GenerationsChapter 18 Halloween
- 4 years ago
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I stepped back into the room quickly and Patricia said, "What's wrong?"
"I was not as smart as I hoped." I turned to the three men and said, is there another way out of here?"
I got a quick nod from one but I figured that it would be guarded too. It would be also another way for the opposition to gaining access to this area. I could not be in two places at once and I doubted if I could protect even one doorway for long.
I didn't get much thinking in before we all heard a loud authoritarian voice saying, "Jón of Germania, surrender now."
The girls started to cry once more and I did some talking. I had a plan that may work and put it into play within minutes. The three men were sent out one at a time and climbed the steps. My hope was to use them as a living conductor to gain control of the men above. The three men did as I asked but for some reason I could not complete my own task. It was as if I was cut off by a high wall. I had to conclude that the mages were behind this.
In the end, I talked to the girls and Tertius then surrendered. I could not get away and they could burn or starve us out.
Fetters were brought and put my wrists after I had to remove the Roman uniform. Instead of rivets I went first class with padlocks. The girls and Tertius received similar jewellery with a three metre length of chain so we could be attached to some immovable object. None of us went back into the dungeon though and my attempts to reach out and control people was very weak.
One man that was overly brutal to Tertius screamed in pain and clawed at his skin and I left him to his fate. The only reason I could do what I did was because I could touch him and put my full effort behind it. This was my only method to show these men that I was going to protect my family from attack. This was a mistake though for the mages erected an even stronger wall to keep me from gaining control of people's bodies.
I counted seven men that kept separate from the rest. They studied me very intently and I had to do the same to them. They did not look like soldiers so I guess that more had come than what Klement thought.
We were marched off to some destination as I continued to try to gain control of those around me. One of the mages that seemed to be dressed much better than the rest slapped Tertius and said, "Stop what you are doing or the boy will suffer greatly for it. I looked at Tertius' piteous look and cut back the force of my probing while trying to learn all I could about the wall the mages erected. Tertius was too valuable to kill. He was one of four leavers to use against me. I had a feeling that his life had to be risked or we would all die.
It became apparent that we were going to the palace itself. We missed the ornate front door but went in a side door after the women and Tertius were searched again. The people doing this did their job with no undue pain and no erotic delight that I could detect. I was nude except for my purloined Roman boots and my undershorts. The latter was a holdover from my time.
The mage that had threatened Tertius talked to the officer in charge and most of the men that had been at the jail stayed outside. A servant came from inside and he whispered his instructions. Constantius did not like too many armed men near him but apparently was still very afraid of me.
Orders were given and twenty men were detailed with keeping me from doing anything. The girls and Tertius got two men each. One man in each pair took out their pugio and held it in one hand while the other held the loose chain. The commanding officer came to me but stayed metres away. "You are a dangerous man. Do something that threatens our Augustus and your family will suffer for it."
Now it was my turn. I said, "I want you to remember that I am also protected by my god. Think well before you try to use your weapons. Your city is held hostage the way you hold my family. I have something far more dangerous than a dagger. Antioch was an example." The man was worried and did not have the usual Roman bluster. In any case this was the best I could do.
The girls were nervous and so was I for that matter though I tried hard to hide this. I spoke to my family about the status of other family members. I was sure the guard detail wanted us to be quiet but none of those orders were given.
We walked down some narrow halls that were unsuited for the number of people. In a few moments through a convoluted path we came to some wide doors. Guards were at the doors and in a moment we were allowed to enter. I tried to see what this place was like but I was not tall enough yet. My body had grown like an athlete and not vertically. I did see that some of the walls were adorned with beautiful tapestries but it was hard stone behind.
We entered a large audience hall that was now lined with bowmen. I guess they figured that they could kill from a distance and not come under my power. We were stopped in the middle of the room and just waited. I talked to my fellow captives as if we were alone.
A man in the room barked and order, "You will be quiet until the Augustus arrives."
"Take that order and stuff it up your ass."
The man got very angry but thought better of doing something about it. Trying to lock horns with me now would leave me dead or my antagonists. Since he could not exercise his power he shut up. I continued to talk to my family and even pointed out some of the nice features of the room.
I added, "There were some train stations that were much larger though. thousands of people would enter the room and wait for the time for their train to pull in. It was usually quite busy. The floors were done better but they had machines that worked much more accurately than a man's hand. We also had many more types of material at our disposal."
Looking in Tertius' direction I asked, "How are your engines coming Tertius?"
"Ah... we have seven started but only three more finished. We made them big like you wanted. We were making more track than you thought we could. We only laid track on our property though. You said that you would get paid in a lot of land for each mile of track we laid."
"Did you get any practice building bridges for the trains?"
"Only small ones," he said simply.
"What about the Enterprise?"
"That was completed months ago. She sailed up and down the river for a while. We had a hard time to keep tourists off the ship. It ran aground a few times but it was only mud. The ship handled well in the sea too and Rufus uses it for fishing just like your barge."
"Does it work?"
"Not too well. It is too high at the stern. The ship is very stable and even more so when it had a full load of cargo."
"What cargo?"
"Kitchenware mostly and the shipment went to Lutetia."
"Did you put all the equipment on the deck that I wanted?"
"Yes we did and then added more."
I had to smile at this because the only person that would be dealing in cannon would be Clovis or some of his officers. "Did a list get to you about what I need here?"
Before he could reply some ornate doors opened and another detail of armed men came out and a few seconds later a man in a toga. He looked a lot like the visage I had seen on the coins. The relationship to Julian was obvious. He had some nasty burns that had not yet healed properly and his hair was much shorter than the usual Roman style.
The soldiers around us shifted as well so the Augustus could see us. Everybody in the room then got to one knee and the man holding my chain tried to get me to do the same thing. He couldn't do it.
We were quiet now and watched the man as he climbed the dias to an ornate throne. The Praetorian Guard that came with him surrounded the chair. When this happened, the bowmen behind shifted to keep us in their sights. In a voice much like Julian's, the man said, "The Hand of Woden does not seem so powerful now."
I just looked at the man as if judging him. The mages were working harder now because I could not get very far outside of my own body.
In a moment Constantius said, "You have nothing to say?"
"You didn't ask a question until now. The term powerful is relative. If you mean you and me personally then I am much more powerful. If you mean the might of the Roman Empire then you are stronger than me personally but when I call upon the power of the gods, I am afraid you will not measure up."
"I could kill you now."
"You very well may be able to do that. You risk turning Constantinople into another Antioch though. I doubt if Woden would command Thor to destroy all of the empire for what one man does."
"I am told that you are powerless now. We also think that you are nothing but a magician."
"Ask your lackeys if there is a cruel soldier screaming in pain still. This happened after I said I would surrender and the mages took over. As for being a magician, ask if any mage could do what has been done."
Constantius looked at one man and he hurried over and whispered in the Augustus' ear. "That may be so but you cannot do anything now."
"One of your fools told me to be quiet. He was bright enough to not push the matter. He risked the city and all the lives within the walls. The gamble was not worth the risk. We can find out the truth but none of us may be alive to say who was right."
"Are you saying my people are mistaken?"
"They are holding me back from the way I can manipulate the bodies of those that require healing or death. I have not tried very hard to overcome their resistance yet. I did want to talk to you first."
"You could have talked before."
"Romans usually have honour. You asked for me to come to talk to you but you gave no assurances that I could leave. This shows that you are honourable because you did not give your word. It also means that you would not allow me to leave again. You would not have accepted an invitation like that if our roles were reversed. Why should I have done so?"
"You presume a lot. I am the Augustus."
"I am the only son of Clovis, King of the Frisians. People speak their minds to me without threat. Why is it that you rely on an office to justify yourself? You are a good man or a poor one by being a man not a leader."
"Nobody speaks to me that way."
"Then you are a fool..." My chain was yanked and it was not metaphorically. I pulled against it and continued, "a fool if you will not listen to everything that has to be said. Sophists will smile and tell you what you want to hear even as you go down a dangerous path where the truth is needed."
"You are the one on a dangerous path. You push hard for me to do what you claim you want to avoid."
"I claim to want peace and a gradual change to a gentler society."
"Your ideas would destroy us. We have too many enemies and our people are already too soft."
"You need a strong army and a thoughtful population. This is not something I read about but I lived in that kind of society for over fifty years. It is not perfect but it is better than what we have now."
"By your own words, you are a Frisian. What right do you have to meddle in Roman affairs?"
"There are many rights but the strongest is the command of my god."
"Your god is not the god of Rome."
"Not yet but in two or three years Wodenists will outnumber Christians and in a few more we will count the barbarians and the Persians among our number."
"I should kill you now then."
"Not a Christian thing to do, is it?"
"It may not be but it may be what is right."
The control on me slipped just a bit as the better dressed mage said, "You should kill him now. He is a threat to all we stand for and what we are trying to do."
Constantius addressed the man. "You are right but there is the prospect of him becoming a martyr to his cause."
The man was now angry and said, "Our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth was a martyr and so were his apostles. This man is a heretic and leads the people away from the true path."
I had to laugh and the men glared at me as my chain was yanked again. "Your Christ was a man that was born after man knew of Woden. Christ fought Judaism and was called a heretic by the people he preached to."
The mage was angry and said, "The Jews will learn to regret this."
"You have tried that for hundreds of years but you have not suppressed the Jew's religion. I see it the same way Christianity was suppressed and how it grew stronger because of the conflict."
The mage turned to Constantius for assistance and Constantius said, "He may well get what he seeks but it is the peoples' perceptions that have to be prepared."
It looked like Constantius was a spin doctor too but then again he was the top ranking politician in the world. He could only mean that he planned on having me killed when I could be shown in a bad light. I doubted if he could do this considering the number of miracles that many thousands had seen with their own eyes and not just told about. Even now there were sermons given by those that were spreading the word. This would not stop, and like other religions the priests will keep up the talk so he could be fed and pampered.
Constantius looked at me and I just smiled. He said, "You do not seem afraid."
"Christianity has had three and a half centuries to develop. Wodenism is already at that point. You cannot suppress the religion by discrediting me. You may kill me if Woden allows it but in a few years the effect will be the same."
"We will see if this is true or not." He turned to the man guarding us and said, "Take them away to the rooms I have prepared for them."
I managed to turn and smile at the women and at Tertius, but I was not happy at this. I knew we would not be going to the suites set aside for visiting dignitaries.
We were hustled to the basement. Constantius had some special rooms here for guests too. My chain was pulled upward on a winch and my feet hung off the floor. Fetters were put on my ankles and these too were secured to the stonework.
I heard my fellow captives put in cells but they were not put on the wall. I knew because I would have heard the screams.
I did not get any privacy in any case because three of the mages stayed in the cell with me and just watched me. There was a lot of pain in my wrists and I controlled it a bit and tried to reroute blood.
With nothing better to do, I continued on my quest to find a way around what the mages were preventing. I worked slowly but I think they were aware of what I was doing and actively countered my moves. The mages were not just acting defensively either and I found I had to fend them off too.
In the other cells I could hear the girls crying but there was nothing I could do about it. I was happy that they were not screaming as they were being molested.
A pair of sentries came by every ten minutes and they were told by one of the mages, "He is still trying to gain control."
Hours later the mages were relieved by three other mages but the one well dressed man didn't show up. I did not feel pain because I chose to keep it under control. I thought about dropping my cloak that hid my position but somehow I felt that this was a bad idea. I kept this in place and continued to work on the minds of those around me. I was not learning much except what would not work but that was still useful.
It must be well past dawn when the watch was changed again. I was tired from all the mental activity but it was preferable to sleep in this case.
It was about time for the sentries but this time there were many more footsteps. Four soldiers came in then the well dressed mage and finally some large men I figured were used to torture people. It was not that they were in a Hollywood outfit that tipped me off but in the tools that they brought with them.
The mage asked the others, "How hard had his efforts been to overcome our block?"
One of the men said, "He used little of his power. He was trying to find a chink in our block but we also worked to overcome his block. It looked like neither of us got very far."
The man looked at me and said, "Who taught you to put up a shield?"
"Who are you anyways?"
"Tell me or I will have your wives tortured."
"You would do that anyway when I did not do the next thing that you said. Are you prepared to die?"
"I can torture you instead."
"My god can protect me if that is his wish or not. People still die when Woden is suitably angered."
"You use magic just like us. You are just much better at this. Tell us what you know and we may find a place with us."
"Is that what you want?"
"Our Augustus wants the secret of your healing and of your weapons."
"Was it magic that caused the total destruction of Antioch? Was it a healing?"
"I do not know how you did that but there had to be a way. I heard that you have weapons from your future that could destroy a city like that."
"The weapon you are talking about would leave a poison that would linger for many years and kill long after the blast. Thor's hammer was very clean."
"No lingering poison."
"Ahhh..." The man looked at me with a smile now and said, "Constantius wishes you to witness some executions. He will not let me kill you but I am allowed to make sure you do not use your hands. You are a very dangerous man even without magic. It may also help us overcome your block."
I did not know what he meant but he directed one of the men to come near me. He put some of his tools down but not before he allowed me to see them. They were the crude but effective implements of his trade. I was worried now and took away all of the feeling so that I was numb all over.
I said to the man, "Your tools look effective but do not have the fine detail that quality parts would have. You could have purchased much better equipment from my factories."
The man smiled and me and said, "These work very well. I will have to show you."
The mage yelled out, "Enough. Do it."
The torturer smiled and pulled out a short handled hammer of about two kilos. He said casually as he caressed the hammer. "I am going to break your arm. I am told that the god of the Christians will protect me from your god. I am curious enough to try this."
I did not see a way out of this and just studied the arm that was closer to the man.
The mage yelled at the other reluctant man to take his place and this man was much less sure of himself but he too brought out his hammer. The first torturer played with me as if he were a major league baseball player. Both men though worked as a team.
When the time came for the strike they both swung on cue. I knew there would be no pain but it was still going to cause a lot of damage that I may not be able to repair before it was needed.
The metal struck. The pain came through and I felt my toes hit the floor. The mages had a good grip on me and I reached out instinctively for power to heal myself. I found the power from somewhere. I directed it to the damaged tissues and to control the pain. Last time I could hide in my own little world while what was left of Jón's mind dealt with the pain. I could not do that this time.
I pushed down as if I were pushing myself further from the floor and it took a moment for the caveman in me to realise that this was of no use. I still stood on my toes to hold my weight.
When I looked around I saw the mages studying me. The leader said, "You handled that very well. I have seen many people receive much less and scream, plea and finally go unconscious."
"From your smile I think that you enjoy that."
"Among just us, I think you are right. I would do more, much more but Constantius wants you able to walk." He turned to the guards and yelled, "Get him down. We have to go."
Three men pulled on the chain holding me up while two men rushed in to support my weight. This seemed to displease the mage but it was done quickly and he didn't have time to stop it. It was hard to stand on my own feet once more and pain seeped through as my arms were able to come down in front of me.
I had a chance to see the blood splattered skin but very little of it had flowed down my arms. Both forearms were broken and both bones in each arm. I relaxed the muscles that normally contracted at this time and tried to juggle the vectors to get the bones realigned.
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Danni was wearing her coat, a slightly loose pair of sweat pants and a larger than normal t-shirt that Ms. Sturm had requested for her to wear. She wore no underwear under the clothes. She had changed from her work clothes to this outfit in the washroom of the café; she had her clothes in a small backpack. Ms. Sturm had explained that this outfit was perfect for removing in a moving vehicle. Danni was to arrive nude at the swinger's party. Ms. Sturm would put a trench coat around the...
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW!Fantasy is just that - fantasizing. I LOVE to fantasize!I make it a point to say, 'Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am and Yes Sir and No Sir'.But, in my mind, I add things.....'Yes ma'am I wanna eat your husband's cum dripping out of your pussy...'Or, 'No sir I wouldn't mind drinking your hot piss for you...'Things like that, or even much worse. ...
– 43 years old stay at home mom – Now divorced, single after 15 yr marriage – Home body, chill lifestyle, likes to read – Late bloomer starting to become more sexual – Likes to watch older/younger MILF porn – Likes for younger men and the youngest she has had was 18 – She doesn’t mind getting tag teamed on occasion – She is submissive and likes man in control – She has an amazing ass that looks great in doggy – New to anal sex, ass very tight, but she did great – 100% enjoyable shoot with this...
xmoviesforyouby Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
The storm came out of nowhere. The ship’s white sails were billowing in the pleasant sea breeze, the sky was blue and peaceful, and the lookout hadn’t spotted another ship all day. Which was just as well, since Captain Johanna Stern was hoping to make good time getting back to the mainland. She had prisoners to deliver, her holds needed restocked, and, frankly, her crew needed to get laid. She had been sailing for well over a month at this point, and while the men of her crew were good and...
FantasyBarbara Harris looked over her shoulder as the steel barred door clanked shut behind her.For the next three years this would be her home, the Sexton Correctional Facility For Women.How could have she been so stupid?!? Holding those d**gs for Harry had been just about the dumbest thing she had ever done! When the police broke into her apartment, they found two ounces of cocaine and an ounce of heroin. Harry of course was nowhere to be found, leaving herhigh and dry. Luckily this was only her...
Scene 1: Interior, Day. Olim meminisse juvabit. The Latin tag swam lazily to the surface from the depth of his subconscious. One day we will look back and rejoice. He chuckled at the irony of that particular piece of Ovid coming to mind at this time. He was more used to quoting the ‘dirty bits’. The doubtful benefits of a classical education. Reaching for the whisky, he reflected how his life was full of little ironies these days. It wasn’t just a case of another marriage going sour, it was...
A few years back I spent time on and off with several shall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One of them, who for this I shall call Leroy, just loved when we got together to make me totally helpless. It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahoo and when he found out i was free that weekend he insisted on coming over later that afternoon. We talked about when and what he wanted me to be wearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I was to be wearing a red...
Janet cried herself to sleep that night, blaming herself bitterly for the seduction of her only child. But when she awakened early the next morning, a red-hot heat was burning in her cunt. Groaning, the big-titted mother rolled over and inspected the damage she'd done to the sheets. The whole section under her pussy was damp with fuck juice. Gradually she remembered all the wet dreams she'd had, all the times she'd almost cum in her sleep while dreaming of her son's huge, satisfying...
Carol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had to be home by eleven during the...
A Better Solution Than Divorce - Part 12 By Jennifer Allison Mark Steel Let me tell you something about myself. I am sixteen years old and I live on a farm with my family outside of Tolerance. My family has owned this farm for three generations. I am not a jock, I play the trumpet in the school band. I love watching sports. I found out early in life I wasn't sports incline, but I loved music. The only year I went out for Little league, the only reason I got to play at all...
Amanda was always stopping in to the office unannounced. Not that I minded. I was a bit of a pushover for the girl. Whenever she wanted anything, however trivial, she could usually find a way to convince me to release the funds for it. She could be a real brat. A sweet little brat, but a brat nonetheless. There was a certain look that she would give me that always made me melt. No, not a pleading sort of look. A girl like Amanda didn't have to play for sympathy. It was a confident, cocky...
Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 22 Good Grief "O Lord, you have shown me my end, how short is the length of my days. Now I know how fleeting is my life." Psalm 39:4(38:5) THE drawing room was dark and empty when Mandy emerged from the library, as was the whole downstairs of the house, with just one lamp on the hall table lit. She realised it was now after midnight and...
Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is Naitik again from Jamnagar. My first story was lost my virginity to cousin sister whose link is Who has not read it pls read it. After writing my first story I got many good comments from the readers so I thought to write about my second experience. For the new readers I m naitik modi from jamnagar and I m studying in sy bcom. Now not boring the readers more, lets start the story. Ye story ki shuruat kuch 4 mahine pehle hui jab mere pados me ek nayi...
I ran into Clare and Amy at the hotel Monday morning. "That Bailey is a firecracker," Clare said and I agreed with a nod. "I didn't know you were dating her?" I told her I wasn't and it probably was only a one-time thing. "It looked like you two were hitting it off," Amy chimed in. I guess my wistful look gave me away. "I was told it is more complicated than that," I said trying to plaster the same smile on my face that Cody's video had left. "Yeah, I think we both had a nice...
At college I was into everything, debates, sport, field trips, girls and of cause the female teachers, I remember one teacher I had a certain thing for, being about 20 years older than me and married, it didn’t really go anywhere at college, one day out with my mates I notice Tina (that’s the teacher) broke down at the side of the road, pulling over I got out and asked if there was anything I could do, she said it just stopped, and now the battery had gone flat, I fiddled around under the...
Part One “Princess, we’re moving in with Dan!” mom announced excitedly. He was smiling at her with just as much enthusiasm, but his hands were trailing up and down my thighs beneath the well-covered dining table we had. He rested his hands on my upper thigh, way too near my crotch. “Your mom and I have also decided that we want you to start calling me daddy from now on” Dan grinned at me innocently, but his eyes told me that life for me was about to change drastically. As if to prove...
"Damn you guys," I managed to curse while gasping for air. The abrupt transition from the Autopilot-mode into full-control of Kimberly's persona had left me fully disoriented and suffocated. My eyes watered and I felt some kind of brain freeze strumming my head. Meanwhile, my two seniors just laughed their asses off at the living room. Virginia Mendez was still topless, sitting in one of the couch of the living room. Her ample tan breasts jiggled as she roared with her raspy...
"Bit of a walk isn't it?" Tanya said with a smile. "It's outside the citizen zone," I admitted. "But you had wounded so we teleported you in at our command post. I'm not sure we have a teleport near here yet. This is new." "Will all my crew be here?" Tanya asked. "Probably not," I said. "The walking wounded you had were directed to one of the rooms we have near our medical center. If there are free pods they'll rotate the people through." Tanya nodded. "On that note, how...
The Jordan home was a beautiful huge and dramatic house built in the early 1920’s. The gardens surrounding were magnificent and she was the most beautiful classy person with a heart of gold. She loved to knit and collect art among other things. She was a member of the knitting club. Their home was at the opposite end of the block, opposite side of the street from my candy lady buddy. The acreage of their property estate spread down to the lake all with a magnificent view of the mountains to...
Eypen, is a mercenary in the kingdom of T'lonen. They get hired to do odd jobs and what not around the kingdom. Rules: Eypen can be a guy or girl doesn't matter. What odd job or work Eypen has been hired to do has to be explained at some point, no random wandering allowed please. Eypen can be rich, poor, kind, ruthless, pervy, innocent, clueless you decide what they are. Their age is always 20 years old, however if time skips occur that's ok too. The species or beings they meet or encounter...
FantasyThe next few days were bliss. Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops. Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman. She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees. Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...
IncestIt had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school all day, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own to the south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away. She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had large breasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs. As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. After a moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in there...
Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So, let’s start the story! September 26 (A little later in the day) I said, “Arey you were wasting time there. We have less time, come, dear.” Mami: I was just talking with bhabhi. Me: Ok, where is bhabhi? Mami: In her house. Me: That’s good. Let’s start the session. Mami: Yes sure. But one condition. Me: Condition? What? Mami: I am also thinking in a...
That is IT! I have had it! I can almost feel my blood pumping as I storm down the hallway, the offending piece of paper held tight in my hand. Part of me is glad the k**s have gone home; I’d hate for them to see me so pissed off but he has crossed the line this time!He started here only a few months before me but he’s always acted like I’m some… two bit part time teaching assistant! He’s an ass! A complete ASS! “Mr Laskin!” I shout as I storm into his room, seeing him at his desk marking...
I should have been in heaven, surrounded by 3 of the most gorgeous girls in my physics class and enough alcohol to keep George Best happy - but there was something missing. Ever since my first job for Bruno, where I enjoyed the best sex of my life with Marcus, I had been yearning for more. My whole day was taken up with thoughts about that night. How I had turned from a normal heterosexual student into a wanton TV cock whore was beyond my comprehension - it had happened so fast ! And...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasn’t exactly what you’d call the most popular kid in school but I got through the day. I hung around with a couple of friends at lunch, all girls but this one boy called Josh, he liked hanging with the girls cus he loved fashion. He bordered on being emo, with his black straightened hair finishing a little above his shoulders; he...
There must be something fucking wrong with me. I am twenty-five years old, tanned perfectly across my whole body with no lines, my curves are all in the right places, and my slenderness exudes exotic features. My legs are always smooth, my breasts protrude with a perkiness that is almost so perky, I do not have to wear a bra half the time. Constantly, I am ogled by guys. I could have my share of them and even invite them into my bed if I wanted. But yet, I do not. My chastity is still intact....
Dawn was shining into the room, pooling on the soft white linens of the bed. Daisy sat on her knees, her long hair gracefully falling around her shoulders as she stared at the sleeping man. Daisy, that is what he kept calling her, and he was Falcon. It seemed strange to her to be assigned a specific name, but then again, there was very little about this big, new world that did not seem strange. But what confused her most were her own feelings, completely new and a little scary. When Falcon...
Naomi drummed her candy-apple nails impatiently on the pass-through window.“Order up!” Sheila, the longest tenured server, barked and passed Naomi the ticket.Naomi, always three steps ahead, noticed the customers’ fancy attire and guessed they’d be going for the more expensive items on the menu. She bit her bottom lip, lightly glossed the same shade as her nails. Her scalp itched slightly, but she let the sensation pass, not wanting to loosen a strand of neatly tucked auburn hair.As she read...
LesbianI was sitting on the couch next to an frind of my wifes and myself that happenend to be gay, his name is Joe and he is very discreet, that's why I chose him for my first time. He was tall and slim and only wearing a pair of baggy silky shorts and judging from the tent in those shorts was very excited about playing with me. I slid my hand up his leg and found a very hard cut cock, I had to taste it so I got down on my knees and took him in my mouth, I couldn't believe how good it felt, I bobbed...
People who’s wives and daughters had gone missing wanted to go and hunt down the sheepnies. The leaders were invoking galactic law that prevented harm or exploitation of local inhabitants. The doctors gave us some food and water but it passed straight through us. We were connected up to glucose drips while we were scanned. It looks like you are being terraformed for want of a better word. most of your internal organs have changed or gone. You have hardly any stomach, no liver , kidneys...