My Father's SonChapter 6 free porn video

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I sat on the curb of the sidewalk and wept hysterically. I found it hard to breathe. I had all sorts of emotions running through my head. I was happy, I was sad, I was scared. After sobbing for 15 minutes or so, I got up and slowly walked toward the convenience store on the next block. I was pissed off because I had forgotten my cell phone. I needed to call Wendy. I went inside the store which was almost empty. That made me feel slightly better. I don’t think I could have handled a crowd. I asked the clerk if I could please use their phone. I explained I had no money to use the payphone outside. He was kind enough to let me make a quick phone call as long as he dialed the number to ensure it wasn’t long distance.

Luckily my dad had taught me to memorize phone numbers in case of moments like these. I had recited Wendy’s cell phone number over and over until I memorized it. I called her and prayed she would be home.

“Hello?” She answered sounding almost cautiously.

“Hey, it’s me,” I began. “I-I need to talk to you. I need to talk to someone!” Just then tears spilled from my eyes. Damnit! I didn’t want to cry again! I thought I was done crying!

The store clerk looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

“Sara? Where are you?” Wendy asked.

I told her where I was and she promised she would come pick me up. Feeling somewhat relieved. I hung up the phone and waited for my best friend. As promised, Wendy arrived within 10 minutes. I went outside and got in her car. I started to cry again before even speaking.

“Aww Sara, what’s wrong?” Wendy asked putting her hand over mine.

“W-we got the paternity test results,” I sobbed.

Wendy’s eyes widened. “What? Really? So? What were the results?”

I looked at my best friend who anxiously waited for my answer. “He’s my brother.”

Wendy blinked and her eyes saddened. “I’m sorry Sara ... or should I say congrats?”

I shrugged. “That’s the thing. I’m stuck. I mean I’m happy to know I have a sibling but at the same time...”

“Yeah...” Wendy understood.

“So what did you say to Jack? “ She asked.

“I didn’t say anything. I ran off. That’s why I called you.”

Wendy gasped and squeezed my hand. “Sara! You just ran away? That’s not going to solve anything!”

I sighed. “I know. I know I have to face Jack but right now I’m just so scared.” I leaned over and put my head on my best friend’s shoulder.

“Oh Sara...” Wendy said softly. “You want to go to my house for tonight? So you can clear you mind?”

I nodded.

She started the car and I sat back up to put on my seatbelt. We drove in silence. My best friend always knew how to make me feel better.

I got to Wendy’s house and as soon as we walked in her father and mother were waiting at the door. We walked in quietly and Wendy’s dad was the one to tell me.

“Sara ... your father is looking for you. He called her to see if you had come here and we told him we hadn’t seen you.” He looked at Wendy and furrowed his brow. “Going to go put gas in the car huh?” He questioned his daughter.

Wendy began to fidget. “I’m sorry dad.”

“I’ll call your father to let him know where you are,” Mr. Jennings said to me.

I wanted to protest but I knew he was only doing the right thing. I heard Mr. Jennings on the phone talking to my dad. Mrs. Jennings looked concerned. “Are you ok sweetie?” She asked.

“I’ll be fine,” I said hesitantly.

“Do you want something to eat or drink?” Mrs. Jennings asked so kindly.

“No, but thank you.”

“Well ... have a seat and wait for your dad to pick you up,” Mrs. Jennings said before going back to the kitchen where her husband was.

“I’m sorry Sara. I didn’t know your dad had called my folks,” Wendy apologized.

“It’s ok. It’s not your fault,” I replied. We went to sit down on the couch where the TV was showing Seinfeld.

I nervously waited for my dad to pick me up.

“Are you really that much in love with Jack?” Wendy asked in a whisper.

“Yes,” I didn’t hesitate to say.

“Wow...” was all Wendy could say.

“But I know I can’t keep loving him this way. I need to tell him we need to just be brother and sister. I mean incest is wrong isn’t it?” I asked sadly.

Wendy shrugged giving me sympathetic eyes.

“I mean you’d never think of any of your brothers that way would you?”

Wendy looked horrified. “Ewww no way! But then again none of my brothers look anything like Jack, so...”

We both laughed a little.

Just then we heard my dad’s car pull up. My heart began to pound. He rang the doorbell and Mr. Jennings answered.

“Hello Edward. She’s right in there,” he pointed to me.

My dad’s eyes met mine. He had red swollen eyes just like mine. He too had been crying. “Sara...” He rasped.

I stood up and Wendy did too. She rubbed my back gently.

“Let’s go,” he said sounding half mad and half sad.

I didn’t say anything I just gave my best friend a hug and told her I’d talk to her later.

“Thanks Edgar. I appreciate it,” my dad said to Mr. Jennings.

“No problem. You all be careful.”

My father and I walked outside. The sun was just starting to set. My father didn’t say anything to me until we got in the car.

“Sara ... why in the world did you run off like that? You had all of us worried sick! Jack went riding around to find you and when he couldn’t find you we all panicked!”

Jack ... oh my Jack.

“I’m sorry dad. I guess I didn’t know how much the news was going to impact me.”

“I thought you wanted a brother?” My dad questioned.

“I did ... I do ... I guess I was shocked and freaked out. I’m sorry. I’m ok now though,” I lied.

My father sighed. “I was so worried about you.”

“I’m so sorry dad. I didn’t mean to freak out like that. Let’s just go home ok?”

He nodded.

“I-Is Jack still there?” I asked nervously.

“Yes and so is Debbie.”

I felt my hands begin to shake. How in the world was I going to react when I got back home? My father finally turned on the car and drove back home. Once we arrived I saw Jack’s Camaro parked in front of my house. He’d brought Debbie in his car.

Once we walked in my mom, Debbie and Jack all looked relieved to see me. My mom was the first to hug me. “Oh Sara! I’m so glad you’re ok!”

“Thank goodness! We were so worried about you!” Debbie said and hugged me too. Jack stood by Debbie and looked at me with intense eyes.

“You sure do run fast ... sis,” he hesitated to say the S word. I smiled shyly. He moved closer to hug me. He whispered in my ear, “I love you.”

I quickly pulled away. “I’m sorry everyone. I guess I just freaked. I’ve been an only child forever and now to hear I have a sibling...”I looked at my brother Jack who I was deeply in love with, “Well I guess it was big news to digest.”

Debbie touched my arm softly. “I know it’s big news sweetie. It’s ok we are all feeling all kinds of emotions right now aren’t we?” Debbie asked Jack. Jack just nodded and stared at me with those intense eyes of his.

“Can I talk to you ... sis?” There he went hesitating to say the S word.

“Uh sure,” I said nervously. I waited.

“Alone,” he added.

I gulped. “Um ... ok let’s go to my room.”

I noticed my mom eying me cautiously. As we walked to my room I could hear my mom, dad and Debbie start to chat. We went into my room and I left the door open. Jack frowned and went to close the door. He walked towards me and stood in front of me.

“Ok ... so now that you know we are related ... how do you feel? About me? About us?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess we should just be brother and sister. I mean we can’t be lovers or anything like that. “I regretted saying what I said.

Jack’s eyes saddened. “What? Really?”

“Yes, really. Jack you and I are related. Imagine how much we’ll hurt our parents if we tell them we were fooling around.”

Jack narrowed his eyes. I began to cower. “How can you say we were fooling around when you know it was much more than that? I love you Sara. You know I do.”

I licked my dry lips. “You can’t love me like that Jack. You know it. It’s just wrong.”

Jack frowned. “So what exactly are you saying, Sara?”

I took a deep breath and turned away from him like a coward. “I’m saying ... we are brother and sister.”

“Could you at least look at me?” He asked sadly.

I turned to look at him. His eyes began to tear but he fought hard not to cry. “I’m sorry Jack. It’s for the best.”

He sighed and blinked back tears. “Fine. If that’s what you want I’ll respect that but don’t expect me to stop loving you overnight.”

With that, he quietly walked out of my room. I stood in the middle of my room for what seemed to be forever. I felt numb. I had to fight from crying again. I was afraid my mom or dad would come in and wonder what the hell was wrong with me. A few minutes later I heard Jack’s car and I knew he and Debbie had left.

I heard a soft knock on my door. I took a deep breath. “C-come in,” I tried not to stammer.

My mom walked in looking concerned. “Sara, are you ok?”

I nodded and put on the best fake smile I could manage. “Y-yes of course mom! I’m so happy I have a brother!”

My mom closed my door and narrowed her eyes at me. “Why are you lying to me?”

Tears spilled down my face again. Damnit!

My mom walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me. “It’s ok Sara. Cry. You need to cry.”

“Mom ... oh mom...” My voice was muffled as I cried in my mother’s arms.

“What did you tell Jack?” she asked as she slowly pulled away and helped wipe my tears.

“I-I told him that we are simply brother and sister. We can’t be anything else.”

“And what did he say?”

I looked down and told her what he’d said.

“So what now? Are you sure you can handle being just his sister?” My mom questioned sadly.

I shrugged. “I guess. I have no choice do I?”

My mom sighed and hugged me again.

The next day after school I was about to go home when I heard my phone chime. It was a text message from Jack. I was at my locker when it happened. I spotted Gabriel looking over at me and I knew he was still waiting for his answer about prom. I turned around and looked at Jack’s message.

Jack: We need to talk. Can you come over after school?

I waited a few minutes to reply. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to go over to Jack’s but I felt that we did still have some unresolved issues to tend to.

Me: I’ll come over I put my phone up and began to get my books out of my locker that I would need for my homework that night. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Gabriel standing in front of me.

“Hey Sara.”


“So...” he began nervously, “have you made up your mind about prom?”

I gulped. “N-no not really.”

His face darkened. “Oh.”

I felt awful but I had too much on my mind and so much going on at home that prom was the last thing on my mind. Had I never met Jack I wouldn’t have hesitated to go to prom at all with Gabriel. Had I never met Jack I would have never had a chance to experience true love.

“Look, if you want to ask someone else, that’s ok. I just have a lot going on right now.”

Gabriel looked concerned. “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything you want to talk about?”

I nodded. “No it’s ok. I’m sorry about prom.”

He shrugged. “It’s ok. I guess I’ll see you around?”

I nodded. “See you.”

He walked away looking gloom but I just wasn’t ready for prom or anything. I needed to know what the hell I was going to do about Jack. My Jack.

I got to Jack’s house 30 minutes later. I didn’t see Debbie’s car in the driveway so I figured she wasn’t home. That made me nervous. I took a deep breath before approaching the door. Jack was already waiting for me.

“Sara,” he said greeting me as he opened the front door to let me inside.

I walked in slowly. Once inside, I turned around to face Jack, who was officially known as my brother. We shared my father’s blood.

“Hi Jack,” I said softly.

He leaned in for a hug. I pulled back.

He frowned. “So what? Now I can’t get a hug?”

I knew I was overreacting but I was almost afraid if I hugged Jack I would want to kiss Jack and then do so much more with Jack...

I blushed. “I’m sorry.” I stepped forward and hugged him.

I was the one to break the embrace. “So ... what did you want to talk about?”

“I want to talk about us. Do you really just want to go back to being brother and sister?”

“I-It’s for the best,” I stumbled on my words.

Jack reached out and touched my face. He caressed my cheek gently. “Are you sure?”

At that moment maybe I wasn’t so sure. At that moment feeling Jack’s warm touch was making me doubt my decision. His blue eyes were focused on me. His hand went slowly from my face down to my neck. He inched closer to me and with both hands cupped my face.

“You don’t love me?” He asked.

I begin to tremble. This was too much. I was losing strength by the minute with just the slightest touch. I was too scared to answer his question. Did I love him? Of course I did!

He leaned down and kissed my lips. At first I refused to kiss him back but once his warm lips pressed against mine I gave in. I let his tongue meet mine and kissed my brother back. I put my arms around his neck and pressed my body against his.

“I take it you do love me?” He asked as he slowly broke our kiss.

I nodded.

“Tell me,” he requested.

My knees began to weaken.

“Tell me,” he urged again.

“I-I l-love you,” I whimpered.

He smiled. That same smile I had fallen in love with. Oh god! Here I was madly in love with my brother.

He grabbed my hand and began to lead me to his room. I followed. Once in his room he closed his door and got behind me. He circled his arms around me and lightly kissed my neck. His warm breath on my skin was sending shivers all over my body.

“Sis...” he whispered in my ear.

My entire body began to feel so hot! I threw my car keys and handbag on the floor and turned to face him.

“I want you. Do you want me?” He rasped as he stroked my hair.

“Yes!” I didn’t hesitate to answer.

His hands started to unbutton my blouse. One by one each button came undone until my blouse opened exposing me in a white lacy bra. Jack slowly pulled my blouse down my shoulders taking it off of my body while trailing kisses from my lips down to my neck.

“So beautiful,” he said.

He reached behind me and unclasped my bra letting it fall to the floor. Completely topless I held my brother. His hands gently rubbed my back. I moved my hands down and began to pull up his t-shirt. Jack pulled back and let me begin to undress him. Once his t-shirt came off, we held one another again. My breasts pressed against his bare chest. My heart was pounding.

Jack moved me towards his bed. He laid me down. Jack climbed on top of me and began kissing all over my breasts. He took turns sucking on each breast, teasing me so sweetly. His tongue, doing lazy circles on each nipple. I spread my legs and kicked off my shoes. Jack got in between my legs and raised his body up to take the rest of his clothes off. He went back down to kiss my breasts, my neck, and my lips. We kissed passionately. I held him close to me knowing our bodies would soon become one.

Jack moved down my body and unbuttoned my jeans. I raised my hips to help him remove my jeans. I was left with my white panties on. Jack proceeded to remove them as well. I was completely naked with my brother. His naked body felt so perfect on mine. He trailed kisses all over my body from my neck to my breasts, to my tummy and then down to my thighs.

He spread hot kisses all over my thighs. I was so ready for my brother, the love of my life. He put his head between my legs. I felt his warm breath at first followed by his hot mouth. I instantly gasped as his heavy tongue began to taste me. He moved his tongue slow at first.

“Jack...” I moaned his name.

His mouth, his tongue all over my pussy making me squirm. I reached down to grab his head and pushed him on my pussy. He began sucking on my clit.

“Fuck!” I yelped.

I started grinding my pussy. Jack kept sucking on my clit letting me fuck his mouth. He felt so good between my legs! I could hear him sucking on my pussy determined me make his sister cum. I continued grinding my pussy on his hot mouth feeling my own juices seep out and hearing him lap them.

“Jack ... Jack ... Oh ... fuck!” My entire body was trembling as my orgasm ripped through me. I held his head between my legs as my body violently shook from the intense orgasm. Slowly I released him as my orgasm faded. When he looked up at me I saw his mouth was wet covered by my juices. He licked his lips and wiped off some of my excess honey from his mouth.

“You taste incredible. I knew you would,” he said. He moved back up and we kissed sharing the faint taste of my juices in our kiss.

“Get inside of me,” I urged.

Jack didn’t hesitate. I felt him slowly attempt to enter me. Although I was soaking wet, he struggled at first to put his cock in me. It was my first time having sex.

Once he began to enter me I gasped. It hurt for an instant but then it quickly began to feel so good. Jack felt incredible going in me. He looked into my eyes as he entered me. Once he was all inside he leaned down to kiss me. We kissed hard.

“Brother...” I whispered in between kisses as he began to slide in and out of me. I had meant to call out his name but the word “brother” easily slipped from my lips.

Hearing me say that seemed to turn Jack on more. He looked determined to fuck me good. He started off slowly and gentle. “Is this good?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yes ... so good. It feels good,” I whispered.

He started to go faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in closer.

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Fathers Day

Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...

4 years ago
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Fathers Day

Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...

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Fathers Day Pt 7

He bent as much as he could to kiss me under my right ear. "Feel good, darling?"“Oh daddy, you’ll never know just how good, but I’m nearly out of it, you’ve made me cum so much, I don’t think I can carry on much longer but you still haven’t cum have you?”“Oh don’t worry about me darling, this was about you,” he said as he tried yet another angle, getting another low groan out of my surprised mouth.“Here, I tell ya what, let’s just roll over onto our sides and I’ll keep him right where he is...

1 year ago
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Fathers Day Pt 6

He let me lower my upper body on trembling arms and must have felt my hair touch his thigh. I need his cock, I need his cock in my mouth NOW. I had my head turned to one side, lying on his abdomen, and I was just sucking away like a nursing baby.He did the same to my little clit, occasionally pausing to push his tongue as far as he could into the tiny opening of my cunt. I was so hot by this point that I just lay there, sucking him at one end, and pulsing into an orgasm every half-minute...

2 years ago
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Fathers Day Pt 5

We stood outside in the boiling sun, looked each other up and down, I don’t know what he saw, but I saw a very sexy guy that I loved enormously, with a nice bulge still in his trousers, grabbed his arm and we walked into the high street. Of-course, what we hadn’t thought about was that there might be some wind blowing outside. Thankfully, the weather was so hot that only a light breeze was blowing or heaven only knows just how much of my boobs would have been on view.Several times, I caught...

4 years ago
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Fathers Day Pt 2

I hope you don’t mind me telling you all this stuff, it’s just that he really knows how to work wonders on me, he knows exactly how I’m feeling just by looking at me and just what to do to make all those nasty things go away.Am I telling you too much or do you want me to carry on telling you?I really feel all soft and sloppy now reliving this for you.Please let me know what you want me to do.I just knew you would understand about how much I needed dad that night.It must have been nearly...

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Grandfathers hand

“Hi grampa!” josie smiled happily as she gave her grandfather a big hug. “now you be good for your grandfather and don’t put up a fuss when it’s time to go to bed,” josie’s mother lectured. “yeah, yeah!” josie moaned, rolling her eyes in revolt. “i can handle her, go on and have fun you two,” her grandfather said to her mom and dad. Once her parents car had pulled out of the driveway and driven off, josie immediately stripped down. It had started many years ago as a game her grampa talked her...

2 years ago
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Father Michael

Synopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it) Father Michael It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there,...

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Father in law is my second husband

I am 25 years old, married and I have a son of 5 years old. My husband’s name is Pradeep and he is a businessman. He is involved in export and import business. He has to travel out of the country occasionally. He rarely takes me with him. We live with our laws that are my father in law, mother in law, my husband, my son and me. My mother in law was strict. So I had to live being a good daughter in law . I had to obey her, dress up in traditional way. She had maintained a strict environment in...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Introduction: FAMILY GUY Part 5 FAMILY GUY Part 5 Father, Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding – Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughters steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didnt know how much noise they where making and how loud they...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding - Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughter's steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didn't know how much noise they where making and how loud they where. He was lying...

4 years ago
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Father Providence

Father Providence Belladonna [Author's note: This is not my typical story. It is my second shortest story to date. I believe it also the darkest story I have ever written. I wrote the story shortly after I finished the original version of the Office Girl. I have no plans to write another story in this vein ever again, but I decided to post it anyway.] When I first saw Father Providence, I was sure he was just a black, Jim Jones. He didn't look like anything special. He was...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding The light snapped on and peter griffin jumped back from his bedroom window startled his bathrobe flying open as he spun around to see his daughter meg standing in the door way staring at him. "I thought you were asleep meg" he challenged. His daughter meg stood their framed in the doorway the light shining through her high school musical nightie showing off her ample breasts and boyish slim figure. Meg stared at her fathers'...

3 years ago
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Father Lester

The young priest, Father Lester was naked. He was kneeling between the outstretched equally naked legs of the parish priest, Father Leary. Lester was savoring the bitter musky taste of the old priest's eight inch cock, laving the firm tube of flesh with his tongue. He had given one of Father Leary's private confessions. His penance was always either a savage ass fucking which the young priest thoroughly enjoyed or as it was today Father Leary was in the mood for one of Lester's good long...

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Father Leary Hears More Private Confessions

Father Lester finished his last confession early. There were no more high school kids waiting except for two who always waited for Father Leary. Lester went to the rectory meaning to stop by Father Leary's office to pick up some papers that Leary had asked him to look at for him. When the thirty year old priest entered the outer office he noticed a pretty young girl sitting patiently on a bench. "Good afternoon Father Lester." Young Jill Ebber said with a sweet smile on her face. "Good...

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Father Learys Private Confessions

Normally Thursday afternoon confessions were something Father Leary disliked. All those high school teenagers confessing the same sins every week, but this Thursday the priest was in a splendid mood and was more lenient than usual when doling out penance. He was in a good mood because he expected young Jill Ebber this Thursday to give penance in the good Father's private office as she had done last week. The fifteen year old had allowed the priest to spank her on her cute rounded bare bottom...

1 year ago
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Father Dowling I Am Heartily Sorry

It was late on the evening of a First Friday, and St. Michael's was almost empty. Father Dowling says it wasn't like that in the old days, before Vatican II, but I wouldn't know about that. All I get in the confessional nowadays is a lot of old ladies and little kids, and none of them have much to confess. I'd just gotten through with two old ladies whose worst sins were gossiping about their neighbors -- and that wasn't what they'd come to confess, it was what they'd come to do. In...

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Father Mike and Sister Ann

Father Mike and Sister Ann , had been exchanging glances, for many months now. As they passed in the hall, as they went for Vespers, all the time the room was charged with energy. Sister Ann would sometimes blush, after talking with Father Mike. She was sure that her sisters in the faith could tell. They were both aching for each other. It was wrong, so very wrong. Could they even be forgiven?? Sister Ann, had waited until everyone was a asleep, and snuck to the bathroom where she would rub her...

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FATHER OF THE BRIDE 2.THE JOHN THOR STORY Two months into her marriage Gail is nearly at the end of her rope. Her plan had not gone as she had hoped, and her life had begin to spiral out of control. Life as Mrs Larry Chandler was hard. Because as hard as she tried, she just couldn't get the memory of her father out of her mind. John Thor had been his daughter's lover for close to ten years. She was just sixteen years old the first time John bedded his daughter. For years John had trained his...

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Father and Son bond over Nudism in more ways than

growing up, my father and i had never been close, quite the opposite in fact, he wasn,t exactly the paternal type. he was however very open minded when it came to the subject of whether or not it was ok for a parent to be naked in front of their k**s. i have very vivid memories of my father walking between the bedroom and the bathroom while naked and seemingly not caring if we saw him. my mother disapproved, and said so frequently, and my older brother always looked away or ran into another...

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Father Barton

Subject: FW: Father BartonFather Barton hated masturbating the dogs Subject: FW: Father Barton??? Father Barton hated masturbating the dogs. It was demeaning for theyoung priest to have to put his hands on the dirty canine pricks and ballsand rub them until the dogs unloaded copious amounts of doggie sperm intothe glass jar. But how else could he collect his special "protein elixir"for the boys.? He couldn't very well ask one of the other priests to do it.They already wondered why the...

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Father Knows Best

James Greggs had been divorced from his wife Susan Greggs for a little over three years now. His wife left him. His daughter Kylie Greggs was to live with her mother most of the time and get to see her father one week out of every month and alternating holidays. James was forty-six years old and was about five foot and eleven inches tall. He was not a very hairy man and had a rather nice sized dick, which measured at about 7 inches when hard and was about the width of a bratwurst and was...

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Father Son Cuckolds

This is my story. It's a bit unusual in relative to the relationship most husbands have with their in-laws. I felt I needed to tell it because of all the twists and turns I and my family (my mom and dad) have experienced as a result of my relationship and marriage into the Jones family. The problem is where do I start? Where should I begin? I guess I should begin with the obvious.My name is Victor and my wife's name is Vicki. We are both in our late twenties. Our parents are in their mid...

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Father Daniels Spell

I was young and nubile and also, this was the important part, longed for and loved orgasms and climaxes and all kinds of things like that which were a kind of ‘forbidden fruit.’ After all, I was not that old but my body was fully developed. Nice breasts, a slender waist and a pussy that wouldn’t stop wanting attention…not to mention anal…another joy. I was all systems “go” and systems were ready to go with any suggestion, or no suggestion at all. Then there was this young priest, Father...

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Father And Son At Hunting Camp

My father and I had decided to go hunting last weekend but we never thought we would end up having the most bizarre time that it ended up being. We got to our hunting camp on Friday night. It was just the two of us in a small camp in the woods and we had to build a fire in the fireplace to keep warm. Once the fire got going really well the camp heated up fast and soon we had to take off our winter coats and hats and we could just sit around in our shorts and t-shirts. My Dad and I have been...

1 year ago
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Father oreillys true confessions part one

My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...

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Father Murphy

Father Murphy Hears Cathleen's Confession Patrick Joseph Murphy was the son of Patrick Xavier Murphy. The line of eldest son Murphy's extended way back long before anyone living could possibly remember. The most current Murphy discovered early in life that he was destined to be a priest and represent the family honor behind the walls of the church. Actually, it was his mother who informed him of his decision to take up the cloth. She had already decided the younger son Donald would be the...

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Father Daughter Camping Trip

Ray grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and surviving off the land so it was no surprise to his family that he ended up in an elite special forces unit in the military. He married his high school sweetheart and they had one daughter, Tiffany, before his wife died from an aggressive form of cancer. Tiffany grew up idolizing her father and became the consummate tomboy. She learned how to hunt and fish, gut a rabbit and clean a fish without the slightest hesitation. Following in her father’s...

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Father Leary

Father Leary slid closed the window, pivoting to slide open the window on the opposite wall of the confessional. Oh, how he disliked Thursday afternoons. From three to five P. M. there was a never ending procession of the local high school boys and girls confessing their petty sins to the priest. I lied to my parents. I swore at my sister. I had impure thoughts, Yada ... yada ... yada. Once in a while some teen would titillate him with a confession but too often it was like the Smith boy had...

1 year ago
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Father oreillys true confessions part two

My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass, and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...

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Father8217s Sees The Sexy Side Of His Daughter

Meera had a life as normal as any girl of a middle class can have. There were a few financial problems. Meera and her family used to live in the village of up until she was 16. Due to problems, her whole family moved to Mumbai. Mumbai being the dream city is also one of the most expensive cities. The whole family had to adjust in a single room. It has been 3 years since they arrived in Mumbai and their financial situation has improved but not as much to improve their quality of life. Meera had...

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Fatherdaughter Day

"Kylie..." "Yeah mom?" I was passing through the living room on my way to the kitchen for a little water before bed. " ... Is your father taking you to work tomorrow?" Mom asked me, reaching for my hand and pulling me just a little closer. "Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged, the way sixteen year old girls do. "That Father-Daughter Day thing. Why?" "Sit down for a minute. I want to talk to you." "Uh, sure mom." I pulled some long black hair out of my eyes and sat down next to her...

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Father in law catches us in the barn

Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...

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Father allow son

I am a young guy. Middle class family, consist of four members. Me, father, young brother and mom. Father is physically disable for the last ten years. Mom is housewife. Her age is 40.I am 26 and only earner in the family. As mom is not getting sexual satisfaction for the last 10 years, I think she is very hungry to have it. I am a very well build guy. She always look at me. She wear sarees below her navel. Her boobs seems to me the largest in the world. After the age of twenty my only dream...

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Fatherrsquos day went wrong ndash personal experience

Father’s day went wrong – personal experienceI am girl who have tried a few things in life and I will share one of my sex experiences with you people. I will try to do my best writing in English. I hope to reach more people/readers but please don’t judge me if I make too many errors.Well as the title reveals it all happened on Father’s Day. I and three female friends in the age of 19 -20 years old went shopping in the mall. You know typical girl shopping, buying lots of crap that we don’t need,...

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