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If he had been asked, two weeks ago, the Librarian would have been shocked and offended at the intimation that he had anything in common with elves. He’d have bristled, wriggled his facial tentacles, and radiated a low level sense of offended, cattish disdain for the entire day. Librarian had been selected, after all, as the majordomo of Lord Winsom’s estates because he was not bound by the same traditions and Tellings that the fae were. He could break character, he could improvise, he could arrange things without needing to be a character.

Now, after two weeks of the Americans turning what they kept calling California upside down, Librarian wished that everything could go back to the way that it had been for decades: Predictable, steady, as even as the changing of the seasons.

When he had brought this up to Doctor Goldberg, one of the seemingly endless numbers of ‘scientists’ that the Americans had brought with them, Goldberg had looked him square in the eyes and said: “For most of the past century, our climate has been so meshuggah that we’d be lucky to have a stable growing season twice in a row. So, you know. Keep things in perspective, Berry.”

And Librarian had seen the thoughts that swirled around Golberg’s mind: The images of the vast, bleached deserts. The forests that were patterened too neatly and too cleanly to be natural. The great sea-walls keeping the killing salt of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans away from coastlines that were covered with ruined, abandoned cities, loomed over by pyramidal structures that housed millions of humans in enclosed ecologies, where their food, their waste, their consumer goods could be kept in a closed loop, away from their ravaged planet.

This was why Librarian was currently in the offices on the highest tower of Lord Winsom’s estates, regarding a glass of firebrandy that the old Lord Winsom had purchased several centuries back and forgotten about. The brandy glimmered and glinted with crystallized chunks of fire essence – the mana keyed to enhance and broaden the flavor. It would taste so very good going down, so good that he’d be able to ignore the sandpapering of his throat.

“I do not like Americans,” Librarian said, dolefully. “I do not like them at all.”

The door to his office rattled. Librarian set his mind out and brushed against the thoughts outside – and felt that it was not one of the humans. It was, instead, the confused and uncertain mind of a troll. Librarian wracked his brain, trying to remember why exactly there was a troll on the estate, only to remember. He snapped his his fingers, telekinetically unlocking the doorway. The Quarry from the hunt that Lord Winsom had died on stepped inside. He was looking quite mouseish and uncertain for a troll: Skittishly, he stepped into the room and glanced around, then hurriedly closed the door behind him. His clothing looked crudely patched and even more crudley washed.

Librarian wrinkled his facial tentacles as the musk brushed against his scent receptors. The troll bowed his head. “Uh, sir, your lordship,” he said.

“Please, just, Librarian,” Librarian said.

“Right,” the troll said. Librarian waved one hand, his purple fingers flexing. The chair across from him rasped backwards, skittering along the floor and leaving the troll a place to sit. The tusked fellow took said seat with eagerness, settling down. “Thanks.”

“So,” Librarian said, picking up his brandy and rolling it slightly in his hand. “I see you’re still here.”

“I have nowhere else to go,” the Troll said, nervously. “My family bade me goodbye when I was chosen for the Hunt. You gave them silver. If I go back-”

“Ah, yes, yes, yes,” the Librarian said. “Has Fireheart bothered you?”

“I’ve been hiding,” the troll said, nervously.

“Hmm...” Librarian rubbed his facial tentacles. “You are quite a strapping figure. The Americans do love to have heavy things carried around – scanner this, recording device that, sampler this other thing. Why don’t you go to them and tell them that I sent you?” He nodded. “Yes, and you can bring me messages from them – if they ever wish to speak to me.”

And thus, Librarian thought. I won’t have to deal with them anymore.

The troll bobbed his head. Then, nervously, he said: “Won’t they be insulted?”

“They’re humans. They have no idea about any of our relationships,” Librarian said, casually. “They have the own set of ridiculous concepts. Ask Dr. Goldberg to tell you about antisemitism one of these days.” He shuddered convulsively. “Or, better, don’t.”

Dr. Goldbeg hadn’t actually spoken much, beyond a terse single sentence, half distracted by the device she had been setting up as part of the American’s goal of driving Librarian mad. But the wave of thoughts and memories and vivid images that had sprung to her thoughts, flitting around her like a school of sharks, had been nearly as bad as anything the humans thought of when he asked them about the seasons or their deer hunting habits or any other polite nothings. The troll looked uncertain – but soon, he was bustling about the humans, helping them around the grounds.

Librarian thought that this would allow him to focus instead on the task of keeping Fireheart from murdering the new Lord Winsom – a task that took a careful juggling of Helen Trevor’s meals and visits with the library and communication sessions with the mages guild while keeping in mind Fireheart’s unchanging schedule of training and study and practice for the next Telling. The next Telling was, in its own way, another thing to worry about. The American captain, DuPont, had made it quite clear that the United States government (Librarian was still not sure how one derived “American” from “United States”) wanted to have peaceful, healthy relationships with the Faelands and the Sunset Kingdoms.

They also wanted to avoid putting their officer into any diplomatic situation what so ever – citing the fact that humans had their own ambassadors, their own protocol, their own structures of governmental communication and relationships – structures that Ensign Helen Trevor, no matter what her other qualities, simply did not posses.

These were two completely contradictory requests. Trevor was Lord Winsom. She had duties, and she had the ability to perform diplomatic duties, far more so than any missive carried from Stark. Preventing her from doing any of those things...


It was why the firebrandy didn’t last very long.

Librarian decided to get the Telling out of the way the day after he sent the troll to help the Americans. He got himself dressed in his best set of purple and black and gold robes, tied a ruff around his collar to make himself look even more impressive, brushed his facial tentacles into the most elegant set of rows he could manage, schooled his face to impassivity to not ruin the parallel lines, then began to sweep through Lord Winsom’s manor house. He walked past the library where Fireheart was seated in the largest, most comfortable chair, her eyes narrowed as she read a large tome that an ancient t’row had written about the Telling of Lord Winsom and the Queen of Ice.

The Telling that was coming.

Librarian just barely managed to keep a wriggling frown off his face as he continued forward.

He came to the lower chambers. Isabella – the magician that the humans had been showering such attention on – was sitting at the large table that served as the common room’s dining area. She was surrounded by several jerry rigged devices that looked as out of place as a troll lass in a ballgown – they were ringed and made of wires and curved copper and shimmering, crinkly foil that looked as fragile as a newly hatched larva’s skin. Dr. Goldberg, Dr. Mann and Helen were standing at a distance, each looking attentive.

Dr. Goldberg’s eyes were locked onto her slate. “Are you doing it?”

“Yes!” Isabella snapped.

“So, that’s another detector that doesn’t fucking work...” Helen muttered.

“How do you detect, uh, paranatural energies?” Dr. Mann asked.

“You mean mana?” Isabella asked – her voice sounding like it had been sharpened by a whetstone. “Why do you humans have to say a dozen words that you invented to avoid saying one that describes what is happening and being done perfectly sufficiently. It’s magic. I use mana to sculpt spells. Magic!” She wriggled her fingers at them in the way children did while pretending to use magic. “Magic magic magic magic!”

Considering the lifespan of elves, Librarian marveled at how irritated Isabella sounded.

Dr. Mann sighed. “For decades, magic and magical thinking have been used to ... to ... describe things that simply do not work, Dr. Isabella,” he said, his voice soft. Apologetic. “It is hard to shake oneself of the habit.”

“Every quack, quick fix charlatan in the world was peddling some new magical thinking way to save the planet,” Dr. Golberg said. “Pure renewables, holistic ecology patterns, ecotism.” She shook her head. “That last one was extra fucking evil.” Her brain buzzed. Memories of camps – people lined up, their ‘carbon crimes’ read off from a chart. Weapons stuttering. People falling into ditches. “Magical thinking, all of it.” She paused. “And outright eco-fascism in the last case.”

Librarian wanted to put his fingers to his temples and pray to the Brain Mother to get the Americans away as fast as possible. Instead, he coughed and spoke aloud: “Lord Winsom, I wish to speak with you.”

“Sup, Berry,” Helen said. Librarian’s tentacles twitched. “What’s up?”

“There is a Telling scheduled soon,” Librarian said. “You must be ready for it.”

Helen frowned at him. “Berry, we’re trying to figure out how to teleport into an orbiting Russian spaceship so we can keep them from colonizing the fuck out of Siberia.” She shook her head. “You do know that, with magicians and water remassing their ships on flight, teleporting for cargo transfer and local industry, they can throw together automated scow transports that can transport gigatons of plastic, petrochem products, and fucking gasoline back to Earth, right?”

“I...” Librarian paused. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” The images flitting around Helen’s head were filled with so many alien concepts, alien images, that Liberian found them hard to parse. Vast collections of rectangles, brightly colored and stenciled with numbers. Gurgling tanks of a blackish glop, pressurized and suspended in a wire work frame, with a huge pair of fins thrusting out of the back and a single nozzle of bright, white light. Armored vehicles with wheels nested in leatherish belts that ground up the earth and loam beneath them, affixed with a rounded turret and a long canon barrel, swinging slowly to bear.

“She’s stuck in a Neo-Cold War era mentality,” Dr. Goldberg said, her voice dry. “Ignore her.” She tapped a stylus against her chin. “Can you try bringing up some more of the water magic, Isabella?”

Isabella looked so grateful to hear the word ‘magic’ that she began to incant immediately. Helen scowled, muttering under her breath. “Oh yeah, last time we decided the Cold War was over, Putin was kicking around and ruining shit, I’m sure this time will go juuuust great.”

“The Telling matters,” Librarian said. “This is the Telling of Lord Winsom and the Ice Queen.”

Helen put her hands over her face. “Listen,” she said. “The Russkis are, currently, prepping to begin yanking glop out of your planet called petroleum. They’re going to be turning it into fuel for their heavy industry sector. They’ve been cut out of the heavy metals market that is needed for the high density batteries that heavy industry needs if you don’t have carbon for the past decade.” She pointed her finger at Isabella. “Thanks to people like her, they’re going to be able to instead bring a 20th century’s motherload of Siberian oil back to the motherland. That’s kinda like taking the incredibly delicate balance of Stark’s current military and geopolitical situation and just ... setting on fire.”

Librarian’s facial tentacles writhed in agitation. “But ... the Telling...”

“I don’t care!” Helen said. “Stark matters more to me than some stuffy elves.”

[But they’ll kill you, Helen, ] Librarian said, his voice hissing into her mind. [Remember?]

Helen chewed her lower lip. “Death isn’t what it used to be...”

Fear jolted through Librarian’s body. Coldness that he hadn’t thought he’d ever feel – a terror so deep and so instinctive that he lashed out, grabbing onto the slender human’s shoulders, spinning her around to face him directly. [What do you mean by that?] he thought, his voice booming in her head. [Are ... is there ... are there undead on Stark?]

“What? No!” Helen scowled. “G-Get out of my head, Berry.” She gritted her teeth slightly. “I mean that one of our eggheads is being haunted by her dead husband.”

Librarian sighed, explosively, his facial tentacles writhing. “Thank the gods.”

“Is this about that Dark Lord you guys keep whining about?” Helen asked. “I thought he was dead.”

“Banished is not dead,” Librarian said.

Helen shrugged slightly. “Besides, even if he was on Stark, there’s no magic there. That’s why we called it Stark.”

Librarian felt a knot of tension in his belly begin to gently unwind – the fear that Helen had put in him rippling away. But then Isabella stuck her oar in.

“Actually,” she said, lowing her hand. “It is entirely possible that there is some trace magic in Stark by now – Vidya did tell me that she had very ... vivid dreams about her husband before even reaching the portal.” She grinned, wryly. “Classic romantic haunting symptoms.”

Dr. Mann coughed, his cheeks darkening even more beneath his beard – even his reserved, contemplative mind that Librarian normally felt so relaxing went straight to erotic images. Honestly! Did humans think of nothing else? He shook his head, while Helen made a soft ‘hum’ noise, then shrugged. “There’s got to be more than one dimension out there. But if it makes you feel better, Berry, I’ll send a beam up to Enterprise. They dropped a com buoy back at the portal, it can squirt the request back to the United States, tell them to be aware if any Dark Lords pop up and start trying to conquer Middle Earth.”

“You’re mocking me,” Librarian said, his arms crossing over his chest.

“Only a little!” Helen slapped his shoulder.

The humans went through their rituals – their attempts to understand how magic worked. It seemed utterly useless to Librarian. Magic was magic. If you wished to understand it, you should instead listen to the sages and the wizened masters who knew it inside and out. Learn at their feet and understanding would flow. Instead of doing that, the humans seemed focused on picking it apart from the smallest component and working upwards. Entirely backwards, if Librarian understood the principle at all. But he resigned himself to cornering Helen for the discussion when she was done helping to oversee the project – only to find that she managed to evade him and find herself in the same room as Lucas.

The feeling of their sex seeped through the doorway, buzzing along Librarian’s nerves. Humans felt things so ... powerfully. And their feelings mixed into one another. He could sense Lucas’ tightening muscles and the feeling of his member entering into Helen – but that wasn’t the thing that dominated Lucas’ mind. Instead, it was the smell of Helen’s hair, the way that her fingernails dug into his back, the little giggly laugh that escaped her lips. The happy croon of her voice ah, for a nerd, you fuck hard. For Helen, it was a growing sense of delight, a satisfaction. Like she had wagered something with herself and was collecting her winnings. Her mind flared with awareness of how her toes curled. Of the gently, circling caress of Lucas’ soft, soft finger against her clitoris. Of the feeling of his lips on her scalp, on her cheek, on her chin, on her neck. His teeth.

It was strong.

It was heady.

It left Librarian standing outside of their door for an indecorous amount of time, feeling his own member beginning to awaken. His tentacles writhed and his purple cheeks flushed nearly midnight as a sense of shame and shock overwhelmed him. He was far from a spawning pool, far from any female of his kind, and entirely out of season. The psychic call of the beaches and the blood-warm water that the Brain Fiends chose for their pleasure was nowhere to be felt. There was only the humans and their indecently loud minds.

He turned and hurried away, trying to adjust his robes as subtly as he could to hide the bulge. He walked past the servant rooms and stopped dead. Another flare of sexuality was bubbling from under this door – mixed with noises considerably louder than Helen and Lucas. It was one of the ... the ... the marines, those warriors, those men-at-arms that the Americans kept around to protect their scientists. He recognized the mind – and the name, Lance Corporal Avanti – even as he realized that Lance Corporal Avanti was currently laying...

The troll?

“Careful, Jesus!” Avanti’s warm, masculine laugh came through the door. “That’s not a cybercock, you know.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Tatton,” the troll said, his voice full of entirely unservile amusement. Then the soft sound of slurping, sucking, and erotic sensations that...

Two men!?


Without a female?

Librarian clutched at his chest, feeling even more ruffled than before. And even more aroused. He hurried faster, his feet carrying him along the corridor, towards the chambers set aside for his own personage. He slipped into the room, then closed the door behind him, and turned around to find himself facing Fireheart. She was sitting on his bed and for one terrifying, thrilling moment, Librarian imagined that she too had been infected by the humans and their rampant, unstoppable lust, and was here, naked and eager for him to breed her. But then he blinked and saw she was still clad in her shimmering red tunic and green hose. Her legs were crossed under her, and she had a sheathed sword across her lap. Her fingers drummed on the flat of her sword.

“Librarian,” she said, her voice soft. “We need to talk about the Telling and Lord Winsom.”

Librarian gulped.

Fireheart stood and she focused – and he felt her mind reaching out for his. This meant that whatever it was she wanted to speak of, she wanted it to be as private as could be. Without another Brain Fiend, anything share thought to thought would be his sacred treasure. Under the rules of the Court, under the geias of his employment, he’d be unable to share whatever she said. Normally, Librarian would have only minded in so far as he was certain that Fireheart was considering treason. But there was a second wrinkle, in the form of the roiling, buzzing lust that the humans had filled him with.

“Open yourself, Librarian. Now.”

The order cracked against Librarian’s frazzled mind and his thoughts unfolded like a flower, his tentacles stilling as he touched, mind to mind, with Fireheart. He could feel her rehearsed phrases, her carefully selected thoughts and pruned outrages, everything she thought would have convinced him that Lord Winsom had to be replaced with her, and as quickly as possible. All those thoughts began to curl in on themselves, like dry tinder touched by a single spark. The flames spread faster than Librarian thought possibly as Fireheart gaped at him, the sword falling from her nerveless fingers. It clunked and clattered on the hardwood floor and Librarian felt an electric attraction buzzing along his purple, slightly slick skin. He needed to be touched, and he felt Fireheart’s need to be touched, and the two needs fed into one another, growing hotter and hotter.

He wasn’t sure who was the bellows and who was the coke furnace. He only knew that Fireheart was the one to move first – she planted her hands on his narrow shoulders, pushing him back against the door, using his body to close it tight. Her face pressed against his facial tentacles and he reacted instinctively – seeking to twine them. But the elf had no facial tentacles of her own. Instead, they slithered along her cheek, pushed up a strand of her flame-red hair, slithered along one of her ears, wrapping around the tip and squeezing. One wrapped around her throat, another pressed to her chin, tilting her face up and backwards, so that the mouth hidden beneath his tentacles could press to her lips. His tongue thrust forward and met her tongue, and oh, she was eager. She was quite eager. Her eyes rolled back into her head, her body trembling as he felt her pleasure, spiking from every contact point of his tentacles – though the hottest, most throbbing pleasure came from the tip of her ear.

Fireheart’s strong, strong hands gripped the front of his elegant robes and began to tug and push. Buttons popped off with sharp ping noises, bouncing and skittering along the floor, ending up who knows where. Soon, his robes were puddling on the ground around his long, delicate ankles, leaving him as naked as he had ever been while around someone not of his own kind. Since Fireheart’s eyes were currently closed and her face and head were wrapped in the gentle, slightly moist embrace of his tentacles, she explored him with her hands – and Librarian had never known that he could feel something like this.

Her fingers were dry and so blazing hot against his slightly chilled skin. She found the narrow, angular sweep of his ribs, the bones jutting against his thin, purple skin. She felt the iron hard cording of his belly muscles, the broad sweep of his pronounced hip bones. Then she cupped and cradled his manhood – long and thin and ridged in a way that he knew was alien to elven or human bodies. But Fireheart didn’t draw back. Instead, her fingers counted each ridge, rubbing thumb over line after line after line, until her thoughts had a clear enough picture of him.

And, radiating from her like the heat from a coal, was a single thought. It was not a word or even a sentence. It was a visualization. A mental image, comparing her own sex and his – and remembering where her own pleasure had been stoked by the former Lord Winsom. Where his finger had found a place inside of her that she hadn’t even known existed and played her like a harp.

The finger and the ridge, in her mind at least ... matched.

She drew back and Librarian felt his tentacles loosening their grip on everywhere but around her throat. It was one of his longest, and one of his strongest, and he squeezed her as she thought, desperately: [I need you. Now.]

Librarian focused. His telekinetic grip took hold of her – and her hose began to tear, invisible lines of force ripping down from her hips and up from her ankles. The sleek material split apart and left her bare, pale skin exposed in the magelight of the bedroom, while her tunic popped off her chest, freeing the timeless perfection of her elven breasts: Small and tipped with eager, perky nipples. Remembering what he had felt from the humans, Librarian leaned forward. His telekinetic grip lifted Fireheart at the same time, causing her to gasp in shock and wonder as her breasts were brought to his face. His tentacle tightened around her throat, while his others slithered across her chest, leaving thin tracks of eager moisture on her paleness.

He stroked her. He caressed her. He played his facial tentacles across every inch of both of her breasts, using the tips, using the lengths, using their strength to apply just enough pressure to wring tiny gasps and mewls from Fireheart – her normal guard stripped away by the intensity of her want. His mouth, though, was closed around one of her aching, needing nipples. He could feel exactly how much she wanted, and he could ridge along a mirror fine edge of pleasure and of pain, pushing what Fireheart thought she wanted to a height that stunned even him.

Her pleasure flowed into him, and his pleasure into her, and the two shone off one another, growing hotter and hotter as Fireheart writhed and bucked in his telekinetic grip. Her hands gripped his bald head, hooking her fingers on the ridges and frills of his crest. Her eyes closed and the lifted one of her hands up to her mouth, biting down on two knuckles, muffling herself. Librarian, for a moment, thought of siphoning some of his attention to throw up a wall of thoughts ... but then he remembered.

He was the only one who could hear her thoughts.

[Are you ready?]

She didn’t respond with words. Instead, the battering ram of want/neednownownownow hit him so hard that his telekinetic grip nearly lapsed. Instead, he supported his mental grasp with a physical one. His long fingered hands cupped her perfect ass, squeezing her elven skin tightly enough to drew a gasp past her knuckles, while he lowered her and thrust himself upwards, guiding the two of their bodies together with hand and mind alike. He nearly lost all control as she came close – then did as his cold member plunged into her. Fireheart’s hands gripped his shoulders and she muffled herself by biting down on his shoulder hard enough to sting. But his telekinetic grip slipped off her body, and she fell upon him, all of her weight pushing his cock deep inside of her deeply alien pussy.

Librarian had bred before. With other females.

It was suspended in pools of warm water, with elders guiding the younger through gentle psychic pressure. The water kept any who lost their grip, telekinetically, from collapsing. As it was, all that Librarian had was his own strength, his own will. His muscles strained and his knees locked as he gripped, holding the elven woman close to himself, her body trembling as she got used to him being inside of her. Librarian knew the strain couldn’t last. He took a staggering step forward. Then another. Then, his hands slipping out quickly, like sailors playing out slack on a sail, he laid Fireheart upon her back, her thighs spreading even wider. Her hair puddled around her head – and for just a moment, a pensive, uncertain look flitted across her face.

Then, desperation.

“Fuck me,” she whispered. It was too needy to be an order, too hard edged to be a plea.

Librarian rocked his hips – using nothing but muscle and want. His mind was too overwhelmed by the heat radiating from her sex, from her thighs, from her toe, pressed to one of his palms as he cupped her ankle. His eyes half closed and his tentacles curled upwards as he slammed into her again, drawing back to that just the tip of his cock was left inside of her, then burying himself to his balls again. Said balls bounced off her ass, making her mewl and moan. She threw her head back, arching her back, animal eager. Her arm lashed out and she caught hold of one of the pillows, pressing it to her face, muffling herself.

Libarian knew he couldn’t last. But a strange, masculine pride that seemed to transcend race and even dimension kept him from simply bursting deep within the elf. Instead, he placed one long finger upon her clit, finding it easily thanks to her hairless sex. He rubbed her with firm, circular strokes, in time with his driving hips. He closed his eyes and tried to review every mental discipline he knew – the disciplines normally used to resist a psychic attack or intrusion. By running through the patterns, singing the little songs, he was able to keep his own peak suspended, as if by a string.

It grew harder as, driven by hand and by cock, Fireheart’s own peak came and crested, then came again, her moans growing louder and more shameless, her pillow tossed aside as she flung out her arms in bliss. Her back arched again and again, and her velvety slickness clenched on him – like an eager fist.

Librarian hit his own crest.

He slammed him home and a psychic wave of pleasure, a moan that shot through the entire castle, bust outwards. Elves woke from their slumber with confused signs of arousal – hard members, dripping pussies. The lovers in other chambers found their own climaxes – Lucas grunted as his member spurted over Helen’s face, her eyes closing as she giggled, while Lance Corporal Avanti shuddered as he came inside of his trollish bedmate. Fireheart’s own orgasm reflected back at Librarian as he felt his seed – normally reserved only for females, only for mating season – filled her elven womb.


There was no purpose to the act. Just...

The act.

And that raw, wasteful decadence nearly set Librarian to cumming again. His balls ached as he spurted more and more and more into her, his tentacles fanning wide, as if he was about to actually devour Fireheart’s brain. For a moment, all was pleasure and white and the trembling closeness of tightened muscle and gasping, panting lungs. When Librarian could see again, he could see his seed dripping slowly down the curve of Fireheart’s ass.

Slowly, the two of them began to slip apart. Fireheart looked up at him, a look of shock on her face. Librarian’s knees trembled. He tried, desperately, to think of what he could possibly say. And so, he fell back on his majordomo training. “Is ... there anything else you wished of me, Squire Fireheart?” he asked, his voice all formal edges and hard diction – as if he was still in his robes, as if he wasn’t dripping with her juices.

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Anyway,the story starts a few days back.The whole of family gathered for reunion at grandads home.Now,the family was large but the house was....well not small,but it was not enough to accmodate all of us.Anyway,it was decided that i would sleep with my brothers plus male cousins....but it was impossible,for want of space.Now,it happens that Susan was the only female cousin,she got a room for herself,and very soon,it was decided that I am forced to sleep with her for that night.Little did i know...

2 years ago
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A Man of Singular Talent Ch 02 Sophie and Alice

AUTHOR’S NOTES The protagonist of the below story is a man gifted with the ability to control the minds and bodies of others. If you are the sort of person that likes to know the features and limitations of his power, read on. If not, eh, skip to the story. Comments are welcome and can be addressed to the author via the CONTACT tab on his profile. —- Our nameless protagonist does not know how his power works other than it appears to be genetic and kicks in around puberty. He has had this...

2 years ago
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Progenitors Synopsis: The first astronaut on Callisto has a close encounter of the fourth kind - without knowing it. Now the crew is starting to experience some very unusual events in the ship. They have to unravel the mystery to see if the encounter is a threat to the rest of them. [email protected] ********************************************************************** cast of characters Ben Young - chief engineer of _Goddard_ and lander pilot. He looks...

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ThisGirlSucks Blair Williams Mouth Magic

If a girl can fit her entire fist in her mouth, you may want to wife her up quick. Blair Williams is the perfect example of what this girl would be like. A cock slut supreme that will do anything to taste the cream (non-dairy). She does savor the chase though, seductively walking up to your cock before she sucks it. The harder she sucks the more wet her pussy gets, so you can just imagine how much effort shes willing to give. She will even utilize those perfect tits to give her throat a break,...

4 years ago
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brother in law staring at sister my wife

My wife is a bbw Latina and in the process of losing weight. She's already a sexy woman with large hips and butt. She's also got some of the largest fat nipples I've seen on a woman. On a cold day her padded bra struggles to hide her headlights! My wife is very conservative when it comes to cloths. She covers up everything and will sometimes wear it loose fit. But she has an awesome body underneath.About 9 months ago my brother in law came to live with us due to no place to say. And he's very...

4 years ago
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The Hammers Manuscript

Dietrich stood on the bridge of the Trotzig, a Battle Barge in the service of the Hammers of Defiance. He looked out into the void and frowned, today was not going to be the easiest day in the ancient Marine's life or service. He frowns to himself and looks across the bridge of the 8.2km ship. It had the full compliment of 3 entire companies of his Hammers, two wore the Black and Gold of the Elite troops of the Hammers, while the last company, the First Company, wore mainly the Black and Gold...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 2

The next weekend, Mom ended up having to work overtime, leaving me and Heather home alone. Mom said we could each have a friend over, but Johnny had left town with his folks, so Heather had her friend Jessi over. I had met Jessi before, and she was attractive, A little heavier than Heather, but attractive none the less. I ended up sun bathing in a lawn chair on the back lawn, while my sister and her friend played in the pool. My sister kept looking at me and whispering in Jessi's ear. I...

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Valley Wives Ch 01

The sun rises over the western mountains and bathes the cities and towns nestled in Silicon Valley with a pinkish light. It promises to be another hot day but every house is armed with central air and swimming pools. It’s the mid-90’s and everyone is rich as the dot com boom begins to swell and money flows freely from venture capital firms all over the Valley. In the sprawling suburbs of San Jose one can find many streets filled with cookie-cutter homes. Many homes have swimming pools out back...

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The Great Airship Race

Welcome listeners of the Wireless Phone Network. This is William Bonifort Reporting for the Wireless Phone Network. Today is the day all the fans of the Airship Races have been waiting for all summer long. The first leg of the Euro/Alliance Airship championship races. This year the starting field has two hundred and fifty starters that made it through the local and national races. Here in the Highlands of Scotland, the Airship crews prepare their vessels for the first leg of the two month long,...

4 years ago
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Mijn eerste sex

Onderstaande verhaal is waar gebeurd. Nu ben 67 jaar en bi (zie mijn profiel hier Bevero24) en heb nu maar af en toe een date, De meeste willen niet een date met een ouder iemand. Nu je wat ouder denk je vaker terug aan mijn eerste sex met een man. Ik was al zeer vroeg geïnteresseerd in seks. Was wel hetero dus had belangstelling voor het vrouwelijk geslacht. Samen met mijn vriend Douwe, welke een jaar ouder was, had ik het geregeld over seks. Op een avond, we hadden een bijeenkomst gehad van...

2 years ago
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My Old Neighbor

I had this very wild wacky experience with a housewife one week back. She is a Widow age around 55 years old. You may think it is too old to enjoy sex and buddy, you are wrong. She stays in our colony and her husband died 3 years ago in a car accident and her son is in USA now and she stays alone in her house. She is a very decent and well behaved lady though always keeping her personal space, in our Society. I used to like her very much I secretly desired’ her and but never thought that one...

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BlackValleyGirls Nia Nacci Interracial Homecumming Cream

When our stud gets home, he is shocked to find incredibly sexy black babe Nia Nacci lounging by the pool. At first, he is a little upset, but as soon as he sees how alluring this chick is, he cannot be mad. She shows him inside his house and jumps in the tub, getting her bodacious body all sudded up and ready to bone. Then, she lets him fuck her fat titties before spreading her legs wide to take some hard pussy penetration. She loves every bit of his hard cock, and the interracial sex makes her...

2 years ago
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FootsieBabes Lara Duro Distracting Feet

Young sexy starlet Lara Duro is playing with her feet in the changing room instead of getting ready for her photoshoot. The photographer Chad Rockwell tries to convince her to get ready for the shoot. But Lara wants him to play with her instead. Chad gets down and starts to praise her perfect feet. Kissing and licking her luscious toes. This hot foot action makes her pussy get so wet, Chad just has to take a taste of that sweet moist cooch. He then pulls out his throbbing cock and sticks it in...

2 years ago
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Play Date

I had just pulled up to one of my best friend’s house, when I seen her talking to this guy who had just moved across the street from her. “Hey Lacy, who's the stud?" I asked her while making it to the top of her steps. "Oh he just wanted to stop by and say hi and get to know us neighbor Yeah right, anyway have you talked to Justin today? I tried calling his mom house but I got no answer." I asked her while we proceeded in the house. (Justin is my other best friend.)"Yeah he told me he was going...

Group Sex
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Anal training begins

As I opened the passenger door to Clark's vehicle I noticed a towel on the seat. He was prepared for my ass being full of cum. I sat down and I could feel cum running out of my ass.As he started driving he asked, "So how did you like your first tip to the gloryhole?"I answered, "It was amazing! I had no idea a place like that existed."Clark said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll be bringing you back to this one and some others a few times a week."When he said that I got excited. I couldn't wait...

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The Journey Home Ch 02

Meanwhile at home, Ben’s friends had to drag him out because he was missing Laura so much he didn’t feel like doing anything. Joe took him to a strip club and he just sat there. After a while they went and shot some pool and drank a few beers at Duggan’s Irish Pub then Joe took Ben back to his house and called it a night. Ben drifted off to sleep holding Laura’s picture against his chest. He loved her so much. The three days planned for Laura’s trip with the girls passed slowly. Monday morning...

1 year ago
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My first sex experience

Hi, This is my first story at aSexStories.com I hope everyone is going to like it. It was the first time I went to his place. We were in the kitchen and he brought me a glass of water. I was holding it when he grabbed me and pulled me towards himself. The warmth of his arms around me was amazing. I felt as if I am at the place where I always want to be. After a few moments, he held my face in his hands, looked at me with all the love in his eyes! I still remember the look and it sends chills...

First Time
4 years ago
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"April come here," I spoke gently as always, resulting in a reluctant but immediate halt to the erotic triple lip to vagina proceedings on the mat in front of me. "Oh master please, we were just nearing that beautiful moment when the world catches fire and the stars explode, showering pure ecstasy throughout our bodies." Always eloquently submissive in her soft alluring voice, April rose on one elbow; her beautiful face moist with the juices of precum pleasures reflecting disappointment...

1 year ago
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Because I Love Her

Prostate cancer! Two words that strike fear in the heart of every man and hear those words I did. The operation eliminated the cancer but left me unable to perform sexually and often I had no physical interest of any kind. A side effect little talked about for good reason….a lot of men might take their chances with the cancer. Kate and I had always enjoyed a good sex life and now the kids were grown and independent we had the house to ourselves and sex increased both in frequency and variety....

1 year ago
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The Maasai

I am a BBC-addicted cock whore, I am not at all embarrassed by it, I have enjoyed hundreds of black men, and hope to enjoy hundreds more...It was a very cool vacation in Africa, safari, good food, great weather...just one thing was missing, some BBC in the land of BBC. I looked up the best places to cruise and found the name of a local bar in the city. I thought I might give it a try one night and took a taxi to a club in the seedy part of the city. The place was nearly empty, just a few guys...

4 years ago
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Good Samaritan Cums To Their Aid

Sexual tension hung in the air while Chris was driving his white F150 pickup truck. He was trying to keep his eyes on the road and not on the two young coeds sitting beside him. Vanessa was sitting between Chris and Suzie, with Suzie’s sprained ankle resting on top of her thigh. They were all squeezed into the front seat of Chris’s truck. Vanessa was trying to stay focused on helping her new roommate, Suzie, but she was distracted. Sitting to her left was Chris, a thirty-seven year-old man with...

College Sex
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 11

ELEAR NORTHERN TEMPLE SITE "They gained access to the Temple through a rear delivery door my Queen." The Elven Holy man spoke as he watched Dysea and Isabella move around the small vault like room. There were over a dozen scrolls encased in the clear glass containers and spaced at even intervals throughout the vault. Three of them were now smashed and empty, but the others remained untouched. "They made their way down here and entered the vault. Only a bio-signature password can open the...

3 years ago
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First Love Part 3

A note: the first part of this story is taken from "First Love - Part 2."  Denise sat up, and massaged the warm cum into her breasts. She spread some over her lips then took my hand and pulled me to her. She kissed me with her cum covered lips. Sitting back, she asked if I ever tasted myself. I told her that this was my first time.She took my hand as we stood; Denise led me to the Jacuzzi tub."Are you open, to trying something new?" she asked as she turned on the taps to fill the tub."Yes I am,...

2 years ago
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Autumns BIG Toy

Autumn had been thinking about the toy she had seen while online shopping all day. And now that it was bedtime, she sure wished she had it already. Autumn had broken up with her boyfriend after finally realizing she was more “part-time pussy” than a full-time girlfriend. And while she was glad to be rid of the jerk, she was missing the cock that he brought with him. Tommy sported an eight-inch long, two-inch thick cock that Autumn had enjoyed filling her pussy ass and mouth, but it was the time...

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My Dream Darlz My Aunt

Hello everyone.this is Manish. I am from hyderabad.I’m a guy of average height and age of 23.I completed my bachelor’s degree and joined in a reputated company.I got posted to a place and I began in search of a room to live. I was a virgin then and later had many experiences.here is where my luck changed. I got into a room and talked to the owner.he said he lives with his wife and a child aged 7 and goes to school.he is a business man mostly goes on tours.I forgot to say I live on the first...

3 years ago
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Making Her Wild Fantasies Come True

Hi ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 25 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. Once again I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much ISS for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. This incident happened when I was 21 while I was dating a girl from my college. We were madly in love with each other. I always...

4 years ago
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A Cloak Of LiesChapter 6

Niko returned to the barn to find Camille bent over his friend. The man's head was cradled in her hand, while she held a small bottle of water to his lips. His eyes were closed though he seemed to be hearing what she was telling him. After attending to Olan's thirst, Camille lowered his head back to the blanket, moving around to tend his wounded shoulder. The man moaned weakly as she carefully removed the old dressing, laying the weeping hole bare. As she turned to prepare a new compress,...

4 years ago
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Barmaid Ch 1

John sat in the club toilet, and proceeded to beat off his cock. His eyes were closed, and of course he was thinking about her. Julie, the club barmaid. She was in her forties and he was merely eighteen. But that did not bother him. He wanted her more than anyone. From the first moment he had seen her he knew he wanted her. She had short blonde hair, a heaving pair of breasts, that were easily D-cups, and of course the centre thought of his relentless jacking off, the finest butt known to...

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To Dream Among The Stars Chapter 9A

Day 7I dream of Akari, her delicate pussy, her tight ass, her firm breasts, her sumptuous smile. As much as we fucked three times last night, my dreams are filled with her, fucking in all positions, doing all kinds of crazy stuff, filling her with my desire and my cum. Although, my last dream with her is disturbing.As I was to penetrate her, she covers her pussy and tells me, “You can only fuck me if Bruce fucks you at the same time!”I turn around to discover Bruce is behind me, nude, dick in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Pool GirlChapter 18

I woke up the first time at 3 AM. The girls were sleeping and I woke from a dream that drove sleep from me. In my dream, I had been back in the student union building at my undergrad. I was on the crappy pool tables they had and was desperately trying to sink my combos on the worn-out felt and bouncing off the unresponsive bumpers. There was barely any chalk and the cues were slightly warped. People wandered in and out as I played, and out the window, I saw the landscape shift as the building...

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First Time Gay Male Sex

Me ayaan and my friend’s name is kunal it were our school days hum sath main padai karte the school, tution , bhi ek hi jagha sath main jate the ek bar 10 th std ki bat hi hum tution se return arhe the toh raste main kunal ko pee ayi toh usne bol chal washroom chalte hai Pas main 1 market tha hum waha chale gye market k washroom main jake kunal pee karne khada ho gaya aur uske pas main main b pee karne khada hogaya toh meri nazar kunal k lund par padi uska lund bhada 8 aur mota tha uska lund...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 69 The Inquiry

M. de Villefort kept the promise he had made to Madame Danglars, to endeavor to find out how the Count of Monte Cristo had discovered the history of the house at Auteuil. He wrote the same day for the required information to M. de Boville, who, from having been an inspector of prisons, was promoted to a high office in the police; and the latter begged for two days time to ascertain exactly who would be most likely to give him full particulars. At the end of the second day M. de Villefort...

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South Indian Mom And Son Love ndash Lustful And

This story is fictional, and is about a forbidden relationship between a Mom and her son.In a lower middle class family, Rajan (41) is a Bus driver working with the state transport corporation, he does night shifts on a regular route between Tuticorin to Chennai. He is home every alternate days and leaves at night for work, he seldom ends up with day off because the allowances and overtime always interested him rather than resting at home. Rajan’s wife Kalyani (40), a typical house wife took...

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Bad Girls

When I was fifteen or sixteen I got a job working at the country club near our house. There were three other girls working there that I was friends with, they were in my class. Linda, a blond, Lisa, a brunette, and Tammy, brown hair. Now we had a lot of fun working. We got to mow the grass, do painting, and all kinds of maintenance. And while we did our duties we always took time to flirt. We would give beaver shots, boob shots and many other things. The old men at the club could not keep their...

3 years ago
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Hard to Get

I love teasing guys and playing hard to get. OK, it’s a cruel, but I can’t help it. I was born a natural flirt, with big green eyes, a tight little body, and luscious brown locks. In high school, I was always known as ‘that girl.’ It’s a compliment, even though it doesn’t sound like one. I never worried about being tossed into the trashcan as a freshmen, or getting soup dumped over my head. I’m a flirt, but guys and girls can’t help but like me no matter what. But I learned my lesson...

4 years ago
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Self Discovery 1

Hey guys, first story of mine. It's just something I threw together real quick so it is a little short and rough. Let me know what you think and drop a rate on there! I will definitely put something longer and more meaty up if you like my quick write ;) ***************************************** I wished I could just lean back and enjoy the sensation, but there was no back on the bench. I threw my head back and opened my eyes. The sky was a clear blue. The sun was shining, the birds were...

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 32

Lucy began to open the door on her ride from the Four Seasons and the driver scolded her. "Please Miss, wait for me." He said as he jumped out and got her door for her. The Lenox doorman came right out as he saw the Towne Car arrive and held the door for her. "Any bags madam?" He asked as she shook her head and went inside. She enjoyed the pampered feeling of the car and being treated as someone special. As she opened the door to their room she heard the TV and knew Jeromy was back in...

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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 23 Ships into warships

About two weeks after Jervis Bay came to Earth orbit, she was joined by Sancho Panza. The headquarters Aurora, Blue Light, followed in another two weeks. The team began working with their primary ship, Jervis Bay, in orbit near the District 17 Aurora, Blue Light. While the designs and tactics were well along, it was still a development period. This period included additional tradeoffs of positioning functions on the Minuit-class ships, their pods, and their small craft. Terry's household...

3 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 13 Just Relax

“What the hell are yer doin’ down here, Mr Keith-from-the-river ... or should that be Mr Keith-Poata-from-Te-Ruapa?” Keith didn’t respond immediately to this inquisition but just sat with his knees up by his face as he looked out across this narrow neck of the Waikato River. He was still naked and sitting quietly on the pebbly shore of the river just by his upturned canoe and some of the stuff he had left with the broken boat from the night before. Eventually he did turn around only to see...

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The Mercenarys Shadow ch4

The wind whistled in my ear as I fell swiftly. I felt two more arrows shoot pass me, one grazing my cheek slightly. We fell till about halfway outside the building when I shouted "Kenndo!" For a heart-stopping moment, nothing happened and we continued falling. Then, suddenly large black wings opened on each side of me and I quickly pulled up flying quickly away from the building going upwards. Now that we weren't falling I could deal with the matter of getting Lyra home quickly....

4 years ago
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The Motherly Thirst Of An Indian Son 8211 Part 2

RISHABH…!!! Open the door… I woke up suddenly all scared.. It was my father banging on my door.. don’t know for how long… I turned to face the watch.. it was 7:45 in the evening.. I hadn’t slept over for this long in a long long time..!! after the afternoon episode with mom.. I guess my body was pretty exhausted..!! I still couldn’t believe it.. it still seemed to me like a dream.. but then I could still make out the smell of her body from my hands..!! Rishabh..!! what are you doing…!! I...

2 years ago
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Hell Week

Chapter 1 Stan and I were decompressing from Hell Week. Hell Week is what we junior people call the annual partner's meeting. All the junior partners have to prepare presentations for the senior partners and deliver them during our annual partner meeting. The idea is to come up with some new way to make more money, or save more money, or open a new market. In other words, some way to make the senior partners richer. The best idea(s) get a junior partner that coveted invitation to become a...

1 year ago
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My holes will never be tight after tonight

My name is julie I went to a party shortly after my 18th b-day at a friends house. The house was packed drinkin and smokin weed was all around. I danced with a girl friend of mine when several black guys gathered around us. I seen them put thier hands up her skirt but she didn't stop them. Then there was a hand on my ass and inner thigh but i pulled away then another handed me a drink thinkin it was beer i drank it to relax a bit. I could see the guy in front of my friend had his pants open as...

First Time
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show Part 1

One Sunday evening as we are finishing up our long romp from the weekend and I’m getting ready to head home she tells me that we are going to see the Rock Horror Picture Show at one of the local theaters in two weeks. I wasn’t thrilled about it, but I honestly hadn’t taken her anywhere in a month or so. “Sure,” and thinking to myself what the hell, we’ll be out of the house for a couple of hours and come home and hop right back into bed. The next Friday I’m back at her house, already...

3 years ago
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Scollay Square

As I sit at the bar alone after a long day at work I survey the room while sipping on a whisky & lemonade (a habit I accumulated while traveling through England). A few guys approach me, we make small talk, but none of them are who I am looking for, so I dismiss them and continue looking around the bar. In a dark corner I see a tiny table with a guy sitting with his back to the wall casually drinking a beer. We lock eyes for a brief second, I smile coyly and look away. I turn my attention...

4 years ago
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A Day on the Dunes

My name is Samantha. I’m 41 years old. My story begins one afternoon this last July. My son Steven asked me if I would take him to the sand dunes to do some dirt-bike riding. This was something his father used to do with him ever since Steve was eleven. Now, since his father (My ex.) had married his twenty two-year-old secretary, three days after our divorce was finalized, he hasn’t had time for his son. Steve is fifteen now, almost sixteen, and loves to ride that dirt bike. I don’t ride with...

2 years ago
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GirlsWay Riley Reyes Sofi Ryan Making A Difference

Sofi Ryan is excited to start work at a new hospital and is getting the grand tour by Dr. Riley Reyes. Although Sofi is ready to change the world, Riley acts as though it’s already crashed and burned. As optimistic as Sofi tries to be, Riley brings it down with her pessimism. Finally, Sofi can’t stay quiet anymore and asks Riley what’s bothering her. Riley insists that nothing’s bothering her, but Sofi insists that Riley’s changed — she used to be so...

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Awakening the Slut Ch 1

Chapter1: The PlanMy wife and I have been married for 15 years. My wife has kept her 5’6” 120lb body in great shape, especially for a 40-year-old mother of two. Her 34C tits are absolutely exquisite on her small frame. Our sex life has been conservative by Donna’s nature. As a schoolteacher she is very prim and proper and carries that attitude in to the bedroom. Donna does not seem to enjoy oral sex and prefers sex in the conventional manner. Her orgasms are few and far between. As we...

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Sally Sally PumpkinEater

Sally Sanderson was not exactly a pretty child growing up and when she reached the ripe old age of eighteen; there was not much noticeable improvement in either her looks or her disposition. Her parents never really noticed that she didn't have very many friends because they were so proud of her straight "A"s in school and the fact that she kept her room exceedingly neat and clean. She had a little dog called Dodo who had a short curled tail and seemed to be interested in sniffing...

4 years ago
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Hardcore Threesome With Bhabhi And Sister

Hi everyone this story is of how I ended up fucking my hot bhabhi and my cousin sister. Please do not mind the mistakes in this story and please send me your comments on my email id I live in a joint family with my parents, bada papa and badi mummy and her daughter, my elder and 1st cousin, Arvi. I am very close to my sister, so close that I spank her ass at times, she rubs my dicks from my pants, I press her boobs, she seduces me,etc. we even went this close that we were going to be nude in...

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