DóchasChapter 14 free porn video

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When he saw everyone was finished with breakfast Jim tapped on his coffee cup to get their attention. "We would like to form three groups this morning. Hopefully we can focus on some immediate issues for the next week. Let's have Sarah's group plus Tara, Erin and Claudette start an accelerated training program this morning on Donna's systems. The nominal leaders will be Sarah and Rusty. Then Bob and Stan can lead another team consisting of Stan, Julia, Nancy, Susan, Alice, Jean, Andy, and Jennifer who will look at security issues. For our third task, we would like Ann and Sam to lead a group to organize the farm and other support items. Judy, Jessica, Mary, Sophia and Patricia will meet with Betsy and Connie to sort out medical support issues. There are a few people I haven't named, you are encouraged to join a group that fits your knowledge or interests. I am available all the time."

Amy then added, "If anyone thinks they would be more helpful in a different group and want to change please talk to the team leaders or us before you do that. These assignments aren't mandatory and were based on what you said your experience and education was."

"Gina, Donna, Marie and me," said Ann, "will be working in the kitchen area. Jennifer volunteered that she thought she would be of more assistance in the kitchen than on security." Bob nodded that the change was okay with them.

"Donna, even though you will be focusing on resource issues, you need to provide close surveillance of the kitchen. Jennifer in particular is an unknown quantity," said Rusty.

"How long have you known of this connection?"

"Since this morning. Until now I only suspected it, but you just confirmed my suspicion. So all nine of us now know we can talk to you directly."

"I need to tell Amy, Jim and the rest of the crew."

"Not a problem, in fact judging by the expression I see on Amy's face, she knows already."

"Yes. I am surprised this has happened so quickly and spontaneously but it is definitely not a concern. Also, Donna raise their security level to the same as ours."

"Implemented and active. I made it by request so they can control the flow better until they get fully acclimated to the connection."

"That was quick," said Amy.

"I staged the change so I could execute it once you gave the authorization as I anticipated your decision."

"Very good." They could feel Donna's positive response to the compliment.

Rusty looked around the patio. As he looked, he could see and feel all of his family linked with him and found it very satisfying. "Hmm ... family. I hadn't thought of it quite that way but that is what we have. We need to chat about this later as it raises other questions."

"Let's use the conference room for our training on the computer systems. Would someone tell Tara, Erin, and Claudette where we are?"

Sally said, "They already know as they were listening in, at my suggestion."

"Amy, who will show us how to set up the training helmets?" asked Sarah.

"Oh I can help with that but I think Donna can provide guidance if you need it. They are essentially the same as those you used for the other sessions."

When the group with Rusty left for the conference room, Bob gathered his group together with Jim and Erica. Bob said, "Do we have a topographical map of the island?"

"Jim just asked Donna for one," replied Erica.

"We're going to use a drone," added Jim, "rather than have Donna actively project it. It will be slower in changing magnifications, but will not use Donna's resources." As he was speaking a drone silently moved to hover over their table, then projected an image of the island.

The group with Sam went out to the barns while Ann's group went to the kitchen. As Ann's group entered the kitchen four drones soundlessly moved to positions near the ceiling. Occasionally they moved to maintain a clear view of those working there. Donna set the drones to record all the activity, but only to alert her if an unusual action that was inconsistent with the tasks occurred.

After dinner, they sat around and chatted for a while before Jim stood and said, "We've been quite busy today and have made considerable progress. Are there any issues we need to discuss now? Does anyone have any questions?"

Sally stood and said, "Jim, our group will restart our Aikido practice in three days. Everyone is invited join us. Before coming here, we did this a couple of times a week. For starters I am thinking we should do a partial workout every day until we get our skills back up. Yoga may be added as well if there is an interest."

Marsha asked, "What is Aikido?"

"It is a style of oriental martial arts focusing on personal defense and meditation. If anyone is curious, why not give it a try? There are other exercises that can be done as well, and the equipment is here. This will supplement the exercise benches we use several times a day." Marsha and several others nodded indicating they would probably be there.

Joyce said, "I think I'm ready to call it a day." She gained vigorous nods from everyone else. "We have learned a lot today, and even though we were only exercising our minds, I feel exhausted, a lot more than I remember from my school days."

"I agree," said Sarah. "In fact I got so wound up in the activities today I didn't think to release my eggs. I am kind of glad that I didn't start my ovulation."

"Is that all?" asked Joyce for she had detected a concern in Sarah. "You sure were anxious to be a mommy this morning?"

"Oh, I am. It was kind of a sudden idea this morning and I thought maybe we ought to talk about it a bit more. Why not discuss it after we get ready for bed?"

They arrived at their room and were soon sitting in a circle on the bed so that each was physically touching another.

"Okay, out with it Sarah," said Joyce. "You really have my curiosity aroused now."

"Maybe it is a carryover from before we had our mind-link. After we talked this morning, I felt I had pushed us into making the decision. I know how close I feel to all of you, and it is the most wonderful feeling I can remember." As she talked her feelings of love and affection flowed over the group. "It feels so good, that I am sometimes afraid that all of this is a dream and I will wake up in some horrible place."

"Okay," said Rusty, "Last concern first. I can see and understand your concern. I think, if you look closely at our mind-link, you will see that it is nearly unbreakable." He paused for a moment as he felt the others assessing their mind-links along with him. "From my perspective, the only way to permanently break our mind-link is for us to die, although it has been indicated that it could be done by us deciding to go our separate ways."

Big tears formed in Sarah's eyes, and then as her emotions flowed out affecting the others, their eyes also filled with tears. "I see what you mean Rusty. I am so glad I have all of you." She looked into each of their eyes and said, "I love you." The group raised their arms to wrap around each other's shoulders. They could feel themselves moving deeper into each other toward a new level of oneness. They sat quietly for some time.

"Guys," said Sally. "First I don't believe Sarah pushed us into the decision we made this morning, but based on today's events, I think we ought to wait until our intensive learning sessions have slowed down." She felt some hesitation from the others. "We don't know how long that will be. My inclination is to wait a few days then reassess our timing to do the deed. After several days like today, we should have a better idea of how difficult our projects will be."

"Why don't we wait a week?" said Terry. "Then talk about it again. I'm sure it will not be far from our thoughts."

"You know we could time it so we all conceive on the same day," said Janet. "That is if Rusty can rise to the task, or keep it up." Everyone chuckled at the implication.

"I kind of like that idea," said Sarah, "however that raises several concerns. Would our facilities be able to handle it? Even if they can, how will we care for the babies and still do everything else that needs to be done?"

"We can probably manage all of us being impregnated at the same time," said Judy. "If Rusty releases his cum close to our cervix, it will increase the chance of us conceiving. Nearly all the times we have fucked, his release has been when his cock was deep within me. This puts the sperm right close to the mouth of the cervix when we are ready to conceive, presuming the changes in our bodies haven't changed this, which I doubt. When we ovulate the cervix becomes softer and feels something like our lips, it also moves to a higher position. This orientation moves it closer to the end of our sheath. Normally it is in a lower position and feels hard, like your nose. From our experience with flexing our sheath muscles, we may be able let it open a little more.

"As to timing, I'm not sure why, but I think doing this together will strengthen our group bond. We should be able to stagger our deliveries to some extent, with as much active oversight as we have of our bodies."

"What do you mean by 'relaxing the mouth of our cervix'?" asked Joyce.

"Several changes in the cervix aid in fertilization. One is the movement upward, so it is in more of a straight line from our vaginal mouth. Another is how far it opens. The texture of the mucus also has an effect. Just relaxing the opening a small amount will ease the entry of his cum. Our caressing, kissing and other intimate actions and expressing our love for each other, helps our ability to relax the opening and increase the mucus. If we do this I think it will bless us in ways we don't anticipate."

"How did you know that?"

"It came together as we were talking. The physiology, I learned in medical school. I have to admit this is the first time I've thought of it in quite that way."

"I was just curious. Can we feel the change in our cervix when we become fertile?"

"Yes. I can show you if you are interested."

"Sure, but not tonight. I'm ready to sleep."

"I agree. Now let's lie down and sleep," said Jill. They all looked at each other and nodded indicating their agreement as they lay down.

Rusty broke the thought stream with, "From what we have learned today, it appears that resolving Donna's resource issue could be quite easy."

"How?" they exclaimed.

"At the moment, I can't put it into words. We should know in a week or less."

Over the next week, everyone focused on their tasks. Bob and Erica's group defined the security changes needed to provide advanced warning of anyone approaching, or landing on the island. A series of detection rings were established around their settlement. The density of detectors as increased as they came closer to the settlement. They had also decided on a number of defensive measures to be taken around the valley, to make it easier to defend themselves. Bob brought a new system to use for monitoring from his estate, along with the control console. It would give them the capability to secure the valley in much the same way as their estate was. Unfortunately, they couldn't integrate the system with Donna as the architecture was very different, this was without taking into account Donna being short on resources.

Initially passive sensors were installed around the valley perimeter. These would only transmit when something was detected; however the sensors were smart enough to disregard animals. The problem was that if the intruder knew where they were then they could be fooled. While there were concerns about the lack of active surveillance capability with this setup, everyone realized that it was a good start.

The group with Sam began putting in a large garden, while the group with Ann was busy preparing their meals.

By the end of the week, the programmers and hardware specialists in Rusty's group completed their training on Donna system's. This included protocols and how they were supposed to inter-operate with the ship's systems. They quickly realized that one reason for Donna's resource issues was the big bottleneck caused by a lack of storage space. The volume of information accumulated since the accident was so large that it was infringing on buffer space. In fact the system had trimmed buffer space to the minimum. This in turn slowed processing and added time for decompressing retrieved information before using it, as it was all stored in compressed format.

In analyzing the problem, they found that the protocols for automatically transferring the data to the ship had not executed since the accident. The system didn't have any provisions to erase storage space until the data was transferred to a designated storage unit. The transfer was programmed to happen automatically each time Donna's ship connected to the ship's systems. They did determine that the link to the ship's data bank was still active.

Once they were certain the transfer was the bottleneck Rusty said, "Donna, execute the command to initiate a data transfer and show us the dialog."

After she started the transfer, there was a long delay before there was any response. When the transfer was confirmed, the source of the confirmation on the ship appeared to be a different location from the target, then nothing happened, and no transfer was initiated.

They waited a while and then decided that the system had ignored the request. Puzzling through the various options on why that would occur, Alison said, "Donna, is this the same connection you used before the accident?"

"No. It is in a different part of the ship. In fact until the accident none of the crew had been in this part of the ship."

"So your request is coming from an address that is different from where the system thinks you should be?"

"Could be. Before the accident, there were several ports I could use in our area."

They attributed the change in destination to the change in location on the ship. "Donna, ask for your build profile and the most recent activity records?"

The response was quick. It included the profile information but indicated that the ship Donna was assigned to was on a mission.

Donna said, "The dates on the activity records are from before the accident."

After discussing the results and reviewing the program, they decided the problem was likely due to flight traffic control not logging Donna back into the ship's system, so the data bank would have no reason to query for a download as the protocols required. Since Donna was on a mission her query requesting a download would be seen as unauthorized access.

Now they thought they understood the situation, the question was how to make the ship's data bank accept Donna's data and place it in the correct spot.

"Donna does anyone left on the ship have any knowledge of traffic control operations?"

"Yes. Several do but none worked directly in that section."

"Wonderful," said several as smiles broke out in the group.

"Donna," said Sarah, "it is nearly dinner time, so would you ask those who are familiar with ship's traffic control to document what they know and send it to us tomorrow?"

Sally said, "Let's call it a day as we are all tired."

"Yep," said Alison with a smile. "It will be easier to relax tonight since it looks like we have a clue to resolving part of the issue."

"True," responded Joyce. "I'm ready to let my milk down and relax."

"You can relax on the exerciser," laughed Terry.

"Sure I can relax my mind while my muscles get their exercise."

"Oh, okay. I agree with Alison about our accomplishment."

"This could be very difficult to solve," said Rusty.

"Yea, but we made progress," responded Janet. "I've looked at so many lines of code I think my eyes are crossed."

The patio was very quiet at dinner time as everyone was tired. Once they had finished and cleaned up, Amy opened the evening's discussion by asking for a status on the projects.

Bob said, "You already know about the detection rings we planned to set up. Well we've populated most of them and are in the early stages of linking them to the controller. In a few days, we should be in pretty good shape."

Then Sam said, "The first planting cycle for the garden is done. In two weeks we will repeat this planting. By doing this until the weather changes, we should have sufficient fresh vegetables for our meals and to preserve. Unfortunately, we don't know the growing season so we are sort of flying blind. Tomorrow we will begin making more permanent arrangements for the livestock."

Ann said, "Even with produce from the garden we will still be using the food replicators."

Andy stood and said, "I don't know where the food comes from but you all do a great job preparing it." With that everyone began applauding.

The kitchen staff blushed and Ann said, "Thanks for telling us. We were pretty sure you liked it based on how quickly it all disappears."

Joyce said, "We found a major bottleneck today in Donna's system. Basically information isn't being transferred to the ship like it should be. We think if we can resolve this, it will solve some of Donna's resource issues." Her comments prompted Amy and Erica to smile, as the additional resources would greatly increase Donna's active capabilities.

Sarah stood and said, "I can see everyone is getting very tired of the continuous effort we are making. Why don't we work the next two days as usual, then relax for two days? I think we could all use the break."

"Yes," said Betsy. "I agree with Sarah, in fact she beat me to the idea." With those comments, some relief showed on everyone's face.

Amy seeing the response nodded and said, "I think that is an excellent idea. If there aren't any questions, see you all tomorrow." With that everyone began to leave for their quarters. Without exception, each left with a bit more spring in their step, knowing two days of relaxation were coming up.

When they reached the conference room the next morning, Donna had the requested information on docking procedures. They compared Donna's flight record for her return to the ship against the procedures as even though it was a simulated return the same procedures should have been followed.

They quickly discovered that normal procedures were not followed when Donna returned with the crew to the ship. This was after the accident, and they were unable to get flight control to respond. Their solution had been for several crew members to force their way on board and then set up for manual docking. The reason attributed to this was lack of power in flight control.

Since the manual docking with the ship, a number of systems had been brought partially back on line. The data indicated that the main computer system was still actively attached to the docking bays.

After reviewing the information the group looked at each other, then Sarah said, "Think we can do this?"


With that they began writing a script for Donna to follow from the command module on her scout ship. They studied the details, relating them to each step, to make sure each perspective was correct. Their script had Donna executing the post docking procedure just as if she had just docked. Before this could be acted on they needed to ghost an acknowledgment transmission to the scout ship from traffic control. They called Amy, Jim and Erica in to discuss the plan.

When they arrived, Sarah said, "We think nearly all of Donna's data storage could be freed up by downloading it to the ship's data center. This is an automatic transfer that should have taken place once Donna reconnected. The ship's data center is still active. We believe it failed due to the way Donna returned to the ship, that is by manually docking. The ship's database still has your ship out on a mission. By freeing up Donna's data storage, she should be able to support everything we need assistance with here."

"This is too easy," said Erica. "How do we know the ship won't send some kind of destruct signal?"

"We don't," responded the group as one voice. Erin, Claudette and Tara were now firmly embedded in their mind-link. "There isn't any record of computer viruses being an issue when the ship's systems were active. We can disable Donna's self-destruct command and reroute the backup. Erica, do you know of any security issues we have missed?"

"None that I can remember," replied Erica.

"Can we deep scan your minds to look for any hidden locations that may have been given to you during training?" they asked.

After looking at one another Amy, Erica and Jim nodded their agreement.

They split into three groups so they could quickly complete the scans with Sarah, Sally and Rusty each leading a group. In each they found an area, isolated from the rest of their thought activity. They left the isolated area to be evaluated last. A careful review didn't show any conditional hidden command sets.

Their focus moved to the isolated areas. As they moved closer the area became brighter but remained hazy. All three began to breathe heavily as their metabolism increased. Relax we have only come here to find things to help us restart the main ship. The group projected calming thoughts and the three relaxed some. They watched as the isolated areas cleared, showing reserved emergency procedures and the associated codes to be used. Once all the information was gathered they pulled back, but left the three of them with feelings of love and respect.

Looking at Amy, Erica and Jim, they said, "Thanks a lot. This clears up several things that we did not understand about the procedures. Do we have your permission to proceed?"

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1stTime I Played Alone Was With My Black Neighbor

  George eagerly followed me to the patio table with a massive erection quite visible. Quickly I excused myself to get dressed and satisfy my burning desire to get off. I couldn’t get this beautiful black man or his extended cock out of my mind as my pussy was a raging passion pit needing relief.. Lurking out the semi-closed blinds, I noticed George privately stroking his manhood as I peered out my bedroom window. Spying on my hot built black neighbor for a moment, attempting to see more...

2 years ago
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Soccer Mom Conquest 3 The Outdoor Game

So it’s been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn’t really thought about sexually but it isn’t to say she isn’t desirable....

4 years ago
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Horny Milf intro and first date

This is my first and so far only encounter with someone from xhamster (by the way has been the best sexual encounter I’ve had yet). So im not in my home state and have been extremely horny. Spending most my days looking for new things on xhamster, I’ve had a profile for a long while and barely tried the dating part. So I say why not try more and try to find something. Months have pass and I talk to a few people but nothing extravagant but some excitement through messageing only. So at this...

4 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Chapter 10

Monday night was interesting, to say the least. Christine had a "date" and was not around, so Dimitri showed up at our place unannounced and unhappy. Karl was ecstatic that Alec would arrive sometime tonight. We knew Rex would show up when he finished his local tasks. We also knew Rex would claim his property. I prayed that Alec and Ian would show up and be such a distraction for my husband so that I could get the fucking I needed. Dimitri said, “Our friend Christine is a very good employee....

3 years ago
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Watching ManonMan

When I was in high school, I considered myself bisexual. I hooked up with a lot of guys as well as girls, and what I remember from those years is that everyone was horny as hell all the time. We had all had to cope with parents, and most parents were telling us, “no-no,” while our bodies were telling us, “yes-yes!” Discovering girls’ bodies and boys’ bodies was a thrill, an endless pursuit. Not only did each one look different in some amazing way, but each felt different and tasted different....

3 years ago
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Hot honeymoon of a Couple

This is the Incident of during my Honeymoon. I got Married to a Village Damsel, Jyoti, just 19 years of Age, Last Year. I will Like to Give details of Physique of my Wife, She was 19, 5' 6", Wheatish Complexion, with a figure of 36-24-34, she had a figure to Die For. If She Walks on Road, She will definitely Make the Heads Turn towards her, as she was So young, LengthyHair,Good Height, Firm Breasts and a Sleek Ass to make the heads turn. As we were engaged for 6 MONTHS before Marrige, We used...

1 year ago
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The Wishes Tempus FugitBalls to the wall

James biked to the mall, parked his bike and chained it before heading inside. He looked around for Carrie as he slowly walked the perimeter of the food court, looking at the store windows. On his second circuit he saw Carrie come in. Waving to her, he walked up to her. “Hey, Carrie.” She smiled, “Hi, James.” “Glad you could make it. Did you have any trouble?” James asked. “No, but I have biked to this mall before,” She replied. “Great,” he smiled awkwardly, trying to sound more...

2 years ago
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Slippery When WetChapter 3

The farm was prospering and they needed more help. Rod’s younger brother Andy had just turned sixteen and he was hired part time. Also a farm boy, he was a big help right away. Like she had done with Rod, Martha took charge of bringing him up to speed. After a while the family got tired of getting dressed when Andy might come to the house so his big brother clued him in. Like his older brother, he was a shy virgin. It took lots of reassurance for him to be OK showing his unavoidable teenage...

1 year ago
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A wifes Satanic debauch

I originally wrote this for a friend, and in reference to his wife. You can therefore read it as such, or, if it takes your fancy, read it as pertaining to your own wife._________________________________Your wife had gone shopping in the city, and had somehow wandered into one of the little side streets where she normally didn't go. It had paid dividends though, she'd found a lovely little boutique clothing shop, as well as a little shoe shop specializing in upmarket dress shoes.She wandered...

2 years ago
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Cheating Wife

Friends I am Shiv middle aged, happily married business man. I have a close friend since school days called Vikram, living in the city of Tajmahal Agra. He knew about my many girl friends in college and had told his wife about my hot relationships with them. His wife’s name is Anjali a housewife, you know typical Indian woman doing all household jobs, taking care of her only son, husband, guests like her husband’s aunty etc. who visit her occasionally. A true Gharwali. Once I had some work so I...

4 years ago
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Wife wanted to watch me suck

I've been married for three years now. My wife is very sex positive and loves to have orgasms. She had told me about some of her experiences and I have told her about some of mine, but I knew she was holding out on me and I was holding out on her. When I was a boy, there was a man who lived in my neighborhood who took an interest in me. He worked nights and his wife worked during the day. He was very friendly. One day during the summer, we was walking home on a particularly hot day. He was...

3 years ago
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An Artful Dance of Seduction

Lucia looked around at the happy smiling faces of the rich and beautiful. They were here to see and be seen. Her Sunday outdoor ritual had been going on for two months now. There was only one more month to go, and her genealogy study for the government would take her to a new place, a new set of surroundings, offering the same empty and unfulfilling experiences that dragged her down now. Lucia had grown up in a negative home environment and that was the filter she wore. Lucia had exemplary...

1 year ago
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The Crash

I had no clue I would be meeting anyone, especially at the hardware store. I was wearing pants, work boots and a cut off T-shirt. This was the week that I planned to spend rebuilding the porch around the house. I was at hardware store picking up the nails, flashing and some miscellaneous tools. As I shut the tailgate of my truck she was walking by. She was gorgeous. The breeze pushed her fragrance toward me. She smelled so sweet, not overpowering simply enticing. I stopped and watched her,...

2 years ago
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Cathy and Chris Ch 09

It was a Monday night like any other, a school night and the kids were in bed, the washing machine and dishwasher rumbled to themselves and he made her a decaf coffee before sitting down with his own tea. She was sat on one of the sofas, a blanket over waist and knees and her body drawn up. As she took the coffee from him, consciously or unconsciously, she stretched her legs out on the other large cushion and Chris sat at the end of the sofa nearest her and smiled. She noticed but didn’t make...

2 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 1

She always was a naughty little tease and subtlety was a concept completely alien to her. The way she’s reclining right now is a perfect case in point. I can honestly say that I have never laid a hand - or any other body part, for that matter - on her in an inappropriate way. God knows I had in my dreams though. She is very fond of teasing, and I mean anyone; if she was in the mood to tease, she would. Men, women, young or old; nobody was off limits. She really gets off on it. I get to witness...

2 years ago
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More Girlie Points

Chapter I Tom pulled on the panties noticing that his penis was already erect. Damn he was horny! It had been almost two weeks since Jen had let him have an orgasm and he really wanted one tonight. His tease of a wife had been making his life hell since that last Sunday night when, to earn his orgasm, he'd agreed to wear panties to work the next day. That had earned him the five girlie points he needed. Girlie points were what he earned when he did things like wear a bra...

1 year ago
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Wet Dreams And Damsel In The Office

It was just another day I woke up to, with vivid memories of the dream I just had. It was, in some sense, similar to what I have been dreaming for a couple of days now. All these visions had one thing in common – I was having passionate sex with the same girl. I could remember my fingers caressing her curves, her sweet voice moaning my name, the taste of her lips and the scent of her hair. In each dream, I was having a truly sensual experience with this heavenly angel on different occasions....

3 years ago
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Wonderland 5

Down the hole like RabbitsIt had been at least a half hour and Steve decided it was time. "So what's the story with Uncle Bob and how did you meet Dad?" asked Steve.He was trapped in the back seat of his parents' car as the traveled to his grandparents' house. He had been a voyeur and watched his parents have sex for several months. While his father was away on a business trip he had fucked his mother and found that they both like it. When his father got home instead of the fucking stopping his...

3 years ago
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Deception And Careful Planning

Well readers this is a story of how deception and careful planning led to sex with Charu my batch mate.Lets begin.. THE SETUP The story begins in the summer of 2016 and in the state of Ohio in the US where I had gone to do my summer internship. Well a little about myself, I am a 21 year old boy who spends his time programming or writing stories. I am an introvert by nature and seldom talk to girls except when asking for assignments or project submissions. My dedication made me a pet with the...

3 years ago
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Pay Back

Payback I was out strolling down the main shopping thoroughfare ambling and taking my time, it was a very warm day so I decided to take a seat in a café and have a cool drink. Only half full, there were plenty of seats so I chose the one nearest the door to catch the breeze, and duly ordered my drink. Looking around there was the usual mix of people, a young couple at the far end, a few pensioners and one particular lady caught my eye. I had a feeling I knew her and yet at the same time was...

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Grindr Meetup Turned Into Gay Foursome

Hey, this is James. I am a 24-year-old guy I am a bisexual guy. Though I have a girlfriend I indulge in occasionally. My encounters are always no strings attached. I am a pure bottom. Once when my girl and I was making out at my home. I was extremely horny and I wanted someone to drill my ass. So I installed an app called Grindr. It’s a gay version of Tinder. I always liked old daddies who could take my ass over. And so I started searching for old daddies who are tops and ready to fuck. I saw...

Gay Male
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House helper

I grew up with only my mother for most of my c***dhood. My mother, Lisa met my father, John while they attended college. They stayed together after college and got married young. Both my parents found good jobs and their careers took off. My mother got pregnant with me after about 4 years of marriage. Unfortunately, the pressure from their jobs and having a baby so young, their marriage only lasted another couple of years.My mother could not stay home and raise me even before the divorce. They...

1 year ago
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Wife Swap IV

Eleven years into a marriage and I managed to unleash the uninhibited sexual desires of Danny, my beautiful blonde wife. In the process, I learned a lot about myself that I didn’t think was possible.Danny, short for Daniela - a name she hated - had managed to come out of her heterosexual monogamous shell, primarily at my urging. I wanted us to find a fulfillment in new adventures and so it was we embarked on this journey into the unknown.Danny had hooked up with Bob, our next door neighbor, and...

4 years ago
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Mr Ks Favourite Student and the Rescue

I have taken onboard comments from readers of my other parts and have checked this story over many times, so i'm sure there are still many errors left but i tried my best!!! Enjoy... (And for those of you who don't understand who it isn't finished, it's part of a series...) The car had begun moving, the tracer had shown it moving north, but they had made a stop at some particularly expensive flats in New Fernston, I knew for a fact they had just been finished. I noted down the...

2 years ago
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The incest video interviews chapter 8B

I was standing there with a wet pussy, and it wasn't just from lady juice. Ted splattered it with cum, and if I didn't know before, I definitely knew it then, I loved that sister fucker."Oh, someone must have liked that," I said."You could say that," Ted moaned.Then he leaned towards me, and we began making out. After a few seconds, we began moving towards the bed. We both laid down, and he wasted no time getting his cock inside me. Both ladies got a close look, and Lacy still held the camera....

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Robledo MountainChapter 24

I was up before first light the next morning. I found two of the ladies already up and quietly preparing to make breakfast for the camp. I walked down to the river and soaked my head in the water to wake me up, as well as help tame my hair. When I lifted my head from the river, I found Giuseppe and Hector had joined me. After relieving ourselves we walked back up to the campfire where the ladies handed us each a cup of coffee. We sat drinking our coffee and enjoying the quiet of the...

1 year ago
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Cum Loving Husband PT2

I woke up to the sound of my wife moaning and groaning, she had already sucked one of the guy's cock this morning and she had one in her pussy and one in her ass. When they seen that I was awake my wife said for me to go into the kitchen and make some coffee. I went into the kitchen and made everybody a cup of coffee.I returned to the bedroom and as I opened the door my wife was cumming all over herself. One of her lovers the one in her pussy had not cum yet so she took his cock out of her...

2 years ago
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UTOU Football Game Casual Meeting

out! I apologized to her and she smiled. She asked " If I was staying for the rest of the game." I replied " No, that I was leaving to go home." I asked her " If she was staying." She replied " Maybe, but may be interested in leaving." I asked her to join me at my place. Angelina is 34 yrs old and hot. She has long black hair, about 5' 9", with a nice set of tits. She arrived at my place wearing a tight fitting, low cut blue silk dress, which barely went halfway down her thighs....

3 years ago
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My Family Business Clients

To story aise suru hoti hai. Pehle baap bhai aur phir bf ke dosto ke sath ganda wala gangbang krwakar me ekdam randi ban chuki thi aur ghar me jaise man waise ghumne lagi kabhi sirf bra me to kabhi panty me aisa lagta tha ki mein kisi kothe par rhti hu aur apne aango ko dikhakar customer pasati hu. Wo baat alag hai ki mera ghar kotha nai hai par mere ghar me mere baap aur bhai ke roop me do dalal jaroor hai jo mujhe jab man aae tab ragar dete hai but unlogo ne abhi tak koi bahar ka aadmi nai...

2 years ago
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Slippery Susie My MILF Part Three

Introduction: Susie heads back to work for more fun with Jake and Kerry Slippery Susie – Part 3 – Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFM Only 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in the front door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susie was not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop himself from having another quickie with his sister-in-law. Either way, it left the two sisters alone when Liz finally arrived. Liz was surprised but happy to...

4 years ago
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Volunteer Part 3 Up and Cumming

Bernadette and I had grown apart. I had been getting more contract work for cash and would be gone for weeks at a time. My volunteering was almost non-existent and meant that I had no contact with Bernadette. Well, I finally went and saw Bernadette at her home. I explained to her that I had made some nice cash and not been in town for a number of weeks. Bernadette was different and shot me weird facial expression. She started to explain to me that she was spending quite a bit of time with...

4 years ago
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Mom Ko Nanga Karke Khoob Romance Kiya And Choda Bhi

Hi! Dosto meein punjab se hoon aur hum 5 log ka pariwar hai…Papa, mom, bache 3. Mere papa private company mein job krte hain aur mein b-tech 4th sem de ke ghar aaya tha. Meri mom housewife hai.Aaj mein aapko aisi sachai batane jaa rha hoon aur us ghatna k bare mein jis se aaj bhi mere mann ko shanti milti hai………So yeh baat meri aur mere mom ki hai….Meri mom bahut hi sexy hai aur uske boobs! Hiiiiiii hiiiiiii! Jee kar ta hai puri zindagi bar uske boobs chusta jaon…Aur uska navel bhi gehra hai.....

1 year ago
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Hello LadyBoy

How many of you get off to fucking ladyboys? Well, if you know what I’m talking about, then you know precisely the kind of sexy people I’m referring to. But for those whose brains are melting at the term of ladyboys, let’s keep it simple for them. A ladyboy is an Asian transsexual. But then again, if you didn’t know that, you probably are not into this kind of porn in the first place!On the other hand, if you are or are curious, allow me to invite you to Hello Ladyboy. This series has been a...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Twisted Porn

Want to get freaky at TwistedPorn aka Wild Master? Ever felt like taking your porn game to the next "fucked up" level? I know I sure have. After watching countless hours of vanilla porn and all of your regular genres and everything that you’d expect from ordinary porn tube sites, I felt like spicing things up a bit. And that’s when I found this freakshow of a website. Welcome to TwistedPorn.com, a porn site that’s all about showing you the weirdest, meanest, and (you guessed it) most twisted...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Journey To Get To The Pussy 8211 Part 1

Hi Readers, This is Vikram 27 years old fair and handsome guy from Bangalore. I am 5.9 inches in height with an athletic body. I am a fitness freak and maintain myself well. I have been a regular reader of ISS and have also written . The stories I have read encouraged me to share my experience. It is a real-life experience, and I shall try my best to share with you exactly how it happened. Well, it all happened 8 years back with my girlfriend. Her name was Shreya, and she was 26 years old. She...

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