ComrieChapter 10 free porn video

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Shannon in Dóchas Intelligence sent the Command Staff a message advising them that O'Toole and MacFarland had received threatening letters. They arrived by courier shortly after the office opened and were nearly identical. Each demanded that they immediately terminate their investigations into where Dale and Larry had sent the missing employees. If they did not, then they and their families would have a life-altering experience. This could be an accident, joining the missing women or, perhaps, an experience similar to Dale and Larry's. The way the letters ended was puzzling. It wasn't long after Dale and Larry were released on bail that they disappeared. The DA's investigators didn't have any leads, and in some respects, it was as if they had never existed.

In the time since their disappearance, the Intelligence department on Dóchas saw several attempts to remove Dale and Larry from select databases. Each time it was attempted their routine negated it. To them these attempts were evidence that others could generate the lists. Based on what they could see it wasn't clear why those generating lists were making multiple attempts to remove the names. Overall it seemed to be inviting an inquiry or software audit.

Shannon, Danny, Muireann and Jason met the Command Staff as they arrived in the Intelligence department on Dóchas. The look on their faces told the Command Staff that more had happened since the letters arrived.

"What is it?" asked Sarah.

"About 4 hours after the letters arrived, MacFarland received a package," said Muireann. "It was quickly determined that the return address was fictitious. The bomb squad is currently examining the package, to make sure it is safe to open."

"According to our bots everyone is in the office today." said Shannon. "The combination of the letters and package has everyone feeling quite uneasy. Even the bots are uneasy, since they suggested that one of us stay linked with them at all times."

"The bots are uneasy?" said Sally with a puzzle expression. "Star, what would make a bot uneasy?"

"Most likely, it is a reflection of those they are working with. Looking at the situation and the exchanges, it seems to indicate that they are anticipating us needing the information without the normal delay."

"Can we set the link up so we can see and hear everything there, without any feedback to them?" asked Rusty. "I am concerned that an active link could inadvertently affect their actions."

"Good point," said Terry.

"Let's do this, then," said Shannon, "we will tell the bots that we will monitor the office's activities. However, we don't want to use our link with them, as we could inadvertently effect their actions."

"To monitor the office," said Jason, "we can either hook into their system, or we can use one of our monitors. Actually the office system is not very sophisticated, so we should use ours. We have a drone nearby, so why not add some of our sensors and give the drone control? The drone can then relay the data here, as soon as it is collected."

Several of the Command Staff looked at one another, then Alison said, "That should work fine."

The bots assisted in quickly placing the additional sensors. They came on-line just as the bomb squad determined that the package only contained two video recordings. James and Clarence decided that, since the whole office knew of the video recordings, they might as well watch them together.

The first video showed Dale and Larry attending a show at what appeared to be a sex club. As the video progressed, it was clear that they were both participants and observers. The scenes focused on either the performers or Dale and Larry. The servers, and except for brief moments the performers, were all naked. Each wore ankle cuffs, wrist cuffs, and a collar plus body jewelry. Some women wore breast halters made from small jewelry like chains or leather laces.

They had watched about half of the first video, when one investigator said, "Pause it for a moment."

"Why?" asked another.

"I think several of those women are those in the photos of missing women we found on the raids. The other is that the only faces we are seeing are of the performers, Dale and Larry."

Another said, "I noticed the women's faces some time back and started noting the place on the recording."

"They've set the two of them up," said another.

"Very perceptive," said Clarence. "From my perspective, right now it looks like Dale's and Larry's egos are being pumped up by the attention the performers are giving them. Based on what we know of this group, this is will likely become very painful for them. If the performers are the missing women, it wouldn't surprise me to see them doing the tormenting."

The pause gave the group time to organize their thoughts and refocus on what they needed from the video recording. Everyone began taking notes on items that stood out to them. The first recording was essentially a super X rated sex. The second recording was possibly the most horrifying thing any of them had ever seen. From what they saw every man in the room could easily imagine the pain the two felt, and even the women had a good idea. Several thought about suggesting that they stop it, but realized that if they did they wouldn't be able to evaluate it for clues.

The purpose of the recordings was brought home about half way through the second, when a masked woman came into view. She was speaking to Larry and Dale, "You two don't understand why you are here, do you?"

With tears streaming down their faces both Larry and Dale shook their heads, no.

Speaking softly, she continued, "We welcomed you into our group. As a part of our welcome, we advised you about how careful we must be, as society members, to ensure that the public remained unaware of us. You pledged yourselves to abide by those rules. All of our actions are taken very carefully, so we avoid public exposure. One reason we welcomed you into our group was because your companies filled a need we had in dealing with the new electronic databases monitoring identities. Even so, many council members had apprehensions about admitting you into our society. They put those apprehensions aside, because of the capabilities you brought us with your software and access to government identity databases. The change to electronic databases has made it difficult for us to continue recruiting staff for our resorts, farms or to be sold to others, and remain undetected. Your software and its access to those databases solved that problem. Now, thanks to your stupidity, we have a much bigger problem. Even before this some council members were concerned by the way Dale changed once he began using our facilities and staff. His harsh treatment of the staff and residents in the playpen has caused a decline in availability for the rest of us. The injuries Dale inflicted on a member caused numerous problems. Fortunately the council was able to resolve everything to the family's satisfaction. It is unfortunate that we didn't deal with you then. Your most recent series of bungling actions has brought both of you to Mr. MacFarland's attention. This has the potential of causing us a much more serious problem. They haven't discovered the link between you and ourselves, yet. Nor have they fully made the connection to what they call the 'lodge incident', but it is reasonable to expect them to. Your use of our security company to track the women you wanted to be your next company sluts has resulted in additional issues. The incident after the convention has the potential to draw even more attention toward us. Now there is the incident at your estate along with the evidence you left available at your companies and the estate. The combination poses a risk well beyond the value either of you give us. It will only be a matter of time before MacFarland's staff makes the connections all because of your egos. Your bumbling has caused us to launch a plan that carries great risk for all of us, but is one we must do because not initiating it presents us with a dismal future.

"Dale, you are the weak link and you show that by the extreme cruelty you inflict on others. Larry, your weakness is that you went along with his poor decisions. So the council has decided that the two of you will be the stars of several videos. In them you will be tormented by many of those you enslaved. They will have access to everything they need, so they can be just as kind to you as you were to them and others. You will now learn the other side of pain."

The rest of the second video showed multiple short scenes of the performers torturing both Dale and Larry. As the woman had said, they experienced the same type of torture many times. Each time, they screamed and begged for relief. For each torment, there seemed to be a different set of performers. It was clear that the video had been edited, because both Dale and Larry looked as if some time passed between each segment. Even so as the video progressed, both men looked more and more haggard.

Near the end of the video Larry and Dale were shown suspended over an open hole supported by hooks under their armpits. Their bodies looked raw from the abuse they had endured. A bar between the pins in their ankles held their feet shoulder width apart. Chains connected the pins in their wrists to their ankles. Wires from black pads on their knees, groin, stomach, chest and shoulders led to a connector behind their head. Several people wearing long robes and masks could be seen watching. After some sand was shoveled into the holes, they were lowered into them. As soon as they touched bottom, several naked women began shoveling sand into the holes as others added water which appeared to be hot.

In the last scene a masked woman faced the camera; in the background was a wide walkway with two round shinny steel disks in the middle some distance apart. She said, "Those who interfere with The Society always disappear to be punished. After some adjustments to their bodies, nearly all are given a job to serve as special staff at one of The Society's resorts. The severity of their transgressions determines their role. The investigation into these two idiots and the 'lodge incident' is to cease immediately. If they do not, then many of those involved, including their families, will learn about being a special staff member. This group is available to The Society's members to be used in any manner they choose, no restrictions. If it ends in death then it must be slow. Now it's your choice. Some are hoping you ignore this and continue, as they are looking forward to having their way with you and your families. See you soon." There was a pause then she added, "We though you might like to know that the sand contained lots of glass shards."

The threats at end of the video caused an uproar. Everyone was shocked by the audacity of the masked woman's statement. This was a much bolder threat than the letters had indicated. The video clearly showed that the group would deal harshly with any who appeared to stand in their way. It was as if the 'flesh peddlers' were saying they were exempt from the legal system, and could do whatever they pleased.

A woman said, "I think the punishment Dale and Larry received was much more severe than they would have had received in our legal system, or even at the hands of the inmates. In some ways, the punishment reminded me of things I have seen alluded to in literature."

"James and Clarence," said another investigator, "I don't agree with how it was done, and you may want to transfer me after I make my next comment. I think they got less than they deserved. The two of them have personally sentenced more than a 100 people that we know of, to a life of servitude or worse. Beyond that, they enabled many more to disappear."

"I know many of you feel the same way," said James. "The comments I heard seemed personal rather than professional opinions. Because they are personal opinions, I see no reason to make staff changes now."

"I don't understand how the last scene was punishment or torture," said one of the newer investigators.

Clarence said, "In some ways it has the same effect as crucifixion, but takes longer. The constant vibration caused by stepping on the covers will pack the sand down. With time, breathing will become more difficult. The wet sand has two other effects. It will draw the heat away from them so before long they will be shivering. It also aggravates the cuts and other wounds on their bodies as they move, which will be compounded by the glass shards. Feeding them will increase the pressure on their gut as they can't relieve their bowels, which again will hamper their breathing."

"So they slowly suffocate?"

"Yes, they could, but hypothermia is very likely as well," said Clarence. "Hypothermia will make them sleepy, so the electrical stimulation is likely done to keep them from sleeping. They could live quite a while, but it will not be pleasant."

MacFarland said, "We will have counselors available. If you have difficulty coping with what you saw, talk to someone, don't bottle it up. You may find it more comforting to vent with your fellow workers. Please don't let them, or these films, cause you any sleepless nights."

Clarence said, "Now, let's focus on the videos. There are several aspects to these. First, they gave us some information that I don't think we had before, or at least they made connections that we hadn't figured out yet. Second, I think the threats were specifically directed at James, myself and our families. Third, did you notice that the performers did everything with little or no instruction? So, the recordings will provide no evidence that the masked observers caused any harm to Dale and Larry, except that they did not intervene. Could it be that the "councilors" were letting the performers rid themselves of their anger? If they lost their anger, would they be more compliant sex toys? Some psychologist may think that that is possible."

"I agree with Clarence about the councilor's participation, which I presume were those wearing robes and masks," said James. "I don't think any councilor actively participated in abusing either one. Based on what I remember of the film, about the only charges that could be brought would be conspiracy and aiding in the commission of a crime. Conspiracy will be difficult to prove without one of them testifying. As for the performers, it would be difficult to avoid charging them, especially since they seemed to participate willingly."

The comments had released some of the anger. It was clear to everyone that no-one would hesitate in taking the councilors out, if need be. The discussion turned to what should be done about security for the staff and office. It was soon clear there was not much that could be done and not inhibit their work. They agreed to avoid working solo and to work in at least pairs at all times. Traveling would be done in pairs as well. The office would be manned 24 hours a day to answer the phone as they were to check in every couple of hours.

After discussing the security changes, they turned their focus back to the content of the videos. With Marie and Trudy writing on white boards, they began to list things they remembered and noted while watching the videos. Listing the key events and their sequence on the boards was completed just before the duplicates of the videos arrived. James and Clarence took the originals and placed them in the safe while everyone watched.

With additional copies, they decided to split into several teams with each team assigned an aspect to focus on as they reviewed the video again. Several of the investigators had earlier noted spots on it they wanted to go back to and examine closer. They thought they might be able to identify some of the people in the scenes from the information they had collected. Others had noted items in the background of the final scene that they thought would help them determine where the final scene had taken place. They were looking for clues that would add to the information they already had, and hopefully some identities.

The Intelligence department and Command Staff on Dóchas were puzzled as to the true purpose of the video recordings. Many felt there was a hidden agenda in them. The initial effect was clear, as it had obviously incited MacFarland's and O'Toole's groups. Was it meant solely as a warning? Or did the 'flesh peddlers' think the videos would lead the investigators away from their initial purpose? It did provide the investigators with more evidence regarding Larry, Dale, and (presumably) the 'flesh peddlers' organization. Together, they analyzed what the videos represented, and how they possibly fitted in with all the information they had. Their analysis showed several possible explanations, other than those mentioned by Clarence, for sending the videos. They finally concluded that the most likely purpose was to derail the investigation by creating confusion. It was obvious that the videos were a strong warning to drop the investigation, or someone would get hurt. The targets appeared to be James, Clarence, and their families in particular.

The warning aspect was confirmed later in the day, when both James and Clarence received special delivery letters. The letters explicitly told them again to quietly end the investigation, and the consequences of not doing as asked. The letters were explicit in describing what was in store for their families if they disregarded the response. As a first step, their families would be taken to one of their clinics where their bodies would be enhanced until they were walking wet dreams. Once the physical enhancements were complete, their conditioning would begin. When it was complete, they would be obsessed with participating in any sexual activity to the point they thought of little else. With their new appearance they would be sought after by many. That, combined with their extreme focus on frequently experiencing sexual euphoria, would ensure they would be well used sex objects.

The letters promised James and Clarence that if they failed to drop the investigation, they would have an opportunity to enjoy their women. This would be just before they started their new life as wanton sex toys. After a day of non-stop sex with them, they would watch their women begin working in the resort's playpen. They would watch as they entertained the members and their guests. After working for a couple of weeks in the playpen, the council would decide whether to place them. It could be to continue in the playpen or some where else. If sold, they would bring an excellent price on the world market, especially in the Middle East or Africa. Once it became know that they were once the women of US government officials the price would go up dramatically. Meanwhile James and Clarence would learn the meaning of pain as dungeon toys. The constant pain would become a way of life with death being a hopeless dream. There were many ways to make the pain last much longer than what Dale and Larry experienced.

James and Clarence were furious, and it took several hours before they calmed down enough to even discuss the issue between them. They talked for a long time about their choices, before deciding not to tell anyone about the letters, except for the four paralegals they worked closely with. They were very concerned for their families but didn't know how they could ensure their security. When they looked again at the letters, they found they had disintegrated; only a small pile of dust remained. They were upset with themselves, in that they didn't photograph the letters right after they were received.

At home that evening, each brought up the security issue with their families. They told them in general terms about the videos and the threat they had received that day. While they felt this was an indication that these people were little desperate, they were very concerned. They proposed having a security detail accompany them whenever they went out. The women were against it. While the threats scared them, they felt that it wasn't enough to have a detail with them all the time. Each family spent most of the evening discussing the issue. James and Clarence were insistent that something had to be done, or they risked disappearing forever.

Sue proposed that they take an extended vacation. Let it be known they were going one place but in reality go to a different one. If they used false IDs and minimized their contact, they would be able to travel unnoticed. The two families could go together and keep in contact via anonymous e-mails and prepaid instant messenger accounts. The security detail could then focus on watching the house, while everyone was led to believe they were in seclusion. An alternative would be to have decoys take their places at home. While they all felt finding suitable decoys was a long shot, it would certainly do a better job in covering their disappearance. Both James and Clarence liked the alternative their families had proposed, but were concerned about finding someone who looked similar enough to take their place.

The next day, James and Clarence approached the paralegals with the idea of finding someone to stand in for their families for several weeks. The paralegals took the question as a request of them and declined. Trudy said, "We don't look enough like Sue or Irene, much less your daughters. Besides how would you cover our absences?"

"Actually, while we think all of you are good looking, it would take a lot of makeup to achieve what we need," responded Clarence. "I have to admit we hadn't considered the office issue."

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I surrender my body to my black Boss

My hands were shaking as I fumbled for her keys to the front door.I could not believe I had finally dared to invite my Boss to come home now my loving hubby was away on his business trip.I had been horny for that black man during several weeks. Since I had met him and knew he would be my new Boss. There I opened the door and glanced back at that well dressed, dark skinned man standing a few steps behind me. I smiled and motioned for him to come inside. As he stepped across the threshold, I...

2 years ago
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Second Time Around

Second time aroundI met my first ever girlfriend , Debbie at a Birmingham City Football match in 1973,we were both 18. She was there with a lad called Jan, the only black lad in the wholeof my school. Debbie attended the girls grammar school on the same campus. When she and Jan finished, I asked for her phone number, and got it, and summoning upmy courage in both hands, I called and asked her out. She said yes, and we went out for a year and a half, until we were both 17. In that time we...

3 years ago
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Stories of Quarantine Exploitation Part II Groce

These are strange times we are living in now, with people out of work, struggling to make ends meet. My friend Ashley was definitely struggling. She received her GED due to an early pregnancy and was living with her grandmother & young toddler. She had a good job at a local sandwich shop to add to her grandmother's limited income, they got by OK. Once the quarantines happened and the sandwich shop closed, Ashley had to take whatever job she could find. This is her story.Where do you find a...

2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 220 Yahikos True Fight 2

(The police and Yahiko stand at one end of the narrow street, behind a low barricade of rubble; Kujiranami at the other.) Kujiranami (charging): BATTOUSAI! Yahiko (thinking): His weapon's different--that's not a cannon. (aloud) Shinichi! What is that! Shin'ichi: It's... It's called a grenade launcher-- (Kujiranami fires, blasting the barricade to pieces. His second shot is aimed at Yahiko on the roof.) Shin'ichi: Though its force and range are less than that of the cannon, its...

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The college fantasy part 1 Futanari

As a junior in college I was overwhelmingly lucky to have a girlfriend that was a freak in bed. Her brown hair cascaded down over her D cup tits that would bounce beautifully whenever we fucked. The only description of our sex life that even came close to describing reality was a porn movie. By the time we had been dating several months I had learned many of her kinks. She loved being tied up, even having her tits slapped. There was no limit to the degrading names I could call her or where...

3 years ago
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Having Fun Before A Wedding

But since I wasn’t the favorite thing to girls, I masturbated a lot. I watched all sorts of porn and even viewed a gay porn video every now and then to switch it up. I wasn’t sure if I was bisexual or not. I loved pussies and tits, but there was something about dicks that I somewhat enjoyed. I never got caught and always covered my tracks by deleting history and spraying febreez everywhere I jacked off. My family was pretty normal. Like I said there was my dad, Jason, my mom, Cindy, and my...

3 years ago
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Response Team

New Sidney had five races, Seripods who lived in the submerged part of the city or the canals. Ursuls who almost looked like old earth bears and grew to over two and a half meters tall. Mer were the third race and stood just under two meters and looked like big otters. Grer were reptiles but humanoids that were also herbivores. The last race was humans and we were a minority. I had joined the city peace force over two years before and had finally been accepted to join the RT. The RT is the...

2 years ago
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We three friends

I am Shrimathi aged 24 working in the office of the British Airways. My native place is in Chennai. I have been staying in a ladies hostel hired by the airlines for lady staff. I am a average woman, with a fair complexion. My figure is 33-25-35. My breasts are small but were sharp & sexy. I am a receptionist, so I had to wear only sarees. I usually had to wear cotton sarees above the navel though I love wearing below navel, as my lady boss is very strict. So in the room I just push it to a easy...

2 years ago
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sandis world of fashion

PART 1 For quite some time, I’d yearned to try my hand at modeling, but every shoot I checked into wanted someone younger than my twenty-two years or taller than my five-seven or thinner than I’d ever been in my life. In the meantime, I had to work, or move back home and accept the negative comments from my folks, something I was not about to do. I took jobs that were way below my skill level for a while but one Saturday, while having lunch with a friend, she remembered a classified ad...

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The Spanking

Jade walked in the door and her father was standing there waiting for her. He grabbed her by the arm and d**g her into his bedroom. He told her "Take all your clothes off. I am going to punish you." Jade looked scared but she began to take her clothes off just as she noticed on the bed was a belt, a paddle, a plastic ruler and a switch. She then got real scared. When she was naked her father grabbed her and sat down and pulled her over his knee. He first grabbed the paddle and then grabbed her...

1 year ago
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Lucky Man

She was the hottest girl in school, always wearing the short cut-offs that showed off a bit of her ass cheeks. Suzy was well endowed with full firm C cups that looked great on her with a slim waist and flared hips that highlighted an ass to match her tits. Standing at only 5' 4”, she was at the perfect height for Jerry, who stood 6' tall. Jerry loved that she always dressed so revealing, as a matter of fact, he would encourage her to dress that way. He loved the attention she received,...

2 years ago
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22 November 2006Chapter 9

“I like your taste in cars,” he offered, glancing out the front window at her’s. “I’ve got a Mustang too.” “I remember you saying that one day you wanted to buy one of the new style Mustangs. It may sound silly, but I thought if I owned a Mustang, I would feel closer to you.” “That’s not silly at all. Mine is the same as yours, except yellow with black stripes and a modified GT. Plus, I’ve got one better than my GT at home in my garage. I’ve got a hot and sexy looking Shelby!” “A Shelby,...

3 years ago
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Bi Curious Turns Into Gay

Hi I am Rahul, new in Chennai, I am bi curious guy, any she males, TS, gays like to suck and get fucked can email me at One day during a 3 day holiday period I was alone and horny and was getting a bit bored sitting at home and drinking. I was browsing the internet looking for massage and saw an ad by TS. Since I was a little drunk I got bold and called her. She answered the phone quickly, said her name was “Lalitha” and that she was only a little far away from me in a hotel. So I got her...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 30

Peter did indeed tell Sharon the next morning about 'du gwraig'. Her eyes shone with excitement and happiness. "I thought you might have a gift when I first looked into your eyes," she said and then laughed. "Between us we might manage to keep that husband of mine out of harm's way" Peter was very moved by a drive over Salisbury Plain seeing all the tumuli and tree clumps. "I can almost hear it speaking to me," he said wonderingly to Louise. Stonehenge had a remarkable effect on...

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On the second evening of the Yangtze River cruise, I slipped on deck and saw two women from our tour group kissing. They had found a niche formed by some superstructure and a lifeboat, where they thought they would be hidden, where they thought they could see anyone who approached. I slid to a shadowed area and watched them kiss. They were roommates, but more, always together. Any time one was there, the other was close. Of course there had been friendly speculation that they were gay, but...

1 year ago
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Headlights Girl Part 7

HEADLIGHTS GIRL Part 7 I won't bore you with the details of most of that second day, since there weren't any! I watched those damn tapes and soaked up the teachings they presented to my brain, without really thinking about it very much at all. Oh I stopped and had a bite to eat around noon or so, and there was a bathroom break or two, but you don't wanna know about them, right? Well, too bad! I'm not gonna TELL you! So there! (Giggle) At around 3:30 or so, Eric came back to the...

4 years ago
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Adult Movie House Encounter

I went to an adult movie house yesterday and I got more than a movie to watch. I had to ring a bell to enter and I heard someone throw a dead bolt for my entry. I was face to face with this nice looking guy who was chatting with the guy who ran the movies. I nodded hello and payed and entered the theater. It was really dark and I found a seat as I felt my way to one on the aisle in the back. I started watching the current straight porn and relaxed into it. After about 10 minutes I heard the...

3 years ago
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family awakenings chapter 02

"God baby, yes, yes yes!" Suzanne uttered, collapsing forward on the young stud, who twisted to the side, and lifted her leg, granting him better access as he continued with the merciless thrusting into her cunt. "OHHHHH!" she moaned as he grunted and emptied his balls into her for the third time. "Ummmph," she groaned again as he let her leg down with tenderness, still keeping his cock buried in her well used pussy. Tommy reached around and grabbed her tits again, massaging them...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 105 Sins Of The Father

"Tell me," Kagito addressed The girl pleasantly. "Why dose a 'weapon' need an education hmm?" The younger incarnation of Ryoko simply looked at him curiously as he approached. Continuing to study him when he stopped only a few feet away regarding her intently. "Power down." He commanded firmly. In response the girl closed her eyes, flipping a mental switch causing the colors of her battle skin to fade, ebony and crimson lightening, its protective epidermis thinning until she stood...

1 year ago
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The Coffee ShopChapter 9

Glenn pulled into the driveway of a mid-century modern house on a wooded lot. Jackie accompanied him to the door and he rang the bell. A slender woman in her mid thirties answered the door. “Hi Wendy,” he said. “Carla is expecting us. I hope we’re not interrupting anything.” “Not at all, Glenn. You must be Jackson.” “Jackie. I like to be called Jackie.” “Pleased to meet you, Jackie. Come in.” Carla stepped in from a back hallway. “Please, come and sit.” Glenn and Jackie sat on a sofa...

1 year ago
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When a girl meets a flasher OMG

If women were honest, we would admit to enjoying a bit of voyeurism, a rogue wanker in the bushes, shooting as you pass him, nothing titillates a girls libido more, than a stolen glance at a man in full flow, especially something so sexual and in your direction.I have had more than my fair share of stolen moments, partially because I hold no fear of men doing it in public, and because it turns me on, yes, I get an instant wetness between my legs, knowing a little response from me will make him...

2 years ago
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My Maid Kavi

Hi I am Daniel. I am writing here for the first time though I am a regular reader of ISS for the last 1year. This is my first Fuck attempt and that was successful. I wanted to share this experience with my ISS readers who have contributed a lot and who is about to contribute. I am a guy with athletic body, whitish complexion and 5’8″ tall from Chennai. This session happened when I was in my school days. During my school days I got introduced to this maid. Her name is Kavitha (Changed).Though...

3 years ago
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Big Cock Gets them Both

Jake had invited me to his club to play squash one Saturday and after completely dominating me we sat down in the men's grill to have a couple of drinks. Jake is a nice enough guy, but all he talks about are women and sex. Jake's wife is very attractive and more than ten years his junior, but he still can't stop talking about other women. We finally stopped sweating and headed to the shower room to clean up and head home.I undressed in the locker room, wrapped a towel around my waist and...

1 year ago
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StripChat Asian

Are you hot and ready to get off to sexy camgirls? Of course, you are – when are you not prepared to shoot cum out of your tiny prick? Besides, these models know exactly what to do to have you wetting your pants in moments. However, like everything else in life, we always have a preference. And this means that not every camgirl will make you cum all the time. Sometimes, you want a specific type of girl to get you off, depending on your current mood.Well, if your preference is Asian camgirls,...

Live Asian Sex Cams
4 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin Sister Part 8211 2

Hi everyone I thank you all for your valuable comments. I’m vinith 26years from Bangalore in a reputed MNC as an hr manager Please write to me on any girls and aunties can write to me on. people who haven’t read my 1st story please read it Without wasting much time let me come to the story. As it was a Sunday I didn’t speak to my sis. I was just waiting for her call. 2days nothing happened. It was Wednesday I got a call from her. I didn’t receive, she called twice but I didn’t respond. Later...

3 years ago
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Hot Family On HolidayChapter 7

Babs' big brother, Leon, was returning to the hotel the next day when his eyes were drawn to the cute ass of a girl walking ahead of him. Long red hair was flowing down over her back and shoulders as her little wiggly ass rhythmically swung from side to side. He could feel his cock starting to swell with desire for this sweet piece of tail in front of him. Anxious to see her face, Leon speeded his pace until he was walking beside her. "Hi," he grinned. "Well, hello there," she beamed...

1 year ago
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Coming Onto MomChapter 3

Doctor Nancy informed Joan she wanted to see Billy a week later, assuring her nothing was wrong with him. “In fact, he’s about the healthiest boy I’ve seen.” Neither Billy nor Joan saw the wink that passed between Doctor Nancy and the pretty receptionist. Joan had looked a little guilty, and couldn’t bring herself to look into the doctor’s face. In the car on the way home, Joan was aware that her son stared at her openly. It had been some time since she had been looked at just that way....

3 years ago
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my cum filled spring break

Hi, I'm Selena. I am a 19 year old girl who is a hardcore lesbian. I am 5 ft 4, I have medium length brown hair. I have small C cup tits, a gigantic asshole and a very tight but large pussy. I am in a family of 3: me, my mom and my dad.(Who both know I'm lesbian) I am going to tell you the story of how I met my girlfriend Jenni.It all started when I first saw her at the airport, she had small tits, long black hair and skin as white as snow. She looked like she was 5ft 3 and her body was skinny...

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Female Slave Market Auction Part 2

So dakota & the 3 of us returned to our room, on entering our room I had diana & alice strip immediately & take up the Nadu position, I then asked dakota if she wanted to stay or leave, she asked if she could stay for a while. I told her yes that was not a problem, but told her she would need to strip & join my slaves on the floor in the Nadu position.She has never had any formal training in being a slave or a submissive, so I told her my 2 slaves would teach her the Gorean...

2 years ago
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The only family Ive ever known Chapter One

I walked inside my house. It’s a 30 year old, Victorian style house, in the middle of nowhere. “Dad?” I yelled… No response. He was still at work, I could have checked the garage but, I came in through the back door. I set my bag down on the rocker and decided to take a bath. I drew the water and grabbed the waterproof vibrator from the back of the drawer…. It had been a long day. My name is Eliza Connie Westerfield, and I am 16 years old. I live with my father Herald, my mother Connie, and...

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finaly I got to his wife taking my pals wife actua

Well it was a saturday afternoon we at his place prepairing for a barbeque and there were some of his family around since it was still hot and every+ne in there bikkinis by the pool So I follwed his wife gorgeous butt all over the place I was like a love sick puppy but know one realised I hope I even helped a few ladies in the kitchen with the preparations so that when someone asked for some type ao maranade sauce for the meat and they didn't have so I told her I might be having at my place but...

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The OldMan Part 2

By Docker5000 Part 2 Introductory. Joseph Montgomery now left the hotel where he had been staying for the last few weeks. He was now heading for somewhere new. He still didn't have any idea where he wanted to go. But this was Joseph all over. He would just pick a destination and go. Joseph was now in the small railway station of the small seaside town where he had been staying for the last few weeks. He had enjoyed his time in this small quiet seaside-town. But it was time for him...

2 years ago
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Glorias Sex Diary 81410

Even though I was 20 years old, I was still living with my family. I found a job working as a clerk in a hardware store. It was a bit of a drive from our house and work there has become complicated but that is another entry. I still have to mention it because there were several costumers that I had come to know and had come to know me. One was a man who worked as a state patrol officer. He had become good friends with the guys working at the store and he had heard stories about me. The way he...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Coke cock dilemma Chapter 3

Chapter 3: I count to 100 and leave the room, my hard cock bobbing along pointing the way down the hallway. Again for the fourth or fifth time that evening I hold my breath and peek around the corner to the scene on the L-shaped couch below me.“Holy fuck Nat those sleeping pills really did the trick I bet Rick does not wake-up until tomorrow afternoon” my wife says as she leans back on the couch, buck naked her huge tits flopping left and right off her chest the nipples still huge and hard....

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Late from the prom

This story is fiction and my first attempt at this so please be kind. However I do want honest feedback (only way to improve) I did not date much in high school and was shy. I did however get the nerve to ask a girl to the prom. Nancy and I were friends and hung out together at school and it seemed to all be working out. Our first date was the Prom and so I was very nervous and she was too. Well I had a car and picked her up and drove her to prom. We had a really nice time. We danced and...

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