Mother s Future Helper
- 4 years ago
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Her Mother's Daughter
Chapter Six
"How do you feel?" Daddy asked me, his hand in the small of my back as we walked down the street slowly.
"I don't know," I shrugged. "I got someone else's sperm in me."
"What did you do that for?" he sighed. "Why didn't you just let me in?"
"Why didn't you knock?" I frowned at him. "I was just teasing you."
"Shit." Dad frowned too and he looked down at his feet. "Maybe you're not pregnant. Maybe..."
"Maybe I got a disease." I blinked hard.
Daddy stiffened a little at that thought and I wasn't joking about it. That stuff terrified me.
"We can go to the clinic on Monday and get you checked," he suggested quietly.
"Yeah," I sighed. "That'll be embarrassing."
"Yeah, well." He shrugged. "You can tell them..."
"I'm a slut? I fucked some guys at a party?" I took a deep breath and didn't want to sound like a bitch, but I'd been having so much fun. Too much fun.
"No," he said, but I couldn't tell what Daddy was thinking. Some other guy had just fucked me bareback.
"I'll get an abortion," I decided. "I mean if I am, you know, pregnant. I'll take care of it."
"An abortion? Amy, that's..."
"What?" I looked at my dad. "You wanna raise someone else's kid? Are you gonna love it?"
"It's a part of you," he told me. "So yeah, I'd love it."
"What if you don't though?" I felt like crying. It was easy to say that stuff now, but what about a year from now when he was looking at someone else's baby nursing at my breasts?
He didn't say anything to that and we just walked, not even going in the right direction really, the car was someplace else. I hated myself mostly, just because I'd been so stupid. Like I couldn't tell one dick from another? God! What a fucking idiot I'd been. I'd thought for sure that Daddy had been on the other side of the wall. How could it not be him? No wonder the guy had called me a bitch. Why would a guy respect a girl who'd suck off a complete stranger? And then fuck him? Fuck! I was just as bad as my...
"Hey, baby. Looking for a date?" some whore asked in a fake sexy voice.
It wasn't the first come on Daddy had gotten either, even though he was walking with me, more like the tenth or something and we were ignoring them.
"Shit! Jack?" the whore gasped and her voice wasn't sexy anymore.
"What?" We stopped, Daddy turning quickly because we both knew that voice.
"Jack! It's me!" Mom said and she looked much like she had the last time I'd seen her, except her clothes were more purple than red.
"Gina?" He blinked and I put my arm through his, hugging my father tight against med, and this was what I'd been looking for.
"Jack!" She just about jumped on him, wrapping herself around my dad while he stood there, not moving a muscle until he tried to push the woman away.
"Hi Mom!" I smiled brightly, just to rub it in for him.
"Amy? Hi ... Oh, I missed you! I missed you, Jack, so much!" Mom hardly looked at me and she was still trying to hug my dad right there on the street corner.
"Gina ... Stop ... Stop it!" He pushed her away and took a step backwards, pulling me with him as we looked at my mom.
"Take me home," she said. "Take me away from here, okay? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"What are you doing?" Dad looked his wife up and down, taking in her fuck-me pumps and skin tight bodysuit, her tits were literally hanging out, exposing her fat, pierced nipples, and her face looked thick with makeup beneath her red wig.
"I got a little ... mixed up," she said, nodding in agreement with herself and licking her lips. "I got confused and, um ... I made mistakes. But I'm better now!"
"Better?" I giggled.
"You're a prostitute?" Daddy shook his head. "Why?"
"I don't know." Mom laughed and it was a crazy sound. "It just happened. I don't know. I want to go home, Jack. I want to see my babies. Please?"
"Why didn't you just go home?" I asked her. "You forget where we live or something?"
"Amy..." My dad squeezed me.
"What? No ... But see, Jimmy ... He'd find me, he'd ... He'd hurt me again, see?" Mom looked around nervously. "I can't stand her too long. He'll see me."
"Jimmy? Who's Jimmy?" Daddy asked, looking at my mom with confused eyes.
"Probably her pimp," I said with a snort. "I bet he's black or something."
"Yeah." Mom nodded, looking at me. "He's my pimp. Look, um ... I can't stay here. Do you wanna go someplace? We can go someplace, right?"
"Go someplace?" Daddy shook his head.
"Yeah, you and me, Jack." She moved closer again and she reached for Dad's cock, pressing her hand against the front of his pants. "Like before. I'll make it good for you."
"What?" He stared at her in shock and I giggled.
"How much?" I asked her.
"Fifty," Mom replied quickly, her eyes lighting up. "That's all. Fifty and I'll do anything." She looked at me, "I can make you feel good too, Amy. I promise."
"Oh shit!" I stared at her.
"Jesus Christ, Gina! Are you insane?" Dad lost it. "What happened to you?"
"What?" She blinked at him. "I love you. Come on, we'll go."
"Will you eat me out?" I asked and Daddy jerked me hard, staring down at me.
"Yeah, Amy. I'll lick you nice, baby," she agreed and she had such a whiny voice it made me cringe. "But I need that fifty, okay? I really need it bad."
"For what?" Daddy asked. "What's wrong with you."
"I haven't fixed since this morning," she answered, kind of twitching as she spoke. "I'm dying, Jack. Please? Give me some money and then we'll go. I have a place."
"I don't think so, Gina." He shook his head sadly.
"W-What? Jack!" Mom stared at him. "You're my husband!"
"Not anymore," I told her. "Daddy belongs to me now."
"I won't give you money for drugs, Gina," he said. "I'll, uh, take you someplace, okay? Get you cleaned up and ... I don't know. We'll get you some help, okay?"
"No, no..." Mom shook her head. "I'm okay. I just need a little medicine."
"You fucked Gary, didn't you, Mom?" I asked her, opening my purse. "Right? You fucked him before you left?"
"He ... Yeah ... No..." She looked pretty confused. "Gary was just..."
"Tell the truth, Mom." I opened my wallet and pulled out a twenty dollar bill.
"Amy! Stop it!" Daddy reached for the money.
"No, I wanna know!" I said, jerking it out of his reach. "Let her tell us the truth, huh? Isn't that what you want?"
"Not like this!" He was dying inside, the part of him that still loved his wife and remembered how beautiful she'd once been. I just wanted to give his fond memories the funeral they deserved.
"Come on, Mom. I'll give you money," I told her. "Just tell us whether or not you fucked around on Daddy before you became a whore."
"Huh? Yeah, I did Gary, but I had to," she said, staring at that twenty. "He wouldn't give me any more pills."
"Gary ... He's your drug dealer?" My dad blinked at her and Mom nodded.
"You went to his house and fucked him, huh?" I prompted, waving that money like a little flag.
"Yeah, so what? I needed it," she said. "You don't know..."
"With Jilly? Or while she was at preschool?" I asked and Dad was just watching now because he wanted to know too.
"She ... My angel." Mom smiled.
"Yeah, did you bring her to Gary's house?" I asked again.
"You don't know what it's like." Shelicked her lips. "None of you know anything. I was doing everything for you! All the time! I was taking care of you and you just shit on me all the time!"
"Mom ... You took Jilly to a drug dealer's house, huh?" I nodded, coaxing her to answer the question.
"Just once," she said, snatching the money from my hand.
"You bitch." Dad closed his eyes, breathing deep.
"I need more," Mom told us. "This isn't enough. Come on, we'll go fuck! Whatever you want. Just give me more, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," I said and Dad stared at me. "What? You always wanted to fuck her in the ass, right?"
"Yeah." Dad laughed and he was like half crazy now too, I thought. Whatever he might have been hoping for had been crushed completely.
"Well, let's go then. I want her to eat me out." I smiled at him. We were all fucking crazy.
This had to be the end finally. Dad saw what Mom had become. She was a total junkie and we had to wait while she talked to some guy sitting in a car and then she led us to a cheap hotel. Dad had to pay ten bucks for a room and we had an hour before checkout time or it was gonna be another ten.
It didn't even have a bathroom, just a bed and four walls and a naked yellow light bulb hanging from the stained ceiling. It was pretty disgusting, but Mom made herself right at home. She'd been in that room plenty of times, I guessed. Like hundreds, in and out all night every night.
"Lock the door," she breathed and I saw her shaking from anxious excitement and the desperate need to take her drugs.
Daddy and me just stood there, watching as Mom prepared her shot. She had her own needles and everything.
"They're free," she told us with a sick giggle, putting some heroin in a bent spoon, adding some water it looked like, or I don't know. I didn't want to know. She made some drug soup in a spoon over a can of shoe polish it looked like. A little round tin that burned with thin blue flames.
"Free needles," I nodded. "Cool."
Daddy wasn't happy and he didn't want me saying anything.
"The dependency clinic, yeah," Mom muttered, but mostly to herself. "I tried methadone for awhile, after I got busted, but Jimmy beat my ass for that."
"Busted?" he asked.
"I got picked up, yeah."She shrugged with another giggle and she was staring at her spoon. "Soliciting."
"How come they didn't tell me?" Daddy wondered.
"I don't use my real name, Jack." She smiled at him and she was all full of good humor now that she was cooking her drugs. "That would be bad."
"So what's your name now?" I asked.
"Jimmy calls me Tushy." She licked her lips.
"Tushy?" I laughed.
"Because I got a nice tush, he says," Mom exoplained. "I'm his Tushy, uh-huh ... Tushy..."
Mom tied up her arm and it was insane watching her shooting up heroin. Fucking wicked! She popped that needle in her arm like it wasn't anything and she like worked the plunger back and forth after injecting the drug. We could see the syringe filling with blood and then emptying again, over and over like four or five times until she was done. She was fucking herself with that shit.
"Ohhh ... I'm okay." She smiled and Mom was moving slowly, putting her stuff away, back into her big ugly purse.
"You're calling a lawyer on Monday," I said softly to my dad. "Right?"
Mom sat back on the bed, smiling happily at us and right then she probably didn't even know who we were. She kept nodding her head and rubbing her arms, just rubbing her skin like she couldn't stop, and it was so weird seeing her like that. My mom, who'd been like supermom before, was Tushy now and floating away on heroin in the crappiest place imaginable, like she'd never had or wanted anything else.
"Yeah," he agreed, glancing down at me and I knew Gina was finally dead.
I gave her a couple minutes, but I was going to fuck her. I didn't care what Dad thought, or what he might say, this woman was fucked up. I'd never wanted to have sex with another girl in my life, but this wasn't even gonna be sex. I just wanted to humiliate her as much as I could and maybe that's just me being mean, but I didn't care. This woman had taken my mom away from me and I wanted revenge. She wasn't worth kindness. She wasn't even worth caring about. She'd brought my little sister, my child now, to a drug dealer's house. Probably fucked the guy and did her drugs right in front of Jilly too.
Yeah, Tushy owed me something and not just for the money we'd given her.
I got on the bed and Daddy looked at me, but he didn't say anything or try to stop me. I leaned against the wall, lifting my knees and then my ass, pulling my skirt up around my waist and then my panties down and off, exposing my clean shaven fifteen-year-old sex. I was full of sperm too, fresh and still hot and I didn't even know who's cum it was. Some stranger's, someone I'd never even seen. I could stand next to the guy at the grocery store and never know it was him. Yeah, I was my mother's daughter ... Almost.
"Come on, Tushy. You gotta earn that money now," I said. "Lick my pussy, whore ... Hurry up..."
"Oh, yeah." She smiled. "Okay, sweetie."
She was off in la-la land, but at least the whore had enough sense to know she owed us a good fuck now. She didn't even undress, but crawled between my wide spread legs and dove right into my spermy cunt like she'd been a lesbian her whole life. That was so nasty! A drug addicted lesbian whore, that's all Tushy was, and I just smiled, watching a woman old enough to be my mom work her long pink tongue over my raw pink sex. She turned out to be a pretty good cunt lapper too, even better than Daddy. He was better than just okay at it too, except he loved eating my ass more, but Tushy had a genuine love for pussy.
"Ummm ... Eat me, you whore ... Fuck yeah!" I sighed and giggled. I was a little disgusted by it, to tell the truth, since she was another woman, but that wasn't my point at all.
Daddy got the point just fine. Mom was gone forever. There wasn't any Gina anymore, just a whore named Tushy who would do anything for a fix, even suck sperm from her daughter's cunt while her husband watched. That was completely fucking sick and it made Daddy's cock hard. He didn't have any lust for Tushy, I didn't think, but he didn't mind watching the bitch go down on me either. He was going to fuck her in the ass and make it hurt, I was sure. He wasn't going to be slow and gentle the way he always was with me, he probably wanted to rape her, you know? Like Daddy wanted some pay back of his own.
I grabbed Tushy's head, holding her tightly while she licked and sucked my pussy, swallowing the juices she found inside like they were life itself. My girl cum and some stranger's sperm, all mixed up and being drawn out by the whore's tongue. It made me even wetter and I'd started feeling warm again, happy even as the funny tingling sensations filled my tummy with butterflies. I wasn't queer and the idea of me ever going down on another girl sickened me, but getting head from a whore didn't make me a lesbian, did it? No, it just made me a million times better than her.
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Claire's Little Helper By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 Chapter 1 Update I suppose I should start by bringing people up to date with some of the things that have happened to me since last time. To be honest there isn't a great deal to tell but I'll give you the highlights, such as they are. I've had a few more trips out and my sister has been much more responsible on calling on me as her stand in. In fact she hasn't done it to me since last time. She did take me out to...
At Rosanne’s, I entered the unlocked kitchen door. Once inside, I went to the bathroom where she left a milk-white Ducolax for me. I put it in, pulled up my pants, washed my hands and joined Rosanne in the living room. We kissed and she handed me the usual Bourbon on-the-rocks. She got right to the point, “Ya do it?” “Uh-huh.” She raised her glass, “Good. Here’s to cousin Maria!” She settled in alongside me, we clinked glasses and drank a toast. Tonight was our latest attempt to fix my...
Her Mother's Daughter Chapter Three "I brought you a glass of wine, Daddy," I said with a soft smile. "Oh." He gave me a weak smile of his own, but he was tired, I could tell. He was worn out by what my mom was putting him through. "Here, it'll help you relax a little." I put the glass in his hand and sat carefully beside my dad on the old comfortable sofa in our living room. "Thanks, Amy." He nodded and I was pleased to see him take a large swallow and then another, drinking...
Winterhaven was the night before last, its Christmas Eve now and the Konders family was in full Christmas time mode. Sam’s mom Brittany was at the mall picking up a few last-minute stocking stuffers to add to all of the little kids stockings and Dad was at work driving his oil tanker hoping to be home in plenty of time for the evenings festivities. Alex was at work with Brian, both of whom worked at a local car dealership as ‘lot attendants’, washing cars, putting up sales prices on the...
It’s Christmas Eve, and for the first time, we aren’t able to spend it with our children. However, we made the best of it, and had that day all planned out; sleep late, play lazy, and maybe with weather permitting go to a movie. My husband even had a holiday feast in mind, turkey, with all its trimming, green-bean casserole, baked potatoes, apple salad, and a yummy apple pie for dessert. A smile crossed my face as I remembered the comment he made. “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice...
"Oh yeah, that's it, get that tongue way up inside me." Jesus, this rich bitch sure loved to eat pussy. I could tell she was inexperienced, but she definitely made up for it with her enthusiasm. I sat on the lid of the toilet, my teenage legs spread wide, as she knelt between my creamy thighs with her expensive clothes on, her face plastered against my tingling wet cunt. "Bring that sweet tongue of yours up a little higher," I said as I ran my fingers through her lush auburn hair and...
I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...
AffairSherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...
Secret Agent’s Helper 1-8-2018 The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artist convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups obviously from the artist convention / show, decked out in their ‘I’m making a statement clothes’ and the like, boisterously talking...
"Tell me a story, Daddy." Martina was settled in next to me on the sofa, snuggling and cuddling after our dinner, in the mood not for a television show, but one of my stories. "Tell me a fun one!" By that, she meant a naughty one. She liked those. Our bedtime stories and after-dinner time had become more and more intimate since we'd been living on our own. "Tell me the one about when Yvette was your helper at that concert.". . . . . Oh yes. I recalled. That was the day I played a 4th Of July...
I wanted to do some spring cleaning so I sent my husband off for the day and got my neighbor's son to come over and help me. We made a lot of progress during the first hour then Mike, my helper, all of a sudden jumped up and said he needed to go to the bathroom. After about fifteen minutes I went to check to him. I found him in my bedroom. He was naked on my bed with hand lotion laying beside him. He had a massive and very painful erection. It would seem that I had dressed for work, only a...
Helper Sissy Hubby - Chapter 2 ? by: Sexy Wifey Since Sissy Hubby was already dressed up in his lacy womens' underwear, 5" high heels, breast forms, red wig and makeup, and since I'd already made him give several blowjobs, I figured it was MY turn for a little sexual action. I motioned for one of our male playmates to sit in the middle of the couch. Then I said, "Now, Sissy Hubby, get down on your knees in front of my 'new lover' and start sucking on his dick. I want you to get...
Helper Sissy Hubby - Chapter One: Tittie Crazy ? by: Sexy Wifey "What's this, honey?' I innocently asked my husband, pulling a lacy underwire bra from the bottom of his sock drawer. He turned beet red and stammered a few things about how my underwear must've gotten mixed in with his. "But dear, you know I don't usually wear anything as lacy and racy as this!" I was smiling, now. I'd known all along that he liked to dress up in women's underwear. And now, I had the 'goods' on...
The Laundry Helper By TheNewGerrie I was standing in the laundry room taking the clothes out of the drier when I did something that changed my life forever. I have no idea what made me pick up my wife's slip and hold it against my body. I was just idly wondering what the material must be like to wear when my wife suddenly cleared her throat right behind me. I think I almost screamed. I don't know if it was just the surprise of having someone sneak up behind me or the...
Cindy's Helper It was the first day of the summer holidays and I was looking forward to lazing around for six weeks. Mum had suggested I get a holiday job but so far I had not had any success, there were very few jobs in our town and no one seemed to need any help. Had I known how my summer was to change I would have made more of an effort at finding one. Both mum and dad worked and as I knew neither would be back before five o'clock I was sitting on the sofa playing with myself....
HH8: Shanti's Pregnancy Helper, part of the HH series TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request,...
20150410 0637 Sorry for my bad English, as it is not my native languange. This is a short story of multiple body swap. When Peter, a 26 year old programmer, got asked for a favor by his Mother, he just have to be a good helper... ----- 'Today, i HAVE to finished that app!' Peter said to himself. Enter Saturday, which should be a good day to get plenty of fun and rest, after 5 days of working. But for Peter, he had to finish the app he was assigned to. Peter is a 26 year old...
Be a good helper - a body swap(s) story - part 2 20170423 wow it's long time since the 1st part so here you go and warning! may contain's inapropriate scene, leaning toward incest recap from 1st part: Peter, 26 year male, just swapped body with neighbor Mrs.Crawler, about 60 year old. But before that, his mother, Julie, had swapped body with Mrs.Crawler. So currently Peter become Mrs.Crawler, Mrs.Crawler bcome Julie, and Julie become...
Do you need a porn video download browser extension? Ever wondered if there’s an easier way to download all of your favorite porn onto your PC without having to make an account on various porn websites, or without having to visit other sites where you have to copy and paste the link of the video in question? I’ve sure thought about this problem a million times and you can bet your ass that there’s a solution out there that ThePornDude has found for you. is the perfect tool...
Useful SoftwareIf you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...
Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...
After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...
Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....
Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...
TabooIntroduction: Continued story of a high school niece and her best friend staying with her uncle for the weekend on a college visit. Not much more in the way of a story, just more sex as requested, picking up right where it left off. Betcha never thought youd have two helpers, huh Cal, Vicky said as she stretched out on top of him next to her friend Stephanie, his niece. He could only smile and shake his head as Steph lifted herself up, allowing him to slip out of her as his spent semen spilled...