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Holland Hall was perfect. We had no sooner arrived than Antonia was nodding her head in total agreement. The Hall was one of those very old English country houses and exhibited styles from Tudor through to Art Deco. Even explaining it to someone who had never seen it would leave them aghast as such a discordance of styles, yet it worked. It had matured over five hundred years growing into the land and being succoured by the land. Suffolk and Essex were not hilly counties except in the north of Essex and the south of Suffolk. Even then they could not be described as hills, being mere undulations in the geography that became referred to as hills because they were a feature in an otherwise relatively flat landscape. Holland Hall had been built with the hills behind and a view stretching far away to the coast at Harwich. The edifice that Henry had referred to as a Chapel was an understatement. A simple construction but with a full aisle and tall stained glass windows, moderately tall steeple and most importantly a completely renovated organ. The Church was just two hundred yards from the house, a packed gravel path leading from the house, through the gardens to the porch of the Church. Antonia determined that if the weather was good she would walk that two hundred yards to her marriage. The Hall had accommodation for our immediate families and the local pubs could take the overflow. Those attending from the ballet company would drive up for the day; London was only an hour and a half drive by the motorway.
Over the next few weeks Antonia would visit the Hall frequently, sometimes with Henry making plans for the wedding. I wasn't asked to help in this work so was quite happy to let them get on with it. Becky turned up on more than one occasion, sleeping on my couch and then disappearing with Antonia to various shops and Holland Hall.
My cousins had flown in four days before the wedding and Antonia and I met them at Heathrow holding between us a large placard with the words 'Welcome to our colonial cousins'. Apart from saying hello with hugs and shaking hands, Kent and I managed no more conversation as Amelie and Maxine delighted to meet Antonia were immediately in conversation, telling her how much they had enjoyed her performance in Boston. The men in the party were relegated to bit parts, merely having to agree with whatever Amelie, Maxine or Antonia were saying. The words 'yes honey', 'sure sugar' and 'yes my love' were the extent of our contribution to the conversation. Kent, Jackson, Maxine's husband and I looked at each other with that long-suffering expression that all husbands know, picked up the luggage and followed. I had hired a ten seat mini-bus so having stowed the luggage our driver took us into London to the hotel they had booked. They were full of questions all the way. Enquiries such as where was the House of Commons, Buckingham Palace, Nelson's Column, the list went on and on. Our driver turned as we sat in the inevitable traffic jam.
"Excuse me Sir, but if you wish, I would be happy to take you on a tour. I have a cancellation tomorrow, so I could take you round all the sights."
"Gee. That would be great. What do you say, Honey." Kent said.
"How much?" Asked Amelie, who it would appear was the practical one of the two. The driver thought and looked at me, knowing that I lived in London.
"Would two hundred be acceptable?"
"Pounds?" Amelie looked at me and I nodded. The driver wasn't ripping them off. You can get a guided tour of London for about ninety pounds per person. So the driver was offering them a good price.
"Ok. Pick us up at nine-thirty tomorrow."
Two days later I met them at the hotel and we drove in convoy to Holland Hall. They in their hired car and Antonia and I in mine. As we turned into the drive at the Hall I noticed that they had stopped. I backed up and got out. Kent was busy taking pictures and Jackson was panning round with his camcorder. Amelie and Maxine just stood and looked.
"Is this for real? It looks like a film set."
"Yes it's real. Sir Henry's family have lived here for over four hundred years."
"Wow!" That was Maxine. She went on. "Do we have to curtsy to Sir Henry?"
"Good Lord no. He would be very embarrassed if you did. Anyway isn't it in your constitution you don't bow to anyone? Something about there will be no nobility?" She shook her head. "Henry doesn't go in for formality; he will probably tell you to call him Henry." I added.
Henry did tell them not to use the title, gave the ladies a short tour of the house, and then let them loose in the garden. Kent, Jackson and I were in the library with an old map of England and I was showing Kent whereabouts our family had lived.
"There!" I pointed. "Linton. Just south of Maidstone. According to the eighteen fifty-one census a William Easton farmed there and employed four men and a boy."
"So would that be a large farm?" Asked Kent.
"Probably about three hundred acres." Henry had just joined us and provided the answer.
"Oh not so big then?" Kent seemed disappointed.
"Oh no." Henry replied. "That would be quite a good size farm for the time, working with shire horses and men. In today's values it would be worth something like four to four and a half million pounds."
"Right." Kent mused and then turned to me. "So what has happened to it?"
"I don't know. In later censuses there was no mention of any of our family in that place. They had simply vanished. The next reference to them is in eighteen eighty-one when a Francis Easton who was William's second son, was working as a lighterman in Chatham. Of his elder brother, who was also a William, there is no mention."
"How could that happen?"
"Primogeniture." Announced Henry.
"I've heard of that." Kent stated. "But wasn't that to do with titled people?"
"The idea was introduced for the Gentry, but was adopted by quite a few landowners. It was a disastrous idea." Henry was firm in his conviction.
"Why do you say that, Henry?" I enquired of him.
Henry took a seat before he explained his ideas. "Primogeniture gave everything to the first born son. The land, the title if there was one and the capital. Second and third sons could expect nothing and daughters were married off with a small dowry if they were beautiful and a larger dowry if they were not. Primogeniture denied a daughter from inheriting the property in her own right, although it could be passed to her husband. For the first son, life was easy, he was going to get everything so he need not try, he could live an indolent and lazy life without worry. Second and third sons had to make their own way in life, so they were the ones who went out into the world becoming colonisers, soldiers and merchants often making their own fortune. The firstborn who inherited didn't need to do or learn anything. Consequently they made very bad decisions and over generations frittered away the capital and the land. Of course if your forefather in Kent fathered daughters who couldn't inherit under primogeniture the land would be entailed away to the nearest male relative. He may not have the same surname; he may have had no interest in the estate and sold it. There are many reasons why the land passed out of the Easton family. Primogeniture was a very bad policy, because very often it placed all the capital into the hands of one who had no aptitude for management or thrift."
Author’s Note: Burning Man is the world’s greatest fantasy event. This story is based on an actual encounter. ***** The sun was up and already hot. Voices were speaking to me, although an incredible hangover headache prevented comprehension. ‘Look at him! What are you doing, lying in the dust?’ I glanced down, groaning. Overnight, the wind had come up and I was covered in an inch or two of white. Playa dust from the Black Rock desert not only covered me, but also my sleeping bag, my cot,...
Grandpa came back to my room..My young one Jake and I are going to go out of town this evening and will be back tomorrow. Do you think you can behave by yourself tonight? Yes Grandpa I will be fine. OK said Grandpa, but NO ONE is allowed over here this evening do you understand that? Yes sir Grandpa. After they left and I was sure they were gone, I got something to eat, and took a shower. It was about 8pm they had been gone for about 3 hrs. now. I snuck into my Grandpas room, went to his...
I was in the kitchen when Julia’s car pulled up outside. She called out for Jasmine to lend a hand as she opened the kitchen door. ‘Jasmine’s out for a walk. A long walk,’ I said. ‘Won’t be back for ages. I’ll help.’ Soon we were busy stashing the goodies away. We didn’t say much as we did it, just worked together efficiently. As if we’d been married for years. I pulled out a long wooden board from one of the bags, perhaps four inches wide, about twenty inches long, solid wood, with a rounded...
SpankingThis is a story of fiction. Any similarity to persons alive or dead and to institutions is coincidental. My thanks to Erik Thread for his invaluable advice. * CHAPTER ONE Many people had heard of Toni Berwick. She was the new sensation of the Ballet, a young dancer in the classic mode who was thrilling the critics with her poise and skills. Even I had heard of her. I did lift my eyes from the laboratory bench from time to time, a break from the constant research that absorbed me. In those...
(episode 19) This story occurs during the few weeks following The Halloween Party. Anal sex: Secus ani, sexual intercourse in the anus. It was just a few days after Halloween that blonde sexy cool Amber called me on a Friday night and said she wanted to meet me at my place. At the time I was at my fraternity house enjoying a rather large impromptu party but with no immediate sexual liaison planned I was more than willing to leave that party to see Amber. Amber proved to be her typical self by...
It all started in the last year of Primary School when I discovered the pleasure of masturbation. Just as I started in Secondary School, I began producing sperm, causing all sorts of spillages everywhere I went. I can truly say that there was not a single place in our house I hadn't cum in. And in the garden, in the school, at the playground, in the library, at friends' houses, ... In fact I seemed to walk around with a permanent hard-on ready to spew at the least provocation, more or less,...
On Monday morning I arrived at the laboratory and went into my office to find my white coat. As if she had been waiting for me, Shelley burst in. "So, what have you got to say for yourself?" "About what?" I enquired mildly. "Vanishing from the reception with Miss Berwick. Henry had arranged that she sat at his table and when no one could find her he had to re-arrange things." I noted that it was the fact that Antonia being missing was cause for concern, not me. I also doubted that I...
I thought a lot about Antonia over the next few days, trying to rationalise my feelings. In my teens I had tried to avoid Becky and Antonia as much as possible, although I hadn't been nearly as successful as I would have wished. Nonetheless having been saddled with them I was protective of them. The remnant of that guardianship was still with me. Yet I was now viewing Antonia as a woman rather than the innocent I was tasked to protect. She had grown from that gangling girl to a rather...
Sir Henry caught me a few days later. "Ah! Simon. I have heard back from Miss Berwick and she has agreed to dance for us. I have invited her here tomorrow afternoon so that she can see what we are trying to do. Would you be available to show her round?" "Well, yes. But I would have thought that you could do that better than me." He nodded in agreement. "I just thought that as you and she are old friends it would be less formal. Shelley will be with you, it will help Miss Berwick feel...
It was a few minutes before seven when I woke up. Having another body in my bed was not completely strange, but the body next to me this morning was one I knew I would want there every morning from now on. I turned slightly to see Antonia propped on one arm regarding me with warm loving eyes. "Good morning my darling." She brought her lips to mine. "Thank you." "Why should you thank me?" "For loving me, for making my first time so beautiful, for making my dreams come true. I'm...
The Ballet D' Anglais, unlike other companies did not have a permanent home theatre so could be described as a touring company, although most of its productions were in London. In the time we were together Antonia had performed at three London theatres and with the company had danced in Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh. These were usually for a single week of performances. She had just heard that the company had been asked to tour the U.S.A. Antonia was excited and depressed, obviously...
Authors note: The word hooker refers to a position in Rugby Union, i.e. the player in the scrum who should hook the ball with his heel to gain possession. It does not refer to a lady who is very generous with her charms for financial gain. Antonia went with Mr. Ballinger who had called a meeting of the company. She told me later that the venue Cummings had booked in Denver, which was not part of the original tour plan, was totally inadequate. If it had been the Ellie Caukins Opera House it...
Our parents arrived the next day. Of course my parents knew Antonia well as she had spent as much time at our house as she did her own, so their greetings were as if she was a long-lost daughter. I hardly knew her parents at all, so it was good to get to know them. The weather was fine, warm and sunny so Henry arranged for buffet lunch on the lawns. Kent and Amelie were overjoyed to start meeting their long-lost family and my dad filled in a lot of detail of who was who in the family...
This story is a continuation of the stories of Pastor Sarah submitted several months ago. My schedule changed and I did not have time to continue. Many have requested more Pastor Sarah adventures. Thank you are for your input and suggestions. I hope you enjoy this and future submissions. As always your critiques are welcomed to improve the story line. The Double Marriage Pastor Sarah could hardly sleep Tuesday night after receiving four million dollars for the home for abused women and...
Pastor Sarah’s Final Chapter When we left off in Chapter 17, Pastor Sarah had been picked up in a limousine by Dennis Sweeney to discuss some last minute arrangements for the picnic to raise funds for the home for abused women and children. Pastor Sarah had conducted a double wedding for the car dealer, who had forced the females in his agencies to satisfy his every sexual need. After changing his ways, his ex-wife was ready to give marriage another try. Her son and Pastor Sarah’s black...
Walter and Martha Wilding drove to Barbara and Jeremy’s new home to pick up Barbara’s parents, George and Hilda. Hilda insisted they come in for some coffee and a pecan loaf she had just taken out of the oven an hour earlier. Walter and Martha knew the house well because they had been good friends with the contractor and his wife. Jeremy had already left, because Pastor Sarah wanted to discuss the photographs she needed of the hotel and resort for the brochure. Jeremy had arrived earlier...
Sarah didn’t tell anyone that she had booked a remote cabin in Monongahela National Forest. Sarah had just gotten out of a long relationship and as a sophomore runner on the West Virginia University’s cross-country team, she only wanted to focus on getting faster. She was the second fastest runner on the team. She wanted to be the fastest. The nineteen-year-old's training plan was simple. From her cabin in the middle of the forest, she would run to the different surrounding peaks, or knobs....
At the church during Sunday sermon, I always set on one corner of the last bench which was usually not occupied by anyone. This morning was different. Just as the sermon was about to begin a young female frame rushed in and sat down not too far from me on that bench. She was wearing a dress that appeared to have been put on in a hurry. I could tell that her beautiful flowing hair did not need any brushing. As I looked from the corner of my eyes, I could instantly recognize her. Catherine was...
Love StoriesAnna and I met by accident at a local burger restaurant. We were each there with some friends, when she overheard what I was talking about. She was seated at an adjacent table, and leaned back to ask me a question. I thought she was an adorable little thing, and soon we were talking and had exchanged numbers, having agreed to get a coffee sometimes. We met at a local Starbucks a few days later. I got there first, and had grabbed a table in the corner. She arrived moments later. She had short...
to drive and we took off in his rental. John did turn out to be an engaging dinner companion. We ordered plate after small plate of the little appetizers and lingered over the bottle of wine I ordered. We learned all there was to learn about each other's families, spouses, college sports and business experience. I was becoming more and more enamored with John and it seemed like there was some attraction from his direction. What was coming over me? I'd been faithful for ten years. But my...
I wish to thank all who have offered feedback to make this a better series. A.M. Pastor Sarah and Barbara talked about what life was going to be like now that she wouldn’t have to worry about money to be able to provide for Jason. They had been watching the TV coverage and laughing about how frustrated the reporters were when they couldn’t find out why Jonathan Anderson, Jr. was handcuffed to the bed. Either no one at the hotel knew or would say anything that had happened. He had met a...
Wow, What a day, turning 17 sure was fun! I lay back in my bed trying to recall what had just happened. I came home from school at 5pm to find a note on the table from mum telling me to go round to grandpa's to thank him for my present. So I ran upstairs to change. As I passed Uncle Toms room I glanced in, the dirty old git was at it again, laying on top of his bed wanking his enormous cock. I moved back a little so that he did not see me and watched as he pumped his manhood harder and...
Incest8PHE0000 A note to the reader: (387 words) Hi. This is my first attempt at a story for this site. It's actually fan-fiction - if you can be a fan of something that was posted for just a few days but then removed. Inspiration for this story comes from a game on called Glitch in HAVEN, by SlayerKh. I tried contacting the author of that game before posting this. In that game, which was really more of bare-bones outline of an idea for a game, (pre-Alpha release), the...
It was Sunday and I had made mind to join the church which really did not make any sense because I had to go back to school in August, but due to my research I learned that if I were to join the church I'd have to spend twenty minutes in the pastor's office for a talk. When I learned this my heart swooned for the opportunity. Twenty minutes, alone, with the pastor! Who would not want to be in the same room, breath the same air, talk directly to the one and only Bianca D Rosen? So on this...
LesbianAs Pastor Richard Knowlton sat in his office at home while trying to prepare his sermon for that coming Sunday, he looked out of his open doorway to the view across the way where his lovely wife Nell was drying the dishes. So beautiful, so pure and innocent looking, the sight of his lovely wife caused Rich (as he liked to be called) to reflect back a few weeks earlier as Nell left with their son and her parents on the cabin cruiser. Seeing them off at the dock, it was planned for Rich to later...
Comments and MSTs welcome...this story could be changing drastically based on what you say! Please do not archive this story without my written permission. Thanks! PASTEL ANGEL copyright 1999 by Scott K. Jamison Chapter One: Angel Rising Mitch turned the key and opened the tiny door. He stuck his hand inside, and felt the presence of an envelope. *Please let this be a check. Please please please.* He took the envelope out of his post office box and was...
“Password?” came the booming Voice, which appeared to emanate from swirling white clouds around the gates that I stood up to my knees on a cloud in front of. “Password?” I asked, puzzled. “Password!” insisted The Voice. “Pardon?” I am still confused. “No, that won’t do at all,” The Voice sounded quite pissed off. “Didn’t they tell you that your password must be made up from letters, numbers and other characters, the ones I call the squiggly bits?” “No. Nobody said nothing about a...
Pastor Sarah was having a cup of coffee as Barbara arrived for the day. As Sarah saw Barbara coming up the walk, she thought how odd it was to see Barbara in jeans and a t-shirt, since she was always the well dressed church administrative assistant. However, the furniture was being delivered today and she would be doing of lot of crawling around getting the computer network set up as well as putting files away, etc. ‘You look like you are ready for construction work,’ Sarah commented. ‘This...
Note: As the story of Pastor Sarah continues, it becomes more important to have read the series. I do not attempt to rewrite how people entered the story. Several new characters enter during chapter 12. When Pastor Sarah awoke at 6:30 a.m. on Monday morning, she realized that her bedmates were already up. As she walked into the kitchen, Samantha poured her a cup of coffee. “What are you two doing up so early?” Sarah asked Angie and Samantha. “We are planning next weekend in Atlantic City.”...
Hey People, My name is Addy, am 6ft tall, average built, educated (have a lot of sapiosexual connections) with interests in music, football, traveling and cooking. Women also like my massages (yes, I do give massages). This is a story on how (who later became my girlfriend for sometime). It was earlier this month on a Saturday afternoon I was texting Priya (name changed) and we were talking casually on things. We also were close enough to exchange kisses on text (only text like :* and mmuuaahh...
The trip started with us spending 3 nights in Florida before flying to the first stopover. We were told that it was better to take US Dollars rather than use the local currency. The flight was a bit scary as it was only a small plane but we finally landed in the Capital. While we were in the line for Passport Control we got chatting to the American couple in front of us. They explained that everything down here works on bribes. They said that we should put some money in our passport before...
8PHE0003 8722 words ******** Day 3, Thursday Kinny heard a leaf-blower start up. He looked out the window. Depending on which neighbor was blowing, he might get a show. Ah. My goodness. It was Barbra Joi, dressed in short shorts and a halter top. Never a disappointment. She had been his babysitter, back when she still had braces - and parents. She looked oh-so-fine, bending over and swinging the leaf blower from side to side. She waved at Kinny, smiled, and winked. Kinny...
It was finally the end of church when I got up determined to meet the pastor, but every step that I took made me more nervous. What if she didn’t like me? What if she thought I was just a child, what if she thought that I was weird? Before I could even get face to face with the pastor I got cold feet and backed out. At home I did an hour worth of research on Bianca to see what I was getting into. Turns out there was nothing. No Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or Beebo. I could not find...
LesbianI have always been attracted to older black women, especially those who were passionate about something. That is why when I first saw Reverend Bianca D Rosen at the Christ our Redeemer Temple of Faith in Southern Alabama, I was mesmerized. As she stood at the pulpit expressing how disappointed she was about the church community's lack of involvement outside the Lord’s temple, I could only stare. She had a tiny button nose, narrow expressive eyes that turned into slits when she smiled and...
LesbianThe MoonlightI crouched low in the bushes at the edge of the clearing looking out through the leaves at the grassy expanse before me. The clearing was only about 100 paces wide and it wouldn't take me long to sprint across that open space. But I would be clearly visible in the moonlight which streamed down from above, illuminating the clearing and making the forest on either side pitch black.It was more of a break in the forest than a clearing. A strip devoid of trees and shrubs than ran for...
Chapter 1. Sanctuary The afternoon was wearing on towards early evening, but the daytime heat had not yet eased, and even the shade of the trees provided little respite. Not that much shade ought to have been necessary, because although August was the middle of the dry season, it was also the last month of winter. Despite that, the sun was still hot; very hot, even for Queensland at this time of year, and the density of this mixture of Ash and Poinciana trees was too scant for the...
8PHE0006 Word Count 5007 ******** Day 6, Sunday Kinny woke up. Someone was in his room. He had a headache. His teeth hurt. Even his hair hurt. "Up, up!" Joi shook him. "Time to hit the gym." Kinny groaned. She poked him in the ribs. "You've been drinking Cactus Jack and eating corn gorillas for three days. Time to work off the pudge." "Pudge?" "You're getting man boobs." "I am?" Kinny sat up. He checked under his shirt. "Denied." Although his nipples were sore...
8PHE0010 Word Count 4996 ********* Day 10, Thursday Kinny woke up to someone shaking his foot. It was Jazelle. She was wearing running shorts and a sports bra. The bra looked sturdy enough to hold up Times Square. The downside of having huge melons, Kinny supposed. "Time to start your workday, Bo." Kinny got up on one elbow. He looked down. He was sleeping naked. He had an erection. Jazelle saw him look. She smiled. "I've seen it. No need to cover up." She tossed him...
Pastor’s a Pimp(m/f, i/r, n/c)Standard Disclaimer!This is a fictional story intended for Adults only!______________________________________________ As Pastor Richard Knowlton sat in his office at home while trying to prepare his sermon for that coming Sunday, he looked out of his open doorway to the view across the way where his lovely wife Nell was drying the dishes. So beautiful, so pure and innocent looking, the sight of his lovely wife caused Rich (as he liked to be called) to reflect...
8PHE0021 word count 10820 ******** Day 21, Monday Kinny woke to his alarm. Neither woman had come home last night. Kinny checked his messages. Nothing. "Rude," he said. He texted both women. 'Hello? Anyone coming home today? I have to go to work. Hope you're okay.' He showered. Ate breakfast. Fed the baby. Pumped milk for the day. Got dressed. He'd waited as long as he could. He called Two Debs. "Hey, um. I'm babysitting and the mom? She didn't come home last...
8PHE0031 word count 12619 ******** Day 31, Thursday Joi woke Kinny with a kiss. When he was awake, she said, "That's not my porn." "Huh?" "I don't have porn." She smiled. "Except for 3Ds that you and I starred in." "Oh. Okay." "Thanks for finding my mom's wedding dress." Kinny nodded. "Mom thought that...." Joi put a finger on Kinny's lip. "I heard what Mom thought. She's right. You're both right. But I don't care. Permission granted. Rummage at will, okay?...
8PHE0045 word count 4925 ******** Day 45, Thursday Kleia sat on the other side of the desk. "Good morning, Princess," she said, checking her paperwork. "Erm, Chastity?" She stood again, hitched up her pants, and walked around the desk. She sat on a chair next to Chastity. "I hate barriers." She motioned to the desk. "A symbol of my office, a badge, a wall. I prefer face-to-face." Chastity shrugged. "Why am I here?" "Because the program flagged you as at-risk. You missed...
Wiping the combined juices of our just completed fuck from her chin, Janie smirked, "Pleasant dreams Reverend." She bent over collecting her clothes. After wiping her still dripping crotch with her panties, she tossed them to me as she continued getting dressed. "See you Sunday at church."I stretched out on the bed. The lingering scent of sex mixed with her juvenile citrussy perfume made me hard again, in spite of the guilty feelings in my head. She's only seventeen, I thought. She should be...
Teen8PHE0019 word count 4262 ******** Day 19, Saturday Joi crawled into bed and nested between them with her back to Kinny. He didn't mind. He knew where he laid in this triangle. Somewhere in Outer Yatra. But he was happy there. Him and the yaks. Joi woke him with a kiss. It was six-thirty. "Your specs are buzzing," she said. She rolled back over and faced Jazz. "Um. Thanks." Kinny got up. He'd slept without a bra again. And soaked the sheets. He pulled on a pair of shorts....
8PHE0026 word count 9387 ******** Day 26, Saturday "Him," Cookie said to the group. "That's roofie man. Pretty sure that's the guy who roofied me." Grizzlil said, "What comes around, goes around." He held up a packet of white pills. "No," Max said. "Bad rat. Evil. Bad." She adjusted her armor. Grizzlil shrugged. "Do you know any rat paladins?" Cookie said, "I wonder if I can get him to accept a gold coin in payment?" "I dunno," Max said. "That artifact is...
8PHE0028 word count 5768 ******** Day 28, Monday "What the fuck happened to you?" Joi looked concerned. "I opened the wrong IM attachment. What time is it?" "Almost time for your shift at Debbie's. I fell asleep waiting for you. What happened?" "It trapped me in a replay of Cookie's gang rape. A few times. Dream versions. Recalled versions. The aftermath. That damned dog." Kinny allowed her to pull him to his feet. "All of Cookie's customers and combat rapes." "It...
8PHE0039 word count 3383 ******** Day 39, Friday Chastity didn't have much appetite at breakfast. Jazz stole a sausage. She said, "If you're not going to eat it, I will." "I have some news about the baby," Chastity said. "It's not good news." Joi sat at the table with Baby Drake. "Out with it." "I might be wrong. But there's a little boy who's a regular at my coffee cart. He's sick." Joi made hand motions, 'Roll film.' "The baby is a blended bodice - can provide...
8PHE0040 word count 2378 ******** Day 40, Saturday Chastity bicycled home a few minutes after two a.m. It was just two degrees above freezing but the air was still. Her breath fogged. The bicycle seat was cold! So were the handles. She rode home on the sidewalks, not trusting the roads. Even in an era of autodrive cars, drivers at this time in the morning were a menace. The ones who were awake were often drunk. The ones not drunk were often sleepy. She rode past Drake's...
8PHE0050 word count 1175 ******** Day 50, Tuesday The next three days passed in a similar way. Chastity got off work at 4 a.m. most mornings. She picked up breakfast at the Globe and Guard. It was on the way home, one of a few coffee shops open at four in the morning. It was a cop shop. Eventually Brennan would tell her to avoid the place but she figured it was safe. Who would assault her here? She brought home breakfast sandwiches and pastries and shared them with her...
8PHE0057 word count 2196 ******** Day 57, Tuesday Working at the Silver Lining was much like working at Jenni's Tea Cup. This was no surprise to Chastity. Brennan had imported the Jenni of Jenni's Tea Cup to run the brothel here. The biggest difference for Chastity, besides better wages, was that she didn't have to clean her own room. She could call for housekeeping. She also didn't have chores to do, such as kitchen work or scrubbing toilets. They wanted her mind and body...
I got a call from my friend, Sandra, inviting me down for a visit. It so happened that my husband was leaving for a hunting trip with friends and I'd already decided to let the kids go to their grandparents so I said, "sure, love to!" We live in Oklahoma and I left early on that Saturday morning, eager to begin the five hour trip to Sandi's house in a small, country town south of Austin, Texas. "I've got something special and delightfully nasty planned for us," my friend had said into...
Gren was a lovely 40 year old. She had brown hair and a pretty good figure for a 40 year old. She felt called by God to come help her pastor and other church leaders in anyway that she could assist them. She found that doing God's work was really fun. Realize that Gren always was a good Southern Baptist lady. She grew up in a very loving home near Nashville, Tennessee. Tom, her father. would always teach his girls that you do whatever a man ask. Especially if the asking is to help in the...
Passages By Autumn Writer © Copyright 2006 ‘I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff.’ ‘It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road.’ He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose for any reason. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off...
To: SCWildMan Thank you so much for the nice birthday greeting. Oh how I long for that feeling you give me, deep inside. How many times has it been? Six? Yes. Six wonderful times. Two years. But so far apart. You're such a great lover. And all the time you are in my fantasies. Fantasies that get a little help in the middle of the night. Love, Bonnie From: SCWildMan To: NaughtyCTGirl I can only imagine what that help looks like. You'll have to show me, hehe. I'll show you my...
My wife can go months without an orgasm, I keep my balls full, never know when she may want sex or four-play, some times she likes her cunt sucked off, I can just fill my pants full of cum without touching..I was bursting for a cum last month and she was not interested, my load was ready to blast out of me, it's ok for her to walk around the house in tee-shirt and knix, or just a tee-shirt that don't cover her bold cunt, could see right up her crack, she just stood there talking to me, my cock...
At the church during Sunday sermon, I always set on one corner of the last bench which was usually not occupied by anyone. This morning was different. Just as the sermon was about to begin a young female frame rushed in and sat down not too far from me on that bench. She was wearing a dress that appeared to have been put on in a hurry. I could tell that her beautiful flowing hair did not need any brushing. As I looked from the corner of my eyes, I could instantly recognize her. Catherine was...
Monday morning, I wake up in my own bed. I take my shower and brushmy teeth and head back to my room. I go to my closet and look for my newestclothes. Since I was having my classes at the high school, maybe I shouldstart dressing better. I find an outfit and come out the closet and my dadis sitting on my bed. He calls me over and says have a seat. I am justwearing a towel around my waist. I sit on the side of the bed next to mydad. He says today is a big day for you. New school and you start...
I spend the day laying on the couch. My mind is working overtimetrying to analyze my life. Looking for a path forward where I wont get hurtall the time. My thoughts start to go back to Luke. It seems like everythought I had, ended up with me just loving Luke. My head hurts from all ofthe thinking and worrying. I go to Luke's room. Today is the day to findout what he was into. I looked everywhere in his room for the needles I hadseen previous and anything else he might be hiding. Luke's room is...