a hundred yards from the Damsel in Distress and he still had no idea how to rescue her. The man holding her was very dangerous. It made sense that he was skilled with a weapon. One didn’t earn enough to retire to a house in a city at such a young age without using a weapon to achieve such wealth.
The time passed with him thinking and drinking his wine. Deep in his thoughts, Sid was only peripherally aware of others entering the public room. The noise level slowly rose until it was too loud to think. Looking around, he examined the individuals who had joined him in the room. More than a dozen individuals were crowded around the other two tables. Most wore knives, but two were carrying clubs and one wore a sword.
Sid noted with a smile that his table remained empty of company. A few individuals turned to look him over, but quickly returned to their conversations when they noticed he was watching them. Based on the attention that he was getting, Sid wondered how many strangers came to this town. He thought it was likely that the recently deceased Hero had been the last stranger to visit.
Sid poured the last of the watered wine into his tankard. It only filled about a quarter of his cup. He took a sip and looked over at the barman positioned behind his counter. In Chaos, the barman never left the safety of the bar since customers were expected to come to him to get their drinks. Some of the bigger inns might have a barmaid who would serve the customers, but those kinds of places were rare.
A small scuffle broke out between two men with clubs. Sid watched as the larger of the two men pushed the smaller in his direction. The smaller man appeared to stagger backwards with his arms windmilling as if to maintain his balance. Sid grabbed his staff while standing to move. Without pause or hesitation, he moved to stand in front of the fire while watching the other man. At the last moment, the smaller man turned towards where Sid had been sitting. His club was raised in the air in a perfect position to descend on a person sitting at the bench. The man’s face showed his surprise that Sid was no longer there.
The man slowly turned until he faced Sid realizing that his trick had been anticipated. He took in the relaxed stance and casual manner in which Sid held the staff. After shooting a glance at the larger man, he said, “Sorry, we got a little carried away with our argument. Didn’t mean to frighten you.”
Sid laughed and shook his head at the audacity of the man. At the sound of his laughter, the others in the room got very quiet. Sid looked over at the larger man, observing that he had actually taken a step back. He said, “I wouldn’t argue with your friend anymore if I were you. You never know what kinds of accidents will happen when you argue with friends.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” said the man as he edged over to the other side of the room. He understood the implied threat.
“Nothing probable about it,” said Sid with a smile. It wasn’t a very friendly smile.
The man returned to the other side of the room as fast as he could make it without turning his back on Sid. When he reached the side of the larger man, he stopped. The larger man put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and said, “It might be a good idea for us to go now.”
“Yeah, I think so, too,” said the smaller one.
After the two men left, Sid went over to the table and picked up his empty pitcher. Every eye watched him as he carried it over to the bar. Upon reaching the counter, he asked, “When’s dinner?”
In the silence of the public room, the voice of the barman was overly loud as he answered, “When ever you want it.”
“I’ll take it now,” replied Sid. He leaned against the bar giving him a clear view of the room and the barman. The room watched him.
“Bird or beast?” asked the barman.
“What manner of beast?” asked Sid knowing that beast could refer to any meat, including mutton, goat, pork, venison, and beef.
“Rabbit,” answered the barman.
“Sounds good to me.”
Refreshed from a full night’s sleep, Sid woke alone in the room of the inn. No roommates had disturbed his sleep and the public room had been exceptionally quiet once he left. Sitting up in the bed, he stretched and yawned. For a half second, he started to search for his boots, but recalled that he had slept with them on. The last thing he wanted was to have to run out of the inn in the middle of the night barefoot.
Standing up, he looked down at the bed. He had expected a bed frame with ropes upon which a straw mattress infested with all kinds of biting vermin would rest. That kind of bed was the source of the saying, ‘sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.’ In the dark of the previous night, he hadn’t been able to make out many details about it. Now in the light of morning, he could see how the bed was actually constructed. A thick heavy denim-like material had been cut into strips and woven together to form the sleeping surface. The ends were held tight to the frame by hooks. It reminded him of one of those aluminum lawn chairs with the woven vinyl straps.
Under the bed was a chamber pot. Since the inn didn’t have a privy and he didn’t feel like pissing out the back door, he decided to use the chamber pot. Finishing his business, he put the cover back on the chamber pot. Now that his bladder was empty, his stomach demanded food.
Sid wandered out of the bedroom and into the public room in search of food. A plate of cheese and several small loaves of bread had been placed on the table where he had waited the night before. Setting his staff down by the table, Sid turned his attention to the food. Rather than a metal knife, there was a wooden knife laid across the block of cheese. He cut off a chunk cheese and grabbed one of the loaves of bread.
The barman watched him from behind his counter. He shouted, “I’ve got hot tea.”
Carrying his staff under his arm, Sid took his cheese and bread over to the counter. Leaning against it, he said, “I’ll take some tea.”
While the barman went to get the tea, Sid took a bite out of the cheese. For Sid, cheese came in two major flavors - American and Swiss. This was neither and most closely resembled Edam. He found he liked it and decided he would have to explore Earth cheeses upon his return.
The barman returned with a pewter tankard of hot tea. Sid looked at the tankard and asked, “You serve tea in Pewter?”
Shrugging, the barman answered, “It’s cheap and it doesn’t break.”
The comment reminded Sid of the fact that Pewter had been the plastic of the distant past on Earth. At the same time, an image of Clint Eastwood in one of his spaghetti westerns flashed through his mind. He smiled as an idea came to him. Picking up the hot tankard, he took a sip of the tea. The barman waited expecting Sid to return to his table.
Instead, Sid asked, “Is there a blacksmith in town?”
“Sure, he’s up at the end of the street,” answered the barman surprised by the question. The previous night, Sid had sat alone at his chair without talking to anyone.
“Is there a place where I can get a pewter plate?”
Sid stepped through the portal and gazed upon the loveliness that was Sally Caretaker. It was hard to believe that she looked even lovelier since his last visit. All thoughts and questions Sid had wanted to ask flew from his mind to be replaced by desire for this woman. He moved to her like a man possessed. Sally’s smile could have lit the night brighter than a full moon. Her translucent green gown hinted at the treasures it contained. It captivated him and drew his eyes to seek out glimpses...
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Martha and Bonnie had been next door neighbours for going on twenty-odd years. They had raised their c***dren together, shared celebrations and commiserated with each other during bad times. They were the best of friends, and their husband’s got along together as well.Martha stopped by to say ‘hi’ and both women sat outside on the deck sharing a cup of coffee in the late morning. As Martha always said; Coffee in, coffee out, she had the urge to go relieve herself. Bonnie told her to use the can...
Hi guys, I’m Rohan, here to share my sexy adventures. Well, I have a few real experiences with couples and singles as well. Some are really wild. I have broken down each experience into one story. This one is about milf sex Let me introduce myself. I’m Rohan, a 23-year-old male, tall, fair, and ok build currently working in an MNC in Bangalore. Let me be honest. I used to watch porn during my college days once or twice a month. I fap thinking of some of the pornstars or my neighbor aunt or some...
Lusty, young Chanel Grey flashes her stunning green eyes and shoves a black butt plug up her pink asshole. Pro stud Markus Dupree replaces the toy with his meaty dick, fucking her asshole as she masturbates. Chanel’s butthole gapes, and an anal orgasm on Markus’ meat makes her legs shake! She climbs on top to enjoy a deep, buttfucking cock ride. Markus shoves his fingers into her sphincter and makes her taste her backdoor musk. Chanel gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob and she...
xmoviesforyouThe girl who was dancing saw me and gave a big smile. I smiled back, and sat mesmerized by her movements. She was in the middle of her routine, and was down to just a tiny g-string, gyrating her hips and sensuously stroking her own body. She was a slim light with large, obviously "bought" breasts with large areolas. Her nipples were erect and her tongue was darting in and out of her red lips, in rhythm with her dance. Soon she tugged at the bows at her hips and the g-string floated to the...
Two hours later she was home again. David was dosing but awoke when she went in. "I need the loo Steph but the lads pushed those chairs too close together for me to get through with my crutches." She cleared the way for him. Fortunately they had a toilet downstairs as well as one next to the bedroom but they only had an upstairs bathroom. "I'll have to wash him later," she told herself as she guided him along the passageway and helped him lower his tracksuit enough to pee. "Good job he...
Well, been some time since I last posted anything. The stories published till date are available here: So no need to start with an introduction out here. Coming straight to sex story. Well I had to travel to work to Pune and this is where this all happened. I was staying at a leading hotel there and had worked for around 2 weeks in Pune. I knew no one in Pune.So thought this is going to be a relaxing trip.Work – hotel -work and then back to Bangalore. Well, no one knows what is in store. It...
Jessi and John had become my two best friends and together with Julie, we continued having as much fun as we possibly could in our sophomore year of college. We became sex fiends, doing it with each other whenever we saw any opportunity. This is a recounted story that Julie described to me one night after the two of us had had our fun for the night. She had told me just her and Jessi had been getting a lot closer as friends, but I had never known just how close of friends they were actually...
On the prowl, best friends Crystal and Kaiya are looking for the ultimate good time. That means dicks to use as they want with no maintenance from men. Yep that means it’s Glory Hole Time and these girls mean business. Bringing some of their own special tricks and toys, Crystal shows her friend some of her best moves with the feet and BJ combo and then of course the Banana Split Blow Job. Whip cream and good whacking it technique finally milks both dicks for all they are worth. The girls...
xmoviesforyouHello First of all I would like to say that english isn t my first language so please bear with my grammar :)And this is my first time ever to publish a story. Hope you enjoyChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was...
It had begun as a game, as a flirt. As a little whim of a fellow student, a young woman with long, blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. And she had smiled, as the steel rings closed in on my wrists with a metallic sound. And I had felt my heart hammering, where I lay on her bed, and felt the touch of the hardcuffs and the bar of cast iron in the heardboard that might keep me here forever. She had giggled as she unbuttoned my shirt, and her long, blonde hair fell over my upper body. I had been...
Alexia est maladeL??t? se terminait. Les vacances s??taient bien d?roul?es. Alexia ?tait partie s?amuser une dizaine de jours en bord de mer avec une bande d?amies avant de profiter ensuite du bon air de la montagne. Elle en avait profit? pour parfaire son bronzage qui sous des latitudes plus au nord perdait de son ?clat pendant ses longs mois d??tude. Elle ?tait rentr?e en forme et ne s??tait pas m?nag?e donc ? son retour. Elle avait d?cid? de terminer ses vacances ? faire la f?te avant de devoir se reconcentrer sur ses ?tudes. Ce ...
"dare" was her response, "ok, I dare you to get in a "69" with Linda" Cindy was bombed at this point, her speach was so slurred.She got up, took Linda by the hand & laid her down on the floor, Linda was not objecting to this, hmmm I thought, lesbians?She kneeled down over her head, lowered her pussy to where Linda dove it like it was a meal. Steph just grabbed both tits & sqeezed the together & pinched her nipples, before spreading Linda's legs & diving in herself, they were...
This time, Gaynor told me, it would be a small, informal party starting in the evening and that Tony and I should arrive mid-afternoon. Despite trying to appear casual, I could tell that Tony was excited about the weekend’s prospects. Gaynor, in white shorts and sleeveless top with a deep V neckline, came out to greet us and insisted on giving Tony a quick tour of the house. “Charlie’s in the kitchen,” she told me and off I went. Charlie was opening a chilled bottle of white wine but stopped to...
InterracialIt was an old abandoned prison and every cell had a naked woman locked in it. The guards used them during the day and at night they brought a load of men from the prison down the road to be with them. These men were rough and fucked hard. Today Gina had been fucked twice by the guards and tonight a big black prisoner was pushed into her cell. He stripped off his jump suit and was naked with a huge black cock poking at her. He grabbed her by the hair and kissed her mouth shoving his tongue deep...
Dad took off before we arrived. He left it for my mother to inform us he had decided to postpone his efforts to use weddings to help promote business. He had gotten so carried away with the prospects it had escaped his notice that it would be inappropriate to do at his daughter's wedding. My mother tried hard to sell it, but it was pretty clear she didn't believe him either. I told her to let him know how much I appreciated his understanding. I doubt she believed me any more than she...
We got ourselves to the downtown area early in the afternoon, the room was already booked so we could make our way slowly to the room and not worry bout traffic or tight schedule. The object of our little vacation was pretty simple, I wanted Anna to enjoy a little visit to the adult theater. This was to be our second visit, the first time we went to the theather, it was early in the morning on a week day, needless to say the place was pretty quiet. the did have a lot of fun in the VIP section...
At the age of ten, I had my first crush. I fell hard for Gertrude Strauss, a dirty-blonde beauty my age. The love I felt for her, alas, was not reciprocated.My second crush was on my fourth-grade teacher, Miss Sager. But she passed away before my fifth grade.Thus began a long string of lost loves for me.In high school, I thought I had finally found true love. At seventeen, I was madly in love with Nancy Jo and scored my first pussy. I was in heaven.But things came crashing down when I...
Gay MaleChapter 1 Alyssa walked up the steps of Lincoln High School dreading the day before her... even though it was her 16th birthday. She was in a horrible mood... not wanting to see anyone... especially her ex-semi-boyfriend Dan, who she had broken up with the night before. "Hey Alys" she heard from behind her. It was Dan... "Hi Dan" she replied. "Look I'm really sorry about everything... please baby I really don't want to be alone. I need you. I don't wanna see you with another guy"...
Generally, there are four places guys like to cum the most. In no particular order, those places are face, mouth, asshole, and pussy. Each is fun, so it's hard for me to pick favorites. Throughout the course of a day, you never know where I might cum next.The Cum RiseI've hosed down every part of the female body and every object in my house. If you flashed a blacklight in my crib, it would blind everyone looking toward my house in a ten-mile radius. Even my pets have gotten caught in the...
Premium Creampie Porn SitesSo here I am again...With another Fantasy of mine with some truth... I was cleaning up my house one day while my k**s were all in school, my house was just a mess I was still in just my nightgown. As I was doing the dishes from the morning breakfast the phone rang and it was my dad saying he had some canned peppers he was dropping off to me in about an hour or so. I hung up and let the dog in who was barking up a storm annooying all the neighbors!! I finished up the kitchen and went in the...
My sister and I have always been friends. If fact, I can't recall one time in our lives that we actually had a fight. Oh, maybe once or twice we argued about something on TV or maybe who's turn it was to take out the trash, but it always ended with one us of giving in before things escalated into something bad. I kind of think that the reason we got along so well is because our parents didn't. The fact was that they fought constantly. When I was twelve and Angela was eleven our Dad came...