Compulsion IslandChapter 4
- 2 years ago
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Three days after placing Astrid and Denise with the women at the resort, the Intelligence department received a message from Trudy, one of the paralegal bots. It said that James had just received an e-mail from the four reporters. The message from them was dated the previous Friday and said they were taking the week off to relax as they felt they needed a vacation. All four of them were going to a resort together.
"AI," said Shannon when she saw the message, "can you locate the reporters?"
"They are at the resort where Sue, Sam, Irene, Kelsey and Karmen are, but not in the same area."
"That was quick."
"It seemed logical to look there first, based on all the connections."
"Good. Alert everyone that the 'flesh peddlers' have started to move." Moments later tones began to sound throughout Dóchas, raising its readiness level. Simultaneously, tones began to sound at Comrie indicating to the Security teams that they were all now on standby. At the Mars settlement, Breacadh announced that Dóchas would soon depart for Earth orbit and that all Security Team members were to be on board.
"AI," said Shannon, "we need to send two bots to check on the journalists. They can link with the drones supporting Astrid and Denise."
That afternoon Mr. Schneider, the EOUSA Regional manager, called James MacFarland. He advised James that he and an associate would visit them on Thursday. At that time they would review the status of all active cases. They were particularly interested in the time spent on what was referred to as the 'lodge incident'. Afterward, Clarence and he should plan on joining him for dinner.
Marie, a paralegal bot, immediately informed Command Staff of the call.
Several hours passed before the two bots, Aileen and Andrea, confirmed that they had located the journalists. They were being held in a restricted section in the resorts members only area. The room was located below ground level and had had some difficulty getting past security. Based on the difficulty they had communicating with the drone, they weren't sure teleporting would be possible. They decided to remain near the journalists until they were asked to return.
They then gave a summary of the journalists' condition. All were in good shape considering the severity of the treatments they had received in a short space of time. To the bots it seemed that the treatments were directed toward altering the journalists' appearance to something that would be almost grotesque. Although the four were doing well mentally, they didn't think that they understood how much their appearance would change. The information on the desk outside the room, indicated that the changes would be noticeable by Friday and take several months to complete. However their areola and nipples were already puffy. They advised the Intelligence department that they would probe the journalists' minds and initiate the appropriate mental defensive measures.
In closing, the report said that they were considering having one of them listening in the hall to see what the future plans were.
The Intelligence department sent them a message telling them to proceed as they thought appropriate.
The Intelligence department staff advised the Security teams that the four journalists were being held at the resort in a room below ground level.
"AI," said Muireann, "do we have enough of locator beacons for all the people who work in James's office?"
"Yes. All of them are now fitted with them."
"Muireann," said Lydia, "I understand your reasoning, but even if we had fitted the journalists with those it wouldn't have made any difference. The only thing that might have helped, would have been escorts."
"We do not have enough bots to escort all the office staff," said the AI.
"Why did we miss the significance of the word 'four' in the conversation?"
"Probably," said Shannon, "because we were focusing on the five women. The other part of it is that there is so much about these people that we don't know. They act and operate much like a spy ring."
"AI," said Muireann, "as soon as the bots send the full medical report on the journalists, forward it to Betsy and her staff. I think they will need to act quickly once we get them out of there. Hmm ... Could we give the journalists something to slow or stop the changes?"
"AI, bring the Medical and Command Staff into a conference with us."
Once everyone was in the conference, Lydia reviewed the journalists' situation based on the bots preliminary report. Muireann repeated the question she asked earlier.
"There are possibly two ways," said Betsy. "One is for us to concoct some kind of blocking treatment. The other is through the use of their psionic ability, if they have the attribute. The first has all kinds of risks. There is less risk if we let this run its course then follow up with a supplemental treatment."
"Which bots are there?" asked Connie.
"Aileen and Andrea. They did say that they were going to try to do a mental evaluation."
"Great. They have the ability to assist the journalists in activating their psionic abilities, if they have the attribute. Shannon, send them the following message:
Psionic Activation Imperative.
Dream state.
Negate treatments where possible.
May the Gods be with you.
Both should respond with 'And the Goddesses'.
"Shannon you must send it telepathically."
The group watched as Shannon sat quietly, seemingly staring off into space. When she moved, she smiled for the first time all day. "The message was received and acknowledged. The bots advised me that the journalists do have the attributes. They've already carried out the preliminaries."
"Those are two very exceptional bots," said Betsy.
"Guys," said Sarah addressing the Intelligence department, "the next week is going to be very stressful. Split up into two shifts and make sure you eat and sleep."
"Yes, mother," responded the whole room before breaking up in laughter.
"Actually we already are working two shifts with staggered times," said Shannon. "Several of us have made places to sleep here as well."
"All well and good, but don't forget to link with your spouses. Your mind link with them will help you solve problems."
"Is that why we've missed what appear now to be obvious clues?" said Lydia.
"That is a hard question to answer," said Tara. "It could be a part of the reason. Another part is the lack of experience and it is most likely the latter."
"Keep at it," said the Command Staff as the conference ended.
–-- –-- –--
On the morning after the call from EOUSA regarding the visit, Clarence and James gathered in James's office for their daily conference. Just as they started their attention was drawn to the door at it began to open. Both were surprised by the Trudy and Marie entered as it wasn't the way they normally did it.
"Yes," said James as he watched them close the door. He sensed that this was something important as they weren't usually this forward.
"We think it is imperative that you meet some friends of ours today. So you will take us to lunch."
"Can't it wait? We have a lot to do before the Thursday meeting."
"No," said both of them firmly.
Both James and Clarence thought "their expression is just like mom's."
"It must be done today!" The two groups stared at each other for a long time.
"Okay. If you think it is that important, but we will likely need you to stay late a couple of nights so we can get things ready for Thursday."
"We will stay late any night for as long as you need us too." The two turned and left, closing the door behind them.
James looked at Clarence. "I don't think I have ever seen them that assertive."
"They will make good lawyers, as that is a good quality when it's needed." James looked at Clarence and then the two began to chuckle.
"Yes, and some asshole lawyers don't understand when to use it."
They were still sorting through the open cases in preparation for Thursday when Marie knocked on the door.
"It's time to leave."
After James locked his door, they paired off as they walked toward the front door. On passing the receptionist, Marie said, "We will be gone for a couple of hours. If there is an extremely urgent call route it to our cell phones."
Hearing the comment, James and Clarence were a little surprised at the length of time lunch would take. When they reached the parking lot, Trudy said, "We will take our car as both of yours are too easy to recognize, and are known by too many people."
James and Clarence were puzzled by the direction they were going. They couldn't remember seeing any restaurants in this direction as they headed out of town. It was even more puzzling when they turned into the park where they had met the women now living with them as decoys for their families. Thinking of their families brought home to them how much they missed them. Both thought the daily e-mails were nice but it wasn't the same as having them around or talking to them. Just then they reached an isolated spot deep in the park and were surprised to see a tent set up on the grass with a table and chairs.
"This is amazing. How did you do this?" asked James.
"We didn't, our friends arranged it."
"This is quite an extravagant effort for just a lunch. Who are your friends?"
"We think they are the most important people in the whole galaxy. The most caring. The most ... well just everything." James and Clarence were surprised at the strength and reverence conveyed by their words and tone. It took them a moment to realize that both had spoken in perfect unison.
Trudy said, "It looks like our friends are not here yet. We should warn you, they are quite tall. Most people find that alone quite intimidating."
"Yes, I have sensed that sometimes when I am around new people. Being 6' 6" creates that problem occasionally." James then realized the implication of her comment. "Just how tall are they?"
"About 7' 8" or so."
"I am glad you warned me," replied James as Clarence chuckled.
As they reached the tent, Trudy glanced to the side, and said, "Oh, here they come now." They all turned to look and saw six people walking toward them from the other side of the field.
"Trudy and Marie, it is good to see you again," said Sarah giving them both a hug. The other members of Sarah's Clan nodded in agreement as they too gave the two of them a hug.
"Sarah, this is James MacFarland and this is Clarence O'Toole." Marie then proceeded to introduce Sally, Terry, Rusty, Joyce and Aoife.
"Come, let's get some food and then we can talk," said Sarah.
During their short time in the buffet line, James and Clarence carefully assessed Marie and Trudy's friends. Both sensed that the information shared at this gathering would have a significant impact on them and their families. As James went to sit down, he noticed place cards on the table and moved to sit at the place designated for him. Marie sat next to him with Sarah on his other side. Clarence was across the table from him with Trudy on one side and Sally on the other.
"I have never seen anyone who looks like you all," said James.
"We can understand that as we don't live here," said Sarah. "We reside, part of the time, on a small private island in the Western Atlantic. It is a place hardly anyone knows about."
"You're not referring to the Caribbean, are you?"
"Oh, no. Our island is almost due east of Florida. We don't believe it shows on any maps and it is out of normal sea routes. It is really nice."
"What are your backgrounds?" asked Clarence.
"Clarence, Rusty, Sarah, Terry and I are board members of Galactic Intrusion Security Services. We previously worked for a data security firm in the northeast, before we moved there. Joyce is the daughter of the couple who owned the firm where we worked. Aoife has joined us since we moved to the island."
"Interesting," said James. "I presume all of you know about the case Clarence and I have been working on." Noticing Marie and Trudy looking uncomfortable when the group nodded he added, "Marie, Trudy, I feel certain you did not tell them what they know." Both relaxed considerably. "So Rusty, I take it you are the one who called the Guard Commander after several of the soldiers were told to either come back to work or lose their jobs."
"Yes, I did. It seemed like the right thing to do."
"Thank you. When that happened, I was surprised by the action of the soldiers' employers. In analyzing the situation later I could see why they did it, but it still bothered me. When we heard that someone had spontaneously offered them employment, almost before it was public information, it really tweaked my curiosity. Considering the potential implications to the case, I did a little checking into the principals of GISS outside of my normal sources. I didn't find much, and part of what I did find it appears to be inconsistent. First, Rusty your military service record must be several inches thick, based on the summary I was able to see after some pleading. Even with my clearance, I couldn't see very much of it. The part I found odd was that the information on you seemed to stop suddenly."
Sarah smiled, "Rusty, Sally, Terry and I worked for N&R Security. We were kidnapped from there, along with Joyce and three friends. We woke up six months later on the island. We are not sure that we have enough time now to share with you the details of what has happened in the intervening time. Our hosts at the island were also victims of our kidnappers although in a different way. The kidnappers are linked to a group we refer to as the 'flesh peddlers'. How, we are not certain. Due to several events where we've had contact with them, we've accumulated quite a bit of data on them and their operation." James started to interrupt. "Please hear me out." James nodded but looked very tense.
"You started to ask to see what we had. We would like to do that. However, if we did, our concern is that it would taint what you have found on your own and with the help of the journalists. We definitely do not want to see that happen. We would like to see your group succeed through your own efforts. None of us are lawyers, so we may be being overly cautious."
"James, Clarence," said Aoife, "the 'flesh peddler' operation appears to have principals or agents in virtually every government on Earth. We are certain they hold influential positions in the governments of the developed countries. They are positioned in such a way as to make the operation almost untouchable. Your investigation has them very concerned, and they are very determined to stop you, as they've indicated in the video recordings you received."
"The reason we asked Marie and Trudy," said Sarah, "to arrange this meeting today is because of our forecast of future events. This is based on information that we've recently been able to fit together. This coming weekend, we are projecting several events taking place. These involve both of you, your girlfriend and daughter, Clarence's wife and daughters and the four journalists."
Hearing that statement brought forth James's and Clarence's worst fears and clearly showed on their faces. They had been pleased that the use of the decoys had appeared to work, and that their families were safely on vacation. Extrapolating the possible harm to their families was quickly consuming their thoughts.
"James, Clarence," said Aoife softly and warmly to get their attention again, "Sue, Irene, Sam, Kelsey, and Karmen are well and will be fine." While Aoife spoke, Sarah, Sally, Terry and Joyce pushed feelings of calm toward both men.
"Once they safely arrived at the resort, we've been monitoring them but only to the extent of confirming they were there. Recently we discovered additional information that caused to look closer at the resort. In doing so we discovered that they had moved to a different area of the resort. This area is restricted to members only. The resort is operated by the organization behind the 'flesh peddlers'.
"As a result, we have sent some of our people in to check on your families. This is how we know they are safe and well. However, they've been receiving a mind altering drug which alters their perceptions so they follow any instructions given to them. All five have responded in a positive way. By this I mean that they are complying and not trying to resist any instructions. We suspect they have recognized that by taking this approach it minimizes the potential for abuse. In addition to this drug they are receiving several other drugs which affect other aspects of their perceptions and their response to stimulation."
"At this time, we would prefer not to share a lot of the detail," said Sally, "of what we think the coming events will be. Our concern is that this could alter your natural responses when the events take place. If noticed it could endanger all of you. On the other hand, in order develop a plan to deal with them, you need to know some of it."
"We are familiar with that paradox but this is the first time I've been in the hot seat," responded James.
"Well I've been in the hot seat, but this is the first time that it is personal," added Clarence. "We definitely need to know enough to work with you on how to get our families out of danger."
"Let us be clear regarding your families safety," said Sarah firmly. "We can remove them from the resort immediately, if that is what you want us to do. Currently we have resources near them and they are monitoring their well being. We will act unilaterally and pull them out, if it becomes necessary. Doing so will have a lot of ramifications many of which are unknown because we don't know who the players are.
"In addition to your family the journalists are being held there. They are in a restricted area underground near their dungeons. We can rescue the journalists but their location makes it nearly impossible to do unobtrusively."
"So you want to let this play out?" said James with raised eyebrows. "It seems the risks are awfully high..."
"Yes, we think letting them continue to play their hand has many benefits with little or no increase in risk to your families or the journalists. This way you get to see many of their cards which should let you identify those involved. It does add some risk for both of you even though we will be nearby. Our goal is no permanent injury to any of you and expose them."
"We like your goals," responded James after glancing at Clarence. "I think, we should hear what you believe will happen and how to counter it."
Clarence added, "I agree but my concern is whether we can then act naturally."
"Now that we've met you, I believe we have a solution for that," said Aoife.
"In summary beginning sometime Thursday evening," said Rusty, "we expect both of you will be drugged and taken to the 'flesh peddlers' private resort where your family is. After arriving there, you will be given other drugs as they try to suck every bit of information they can out of you. Once they have what they want, they will show you some of the blackmail material your families have been making. During this you will likely be under the influence of drugs similar to those your families are receiving. The blackmail material is erotic videos with your families as the identifiable participants. It is likely these will include scenes showing both of you sexually engaged with the women." Rusty could see the rage building in both men and waited a few minutes for them to calm down.
"Whenever you think you are going to lose control, remember 'revenge is best served cold'. After seeing the videos, their offer will be to not distribute them, if you agree to kill the investigation. By agreeing they will let you leave with your family. If you refuse then none of you will leave their control. The women will begin working in the resorts members lounge as companions or entertainers. Both of you would experience something similar to what Dale and Larry experienced only drawn out over a longer time. One caution is that several members are not keen on using blackmail. They prefer a permanent solution."
"What an awful choice," responded James as Clarence nodded. Both looked beaten, knowing they would have great difficulty in dropping the investigation into the 'lodge incident', effectively endorsing their activities. Submitting to blackmail they knew would eat at them, until it destroyed them and likely their relationship with their families. Submitting to blackmail was an option only if they thought they could win by pretending to cooperate. The sense of what had, and would, happen to the women was already eating at their spirit.
"Good grief, I didn't think you would give up so easily," said Terry. "We have a plan we call 'Checkmate'. It will require you to trust us completely from this point forward, or at least until we get through this. We are certain that we will get all of you out of the resort safely and no one will suffer any further abuse. This includes the journalists. Can you do that?"
Clarence and James looked at each other and then at each of their hosts. All their instincts were telling them to do it, but logically there were all kinds of warning flags. "Rusty, on some of those missions, what did you trust?" asked James. "Logic or instinct."
"When the two conflicted, almost always instinct." Clarence smiled at Rusty's response. "In many of those situations, logic took too long." Clarence began to laugh as Rusty completed the comment.
"Ladies and Rusty," said Clarence, "what do you want us to do? I have a feeling we will all likely be much better off by trusting you completely."
James looked searchingly at Clarence for a moment, then said, "I'm in. One thing though, when this is all over, will you tell us about what happened after your kidnapping. I'm kind of surprised it was never made public."
"Guys, we should ask them if they want to know the details of Checkmate now. They may have some suggestions we have overlooked or see things we have missed. It also lets them make the decisions on what will taint the cases against the 'flesh peddlers'. Let's ask them."
"Okay," said the rest of Command Staff.
"James, Clarence," said Terry, "We have told you that we have a plan to handle the situation. Although we've asked, do you want to be more involved? If so, would it impact your case? As we mentioned before, we are not attorneys. So how can we avoid impacting the case?"
"Yes! I would like to participate in the planning," said James immediately as Clarence nodded. "My initial concern is as you expressed earlier. If we do participate, then knowing what is planned could cause us to not act appropriately. Actually with the little you've told us may affect our responses. With us and our families being involved, we will almost certainly have to step back from the cases. As to impacting the cases, we should be the ones who find and secure the evidence."
"As Aoife noted, we can solve the question of foreknowledge affecting your actions," said Sarah. "However, it will take us several hours to give you the background information and to go over our strategy."
James looked at Marie and Trudy saying, "We don't have anything that requires us to return to the office, do we?"
"No. The schedule is open so we can prepare for Thursday."
"I am not sure how long we will need, but what about this. We work here until around 4 PM, then if we need more time all of you come to my place for dinner."
"James, are you aware that your house is being monitored?" asked Sally.
"Yes, not closely but it is being monitored. However, we can arrive without being seen. Marie and Trudy could just follow you home from the office. To anyone watching that would appear normal."
"Why don't we invite the group staying at my house over?" said Clarence. "That would increase the number of people in the house and make your presence less noticeable."
"James, Clarence," said Sarah, "now to answer your questions more fully. We have had a very interesting time for the last several years. Although it will take a little longer, we feel we need to show you condensed versions of two presentations we've given to others who joined us. The first was to those we invited to visit us and consider helping us restore a spaceship as employees. The second provides you with a history of the survivors' society that we've joined. There is a third presentation that can wait until another time. It deals with the physical differences between humans and us. After those we will go over the instances we've run into the 'flesh peddlers'."
"Why?" asked James.
"It should make our review of the times we've crossed paths with the 'flesh peddlers' easier to understand."
James and Clarence were shocked when they saw the holographic display appear before them. Star monitored their reactions to make sure they were not overwhelmed by the method of display. When the first presentation ended, Sally said, "Yes, we now live on that space ship which we call Dóchas. We are building a colony on Mars, so we can reestablish our species and add additional transportation. You probably have many questions at this point." Both nodded their heads with somewhat of a dazed look on their faces. "It would be best to hold those until after the next presentation as I suspect many will be answered." With that the presentation made to new arrivals began.
When that presentation ended, James and Clarence were quiet for some time. "Wow," said James with Clarence nodding, "is all I can think of to say. I have many questions, but they are more about the details. I think those can wait."
Sally said, "Some would take the events to imply that we were forced into becoming a member of this society. It is not the case, and such an action is completely foreign to this culture."
Joyce said, "When the initial presentations were made, there were very new members of this society. We were reluctant to step into Dóchas's vacant Command Staff position. In their history and culture, reluctance to take that role is seen as a positive attribute. Why isn't one of the original groups the Command Staff? It generally has to do with the psionic abilities a clan has. One major error made in that early presentation is about the need to receive the genetic alteration. To fully function in our society, we now recognize that any new member needs to receive that treatment, which then makes them a member of our species."
"Why is that?" asked Clarence.
"It is partly due to the differences in physical characteristics, and partly due to the addition of psionic abilities. One of those is telepathy. Telepathic ability is needed to fully communicate on the ship."
"I noticed that in the presentations however telepathy is fiction," said James, firmly.
"Yes, and who in their right mind would tell others of their ability," said Sarah telepathically as she looked right at James and Clarence.
"No one," said James. "Wait, I didn't see your lips or mouth move. Oh..." James' face took on a stunned look as he recognized what had happened.
"James," said Clarence, "I heard her as well. I think the next several days will be very interesting. Perhaps just out of this world."
"Do you feel you need to know more about us at this point?" asked Sally.
"No," said Clarence, "but like James, I would like to return to this topic in the near future."
"I agree," said James.
"We will give you and your families access to a complete history of us, this species and society, once we get through the current situation," said Rusty. "We also have a library that is available to our friends and the members of our society.
"This society has a number of advanced tools that we are learning to use. One is robots that can be virtually indistinguishable from a biological biped. Another is drones, and there are several flavors. To help us manage our environment, we have entities that most would call computers. We simply refer to them as AI for artificial intelligence, as many of the AIs are self-aware. Complementing the AIs, are robots who look very much like one of us. We generally refer to them as bots. We bipeds have a tactical suit, which provides us with offensive and defensive ability either on a planet or in space. Bots, drones and those in tactical suits can choose whether to be visible to humans or not. We have many other capabilities but that should give you a flavor. I should note that the person wearing the tactical suit links with its AI telepathically."
"I take it you also have some type of small flight vehicles," said Clarence, "as Dóchas looked huge."
"Yes," said Rusty, "but they are not like those portrayed in films. We simply refer to them as shuttles and Star Fighters. Their names convey their mission. Dóchas is considerably larger than 3 Enterprise size carriers."
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I am sending this story because of reading Maid’s story I was really excited about sending mine. Hope you like it. Mine is a story of mistakes and mistakes. I am married guy of 35 from New Mumbai. I am a promoter director in a company. There are 2 male directors and a female director. Her name is Prachi. She is a widow with a kid of 6 year. The moment we met we liked each other. We liked each other and had sex. In spite of me being married I have very unhappy married life. But what I didn’t get...
(Not a Spongebob Story!) “Dammit, dammit, dammit!” I muttered as I hid behind the changing cottage on the beach. I tugged at the minuscule bottom of my new yellow bikini. It fit comfortably at home. Now, I was in serious trouble! “Get back in there!” I hissed, but seemingly, part of me was thinking with it’s own head and wanted a bit of fresh air! “What the hell was I thinking when I bought this bikini!” I muttered as I tugged at the blazing yellow fabric. I’m a grower, not a show-er. When...
Ok, to get things straight. I did a fantasy about a girl named Amy. Then I did a story about a date with Amy to link fantasy to reality. Now, I don't want to confuse anyone, but Amy in reality is Lisa from the Bukkake stories. Now that everyone is confused, I want you to know that Lisa is my new girlfriend and this weekend was our second date.I got home late Friday night so Lisa didn't come over to dee me but we made plans for Saturday. Saturday morning it was pretty smoky, the Great...
Disclaimer: This story (and all parts thereof) is copyrighted, except as noted. Permission is granted to post on free sites only, with permission. If you are under legal age where you are to read adult material, stop now. Thanks. Authors Note: This story is based on the Skid Row song "18 And Life" The idea occurred a long time ago, and hearing the song after all this time inspired me to write it. Its as life often can be, tragic... If you are so inclined, please leave feedback...
So there i stood, naked, fully erect in front of this huge muscular russian dude, and we both know how this is going to end.This man was standing so close to me, staring at my 6 inch decent cock, smiling... I was so little in body and cock comparing to this guy. I am sure he is working at the docks or something. His english is bad, but his body language was pretty clear to me. "GET OVER HERE" he said, grabbed my neck and started french kissing me with passion only drunk people have.It was a...
Don observed his face in the mirror as he shaved, carefully attending to the spot on his beard that was particularly difficult to reach. He could already smell the odor of frying bacon coming from the kitchen, and he knew that Laura was preparing his breakfast. A momentary flash of anger swept through him as the events of the last evening with the kids returned to him in their full humiliating detail. Fucking their mother had helped him blot the whole thing out of his mind last night, but now...
Danny sat at the end of the bed and turned away from me not looking me in the eyes. "How could you mom? You and Grandpa?? That's sick!" he yelled at me. "You don't understand," I started. "Your grandpa and I were always very close. Your grandma died at a very young age and and we had was each other. When we started this we never thought that it would carry on 22 years." "Twenty-two years??, twenty-two years, GOD MOM, how, why???" I don't know, we just found something that each of us didn't have...
IncestIntroduction: *A teen tried to black mail his teacher for sex but winds up raping her instead. The story is based on fantasy only* *A teen tried to black mail his teacher for sex but winds up raping her instead. The story is based on fantasy only* Chapter 1 I was in my 2nd year of teaching Social Sciences at the local high school when it happened. Its a fantastic job and it means the world to me. I love to teach, but on that die my life was changed forever. I was 24 years old and a single...
È praticamente notte fonda a New Orleans. Sono tutti impegnati per la strada a "giocare" venire equilibrista sui bordi del marciapiedi incurante che potrebbero passarti delle macchine vicino, non sei ancora tornato a casa perché non vuoi discutere nuovamente con i tuoi genitori. Stamattina avevi già discusso con loro per via del tuo insufficiente in matematica inoltre hai fatto tardi anche un lavoro ed hai litigato con il capo; il quale; non ha voluto pagarti questa settimana, ed ora sei qui,...
"Besides..." she thought to herself "they did say that the masseuse was hot" She headed into the massage parlour and was greeted by the rather frumpy receptionist at the front desk. "Hmmmm.... not a good omen" she muttered under her breath. She provided the gift certificate that her friends had given her when prompted and was informed that the masseuse was still with his last client and would be out in a few minutes. She idled away the time nervously paging through an outdated...
Chapter 38 At St. Matthew’s Parish, they pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank for the remainder of the trip. Nathan took a moment to call the house, letting his mom know they were only 30 minutes from home. After the call and while Charlie packed up her computer, he sent that quick warning message to his sister. He could only hope his hard-headed sibling would actually listen for once in her life. As they got closer and closer to his parents’ house, Charlie began to fidget more...
Richard couldn't believe it! He was just laid off a few hours earlier, and he was still in shock. Just two months prior he had received a promotion to be a supervisor at his call center for the cellphone company Mobile Phones 'R' Us for the billing department. The problem is, today they had just completed a deal to outsource half of his department to The Philippines. The layoff came as a huge shock to Richard and has pushed him over the edge! He was only 25 years old and just received...
After they went roaming the various shops of Laguna Beach. They found her some very nice things to wear for that evening, and a set of clothes for their San Diego trip on Sunday. He bought her three pair of shoes that fit perfect. She cautioned him about spending too much money, but he waived her off with a sharp contortion of his face, then a smile. After spending the largest part of the day shopping, they walked down to the beach, and sat on the sand barefooted; watching the waves...
Well, this was a fine situation I'd gotten myself into. I was back in charge of myself again, thanks to some mysterious mental manipulations by Grandpa Harley. That thought came later though. The first thing I realized was that I was locked on something, or rather we were locked on something. No slippery-slidey evasion, no fading in and out or around. We were locked on a molecule of something. "Good! Good!" Bud was screaming in my ear. "That's it! You've got it" I felt Harley's...
“You totally stole my thunder,” Liz said when we walked out of the hospital. “I didn’t mean to,” I said. “It was great,” she told me as she took my hand and interlaced her fingers with mine. That’s when we learned that Watson Dewey had tried to get his revenge. I was looking at Liz when Ryan’s meaty palm hit my chest and pushed me backward. “Fucking photographers,” he hissed. “Let’s find a different exit.” I had stumbled backward when Ryan pushed me and I found myself next to RFN’s media...
I posted an ad online for my flat screen as I had upgraded my entertainment system. I had left my mobile number on the posting. It had been a few weeks and I did not have much interest but for a few time wasters.I then got a text from someone wanting to see the tv. The message simply said:Hi. Saw your ad for the flat screen tv. I am interested but $500 seems high for a used tv. If we can negotiate, I would like to buy it. Ashanti."The name was not a typical white girl name and this got me...
Chapter 1 - Showing me how it's done I worked for a year on leaving school to earn some cash so I was 19 when I started Uni. I found digs in a Victorian terraced house shared with 4 other guys. I arrived a day early and was met by the landlord’s wife Mrs Simpson who introduced herself as such. She was late 40s maybe early 50s, dark brown hair to her shoulders, size 14, shapely calves and a nice rack. She had a homely, mummsy face, beautiful brown eyes and a lovely smile … she was in her own way...
CLOSING THE GENDER GAP by Roy Del Frink Maxwell Parnell and his wife Samantha had yet another argument. "Sammie, why did you buy that piece of junk?" "It's not a piece of junk, dear. It's a beautiful little ruby ring I bought at the antiques store." "Well, I don't like it. It's dustier than an abandoned attic, the gem's been cracked twice, and the serpentine design is just butt-ugly! Why do you waste my money on that junk?" "YOUR money? Listen, dear, I slave all day...
Never in a million years could I have imagined being where I was, inches from the face of a petty younger woman, coaching her on deep-throating a cock, her second cock in a row. The first had been my lover Peter's, now her husband Jon's. Never in a million years.After Peter made a mess of her, I kissed her again, the third passionate kiss of the first woman I had ever really kissed. Amazing. Never in two million years. To think that I had been crying over the prospect of having dinner with...
SwingersHello girls and boys am new to this site if there any mistakes just give reply to my mail…. Without wasting your time here am coming to story, she is my college friend when we are doing graduation I met her in my college after some days we become good friend we shared everything about family and personal things etc…Suddenly I went to my village without informing anyone,i came back after10 days in all these days I didn’t use mobile because in my village there is no signal….When went for college...
Dara sat near the edge of the lake, looking out between two white birch trees at the flotilla of canoes moving away from the island. The visit with her mother had helped, numbing the pain with touches of anger that had gripped her the day before, but certainly not erasing it. Watching Chase lead his friends across the lake brought some of the sting right back. Thirty years old and I’m acting like a schoolgirl being ignored by her crush. “You okay?” Without turning around, she said, “I’m fine,...
Regardless, I had gotten away clean. The only problem was one that I had foreseen before it happened: I wanted more. I knew I couldn’t keep drugging him every weekend. I wasn’t even sure if those pills were supposed to be mixed with alcohol. Besides, it just wasn’t the same. I really wanted to fuck him while he was awake. I got my chance the very next weekend. It didn’t quite work out 100% like I wanted, but you’ll see what I mean. We were hanging out at his place again that weekend, but...
The day had been an extremely productive one for me. I landed two new clients and closed a mega-deal with another and my boss took me out to celebrate. We had a couple of drinks at the lounge across the street from our office building and then he took me to his favorite titty bar where he paid for me to have several lap dances. I was having a great time and then he tried to make it even better. He pointed to a ravishing redhead and said, "If you want her I'll pay. You can consider it as part...
Hi, my name is ravi I had a friend whose name is kishore, he had a younger sister named durga deepthi.She was a nerd studying her intermediate 2nd yr doing her mpc. My friend used to drink a lot and he couldn’t control himself after a few pegs. One day when his parents weren’t home, we decided to drink a lot and we planned on a night-out.We drank a lot but were handling ourselves pretty well.His sister came into the house,he saw that and shouted “bitch! Didn’t parents take you with them”. She...
It was tough for me to get used to the idea of being single again after 22 years of marriage. At my age, it wasn’t easy to find female companionship — at least the kind that I wanted. Sure, there were a couple of gold-diggers. I mean, I wasn’t rich, but I was pretty well-fixed. I had no mortgage on my home, no car payments or other serious bills, and a considerable salary. As I said, not rich but comfortable. My job was also interesting. I was the chief software engineer for a medium-sized...
Hey babe- I’m so sorry I can’t be there for your birthday, but I know you understand. I’ll miss you and be thinking about you. In fact, I’ve been planning for your special day for a couple of weeks. And when you open my laptop, which I left in my lingerie drawer, you’ll see. I know you’ll be surprised at first, but I hope you’ll enjoy watching it as much as Lake and I enjoyed making it. I know he’s your best friend and that we’ve had that conversation, but I think it was inevitable that we’d...
As summer progressed, most of our time was spent hanging together and with friends at her house since it was the “lawless spot.” Basically, everyone came to her house to hang out in the backyard to drink, hook up and smoke pot since Rachel’s house had no parental limitations. Her father was a middle-aged, balding guy that worked at a supermarket and was a stoner himself, so he either wasn’t home or didn’t care if us college kids had a little illicit fun at his place. Unfortunately, Rachel’s...
Zoë felt quite excited as she pushed open the door to the flat she shared with Esther. Tonight was the night of the dinner party for which they'd been preparing for ever such a long time. Ever since the last such party in fact. That one had been such a success that they could hardly wait to get another organised. She smiled at her reflection in the hall mirror as she slipped off the denim jacket she'd been wearing. It had been so much fun her pussy had been sore for a week. She could...
Chrissy and Radioactive Loner copyright this story 1998 and 2000. Permission is expressly granted to archive this in any story archive, as long as no fee is charged to access it. Inner Self Revealed Copyright 1998, 2000 by Chrissy and Radioactive Loner I logged on to the 'Net, as normal, that fateful day... not realizing how soon my life was going to take a very different turn. I loved going to the different chat rooms and pretending to be different people. The role I most...
Chapter 1 It was a dismal, damp December Friday night. Simon sat at the wheel of the large red vehicle, making his way through the traffic, blue lights flashing, bells ringing. He was still very new to this, and still felt the enormous thrill of guiding the huge bulk at high speed, with the Perkins V8 beneath him. John sat next to him. Simon knew he’d be watching, keeping an eye out for potential trouble. He didn’t feel slighted or upset, in fact, if anything, he felt relieved to know that...
My Week In Puerto Rico – part IIThis Story Is 100% FictionWe reached Ari’s home. By this time she had fallen asleep. Even while she slept I kneaded her tits. Before we got to her house I woke her up so she do up her shirt. She reached back to the back seat to retrieve her bra which she stuffed into her purse. We parked and I helped her out of the truck. I walked her to her home. She opened the door. I was going to leave when she grabbed my head and gave me a very passionate kiss. I search her...
Sandra couldn't believe what was happening to her. The 24 year old blonde was in the grasp of this woman. God, she looked almost 60 years old. The woman was tugging at the buttons on her blouse. It was almost all the way opened. Her hand was sliding inside, pushing her bra out of the way, groping her breasts. She wanted to stop it, but she knew she could not. It was her own fault she was in this situation and she knew it. She had been driving home from work and talking on her phone as usual....
With that business out of the way, we started out. With the need for us to go slow because of the travois, we still managed to make good time. It was a walk in the park for Miya with her long stride. Everyone else was riding horse, mule or travois. By late that afternoon we spotted the cave home we knew off in the distance. This caused us to move faster. However dark was beating us, so we stopped for the night in a nice cozy grove of trees. We set up a small camp and laid out sleeping furs....
I’ve been locked up in painful chastity for about 6 days now. Give or take a week. I gave away the key to my manhood to a stranger because I was instructed to by my sex instructor. If I thought about it more or if I knew I would feel like I do today, I very well might have second and third thoughts.Last night I told my wife it hurts. She carefully and pains taxingly inspected my cock and balls. Yes my manhood was a bit swollen. Yes my balls were very tender. She said she could see where the...
I was washing the family sedan in the front driveway and thinking about the 49er game later that afternoon when I saw a large U-Haul truck out of the corner of my eye. Knowing we were expecting new neighbors across the street, I glanced up. The U-Haul pulled into the short driveway of the one-story two-bedroom house, and two hired movers began to unload boxes and furniture. I continued to scrub down the car as I contemplated the probability of a hot teenage daughter moving in. I was...
Hi readers, I am Kumar, staying in Bangalore for around 7 years, working as software professional and doing business as well in native, 29, fair, 6.1 ft tall, average weight, living alone in 1bhk rented house. Here I am going to tell true story with Amudha(name changed), 33, house wife, married to a shop keeper for 3 years, living with her husband Biju in kerala along with her mil in house, no kids. Story happened on 29th July 2015 in train. I use to travel every Friday week end for my...
Jacqueline's interview by mya fantasy story description in this story a 21 year old proud and confident crossdresser named jacqueline agrees to be part of a research study being carried out by a psychology professor named chris. This is a complete transcript of the interview consisting of over 30 questions. Note: the interview questions are in upper case text and were written by a human (me) using the pen name mya fantasy. The answers are those provided by chatgpt without any...
Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the left one) are always hard. We have been playing around with others for the last 14 or 15 years. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when we were growing up in Florida. I never really knew much about sex or being horny or masturbation or any of that. Until i basically watched by accident a porno i walked in on my brother watching it... So after that I started looking at women differently and wanted to see more, but only stuck with computer pictures at first, didnt know about videos, and then that was when i started getting a hard on and didnt know what to do with...
Incest(Saturday morning) Frank Watkins stepped into the conference room to receive his visitor, a rather stern looking woman with dark plastic glasses, hair pulled back into a bun, perhaps thirty pounds overweight. "Professor Hartridge," Frank smiled pleasantly. "How may I be of assistance?" "Mr Watkins," she pursed her lips slightly as she spoke, a mannerism she had observed from Carl Sagan and cultivated in her own repertoire. "We have a situation that we must address." "Hmmm... a...
Lindsey entered the hotel room’s bathroom and leaned into the shower stall to turn it on. As the steamy hot water began to pour down, she stood back up and saw the Tara and Jerome were already behind her. Tara was stripping her shirt off over her head and said, ‘Come on, Lindsey. Let’s get out of these sweaty clothes and get into the shower.’ As soon as she had gotten the shirt off, Jerome’s large black hands moved to her large breasts and began playing with them. Lindsey noticed that the...
Melanie Hayes was a ten year-old girl not concerned with normal ten year-old girl things. She knew people thought she was pretty. She had dark, fine hair that fell to the middle of her back. Her eyes were large and dark brown, with long lashes; often passersby paused and stared and commented to their companions about what a gorgeous woman she’d be someday. Her bones were fine and long, preparing her body for height and delicacy. Being ten, her legs were a lot longer than her torso, so she...
Angelita sure lived up to her name this Christmas. She is my Hispanic housekeeper that is here three days a week. She is probably in her late 30s, about 5’3” and quite curvy. Her long dark hair frames a medium brown face that usually shows a big smile. She has been working for me five years now and I have always been very generous in my Christmas present her and her family. Her husband is an unskilled laborer and I know it is been a struggle to raise their four kids. When I gave her the gifts...
Tommy’s turn: “You could already call what we’re doing ‘dating’,” Mimi said. “I know, but naming a thing carries some effect. I mean, one, we’re just a couple of friends going out to eat or to hang out. Dating, though, that means something different. More of a connection.” “And you’re saying that you’re okay with that? With me?” “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” “Thomas,” she said sternly, “you’re a nice guy. I’m...” “Mimi, let’s not go there. I know. You’ve told me. You know what? As long as...
Hi friends i am sonakshi sharma 21 years old from mumbai lives with sister, mother is divorced n lives in london with family for earning, before 3 years when i was in +1 i was one of the sexiest girl of class bold sexy & familiar with all yudi was the most stud n sexiest guy of our class but commited to amisha sister of my current bf rajiv, rajiv was just a average looking guy but was a lot rich n use to die on me usually use to give me expensive gifts so i was just hooking with him he use to...
ello this is an adult story if you are not over 18 please close this page immediatly. Thisstory deals with crossdressing gay males if you are offended by this type of material pleaseclose this page also. Thanks for all the replies to my first story; sorry it has taken so long but school hasstarted (college for all you perverts=:) so I have not had much time to write. As I left the movie theater my mind was racing; I could not believe what I had just didand what that man did to me aswell....
Thanks ISS for giving a lot of people like me, the opportunity to share our experiences. Please give your feedback at I’m Deepika (the name changed as suggested by my dear boyfriend), a 21year old boy studying at a college in Cochin, Kerala. Well, as this is my first story, and I’m quite naive in expressing it, kindly pardon me for the errors if any. I am a pretty straight acting guy in public but had my own interest in private. I had always wished that I was born as a hot girl so men would...
Gay MaleWhore. Her head split. Her mouth was the stinking den of furry animals. There wasn't a bone in her body that didn't ache. Even the air around her was hot. It felt wet and filthy. She stumbled along the sidewalk. Her eyes blinked against the cruel light of day. She cursed the person bearing her name. She had thrown her broken heels away and tried to make her shredded top to at least cover her nipples. She walked with a curious gait. It was due to the delicate tenderness of both her cunt...