- 3 years ago
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"How much did you tell him?" Krissi asked the following Wednesday as they picked through the remains of a coffee and Danish at the coffee shop across the street from campus.
"Most of it."
"I left out me and you, and I left out Emma's."
"All right, I can see me and you, but Emma's? That was a major part of what you did; that was where we met."
"I told him about Cindy's, instead. That was a lot more controlled, a lot more... well, it was uninhibited, but in a controlled way. I did that because the people at Cindy's had reasons to keep what we did quiet, reasons he'd understand."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess so." She smirked. "Emma's is open to everyone. How do you think he'd take that?"
"A lot more negatively. Instead he could see my reason for going, or at least I hope he could see my reason."
"How did he take it?"
"Pretty well, better than I thought. In the end we agreed to let our pasts be past."
"'Our pasts'? What did he mean by that?"
"He told me what life was like as a professional athlete: women throw themselves at them all of the time."
"You mean you didn't know?" Krissi threw her head back and laughed. "You've got to be kidding me! You hadn't heard the stories?"
"I'd heard a few things from some of the Team Wives, but I didn't put it all together, not until when he told me."
Krissi continued to laugh. "If you weren't so sweet I'd swear you were naïve. There's supposed to be some NBA players who've put it to as many as 20,000 different women. I don't know what the numbers are for other sports, but the stories are there."
"So I've learned." Devlin picked at the crumbs on the plate in front of them. "He said he'd toned it way back when he and I began to get serious, and pretty much gave that sort of thing up when he made the Show. He realized that he was there to pitch, and so he concentrated on that. He was the only Triple-A pitcher they brought up in mid-season who stuck."
"So he has brains, too, which you sort of knew. He must be as horny as... well, as you are. Did you two... ?"
"We got in some hot and heavy kissing," Devlin said. "In high school it would have been called a 'make-out' session."
Krissi's eyes twinkled. "How far did you go?"
"We kept our clothes on."
"You can do a lot with your clothes on."
"Well... true. All right, we both had wandering hands. We had to keep it down, my mother was in the next room with my baby sister."
"And your hands discovered... ?"
"You're awfully inquisitive."
"I've got a dirty mind, and wouldn't mind doing what he did to you, but with our clothes off."
Devlin took a sip of her coffee, and gave Krissi a smile. "I wouldn't say no."
"But before we do," Krissi said, "you have to satisfy my curiosity."
Devlin drained her cup and poured herself a refill, dragging out the moment. "All right, if you must know, he got well acquainted with my breasts; through my bra, of course."
"He probably had a raging woody."
"It felt more like an iron bar, not something made of wood."
"But nothing more?"
"I kept my legs together, if that's what you mean. That was... well, I was going to say hard, but that was him, not me. Let's say it was very difficult."
"Let me guess, you're as horny as hell."
Devlin smiled again. "That's a pretty accurate description," she said softly.
"Is he comfortable with not getting in your pants until your wedding night?"
"We talked about that."
"... because then you'd be like all of those other guys, the ones I met at the parties."
"In what way?"
"Forgettable." She put her hand on his. "One thing you are not, Evan White, is forgettable. I hope I'm the same way to you."
"I don't see how I could get you out of my head," he replied. "The only time I can, I guess, is when I'm pitching."
"You'd better be thinking only of pitching when you're on the mound. If your mind starts to wander..."
He chuckled. "That's partly why the coaches don't want us fooling around with women. We'd get too distracted."
She leaned over and kissed him, softly, gently, but with just a touch of tongue to spice things up. He kissed her back, a little firmer. The heat of their kisses quickly rose, but after a few seconds Devlin forced herself to pull back. She looked at the door to the baby's room by way of explanation.
He nodded, straightened, and brushed back his hair.
"I do want to," she breathed, "but I want to make a complete break with my past. I don't want you to be 'just another guy.' You aren't, not to me."
"I can see that." He slid a hand over onto her knee. "I wish we could just hop into bed, but it'd be the same for me as it is for you." He grinned wryly. "I've had too much of that in recent years."
"And so have I. I was hoping you'd understand."
"I think your friend was right. We're going to need fire extinguishers in the room on our wedding night. In the meantime we can do a little exploratory work."
"Kissing and fondling doesn't quite count," Krissi said.
"Even with you?"
"Not tonight; Aunt Flo and all that, but you don't have to return any favors."
"I thought we shared."
"Steve came down from Chicago, arrived on the same flight as Evan, apparently, and it was just to see me. He wanted to talk, and so we did. We got a lot of things worked out."
"But your period... ?"
"Started yesterday, so it wasn't a problem. But that was me, and we need to take care of you."
"Only for a bit. I've got wedding preparations to take care of. I have a dress fitting tomorrow afternoon. I have no idea how that's going to go."
"The dress fitting is only the second most stressful day for a bride."
"I take it the wedding is the first."
"It wouldn't be if people didn't want everything to be 'perfect.'"
"It's the girl's special day, one she dreams about as a little girl. Of course she wants it to be perfect."
"That reminds me: did you decide on where you're going for your honeymoon?"
"We're taking a cruise." Devlin took a brochure out of her purse. "A travel agent here in town is taking care of everything."
Krissi glanced at it. "Are you sure you can wait that long? I don't mean between then and now, but from the wedding ceremony to the cruise ship?"
Devlin laughed. "I think so. I mentioned that it was our honeymoon, and the travel agent found a cruise that spends the first three nights at sea." She played with a few strands of hair, deliberately not looking up. "And they have room service."
"Good, you'll need it. How does the rest of your afternoon shape up?"
"I have a class in 30 minutes, but that's it for the day. I do have a ton of homework to get through, though."
"Fair enough. Then I'll introduce you to Ernie's replacement for drill-do."
"Yeah. It doesn't spin, it sort of undulates. And it's got an attachment that massages everything else down there."
Devlin felt the heat between her legs. "I'm going to race through my homework."
"When's your first class tomorrow?"
"10:30. The dress fitting is at 3:00."
"Good. You might make your class. Now what else did you do besides grope each other. Did you do any more talking?"
"Sort of."
"What do you mean 'sort of?'"
"I like Tom," Evan said when they got back to Bloomington. "He didn't bombard me with a lot of questions." He grinned. "You should hear my dad."
"Toms's a pro football fanatic," Devlin said. "Mom says he spends Sundays glued to the TV."
"Let me guess. 'Da Bears.'"
"Yup, 'Da Bears, ' though he'll watch St. Louis, too. He said after having his heart broken by the Cubs, he swore off baseball."
"I don't see why," Evan said. "They've nearly finished their 100 year rebuilding program."
"A rebuilding program that lasts a hundred years?" She couldn't help it, she started to laugh.
"They've almost made it a couple of times," he said. "They were in the World Series as recently as 1945. Of course it took a world war to dilute the talent pool enough so that they could get that far, but they were there. It'll happen, you'll see. It may be more difficult for them, though. The Cubs aren't quite like other teams."
"Because they lose a lot?"
"No, because of their attitude. I heard a story in Spring Training a couple of years ago. A veteran player said that when he was with the Yankees, guys would check the paper to see how their stocks were doing. When he was with the Cubs, guys would check the paper to see if Hulk Hogan had won the night before."
"Hulk Hogan? He's that professional wrestler guy, isn't he? And they think professional wrestling is an actual competition?"
"Let's not get into what professional wrestling is or isn't," he said. "But if your friend the writer is looking for a job, I hear that professional wrestling is always looking for good ones."
"Oh, you... !" She didn't know what to say, and when she saw his grin she knew he'd been pulling her leg. "Well, anyway," she said, regaining a little of her composure, "Tom's a pro football fan. As far as he's concerned, no other sport exists."
"Not even college football?"
"He calls it the minor leagues of the pro game."
"Well, he's probably right about that. They just don't get paid as much... or at least that's what I'm told."
"Women athletes at ISU don't get paid," Devlin said. "They barely even have the 'make-work' jobs that the football and basketball players have." She gave him a sidelong glance. "Does baseball do that?"
"Not until you're actually drafted by a team and assigned to the minors. I can't speak for certain schools, but for the most part you play for the sport."
"It must be hard on them."
"They could always have turned pro. Some teams prefer the college players because they're more mature. Other teams prefer players who went directly into the minors out of high school. There are arguments on both sides."
"But what about getting an education?"
"That's left up to the players," Evan said. "You have to remember, this is a business, about as cold-blooded a business as it gets. The game on the field is a product, at least to management, and we are merely the parts."
"That's pretty cynical."
"It might be, but it's also pretty accurate." He looked around. "All right, where can we get something to eat? I've got a couple of hours before my flight, and I don't want to chance airline food."
"There are some good places over near the airport," she said. "Take a left at the light up ahead, and..."
"It figures that you'd talk about baseball," Krissi said. "Did you two talk about anything personal? You know, like from your pasts?" They were nearly to her apartment. Devlin had brought along a couple of textbooks. She wanted to see what changes Ernie had made to his toys, but she did have things she had to get done for class.
"Mostly we didn't, though he had one question that I thought was kind of valid, especially because of where we're going on the cruise."
"Where are you going?"
"A couple of the islands in the Caribbean. We arrive at this place about 6:00 a.m., and we don't leave until late the next night. There are two main beaches on the island. One is next to the cruise ship, and that's where most of the passengers go. The other is a few miles away, and is used by a lot of people from Europe."
"You don't have to tell me any more," Krissi said. "I take it none of the locals have a problem with women going topless. Some places do."
"The far beach isn't listed in the brochure from the cruise line. I had to dig up the information on my own. The pictures they had were all blurred at certain strategic locations."
"About mid-chest, I take it."
"I love it! I'll have to go," Krissi said, "and I'll have to drag Steve along. It'll be just like when I was in Europe."
"When he saw the pictures," Devlin said, "Evan had a question."
"I can understand covering up," he said. They were at her mother's, and had gone for a walk 'to get some coffee.' "I heard that with my sisters my whole life."
"Sit up straight, keep your knees together, and cover up," Devlin said. "Oh, and don't speak unless spoken to. I almost forgot that one."
"So how do you nerve yourself up for something like this? Everyone'll be staring at you."
"They'll be staring at my chest," Devlin said, "which isn't the same thing. I've grown used to it over the years. A lot of guys have had conversations with my chest, forgetting that I'm there, too. And I get a lot of looks, far more than the average gal.
"Going topless is... a girl gets very self-conscious about her chest because it's never the way she wants it. Her breasts are either too big, or not big enough. It doesn't take the average girl very long to learn how fascinated guys are with your bosom, and after a bit she starts learning how much to show, and how much to leave as a hint. Going completely nude, that's different."
"You once told me you went to a nudist camp."
"It's a resort, but yes."
"Totally nude?"
"Girls don't have to go completely bare the first time. They know you're going against everything society has told you your entire life. And as self-conscious as a girl might be about her bosom, taking off the bottoms of your bikini is infinitely harder. You haven't had boobs your whole life. You can remember when you didn't have any. Between your legs, though... I had a roommate who called it her 'girl place.' That's the big difference between boys and girls at any age. It's very difficult to let people see that."
"But you did it."
"I only went back to that camp once, and then only because I was doing a sales presentation." She laughed a little nervously. "Getting up in front of a group to speak can be pretty hard. When I was there I had to do it naked, and that was a whole lot harder. You're always aware of your flaws, your hips are too narrow, or too wide, you have some fat you don't like showing off, and so on. The great thing about clothes is you can hide those imperfections. Or, if they're too blatant, distract people from looking at them."
"You must have been very shy when you were in high school."
"I didn't date much, if that's what you mean. My mother worried about that. Part of the reason is that I started developing at an earlier age than most of my friends, and boys were, well, boys. They were more interested in feeling me up, or at least feeling my chest, than getting to know me. That changed when I met Jeff. He was an exception."
"Did you two... you know?"
"I thought I told you about that. You remember, the trial and all that?"
"Oh, yeah."
"That's something to remember, too," she said after a bit. "I've seen those Public Service Announcements with the player and his family. We'll have to be careful with those. I'm not ashamed of my chest; I rather like it that I'm this size without any surgery, but I don't want people staring at them. It would detract from the message."
"Let me guess, you took some marketing classes."
"Required for my major. And yes, I was thinking of this from a marketing point of view. I want people to see a happy family, not a dark-haired girl with big boobs."
"Can't you do something about them?"
"I'm not going to have reduction surgery, if that's what you mean. I can wear a minimizer bra, and clothes that draw the eye elsewhere, but that's about it. Of course when I do I can barely breathe, but that's another problem."
"You caught quite a few eyes on the team."
"I bet. I got a few looks from the wives, too. So I gave some of them my pitch on better-fitting bras." She chuckled. "That did the trick. Now the looks I get are sympathetic."
"That makes me curious about your sales pitch."
"You don't see any skin, if that's what you're thinking. That's not the way you sell to women."
"If you had trouble at the nudist resort," he said after a bit, "how did you stand it at those parties you went to?"
"Different environment," she said at once. "Everybody's naked, but for a purpose, not just for the sake of being naked. There's a lust in the air, that's the only word for it. It's sort of like a rising tension fills the room. You get really turned on, and nudity is a means to an end.
"At a nudist resort you can look all you want, but you're not supposed to react. Watch some teenage girls walk past, and see how many guys flop over on their stomach, or go right into the pool. They downplay the sex as much as they can. It's there, but it is way way back in the background.
"At a party you're deliberately encouraging that sort of behavior. There's a lot of caressing and touching that goes on before you get down to it. You can be kissing one guy, and another one is feeling your butt." She glanced at him, and smiled. "I think I've said enough on that subject."
"The difference," he said, "is that I've only been in one-on-one situations. You've been more public with it."
"I thought we weren't going to talk about each other's past."
"True," he said slowly, "that's what we agreed."
"But you're curious."
"Do you blame me?"
"No, but it's not something I'm going to talk about. I'd rather talk about where we're going on our honeymoon."
"All right," he said. It was clear he wanted to continue questioning her, but after a glance at her face, relented. "Do you think you'll have any modesty issues on that island?"
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xmoviesforyouSorry if this has typos or is not quite a smooth read. It was a late night, quickly typed story with no spell checker, and no proof read. Enjoy the first story I have ever written, anywhere. I used to notice her on the bus in elementary school, staring at me. Blonde hair not always combed, slightly dirty face now and then, clothes not always clean and she often looked like she dressed herself. But she was still cute as heck, well kempt or not. Thinking back to this time when I was 11...
Synopsis: A happy-go-lucky Civil Engineer meets a vivacious young lady at a party who thereafter gives him nothing but constant grief. Naturally this hampers any growth of a relationship between them, until her family offers some helpful advice. A revised, updated version of one of my oldest stories. Sex contents: A bit of Sex Genre: Romantic Humor Codes: MF, FF, Light Bondage, Oral, Spanking Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-24 ******
©2017 MojaveJoe420 (Author's note: Hiya strokers! Kind of a short one for ya. I know, I know, very little character development, it seems like it's mostly just sex! Try and suffer through it. I'm using Italic paragraphs to indicate the woman's internal dialogue. I don't know if the literary police will like it, but I do! Thanks for checking this out.) “Oh my God that’s so fucking hot!” Sherry whispered as she and her husband watched the porno on their bedroom big screen. 60...
There was a part of my life that I’m not particularly proud of but I feel compelled to tell about it. I was still in high school, life was fun and not much responsibility except sports, boys, and grades. I was barely 17 and relatively new to sex. My experience was basically having intercourse with a couple of boyfriends while either jacking or sucking off a few more. I was at that stage in life when sex was so exciting and fresh, you would have thought I was a guy because it was on my mind so...
I woke up with a pain in the neck. Sleeping on the couch was uncomfortable for me. The pain was quite intense in the beginning, but of late, I was getting used to it. ‘Am I becoming a cuck?’ I wondered. I went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. I breathed in the aroma of the coffee as I sat and drank my drink. I grabbed my phone, and sent a text to Bella, asking her a convenient time to meet her. I was aware that I was supposed to prepare coffee for Kate, my wife, and Derry, but my ego...
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I pulled my underwear up around my hips, letting it snap back against my skin. I pulled on my dark blue skinny dress over my head, its tightness cuddled by breasts and hips, and stopped just below my ass. I put on mascara, eyeliner, silver eyeshadow and light pink lip-gloss. I pulled on my black heels as I walked out of my room. The party was downstairs and the music had been booming up since seven. I thought a late entrance would bring more attention to myself. I walked down the stairs and...
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TeenWhen the bell rung, Tina Andrews didn’t stand with the rest of her class to make an escape to the door. Instead she sat, watching as all her classmates left. She was in trouble, and she knew it. The look her teachers eyes, Miss Newbury confirmed that as their eyes briefly locked. The last of the students had left, leaving Tina alone with her teacher, who now stood, and made her way to the large solid door, closing it and then locking it, which clicked loudly, giving Tina an odd feeling! “...
It had been 2 months since Marie had been told of her kid’s actions and in that time Lee had got a job, it wasn’t a great paying one but with a little help from his sisters and mom they could afford the mortgage re-payments. “Nice isn’t It Love” Lee said smiling back to April as they walked inside what was now their house. “Its perfect Lee, and even better then knowing its ours” she said as her arms wrapped around his neck and, her breasts pushing into his chest as her head leaned in...
"No it's not that, well yes kinda, but, I'm so mad at myself. I was so sure I could deepthroat him. Positive. I failed." "No sin not to be able to swallow a baseball bat. You heard him, no one comes close. It's ok." "But I agreed to the bet. I won't run from it. I'm doing it. What, a few hours lying around. I might get fucked a few times. You go find some hot babe there and get laid. Please do." "Sorry, but if you go through with this I'll be in sight keeping an eye on things...
This guy calls the escort services and it seems like he is going to have the best sex in his life…So, I come home from watching Monday Night Football with some guys at the local pub. I turn on the TV and some infomercial for an exercise machine comes on. The model working the machine has a great body and seeing her workout is really working me up. My cock even gets a bit hard.Feeling a bit on the adventurous side, I open the phonebook and look for an escort service that has shemales. I find...
Oh my gosh I am so fucking horny. I cannot wait to get home. I have not had sex since two weeks ago at the company picnic in the park bathroom. Maurice bent me over the bathroom sink and fucked my pussy so hard I gushed all over the front of my sundress. My clit is just throbbing through my panties, aching for some attention. I have been so busy with the Johnson's Case that I have not had the chance to tend to her like I should. I am getting so wet and it's just the car ride home. Fuck, this is...
MasturbationWriter's Note: This story is based on a very popular existing work, Double Insanity, by an anonymous author. It is my sincere hope the original author will consider this an homage to a wonderful story, and not any attempt to steal his or her idea. Double Insanity - Part II - Daniel's Revenge "Goodbye Doctor Moore," Danielle Dalton said as she turned and started to walk out the front of the Lexington Institute for the Mentally Challenged. "Thank you for all you have done for...
I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea. My wife and I are not always getting up to 'unusual activities' but we decided when we first got married that we should work hard to keep some sparkle in our sex life... hence the 'games'. About 4 or 5 times a year (it used to be more often) we act out our fantasies and really go to town. This particular event happened about 18 months ago and to the best of my recollections what happened was this... I'd got home from work about 7:00 and usual sat down...
If you have read internet porn, then you're sure to have come across so many incest stories that it almost seems common place. But I think in reality there isn't all that much of it going on in families. If you took a moment to think about it you'd realize that having a relationship with a sibling could be very awkward. The story I'm about to tell you is true and yes, it is about incest. Actually it is about the first time I had sex and that "first time" was with my sister. This story...
With much effort Zax concealed his killing intent from leaking out. His voice, on the other hand, did poorly and reverberate his fury. Anet trembled and lowered her shirt. She kept her back to him, shameful and sorrow for what had been done to her, the way she was marked. "Three month ago, my school, Eden Formation, held its half year Martial competition". Anet slowly recited. "At the time, everything was fine. I even registered to the general fights of the Intermediate class". "I did...
Mai jo kahani likhne ja rha hu woo kahani nhi balki hakikat hai ye kuch hi dino pahle ki ghatna hai Mai jab engineering kerne ke liye chennai gya tb ki baat woo soory mai to introduce kerna bhool hi gya tha woo my self sanu alam jab mai college gya to waha ek naya friend mila jiska name tha raja … Us se dosti hue fir ek din woo apne ghar bula ker le gya jab hm log uske ghar pahuche to ek bahut hi khubsurat mahila ne gate open kiya mere friend ne mom bola to mai ne v aunty ko wish kiya fir woo...
The ad seemed simple enough. “Help wanted. Full-time work in a professional atmosphere. Duties include but are not limited to…” All that corporate jazz. I wasn’t in love with the work-life, but my mom sure wanted me out of the house and working again, so I wore my best suit ready and made an appointment.I wasn’t really thrilled with the suit. I was more of a dress girl myself, but hey, ‘dress for the job you want.’ And I wanted the job. Living rent-free with my mom sounded great in theory, but...
Office Sex277 i****t and the virgin round 1 “Hi, I am a member of the Wabbit family and we come from the Romney marshes here in Kent, my name is Rod, short for Rodney, Rodney Wabbit and yes I know before you say it it’s a naff name but I`ve been stuck with it these past 40 years!” At school it was dreadful, talk about the boy named sue, I ended up in more scraps than enough, by the 11 plus I was known as a tearaway, a scrapper, but strangely by the time I was at the next school, the bigger one in New...
"Aah..." I moan, hissing with pain as sensation returns to my body- the primary sensation being pain. Pain in my mouth, under my arm, my head, my stomach... But the worst pain is in my groin. "Stuart?" A familiar female voice calls. "Stuart? Can you hear me?" "...Mum?" I ask, opening my eyes and staring into the face of the woman who gave birth to me twenty-five and a half years ago. "Welcome back, son," mum says. "Did- did-" I hoarsely whisper. "Shh," mum urges. "Try not to...
This story may not be copied to or posted on any site without my express permission. —000— The townhouse I was living in had a large kitchen window opening out onto a large grassy area, with a few trees for shade. There was another townhouse just across the grassy area that had been sold a couple of weeks earlier. I had seen a very pretty woman moving in the previous weekend, with a lot of help from several men and women. I didn’t intrude at the time, as I thought that there was enough...
Hello friends, It is my first chance of share my story with other people, hope all people like this and will give me response to tell more stories of mine. I am 30 year 5’11” man from Patiala. It is last year story, April 2009. I am living on rented house with my wife and my mother. In our building another family living, in which Sonia 28 live with his husband and 7 year daughter. Sonia is white face 36-27-38 girl. Her husband is doing job in other city and coming every Friday, Monday morning...
– Is 58 years old – Single mother of 3 making her first porn – Has been divorced for 20 years after 25 year marriage – Currently works in the medical field and has been for the last 20 years – Has had a sexual encounter with a patient of hers in the exam room – Is an adventurous women who loves exploring the outdoors – Has a lot of phone sex, has phone 3way with a couple every week – Is into Anal sex but has not had it in years before this shoot – Not only was her ass super tight but she loved...
xmoviesforyouMidday saw Danny turning his SUV off the dirt road and moving along a faintly visible path that would lead him to their secluded four-bedroom cabin in the woods. The hustle bustle of the city had long been left behind. The lake was just a short walk thru the path in the woods from their cabin and Danny planned to walk down at the earliest. But first he unloaded the provisions he had purchased on the way at a gas station. During the next couple of days, he planned to clean up the place before...
I have been reading SS for some time now and I would like to share my experiences. This happened about 5 years ago at work place. She, a Punjabi was my subordinate, about 32 years, married and the husband was working outstation. Daily she will be in the control room for about 4 hours a day and all the while I had no intention of having sex with her though I had quietly looked at her chest. She had big boobs and solid butt. Use to wonder how she is coping with her husband away. Out of the blues...
Erotic--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE FINAL TEST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at her place, Angella didn't wait for him to make the first move, as she normally did when she was with a guy for the first time. James had declared his intentions and desires verbally, in a public place where multiple people had heard him. He had actually done her a favor by letting others hear what he wanted. Even...
Hi this is Ram from Chennai, I would like to share an experience with you guys and if you like this story please do drop in your feedback to was November 2006 and I was your normal 18 year old. I was always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was young, my step-mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We’d spend days...
IncestMary and Linda met at primary school, became best friends, and supported each other as they grew to womanhood. Both married at twenty. Mary's daughter Julie was born a year later, and I followed within a few months. For both of us, the first few years were a blissful blur of happy families. Sadly, this idyll changed when Julie’s Dad, soon to be followed by my own, succumbed to the wanderlust, and sought out pastures or at least lady gardens new. Life was now hard for the single mums, but they...
CrossdressingMy wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
MILFShe couldn’t believe her night. Yeah, the window incident was scary, but that kiss. Oh, that kiss. Brook wondered if every kiss with him would be like that. She would need to be a lot more prepared the next time. Brook sat on her couch smiling to herself. She was just glad there would be a next time. Aside from the issue with Casey, everything was falling right into place. Brook reached in her pocket and found Officer Shipka’s card. She turned it over in her hand while she thought about...
She is what dreams are made of. She is a blond goddess with the perfect body, a body you'd spend a life time to get to know. Her name is Julie. One of her hobbies is bike riding, which keeps her in excellent shape. A blonde stunner in her mid 30's, she has the tight body of a 20 year old. And she has inspired a fantasy.It goes like this. Julie and I are riding bikes down a dirt path. She is wearing one of those tight spandex outfit that bike riders wear. Her top is pink and the bottom is black...
Theatrical…..10 I felt a bit sorry for him, the guy behind was pulling up his pants, he shed the condom and threw it on the bed, then he went out followed by the younger guy, I picked up the still warm rubber and looked at it, the seminal fluid filled the bulb at the end, I stared at it for a few seconds, that could have been inside me, would I have come if I had felt it shooting into me?, I threw it into the bin after tying it and put on my thong and skirt, I also put on my bra then decided to...
Susan collapsed forward onto the bed as the last spasms of her orgasm left her. The full weight of her mate was atop the buxom Hufflepuff as she felt his still stiff prick finish unloading inside of her. “That was wonderful Harry,” Susan whispered as she tried to catch her breath.The two magicians were in Harry’s bed in Gryffindor tower. “Mmm…yes it was,” the wizard agreed with a purr as he nuzzled the sweaty side of his partner’s head, grazing his teeth over her ear.“Harry,” Susan said with a...
About a month later, Josh and Victoria was at the Italian Village Restaurant. They were celebrating their three month anniversary of being together. Josh just returned from Des Moines, Iowa with Jane and other members of her team for a week's audit. After they ordered Victoria told Josh she had to go to the ladies room. As soon as she was gone Josh was approached by a gorgeous redhead. She was tall, at least 6', green-eyed with a very beautiful face. Her hair fell down to her spine as she...
Bill’s turn: Maddie says I need to get used to it and it’ll go away. She says that the girls are in charge, including her, and that like Nikki and Cindy in Alabama, here it’s Haley and Carlita. “But don’t worry,” she laughed. “We’re kind of like those wildebeest migrations in Africa. We don’t need to do much guidance except to make sure nobody gets eaten on the path we take.” “Women are so smart. You do all that while allowing us the illusion of being in control.” We were exchanging...
Copyright© 10/31/2002 She reached over and turned out the light. Another night alone. Since his death she had found succor in time by herself. Sleep being her best release. She could still smell him in the bed clothes, still feel him in her sleep. They were so much of a couple, one came with the other. A kind of matched set. Her friends were worried about her. It had been a while since his death and she showed no signs of "coming out of it", and beginning her life without him. And yet she...