An ClochánChapter 5 free porn video

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It was after breakfast when Sarah’s Clan entered the Dóchas Communications department. On seeing them Chloe said, “I was just going to contact you all.”

“Shannon told us earlier that Grand View TV and newspapers were asking for an interview regarding the IC engagement,” replied Sarah.

“Dog-gone, I was hoping to surprise you,” she replied with a big smile. “To answer your question, yes they have. However we haven’t made any commitments. Are you interested in doing it?”

“We think we should. What is the optimum time for them?”

“Well,” said Melinda, “about six hours from now, as that is the beginning of their prime viewing time.”

“Think it can be setup that quickly?” asked Aoife raising her eyebrows.

“I would think so, but I need to talk to them. You seem anxious to do this.”

“We are. Current projections are that our next visitors will arrive in this solar system tomorrow, but it could be earlier. So we think it would be wise to try to get the correct information about the IC engagement circulating on Earth before their attention is drawn elsewhere.”

“Okay. Let’s call them now.”

“Before you do that,” said Sarah, “do we know why it has taken so long for this to become a significant news item? We were under the impression that it wasn’t really a secret, although little was initially said about it.”

“Not really, but we can ask,” replied Brenda. “From what I have seen, it looks like someone in the US is trying to make this a campaign issue, although we are seeing news stories in virtually all regions of Earth.”

“Let’s not ask that question. We do want to know how widely they are going to announce this special news event however.”

Everyone listened as Melinda called and talked to Darren, the program director at the Grand View TV station. The Grand View newspaper editors, Rob and Paul, were soon added to the phone connection and Melinda switched to using a speaker phone. Darren’s initial proposal was to have the interview in a panel format similar to that used by other news programs, with it being broadcast from their studio. After considerable discussion the program evolved into a presentation on the engagement by Sarah’s Clan for the first hour, with perhaps a few questions by the program moderator. The presentation would include videos, photos and maps so that events could be clearly described. Following this would be the question and answer segment, with the questions being asked by group of invited news reporters and analysts. For logistical and security reasons it was decided to have the show originate from New Comrie. As they were finalizing the details Darren asked if the starting time could be an hour later than originally planned.

After looking at those around her Melinda said, “Yes we can do that. I take it you want to move it further into prime time.”

“Yes. But to be honest, it is really to make sure we have enough time to get all the pieces lined up. We may not be able to get our first choice of correspondents or analysts to participate.”

“I don’t think participation will be a problem. We have no problem with either time,” said Paul.

“We can have our staff handle the shows logistics, if you all are agreeable.”

“Melinda, that makes a lot of sense,” said Darren. “We have been very pleased with Lorelei’s and Earl’s shows. They draw a large audience and the production quality is super. I will bring a couple of my staff with me.”

“Fine. A shuttle will pick you up at the airport when you are ready. While you are at New Comrie, you will have full access to phone and Internet.”

“We should set a time now, so let’s plan on us meeting you at the airport in four hours,” replied Rob just before the phone disconnected.

Melinda looked at the group for a few moments before saying, “I can’t believe we just agreed to go live with a TV show in a little less than seven hours.”

“The crew we use for Lorelei’s and Earl’s show is currently moving that equipment to a shuttle on An Clochán,” said Sam. “Lorelei and Earl will be traveling with them.”

“The whole crew is coming?”

“Yep,” replied Sam.

“Is the shuttle big enough?”

“Worry about the show. They know what needs to be done.”

“You’re right. I do that all the time.”

“Guys,” said Sarah, “we will meet you there about an hour before show time.”

“Do you need anything prepared?”

“No. A couple of us were just running through what we sent to Earth’s governments and decided to use that as the basis of the presentation. We will take care of it, and will have it to you before we arrive.”

As Sarah’s Clan left the Communications department, Siobhan said to them, “Do you think the incoming visitors saw our engagement with the IC ships?”

“That is a possibility, but Shannon’s group doesn’t know for certain that they were looking this way at the time. It could be a lot of data to sort through, and how would you know the significance of the content. To me, the purpose in showing the facts about the engagement is to make it more difficult for politicians to stir people up using misinformation.”

Erica said, “Video media is pretty similar between cultures. News programs all look similar. Entertainment programs are pretty easy to figure out as are educational programs. The problem with entertainment programs is how to interpret them without a hands-on reference.”

“That is good to know,” said Jill, “but I don’t remember seeing that in the library.”

“It probably isn’t. I was speaking from our experience,” replied Erica.

The TV special for the Órarduine engagement with the IC ships was filmed in the enclosed patio at New Comrie. Sam had arranged the set so that the participants had their backs to the windows on the north side. She had Chantel, the AI, increase the tint level in the windows so that the external light was balanced with the room lighting. By doing that, the viewers would see the Pacific Ocean in the distance behind the participants.

When the group from Grand View arrived, Melinda introduced Darren to Sam, Kelsey and some members of their studio crew. They chatted for a few moments as his eyes wandered around the set before he said, “This is the crew that does Lorelei’s and Earl’s show, right?”

“Yes, this is most of them,” said Sam.

“Well in that case, I think I will just watch. I may have a few suggestions, but you know what needs to be done. Either my two associates or I can help out anywhere you want us to, but it is your crew, so lead the way.”

“Thanks,” said the three and quickly resumed working on the set.

Darren watched the group work together setting up the set, checking the lighting and sound. He would have done some things it a little differently, but smiled as he realized that Sam’s group actually had a better arrangement. With their arrangement, they would only need spots and a little fill lighting for the participants. They were nearly done when he thought, “I wish my crew was this good.”

Samantha’s crew were just taking care of the finishing touches when Sarah’s Clan, Rob, Paul and four of the panelists entered. Darren gasped when he saw Sarah’s Clan enter the room. He knew that they were tall and beautiful, but to see them in the flesh was still a shock. He walked over in response to Paul’s wave.

After everyone met, Lorelei had them gather in a circle so they could go over the plan for the program. Lorelei and Rob would share the moderator duties. Earl and Melinda would sit with the four panelists. Two panelists were news reporters with past assignments in several major capitals. One news analyst was from North America while the other was from Asia. Both analysts had worked in several regions. There would also be several correspondents remotely connected to the program from countries around the world.

Lorelei raised her hand for quiet, “Let me outline how we want to do this then we will take suggestions.” She looked around the group before continuing, “Sarah’s Clan will present the background data on the engagement. This data will be available in the Grand View newspapers tomorrow with the same caveat that other Órarduine releases have had. Once the presentation is done, there will be a short commercial break. After the break, Sarah’s Clan will answer questions.”

A correspondent raised his hand and said, “Are there any restrictions on topics?”

Lorelei started to respond then looked at Sarah, who said, “Not really. We expect the questions to be about the engagement, but we have no problem with responding on other areas of interest. There is always the possibility that we may decline to answer a question. If we do that, we would give you a reason.”

“For instance,” added Aoife, “if someone asked us what the differences were between our bodies and those of humans, we would decline to answer. This is for two reasons. The first is that this program is in prime time and some viewers would find nudity offensive. The second is that that information is already on our website, as are the answers to similar questions.”

“So you don’t want to rehash stuff that is already published?”

“Correct. But don’t be reluctant to ask any question. Let us be the ones to redirect it if necessary.”

“I can see that this will be a little different to what I’ve done before.”

“Oh, it will be,” said Melinda and Lorelei in unison causing many to laugh.

“Could we ask some questions now?” asked a news analyst.

“Sure, if everyone is comfortable with what we just ran through.” Lorelei looked around and not seeing anyone wanting to make a comment said, “Looks like we have time for a few questions.” She then nodded to the news analyst.

“I think I know the answer to this question,” said the analyst, “But why are you doing this now as the engagement took place several weeks ago?”

“Because we were approached about doing it for one,” replied Sarah. “Another reason is that much of what is being said in current articles about the engagement is ... to be polite, fantasy.”

“So the Grand View papers approached you?”

“No,” replied Darren, “we did. Our station thought it would be good to hear what the Órarduine knew of the engagement as that viewpoint had been absent from everything we had seen.”

“Rob and I,” said Paul, “had discussed visiting them to get the story, but hadn’t asked about it before Darren called us.”

“That’s right,” said the news correspondent, “you guys work pretty closely together.”

“Yes, when we can complement each other we do so.”

Several more questions were asked before Lorelei told them they had fifteen minutes to get ready for the show.

“Good evening,” said Rob looking toward the TV camera, “my name is Rob O’Brien and this is Lorelei McFahlen my co-moderator for tonight’s broadcast. For tonight’s special broadcast, we have invited representatives of the Órarduine to tell us about their meeting with the group calling themselves the Imperial Council.” After introducing Sarah’s Clan, Rob introduced the panel members and gave a thumbnail sketch of their backgrounds. He followed this by introducing the correspondents with remote connections.

When Rob finished he looked at Lorelei who then said, “Tonight’s show will begin with a presentation by Sarah’s Clan showing highlights of their meeting with the Imperial Council and the events that followed. Following their presentation there will a short break for commercials, then panelists will have the opportunity to ask questions. There will only be the one commercial break, on the hour after the presentation. A one minute pause will take place on the quarter hour and half hour for station identification.”

“Sarah’s Clan.” As Lorelei said their name the camera showed Sarah’s Clan sitting together to the right of the moderators.

“Thank you Lorelei and Rob for the invitation to make this presentation,” said Sarah’s Clan in unison. “About 60 days ago, a group of space ships arrived in this solar system. They were from a culture that is at least 600 light years from here. They identified themselves as being from the Imperial Council which was consistent with the markings on their ships.” As they began describing the events, a map of the solar system appeared on the TV screen. “Their FTL transition to normal space was in the vicinity of Uranus’ orbit on the other side of the sun from Earth. Immediately after the transition, they split into two groups. One group turned toward us and the other headed for orbit around Earth. The group headed toward us consisted of 22 war ships while the group headed toward Earth consisted of 6 warships and 25 cargo ships. The cargo ships were the size of several super tankers.”

Sarah’s Clan spoke either in unison or in round robin fashion as they continued the presentation. After describing where the groups of ships were positioned, they showed videos of the ships coming out of hyperspace along with close-up views of each type of ship. This was followed by a recording of their verbal exchange with the Imperial Council Commander and a description of the aliens’ appearance. Following this was a description of the battle, with locations shown on a map of the solar system, interspersed with video of the actual combat. They wrapped up by disclosing the intelligence information gained from the IC command ship before its destruction, and during cleanup operations.

When Sarah’s Clan finished, Rob said, “We have a little time before the commercial break. I would like to clarify a couple of points in the presentation.” Sarah’s Clan nodded their agreement.

“Was this an exploration group?”

“Not in the least,” replied Sarah’s Clan in unison. “They were marauders, but perhaps ‘pirates’ is a better description. Their business was to harvest planets, Earth in this case. All the harvest would be taken to worlds controlled by the Imperial Council and sold.”

“You said ‘harvest’ rather than ‘buy’. What do you mean?”

“From the information we obtained, they harvest a planet by pacifying the inhabitants, if necessary. Once done, the harvest begins. They would take everything, animals, crops, minerals and etc. Essentially anything they could sell. Once the harvest started, the cargo ships would depart in small groups once for their solar system and more would arrive. This would continue until they had taken everything they wanted.”

“How would they subdue a planets population?”

“By giving them something that would alter their perceptions, so they wouldn’t resist and would readily comply with any directives.”

“What about the people in the area?”

“From their standpoint, humans are just another protein source. We don’t understand how their pacifying scheme works, but apparently it does as their records indicated that they had harvested several planets. We should note that this part of the universe is not where they usually operate.”

Rob started to ask another question but noticed a cue from Sam and said, “Please stay tuned as we will now take a short commercial break.”

Kelsey brought refreshments around to the participants. When she reached Sarah’s Clan she said, “Nice job. The presentation was as smooth as any documentary that I have ever seen.”

“Good, that is what we wanted.”

Sam said, “Places everyone.” Then she began the countdown to going live again.

Lorelei began with, “You are watching a special news program. We have with us Sarah’s Clan from the Órarduine ship Dóchas. They’ve just finished a presentation on their meeting with a group of pirate ships from the Imperial Council. For this section of the program we have a group of correspondents and analysts to ask Sarah’s Clan about their experience. Let me introduce the panelists again.” With that, Lorelei introduced each of the correspondents and analysts in the studio again, and then those connected by video link.

“Doug, let’s start off with you.”

“Sarah’s Clan, why didn’t anyone on Earth see these events?”

“Well we think a few did but chose not to say anything about it. Several governments were provided with the information that was in our presentation. Why not a wider audience? Well from our standpoint there were three reasons. One, the group of ships headed for Earth orbit never got far enough past the sun for you to see, except by satellites in the highest orbits. Second, our engagement with the warships was near Mars, which is currently on the other side of the sun. The third reason is that the whole incident lasted less than 9 hours. A couple of astronauts on the ISS did see indications of our engagement, but they didn’t have time to confirm their observations.” As Sarah’s Clan was talking, the solar map indicating relative positions of the participants, including Earth, was shown again.

The second hour went very quickly. All the questions were very probing, but showed an interest in the answer rather than trying to embarrass or trip anyone up. As the time approached the half hour mark the direction of the questions began to shift toward the Órarduine and their future plans. In answer to one question, pictures of Dóchas, a Badb cruiser and a Star Fighter were shown. In each case they were compared to an Earth ship that had a similar function. This led to a question about what the interior of their ships looked like.

Sarah’s Clan responded with, “You could visit and see for yourself. We don’t believe any of the stories about us have overstated our accommodations. This doesn’t help our audience though. We brought a short video that shows some of Dóchas’ interior. Lorelei can narrate.”

“Thanks,” replied Lorelei smiling before beginning to narrate commentary on the video. The video began with a view from a shuttle approaching Dóchas, then the view as if stepping out into the hangar, followed by the opening tour that every visitor receives. It ended with a view of the bridge with Sarah’s Clan at their stations.

“I have seen scenes of Dóchas’ hangar before,” said Douglas one of the correspondents, “but I find it difficult to believe it is real.”

“You’re looking for some kind of suit or air lock, aren’t you?” said Earl. Douglas nodded. “I can relate to your doubts. I had similar ones before I visited there. I don’t know how they do it but the pictures are real.”

“Putting it simply,” added Claudette, “we establish an environmental envelope around the ship. It reaches out for about 150 meters and rapidly disappears beyond that. In combat, the envelope ends at the ships skin.”

“Doug, it looks like you have another question,” said Lorelei.

“Yes. Are there other civilizations out there, or aliens as some would say?”

All of Sarah’s Clan smiled, then Sarah said, “We expected this question much earlier. The simple answer is: Yes, there are others.” She paused for a few moments to let the curiosity build. “The information in our library indicates that there are many others. Unfortunately, we don’t have a time frame on that information.”

Just as Sarah finished, Sam indicated that time was nearly up, prompting Lorelei to say, “Would anyone like to make a two minute closing comment before we say good night?”

“I would,” said Zhao from Beijing. Lorelei nodded. “Órarduine thank you for a very enlightening evening. Much of what we have seen and heard is very hard to grasp, but I do not believe there are as many doubters now. I know that I no longer have any doubts and humbly thank you for your intervention and your patience with my questions.”

“Thank you,” replied Sarah’s Clan. “We think all of you asked some very thought provoking questions.”

After hearing comments from the other panelists Lorelei and Rob together said, “We wish to thank everyone who participated in the show for altering their schedules on short notice.” The camera came in close on them as they added, “Thank you all for taking the time to join us this evening. We hope that our guest’s answers helped with your understanding of this event. Good night from all of us.”

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It was Annette who met him at the door with a deep curtsey. "Enter, our lord and master," she said and was overcome with giggles. "I'm sorry I haven't got any hands to raise you. They're both full. Where did you learn to do that?" "Ballet training." "Brilliant! Is there anything you can't do?" "Not much," she replied and screamed with laughter. Richard dropped his bag in the hall and handed her a video. "The condor at last," he said. "Ooh great! Thanks! You didn't...

1 year ago
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BigCockBully Christiana Cinn 24981

Christiana Cinn is really looking forward to her anniversary date night with her husband. She is getting ready while he is taking a shower. She picks up a call from his boss who is stating her husband will need to come into work for the evening. Christiana is pretty upset about this seeing as all he does is work, she demands they speak face to face. She is tired of him being bullied by his boss. She does what any good wife would do, stick up for her husband. She shows up to ask him to stop...

2 years ago
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vacation 15

Our day was spent doing the beach thing, with much snorkeling and laying in the sun while we chatted, holding hands and watching the k**s play. It was well into mid-afternoon when our hunger overcame our desire to continue playing so we went back to our rooms to change in to shorts and a “T” for me, and a skirt and “T” for you. Much of our talk had been sexual while we were on the beach, rehashing your shock, excitement and pleasure at having had miss muffy licked so thoroughly by another...

2 years ago
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He Completed Her

“So how do you feel about this?” Vaishali asked her patient from her comfortable psychologist’s chair. “I don’t know,” came the young woman’s reply seated across from her. “I mean if I really had the answer to that, why would I be here?” Vaishali smiled to herself. It was a classic answer she had heard countless times in her practice. It was often said by patients who weren’t in her office because they didn’t know what they felt, but by patients couldn’t deal with how they felt. “Ok, Anamika,...

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One Night Part 1

The bay was calm and sheltered, converged upon by woodland and coves, it was a serene and gentle spot. Behind us, back in the town, the sounds of merriment and laughter rolled across the water with a distant echo. Out here, along the shore, it seemed a different world to our own quiet, secluded and peaceful scene. The boats, large and small, that dotted the marina were gently tossed up and down on the low waves with a quiet, rhythmic beat. Lights from the occasional boat joined the sparkling...

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How I Met Her Parents Part 1

This being our freshman year in college, Sandra is in most of my classes. We are both physical education majors, minoring in biology. On the third day of classes, I asked Sandra if she would like to be study partners. She told me that she would like that very much.Sandra is 5'8" tall with shoulder length jet black hair. Her eyes are hazel color. My name is Steve, I am 6' tall with short red hair. I have light blue eyes along with freckles.Besides studying together, we also went to school...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Stuck Mom Chapter 2

Kelli woke feeling a sense of excitement as butterflies rippled through her body, her spine tingling as she stretched yawning with a smile on her face. Today was the day. Finally she hoped to meet the delivery man, to confront the man who had taken advantage of her in such a way, yet as violated as she had felt, left her with a deep dark ignited craving that left her wanting more. She had so many questions for this mystery man. Why had he done what he did, yet didn't fuck her. Was she not...

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Thin Walls Friends Wifes Panties

Several months ago, my wife and I invited my best friend and his wife to visit and stay the weekend with us. It was Friday and I had to work, but planned on getting off work early to meet them. Well my buddy called when he got into town and my wife was home, but unfortunately I wasn't able to leave my job right away. They arrived at my home and my wife greeted them and made them feel at home. We were planning on barbequeing and swimming later that evening. My wife got them all situated and told...

3 years ago
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Lisa And Karen Lisas Rude Awakening

April 2015.I met Rob completely by accident. We literally bumped into each other and in doing so, he accidentally spilt my glass of wine. He apologised immediately for his clumsiness and insisted on buying me another. His conduct and manners were impeccable, so I allowed this rather fit-looking gentleman to buy me a replacement drink. We got chatting. He was a year older than me and worked for a high street bank. He didn’t come across as the stereotype Jack-the-lad; he seemed studious and...

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building harrys harem part 2

He just walked through the corridors for an hour before he got a bit bored. He stopped outside a girls toilet, wanting to see if he could grab anyone else. Inside he heard some giggles. Maybe about 5… he slipped the door open a crack and saw all the stalls were open and there were 5 first years standing around the sinks, talking to each other. He smirked and pushed his wand through the gap. “stupefactus.” He muttered under his breath. A wave of red light spread out and hit the group, knocking...

4 years ago
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Private Miller

PRELUDE Shannon's body moved slowly in the seat, responding to every little touch, each caress. She didn't know which was the slowest ... his mouth exploring the inside of her trembling thighs as it moved up from her knees or the excruciatingly slow descent of her soaked thong being drawn down her legs. When they met half way he didn't ignore either one. Instead, he licked and kissed his way around the flimsy garment, taking time to enjoy the soaked lace by gently rubbing his face in it....

2 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 1 Ten days ago

WHEN I emerged from the Mile End tube station at ten to seven upon that icy cold early spring morning on 29th January 1941, I could see the black smoke rising from Wapping and Limehouse to the south west and south, and rather lighter smoke coming from Spitalfields to my west. The smell of burning was less intense this morning, the air still, the late winter ground frost testimony to the clear skies that had drawn to London yet another intense bombing raid from German-occupied Europe during...

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RedemptionChapter 10

cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim...

2 years ago
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More Dangerous Dessert

So my last tale ended with my quandary of giving up dangerous desserts for true love; in the short week that has followed, the dessert got even more dangerous and left me with an even more troubling question. . . Monday night, I fell asleep in Rich’s arms with him none the wiser about my afternoon adventures. He was feeling a little frisky that night and started gently rubbing my nipples through my t shirt while I was falling asleep. Even though I was exhausted and still pretty spent, I felt my...

2 years ago
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Crushing Cousins part 4

My mind was in a turmoil, here I was with my 2 older cousins cousins both naked as I had imagined them to be so many times. The only trouble was Janet was sitting on me with her legs outstretched and I was torn between the suffering I was feeling from her squashing me into the caravan floor and the fact her immense breasts were only a couple of feet from my face. Kathleen who was sitting cross legged next to my head was threatening to stand on me in heels and although she was not as fat as her...

3 years ago
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Nature Loves

He felt the environment close around him. His closest by his side but a thousand times removed with the turn of a page and the strum of a guitar string. Sunlight broke through the dust streaked glass, the heat of it seeking out the areas of his body most affected by its earlier attention. A million different thoughts broke the air around him. Each one lapping over the other as the travellers around him screamed silently at the departure announcement board. His so called gift felt more like a...

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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 24

The Moon - 3751 C.E. "It's just not fair," said the overweight man who was hovering above the ground beside Paul. "I've lived on the Moon all my life. Every year for well over a century, I've applied for a visa to visit Earth. I've entered competitions. I've applied for special permits. I've offered an obscene amount of money. And then someone like you—who comes from the fucking Kuiper Belt, from an anarchist colony no one's ever heard of—gets to go to Earth after no more than a...

1 year ago
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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 6

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 6 April decided it was time for lunch. Her schedule was flexible and she had the sudden desire to surprise James and sneak up on him at his lunch. James hardly ever took a lunch to work. She knew he looked at lunches as an excuse to escape the office and the inherent stress. She pulled up her family app on her phone and was soon able to find the location of James phone. Perfect timing he was on the move. When she got to her car she noticed he was...

2 years ago
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The FavorChapter 28 Halloween Preparations

Jeff is a bastard. Have I mentioned that before? He knows how to push all my buttons, and he knows how to make me scream, first in frustration, and then in release. Case in point: Halloween. We were both invited to a party at Bill's house. Bill's parents were gone, and Bill had an older brother in college, so the two of them cooked up this party. It was to be a costume party, with lots of music and alcohol. There would be both high school seniors as well as college kids there. It was...

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Neighborly Feelings Part 2

His touch is so gentle. I love it when he touches me. His hand entangles in my hair. His lips press and nibble against my neck. His free hand slides down my body, rough and warm. He pulls me closer to him, pressing himself against my smooth, naked body. I gasp as his hand reaches its destination, already wet from anticipation. He makes circling motions with his tongue on my neck, teasing me, daring me to move, but I am still, completely and utterly under his control. His thick finger finds my...

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Shameless Nympho

I can't get enough. I can have multiple big tight orgasms, when I get really excited. I especially like having 3 or 4 men take turns fucking me, driving their cocks deep inside me and shotting their cum off. It thrills me to orgasm with a really long tight pussy squeeze, while they are rubbing their dickheads inside my vagina. My BF is bi, and he is very kinky. He will basically fuck anything. He likes to watch me take BB cocks up my ass. So we sometimes go out to a black jazz club to pick up...

1 year ago
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Transformation Ch 01

Chapter One All that has been, is all that will ever be. Katie wearily leaned her hips against the old porcelain sink and dunked another plate into the tepid, slightly greasy dishwater. This action of washing the dishes had become so automatic lately that she would occasionally walk into the kitchen to get something and then start in mild surprise at the sight of clean dishes sitting, drying in the strainer. When had she done those? And what else had she done without even thinking about it?...

3 years ago
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Bakers DozenChapter 3

Tuesday came round, and I collected Sian for our trip to the cinema. It was still raining. She kissed me on the lips as she let me in. "Jon, would you mind very much if Vee came with us - she'd like to see 'Cabaret' too?" "Of course not! I've heard that it's an amazing film." Sian nipped back upstairs to fetch Vee. I realised that my hand-holding activities would be curtailed, and sure enough, we walked down to the cinema as three friends would. But Sian did hold my hand...

1 year ago
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Double Play

I enter their home. They're James and Margaret but I know them better as Master and Mistress, Sir and Madam or, on occasion, Daddy and Mommy. It depends what mood they're in. I fit myself to them. I try my best to be whatever they need me to be. By being there for them, I attain satisfaction, completion. I'm like a lock without a key until I see them, until they fit their key into me.There's no conversation tonight. No wine. No. Instead, they direct me to the basement where they have their...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 259 Year End

I'd missed five days of classes to go to Los Angeles and when we got back there were only three more days until finals. I was in a panic. I never should have gone along to the awards. No one else who went had more than one or two courses that they needed to catch up on because they'd all shifted to taping Elaine's show full time. Except Nicki. But she didn't even get to come to the ranch. Our plane stopped in Indy and let Nicki, Erin, and Jim off so they could catch their flight to Rhode...

1 year ago
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BrattyMilf Casca Akashova Stepmom Drains My Balls

Jason knows that he’s supposed to go to a family reunion with his dad and stepmom, Casca Akashova. He tires to ask Casca to get out of it, but she reminds him that he knows he has to go. Changing tactics, Jason tell Casca that he’s run out of toothpaste and asks if he can go into her bathroom to get some. When he gets permission, he actually borrows one of his dad’s dick pills so he can have a good time before the reunion. Jason is in his bed jacking off when Casca comes in to...

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Maligai Kadai Aunty

En peyar Vishnu. Vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku innum thirumanam aaga vilai. En ooril irukum oru maligai kadaiyil irukum auntyai eppadiyvathu usar seiya vendum endra aasai irunthathu. Engal ooril puthithaaga oru maligai kadai thiranthaargal, athil oru vazhu vazhu vendru irukum auntyai parthen. Oru naal naan selum pozhuthu aval thaniyaaga irunthaal, unmaiyil sema aunty aval, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu irunthathu. Soothum thukalaaga sexiyaaga irunthathu, aval azhagai vaarthaigalaal sola...

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A Day With The Beauty

Dear readers, i have been a follower of iss for a long time, thought i would share my story also. I am Kiran, 5.10″ athletic body, dark. It all happened when i joined for M.B.A. in a reputed college in Chennai, I did most of studies abroad which gave me an added advantage over other students and had a great chance of attending many symposiums, in one such event i met her Reshma, she was goddess, beautiful face, cherry lips, an perfect shaped boobs, one look at her guys would go dreaming about...

3 years ago
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29 November 2006Chapter 14

Cathy came out naked from Brad’s bedroom. She wasn’t ashamed of being nude and talked to the three of them. “You just missed Scott and Vicky fucking,” Karen mentioned. “Dad, I hate to spoil the night but I should be getting home. Six o’clock comes pretty early and it’s already after two.” “I know what you mean. I think I’ll call off sick for today, that way I can sleep in,” he said. “Hey, that’s a good idea but I should still go home to Ben and Danny,” Cathy said. “Okay honey, we’ll leave...

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brotherly love

Chelsea Williams. That’s me; I’m 16 and a brunette. I live with my mum and my 18 year old brother, Daniel. My dad was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq when I was 5. Me and my mom aren’t very close, she’s never around and hardly has time for me or my brother. We often argued, to be honest, we can’t even be bothered to get annoyed anymore. Daniel is the only one who understands me, who respects me. My life is crap. Everything is so fucked up (ok, I’m exaggerating). Well that’s my amazing (liar,...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 26

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Professor Steeves lay back on his cot in the guest house feeling extremely satisfied at what he considered to be the success of the visit to Lerotica and the academic study into racial attitudes and differences between cultures. His satisfaction came not only from the amount of data that had been collected by his team but also from his personal experiences from having been allocated devoted and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Vina Sky Step Dad goes Balls Deep

All alone on Memorial Day a Step Dad and Step Daughter Vina Sky enjoy a Picnic in the woods when Vina’s dad tells her that he’s dreaming of Fucking her all night long. The horny asian brunette gets highly turned on,and find’s herself riding her Step Dad’s Thick cock in the forest with reckless abandon. So many levels of wrong, but for Vina, the gushing orgasms tell her otherwise. Grey and old, her Stepdad, who’s years beyond his prime should just be shamed of...

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Super Heroes Need Sex Too

 I think we’ve all thought about, at one time or another, what it would be like to have super powers, which power we would choose. I know I used to. However there is one thing missing from all of the day dreaming, comics and super hero movies, a super sex life. Think about it, none of the superhero movies have super hot sex scenes. Most, depict the hero actively trying to avoid the opposite sex. There’s a reason for that, super powers make it nearly impossible to have any kind of a sex life at...

2 years ago
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The 2012 Electron Revolt

Event Date: 1/1/2012 Lin Wey's contentment is a palpable thing. After the seemingly endless years of struggle with his rivals, today marks the completion of the journey. He has just received word that the last independent 'Chinese Spam Black hole' has come under his sole control. It's estimated that the daily income from the six operational 'Black holes' is in the range of $500,000.00 - $750,000.00. 'Just barely adequate', he mused, 'the real reward is watching my enemies eat dirt,...

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Spoilt Brat

I was dreading opening the door as I walked up the stairs to my flat. Let me explain; my 15 year old son was staying with me after having yet another argument with his father who he actually lived with. Freddie had become a real spoilt brat and it was our fault. From being a toddler we had given in to his every need and want. Unbelievably he had got even worse in the last six months since I walked out on his dad after years of mental abuse. Whenever my son stayed with me...

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Bhaia Ne Apni Unsatisfied Wife Ko Mere Se Chudwaya As Threesome

Hello readers specially bhabhis & aunties.Mera naam rahul hai mai delhi ka rehna wala hun mai ek engineering student hun, age 21 ,height 5’10”. Size of dick 7″.Love to have sex with mature ladies,divorced ,widows,unsatisfied bhabhi ans I really have good stamina on bed if you cant belive mail karke mere saath sex chat karne se he apko pata chal jayega agar apke andar asli sex desire hoga to and make them feel special and also promise you ke apki identity ek dum safe rakhi jayege 100% or iske...

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