An Amiss WishChapter 2 free porn video

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Saturday morning, we made sure the house was clean, the hot tub topped off, and Linda started cooking. We were almost bouncing with barely suppressed sexual excitement. I was having trouble keeping my hands off my wife; every time I walked by, I couldn’t resist copping a feel of and stroking some portion of her anatomy. She was looking so damn good! Almost as lovely as the day she married me.

About three, the doorbell rang, and I opened the door to find Debra standing there. That wasn’t a surprise, of course, but what was surprising was just how good she looked. I was tempted to ask if she’d had botox or some kind of dermal treatment - the lines at her eyes were greatly diminished, and the tiny fine lines there were gone. I think I mentioned before that she was older than I, by about a decade. By the time she divorced me, she had deepening lines at her eyes, and in the years since, a lot of little tiny wrinkles had made an appearance. She had still looked good for her age, mind you, but she’d never been one for having “work” done, so she did look her age. She now looked like she did when we’d separated. Having learned to not ask insulting questions, I just said she was looking lovely, and welcomed her into the house to be welcomed by the dogs, and then by Linda. We sat down at the table.

“Deb! You are looking fabulous!” my wife exclaimed.

Debra blushed a bit, and said, “You are looking damn good yourself, Linda!”

Linda said, “Thanks, but, no, I mean it. You are looking lovely! Younger, even! I think I want some of those shots, if they make you look that good!”

I cocked an eyebrow, but wasn’t going to open my mouth. My suspicions were confirmed, though, Deb had caved and was getting botox. Looked good, though! Whoever it was had done it well -- you couldn’t see any of the signs.

Debra blushed furiously, and said “Um, I think it is. If you really want to, I can get it for you, but it does, um, make your life interesting. I’d forgotten what it was like, and with this fetish thing, it gets kind of complicated at work.”

“Ohhhh...” said Linda, nodding sympathetically. I had the feeling I was missing something. Deb was a nurse -- why would botox make life complicated at work? Fetish? I’m sure I looked confused.

Linda laughed and patted my head. “You’ll see. Later.” Now I was really confused.

Debra said, “New makeup? Looks very nice!”

“No, not at all. We think it was last weekend’s special spa treatment being so good for the skin!” laughed Linda.

“Ohh!” said Deb with a smirk. “Maybe that’s part of my secret! If so, we need to make it a regular treatment for both of us!” she added with a vulpine grin.

Changing the subject, Deb said, “I’ve been harvesting the last couple of months. I got a great crop this year, some new stuff, too!”

“Cool!” I said, “I’m glad your garden has really taken off!” At Linda’s odd look, I laughed and said, “Herbs. Debra had a doctorate in botany, specializing in herbal medicine. She expands her garden every year.”

“I finally got some European mandrake to grow,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows. “The American mandrake is completely different -- drops those nasty horseapples. Big, warty-looking balls that stink as they rot and get all slimy.”

“Ick! That sounds horrible!”, said Linda.

“Oh, it has its uses, mostly decorative” said Debra, “but nothing like the European mandrake!”

“Just make sure you wear your earmuffs when you harvest it!” I joked. Linda looked confused.

“Old wives’ tale,” explained Deb, “When you pull them out of the ground, they are supposed to shriek, and the sound is supposed to kill you. Folks supposedly used to tie a dog to the plant and get far away, then call the dog who would pull up the plant when it tried to go to its owner, and the poor dog would die instead of the human. Nasty story, and completely untrue, of course. Mandrake roots have interesting shapes, often like human forms, some female and others male with a little penis. According to folklore, they were used for love charms. That one may be a bit closer to the truth -- mandrake was used to treat erectile dysfunction a long time ago. Of course, it was a very dangerous treatment! Too much, by even a little, causes madness and death. Potent stuff! Viagra is much safer!”

“Why on earth do you grow it, then?” asked Linda.

“Oh, I grow all sorts of things, some for their beauty, some for their usefulness, some for their uniqueness and significance. Besides, dangerous plants are everywhere! Aconite is pretty, and many gardeners plant it in flower beds, but it is also quite deadly, it’s also known as wolfsbane. The same with foxglove, also known as digitalis, very deadly if you take too much, but in the right dose it was used for heart troubles. Still is! It’s just standardized in pharmaceutical pill form now.”

“Oh ... huh!” said Linda.

“I harvest garlic, lemon balm, St. John’s Wort, echinacea, all kinds of mints, rosemary, thyme, sage, and so on. All useful stuff with culinary and medical benefits.”

Linda nodded. “Oh, I see. So, it’s all kinds of plants.”

“Well, mostly herbs and vegetables, but some flowers, too. I even have roses!” She paused. “Of course, even those have medical benefits! Rose hips are high in vitamin C.”

Linda shook her head. “Sounds like nature is one big medicine chest.”

Debra laughed, “Kind of!”

“Well, congratulations on your crop!” I said, hoping to change the subject.

“Oh! Ellie will be home for Thanksgiving on Thursday!” said Debra.

“That’s great! You two must come for dinner! You don’t have plans, do you?” asked an enthusiastic Linda, now that we were back in a conversation terrain with which she was more comfortable.

“We’d be happy to come!” said Deb. “It would make a great opportunity for a certain discussion!”

“Oh, dear,” I said, not quite under my breath. “Um, look, I’m not sure I can even talk with her about this. She’s my daughter, and I love her as my daughter. Talking about turkey basters makes my male bits crawl up inside to try and hide! That’s a line I can’t cross, I’m sorry. We maybe can talk about IVF with a donated egg, but ... the other, I just can’t.”

Debra looked at Linda, then back at me, and said “Then that’s what we’ll discuss, okay?”

I nodded. “She’s already family, so of course she’d see the baby whenever she wanted or needed to! She’d always be the birth mother! She’d be welcome any time! And you’d still be a grandmother. I can’t imagine you not coming, too.”

I noticed that both women had gone very still. I reviewed in my head what I’d just said, ‘ ... family ... baby ... birth ... mother ... birth mother ... coming... ‘

Oh. Mouth, meet foot.

Both women were drawing shaking breaths, and I could clearly see nipples standing out beneath shirts. There was a bead of sweat between my wife’s eyebrows, and my ex had a hand moving beneath the table.

“Sorry!” I said.

Linda stood. “Why don’t we get this party started?” she asked.

Deb looked at her and stood as well, “It’s close enough to dinnertime, isn’t it?”

“I think so!” said my wife. She walked to Deb and kissed her, drawing her in with a hand behind Deb’s neck, both their eyes closed.

Wow. Maybe it was that I’d been excited all day, or maybe it was that both women were my idea of what a gorgeous woman was, but that kiss was absolutely sexy. The pleasure with which the two women touched each other, hand holding neck, lips lightly and delicately touching, then plunging into passion for moments, then backing off to tease delicately again, the breasts slightly rubbing while hips pressed, hands moving down the back to fondle buttocks, a foot raised slightly to lend just the right angle to a thigh ... damn, it was three parts beauty, three parts artistry, two parts passion, and one part pornography, just enough spice to make one long for more of the pornographic part, while the rest was beauty and grace to make one wish it would go on forever. God, it was a vision splendid.

It could only have been improved if they were naked and very pregnant.

I caught the thought and examined it. Where had it come from? Why had I thought that? I compared what I was seeing with the thought in my head, and had trouble denying the truth of it. Somehow, the naked pregnancy made it more ... aesthetic? More perfect? The right shape for reality? I almost shook my head. The ladies’ fantasy must be catching.

I watched, in awe, as after long minutes the kiss parted, and the ladies slowly undressed each other, deliberately, teasingly, as much for my benefit as for their own. I stepped forward and helped, sliding bras from shoulders and down arms, revealing perfect breasts to our eyes, sliding panties slowly, slowly down legs. The revealed body parts were stroked and caressed gently by the woman’s opposite, breasts, rounded tummies, narrowly furred pussies, smooth buttocks. It was erotic performance art.

After they finished, they turned to look at me, and I removed my clothes. I’m sure it was nowhere near classy or beautiful or erotic, but I tried. It was probably just slow.

Linda took Debra’s hand and led her to the couch, where Debra laid back against the cushioned back. Linda gestures me to sit beside Debra, and sat on the opposite side of her. Debra reached out for our heads and drew us to her breasts. I began to kiss and then suck on her nipple, and heard Deb gasp. Her breasts had seemed larger as I’d revealed them earlier. Now I discovered why. A warm stream of sweet milk flowed from her nipple into my mouth.

Ah. Our special dinner was served! How kinky! How fun! Deb was gasping and moaning in pleasure, her fingers circling in her pussy. This was heaven for her, this was something she wanted, needed.

The warmth flowed down my throat and into my empty stomach and I could feel it spread from there, flowing into me. I felt my heart, beating, and I felt her heart beating beneath her breast. The warm milk was like tendrils of light, of warmth, of love, flowing through my blood. I felt her stiff nipple at my lips, spurting its warm sustenance into me, and my lips and tongue felt every bump, her nipple’s turgid heat, like my lips and tongue were so, so sensitive, and the flavor was of sweet milk and Woman.

It was like my world contracted down to those sensations, and a deep pleasurable turgidity of my own, far below. Waves of pleasure flowed through me, and I was warm, and safe, and happy, reveling in the taste and feel and warmth and smell of Mommy’s breast, and the feelings of golden mist of her love wrapping me in their warm pleasure and safety. I was so relaxed. I didn’t need to think, only feel, only know that Mommy loved me.

I felt my cock being slowly stroked and it was so nice and good. Mommy loved me. I could feel so, so good, so relaxed and warm and loved with Mommy, who loved me and fed me with her breasts. Mommy was so beautiful and loving and giving, and wanted me to be so, so happy, and I was. I could feel the muscles working in my balls, and a flow from my cock, not cumming, not yet, but warmth oozing, making me slick so Mommy’s hand could glide along it, so big for Mommy, so hard for Mommy. God, Mommy’s voice was beautiful, telling me what I felt, how I felt, what I wanted and needed, and it was true, so true.

God, I loved Mommy so much! She made me feel so good! She loved me so very, very much! I wanted to make her happy, always. I loved my family so much, and I wanted and needed to make them happy, too.

The flow of warm milk stopped, was all gone for right now, but it would come back later. I could keep sucking at Mommy’s breast, though. Mommy liked that. It made her feel good, and I loved making Mommy feel good! Sucking for Mommy made me feel good, and it made me so stiff and hard and wet for Mommy, and made my sexy parts feel so good. I loved Mommy’s special place, too. It was warm and magic. It had a nipple to suck, too, and it was a place that would make my sexy parts feel so, so good. My family had breasts and special places, too, and they were like Mommy. They would make me feel good, and I would make them feel good, and we loved each other more than anything but Mommy, who loved us most of all.

Mommy’s voice and warmth and love and breasts and special place were my world. I would do anything for Mommy. I would make Mommy feel so good, make her so happy. I would make babies for Mommy, because mommies needed babies. I would use my sexy parts for Mommy, make my family’s sexy parts feel good for Mommy, make my family bigger for Mommy because family was love, just like Mommy’s love. Mommies were beautiful, whether the baby made their bellies round, or the babies were outside their bellies. Mommies were magical and wondrous and amazing.

More of Mommy’s milk flowed from her breast and into me, filling me with more loving warmth spreading through me. I heard Mommy’s voice, but I couldn’t hold onto what she said as it sank deep into me. It was familiar, reassuring, safe, loving, good. I felt my sexy parts in Mommy’s special place and it was...

I woke, naked and hungry and sticky with sex, but warm and loving and between my wife and Debra. We had obviously fucked ourselves to sleep again. I looked at my family, and felt such a deep love for these two women that tears came to my eyes. They were both in my heart, a part of me. Their happiness and safety were so important to me. I traced their faces with my fingertips, gazing at their sleeping faces, so angelic. They were beauty and love personified. I traced nipples with my fingertips as well, watching them stiffen. There was something so fundamentally and powerfully beautiful about the female breast. I wanted to kiss and suckle them, but knew I should fix breakfast for my family. I got up, showered, and did exactly that.

The smell of the coffee brewing and bacon frying woke the ladies, who wandered in after quick showers. I poured Deb her tea. It seemed completely natural that all of us were naked. Well, okay, I wore an apron while frying the bacon; I’m not insane! But the comfort level of us sitting around eating breakfast naked was just a bit jarring to me. This could not have happened two weeks before, it just couldn’t. We chatted, and held toast or bacon to each others mouths, and exchanged kisses when a bite was taken, laughed and told stories from our various pasts, stroked faces or breasts, and had a great, relaxed, time. Deb giggled, and milked herself into our coffee, which we drank, laughing along. I found myself growing erect again, but our relaxed chatting continued.

Linda and I found ourselves looking at Deb’s breasts more and more often, and I’m pretty sure we both got hornier and hornier. I know I did. Pretty soon Deb was the one doing most of the talking. Linda and I mostly answered questions, I think. I could smell Linda’s arousal, and her nipples were standing out like soldiers at attention. My soldier was definitely at attention, and I could feel little pulses as pre-cum began to drip down from his head. The feeling of pleasurable horniness was centered there. I was staring at my wife’s absolutely fantastic body now, like a man in the burning summer desert would stare at a glass of ice water. Someone was talking, and what she said was absolutely true. Was that Mommy’s voice? I couldn’t hold to the question, it didn’t matter, Mommy would explain it all to me, tell me what to do.

She told me to go to my wife. We went to the bedroom and to the bed. Mommy told me to lay in the middle and stretch out my arms. I did. She told me to part my legs, and bring my knees up a bit. I did. Something was happening, but I could only see Linda looking back at me, watching me, pinching a nipple and circling her special place with the fingers of her other hand. She was so beautiful and sexy. She would be sexier with a baby in her belly. I wanted her to have a baby in her belly so, so much!

Mommy said something I couldn’t hear because she wasn’t talking to me. Linda got on the bed, kneeling over my sex. I wanted to kiss her breasts, to touch her breasts, but my arms couldn’t move. Linda was swaying her breasts over my face, back and forth, and I wanted them so very much. I wanted to taste them, feel them, rub my face on them, please! I tried so hard to ask her to let me suckle them, nuzzle them, but I couldn’t. I had to make her happy first, Mommy explained. I had to put my cock on her special place and give her a baby by spurting my seed deep into her special place. That would make her so, so happy she would scream and yell with excitement and happiness and she would love me so, so much, and she would let me suckle her breasts then, and then Mommy would let me suckle her breasts and even her special place!

Mommy said something to Linda and Linda put her special place on my hard cock and I sank into it. I could feel my cock, all my cock, every inch of it as Linda’s glorious amazing velvet warm special place swallowed it deep, in and out. It went in, and Mommy talked to Linda, and it came out, and she said something else to Linda, in, Linda was nodding, out, Linda said something to Mommy, in, Mommy told Linda something else, out, Linda was smiling and nodding, in deep.

Linda’s special place rippled on my cock, and my cock slid out. Mommy told me Linda was going to give me a new name, it slid in and there was warm rippling again, and Mommy rolled my balls in her hand. Mommy said that when Linda called me by my new name it would be so exciting! My cock slid out, and Mommy said I wanted my new name very much, and she rolled my balls again and it felt so good. My cock went in and the ripples squeezed so nice, and Mommy said my new name would make me happy and horny every time I heard it. My cock came out, and it wanted to be in again, just like Mommy said, and I wanted to hear my new name! My cock went in so fucking good squeezing and rippling, and Mommy telling to cum when Linda tells me my new name, and I’m buried so deep and grinding and so close, say my new name, Linda, “Say my new name! Please, please, please!”

And Linda cried out, “DADDY!”

I came and came and came so hard, so good, so happy, so horny ... I’m Daddy!

“Daddy Daddy Daddy!” Linda screamed as she came, her special place gripping my cock and pulling it so hard, so good! “Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me! Give me a baby, Daddy! Make me a mommy! Aaaahhhhhh! Suck my titties, Daddy! Suck my nipples hard!”

She planted her breast in my face, holding my head to her chest, nipple in my mouth, I needed it, needed to suckle it, smelling her scent, her titties on my face so warm, her heartbeat pounding. I came again, back arching, balls convulsing, cock and balls throbbing with painful orgasmic pleasure, my cock so deep in my baby. My wife, my daughter, my sister, my love, my family, the voice of Mommy told me. That was confusing that she could be all of that. Mommy told me Linda was all these things and more, and that it was good. It was good. She was good. Fucking her was so good. Linda was cumming again on my cock, so wet everywhere, I was laying in a puddle.

Linda my sister? My daughter? Wait, no, Ellie was my daughter, right? Daughter was wrong ... can’t fuck my daughter! The orgasms were over, my poor softened cock hurt, and my balls were aching so bad tears were coming to my eyes. I kept suckling at Linda’s titties, though, because they were good and comforting, and she loved it when I did. She was cumming again, grinding her pussy hard into my pelvic bone and fluid spurting again. She was laying on me, warm, heart thudding, saying “Daddy give me a baby, give me a baby!”

It felt good to hear her say that, so good. Wait, I was tied in place! My hands tied, I couldn’t hold her, touch her! That’s not right. Why was I tied down? My legs were tied wide, too, so I could close them. Was this a kinky game? Did we play tie-up? My head spun. I felt very confused.

I saw Mommy ... Deb? What was happening? She lifted Linda to the side, where she lay next to me, one hand rolling a nipple, the other in her pussy. She kept muttering “Daddy ... make ... baby...” as she panted.

Deb bent over me and stroked my face, “Coming around, aren’t you?” She smiled. “Welcome back ... for the moment. Who am I?”

“Momm ... Debra. Deb, what’s happening?”

“You’re almost there. You’re going to give us a baby.”

“Of course! Wait, you and Linda can’t ... IVF, donor egg. But Ellie has to agree ... yes, that’s it! I remember.”

“That’s right, Daddy.”

A flood of feelings washed through me. Linda ... Mommy ... breasts! Fucking!

“Yes, baby ... Daddy ... you need my breasts, don’t you? I promised you could suckle them. Here, baby, take the nipple...”

She placed the nipple to my lips, and I automatically began suckling. Milk! Oh, yeah, milk ... it was sweet and warm, and how the fuck was I getting an erection again!? Mmmm, warm tummy, happy golden mist fighting the pain, muting it, good feelings and Mommy loves me, floating on clouds, hands free now, cupping Mommy’s warm soft breast at my mouth, her soft voice in my ear, telling me I’m a good boy, a good daddy, making babies for mommies and sisters and daughters and family, giving the women I love a baby, drifting away into Mommy’s love, sucking, suckling, sexy...

Oh, crap, what a headache! My tongue felt like I’d tried to lift a car with it, and my cock was purple, and not in a good way! I was covered in cum and pussy juice, soaking in it! I was laying in a puddle of sexual fluids, cold and slick, and on top of me there was a crust of the same stuff, just dried. My stomach and back muscles were sore, too! How much fucking had we done?

I looked over to find Linda’s feet next to my head. My arms and legs hurt, too. What the fuck did we do? Why couldn’t I remember? Did we get that drunk? My mind was a painful whirl, my train of thought jumping the tracks every couple of seconds. I gently moved to the side of the bed. Good God, there was so much cum! No wonder my balls hurt like a pro football player tried to kick a goal with them! Shit, my penis was bruised! When I stood, I had to walk bowlegged to the bathroom. There were weird marks on my knees. What had we done? I’d never blacked out like this before, had I? No, I didn’t think so.

I showered, and the hot water helped with some of the aches. Once I’d washed all the sticky and ugh, crust ... off, I grabbed another towel and headed straight for the hot tub to soak the rest of the aches out. I grabbed a couple of bottles of water on my way, and had one polished off before getting the cover open. The pounding in my head began to recede. I opened the other and sank about half down, then got in the tub, and turned the jets up full.

I simmered for about twenty minutes before Linda came out and climbed in. She looked about like I felt. “Hi, babe. How’re you doing?”

“I’m sore,” she said. “You?”

“It’s getting better, I think. Did you drink any water?”

“Yeah, three glasses, and some shower water, too. What the fuck did we do last night? This morning?”

I don’t know. Well, we had a whole lot of sex, judging from the bed. Did we get really drunk? I can’t remember ... I remember cooking breakfast, and it was nice, and we were all naked, then ... breasts, and a powerful orgasm with you, I think, and it all gets fuzzy and slips away. What do you recall?”

“I remember our naked breakfast. Nothing, really, after that. I remember you were going to look for a donor egg, and we were going to talk to Ellie about being a surrogate? But that was all the night before, I think. Dadd ... Dave, my clit is bruised!”

“So is my cock, and I don’t want to think about my balls! We must have gotten really, really drunk or something. Is Debra gone?”

“She seems to be. It feels weird that she’s not here. Well, her car is gone. I haven’t looked around much. I needed a shower and a soak.”

“Me, too.” I said.

We bubbled for half an hour longer, then climbed out, feeling better. Debra had gone. Linda called her and she told us it had been a hell of a party, and she had left us to sleep when she woke up. She asked if we could celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday rather than Thursday, because Ellie might not get home until then. It felt wrong that the whole family wouldn’t be together on Thanksgiving itself, but Linda gratefully agreed, thinking it would take us a while to recover enough to clean up and prepare thoroughly. It was Monday afternoon before I quit walking gingerly and a bit bowlegged, which got me some occasional smirks or curious looks at the office.

On Tuesday, Linda told me she’d had to go see her gynocologist because she thought we might have torn a vaginal wall or something Saturday night -- she’d had some bleeding Sunday night and Monday, and had to use a couple of tampons she found in an old purse. She said the doctor had examined her and found nothing wrong, no tearing, everything was normal. She said that my wife was looking great, and had lost some weight.

I looked carefully at Linda, and she did look fantastic! Her skin was soft and smooth and glowing, her eyes were bright, and she did look like she’d lost some weight -- no surprise since I’m sure we had burned off lots of calories with all the sex we’d been having; heck, I’d gone down a couple of pants sizes myself! Even the backs of her hands were smooth and great looking. Our sex fluid skin treatment seemed to really work. I had always thought that was a joke, but this was proving it to be true.

I did some research on acquiring donated eggs for IVF and found that using frozen eggs from a national cryobank in California was easier and cheaper than finding a fresh donor -- and had a guarantee. When I told this to Linda when I came home on Wednesday evening, she literally danced and bounced with her hands clasped like a little girl and cried, “Yay, Daddy!” She looked odd for a moment, and then said, still cheerfully, “Yay! You’re going to be a daddy!”

When she did this, I also had an odd reaction. I was kind of glad Linda didn’t see it -- I got a serious erection. I very much wanted to tear Linda’s clothes off and have a night filled with some passionate sex. God, I wanted to see her breasts and play with her nipples! The weird, kind of scary thing, was that my response was in reaction to her calling me “Daddy”, her saying “you’re going to be a daddy” did not get the same response. This fantasy/fetish thing that Deb and Linda had was definitely having an effect on me. I was feeling torn between worry about it, and horny. I was also very happy at the prospect of possibly becoming a daddy. What was kind of disturbing about that was that Ellie, my daughter, could very well be the surrogate mother, the birth mother, who would carry the baby, my baby, in her womb, and I ... liked the idea. That she would bond with the baby and mother the baby, feed the baby ... My brain hit a wall. A part of me was screaming “Not okay! Not okay!” while another part was happy about her being closer in the family, which should be together.

I love Ellie. I missed Ellie since she’d been gone, and wanted to see her more often. Much more often. Family is important. The thought of her breastfeeding hit the ‘red alert’ button in my brain because the thought also ... excited me, and that felt ... wrong. That it felt wrong felt right, but my mind chased its tail when I tried to figure out why. Something in me was wrong, somewhere. It gave me a headache trying to figure out what it might be. Something about the past... ?

I went and hugged Linda, who kissed me, deeply and hungrily. She unzipped my fly as she did, reached into my pants and grasped my erection. Holding it, she pulled me to the couch and pushed me backward onto it. She undid my pants and pulled them down, and then swallowed my cock. As she sucked, she unbuttoned her blouse, and I was a bit surprised that she wasn’t wearing a bra to support her D-cup breasts. More surprising was how much higher and firmer they were. The most surprising was the thrilling charge that went through me when they came into view!

Okay, I’m a breast man, always have been. They are some of the loveliest portions of the female body, for which I have a deep and sincere appreciation in all its endless variations. Women are beautiful and amazing, aesthetically, artistically, personally, sexually. They are the stronger sex, far more interesting on every level, and definitely the more lovely to look at. Anyway, I enjoy looking at my wife’s breasts, whether naked or clothed, so I notice changes in them. Over the years, they’ve changed a bit, losing a bit of tone, losing a bit of their contest with gravity, and so on. Not that I was unhappy with those changes! I love natural women and while a woman’s body changes from decade to decade, it is as lovely at 60 as it was at 30, just lovely in a different way. And frankly, women improve with age, like fine wine. That is a deep truth for me. And the roundness that tends to increase with age is a major turn-on for me.

So when my wife’s teardrop-shaped breasts became less tear-drop shaped, I noticed, and with a bit of disappointment. However, the vision of them was like flooring the accelerator on my sex drive. My wife’s lips were working magic, and I was coming to orgasm incredibly quickly. Linda took her mouth off my cock with a pop, and began stroking it with zeal. “Come for me, Daddy! Come on my titties! Give it to me, Daddy! I need your cum on my titties, Daddy!”

Same as An Amiss Wish
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October 11th, 1993 "So, Carter." Lynn looks up at me from the breakfast table in the penthouse suite of the Sand-Dune. "Claudio will arrive about noon. What will you tell him?" I smile and look out the window at Vegas. "Thank you very much, Claudio ... all that jazz." I close one eye from the morning glare and think about something else for a minute. "And ... don't ever come back here or I'll take an apple corer to your eye sockets." Lynn winces. "Is that wise?" "I don't...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Sissy Cocksucker true story

I always loved feminine things. I'd wear my sisters panties as often as I could. I loved the way they felt, the soft fabric, the high cut legs, and especially the frilly lace edging! I graduated to bras and padding them and wondered what it'd be like to be a girl.I always loved watching porn where a guy is sucked off by awoman. I started to realize, what turned me on the most about it was watching his cock when it orgasmed! I LOVED watching the cum shoot out and on to her face and in her mouth!...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 5

Robert laughed as he admired the picture of the blue-haired girl on Eli's phone. "You have to be kidding me? She's friends with your sister?" Eli nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah, her and that Vivian chick are both friends with Kara." Cory shook his head and snatched the phone from Robert's hand. "This doesn't bode well for us." "This doesn't bode well for us? You have to be kidding me! I just found the girl I've been crushing on all summer." "I know." "And you just got done...

1 year ago
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POVLife Rosalyn Sphinx Taxi Driver Gets Some Teen Tushy

Rosalyn Sphinx picked up a taxi to take her to the airport and her and the taxi driver got friendly right away. He found out that Rosalyn was trying to become an actress, and that her flight got cancelled halfway to the airport. Shit sucks. Luckily the taxi driver thought she was cute and invited her back to his place. When she got there, she thought it was a nice apartment but he had just moved in so there was no tv or internet set up. What the hell were they supposed to do? This devious taxi...

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You go to bed after a long day. You set your alarm as you have another long day tomorrow. You change into pyjamas, bush your teeth get into bed and try to sleep. You dream of your favourite sci-fi show. Then you dream you are in the show. Your dream shifts to another show also Sci-fi then your job. You dream of your friends your family. Then you dream of your sexual fantasies, all your dirty little kinks. It is as if someone is scanning your brain. Finding out what you like, what are your best...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Athena Rayne Ballerina Boning

Becoming a world class ballerina is not easy, especially when you are as easily distracted as Athena Rayne. She cannot help but imagine what it would feel like to wrap her lips around her dance judges dick tip. This girl is driven and is determined to make her cock sucking dreams a reality. She prances around and then rips her panties open, inviting him to stick his dick in her perfect young pussy. She bends over backwards to suck his prick, and then rides him like the elegant dancer she is....

1 year ago
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A Morning with Lilly part 1

Lilly and I were chatting the other day and she said she wanted to hear what I thought it would be like if/when we first met. I started to describe it and she said she wanted to read it as a story. So...... If this is what she wants....**************************I flew out to LA last weekend to attend the wedding of my niece and then do some site seeing. Basically I was going out just to hang out for a week. The night of the wedding, after it was all over, I opened my laptop and was looking at...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 3

Political Asylum is no joking matter. International Law requires the country you are asking for asylum to grant temporary residence until a determination has been made. That’s why so many countries try so hard to keep boat refugees at sea. Once you’re on land and make a claim they have to let you stay ... until they can legally kick your ass off. Our plea wasn’t helped by the Navy carrier group trying to invade NZ waters. Nor by the squad of fleet marines who bulled their way ashore. Well...

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I was relaxing on the beach one sunny afternoon. There was some pretty fantastic scenery wandering around and I was enjoying it. Mind you, it took a bit of effort to keep the old fellow under control so he wouldn't embarrass me. A couple of the choicest bits of scenery were decorating a couple of towels quite close to me. I know what you're thinking - I chose that spot because of the scenery, but you're wrong. I was actually there first and they set up next to me while I was swimming, but I had...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 5

Characters introduced in this chapter: Greine -- Sunshine Mage, Rose's twin, 5'-1" tall, 108 pounds, 34C-21-23, 16 years old, short red hair, green eyes, some freckles, very cute; thinner when they first met Rose Sunshine's twin Sister - only present in the spirit at this time Master Eogham Master of Glenquin Castle, A tall fat man with a long brown beard and unkempt hair Like Dublin, the Limerick of 2170AC (After Cingetorix - King of the Trerari from the beginning of whose reign...

3 years ago
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Aunty Seduced Me In Train

Hey people, this is Rajesh. With so many incidents about my sex life I have uploaded here and have got such wonderful response. Thanks for all the effort you people have put in. Here I am to narrate an incidence, which happen to me when I was 19 years old. I am 33 now and this was with my aunt. She was kind of loose character and my mum did not like her a bit. Her name was arpita aunty (name changed). She was a family friend and wife to my dad’s best friend Jai uncle. Arpita aunty was fair and...

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My Honeymoon

My Honeymoon Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As we walked out of the church, ducking the rice and waving at family and friends, I held my husbands hand tightly, then we were in the limo, headed for our honeymoon. Excited, we both giggled as we drove home to change clothes, taking the time as we changed, to enjoy what married life has to offer. As we lay there exhausted and happy, I thought back to when I was growing up, then, how my road to being a wife all...

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No going back

My name is Joshua holt I had just turned 18 years old and had started university in London, the only real reason I had chosen London was because my girlfriend had also moved here, Stacey was my first real girlfriend we had started dating about 6 month earlier in college, she was two inches shorter than me at 5ft 5" with long mousy brown hair and the cutest little smile, we had come down here at the same time and moved into student halls before the year had started, I had found a...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 380

An Arizona Highway Patrol officer stops a Harley for traveling faster than the posted speed limit, so he asks the biker his name. 'Fred, ' he replies. 'Fred what?' the officer asks. 'Just Fred, ' the man responds. The officer is in a good mood, thinks he might just give the biker a break, and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. The officer then presses him for the last name. The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a...

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My Letters to Santa

My Letters to Santa By Bad Irving Dear Santa: Dec 8 Please bring me big boobs for Christmas. Your pal, Bad Irving ----- Dear Bad: Dec 10 Santa is a little confused, what are you asking for? This seems a strange request. Ho, ho, ho, Santa Claus ----- Dear Santa: Dec 12 Well of course I meant for them to be attached to a beautiful woman that's horny for me! Sorry, for the confusion. Your pal, Bad Irving ----- Dear Bad: Dec 14 I am getting very...

3 years ago
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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 1

It had been a long day, I’d say. Been waiting for almost an hour, for my dream sex lady. God damned, these flights never come on time. An hour late. “It better be good if it’s gonna be this late!” I thought. After an hour more of endless people coming out of the arrival gate, she was wearing a white shirt on jeans and a small bag. She looked even prettier than in her photos. She smiled, and her eyes twinkled when she saw me. “Hi, Sonal! How was the flight?” I asked. “Oh, it was alright. A bit...

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A Shade of PurpleChapter 12

Aspen steps around the corner, ensuring that the shadows are covering the majority of her body and clearly catching Cash by surprise. “You’re not Kara,” he says as his eyes dart down in an attempt to look her over. “No I’m not,” Aspen says. “But she did say that I should meet you.” “Oh?” he grunts. “And where is Kara?” “Still at the party,” she answers as she wanders further into the room. “Is that a problem?” In that instant, Cash cannot take his eyes off her body. Her figure, her legs...

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Unexpected Sex With Yummy Mummy 8211 Part 2

My wife was away for 2 weeks and she had left mummy, my MIL’s widowed sister to take care of my needs and look after the house. But my needs were more than just food. So the thought of having sex with mummy, my MIL’s sister crept in my mind. I kept speaking to her, stealing glances of her lovely body. At this point, there was no reason that I could not think of having sex with her. The thought of how she would have managed her sexual desires for so long brought an exciting urge in my mind and...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 92 A Daughters Offer

Despite Greg's ambiguous "I'll think about it" answer to Brit's question about whether they could swim naked again, the girls just assumed that they were to go nude at the pool. Allison's "no swimwear" rule, originally meant as a joke, became the standard in the backyard. With the girls spending so much time at the pool without their swimsuits, it was only a matter of time before nudity became the norm around the house. Rachael of course was the first to stop wearing clothes...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 17

Saturday morning came very early. Despite the excitement and relief of stress, Abby and Cindy had finally worn each other out. It took some time. But by midnight both were sound asleep in Cindy's bed. Abby woke up feeling a little disorientated, a little disconnected, and a lot tired. Phew, she thought to herself, that girl wore me out. Getting up carefully and walking down the hall to the lavatory, Abby smelled coffee and cooking food. First bathroom. Then food. Stepping down the stairs,...

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Arrow A new Archer appears

{Star City} For the past few months the ghosts have been bringing terror down upon Star city Team Arrow has been struggling to deal with it, but you have decided to help them in your own way, using your resources as the CEO and Heir of Kord Industries you have crafted a suit of Armor and a vast array of equipment for you to use in your crusade against these Ghosts. Publically you are known as John Doe a former Green Beret and Member of the Israeli Kidon Unit, you have painted yourself as the...

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The Two CrossesChapter 3

Grant spent Christmas morning with his daughter, Cathy and her family as they opened their presents. He excused himself near noon to visit Jennifer and would return for turkey dinner. Cathy mentioned she’d like to meet Jennifer someday soon. “Merry Christmas, beautiful!” He smiled, entering Jennifer’s room. She held her arms open for a hug, and he gently caressed her body to his. Quickly becoming more comfortable with Grant, she willingly kissed him. “Can you manage to sit in your chair by...

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Surlingham Broad

Sharing his pride and excitement, Julie slipped her arm around his waist and nuzzled her head under his arm. As she raised her other arm to give him a hug, her hand brushed against his erect penis....... It was a hot and humid day with the sun beating down. Summer had finally arrived and its timing could not have been better. The thrill of feeling Pauls excitement had had an immediate effect on Julie. Her nipples hardened and her pussy tingled with pleasure, causing her to let out...

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Synopsis:  I am kidnapped. Chapter 1 ? Dentist In the back corner of my mouth a tooth had been hurting and my dentist said that he would like to pull out my wisdom tooth and pulling out the other three wisdom teeth would be partially covered by insurance so we agreed to have them all removed.  I opted for general anesthesia as I would rather not go through the pain, I am a baby when it comes to pain. A few days later in the chair at the dental office a nurse put me under and that was that. I...

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My Wedding Gift

I hadn’t seen Linda since she and my daughter Shellie had graduated from high school over four years ago. They had been best friends but had gone to different colleges. They kept track of each other through social media, phone calls and the occasional chance meetings when they came home. I kept track of Linda for Shellie through chance meetings with her mother. Linda’s mother and I would talk when we stumbled into each other at the grocery store or post office. We'd update each other as to our...

Straight Sex
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Helping A Soldier

*** This story is about my best friend; she wanted me write this in 1st person so I obliged. About 2 years ago my boyfriend's (Justin) brother (Adam) was deployed to Afghanistan. He's a Marine so we knew that he would probably be seeing some heavy combat. After dinner that last night he was home I was trying to think of something to say, about how I am proud that he is going to serve our country. I asked him what I could do for him and he said, and I quote, " When I get back I want to fuck you....

4 years ago
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Its only natural

March 2012. This feeling is so good it ought to be illegal. Technically I suppose it is, which is maybe what makes it more fantastic. It’s a glorious day, unseasonably hot and summery. The kind of day where almost everyone finds a grassy country park in which to picnic. I can see them enjoying themselves on the field through the canopy of trees, laughing, playing ball games, Frisbee, cycling, walking dogs, eating and drinking. All beneath a cloudless, azure sky. The birds high above us are in...

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Green River

Green River by Tim Willows Jake never felt his first misgivings about transferring to Green River until the very moment when the needle entered his arm and the world dissolved into a vague cloud of grey. Before then, the transfer seemed like the only option-more than that: a godsend. He couldn't handle life in the general prison population. There was no other word for it: the other prisoners were animals. There wasn't a trace of racism in Jake's mind when he thought of them...

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losing my marbles

  I melt all over again as soon as you smile at me and those sparky eyes of yours tell me that tonight I’m going to enjoy you in ways I haven’t thought of yet. You grab my hand and pull me close to you, we don’t kiss but I lose my face in the warmth of your neck as you breathe in the scent if my perfume. Instantly I want to be naked with you, want the rest of the world to disappear for a few hours so we can take an exciting journey together.   You lead me by the hand to my bedroom and I...

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My Vacation Friend

She just sat there, the slight breeze blowing stray strands of her long, silky blond hair off her face. She re-adjusted her sunglasses and flipped the page of her magazine. Her skin was a golden tan and her legs were long and smooth. The combination of the blond, tan, and pink bikini she was wearing, she was the perfect picture of a girl on a beach. Now for me, I'm slightly on the short side. Not very though. I stand at 5'2. I have brown hair, comes just past my sholders with a touch of blond...

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The oldest male had to be apart of the girls immediate family. Father, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew, or grandfather. To some, this may seem amazingly awesome to others, sinful. All the free sex a man could ask for from a tight, young pussy ripe for the plucking. Nope. The only way that the male was allowed to claim the child as his own was if he had knock her up with his incestuous sperm. He only got one shot. If by chance he failed at the inbreeding, the girl was given to the next oldest....

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Webcam Boys Chapter 7

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

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Deep South Growing UpChapter 7

I had asked Josh to not pester me about sucking my dick and I would consider going over to visit. Friday morning Josh woke me up stroking my hard dick, Josh said I told Joan you let me suck your dick made her hot as a firecracker. Called me all kind of nasty names while I was eating her pussy. Joan wants you to come over Saturday and help me fuck her. Josh was still stroking my dick; Josh leaned over and swallowed my dick then throat fucked himself until I shot a load in his throat. Friday...

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Tiktok Video Recording With Cousin Turns Hot And Sexual

Riya is my cousin and she was of the same age as me. We were playmates since childhood. When we got together during our childhood, we always loved doing role-plays and playing father-mother. I always managed to sneak in a few kisses during such role-plays but that was out of childhood fantasies. Times changed, so did we but we were still playmates. We are 20 years old now. I became well-built with age and also became quite a good dancer. Riya also came of age and became really sexy. She was...

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Black MagicChapter 2 Jamaican Surprise

Gloria was home alone one Saturday evening and chatting online with Robert. They were talking about there recent hot encounter and were discussing when they all could get together again. Robert asked, "Hey sexy baby, when can we all get together again? I cannot forget that last encounter out of my head and I just have to have your lily white cunt again." Gloria blushed and quivered as she recalled the events of their last meeting. "I don't know Robert. I have been busy these past two...

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Strapon Threesome with our New Sub

We've fantasized about sharing our bed with a stranger, and even talked about how exciting it would be.  I've been talking with several subs online to try to select the perfect one.  He must be submissive in nature and body language, yet be sexually experienced enough to actively participate with us in bed.  I'm attracted to subs who have athletic bodies without a lot of hair who have a sweet, vulnerability about them.After talking to one online, we arrange to have him come to my home late one...

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Love With Lovely Aunty

Hi, my name is Andy. A cool guy for women to hang out with in my perspective. I am working as a software engineer in Bangalore. And to go in depth about me is that I am 26 years of age and I m fair in color and an average built body that is sufficient for a woman to get satisfied with it. I stand 5 feet 7 inches in height and proportionate weight to that height.Well the purpose of my appearance is not to tell just about me but to share one of the best romances that I have had in my life....

3 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 39

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0908 - Tara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry Growing Lucy - 0098 Derrick looked up from the floor at Shelby rubbing the side of his face that felt real! Not like a solid hologram but real flesh and blood! Gaining his feet he slowly backed away from Shelby who as of yet hadn’t moved. “I don’t know who or what you are but there is no...

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Random Encounter

Behind the door were standing three women dressed in identical mannish-looking but femininely cut suits and ties. Two of them were wearing sunglasses even though it was evening and they were indoors. I guessed the one in the front only didn't because she already had eyeglasses on her nose. I stared at them for two seconds and said: "No, I don't want to hear why God makes people suffer, please go away." I started to close the door, but the one in the front with short blonde hair shoved...

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Boys Nieghbor Chapter 2

Part 1 That evening changed my life and my whole perspective on sexuality. At first, I tried to forget what happened at first it was terrible to think about being that embarrassed and subjected to being naked and humiliated in front of a grown woman not to mention being licked by a huge dog until the point that I came all over and then make to watch and suffer through having him lick me clean. It was days before I was able to get a hard on and actually masturbate .. well try to at...

4 years ago
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Jillian Ch 02

New Slave Jillian and I had been living together for a while, and my birthday was around the corner. Jillian asked what I wanted for my birthday and I told her my usual “I dunno.” I feel pretty stupid at times like that. If anyone knows what I want, it’s gotta be me… doesn’t it? So, after a few days of pestering me about what I want, she stopped. Days went by and no more questions. I suspected that something was up. The day before my birthday, she said she had a headache and didn’t want to...

1 year ago
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Virgin Cum Swallower

I am a woman in her late 30’s with a husband of almost 15 years who has a fetish for hearing stories of my past lovers. One of my first stories that I ever told him gets him hard every time he hears it. Let me begin.Early in my sexual encounters, I enjoyed only fucking in my pussy. I loved it and needed it so much that I was constantly looking for a good hard dick to satisfy my horniness.I met this guy through my job at the local restaurant that I worked at during that time. When we first met,...

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Teenage Adventures 10 Officer in Distress

Officer Hindenbaum was raging when he arrived at his police cruiser. He got into the dark vehicle, slammed the door, and loudly yelled “Fuck!”. He started the engine, and punched the dashboard. Finally, he put the car in drive and drove off without headlights.Fear and anger still exploding inside his head, he turned into an alley and forced himself to think. He worried that the foul old senior, who could well have given him a venereal disease, might need to seek medical attention for the blow...

3 years ago
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Hot summer and cool sex

Main apna stdy kar raha tha. Mera bagalwala ghar Nitu aunty ki thi. Uncle central govt. Office me job karte the. Unke ek beta tha. Hamari family ke saath unke family ka relation bohot hi accha tha. Nitu aunty ke hight around 5 feet hogi. She was very beautiful and a real sex bomb. But mere maan me kabhi unke bade me galat khayal nahi tha. She is just my aunt…that’s it. Kahani suru hoti hai jab mere nani ka tabiyat achanak kharab hoti hai aur mere family ko achanak mere nani ke ghar jana padta...

1 year ago
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Lolas Retreat

Lola's Retreat Some of this story is true and much is fantasy. I'm a heterosexual crossdresser and have never had a gay experience. But, "maybe the lady doth protest to much!" I'm dedicating this story to Regina who gave me the idea. A Cry For Help A rather large elderly man nervously approached my table where I was relaxing and enjoying a double Martini. "Miss Lola?" he asked. "Yes, I am! Can I help you?" He seemed really awe struck at my appearance. My black satin blouse...

2 years ago
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Submitting to a Dom Trans

Hello all, this is Rajesh, a 27 years bisexual guy from Hyderabad living in Melbourne. I’m here to share my recent experience with a Dom Trans. So, without wasting time, let us go into Whenever I’m free, I help my friend with his work as he is a contractor. This time I got off from work for about a week. My friend got to know about it and called me asking me to help him with his new site. We finished the work in time, and the owner referred us to her friend, Jess. The actual story begins here....

2 years ago
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Changeday Five Years

CHANGEDAY: FIVE YEARS by BobH (c) 2009 Changeday was upon us again, four Mondays after the last one, and just like on every other Changeday there was a palpable tension in the air. It was 6.50pm - ten minutes to go, ten minutes before we switched from the alpha phase to the beta. "Daddy, I don't want Bryan wearing my yellow dress!" said Sophie my six year-old daughter. "Daddy bought it for both of us!" protested her twin brother. "It's not just for you!" "He's right,...

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Meine Frau der Pornostar

Hallo guten Morgen mein Name ist Tim; ich bin 28 und mit Anika verheiratet. Sie ist 21 Wir kennen uns seit locker 15 Jahren, haben vor gut fünf Jahren geheiratet. Bis vor 8 Monaten war alles super, richtig Toll. Das Leben war ein rasende Ritt am flammenden Firmament. Unsere Tochter Jana wird nun auch bald Sechs, sie ist der Grund das Anika und ich so früh geheiratet hatten... Einer der Gründe. Der Schönste denkbare Grund. Aber vor genau 6 Monaten, 1 Woche, 2 Tagen und 8 Stunden, habe ich meinen...

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Adventures of Kyle David Chris pt 1

I knew that I was bi and I was accepting that. Boys and girls turned me on and I wanted both boyfriends and girlfriends. But what I didn't know was that my first true love would be my best friend and a boy. I was in my junior year of high school and I was 16. I had many friends but I wasn't the most popular kid either. Luckily I wasn't the one that always got made fun of either, and I was grateful for that. No one in my school knew my secret and my best friends didn't even know. I...

3 years ago
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HI frinds kasy hain ap log boys and girls ap sub ka bohat thanks kay ap nay mujhy sms ph cal or e-mail per rabta kia or stori ko like kia or 2nd part ki kahwish ki jo aj may ap ki kidhmat may pash kar raha hoon 2nd part kay bary may bhi ap ki mail or sms ka intizar rahay ga to boys apny apny LUND ko hath may pakar lain or girls apni shalwar may hath dal kar apni choot per rakh lain ya story ap sub ko hot karday gi is say pahly ki stori may ap nay mahar kay sath jo may nay kia tha ap nay read...

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Winds of ChangeChapter 23

“Su Lin calling Grant.” “Go, Su Lin.” “We’re on the way but you can meet us and take out the ships. We’ve got the Admiral, his orders and charts. McVey was there, but once he saw us he uttered two words and keeled over. When we reached him, he was already dead. We did gather all his notebooks as you suggested, but we didn’t worry about the bugs, locators or explosives. We figured getting this stuff back to the boat was priority.” “You were correct, and we can see you on radar. Keep your...

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The Right Side of 40 A Midlife Reawakening

This is my first complete novella. Please commentThe Right Side of Forty: The Story of a Midlife ReawakeningBy Lindsay CascoChapter 1: ReunitingI faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was...

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Hollyoaks V Prison Break final chapter

The other man didn’t care what Becca was “gonna get up her.” Now with his cock poker stiff he stood pulling Steph’s long blonde mane, making her get to her feet. Her fabulous hot legs bent in at the knees as she tried to cover her nakedness. With the musky licked slit now gone Becca gasped and clawed the ground her insides feeling the increased hammering as the bug man could now get to work on her curves with vengeance, while watching his friend finally fuck the other. The horrified Steph...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 41

“Damn, I’m actually fucking an angel ... an angel, I tell you!” the parson, Reverend Hubert Ashton, exclaimed as he came balls deep inside Marcy’s luscious cunt. “Yep, she is that. A delightful angel ... and she’s mine, buddy. Mine. Just as you’re mine now, too, or you will be ... officially, once Shelby takes her share of your spunk,” I cautioned the Methodist minister while seeding Onay at last and tasting her ass on Sahar’s tongue. “How will I ever explain this to my wife?” Hubert asked,...

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