The Pink Diva Chronicles Day 122 128
- 2 years ago
- 36
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January 16, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
Although it took me a minute or so after I woke, when I recalled where I was and who I could feel next to me in the bed, I sighed in happiness.
“That sounds promising,” responded Meka.”
“We’ve wanted you for so long.” I thought for a few seconds, furrowed my brow, then added, “Well, in a relative sense, anyway. None of us has been sexually active for more than eight months, so wanting you for three of those makes three months seem a reasonable definition of ‘so long’.”
She chuckled, then said, “You’re funny. Oh, you’re not a riot of laughs like Liya and Heather can be. Your humor’s more ... cerebral, I guess; plays on words frequently, self-deprecating quite a bit, ironic, and mordant. I like that. I like being around you ... all of you. You girls have made what I must go through with Dad much easier to bear. Or, at least, you get my mind off the problem frequently.”
“If we managed only that, our time spent on you was worthwhile.”
“On another topic, are you worried about Civia ... figuring things out or catching you?”
“Yes. She’s very bright and she loves being here. Our problem is that we love her and love having her here, but it was much easier maintaining the secrecy while she didn’t live within easy walking distance. I’ve been preparing for that, as it seems nearly inevitable. Something will happen, we’ll forget, something. If it’s just us girls, that’s easily managed ... at least, relatively so. If she comes across Dad with ... any of us ... The thing is, I’m not at all willing to give up friendship with her, but I suspect we’ll be lucky to keep her from discovering the ... family sex. I’m nearly certain she would come to us, probably to me, first, but...”
I glanced at Meka, then down at my toes poking the covers up. I realized I had distracted myself from the subject, grunted, then returned to it.
“When she and I talked in December, she was feeling confused about us because she’d not had good friends before us, so she didn’t know how to differentiate how she feels about us as friends versus how she’d feel if she were interested in one or more of us sexually. She’s obviously begun thinking about sex, else I can’t see how that chat came about. To tell you the truth, I would not be surprised if she’s not at the heterosexual end of things. I can’t see how ... we ... the Go5 ... could ... alter so many of our friends’ perceptions of their own sexuality. But look at us. We’re on the verge of having ten girls in a ... big pile of lesbian lovers, and those ten account for all but a few of my very best friends, and the same is true for the others from the Go5.”
I looked into Meka’s eyes and asked, “How does that happen? I can’t believe that we’ve been sending out signals unbeknownst to ourselves that attracted so many like-minded girls. Oh, I can see that working for intelligence or doing well in school or soccer, but ... for sex? In something like nine months, I’ve gone from wishing Brett would break out of his shell, to wanting a deeper relationship with Rhee, to being part of a strongly committed set of five girls having sex, to all of us becoming part of a loving eightsome with Rhee’s and my parents, to Brett destroying his shell, to spending time naked with a larger array of girls, to ... this. I’m now worrying about one of my best friends who knows virtually nothing of all I’ve mentioned discovering that not only do those five girls she loves as her first and very best friends have sex with each other, but all five of them are having sex with my father. And why am I less worried about her figuring things out or flat out discovering our reality with her own eyes than I feel I ought to be? Do I want her to know, to see?”
I turned and looked at her with hopes that she had answers. When the corners of her mouth began turning up, she covered her mouth despite that she didn’t hide her dancing eyes.
Around her hand, she said, “I’m sorry, Beth. I’m not laughing at you, I’m ... Okay, I’m probably laughing at you, but I can’t help it. You’re the most-together freshman I’ve ever known. You’re always on top of ... everything. I’m not really laughing at you. It’s more like I’m laughing with you, but you just haven’t begun laughing, yet.”
I tried to hold it in, but I just could not, and a couple chuckles escaped my mouth, just as I could not keep the corners of my mouth from turning upward.
“There. I knew I was laughing with you.” She breathed deeply, then continued with, “I don’t know how much I can help you with this. My sex life was ... much more straightforward than yours. I had only a single lover and I knew I didn’t want others, although that was partly because my relationship was ... beyond the pale for most people. Now, I’m lying here with a very pretty girl more than three years my junior after spending one of the most sexually satisfying nights of my life with her. I’m still confused about how this happened and why, despite that I’m not confused about my feelings for her. I also cannot help with your confusion, as I don’t understand it, either. From what I know, you five or more girls should be saying something like ‘the hell with it’ as you begin a strongly sexual relationship with Brett. Hell, most iterations of you, Beth, and your situation would have you taking advantage of your longer-term relationship with Brett and his obvious love for you above all others, to cut everyone else out of a relationship with him. Instead, you’ve, essentially, invited four or five or six more girls into a very constrained sexual relationship with him.”
She furrowed her brow, gazed into my head for a quite a few seconds, then stated, “Despite that I understand every decision you made to get here, you ... and we ... are charting, perhaps, a one-of-a-kind thing here. I mean, look down the road from this point. If Brett doesn’t run away, and I really get the impression that that is a very low-probability response from him, look at the future. None of you have stated it, but I find it difficult to believe that any of the Go5 would want to give up Charlie even if ... no, when you get Brett with few or no constraints. You’re looking at a huge ... relationship involving two guys with 25 years age difference between them and something like 16 females with a similar age difference from oldest to youngest. If I’ve got that wrong, please tell me where I went astray.”
I stared at her for quite a while, but then shook my head indicating that she had not gone astray in her calculations.
She said, “Actually, I think the number is low, because I wouldn’t be surprised if Kim jumps in with both feet. Granted, solving both problems related to Brett will probably require the passage of a bunch of time. However, I suspect that the Brett problem over which you’ve been stressing is not the truly difficult one. In my mind, the difficult problem is having none of you girls becoming pregnant.”
“Oh, thanks very much for that! I’ve not been stressing over that one, because it comes into play only after solving the first one, if we solve it.” I look into Meka’s eyes and, somewhat whining, said, “Meka, I want him. I want him so much. But I just can’t cut out my ... long-term sister-friend-lovers.” She opened her mouth to respond, but I held up my hand, then added, “They’re more important to me than even Brett, but I must admit that it’s not by much. I...”
Meka just looked at me as I tried to figure out what I wanted to add, and I how I wanted to say it.
“Some of that is that I’m much more positive that the Go5 works out. As you say, we have two problems related to Brett, but the problem of keeping the Go5 together through college and beyond seems much more ... tractable than the Brett problems. Yes, once he turns 18, the second problem becomes much simpler, but I still see no way to solve the first one short of risking our various parents’ freedom.”
There was a very quiet rap on the door near the end of my last sentence. I huffed in annoyance, then berated myself for getting angry with Heather; I was sure she was the knocker. Softly, I beckoned her to enter.
Heather poked just her head through the opening and when she saw my come-hither gesture, she stepped inside, closed the door behind her, and climbed onto ... Meka’s bed.
“You don’t look happy, Beth.”
“I guess I’m not. Despite a wonderful night, we’ve spent the time since we woke discussing various problems that we ... the greater we ... have. It began with Civia and quickly morphed into, thanks to me, the various problems some or all of us have vis-à-vis ... family sex.”
Heather wiggled between us and worked herself under the covers, then responded, “I know you ... want to figure these things out, but you’re stressing yourself out over them. Meka and you could have had another round or two of sex, and you know how much you like morning sex.”
I huffed, noisily exhaling out my nose, but I nodded at her, because she was right. I held up my hand to her, then thought furiously for a bit.
I looked at Meka, saying, “I’m sorry. Heather’s right. We...”
She held up her hand at me and once I’d closed my mouth, she said, “I got us started down the road that brought us here.” She turned to Heather adding, “I asked her if she was concerned about Civia discovering or figuring out about various aspects of your sex lives, and here we are.”
“I know why I worry about these things, but I don’t know why I let them take over so much of my brain. You’d think I’d have figured out that if I haven’t solved the problems by now, I’m probably not going to do so.” I turned to Meka and started with, “I’m sor...”
Meka was obviously ready and covered my mouth with her hand. She had her head follow her hand over Heather between us and put her lips on mine after she moved her hand. I closed my eyes and just let her kiss me for a while, then, when I felt my heart and pussy react, kissed her back. Neither of us let the kiss get intense, but it was a wonderfully pleasant kiss, anyway. When she slowly pulled her face from mine, I opened my eyes and looked in hers.
“I’ve told myself and the others that I’m happy to give the first Brett problem to Lana to solve. I don’t know why I can’t get myself to believe that consistently.”
Heather responded, “I know you know this, but you just hate it when you can’t solve problems. You tell yourself that you’re letting down all those affected by those problems. Beth, you’re not letting us down. As you said, it’s an unconventional problem that needs an unconventional solution. Let Lana work on it. Let it go. You’re killing yourself with it. You’re missing out on things you want, such as morning sex with our wonderful friend and new lover. You take that mindset to school, and you’re going to do poorly in class because your mind is occupied. Please, Beth. Please, let it go for now.”
Heather was nearly in tears, and it was my fault. I snuggled into her, put my head on her right shoulder, my right leg over her legs, and tried to get as much of me in contact with her as I could. I calmed somewhat as Meka stroked my back and head and Heather’s head. I found myself nodding, but heard others awake in the house, so slowly breathed deeply.
“School day; time for breakfast,” Heather said quietly.
Somehow, what she said made a couple things connect in my brain, so as the three of us climbed out of bed, I asked, “What do you think about not having a calc class this term?”
Heather answered as we descended the stairs, “Given all that’s going on this month, I’m happy with that choice. I can get back into it later, either summer session or fall.”
We joined the others in the kitchen eating breakfasts of oatmeal into which various of us dumped a variety of interesting things, such as banana slices, raisins, quartered dates, and pumpkin seeds.
Meka said, “Thanks to whomever, probably all of you, prepared breakfast. This is much better than my usual cold cereal.” The others smiled at Meka, who turned to Gracey and said, “Your combo of dates and seeds seemed good, and now I know it’s great. Thanks for doing that, as I never would have thought to combine the two.”
Gracey looked at Meka for a few seconds, then responded, “We’re like that. We like to try new things, new ... combos.” She shrugged and added, “Sometimes the combos I ... or the others come up with don’t work all that well, but this one struck me as a good idea this morning. Like you, I think it works and I really like it.”
Her subsequent smile at Meka caused most of us to smile, too. Meka smiled at Gracey, then inhaled deeply.
“I’m really going to like living with you girls. You’re ... umm ... expanding my horizons ... in so many areas. I’ve always thought of myself as flexible, but you’re showing me that I didn’t know what flexible is, and I’m not talking about the sex. Well, not just the sex. I’d also like to report that my first full-on bout of girl-on-girl sex was ... really fucking wonderful!”
Gracey replied, “Ah, yes. Beth is really good, but you really want to have a weekend night the first time you share a bed with Heather, as you’ll probably get little sleep. And, then there’s the morning sex, where you might find your bed filled with naked girls that want to love you up.”
A couple seconds after Gracey’s words, I recalled this morning and knew that Heather had been hoping at least for some power snuggling. I turned to her.
“No, Beth,” Heather said. “We know you. So long as you keep that problem from occupying the front of your mind, this morning was worth it to me.”
I gazed at her for a few seconds, nodded, then replied, “I will try very hard to honor your request.”
Rhee looked across the table at me, then to her right at Heather, then back to me.
“Ah. You were banging on about the Brett problem. Yes?” When I lowered my head and nodded, she added, “Okay. I’ll say not a word about it ... so long as you honor your words to Heather.” Her lips moved into that smirky smile I so love, and she added, “And so long as you tender the weekend invitation to Lana. You also need to let her know precisely the reason she’s being invited for the weekend. She needs to be anticipating this weekend all week.”
There was much laughing, including some from me.
Celeste brought us all back from mental imagery of Lana in the big pile of girls in the big basement bed by saying, “Meka and I need to vacate our bedrooms today. After we get back from school, we need to move the mattresses from our rooms to, respectively, the master bedroom and workroom down here, with mine going in the master. I’m not working tonight, so I’ll be here to help.”
Liya smiled at Celeste, saying, “Thanks, Den Mother.” She smirked, then straightened her face and added, “I had forgotten, so I meant that, Celeste. Thanks.”
Celeste responded, “You’re welcome, but that also brings something to mind. We need to have a bulletin board or a big white board so that we can each post our schedules. With so many of us living here, we’ll really need to know who will be here and when. We also need to figure out schedules for cleaning, particularly of the common areas. That discussion can wait for after school. I’ve got a mid-afternoon class, so I’ll probably be back last.”
Meka replied, “We’ve got outside workout today, but a short session. Do you have a long enough break between classes that would give you enough time to rustle up a big white board and associated materials?”
“Not Tuesdays or Thursdays.”
Rhee responded, “I’ll ask M ... Carol. She can probably go before work or take a long lunch break and get what we need. That’s something else. We need to have a household meeting tonight to talk about splitting costs for stuff we all use, perhaps a communal pool into which we all chip equal amounts. We five have always gotten along so well living in the W house, partly because we had three or more parents either to ride herd on us or to organize household necessities. With our parents allowing us to live on our own, even if only across the back yard from them, we need to step up our game.”
Celeste was nodding before Rhee was finished, and immediately replied, “Yes. Thanks, Rhee. You’re right. Sandy, Carol, and Charlie have said that Meka and I are, as Liya said, ‘den mothers,’ but we don’t see us as having any power over you ... so long as everyone chips in with funds and work on time and without grumbling. I truly want to be a full-fledged member of your gang, but I really can’t be if I also have to be a den mother riding herd on you. That simply will not work. Please don’t make me be an actual den mother, because I’d really rather be one of your lovers.” When I began to respond, she held up her hand and added, “Let’s save anything else in this vein for tonight, when we’ll have much more time.”
As Heather looked around the table, she said, “Celeste and Rhee are right. We need to step up our game, domestically. Oh, we’ve always been good about our rooms and laundry and cooking, but we’ll have to do everything here in the J house that our parents typically organized and led in the W house.” She looked directly at Celeste and finished with, “And I want you for a lover much, much more than I want you as another parent. I am so looking forward to making love with you.”
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Adorable Harley’s parents are divorced, and her father has remarried. She gets along great with her new stepmom, but she has a son from a previous marriage. Their relationship started off on the wrong foot, but recently Harley can’t stop thinking about him in a way she knows is wrong. She desperately wants to be punished by him like the naughty girl she is. After doing something that she knows will make him angry, she gets exactly what she has been waiting for – and exactly what she...
xmoviesforyou"So what did you do today?" Jake asked casually over the phone. Heidi was surprised when he had called, but realized that it was silly to have been. Of course he would call. Heidi was hesitant to answer for the briefest of moments. "Nothing," she lied, thinking of her meeting with her parents. "How's Fitz?" "He's good." There was an awkward silence. At least when they were together, they could both pretend like they didn't mind the silence. Over the phone, though, there was no...
I was searching for older woman on the net and found an attractive 62 year old lady but she said she didn't want to date youner men. I was 39 at the time but I was focused. I kept in touch with here and over time she finally agreed to meet me. We met at a diner to have lunch, she was wearing a black dress, her hair all gray and in a pony tail. She was 5 feet tall 95 pounds.We talked for a while over lunch then I walked her to the car. She gave me a hug and held on for a minute or two. I kept my...
It's Déjà vu all over again. Once again Todd found himself up in the tree line watching cattle butt. It's hard to believe that it was just a month ago that I was the darling of the town. I had solved a series of bank robberies and at least one homicide, all committed by the same person. I had everyone in town dropping in to say hi, little kids asking if I shot anyone, a lot of the eligible women in town dropping in to basically ask if I'd give them a shot. One rather aggressive young lady...
Based on the story The Powerless by Tip Ryan was starting his first day at school today, he'd had fun at his old one and was now looking for a 'new challenge' as his old homeroom teacher had put it while she was down on her knees sucking him off. Ryan wasn't an ordinary kid, he'd always had powers that let him do whatever he wanted which led to quite an easy life and this school would be no different. Walking into the school, Ryan began to mentally...
Mind ControlReddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...
Reddit NSFW ListCopyright© Wow, has my life changed. Just a few months ago, I would never have thought I would be living with a 19-year-old boy. I have never thought of myself as gay. Except for an occasional female-male-male three-way, in which I enjoyed having my cock sucked, my sex was always straight. I sure didn't think I was gay, maybe a little bit bi, but never gay. However, all that changed when Mike my new roommate moved in. He was nineteen, a virgin and built like a brick shit house. Oh, don't...
If you’re just sticking to fucking bitches of your same race, then you’re missing out big time. You need to sample the goddamn world when you go out and take a horny slut back to your pad. I put up this world map full of pins. I tell babes that these are all the places I’ve been to. But, really, that porcupine of a map marks off the country these girls are from. It’s nearly full at this point. One day I’ll slam some tight North Korean pussy. Seriously though, each of these girls brings...
Interracial Porn SitesI sat exhausted in the back of the bus after a long day at school. Struggling to keep from nodding off, I thought of the sight of the bus driver, who was new on that shift. Her shirt stretched tightly across breasts that seemed to defy gravity, probably due to an industrial-strength bra filled to overflowing, rising above a plump yet firm belly within a blue shirt with a navy blue neck tie. She had looked at me blankly, chestnut hair with streaks of silver here and there peeking out from under...
UniformIt had been a rotten day at school. The heat of the approaching summer didn't help my rotten disposition one little bit, either. Not only had my teachers been on my case for every little nit-picky thing that week, but my girlfriend was also being worse than her usual bitchy self. After almost two weeks of her current attitude, I was getting really tired of it. I wondered if Brianna had the faintest idea of how close we were to breaking up. For that matter, I wondered if she even...
I had just woke from a very erotic dream in which I was having sex with several women. I was sopping wet and I still had my hand between my legs and two fingers in my pussy. My fingers were coated with my silky juices and I brought my fingers to my mouth a licked them clean. As I tasted myself and again fingered my hole I tried to recall the dream. All I could remember was holding some woman’s cunt lips open with a speculum and getting a good look inside of her. I was so intrigued by...
I now look back with fond memories of that summer when I was delivering papers in the old part of the city where the houses were large and the women were mature. The one that I will always remember is MsPaddySpurs, she was about 56, 5 Foot 4 in Black Nylons, 124 pounds, reddish brown hair, pouty Red Lips, hour-glass figure and 36DD breasts which were always cradled in a sexy Bra. The reason I remember her is that when I came around to collect she was always wearing Black Nylons, a Tight Skirt...
Please read part 1 firstMs Kelly is on her knees sucking Mr Dorking's large cock . The phone rings .Uh hello Mr Dorking Alicia Riviera and Danielle Kelly are here for their after school detention class.Thank you Sabrina have them wait outside my office .Ms Kelly has one hand massaging his balls the other between her legs. Her oral skills have him ready to erupt. He pulls out just as he cums on her mouth and cheeks on her tits and torn clothes.Get up and bend over the chair . He cable ties her...
After several years of futile attempts at maintaining gainful employment, my husband, Tommy, and I decided to try to make a living as truck drivers. We thought of it as an opportunity for adventure since we were both young and had never traveled farther north from our home in Florida than Tennessee or farther west than Louisiana. We quickly adapted to the lifestyle. Living, eating, sleeping, working and fucking in the crowded confines of our seventy-two inch sleeper bunk. We had only been on...
Group SexWhen we were both naked, she ground herself against me, keeping my body prone on the ground with her hands pressed against my chest. She kissed and licked a slick path down my chest, torturing my breasts with her sweet mouth. I needed to touch her but she wouldn’t let me. She kept my arms firmly on the ground, pushing against my wrists as her hips moved faster. She was close, I could feel it deep inside. Her thrusting became frantic as she lowered her lips to my ear and began to whimper. This...
I left to the now familiar sounds of two women exploring each other’s bodies and enjoying the discoveries.I, however, was taxed. So taxed that I didn’t think I’d get an erection for at least a month. I'd fucked two girls at the same time. I’d listened to them fuck each other. I’d seen the two girls go down on each other, even. And still, I was spent. It happens. Sometimes it happens early, sometimes late, but I was physically spent. My cock couldn’t handle much more, if any.I walked...
BisexualBeen a porn lover from the first time I sexperienced a hard on while at a public pool, where a chick and her bf were fooling around in the open showers before they left. She was incredible...Long legs, pert ass that kept swallowing up her panties, lovely curly hair, poker dot yellow and pink bikini, nice big round jiggly boobies, must have been a 34/36D cup and typical cock bottle figure. mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm... I was getting changed in one of the private stalls when I heard faint moaning...
John was at a business dinner in London last month, one of 600 drunken men drooling over the dozen or so females at the event. He was away from home, had a nice hotel room upstairs and not a chance of tasting some pussy, or so he thought. Bored of the endless business chat from a bunch of guys who were even more drunk than him, John wandered through to the main bar and ordered a beer. The scenery looked much better here: a voluptuous blonde caught his eye: mid 40s with an amazing cleavage...
The world of Qaryesh t'Marne is a complicated one with eleven younger races having sprung up to build on the ashes of the elder race of Humans, who fought amongst themselves until they became extinct. In this world, the different races have divided the land into roughly fourteen nation-states and four regions to which nobody has laid claim. These nations are in constant flux in their relationships with each other and with the various races. The history of Qaryesh t'Marne is rich with intrigue...
Alex Blake and her stepsister Tara Ashley are fighting over a shirt when Alex’s stepdad, Charles Dera, comes to see what the commotion is. He separates the two girls, but Tera gets to Alex long enough to tear her clothes off. Alex doesn’t care about her nudity and gives lip to her stepdad. Charles makes good on his promise to put her over his knee and spank her ass. Finding Alex’s landing strip pussy nice and wet, Charles can’t resist the temptation to slide his fingers...
xmoviesforyou“How much longer is this yellow headed nuisance gonna be here for? Why the fuck hasn’t Teddy pissed him off already?” Mihara was going crazy stuck inside the unusually roomy closet of Theodore’s – even more surprisingly – tastefully decorated dorm room. She could distinguish who was talking at any given time, and some words were clear, but unfortunately she didn’t possess the expert hearing of the creature she loved to emanate. Plus, she didn’t really care what was going on. Her ‘class’ had...
Like most unmarried guys the only thing I really knew about girls having their period was that they got grouchy before it came and sex was off limits when they were on. The best you could hope for was a hand job or BJ while the pussy was out of commission. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20’s that I met a woman who gave me the wildest sexual experience I had ever had and opened my eyes to some things about women. I ended up marrying her but that’s another story. At the time this incident...
Newlywed step daughter Jill Kassidy is still glowing from her honeymoon when she visits her parents for lunch. Her new husband chats with her mom at the kitchen table, while her step father Marcus London helps her do the dishes. Jill’s mom is real MILF but she tells her new son in law that she suspects her beloved is cheating. Meanwhile Jill is on her knees behind the sink barely hidden from the kitchen table, guzzling her step dad Marcus’ dick. Their respective partners are none...
xmoviesforyouI am a sissy faggot. While browsing the instant messenger I started a chat with straight guy. He had been out at a club trying to pick up girls but came up empty and was all horned up for a blow job. When I got to his house he was nervous as he had never been with a guy, so I jumped right in. Quickly I was butt naked and on my knees in front of him. He leaned back in his recliner and took out his beautiful cock, gently stroking it. I took his soft, flaccid dick in my mouth and slowly began to...
Read My previous Stories (links on top). So the last fucking day got fucked up due to a bad joke I cracked And I WALKED OUT OF THE DOOR WITH A NEW NAME ‘Randi. I went home, my mom read the puffiness in my eyes. I told am not keeping well and got myself locked in my room. Every time the phone rang, I thought it was Sanjay ji but I heard my mom chatting away, so knew it would either be friends or family. I decided to face whatever my life had stored for me. I consoled myself saying once his anger...
I’m staying in a motel room, doing a little work in my room catching up on some emails, when there is a knock at the door. I am not expecting anyone, so I feel a little funny about getting the door, considering I’m wearing my usual hotel room garb. T-shirt and underwear, I figure it’ll be ok since the t-shirt is long and the underwear is kind of like shorts. To my surprise I open the door to find you smiling, I pull open the door to let you in. As I close the door you kiss me, I can tell you...
At this hour, the hotel bar is almost deserted, has the air of a third world airport V.I.P. lounge. Its lingering weekend clientele consisting of couples bored with the night, bored with each other. They are refugees from their rooms awaiting an intervention, some miracle to airlift them from the tragedy of their lives. Clare eases herself onto the barstool and tries to settle her bum. But it still hurts down there, the aching a nagging reminder of James's cock and the protracted pounding she...
Wife LoversAwesome Ariel encounters erotic experiments at Professor Peter Poet & Princess Petra Awesome Ariel ends first Friday late, it is Saturday by now, and dawn when she falls asleep.Ariel is in spoons position between Professor Peter Poet and his dear dod Princess Petra.Ariel had nice new erotic experiences last evening and night, as Sex Student of Professor P.Ariel had her 'Intimate Interview', followed by a nice naughty night out, doing 'Dirty Dancing'.Awesome Ariel wakes up, when precious...