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At breakfast on Dóchas Shannon approached the Command Staff to say, "Could we get together this morning?"

"Sure, what's up?" responded Joyce.

"Simply put, we think Madeline's and Ursula's groups are at risk."

"What?" was the response from several of the Command Staff.

"Perhaps it would better to say, we are fairly certain the companies they work for are responsible for people disappearing from enough institutional records to make them invisible."

"They've all submitted their resignations, correct?"

"Yes. Their last day is Friday."

"We'll be there right after we finish here," said Rusty. "Don't hold back on using our resources."

"We don't think we are. The purpose of this morning is to get your impression on what we've found and linked together."

"You should probably bring us up to date on the progress of the lodge investigation as well."

"We will."

Later when they entered the Intelligence department Alison said, "Wow, I didn't expect this large of a meeting."

"Well," replied Muireann, "we thought Security should be included. Unless we've misread the tea leaves, this incident involving Tom, John, Madeline's and Ursula's groups has added a lot of pieces to several projects. When we lay it out, I think you will see why we invited Security to this."

Shannon said, "Our goal is get your view on the way we put the puzzle together by reviewing what we've learnt about the companies where Madeline's and Ursula's groups work. There appears to be a link between the owners and those behind the freighter operation. There are even stronger links to some disappearances we've documented. If you agree with our conclusions then we need to decide what actions we will take. Stacey."

"Thanks Shannon," responded Stacey. "The comments that Kate and Danielle relayed to us prompted us to do some checking. These were made by Tom and John regarding intellectual property, IP, issues while the living room bugs were active. At the conference there were two groups of people monitoring our friends. As they suspected, we've confirmed that they were sent by their employers." With that she and several others explained the links they had found between the various pieces. Stacey closed with, "This is brings us up to yesterday morning. Danny."

He said, "With respect to Tom and John's comments regarding IP theft, they definitely have a case. To make things easier to follow, Madeline's group works for Larry's company while Ursula's works for Dale's. Both men have interests in several security companies, but it is indirect. Two days ago, we began pushing spiders into both company's locations, not just because of these interests I should add. At first we had difficulty communicating with them. This was solved by placing drones in air ducts on each floor with a C&C drone overhead. Presuming no one objects we will insert ferrets tonight. This will require adding another C&C drone at each site. Muireann will now add the missing piece."

"Thanks. The increased effort is driven by the fact that the two companies maintain databases and related software from which we know people have disappeared. These are generally government or institutional databases. In both cases these contracts constitute more than half their business. Their other customers pay about 30% more for the same level of service. Besides maintenance, these locations use their software for their user's to interface the database. These are typically custom tailored scripts supporting a graphics layout tailored to the purchasers needs. Based on what we learned last night, a maintenance routine is run on the database at set intervals, or on demand. They do a good job, although the offerings by Tom and John's former company does it better. However, our view is likely tainted.

"So realizing we had suspects with privileged access, we went looking for oddities in their maintenance process. Why there? With privileged access it would be easy to slip something in. A review of the scripts determined that they were fine and did everything you would expect. The only oddity was a subroutine call right at the end. It looked harmless at first, well at least until we realized it was setting a flag on specific records. So we searched the documentation for the flag and didn't have any success. After a lot of searching, the only thing we could find was a comment in the code equating the flag to a corrupt record. I won't go into the details. Basically once this flag is set the record is not easily accessible or even visible using standard database tools.

"Currently if we have the record number we can tell if it is set. There are several aspects we need to test regarding use of the flag. What was in that bit before it was set? What happens when it is removed? This is going to take time to sort out and not trip any intrusion sensors. One approach we are considering is asking some who have joined us if we can look for them in the databases. Restoring their record should give us an idea of what response it would trigger.

"This subroutine for applying the flag uses a list for its input. We now get a copy of the list each time the subroutine runs. How the list is generated is unknown, but it is different each time it runs. We would like to block setting the flag on a record. How that is accomplished needs to be well thought out since it is being done on a live database."

Róise said, "Wouldn't it be simpler for them to just delete the record?"

"Yes. However, if this is found they could just claim it was a programming error. Of course that presumes the script and list aren't found as well. Although called by the maintenance script, it isn't clear where this subroutine and list resides."

"What are you planning to do?" asked Sally.

"Check more databases to see how widespread the use of this is. If we find any using this flag with a subroutine, we will set it up so we get a copy of the lists. We have more pieces to share before we get into those details. Bobbi."

"Thanks. Both Larry and Dale have large homes centered on several acres. There is live in staff and the grounds and building are protected by state of the art intrusion sensors. The level of security seems to be overkill considering the homes location. Since our friends submitted their resignations, Larry and Dale have talked frequently on an encrypted private line. Thanks to the spiders at both ends, we didn't need to tap it. From what we've heard, we know they have something planned for the weekend that will begin at a luncheon on Friday. This is apparently something they have done before. Unfortunately we don't know the details."

"One more item," said Lydia, "before we talk about what to do. The layout of both company's buildings is very similar." She went on to describe the buildings and their layout closing with, "Only one elevator goes to the fourth floor and it has restricted access. There is an entry in the garage and on the third floor. Both have obscure key card access points. A second means of access on the third floor is through the President's conference room."

"So what you have is a largely circumstantial case regarding their intent to enslave," said Sarah. "While the modification of the databases is definite, the missing piece is a link between someone vanishing and the flag being set."

"Pretty much. With what we've found, it is difficult to draw any other conclusion," responded Muireann with many heads nodding in agreement. "Lydia didn't mention the room with several locking cabinets off the President's conference room. Their assistants have retrieved what looked like DVDs from the room and subsequently shipped them."

"You haven't said much about the fourth floor so I presume the limited access has made it difficult."

"Yes. The drone's view from the vent shows part of a room. In it there are a several groups of cushioned chairs and couches around a low table. In the center against an outside wall is a large bed with chair groupings around it. The windows are all translucent and most have drapes. It has picked up some sounds that are either talking or what could possibly be moans."

Jill said, "Can we hear them?"


After it played Jill and Janet looked at each other and nodded then Jill said, "Based on those sounds and furniture placement, we would bet on a brothel or sex club of some sort."

"With access like that?" responded Mia with a puzzled expression.

"Sure. Presuming it is essentially a brothel, they could use access to the women as a perk to reward work performance. If true, it does raise a lot of other questions."

"Like how do they get workers for the fourth floor?" responded Lydia.

"Yes. A better question is, how would they get our friends to agree to do it?" added Danny.

"Well there is that," replied Claudette. "Based on what we know about our friends, I see only one way for this to be easily accomplished. That is by using drugs to make them very receptive to direction. It is something they wouldn't expect to occur on company property. Another question is, where did the others go?"

"All good questions," said Rusty. "Intelligence department, nice work. Now we need a strategy to ensure our friends safety and help the authorities. Our friends come first. At some point, Madeline's and Ursula's groups need to know what we've learnt. Definitely before they go to work on Friday. It has to be their decision on whether or not they go to work then. Now from our perspective, besides learning what Larry and Dale plan for the weekend, what else do we need to do? How do we alert the authorities of the database issue?"

The group worked until dinner discussing different options, pausing only to snack. Several times they were able to find answers to questions that caused them to go back and adjust their plan. The answers usually raised more questions but it was a worthwhile effort. By comparing employee records to public records they identified 12 employees at Larry's and 8 at Dale's who apparently vanished. They found a recorded payment for a traffic citation for a former employee of Larry's company that included a copy of the check. In checking with the bank, they learned that her accounts were closed by a person using a POA. The funds were transferred to an account held by another employee of the company.

When the chime sounded for dinner Rusty said, "Okay. We've made good progress. We will have a look at both company's premises on Wednesday night. Thursday morning we will go over everything then Thursday evening we brief the two groups."

Bairre of Muireann's Clan said, "I am concerned about the women not acting naturally if they know all of this, and the expectations."

"A reasonable concern," replied Erin, "and one I think we all have, however I think they can easily handle it. Remember they lived through the ordeal on the freighter. We believe there is a link between these and those behind the freighter, so their motivation will be strong. Besides this time they will have their links to help them. We need to make sure they are unharmed."

"Well said," added Sarah. "They will be the ones to decide the risk. We will endeavor to insure that risk is minimal. Now let's make it work."

–-- –-- –--

After lunch on Tuesday, Sarah's and Nancy's Clans gathered to finalize arrangements for Adam's visit. Briana and Cathan were designated to meet him at the airport. They would then take him to the nearby business airport, where one of their 'jets' would be waiting. Alison and Maureen would be the pilots for the trip.

A general sequence of events was worked out for his first two days at the Enclave. Joyce proposed that they be totally open with him, as that's the way they had always been. She was certain that if they weren't, he would sense it. They would let him decide if he needed to limit his telepathic ability when he returned to duty. Joyce was positive he would, because to do otherwise was an unreasonable risk, besides, it would still be an effective boost to his security.

–-- –-- –--

Wednesday after lunch the Command Staff was on Dóchas bridge when Aoife said, "Wouldn't it be a good idea for us to move to Earth orbit?"

"Could be," replied Rusty. "What brought this up?"

"Well if we are going to take a dream-walk to the two companies, then wouldn't we use less energy by doing this from Earth orbit? The distance is a lot less."

"You have a good point. We need to make sure those on Mars have the supplies they need."

"Engineering has projects that could be affected by moving," said Claudette.

"Well let's confer with the AIs and department heads," said Sarah.

Star said, "From my perspective, moving will not cause any issues. However, based on what is planned for the next several weeks, it would be advisable to remain there for at least a week and preferably 2 or 3 weeks."


"It gives construction crews time to start and complete changes before moving again. Also, quite a few of the crew are expecting us to move to Earth orbit due to the changing situation."

"Okay set it up. In half an hour or sooner would be fine," said Sarah.

It was only a few minutes later when Star said, "Everyone is ready."

When they finished reviewing their status Rusty said, "Thanks to those in propulsion, we will depart in 30 minutes. We plan on staying in Earth orbit at least 14 days."

Afterward Sarah said, "Star, are the crew always that aware of the ship's status?"

"Nope. Well that is not quite true. Some departments are, but it is a narrower view. You all share in a way that everyone has a good idea of our direction and potential upcoming issues."

"We must never assume that is the case," responded Aoife.

"Yea," said Alison. "We know where assume leads, and space isn't a very forgiving place." Everyone laughed on hearing her comment.

At the appointed time Sarah said, "Prepare to depart Mars orbit. Navigation, initiate a plan to insert us into Earth orbit, cloaked with a stationary orbital position directly over Madeline and Ursula's location."

"Remember our wake and mass may disturb some of Earth's satellites," said Star.

"If we place ourselves in a higher orbit that shouldn't be a problem," said Rusty. "Let's have our surveillance group monitor the satellites, as we don't want any accidents. Other than that, let them worry about their satellites."

This was only the second time the ship had moved since the accident and this was the most significant distance. The Command Staff mind-linked with Shipcontrol-AI, as the departure commands began to be implemented. While each had primary responsibility for one console, they also had an inherent awareness of the displays on all the other consoles. The departmental AIs, working with the crew, implemented the steps necessary to comply with the departure command. A console in each department gave the crew a view of the operation, so they could see the end result of the actions taken by their departments.

As they watched as the displays, they saw their ship accelerate to break free from Mars orbit, then follow an arc to bring them onto a path to intercept the Earth's orbital window. The acceleration was so smooth that no one on the ship felt any movement, though, at the same time, they knew they were moving due to the displays.

With their mind-link and integration into the ship's systems, the Command Staff tweaked the course several times, as the ship quickly moved to its destination. They arrived in Earth's orbit, almost on target to place them directly over the location of Madeline's and Ursula's groups.

Command Staff said, "Departments, please advise of status."

Sally replied, "Security console green."

"Engineering reports all systems performed as expected," replied Claudette.

"Intelligence reports all systems functioning, no threats noted," replied Alison.

"Navigation has locked our position in earth orbit," responded Joyce.

"Star Fighter 1 flight on alert, set for a 2 minute delay to launch," replied Erin.

"Security reports shields functioning normally, operating in stealth mode," replied Terry.

"Propulsion units normal. All parameters on target," responded Jill and Janet.

"Medical reports everything is fine," responded Judy.

"Security teams on alert, and in position," replied Tara

"Communication links to all posts, functioning normally," replied Aoife and Maeve.

"Surveillance indicates all systems normal," replied Maureen and Siobhan.

"Secure the ship, and move to Level 2 readiness," said Rusty.

"Star, how are the AIs doing?"

"We have minimized all nonessential tasks in all departments, so they can provide resources to supplement Donna's and mine. More simply, we are in very good shape."

"Intelligence department, you might want to use your instruments to examine the wake we created," said Sally.

"We have. Most of it disappeared quite rapidly, but there are some faint traces."

The Command Staff mind-linked to quickly review the details of performance while commanding their second ship movement. Once the review was complete, they felt quite satisfied with the way all the ship's units had functioned. There were only a few miscues, but those were corrected almost instantly. As they finished, they heard their friend say, "Well done."

"Ship's crew," said the Command Staff, as they sent a message throughout the ship, "thank you for a job well done. We will be in this orbit for at least 2 weeks perhaps a little longer."

That evening the Command Staff went back to the Bridge. After checking the monitors Sarah said, "Shall we see if we can project our vision so we can check out the buildings where Madeline's and Ursula's groups work."

They all nodded and stepped to the pillar grasping the ring. This time, there was no walk, as they moved directly to the platform in the chamber. Forming a circle on the platform with their arms interlaced and holding hands, their ethereal entity, eSarah emerged. They projected eSarah so she arrived just outside the building of Madeline's employer. If there had been anyone around they might have thought they saw a ghost. After a moment surveying the surroundings, eSarah passed through the front door. She looked carefully around the offices, as she made her way through the building.

In the president's office, she found eight folders with their friends names on them laying on his desk. She quickly scanned the top one. Her anger blossomed as she realized these documents would give Larry full control of them. The unlimited power of attorney gave Larry the legal authority to act in their behalf on any issue. Its scope was obscured as an employment contract that was auto renewing and transferable. After eSarah's anger had calmed some, she read through the documents again. Her first thought was how was he was going to get them to sign the documents. Even though they were cleverly worded, she didn't think they would sign them. None of the women had any family so there wasn't anyone with legal standing to contest such a document if they knew of it.

In checking Larry's office area, she found cameras discretely placed around it and the conference room. The sensors to initiate recording were heat sensitive. Off the conference room was storage room containing several locking cabinets which were unlocked. She was surprised by that and that there wasn't any sensors in the room. The cabinets were divided into sections and each one held a set of folders. Each contained a similar power of attorney plus photos of a nude woman. In each section were several DVD's. These were labeled with the same names as on the folders. The photos showed each woman posing alone and with the others in that section. Most groups seemed to be of four women.

One section had the folders of his current assistant and 3 other women. There were quite a few more DVD's in it than any of the others. The DVD jackets all contained the same names, but the dates were spread over several years.

In another cabinet were more DVD's with titles and names on the jackets. The background of the jacket was a photo showing four women in suggestive costumes. Quite a few had the name of his current assistant on the package along with other names. She recognized some of these names from the other groups she had found in the other cabinet. A quick sort through one compartment showed that there were multiple copies of each DVD.

In the last cabinet, she found a selection of drugs and health supplements. Hanging on the door were dosages for each drug, along with treatment sequences. eSarah noted all the contents and instructions for further study.

She stepped back into the conference room and looked around the rooms again. The sight of the folders on Larry's desk triggered the thought that brought the answer to her earlier question. He was going to drug them so they would sign the documents. With the videos, he would have visual evidence that they did it willingly.

"Star, please teleport a bot to this room. Intelligence the bot will send you documents to copy and return. She will send the drugs and other stuff. Alert Medical that it is coming. They need to be analyzed and returned. All before the sun rises."

"Aye," was the response.

In moments Cheri was standing next to eSarah and said, "I'll send the documents on the desk first for copying. Then start on the cabinets."

"Send the drugs and other stuff first then the cabinet with folders in each section. Even though we are fairly certain the sensors won't detect you, you should stay cloaked."

"Since I am here, can we bring more spiders and the ferrets in this way?"

"Yes. I'm going to check the fourth floor."

With that eSarah projected herself up to the fourth floor. The rooms layout out was like a lounge of a large apartment. There was a bar along one wall. Couches of various sizes sat around the room in clusters with end tables and fairly large coffee tables in each group. The center piece was a large cushioned platform much like a bed. Several groups of couches faced the platform. She realized that the arrangement fit Jill's earlier comment. There were several doors along two walls, an entrance to a hall. Looking down the hall she could see several doors on both sides of it and one at the end. One door directly off the lounge led to a kitchenette and another to a storage area. As she turned to leave, a reflection caught her eye. Going over to look more closely at the platform, she found binding points for restraints and frowned. Looking up she saw several beams with binding points and hoists.

Next eSarah went to check the rooms off the hall. The first four were empty but tidy and looked to be well maintained. Just like the platform in the main room, there were rings on the bed frame, at places on the wall and on the ceiling.

In the fifth bedroom a nude woman was sleeping. eSarah recognized her as Larry's personal assistant. She appeared to be dreaming by the way she was moving on the bed. Her face showed many expressions during the few moments eSarah watched. Some of the dreams seemed to be erotic, from the way she moved her hands and the smell of her arousal. She decided not to risk disturbing her dreams and left.

In the sixth bedroom she found three naked pregnant women laying on beds. She was shocked by their lack of legs or hands. eSarah was almost certain that they had hands and legs in the photos she saw earlier. By their appearance and that of the room, they were receiving good care and very close to giving birth. She thought about looking into their minds, but decided not to at this time. She eased back out of the room.

She looked in the other rooms off the lounge. The larger one contained devices to torment a person as it had stocks, a horse, a cross, a post, a pillory, several cages and hoists. On the wall hung many implements that could be used to torment and cause a great deal of agony. All the other rooms had a bed, a sink, a toilet along with numerous devices to restrain a person. Again the rooms were very tidy.

Deciding she had seen enough, she started to leave, and as she moved back through the building she realized that these assholes were not above booby-trapping the building. With that in mind, she made a careful search of the building and it didn't take her long to find several.

"Star, teleport me three more bots. Make sure we have enough spiders and drones to give us good coverage. The bots need to alter the destructive devices I found so they malfunction when tripped. After that they need to look for more. The ferrets should access their systems and copy them."

"Aye. The spiders can assist with finding the destructive devices. The bots will operate cloaked and will stay until this is fully resolved."


eSarah eased out of the building and went to Ursula's employer. Her search went quicker, as the layout was very similar to the one at Larry's company. Even so she was very thorough as she went through the building but in a little different order. On arriving she had bots and more drones, ferrets and spiders teleported immediately. The spiders immediately began searching for destructive devices for the bots to disable.

Bot 11 accompanied her to Dale's office and conference room. The office layout was nearly identical to Larry's but they searched it with the same diligence. In the storage room, there were several locking cabinets containing folders, photos and DVDs. When she opened the cabinets, she thought it looked like there were more groups. Based on the photos and associated DVDs, it appeared that Dale had a preference for extreme cruelty. There was a cabinet containing drugs and other items.

Going up to 4th floor, she again found a layout similar. This dungeon was larger and had more restraining devices. Some of the implements were brutal and would be difficult to use without causing injury. The stains and odor indicated they had been used. In checking the other rooms she only found one bedroom occupied. It was by two women who appeared to be very tall. Their hair was so closely cropped that it was almost nonexistent. They had very large breasts along with swollen nipples. Their wetness indicated they were lactating. Both wore collars, wrist and ankle cuffs, which looked to be permanently fastened. Their labia were exceptionally large with rings in each lip. A bar through their clit held the two halves of its hood back.

When she returned to the ship, the Command Staff breathed a sigh of relief. Even here in the ship, it was taxing to maintain eSarah's presence, and still be aware of everything around her in the remote location while maintaining her composure.

"I hope we didn't miss any destructive devices," said Alison. Her spouses all nodded their heads, in agreement.

Star said, "The crew we sent shouldn't have any trouble finding them."

"Intelligence department, did you see what eSarah found?" they asked.

"Yes. A number of us are ready to do something now. No, make that all of us. We were amazed eSarah was able to maintain her focus."

"It wasn't easy. One critical part was remembering that old adage 'revenge is best served cold.' Also, it helped to keep in mind that our goal is to let the US Attorney's office take care of this cancer."

"Why would Larry have so many of the same DVD's in the cabinet?"

"Either he is using them for gifts or, possibly, selling them," said Terry. "They would be easy to sell over the Internet, or through a mail order house."

"But it was unlocked."

"Well he thinks, the building is secure and his area more so. How are the bots doing?"

"Very well. Get some rest, we can review it in the morning."

"We're ready. Don't you forget to rest."

"We're going now," said Muireann.

–-- –-- –--

When Sarah's Clan entered the Intelligence department after breakfast on Thursday, they said, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

Danny of Shannon's Clan said, "We thought you might sleep in this morning."

"Ha..." replied Joyce. "Just because we are up late, doesn't mean the children sleep in."

Muireann said, "The information you gathered last night on your dream walk as eSarah is proving to be very helpful. We are a little concerned about the bot in the storage area off the president's conference room. Is there really enough room for her to be in there with someone and go undetected?"

"We think so and the bot was certain she could. Cloaked bots aren't detected by the motion sensors because they are heat based. That is the reason we thought having bots on each floor made sense. Did you learn any more about the three pregnant women confined to bed at Larry's company?"

"Not a great deal. Their POAs were signed several months after Elsa signed hers. Based on the last names we think two are relatives of Elsa. This is their third pregnancy. From their appearance, they are well cared for and haven't put on a lot of weight. Considering their lack of hands and legs, they seem pretty up beat, or they are today. They do appear to be fit. Elsa fed and took care of their needs before going to work.

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Like Brothers Like Sisters Part 1

Like Brothers, Like Sisters -- Part 1 By Amy Lynn A gentle breeze blew along the Sherman Street and the dandelions in everyone's yard waved back and forth in response, the fluff of those that had turned to seed hanging on for the ride. Timmy Stazny whipped his cruiser bike around the corner, a cloud of grass clippings trailing behind him. It was April of 1971 and the gentle scene on the street contrasted with the turmoil of America and the whirlwind Timmy was about to meet up...

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 10

The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...

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VogoV Autumn Falls Wet Pussy Seduction

There are many ways of cooling down on a hot day. Many people adore spending time at outdoor pools and others get rid of their clothes completely to let soft breeze caress them. Autumn Falls tries all those things but they do not help her. Yes, she takes off tiny bikini, swims naked in the swimming pool and pours cold water right on her boobs and yummy nipples. This is when squirting comes into her mind. So, Autumn Falls goes inside the house and asks her man to fuck her so hard that she...

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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 4

Quite early the next morning, Dale ordered enough food for two people. When Angelina arrived with the service cart, he had her set things up on the patio. "I need you to set service for two," he informed her. "Shall I notify the front desk that your guest will be arriving?" she asked. "No, no. I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that and in any case I don't really want them to know about my guest," he replied. "Oh. I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to intrude in your personal...

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A Perfect 10 Part 1Chapter 1

Friday 5:30 PM Winthrop Home Maryland “Sarah? We got it! Call the clan; Extended Version. I need to call to confirm for tomorrow with Maggie and Mei Ling.” “OK, now that we are all here, I think we should introduce ourselves to the four ‘almost members’ of our family. They each only know about half of us.” There were six adults and eight teenagers, evenly divided male and female, sitting around the dining room table of the Winthrop home. The littler kids had been farmed out to a neighbor...

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Friends with benefits

He was a guy who could make my blood boil just looking at him; short to long dark hair and a bit of scruff on his face that tickled when his face touched my skin. His eyes were the color of melted chocolate, and his body was average, though to me it was extraordinary. He had a bit of a stomach, but he was pretty fit, and when we would wrestle he could keep me pinned, except when I played dirty and tickled or distracted him enough. He was one of my best friends, but he was taken, and I thought...

Straight Sex
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Hard Times OklahomaChapter 7 Take It Where You Find It

Harley was afraid he was about to pass out. "God damn it boy, hang on. Just hang on another hundred yards," he growled to himself. As he drove up into the yard, Ida Marie came hurrying out of the house, an anxious expression on her face. It turned to alarm as she saw her husband step out of the driver's side, naked below the waist, a tired and battered, but triumphant, grin on his face. She ran up to him and hugged him, as she tried from her husband to draw whatever courage was necessary...

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The CatalystChapter 14 Revelations

[Greg was anxiously waiting, “Well ... what did she say???” “OH MY!”] Mary told us that Ann had never experienced oral sexual pleasure, but it WAS on her ‘bucket-list’. We had one more drink before bed to discuss tomorrows busy day. Jamie and Mary both had 2nd interviews at 8:00 AM for jobs. They said they’d be going to the clinic for their VD tests after that. Greg and I told them we would get ours as soon as we got the pool vacuumed, skimmed and shocked. Mary flashed me how much she...

1 year ago
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Dessert ? SFCityDom ? 2006 Dessert ? SFCityDom ? 2006 I dry my hands with a towel. I have finished doing the dinner dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. ?Do you want anything before I sit down?? I ask. ?No, thank you,? she replies. I walk over to the sofa. She is ready for her post-dinner TV watching; she is in shorts and a tank top with her hair in a ponytail. She curls up next to me as I sit down. ?Thanks for doing the dishes.? ?You know the rules, whoever cooks doesn?t have to clean...

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Morgan Trents Curse

Morgan Trent walked down the hall of Mistwood High, with confidence, when you were the queen of the school it just came naturally, her entire life she had been popular, the right people always naturally gravitated toward her and she knew exactly how to use them to her advantage, she never truly considered them her friends merely stepping stones to her success "Suzy my drink," she said with a snap of her finger, Suzy Jones, Morgan's self-proclaimed BFF quickly handed the girl her drink, and...

Mind Control
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Mind Blowing Blowjob In The Office

Hey everyone. I am back with another experience I had recently with one of my senior colleague in the office. Well, about me, I am an average built guy, 6’2 height, strong and open. Telling about my colleague. She is curvy with lovely boobs and ass that are huge. She is married for a year. Coming to the situation. We had a visit from our VP and we had to prepare for the meeting. I was one among the few who got selected to sit along with the VP for a meeting. As part of the preparation, I had...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wild DayChapter 3 Futarsquos First Wild Party

April 17th, 2047 “Now this sounds interesting,” Adelia Tash said. My interviewer leaned forward, her caramel face alight with curiosity. “What could have happened in your dorm room to so change your outlook on your futa-cock?” I shifted in my seat on the couch, glancing at the studio audience watching. I could feel the breathless anticipation buzzing through the air. I didn’t fight the smile growing on my lips as I felt their eagerness. Even now, almost thirty years later, I still drank in...

3 years ago
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Shared Fantasies

As I woke, Jessie was snuggled up holding me close with her head resting on my shoulder. I could feel her naked skin against mine, her large, firm breasts pressing into my chest. It was a wonderful feeling as I regained full consciousness. I sensed she was awake herself, but was just peacefully lying still. Once completely awake I found myself thinking of the previous evening's activities. The thoughts were causing a bit of stirring in my cock, but after some of the most robust and athletic sex...

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CoercedChapter 11

I was trying to hurry because I didn’t want to get in any more trouble with Sheila, so I didn’t give the bedrooms quite the thorough cleaning that I normally did. I prayed that they would be acceptable. I then went to the kitchen, to see what I had to prepare for this evening. I read the list over and began to panic. If I started right now, with everything that she wanted me to prepare, I might be ready in time, but that didn’t allow for the time it would take me to finish cleaning or go to...

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Asias Hotwife Transformation

Asia's Fantasy 2: Asia's Hotwife Transformationby Max, Asia, and RLM===========================================================Prologue:In 2009, Max and Asia contacted me to let me know how excited they got when reading some of my posted stories. Max’s unedited e-mail message to me follows:------------------Hi RLM,I have been a consistent reader of your stories for a long time and truly appreciate the effort you have put into them. They are truly magnificent.I and my wife both share the fantasy...

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If you cant beat them whats the point of teaching

The system worked like this; a girl would be sent to me with a note from the class teacher detailing the offence. Dependant on circumstances I would decide the punishment and the girl could take it there and then. If she decided not to be beaten there and then and maybe she'd been beaten recently and still felt sore, then the punishment would be entered into a leather bound book. Minor offences were usually awarded swats with a worn and thin soled gymn shoe termed 'the slipper'; this...

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Horny DragonChapter 3

The sun was half way down when they saw the village. In the woman's mind it had not changed one bit as they came to land in the field behind her home. It had also been decided that Dracon would not call her mother as that would start a whole new set of problems. There were screams and yells and then men with axes, pitchforks and bows, there were even a sword or two came running. They all stopped as the woman's son set his mother down gently. "You can put your weapons away." None moved....

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Living Next Door to Heaven 299 Graduation

I had a short whispered conversation with Whitney Wednesday night. "Happy birthday, my love," I said. "Thank you, Brian. You are my very first and my very only lover." "Oh, Whitney, I miss you so much." "Can you come out for Memorial Day?" "I planned to. It's your graduation, isn't it? I can bring you home for leave?" "Well, yes and no. It's officially my graduation, but I'm being deployed on a training mission the day after Memorial Day. I won't be able to come home...

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I typed:She was about your height, 5’ 4, and it was her brown skin that first caught my eye. She looked like she was maybe Filipino. Around 40 I guessed, but it was hard for me to tell. Not that mattered though, because her body was …snatched. She always wore these spandex tights because I guess she worked out a lot. Mmmm…she looked like she would be fun. One day I came to the gym to play racquetball and I didn’t see her at the office. I didn’t think anything of it and went to the court. On...

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Memorial Roast

An almost true story Story: #40 Copyright ©2008 Written: June 15 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** I woke up that morning like I do every morning with my legs open wide, my girlfriend Stacey's head between them and her tongue buried deep in my pussy, "Good morning sexy?" she said to me when she noticed I was awake and enjoying the stimulation her...

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Carribean Heat Part 6

Since Rachel was finished with her photo shoot, she was pretty much a free agent and decided to stay on a few more days which was fine by us. The three of us had become a bit of an item, and spent the remainder of our days and nights together on the island. We all got along famously, and there was never a hint of jealousy in any direction. We rented a jeep and explored the island together, swimming at remote beaches and sunning in the nude whenever we could. Rachel was quick to get out of her...

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I'd like to keep this short and sweet, but that won't happen because I'm a little bitter lolSo here's some background I love head, but most guys are selfish so they don't give good head. I get super wet, most guys can't stand the gallons of juice I make. I gets too messy and there really is no cleaning me up, because the more you lick me, the wetter I get lol As much as dudes claim they wanna drown in my juices, they're all talk smh & If it isn't my juices stopping them from diving in face...

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Andrea and Gillian

I had returned to Wales for a week to recover after the events inSwitzerland and I already had my flight booked to go back to finish the jobthere before the end of Jonathan and Jane's honeymoon (see 'The ClimbingHut'). I needed some entertainment while I was back in the valley and,looking out of my window, I began to wonder if it had arrived!! I saw a removal van pull up at the house next door. It was followed bya small car out of which got a woman in her early thirties and a girl ofabout...

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The Weekend in Room 316

Twenty-eight year old Lacey showed up at the office at the beginning of the year; a bright shiny face, alluring smile and the type of pleasing, slightly hippy ass that grabs your attention. It certainly grabbed mine.Since that day, had I masturbated to thoughts of Lacey? Of course. However, the notion that this late twenty-something would entertain the thought of rolling around naked with a VP from the office, seemed as ridiculous as you might imagine. Lacey has the type of teenaged-sized...

Wife Lovers
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Strangers 8211 Bus To Bed

Hello readers! I am Anand back with about strangers. Thank you for your amazing comments and love. I really appreciate your patience. I am thankful for such a great fanbase. You inspire me to write more. Keep the support coming, and I will try to keep you cumming! After about 8 months of being inside the comfort of my home, I have finally decided to step into the wilderness and the serene beauty of nature and natural phenomenon. Hills have always been my go-to place to unwind. Sun and sand are...

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Wife sucks my cock on cam for stranger

My wife is blond with big natural tits and has always liked the attention of men. You see it on her face, she gets in an upbeat mood when any hot guy hits on her or flirts. Any chance I get to hear about it or watch her get turned on I am there watching or listening to the story.A few years ago she was online chatting with some guys but none had really caught her attention. She likes big thick cocks, mine is 8" and thick, so anything smaller than mine does not excite her. She also likes the...

2 years ago
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The ImpBot Affair Part 1

National Cyber Security Director Mike Allen suppressed a smile at the image of the Defense Secretary receiving a handjob from the wife of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. On the conference room monitor, a shirtless, arrogant, older man held the reins of a horse. In a Russian accent, he barked sexual orders to members and spouses of the President's Cabinet. The scene was set in a titillating cheap movie torture dungeon."Nasty stuff, Julie." Mike restrained a chuckle. "Do you know...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sex text my boss by mistake oops

It was a Friday afternoon,the weekend loomed and i was happy,id just been paid and had been promised a night if sex by my wife,it was around 3pm and my wife text me a picture of her new heels she was going to wear for me that night,we was texting messges of what we was going to do to each other and when i told her i was hard she text me asking to prove how hard i was so i nipped into a customers bathroom,dropped my boxer shorts and took a picture of my rock hard cock,added the words `i want to...

2 years ago
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New Neighbour

It had been a few days since my 48year old neighbour Sally had been over to my place. She had been such a great fuck, a really nice tight pussy, a lovely tight ass and tits to die for. I was going to make sure I had more fun with her. I picked up pen and paper and wrote a note.'Sally, be over my place tonight at eight, I want you in your shortest skirt, tightest top. You are not to wear any underwear and I want you in 4" heels, from Master Mike'I walked over to Sally's house. I was just about...

4 years ago
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In The family Part 1

Hiya here's a raunchy i****t tale ...Well, I remember once coming home late one night, and I could hear some some deep-moaning and groaning, I peeped round the lounge door, only find my then ex-wife, on all-fours hungrily sucking on her brothers cock on the sofa, I watched her head bobbing up and down, sucking hard on his well-endowed cock; this was erotic, then, to my suprise I then noticed yet another man, an older looking guy, naked and dark skinned; I recognised him - it was her her...

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Hiphop group

He faced me again, “You sing about anal sex but have you ever taken one in the ass? You gurgle and choke the words when you tell the audience about how to suck cock but have you ever swallowed? My guess is no because your message isn’t getting through, you don’t have the actual experience, you aren’t singing about life. You need to get as wild and debauched as your songs otherwise this group will never take off.” My two brothers and I formed a hip hop pop rap group when I was in my mid-teens....

1 year ago
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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 13 A flawed theory

To say I was surprised at Rollo’s revelation would be an understatement. I was completely flabbergasted. “By monotheistic faiths you are referring to Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, and what other?” I said, after regaining my breath and taking a settling swallow of porter. “Zoroastrianism, Colonel. The religion of Persia, from about fifteen hundred BC until the Arab invasion of the country in six fifty AD.” “I know nothing of that religion, but surely Judaism predates it,...

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Dream One

Dream One. ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call and...

3 years ago
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Strip Club

I got to be a familiar face in the local strip clubs. I loved watching the ladies and their bouncing boobies. The law didn't allow the girls to remove their tops when I first started my club experiences. However, a slow table dance (or should I say 'Lap Dance') in a dark corner of the room would reveal nice nipples brushing against my face. For the right tip I could find out how that sweet pussy felt under my fingers. It was always nice to smell pussy on my fingers at the end of the night...

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Pirates Heart Ch 06

She awoke and winced from the pain in her head. She didn’t open her eyes at first, just listened to the sounds around her. All was quiet. She was laying on a bed, on a ship. She opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She gingerly touched her head and felt the dried blood and matted hair. She looked around the small cabin she was in. She silently walked over to the door and tried the handle. It was of course locked. She realized with a shock that she was a prisoner. She had never been captured...

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Cindy Enjoys A Joint And Great Oral Sex With Two G

I swear, stories like the one I'm about to tell you only happen in two places: porno movies and college.I, like a lot of young American women, did things back in college that I would NEVER consider doing now. But, having said that, I sure am glad I got to do them then!These days I'm happily married and have two c***dren and would never dream of doing anything to jeopardize losing my family. But, having said that, there are nights when my husband's away on a business trip and the k**s are tucked...

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JamesDeen Harlow Harrison Jennifer White Who Doesn8217t Love An Orgy

Harlow Harrison likes to fuck. Jennifer White likes to fuck. Prince Yashua likes to fuck. And James Deen likes to fuck. When these four people are together it is pretty much guaranteed that someone will be fucking. It appears that Jennifer and Prince had fucked but not Harlow and Prince. Naturally they started fucking. It also appears that Harlow and James had fucked but not James and Jennifer. Again, they decided to start fucking. It also appears that there was only one bed, so they all...

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The OutsiderChapter 6

At the end of those three years I was the top achieving apprentice and because of that was offered a good position in the prestigious Works Planning Department. I'd already spent a few months there so I was familiar with the work and the personnel. The other thing was that I was given a substantial pay increase which enabled me to buy my first car. I chose an Austin Healey 3000, a beautiful two seater sports car in a light blue and cream. To many, at the turn of a new decade, the car was...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 28

Monday morning, after some serious swimming, I was finishing dressing when my cell phone rang. It was John. "You're going to have to go to St. Louis for a Bureau station change then head up to Chicago for a Homeland Security union arbitration meeting. You'll need support, so advise Wanda. You'll probably be gone two nights, so plan on three. I know you just started your flight training, but this can't be helped. I have to be elsewhere. You know, out of this world and such. I'm sending...

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My Husband Flies High And I Fly Low

I am married to a fly guy in the Air Force. I won’t say which one but we move around a lot into different bases and different married quarters. We have lived in about six different bases in the last five or six years. It is a lonely life as you are generally not there long enough to meet and create real friends that you can confide in and discuss the intimate problems that women have from time to time. That is especially when your husband is often away on manoeuvres for a couple of weeks at a...

3 years ago
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Clothed only in Clouds

“I need my husband to make love to me. And then fuck my brains out. And then I will fuck your brains out. If we have time.”“Oh, we have time Zoe,” Havian laughed. “For the first time since we reunited, we have all the time we want.” Laughing, he swept her into his arms and kissed her, molding her body to his as he did. He turned, pressing her back to the barracks wall and grinding into her, wrapping her legs around his waist as he explored her mouth with his tongue. Then he stepped back and,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Whats it Like on the Other Side

What its like on the other side by B. Pink The club was heaving. My friends and I stood near the bar facing the dance floor. To our left was a seating area known to us as the kennels. This area was mainly occupied by groups of girls on their own, their dance partners their handbags. Late on the men that had not pulled a decent bird would swoop down on the area, trying to get one of them to take outside to release the booze fueled sex drive into. A raid into the kennels was the...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 11

Two hours after Denise had told them that they were leaving, the team was sitting at the Gettysburg Airport waiting for the gulf stream to pick them up. Hank Richards had told them to stay undercover and not conduct any operations until he could ascertain the damage that had been done by the Assistant Attorney-general. After the team had everything packed, Hank was giving Denise and Talitha some final instructions. “Haspel was calling Director Wray as soon as she hung up with me to set up a...

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Harry Sadlers Deployment

Harry Sadler stood on the fantail of the U. S. S. John Pershing and scanned the evening sky looking for the North Star. The Pershing was making turns for twenty-five knots as it churned toward the Mediterranean to join the US fleet supporting the invasion of Iraq. Harry had promised his wife Cathy that he would find the star every evening and be looking at it at exactly 21:00 hours and then he would tell her how much he loved her and how much he missed her. Cathy would be looking at the same...

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The Sex Shop

I had already shaved so showered and put on a little perfume before putting on my panties over my cage, rolling on my stockings and slipping into my cami.  Looking in the mirror my tanned skin look pretty sexy against the white, even if I do say so myself.  I then put on pants, slipped into my shoes and put on a coat.  I was ready it was now or never.  I was shaking a bit, trembling with excitement, nerves and a bit of fear.  I slipped some lube and my cage key into the coat and I was...

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Dirty Sex Chat With A Hot Cam Girl From Delhi

My friends, one feels like the luckiest person in the world when a girl allows one to fondle her tight ass. I never thought that I would be able to run my fingers over a girl’s naked ass in the middle of an ongoing lecture in my coaching class and get away with it! This is how that unbelievable moment took place.. In March this year, every money-grubbing coaching class had started its famous crash course to give the students a false sense of security that they can crack the final exam. My...

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