ProeliatorChapter 17 free porn video

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We circled the Mediterranean to get to these military bases and get them to see matters the way I wanted. Our time ashore was usually only a few days in each location. The bases a lot further inland were avoided because of the time taken to get to them, unless they were only a days ride away. We made a great ring around the Med. We came back and hit the main base on Crete but didn't go to see my people on the island.

Largely we were successful but in one case I had to resort to primitive solutions to get a high ranking officer from turning us in. I was able to get to his commander and talk to him. After some healing and the usual shot of endorphins his subordinate would be held in check for a while. I did not know how long this would last.

We had new converts when the crew finally learned of our identity. Eventually I had them go in and get the feeling for my presence before I showed myself. There was still resistance but it was getting less with time.

The base at Perinthus was through the Dardanelles and on the shores of the Sea of Marmora. It was also close to Constantinople. It was the last base before I would enter the Black Sea once more. It happened to be the home of one of the more loyal legions. Constantius made a point of coming here often to talk to the legionnaires so they would know on what side of their bread the butter was on.

My usual method would be to sail to the city and wait for a chance to talk to an officer. I tried to vary my approach and this time we landed on the shores of the Med and then went on horseback to the base. Our new ship must have gained some notoriety and I did not want to go through the inspection we would get by traversing the narrow channel. They were to wait though for a few weeks and if we did not return then they were to sail to Antioch.

Mithridates and Lazeez hired some women to accompany them and thus seem less odd. The women did not know who we were but would soon enough. I had been without for a while but didn't find the need as strong when my body was toned down. We went to the wineshops and sampled a bit of wine and waited for the soldiers to arrive. The shop we were in was a bit upscale so we would get wealthy merchants and officers. We knew the place was good because the clay mugs were not chained to the table.

We sat at a large table that was suited for a dozen people. We ordered a jug of wine instead of buying it by the mug and just sat down to talk.

When the establishment began to fill, Mithridates said aloud, "I heard that this Hand of Woden cured hundreds more people on Crete, and just a week ago."

Lazeez said in the style of a playboy, "There may be peace with the Persians soon. I heard that the Hand had talked to Sapor and asked him to stop killing unless he had to. Sapor has not been harsh on the cities he took and they are free to continue as they had before."

Lazeez' girl stayed close to him and said, "I hear he carries a giant hammer with him."

Lazeez said, "I heard that too but I think it is actually the power of Thor's hammer and not the hammer itself. I have heard from a man that met the Hand that no man can weald the real hammer."

"You knew a man that met him?"

"Many have. He goes among the people and cures every disease known. The blind will see within a week and with two weeks they were when young. Men without arms and legs are growing new limbs. There are very few lepers left. The old that are healed will dance around as if they are fifteen again. I heard that many of the old women that were healed are now with child."

Mithridates added, "I heard that the plague can be cured when the Hand touches a man. Other religions talk of miracles but the Hand does many each day. You do not have to believe someone's word. All you have to do is watch how the man heals and you will see with your own eyes."

Mithridates' woman said, "Where is he? I would like to see him do this."

"Last I heard, he was in Crete. I talked to some traders that just came from the island. One day he will come to Constantinople and you may not have to go far."

"Why won't he come here now?"

"It is not that big. Maybe after he goes to all the large cities he will come here."

"I wish he would come soon. My sister's child is weak and we think he will die soon if he doesn't get some help."

"I do not think he has the time to cure everybody. He gets weaker every day and needs to rest almost constantly. Maybe we should ask some of the others around to see if they know about the Hand." The women were not following a script at all. They had no idea of our identities or real reasons because being here.

Mithridates turned around and said to two men sitting at a table behind him. "Hello, gentlemen. Will you join us for some wine so I can find out about the latest news?" The girls were good looking and the wine now free, so the two got up and brought their mugs over to our table.

We introduced ourselves with assumed names. We talked about Lazeez and his money was taking us to a lot of interesting places. Before we finished our story the soldiers were asked about what they knew about the Hand of Woden.

"A lot of the men started to follow Woden but our Augustus said that the man was false." The officer didn't comment after that but the Augustus was also trying to convert the military to Christianity from the worship of Mithra with little luck.

Lazeez said, "I heard that the Hand not only tolerates all religions but says in his books how this should be done. As long as he is not attacked he leaves all others alone. There were reports that he has assisted other religious orders with their sick and donated gold and assistance to those that were doing this good work."

The other officer finished pouring his mug full of wine and said, "I heard that too. If I were him I wouldn't, but I am not him. We were angry at him for all of the men he has killed. His people are all over now and explaining his side of the massacre."

Lazeez said, "I heard he fought men trying to attach his people in Germania. He fought more men recently. They attacked his people. They killed many and took the rest as slaves. The Hand got them back, all by himself and Woden. The legions then attacked Antioch. I could easily believe that the commander of the legions would get angry if one man was killing his men and he could not catch the man responsible. This makes the story about killing those in the city sound not just possible, but probable."

The officer thought for a moment and said, "I think that was probably true too. We have done things like that all the time. You have to show the natives who is boss. Usually they understand quick enough and you do not have to kill many."

Lazeez admitted, "I journeyed to Antioch a few months ago. I saw the city both before and after Thor threw his hammer. There were few walls that were higher than my eyes. The city was spread out because of the quakes but all of it was destroyed. The land for miles out was black. I have seen some paintings by a truly gifted painter that shows this very well. I wish I was close enough to see this miracle when it happened but many miles away. I heard that the Augustus was protected by the gods but most of his escort were killed and all of them were at least hurt."

"I have heard that too. We have not seen him in a while. The fire almost killed him we were told but his god protected him."

"Do you think he is still after the Hand?"

"I do not know. When he feels the need to do something it usually happens. Sometimes it takes a while."

"What have you heard about the possible peace settlement?"

"Only rumours like you have heard, I guess. Constantius says they are lies because none of the Persian envoys have come forward."

"You cannot believe every rumour but I did hear that Sapor is not killing any of the Romans he captures. Another rumour says that he is putting them to work as tutors."

"I have heard that too. I wonder why he's doing that?"

More people came in and one of the officers invited three more people to our table for the free wine. Mithridates started to answer the question before the people sat, "People have read from the books to the people at the sermons. One language is necessary for everybody to understand what is happening. Latin is what had been chosen but there are more letters. Roman numbers though not good enough. I learned about the new numbers and everything is much easier."

More introductions were made and we gave a recap of who we were supposed to be and the new officers did the same thing. Lazeez called over a waitress and fondled her ass as he ordered another jug of wine. He got a smile from the waitress and the girl with him squeezed his arm to remind him that he still had an escort.

One of the newly arrived officer's eyes kept coming back to me. I was young, strong and good looking but I did not think he was interested in a date. He began to ask Lazeez' guard about his opinion and I answered that I believed wholeheartedly in Woden.

"The Hand hates no group of people. No matter what we look like on the outside, we are all of one race inside. Soon we will be one great empire with the Augustus controlling this area and having a say in how the rest of the world is handled. This means that those that control other areas will have a say in what happens here."

I was asked, "You want this to happen?"

"The Roman empire has had two or more leaders at different times. What is so hard to see that a few men could sit down and govern the world? One of them will be the Augustus. Wars kill a lot of people. The leaders will be able to talk out a problem before an army moves. There are a great many barbarians outside the borders and a lot inside too. I think that if they are educated correctly then they will be more fully Roman. Romans though have to change a bit too. Woden does not like slavery and now men have to be paid to work."

"What if I want to keep my slaves?"

"Things like slavery take a long time to change. Men will start to get paid, more like they did in the Republic. Slaves will be just a bit more unprofitable. In years to come a man will hire men to work for him at a cheaper rate than it costs to keep a slave."

"What if I do not want that to happen?"

"Then you oppose it. You are free to talk to others. Slavery is still legal but when it is uneconomical the senate will have it outlawed. That will be many years from now and you will be long dead."

Before the man could snarl a retort I asked, "Do you oppose good health care for your wife and children? Do you oppose everybody getting enough to eat? Soldiers are not going to disappear but change into super warriors that can kill the enemies of the United Nations. Soldiers will be very well paid, because it will only take a thousand trained men to do the job of twenty legions today. There is a lot of change coming and all you have to do is try to learn new ways of fighting."

"What do you know of fighting?"

"I have knowledge you do not. My family taught me to fight since I was an infant. Some if the training was in how to fight without weapons. I have travelled a lot and talked to men of other lands. They have shown me some of their tricks and I have found them useful."

"Show me some."

"Sure. Give me an aureus for the lesson. I paid for mine."

The man grinned and said, "I do not have to pay. All I have to do is start to beat you."

"You would attack a man for no reason? Roman officers for the most part have been men of honour. You came to this table as a guest and now want to fight."

"Are you calling me dishonourable?"

I reached out to the best of my ability and tried to weaken the man. It seemed to be working because his mug fell to the table and wine spilt over his friends. In a few more seconds the man fell onto the table and his men scrambled to protect their wine and then get their friend back into his chair.

The man said to his friends, "He put a spell on me."

I said, "Woden does not always like fights. This time I think you are just drunk or maybe you have a sickness that steals your strength like the plague."

The friends moved away from their friend quickly but not far. He tried to yell at me, "I do not have the plague."

"One of the symptoms of the plague is a weakness. As I said, you may be just drunk. Now let's go outside and I will give you a lesson."

The man tried to get up and had to do this a few times before he gained his feet. The man's friends pleaded for him and I said, "I can put off this for a few weeks if you need the time to recover."

"I don't need to recover. I can take you now."

"Rome has fallen on hard times if you are the one that is supposed to keep the peace." I had not got up or made any hostile gestures and the man tried to strike me with his hands but fell onto the table one more time.

The disturbance caused even more looks and men coming into the wineshop suddenly stopped, or rather the first one did and the ones behind ran onto the heals of the one in front. The first man had his mouth open in surprise.

In seconds he was close and his two friends had followed. The newcomers looked to be merchants or perhaps traders that had a higher standard of living than most of the people that were Wodenists. Apparently they all knew me by the way they were acting. I was hoping to remain anonymous a bit longer but my identity came out sooner or later.

"Hello, my lord. Do you have any need of our services? Anything."

The belligerent officer snarled and asked me, "Who are you?" It was even turned into a small smile.

I gave my own smile and said humbly, "One of the great many servants of our god, Woden."

"You are more than that."

"Nobody can be more than that."

"You are the Hand. Admit it. I knew it when we first sat down."

"I admit to being the Hand. Why is it that you are so angry at me? It is as if you hold some personal grudge against me."

"You killed a lot of soldiers. I think I will kill you."

I did not move and neither did Mithridates or Lazeez. This had happened before and it was better if I handled it. The man fumbled for his knife and he could barely make it too me and had to be supported. "What did you do to me?"

"Did I not say that my god does not want fighting some times? My god reached down and touched you with his love. You are not dead now and nobody will be cursing your family until the end of time for killing me."

"They would thank me."

"I am but the Hand of Woden. The world is changing around us. Do you not think that we are coming into a time when we may make peace with our neighbours and flourish? There have been too many acts done recently. Woden will be the supreme god and the world will breathe a sigh of relief from all the war. Do you not think that your name will be cursed for all time for stopping my work?"

"That is what you say and I say you will die."

He tried to stand straighter and I said, "Do you think my god will allow you to do this? Miracles happen all the time around me."

The man could not come closer but I did not stop his life. His fellow officers restrained him and one asked me, "Release him."

"Order my god not me. I think it may be better to ask him humbly instead."

The man came at me with his own knife and fell to the floor with screams that few men had ever heard before. After a quarter minute I stood and backed up a few metres and the pain decreased and I allowed the man to go unconscious.

There were more officers in the shop but none interfered. The first of the three Wodenists said, "I am sorry my lord for bringing down this trouble on you. I did not think that anyone would try to kill you especially after..."

"You did not know and you are forgiven."

"If you do not mind me asking, why are you here?"

"I like to see what a city is like before I introduce myself. I have been attacked many times when it might have been avoided with some talk."

Five of the other patrons came over and one officer said, "If you are the man called Jón of Germania then we have to take you into custody."

Mithridates and Lazeez had not jumped up during the previous confrontation but now did. I said, "I do not wish to be placed in your custody. Some people from Constantius invited me to talk to your Augustus but there was no assurance that I would not be killed or held in the dungeon. You are not offering any better and I refuse to go."

"We have to take you in."

The man did not seem very sure of himself and I said, "The last group that tried that numbered over twenty thousand men. The majority of them died in seconds and a city was obliterated from the face of the earth. Do you think a man like Constantius supersedes a god?"

"That is beside the fact. We have to do our duty."

"You have a family here. You have friends here. What will you have when your city dies and I am still free."

"You will be with us."

"If my god is angry and powerful enough to kill a city he may allow me to die or save me. It is his choice. My choice is not to go. I will talk to your commander though. This will be on my terms and where I choose. We will have a sermon later this afternoon and I think we can talk at that time."

I turned to the three men that had brought this situation to a head and said, "We need a place for a sermon. What is the best choice?"

With the word out, the public square was very crowded. The majority of those present were the legion I came to try to sway towards Julian. Lazeez was very worried and so was Mithridates but this was the reason I had come in the first place. Now I would talk to more people and hope to sway the officers from a distance.

Mithridates and Lazeez had the help of many local Wodenists that came out to assist. They read selected passages that had been used at all the other forts. It was geared to the strengths of Rome being used to nurture as well as protect. It was plainly stated that Rome would get some fearsome weapons to use if they made some small changes. The changes were social in nature and would benefit those I spoke to in many ways.

I gave the speakers a break and I spoke of what I was trying to do and why I was here now. Julian was not mentioned though. I gave the long drawn out story about what had happened when I came to this area. The pirates, Berytus, Seleucia, Antioch and then back to Seleucia were told in detail that lasted nearly an hour. My trips to the forts were listed under spreading the word instead of drumming up support for Julian.

The patients came up to me and the first was a boy that was the nephew of one of the girls that had accompanied us. I had to sedate him a bit then we talked. This was the same no matter where we went. The boy was weak with a variety of ailments and this one looked to be a genetic disorder.

I talked to the boy but actually I was talking to the crowd about DNA and heredity. I had not found out how to cure this sort of problem but I did encourage the levels of the proteins to come into balance. This boy took longer than most and when I let him stand on his own feet he did so straighter.

"You are not cured yet but you are much better. You are going to have to come back and we can work on you a bit more."

The boy said, "Ok," and I called on Woden to look over the child for me, his loyal servant. The boy got a small surge of endorphins and left the platform with a bit of a stagger.

Before the next patient came I said to everybody, "I would like to give the blessing of Woden to all of you as I just did to one sick little boy. You are probably touching each other now but I want to make sure that this is so. You soldiers in the back, I want you to lay a hand on each other. You are comrades in arms and this should be no problem unless you are afraid of your neighbour."

It took a minute and I had to cajole the soldiers again until a higher ranking officer ordered them to do as I asked. I got close to the people and felt a few and through them the rest of the crowd. I casually wondered at the number of people and for some reason, I knew that there were 13,651 people in this group. I did not know where the number came from.

I worked to bring the bond tighter and fed in a feeling of well being and all the good thoughts I had been able to convey to others. The surge of endorphins was now a gradual process taking much longer but I think doing a better job. If I did this right then few would fall when their emotions overcame them.

The effect was tapered off slowly and I withdrew from the group. I heard a collective sigh. The energy to do all this was less as if I had passed a barrier and the effect was self-sustaining. It was a good five minutes later that I talked of how I wanted the crowd to behave with each other and hopefully with a responsible religion to guide them.

I healed people and called forth some of the officials in the community including the base commander that happened to be Legatus Legionis and not the local governor because there were many legions.

Introductions were made and the men worked with me to assess those that needed healing. Not all of the patients looked better after the healing but some did. The blind and cripples would need time to complete their healing and my cures had to be taken on faith. I had a good track record and I think they were prepared to do this.

When I felt too tired to continue healing I said as much and started to talk about the world I saw for all of us. They liked my ideas of railroads and giant ships and most of my audiences felt the same way. Planes were too difficult for them to visualise.

Medicine, apart from my healing, was explained and how many people were saving lives, repairing teeth or helping animals. Farming they knew about and I explained about how slavery was going to dwindle and die and men would make a good wage to support their families.

Same as Proeliator
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Apni Padosan Tasneem Ki Chudai

Hello friend mera naam kamal he kamal rana dikne me kya kahu 6.1 feet ki height he mera manhood bhi thoda usi ke hisab se he lamba 7 inch ka or mota to puchhiye mat wese meri story sirf mera ek khayal he naki ek sachi kahani me abhibhi vigin hu ye to ho gayi meri baat ab mere khayalo ki story ko age badhate he, me jaha rehta hu usme 1 aurat rehti he tasneem ,dikhne me b utnihi apne naam jesi khoobsurat 36-28-38 ka figur uski ek adat he wo ratko sote waqt bra or penty nahi pehnati aur sirf...

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The Sentence The Last two Chapters 2728

Chapter #27 Time to get ready for the contest: I was just awaking up, when mom came in saying, ok sweetie, time to get up and get you smelling sweet as a rose bud. Now off you get to the bathroom. Use the toilet, and brush your teeth, the hop in the tub. Once there I did my thing on the toilet, and brushed my teeth, then into the tub of waiting bubbles. After a quick bath, I was powdered down with a ton of lavender smelling baby powder. Wow, I really did smell like a 2 or...

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When the Mind Finally Takes Command Edited

Part of my motivation was of course my young daughter who just turned 16. Any father out there knows, the wonderful body changes that take place as a young girl begins to grow up. My daughter Bella was no exception, but taking after her mother, her breasts were still somewhat small, although they were almost perfect in shape. I have to admit, I had looked at them in the flesh, especially during the summer months, (having to wait until after she was asleep at night to do my viewing). If you...

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The Babysitters SecretChapter 8

I held the phone up to my ear with a feeling of wanting to be in another time and another place. My beloved brother Jimmy had just repeated the news that he was getting married and that he would be bringing his prospective wife home with him from Phoenix, Arizona on the last Sunday of the current month. It was sort of devastating news to me because I was already counting on humping my brother every which way but loose as soon as he got tucked in for the night at our house. We had been doing...

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Sea CruiseChapter 6

We must both have slept the sleep of the dead as I woke to discover that neither of us had moved during the night. Mom was still enclosed in my arms and, while one hand had released her breast, the other was still cupping her pussy, being kept in place by her closed thighs. My semen had dried during our sleep and we were pasted together, her bum and lower back to my groin and belly. Mom stirred soon after me and she wriggled happily in my embrace and pushed herself back against...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 143 Come Together

Amy heard the sound of the latch at her back gate. She waited several moments before she turned her head and shouted, "Hey, look, it's Katherine. Hey, Kat, guess what?" By then, Katherine had already walked through the gate in the fence between the Pestridge and Plummer backyards, and she had almost reached where Amy and Christine sat. Dressed in a light blue bikini, she carried a towel and a bag in her hands. She waved in a casual and friendly way, and replied, "What?" Amy said,...

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Three Wishes

Just another short, classic genie and 3 wishes story I had in mind for a couple of years but never wrote down and why you never found the genie afterwards... 3 Wishes As I walked by the beach I noticed a glince in the water. I walked towards it and found a bottle with dirt all over it. Curious about its contents I took the bottle home with me. At home I opened the bottle and as in all classic movies a cloud came from the bottle and a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the...

3 years ago
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Licked out in the library

This story is from my first year in college, in the days when I was seeing Gemma. Back then I was still to have my first experience with a guy, but Gemma and I were in each other’s panties at every opportunity. Gemma, for those who haven’t read any of my stories is a half Japanese cutie, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She is a little taller than me but with very pert small boobs and a juicy peach of a bum. I was almost as booby as I am now, but being 17 I was still developing.

2 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 7

The next couple of month's I was really busy. I had to get money, bills, from the right period so I could take them back and give them to Nina so she could get us a place to meet. It was so lucky that while I was doing my part in my time, she did hers in her time; finding a flat and going to see her boyfriend and fuck him without any protection or make the condom brake so she could lure him into marriage. Finally I had the amount I thought that we needed and went back to Nina. "If you've...

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Lesbian Paradise at Lands End Part 2

After their incredible first encounter last evening, they didn’t even talk. Landra just kissed her on the cheek, stood up, gathered her clothes and disappeared amid the darkness. Kea remained lying on the sand for a few minutes, trying to assimilate the unbelievable moment she had just lived. Her first lesbian experience, and with a complete stranger in a remote beach far from anywhere! When she finally came back to reality, she walked to the rock, took her clothes, got dressed and slowly...

3 years ago
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Fucking For Chastity

Monica’s Story circa 2000 A.D.He was getting tired of it. I could tell by his being so testy. I was his wife, but also his partner: our job: collecting information and informants for the Soviet Union, later Russia. I used the old excuse, “It’s just a job and somebody has to do it.”Victor pulled a verbal fast-one on me, saying, “When we were in Elementary school, the Viet Nam War was blowing soldiers up so fast body counts were outrageous. One night the headmaster showed us film from American...

Wife Lovers
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becoming the property of Miss Amelia pt 2

Miss Amelia always anticipates my phone calls and I receive a text each day on a task, which is normally well for the past few weeks since I was enslaved by her a form of meditation. I would have to kneel facing the sunrise a candle lit a dn her picture before me and recite for 15 minutes each day “Miss Amelia I am yours” all I could do really could not masturbate she took that delight away by locking me up. Today though I was summoned to meet her again this would be the second time we would be...

2 years ago
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Fantasy to Reality

I masturbate compulsively and my wife knows it and knows why. I am obsessed with the thoughts of her being fucked by a big black cock. I don’t know why I feel this way and can’t remember exactly when it started, but there it is.I want her to cuckold me by fucking black men. As many as she wants and I want to watch. I have to watch her being filled with black cock and all the scum they can ejaculate into her.I need to see her hairy vagina slimy with their seed.I am sick and we both know it.It’s...

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Seven wise men with the knowledge so fine,created a pussy to their design.First was a butcher, with smart wit,using a knife, he gave it a slit.Second was a carpenter, strong and bold,with a hammer and chisel, he gave it a hole.Third was a tailor, tall and thin,by using red velvet, he lined it within.Fourth was a hunter, short and stout,with a piece of fox fur, he lined it without.Fifth was a fisherman, nasty as hell,threw in a fish and gave it a smell.Sixth was a preacher, whose name was...

4 years ago
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My Birthday My Fantasy

"I fucked him", she whispered almost silently before turning over to sleep. At the time of the writing of this story my wife and I have been married over thirty years. She has presented me with two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. They grew up giving us lots of grief but mostly love and joy. For years Lynn, my wife, talked a pleaded with me to get a computer. You have to realize I'm just an old fashioned sort of man and leaping into the new age of computers just didn't set well with...

3 years ago
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A New BeginingChapter 10

When Mev woke that morning on his right side next to him there was Zira who's turn it was of the High Lord women to sleep closest to Mev, though all of the other ones were still in the same room, they were just further away from Mev. On his left side was the Ma girl Sher-ra and to her left slept the human girl Tina. Tina and Sher-ra had established themselves as Mev's closest and most intimate non-High Lord companions and spent every night with him. Those two girls did not yet realize that...

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The Cube

(How can something so cold and wet be so wonderful?) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," the dark-haired young woman on the bed moaned. There was another touch and the moan became nearly a cry of passion. She twisted and squirmed wildly but the bonds holding her spread-eageled to the bed only stretched without giving way no matter how she struggled. "My, such sounds. Do you want me to stop?' huskily questioned the older woman who knelt between her outstretched legs. "Good God, NO!" the first woman...

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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 4 The Futa Programs Big Success

Chapter Four: The Futa Program's Big Success By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Friday The students surged from their seats. Clothes were flying off in a wild disregard. The cheerleaders were mobbed in a rush of wild passion, their gasps rising in bliss. Heady, wild, and uninhibited frenzy descended. From a side door, the coaches of the various teams wheeled in vast kegs of Gatorade to give the electrolytes to keep this wild orgy going. The last day of the school...

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The Boss Make Her Pregnant

Hi I am Sonu here writing my 1st story if there is any mistake forgives me. I am big fan of ISS last 7 years and I daily read story so I decided to right my 1st experience. I am 25 yr well built fair 6feet height 6inch dick and first of all I will introduce her she is rich women very sexy fair 40,28,38 she has dam good fig she is married her husband is an business man and I am working in their house. My boss always trust me so much I am loyal and very honest worker I work for them from 3 years...

2 years ago
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The New Guy

A new black guy starts working at your job. All the women are attracted to him, but he has eyes for you. Well, all the guys have eyes for you. With the way you dress, most of the women are jealous, but the male bosses don’t seem to mind. Skirts, stockings and tops that show enough cleavage to keep the guys interested, but not too much to get you fired. This new man is completely smitten with you and he makes sure that you notice him. Which he had no reason to do so since you are very attracted...

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Birthday girl

For quite a long time I had fantasized about a night with a dominant black bull, a real sexual free-for-all where I would be completely submissive to an experienced BBC lover. To be honest, I’d always been turned on by black men, but I was quite shy sexually until my husband encouraged me to enter the hotwife lifestyle.When my husband first broached the subject of sharing me with other men, I thought he must be k**ding. I couldn’t believe that he seriously wanted to allow other men to have me....

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Spying on my cheating wife

Introduction: My co-worked tells me about a slut that he is fucking and it turns out to be my wife. Spying on my cheating wife. My name is Tim. I worked the second shift at the plant. One day when I arrived for work I had a few minutes to talk with Ron, one of the day shift workers that I knew. Ron was thirty, about 62 and slim. He told me that he had a real hot date for that night. There was this real knock out blond that he had just happened to get hooked up with. He said that he had been...

4 years ago
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Cooking Lesson

This is dedicated to a special chef ,may we experience many cooking lessons. I had signed up for personal cooking lessons thru a local restaurant. I decided with the start of the new year to enrich my mind and creative side with some culinary flair. I have always had a talent for creating, but when it came to cooking I was at a loss, so, when I saw the advertisement in the paper I jumped at the opportunity. The lessons are two hours long twice a week for four weeks, with a different chef...

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Mother in laws arent all bad

My wife was 8 and half months pregnant and we were staying at her mother's house who was widowed about 10 years earlier my wife had about 2 more weeks until she was due this was a third child and she had a hard time with the last baby so she wanted to stay with her mom so she wouldn't have to do anything because I was working and trying to take care of our other kids well when we stayed with her mother she took care of the kids for us and my wife basicly just rested she was 38 at the time and...

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NFBusty Clary Made For Love

Bigtit babe Clary is waiting for her boyfriend Oliver Trunk to get off the phone and join her for a romantic dinner. Dressed in a bra and panties, she sips her water and stares at Oliver while hoping he’ll get the hint. When that doesn’t work, she makes her way to the couch where she can release her knockers from her bra to dangle over Oliver’s mouth. Kissing and sucking at Clary’s nipples is a natural thing for Oliver to do as he finally puts the phone away. His busty...

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Yes Rebecca Moore Does Have A Bush

"I asked you a question, who are you?" she whined, shooting me a dirty look. "Were you just watching me, and did you jack off too?"I failed to look at her and covered my face with both hands.Although, then she grabbed one of my hands and yanked me out of the stall. "You sick bastard," she blasted me, grabbing her undergarments. "You stole my bra and panties and jacked off into them as you watched me pleasure myself? What the hell is the matter with you? Can't you respect a woman's...

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Booster Club Slut in the Making Part One

I grew up near Atlanta in Marietta, Georgia, and had a pretty typical life growing up there. My name is Jennifer, and at the time of this story I was forty-one years old and my husband Ed was forty-two. After high school I went to college at UNC in Charlotte, North Carolina, which is where I met Ed when he was a senior and I was a junior. Following his graduation, Ed got a management trainee position with a major big-box retailer in the Charlotte area. We continued to date until my graduation,...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 155

The conference at the college was in full swing on Monday. Caterers were setting up all kinds of breakfast in the main hall for all the visitors. I had one presentation to do this afternoon and one tomorrow morning. The topic for this afternoon was Surveillance v/s Security and personal rights v/s public access. Tomorrow's topic was going to be crime and violence on campus - a damn if you do, damn if you don't. Then I was to participate in the exposition of the after-lunch surprise. Patti...

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Fucking Hot MILF Madhavi Ma8217am In Her Staffroom

Hello ISS readers, this is Abhishek, a 23-year-old guy from Hyderabad. Let’s get into the story. Read, relate, and enjoy. After my intermediate, I had to move to Chennai to do my B.Tech in one of the reputed universities there. That is where I met my college lecturer Madhavi madam and we had sex for the first time in an elevator in some unexpected circumstances. She told me that day itself to forget about it and move on. Days passed from the first time we had sex and all these days, Madhavi...

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AlbionChapter 11

The following morning the Duke’s Council, as Andrew insisted on referring to it, met again. “Has anyone had any major thoughts on what we discussed yesterday?” he asked as everyone settled into their chairs. “You mean other than that you are mad?” asked Steven. Andrew grinned, “Yeah, other than that.” “Not really,” said Steven, “I guess I’m waiting to see how this pans out before I get too excited at the prospects of being a Duke.” “Me too,” said John. “I keep thinking that we’re just a...

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Tommy Part 8

"Tommy"By GentilePart 8---------"Cully, I've decided not to come home. I need some time to think. I'll come and get my things after you've returned to the base when your leave is up."ClickI woke like a shot, convinced it wasn't a nightmare.I started right up again: "He's probably standing right next to her." "It's for the best, Girl. Don't worry, he won't bother you.........ever again." Then thinking to himself how he could wrest that Road Runner away from me. "Better check on it, son." I...

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Fun at Work part 9

So I've just proven that Peter easily gets jealous. He doesn't want me hanging out with other guys. Simply being around them makes him want to explode but I do understand perfectly. He feels that I'm his possession. At least, in bed. Peter, if you haven't read my previous stories yet, is my colleague. We enjoy sex a lot so, most of the time, he drops by my apartment for a quickie or a nightcap and then leaves for home. At work, of course, we pretend that we're just friends because one, he's a...

1 year ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 53

I was out of the house and in the barn early Sunday morning, but Karen came into the parlor about the time I was going to wash the cows and begin milking. She said, "Let me do that. You do the heavy stuff in the milk house while I do this. You can show me how to run the pasteurization equipment when I finish." When I went into the milk house to give the equipment a pre-use wash, I found Rosita busily washing a milk can, with the equipment already washed and waiting. The beautiful Latina...

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Horny university

You wake up ready to go to HU the scholarship was to easy. You pack up your clothes and get ready to leave. You go to the bathroom, you look in your mirror, you see the 6’0” 200 pound man with blond hair. You say goodbye to your house and call a taxi to the airport

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If Only Ch 07

Sorry about the delay, but I wanted to make this chapter longer so I waited a few more days to post. Enjoy! —Dragon_13 As Cadogan set down the food, Kara inhaled the aroma and a memory came back to her, when her parents were still alive. She was sitting at the table, banging her fork and knife up and down in each hand in excitement. Today was her birthday, and whenever there was a special day her mother would cook tenderloin benedict for breakfast, as the hotel had served it for breakfast...

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Lustful Threesome 8211 Part 2

For all peeps who have not yet read the 1st part, I suggest you to enjoy. As usual comments / critics please welcome. Continuing from where I left, the threesome was now getting too hot to handle. With the beauties only now in G-String and exploring each other’s bodies, it was turn to indulge in the exploration as well. I pulled Archana to my side and started caressing her boobs and I Jessy slowly feeling the wet pussy. Both the ladies, pulled my short and they were astonished to see my 7 inch...

4 years ago
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Loony Toons Episode Two

Bugs this time matches wits with Yosemite Sam. I must credit and thank Kim West for this one. All characters belong to Warner Brothers. This is a tale in jest and fun only. Looney Toons Episode Two Yosemite Sam was chasing Bugs Bunny. Bugs normally could dodge most of Sam's shots and traps. But Bugs had lost at poker the night before. Bugs, Daffy, Foghorn Leghorn, Porky, The Road Runner, and Tweety all had a weekly poker match. The pots were never any thing big, and it was away to...

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BlackmailedChapter 6

Jay drove rapidly along the freeways toward Santa Monica and home. It would be too late for dinner at home, so he stopped for a quick bite along the way. He hadn't spent much time at home the last few days, but tonight, he was determined to spend the whole evening-and night, too-with Betty. Maybe, we can start working things out, now... and right after I finish up this thing for Arnie... we'll take that vacation... together! Betty's little, foreign car wasn't in the garage, when he...

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