ComrieChapter 17 free porn video

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Three days after placing Astrid and Denise with the women at the resort, the Intelligence department received a message from Trudy, one of the paralegal bots. It said that James had just received an e-mail from the four reporters. The message from them was dated the previous Friday and said they were taking the week off to relax as they felt they needed a vacation. All four of them were going to a resort together.

"AI," said Shannon when she saw the message, "can you locate the reporters?"

"They are at the resort where Sue, Sam, Irene, Kelsey and Karmen are, but not in the same area."

"That was quick."

"It seemed logical to look there first, based on all the connections."

"Good. Alert everyone that the 'flesh peddlers' have started to move." Moments later tones began to sound throughout Dóchas, raising its readiness level. Simultaneously, tones began to sound at Comrie indicating to the Security teams that they were all now on standby. At the Mars settlement, Breacadh announced that Dóchas would soon depart for Earth orbit and that all Security Team members were to be on board.

"AI," said Shannon, "we need to send two bots to check on the journalists. They can link with the drones supporting Astrid and Denise."

That afternoon Mr. Schneider, the EOUSA Regional manager, called James MacFarland. He advised James that he and an associate would visit them on Thursday. At that time they would review the status of all active cases. They were particularly interested in the time spent on what was referred to as the 'lodge incident'. Afterward, Clarence and he should plan on joining him for dinner.

Marie, a paralegal bot, immediately informed Command Staff of the call.

Several hours passed before the two bots, Aileen and Andrea, confirmed that they had located the journalists. They were being held in a restricted section in the resorts members only area. The room was located below ground level and had had some difficulty getting past security. Based on the difficulty they had communicating with the drone, they weren't sure teleporting would be possible. They decided to remain near the journalists until they were asked to return.

They then gave a summary of the journalists' condition. All were in good shape considering the severity of the treatments they had received in a short space of time. To the bots it seemed that the treatments were directed toward altering the journalists' appearance to something that would be almost grotesque. Although the four were doing well mentally, they didn't think that they understood how much their appearance would change. The information on the desk outside the room, indicated that the changes would be noticeable by Friday and take several months to complete. However their areola and nipples were already puffy. They advised the Intelligence department that they would probe the journalists' minds and initiate the appropriate mental defensive measures.

In closing, the report said that they were considering having one of them listening in the hall to see what the future plans were.

The Intelligence department sent them a message telling them to proceed as they thought appropriate.

The Intelligence department staff advised the Security teams that the four journalists were being held at the resort in a room below ground level.

"AI," said Muireann, "do we have enough of locator beacons for all the people who work in James's office?"

"Yes. All of them are now fitted with them."

"Muireann," said Lydia, "I understand your reasoning, but even if we had fitted the journalists with those it wouldn't have made any difference. The only thing that might have helped, would have been escorts."

"We do not have enough bots to escort all the office staff," said the AI.

"Why did we miss the significance of the word 'four' in the conversation?"

"Probably," said Shannon, "because we were focusing on the five women. The other part of it is that there is so much about these people that we don't know. They act and operate much like a spy ring."

"AI," said Muireann, "as soon as the bots send the full medical report on the journalists, forward it to Betsy and her staff. I think they will need to act quickly once we get them out of there. Hmm ... Could we give the journalists something to slow or stop the changes?"

"AI, bring the Medical and Command Staff into a conference with us."

Once everyone was in the conference, Lydia reviewed the journalists' situation based on the bots preliminary report. Muireann repeated the question she asked earlier.

"There are possibly two ways," said Betsy. "One is for us to concoct some kind of blocking treatment. The other is through the use of their psionic ability, if they have the attribute. The first has all kinds of risks. There is less risk if we let this run its course then follow up with a supplemental treatment."

"Which bots are there?" asked Connie.

"Aileen and Andrea. They did say that they were going to try to do a mental evaluation."

"Great. They have the ability to assist the journalists in activating their psionic abilities, if they have the attribute. Shannon, send them the following message:

Psionic Activation Imperative.

Dream state.

Negate treatments where possible.

May the Gods be with you.

Both should respond with 'And the Goddesses'.

"Shannon you must send it telepathically."

The group watched as Shannon sat quietly, seemingly staring off into space. When she moved, she smiled for the first time all day. "The message was received and acknowledged. The bots advised me that the journalists do have the attributes. They've already carried out the preliminaries."

"Those are two very exceptional bots," said Betsy.

"Guys," said Sarah addressing the Intelligence department, "the next week is going to be very stressful. Split up into two shifts and make sure you eat and sleep."

"Yes, mother," responded the whole room before breaking up in laughter.

"Actually we already are working two shifts with staggered times," said Shannon. "Several of us have made places to sleep here as well."

"All well and good, but don't forget to link with your spouses. Your mind link with them will help you solve problems."

"Is that why we've missed what appear now to be obvious clues?" said Lydia.

"That is a hard question to answer," said Tara. "It could be a part of the reason. Another part is the lack of experience and it is most likely the latter."

"Keep at it," said the Command Staff as the conference ended.

–-- –-- –--

On the morning after the call from EOUSA regarding the visit, Clarence and James gathered in James's office for their daily conference. Just as they started their attention was drawn to the door at it began to open. Both were surprised by the Trudy and Marie entered as it wasn't the way they normally did it.

"Yes," said James as he watched them close the door. He sensed that this was something important as they weren't usually this forward.

"We think it is imperative that you meet some friends of ours today. So you will take us to lunch."

"Can't it wait? We have a lot to do before the Thursday meeting."

"No," said both of them firmly.

Both James and Clarence thought "their expression is just like mom's."

"It must be done today!" The two groups stared at each other for a long time.

"Okay. If you think it is that important, but we will likely need you to stay late a couple of nights so we can get things ready for Thursday."

"We will stay late any night for as long as you need us too." The two turned and left, closing the door behind them.

James looked at Clarence. "I don't think I have ever seen them that assertive."

"They will make good lawyers, as that is a good quality when it's needed." James looked at Clarence and then the two began to chuckle.

"Yes, and some asshole lawyers don't understand when to use it."

They were still sorting through the open cases in preparation for Thursday when Marie knocked on the door.

"It's time to leave."

After James locked his door, they paired off as they walked toward the front door. On passing the receptionist, Marie said, "We will be gone for a couple of hours. If there is an extremely urgent call route it to our cell phones."

Hearing the comment, James and Clarence were a little surprised at the length of time lunch would take. When they reached the parking lot, Trudy said, "We will take our car as both of yours are too easy to recognize, and are known by too many people."

James and Clarence were puzzled by the direction they were going. They couldn't remember seeing any restaurants in this direction as they headed out of town. It was even more puzzling when they turned into the park where they had met the women now living with them as decoys for their families. Thinking of their families brought home to them how much they missed them. Both thought the daily e-mails were nice but it wasn't the same as having them around or talking to them. Just then they reached an isolated spot deep in the park and were surprised to see a tent set up on the grass with a table and chairs.

"This is amazing. How did you do this?" asked James.

"We didn't, our friends arranged it."

"This is quite an extravagant effort for just a lunch. Who are your friends?"

"We think they are the most important people in the whole galaxy. The most caring. The most ... well just everything." James and Clarence were surprised at the strength and reverence conveyed by their words and tone. It took them a moment to realize that both had spoken in perfect unison.

Trudy said, "It looks like our friends are not here yet. We should warn you, they are quite tall. Most people find that alone quite intimidating."

"Yes, I have sensed that sometimes when I am around new people. Being 6' 6" creates that problem occasionally." James then realized the implication of her comment. "Just how tall are they?"

"About 7' 8" or so."

"I am glad you warned me," replied James as Clarence chuckled.

As they reached the tent, Trudy glanced to the side, and said, "Oh, here they come now." They all turned to look and saw six people walking toward them from the other side of the field.

"Trudy and Marie, it is good to see you again," said Sarah giving them both a hug. The other members of Sarah's Clan nodded in agreement as they too gave the two of them a hug.

"Sarah, this is James MacFarland and this is Clarence O'Toole." Marie then proceeded to introduce Sally, Terry, Rusty, Joyce and Aoife.

"Come, let's get some food and then we can talk," said Sarah.

During their short time in the buffet line, James and Clarence carefully assessed Marie and Trudy's friends. Both sensed that the information shared at this gathering would have a significant impact on them and their families. As James went to sit down, he noticed place cards on the table and moved to sit at the place designated for him. Marie sat next to him with Sarah on his other side. Clarence was across the table from him with Trudy on one side and Sally on the other.

"I have never seen anyone who looks like you all," said James.

"We can understand that as we don't live here," said Sarah. "We reside, part of the time, on a small private island in the Western Atlantic. It is a place hardly anyone knows about."

"You're not referring to the Caribbean, are you?"

"Oh, no. Our island is almost due east of Florida. We don't believe it shows on any maps and it is out of normal sea routes. It is really nice."

"What are your backgrounds?" asked Clarence.

"Clarence, Rusty, Sarah, Terry and I are board members of Galactic Intrusion Security Services. We previously worked for a data security firm in the northeast, before we moved there. Joyce is the daughter of the couple who owned the firm where we worked. Aoife has joined us since we moved to the island."

"Interesting," said James. "I presume all of you know about the case Clarence and I have been working on." Noticing Marie and Trudy looking uncomfortable when the group nodded he added, "Marie, Trudy, I feel certain you did not tell them what they know." Both relaxed considerably. "So Rusty, I take it you are the one who called the Guard Commander after several of the soldiers were told to either come back to work or lose their jobs."

"Yes, I did. It seemed like the right thing to do."

"Thank you. When that happened, I was surprised by the action of the soldiers' employers. In analyzing the situation later I could see why they did it, but it still bothered me. When we heard that someone had spontaneously offered them employment, almost before it was public information, it really tweaked my curiosity. Considering the potential implications to the case, I did a little checking into the principals of GISS outside of my normal sources. I didn't find much, and part of what I did find it appears to be inconsistent. First, Rusty your military service record must be several inches thick, based on the summary I was able to see after some pleading. Even with my clearance, I couldn't see very much of it. The part I found odd was that the information on you seemed to stop suddenly."

Sarah smiled, "Rusty, Sally, Terry and I worked for N&R Security. We were kidnapped from there, along with Joyce and three friends. We woke up six months later on the island. We are not sure that we have enough time now to share with you the details of what has happened in the intervening time. Our hosts at the island were also victims of our kidnappers although in a different way. The kidnappers are linked to a group we refer to as the 'flesh peddlers'. How, we are not certain. Due to several events where we've had contact with them, we've accumulated quite a bit of data on them and their operation." James started to interrupt. "Please hear me out." James nodded but looked very tense.

"You started to ask to see what we had. We would like to do that. However, if we did, our concern is that it would taint what you have found on your own and with the help of the journalists. We definitely do not want to see that happen. We would like to see your group succeed through your own efforts. None of us are lawyers, so we may be being overly cautious."

"James, Clarence," said Aoife, "the 'flesh peddler' operation appears to have principals or agents in virtually every government on Earth. We are certain they hold influential positions in the governments of the developed countries. They are positioned in such a way as to make the operation almost untouchable. Your investigation has them very concerned, and they are very determined to stop you, as they've indicated in the video recordings you received."

"The reason we asked Marie and Trudy," said Sarah, "to arrange this meeting today is because of our forecast of future events. This is based on information that we've recently been able to fit together. This coming weekend, we are projecting several events taking place. These involve both of you, your girlfriend and daughter, Clarence's wife and daughters and the four journalists."

Hearing that statement brought forth James's and Clarence's worst fears and clearly showed on their faces. They had been pleased that the use of the decoys had appeared to work, and that their families were safely on vacation. Extrapolating the possible harm to their families was quickly consuming their thoughts.

"James, Clarence," said Aoife softly and warmly to get their attention again, "Sue, Irene, Sam, Kelsey, and Karmen are well and will be fine." While Aoife spoke, Sarah, Sally, Terry and Joyce pushed feelings of calm toward both men.

"Once they safely arrived at the resort, we've been monitoring them but only to the extent of confirming they were there. Recently we discovered additional information that caused to look closer at the resort. In doing so we discovered that they had moved to a different area of the resort. This area is restricted to members only. The resort is operated by the organization behind the 'flesh peddlers'.

"As a result, we have sent some of our people in to check on your families. This is how we know they are safe and well. However, they've been receiving a mind altering drug which alters their perceptions so they follow any instructions given to them. All five have responded in a positive way. By this I mean that they are complying and not trying to resist any instructions. We suspect they have recognized that by taking this approach it minimizes the potential for abuse. In addition to this drug they are receiving several other drugs which affect other aspects of their perceptions and their response to stimulation."

"At this time, we would prefer not to share a lot of the detail," said Sally, "of what we think the coming events will be. Our concern is that this could alter your natural responses when the events take place. If noticed it could endanger all of you. On the other hand, in order develop a plan to deal with them, you need to know some of it."

"We are familiar with that paradox but this is the first time I've been in the hot seat," responded James.

"Well I've been in the hot seat, but this is the first time that it is personal," added Clarence. "We definitely need to know enough to work with you on how to get our families out of danger."

"Let us be clear regarding your families safety," said Sarah firmly. "We can remove them from the resort immediately, if that is what you want us to do. Currently we have resources near them and they are monitoring their well being. We will act unilaterally and pull them out, if it becomes necessary. Doing so will have a lot of ramifications many of which are unknown because we don't know who the players are.

"In addition to your family the journalists are being held there. They are in a restricted area underground near their dungeons. We can rescue the journalists but their location makes it nearly impossible to do unobtrusively."

"So you want to let this play out?" said James with raised eyebrows. "It seems the risks are awfully high..."

"Yes, we think letting them continue to play their hand has many benefits with little or no increase in risk to your families or the journalists. This way you get to see many of their cards which should let you identify those involved. It does add some risk for both of you even though we will be nearby. Our goal is no permanent injury to any of you and expose them."

"We like your goals," responded James after glancing at Clarence. "I think, we should hear what you believe will happen and how to counter it."

Clarence added, "I agree but my concern is whether we can then act naturally."

"Now that we've met you, I believe we have a solution for that," said Aoife.

"In summary beginning sometime Thursday evening," said Rusty, "we expect both of you will be drugged and taken to the 'flesh peddlers' private resort where your family is. After arriving there, you will be given other drugs as they try to suck every bit of information they can out of you. Once they have what they want, they will show you some of the blackmail material your families have been making. During this you will likely be under the influence of drugs similar to those your families are receiving. The blackmail material is erotic videos with your families as the identifiable participants. It is likely these will include scenes showing both of you sexually engaged with the women." Rusty could see the rage building in both men and waited a few minutes for them to calm down.

"Whenever you think you are going to lose control, remember 'revenge is best served cold'. After seeing the videos, their offer will be to not distribute them, if you agree to kill the investigation. By agreeing they will let you leave with your family. If you refuse then none of you will leave their control. The women will begin working in the resorts members lounge as companions or entertainers. Both of you would experience something similar to what Dale and Larry experienced only drawn out over a longer time. One caution is that several members are not keen on using blackmail. They prefer a permanent solution."

"What an awful choice," responded James as Clarence nodded. Both looked beaten, knowing they would have great difficulty in dropping the investigation into the 'lodge incident', effectively endorsing their activities. Submitting to blackmail they knew would eat at them, until it destroyed them and likely their relationship with their families. Submitting to blackmail was an option only if they thought they could win by pretending to cooperate. The sense of what had, and would, happen to the women was already eating at their spirit.

"Good grief, I didn't think you would give up so easily," said Terry. "We have a plan we call 'Checkmate'. It will require you to trust us completely from this point forward, or at least until we get through this. We are certain that we will get all of you out of the resort safely and no one will suffer any further abuse. This includes the journalists. Can you do that?"

Clarence and James looked at each other and then at each of their hosts. All their instincts were telling them to do it, but logically there were all kinds of warning flags. "Rusty, on some of those missions, what did you trust?" asked James. "Logic or instinct."

"When the two conflicted, almost always instinct." Clarence smiled at Rusty's response. "In many of those situations, logic took too long." Clarence began to laugh as Rusty completed the comment.

"Ladies and Rusty," said Clarence, "what do you want us to do? I have a feeling we will all likely be much better off by trusting you completely."

James looked searchingly at Clarence for a moment, then said, "I'm in. One thing though, when this is all over, will you tell us about what happened after your kidnapping. I'm kind of surprised it was never made public."

"Guys, we should ask them if they want to know the details of Checkmate now. They may have some suggestions we have overlooked or see things we have missed. It also lets them make the decisions on what will taint the cases against the 'flesh peddlers'. Let's ask them."

"Okay," said the rest of Command Staff.

"James, Clarence," said Terry, "We have told you that we have a plan to handle the situation. Although we've asked, do you want to be more involved? If so, would it impact your case? As we mentioned before, we are not attorneys. So how can we avoid impacting the case?"

"Yes! I would like to participate in the planning," said James immediately as Clarence nodded. "My initial concern is as you expressed earlier. If we do participate, then knowing what is planned could cause us to not act appropriately. Actually with the little you've told us may affect our responses. With us and our families being involved, we will almost certainly have to step back from the cases. As to impacting the cases, we should be the ones who find and secure the evidence."

"As Aoife noted, we can solve the question of foreknowledge affecting your actions," said Sarah. "However, it will take us several hours to give you the background information and to go over our strategy."

James looked at Marie and Trudy saying, "We don't have anything that requires us to return to the office, do we?"

"No. The schedule is open so we can prepare for Thursday."

"I am not sure how long we will need, but what about this. We work here until around 4 PM, then if we need more time all of you come to my place for dinner."

"James, are you aware that your house is being monitored?" asked Sally.


"Yes, not closely but it is being monitored. However, we can arrive without being seen. Marie and Trudy could just follow you home from the office. To anyone watching that would appear normal."

"Why don't we invite the group staying at my house over?" said Clarence. "That would increase the number of people in the house and make your presence less noticeable."

"James, Clarence," said Sarah, "now to answer your questions more fully. We have had a very interesting time for the last several years. Although it will take a little longer, we feel we need to show you condensed versions of two presentations we've given to others who joined us. The first was to those we invited to visit us and consider helping us restore a spaceship as employees. The second provides you with a history of the survivors' society that we've joined. There is a third presentation that can wait until another time. It deals with the physical differences between humans and us. After those we will go over the instances we've run into the 'flesh peddlers'."

"Why?" asked James.

"It should make our review of the times we've crossed paths with the 'flesh peddlers' easier to understand."

James and Clarence were shocked when they saw the holographic display appear before them. Star monitored their reactions to make sure they were not overwhelmed by the method of display. When the first presentation ended, Sally said, "Yes, we now live on that space ship which we call Dóchas. We are building a colony on Mars, so we can reestablish our species and add additional transportation. You probably have many questions at this point." Both nodded their heads with somewhat of a dazed look on their faces. "It would be best to hold those until after the next presentation as I suspect many will be answered." With that the presentation made to new arrivals began.

When that presentation ended, James and Clarence were quiet for some time. "Wow," said James with Clarence nodding, "is all I can think of to say. I have many questions, but they are more about the details. I think those can wait."

Sally said, "Some would take the events to imply that we were forced into becoming a member of this society. It is not the case, and such an action is completely foreign to this culture."

Joyce said, "When the initial presentations were made, there were very new members of this society. We were reluctant to step into Dóchas's vacant Command Staff position. In their history and culture, reluctance to take that role is seen as a positive attribute. Why isn't one of the original groups the Command Staff? It generally has to do with the psionic abilities a clan has. One major error made in that early presentation is about the need to receive the genetic alteration. To fully function in our society, we now recognize that any new member needs to receive that treatment, which then makes them a member of our species."

"Why is that?" asked Clarence.

"It is partly due to the differences in physical characteristics, and partly due to the addition of psionic abilities. One of those is telepathy. Telepathic ability is needed to fully communicate on the ship."

"I noticed that in the presentations however telepathy is fiction," said James, firmly.

"Yes, and who in their right mind would tell others of their ability," said Sarah telepathically as she looked right at James and Clarence.

"No one," said James. "Wait, I didn't see your lips or mouth move. Oh..." James' face took on a stunned look as he recognized what had happened.

"James," said Clarence, "I heard her as well. I think the next several days will be very interesting. Perhaps just out of this world."

"Do you feel you need to know more about us at this point?" asked Sally.

"No," said Clarence, "but like James, I would like to return to this topic in the near future."

"I agree," said James.

"We will give you and your families access to a complete history of us, this species and society, once we get through the current situation," said Rusty. "We also have a library that is available to our friends and the members of our society.

"This society has a number of advanced tools that we are learning to use. One is robots that can be virtually indistinguishable from a biological biped. Another is drones, and there are several flavors. To help us manage our environment, we have entities that most would call computers. We simply refer to them as AI for artificial intelligence, as many of the AIs are self-aware. Complementing the AIs, are robots who look very much like one of us. We generally refer to them as bots. We bipeds have a tactical suit, which provides us with offensive and defensive ability either on a planet or in space. Bots, drones and those in tactical suits can choose whether to be visible to humans or not. We have many other capabilities but that should give you a flavor. I should note that the person wearing the tactical suit links with its AI telepathically."

"I take it you also have some type of small flight vehicles," said Clarence, "as Dóchas looked huge."

"Yes," said Rusty, "but they are not like those portrayed in films. We simply refer to them as shuttles and Star Fighters. Their names convey their mission. Dóchas is considerably larger than 3 Enterprise size carriers."

"Our first contact with the 'flesh peddlers' was accidental," said Joyce. "It occurred when we started contacting college students who we thought would be ideal crew candidates. Our criteria was that they would be finishing, or nearly finishing, college, part of a group, academically near the top of their class and with few if any family ties...

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Hello readers, my name is Nilesh Tiwari. A few weeks ago, in the afternoon, I was lying on the bed thinking about my inability to attract women towards sexual activities. At 20 years of age, the sexual tension inside me was building up and there was no woman around me on whom I could release my sexual tension. There was nothing wrong with me, but the problem lies with women. Finding a woman looking for sex is difficult in real life. Even if you found one, there was no guarantee that she will...

3 years ago
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Captain GoldChapter 9 Nowhere

Darkness. Darkness and pain. Pain, and the salt, sweet taste of blood in his mouth. Blood, and the smell of death. Darkness! For eons, there was nothing else. His heart beat once, beat again. Stopped... and beat. Stopped, and beat, and beat... Pain, searing through his chest. He coughed weakly, tasting blood. Darkness, inside his head. Were his eyes open? He couldn't tell. His heart fluttered, and beat... , and beat twice again. Paused, and beat, stronger now. He had to open his eyes!...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Harper Red Fire Crotch

Get lucky with this Irish redhead. Seeing red is a good thing with Harper. It means you’re gazing upon her natural red bush. And if you’re looking at it, you’re probably going to lick it and fuck it, like the guy in this scene. Her pussy is lovely on its own, but that red fluff is the cherry on top. What are your fantasies? “Right now it’s to have an anal three-way with two guys. I recently started doing anal, and now that I really like it, it’s time to take...

4 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 9

Roger had given it a lot of thought. All he had was Hillary's vague confession to him. There was no real evidence against her. It was just the time line. I was the wake up call he needed to convince him it would take years to be safe, if he ever managed it at all. Having the cops that pissed off at you wasn't like having your neighbor pissed. Cops could do all kinds of things to a guy. They weren't likely to kill him, but they would likely have no problem killing his dog. He didn't have a...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

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My First

First what you ask. Could he mean the first time he had a crush on a girl, or maybe even the first time he ever fell in love. Possibly he means his first kiss. Well, no. The answer is slightly more up the sexual ladder than that. Now if I had been born a girl then I would probably still remember my first kiss in every detail, but I don't, mainly because i'm a guy. And growing up with those male raging hormones I, like most, was more interested in reaching the next rung of that ladder. Sex...

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We were lying in bed naked I was teasing May's nipples. I ask her without thinking, "Darling, how did you like our evenings at the porno movies? "I liked them." "Are you sure darling?" "Yes baby it was fun." Somehow I thought she was keeping something from me so I said, "We don't have to go back again." "Honey, I'd love to go back ", she said snuggling up against me. "You seem to be keeping something from me, what is it darling?" I asked. "No honey nothing, if you...

3 years ago
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Santa Fe New Mexico ORAL ALLSTAR

Be careful if you have a younger step-brother because if you treat him like shit your entire life then he just may end up putting his dick inside of your wife as payback. My older step-brother has learned this the hard way (well he has no idea so fuck him lol) as my sister-in-law Nickey made the mistake one night during a family get together of telling me she's always thought that I was cute while we were outside near the fire pit. That was all it took to open the door (and her mouth) for the...

2 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend in Vegas Chapter 3 of 7

Friday Evening Brenda held her Master’s arm as they walked through the casino. She noticed people looking at them. She felt wonderful wearing her new clothes. The tight dress over the garter belt and stockings made her feel sophisticated, feminine and sexy all at the same time. She imagined men looking at her back-seam stockings and it made her sway her hips a little more while she walked. She was so happy her Master had made this evening happen. Brenda was surprised when Master guided her to...

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Hunting the OrlanChapter 5

We waited fruitlessly for three hours, but the orlan never showed up. That attested to the experience of the two hunters with me. They were used to this sort of disappointing and frustrating wait for a quarry that never showed up. I said, “It looks to me like we are wasting our time. I think that the orlan would have returned if it were going to today. Let’s go home and resume our hunt tomorrow.” Hunter of Bear and Tracker agreed with me, so we left for home. If we did not return soon, we...

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Long Hair Mom Fucked

I am Raja from a small town of Pandua in West Bengal. I am the only son to my parents. Father is running a grocery shop, small one. He is managing our lower middle class family somehow. The incidence happened when I was 22 and was in college doing my graduation. I am average looking young guy with slim body & average height. This story is about me & my mom. Mom was 44 then. She is small in height, slim, average looking & not very fair. She looks like a perfect Bengali house lady. The biggest...

3 years ago
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my daughter and her friend became my sex slaves

I was out in my recliner watching porn when my daughter and her bff snuck up on me, they started asking questions, they was both just barely 18., they had spent the last 9 years in a convent, they both said they was still virgins, so I turned the porn clip back on to show them what happened between a girl and a man, I found a clip of a girl losing her virginity, first I started kissing my Daughter's bff Raven, then removed her flimsy night dress, then I started kissing my Daughter Candy, and...

4 years ago
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A first for us both

We were both about to embark on a new journey for both of us. She as a sub and me as a dom. We had made arrangements for a Friday evening meeting at a restaurant. At my instruction she was supposed to select a nice seafood restaurant. To my disappointment, she selected a very casual, family style seafood joint. Wooden tables and wood floors, beer and kids abounded. This was way off what I requested. I did not express my disappointement; that would come later. We ate and left promptly. I...

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Train Sex Daily Up And Down

Hi friends and I also would like to share my own story. I am 28 years working professional from Ahmedabad. I daily travel around 1 hour one side to reach my job destination. I go from Ahmedabad to Anand to work in one of the large manufacturing unit. This incident happened before few months as usual I boarded the train in the evening to come back to Ahmedabad at around 7.00 pm. The train was packed with very less space to keep the feet. I got some place in centre of the coach. I was standing...

1 year ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 4 Rescue

“Walk with me, Tia,” said Seth, “and tell me more about this gift” They had been traveling for three days’ forced march now, and all were weary. Aard had recovered quickly, if not yet completely, and Dann’s bruise was healing well, and had subsided to a mere shadow of its former glory. Tia had teased him, saying it made him look like a patch, but patches were black, not purple. They were noisy, too, a minor annoyance when quiet was preferred. Harmless and friendly, patches were often kept as...

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A Tale of Two NanniesChapter 6

Doing anything every four hours is a challenge. It doesn’t sound like it would be that difficult. Four hours is a long time in most circumstances. But doing something every four hours means doing it six times a day and the average human sleeps eight hours straight, or at least should. So Alex’s schedule meant that both she and someone else were going to ruin every night’s sleep for the foreseeable future. There was no established timeline for how long it takes to fool a woman’s breasts into...

4 years ago
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Remember when we used AOL to hook up

I have been dating or married to the same woman for over 12 years now. So my single days were quite a ways away at this point. Therefore, much of my sex and hook-up stories resulted from the use of AOL chat rooms. For nostalgia sake, I'd like to take you back to 1998 and recount a pretty interesting and amusing story.As some of you may remember, on AOL you could scan member's profiles for people near you. As would most, I would customarily have three or four chat boxes going with three or four...

2 years ago
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Interracial Weekends

Ally, a woman where I work, would often come in on Monday mornings looking happy but pretty well used.This one Friday when we were getting off work l saw this buff black guy pick her up. It was rather clear that they were more than just casual friends.Ally is white, married, in her 30s, and this definitely wasn't her husband.The next time I had the chance I asked her, "So who was the black guy that picked you up on Friday?""My weekend date."She saw the look on my face. "My husband got me into...

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A Mother and Her Son 5

"I'll take that as a compliment," she said with a laugh. "Let's get going."Sue and Tommy walked down the street to the Wilson's' house. It was a large home with stone pillars in front and a circular driveway. In the back, they had a large pool with manicured hedgerows for privacy. The house was the largest in the neighborhood and was almost out of place. However, the Wilson's were nice people and fit in well with the community.Shirley Wilson greeted them at the door and hugged Sue. She kissed...

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My FamilyChapter 15

After two weeks Brenda went back to work. I hired a nanny to watch Adam while she worked and she made a suggestion that we build a day care center for the paving company employees like we had done for our other company. I was in no position to refuse so I told her to work out the details and I would start the plan work and then start construction. Brenda started work on the day care center and left a lot of her work to Paula to do. Paula had been with the paving company for about a year and...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 23 Pneumonia

London and Berkshire, Winter 1866/67 Colleen MacAllister was an astounding character and so was Melissa Martin. The latter was not en vogue anymore as a painter but that did not change the fact that her name was a household word. MacAllister on the other hand enjoyed a still growing popularity as writer of adventure and travel novels. She had also recently published a biography, For the Sake of Love: The Life and Times of Admiral Sir Anthony Carter, which Rose had seen heralded in the...

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The Last Family Vacation Pt 4

Tammy had decided she would just pretend that none of the last 12 hours of life had ever happened. Her mother had held her and said she had nothing to be ashamed of but she still felt… perverted. She had let her brother eat her out and then she had blown his cock… and been caught by both her mother and father. No, it would be best if everyone just joined her in pretending none of it had happened.She finished drying off determined to carry out her plan when she opened the door and rounded the...

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Adult Theater Sexaholic

This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time.As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...

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I had never been in a sex cinema before, so I thought I would check one out. I went into the dingy neon lit doorway and up the stairs. I paid my $5 to the old man at the cash and headed to the door marked theatre.I went inside the dark theatre and as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I saw that there were 6 or 7 other guys in there, dotted about the place. I headed for the back row where there seemed to be a bit more legroom and sat down.A film was already playing, one young guy plowing...

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Church Mom

My mom was divorced when I was very young. It was just her and me living together while I was growing up. I hate to admit but she was kind of slutty. And what excited me most was her sexy size 5 curvy high arched feet. And she used them like a weapon, dangling her stiletto high heels at just the right moment when men of interest were around. Although she was slutty, she was a religious slut, attending church every Sunday. This particular story happened when I was 14. We were driving to church...

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Katys Reluctant New Look Ch 01

(Sexy conservative wife is put into uncomfortable situations)"You look so good in your Calvin Klein suit, darling!" I told Jake as he hurried out the door with his orange juice sloshing out of the glass and across his fingers. He was running late for the sales meeting at the brokerage.I love my husband so much! He's not one of those pretty boy types. Instead, he's a man's man; big, strong and very capable of taking care of himself in any situation, physical or otherwise! Jake's the kind of guy...

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WIFE'S BLACK FUNI wrote earlier about my Mother's long term affair with a Black Man while we lived in Virginia in the early 70's. Despite my Mother's affair with a Black guy I never imagined that my wife would ever do anything like that. She was very conservative as a young women having grown up and attended college in Kansas. She had only been intimate with 3 guys before we met and married. I met her after I moved to Kansas City to take a job with a local television news show. Susan was a...

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The Project

This is my first story, so sorry if it sucks. Leave feedback so I can improve! Ding dong. I take my time getting to the door because I know its my boyfriend coming over to work on our Spanish project, which I am dreading. I greet him with a kiss and he follows me into my bedroom. Rob is a sweet and loving guy, always wants to make me feel good. Hes a little on the short side standing at about 57 but thats ok because Im only 51. Hes a little heavier too but has a smile you could die for and...

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Aurora Sexy Assassin

Aurora Sexy Assassin -by Joaquin (a.k.a. "bootboy") Dedicated to the lovely Aurora EPISODE 1: " Death comes in black thongpanties " The long straight lonely highway stretch for several miles for as far asthe eye could see. On both sides of it, a vast desert landscape, warm and onlybeginning to show signs of life as the sun steadily rose on the far horizon.Other than a frightened gecko that scurried pass across the wide deserted avenueand a flight of vultures overhead, and one patient...

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Snuff Letter Erotic Murder Investigation

I step into the kitchen and is met by a total chaos. Three women in short dresses lie dead on the floor in degrading positions. A dark-haired woman sits against the wall with a kitchen knife rammed up her hairy pussy. A short-haired younger woman lies dead, frozen in a doggystyle-like position, exposing her pussy. Then we have you, as the crown of the work. You lie on your back in a puddle of piss with your stiff legs wildly parted. A thick rope is wrapped around your neck and your eyes stares...

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My big happy family Part Two

My mom was out at the bar down the street with her boyfriend and i knew in the back of my head that she wasnt coming home tonight, my sister Cristine at a friend's house, and my sister Megan retreated into her room like most 17 years olds are on weeknights. I was basically home alone. It was half past nine and I was bored out of my mind as I watched TV. I heard my sister Morgan through the walls on the phone with her friend. I was bored, why not listen in? She would never notice. I went...

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When Liza became a woman

Debra and I had been dating for about three months when she started staying over on the weekends. Her daughter Liza’s had just began summer break from school and the three of us were spending most of our free time at the lake. Lisa was 14 with short blond hair and the most amazing green eyes. She had the figure of a centerfold and she knew how to catch a man’s eye. Like most young teens her sexual curiosity was becoming very intense. She would stand in front of the mirror for hours striking...

1 year ago
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Honey I Thought You Should Know

Wife cuckolds hubby as he had asked of her.I received a letter from my wife of many years. I think it speaks for itself. Following is her letter:Honey, I thought you should know that I finally did what you wanted me to do. Remember all those times you told me that you wanted me to fuck other men? Well, I thought that you were trying to get rid of me at first, but after all the years of you talking to me about it, I knew you were serious.Remember that even when you were fucking me you would ask...

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My first swinging bigay experience

OK. I'm setting out to record the story of the most fantastic adventure that I have had in my life. As any good historical account must go, I need to include the background info -- kind of setting the scenario...About six years ago my wife, Brittany, and I had come to a kind of agreement -- we could have a lover if our spouse agreed. Ok, I know that sounds a bit ridiculous -- who would expect a someone to ever agree to an affair by their spouse?? We didn't necessarily have someone in mind,...

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my gf promotion

She is wonderful and the boss pf her own division now, my gf is so perfect i coudnt believe her when she told me how much money she will makethe first few onth were a huge deal for her and she was always edgyshe became more and more intolerant of anything she call a ''detail''i was on a friday she came back tipsy and started yelling at me, dishes not done , bed not done , dinner not ready''ok im tired of this''i was in the living room looking at her come back with a huge grin ''time to show you...

4 years ago
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My name is Deana, I’m a sixty year old sexy redhead with an insatiable appetite for fun and sex. When I have my sexy fun I am usually accompanied by one of my friends, Clay or Kyle. We often talk about having a threesome plus some hot fun in a Jacuzzi. When a friend of mine named Denise, who manages a posh hotel in Nashville, told us they had a weekend special going on, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity for another hot encounter. I first called Kyle. He’s fifty eight years old. He also has a...

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Heading South

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or...

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Padoswali aunty aur uski behan ki choot phad diya

Hello friends, main aaj phir apni ek chudai bhari khani sunane ja raha hu.i m from ranchi.Main subah 6 baje tution ko jata aur karib 10 baje vapas aata seema aunty apane ghar par jaise koi aurat apane husband ka intjar karati vaise hi vah khana bana kar naha dhokar mera intjar karati thi. Jaise main 10 baje unke ghar aata. Vah darvaja khola kar mera apani sexy smile se mera swagat karati. Aur jaise hi main ghar ke under aata vah darwaja band karake mujhase lipat jati aur main unhe vaha se...

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My Best Friends Dad Took My Virginity

I'll start with a little background detail to help the mood. I am sixteen years of age, I stand at 5ft3 and weigh a little over eight stone. I am of mixed heritage - half black and half white. I have long, straight, black hair with a red overtone. I am in the Punk Rock Genre and love heavy metal. I have either side of my lip pierced, my nose pierced, my septum pierced and ear stretchers that both are on 14mm. I have DD boobs and a cute rounded arse. My best friend is called Ellie and her father...

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Ask and you shall be given

I'm a 37 year old. Single and have a, what I would like to call, free job. That is; I work from home, on my own hours. I'm the typical blond Scandinavian type with one exception, my eyes are not blue, they are light gray. A tall gangly type with few friends but the few I have are really good and close. And best of the good are Karl and his wife Margareta. They live within walking distance from me and when I'm out on my, not jogging, but walking tour I often pass by their house and if I see...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 19

"What are you doing here?" the blond asks scrunching his brows together inquisitively. "Where are the ladies?" the Asian one asks his question right on top of the first. "Are you alright?" Was the dark one's question, his concern for me is sweet. I can feel my grin get wider at their questions. "Yes, I am fine" I answer them in turn "The ladies are in the old guard shack back at the entrance. They are ready to go home. I am off to get Gwen, And I am glad to see you too." I add...

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Horrible mom

My best friend, Steve had a difficult time at home since his parents got divorced. He had decided to stay with his mother, Carrie because she had been very depressed when her hubby moved out. Steve was afraid that she was not going to handle it if he moved with his father. The divorce had long been coming, Carrie had been hard on her hubby, Frank and he worked long hours to give the family what they needed. She was never happy with anything he did, so he started to work even longer hours to not...

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Cum dumping the wife

CUM DUMPING WIFEYINTRODUCTIONI am lucky man for sure...30 years married to the same women who keeps my dick rock hard 24/7...what could I complain about? Well...first thing is this...I am mid 50's and hyper horny...good cock is 7 and 1/2 inches and about 5 and 1/2 inches around...I can lay some pipe with my white boy cock...and like most men in my camp...I wish my cock was bigger. My wife is petite at 4 feet 11 inches and has nice perky tits and a great ass...after two...

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Anitas RescueChapter 13 Judgment

The inevitable result of Anita's enthusiasm surfaced the next morning. As usual she was the second person up after Tony. Tony had his morning coffee on the back deck when she came up with a glass of orange juice in her right hand. She actually wasn't wearing one of Tony's shirts but a small green nightie that only went to mid thigh. Her left hand was tucked under her armpit and she had a pained expression on her face. "Good morning Anita, how are you?" he asked with genuine...

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Albert Meets His New Mistress

Naked, hands tied firmly behind the back, feet pulled apart and tied to the legs of the chair he was sitting in, mouth gagged, Albert wondered what he had done to get into such a position. He remembered the seductive woman in the black dress, cut low in the back and revealing a hint of breast in the front. He remembered the clink of glasses, toasting the night and the quiet of a near empty bar filled only with smoke and hints of jazz riffs as the band struck down and packed away. And he...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 45

Phones were scarce in East Germany and in Cuba, too, so letters were sent to all people eligible to emigrate. Times and dates were to be set later, stating where and when, voice communications could be made. Part of the agreement allowed a group of communication trucks free access to the families of the East Germans. They would get a chance to see and talk on the satellite phone to the new Cuban immigrants. Those wanting to leave had to stay till all the others arrived. I knew that if I let...

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iSummer chapter 3

Marissa Benson wasn't an idiot. She realized that Sam and Freddie had more than likely already slept in the same bed so she had no objection to Sam staying with them what time they were here in Seattle. After all, they were not k**s anymore and she knew that Freddie would not take to kindly to her acting like the over protective parent. He didn't take to kindly to it when he was a k** so she was certain he would hate her now. Marissa had to change, she realized that right before Freddie...

1 year ago
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The Reading Room

In about an hour I’d be sipping a fruity merlot and watching a glorious sunset slip below the horizon. I’d been promising myself some time away for god knows how long. Sun, sea and secluded sandy beaches, exactly what I needed. I gazed out the car window, counting down the miles at each passing road sign. The chalet was only a few miles from the nearest village, but pretty secluded apparently. So much so, it wasn’t even on our map. I wasn’t too bothered, if it came to it, we could always ask a...

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