Mack's ProgressChapter 3 free porn video

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Millie was in my room and chaffing at the bit to get started when I got there that night. God only knows how she got downstairs in her nightdress and into the kitchen without being spotted by anyone.

"God, that man winds me up!" she exclaimed as she almost tore my clothes off. "I've needed to feel a cock in me from five minutes after he first kissed me this morning. How the hell can any man have the power to do that to someone?" Then she stopped speaking for a couple of seconds before she asked. "Um, any chance you could do me like last night again, Mack?"

I looked at the pleading expression on her face. "Sure, if you'll let me have a shower first," I replied. "It was interesting to see or rather hear your reactions."

"Come on, Luvver, I'll wash your back for you. 'ere, is there anything special you want to try, by the way?" she asked.

There was, but I thought I'd leave it until another time, when I felt more settled with the situation. All this sex suddenly being thrown at me was a little overwhelming.

Well, that's how things played out over the following few months. Millie would fuck my eyes out at least two nights a week and sometimes four or five. The two nights I could guarantee were always the night before and the night after she had her day off with Phil. But often she'd come down on other nights as well. Sometimes she stayed most of the night; other times, once she'd worn me out she'd retire to her own bed. And just a couple of times she suddenly appeared early in the morning "for a quickie" as she put it; tapping on the old wooden door to the kitchen if I'd remembered to bolt it.

But most of that was still in the future. It was the third or maybe the fourth week that I was at the pub when the village Bobby came into the bar one afternoon. He'd been in before; well, he was around showing his face along the riverbank most every other day or so. This day he removed his helmet and came into the bar, making a beeline for a stool near where I was loading the glass washer.

Placing his helmet on the bar he said, "Got some paperwork here concerning you, me lad," in more of a friendly tone than anything. "Seems you're on the Met's missing persons register, is that right?"

"Dunno, George. Not exactly missing, am I? After all, I'm standing here and you're sitting there talking to me, aren't you?"

"Come on, son, you know what I mean. Someone has reported you missing and has asked the Met to find out where you are. Now, what do you want me to do? I can tell them where you are, or I can just inform them that I've spoken to you, and that you've assured me that you are here of your own volition, but do not want your whereabouts to be made public knowledge."

"The latter please, George," I told him.

"Very well, son, as you wish. Who's looking for you by the way? Your family?"

"I should imagine so. There's no one else who'd care."

"What about Lindsey?" Millie butted in. I hadn't heard her come into the bar.

"I can't see that, Millie. Lindsey's probably quite happy with her squaddy now that I'm gone!"

"He might have gone back overseas," Millie suggested.

"Come off it, Millie. Surely she's sussed that I know about him by now, and will have probably found herself another mug to string along."

George was sitting there looking from Millie to me and back again. Obviously he was a policeman who knew when it's the right time to ask questions, and when is the right time to shut up and listen.

"Oh, love triangle, was it?" George commented once Millie and I had gone silent. "But why aren't you letting your family know where you are, Mack?"

"'e says they sided with her, George! Mack seems to think he's got it all worked out; but I'm not so sure that he hasn't got things all arse about face. Seems odd that the girl would string him along for over a year, whilst she's got a soldier boy overseas."

"I watched her with him, Millie..."

"But you never saw them in bed together, did you?" Millie butted in. "And that flat of hers, you've still got the key, ain't you?"

"Yes," I replied meekly, not knowing whether I was committing some kind of an offence by still having it in my possession.

"Well, don't make much sense t'me," Millie went on. "You could have walked in on them anytime she had him there, couldn't you? An' did you ever see any signs of him around that place of hers, pictures, or even letters and things from him?"

"No, not that I can recall. But I wasn't looking; I had no idea about him at all," I replied

"Well, don't that seem strange to you. After all, if he's the love of her life that you seem to think he is, and he's out of the country for god knows how long; wouldn't she be writing to him or on the telephone to him all the time. George," Millie said, turning to him, "your daughter's 'usband was stationed abroad, wasn't he? Didn't she get discounted telephone calls from him every few days or something?"

"They were free, I think," George replied. "I can't quite remember now. Look, Mack, I don't know the ins and outs of your troubles. But you can take it from me; what you believe you can plainly see ain't always what really is 'appening, you know. The times I've thought I've nabbed some bugger who I thought was up to no good, only to find out that they were just going about their own legitimate business."

"I know what I saw!" I said angrily.

"But you ain't given Lindsey a chance to explain what you saw, have you, Mack?" Millie chastised me.

"Please, Millie, leave it out. You know talking about her upsets me."

"I know it does, luvver, but you should talk to her, give her the chance to explain, before it's too late."

"It is too late, Millie, believe me!" I retorted.

"Looks to me like the man's made his mind up, Millie my girl," George commented. "I think you're flogging a dead 'orse with this one, girl, trying to get him to change his mind, I mean. Right, son, I'll put you down as a found person and leave it at that then, shall I?"

Without waiting for my answer, George picked his helmet up off the bar, had second thoughts about putting it on under the low ceiling, and bade us farewell and left.

That night Millie joined me in my room shortly after I got there. She asked me if I was annoyed with her about what she'd said whilst the policeman was there. Mind, she did ask just before she started sucking on my cock. Who the hell could be angry with a woman who was demonstrating a skill like that?

I suppose it was about a month after the policeman had called that I got a bit of a shock one day. Damn it, if one of my parent's neighbours and his family wasn't mooring one of the hire craft to the bank outside the pub when I caught sight of them.

Luckily, Bev, her two girls and Millie were all around that morning and I hadn't taken much in the way of time off, since I'd been there. After a quick explanation to Bev, I disappeared into my little domain for the rest of the day and most of the following morning, when the guy and his family finally departed again.

Millie had popped in with some food and for a little entertainment during the day; she spent the night with me as well. It was a well shagged out Mack who was laughed at by the girls when I reappeared the following day.

Similar things were to happen a couple of times over the rest of the summer. I was surprised that so many people that I knew, or who might know me, went on Broads boating holidays. But I'd thought that I'd spotted everybody who might have recognised me, before they actually clapped eyes on me.

As I was, it wasn't someone seeing me, but spotting my car in the car park that led to me eventually being tracked down. With almost all the summer customers, or non-locals, arriving by boat or via the towpath, that was the last thing that I expected.

I was down by the river one morning hunting for stray glasses with Michelle, when Beverley called me back towards the pub.

"There's a young woman in the bar asking for you. I told her I'd send you in," she said to me when I got close to her.

With some trepidation I headed back inside. 'What the fuck does she think she's playing at?' I asked myself on the way in, for some reason assuming it was going to be Lindsey. It wasn't; I discovered my sister, Julia, sitting at a table in the bar, nursing a coffee.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I took the seat opposite her.

"We've been worried about you, Mack. You might have let us know where you were. Mum's been sick with worry."

"How did you find me here? The police weren't supposed to tell you where I was," I demanded.

"They didn't. It was little Johnny Morris; you know, they live a few doors away from mum. Anyway they were on holiday up here and Johnny said he thought that he recognised your car in the car park whilst he was playing with some other kids. Mrs Morris only told mum the other day so Mike and I took a drive up here on the off chance.

"Well, you shouldn't have bothered and there's no call to worry about me. A little pervert like me will always survive," I replied.

"That was uncalled for, Mack. We are all worried about you."

"Well, don't be! The moment you started calling me a pervert, that told me exactly what you all really thought of me for all your protestations. You don't need a pervert in your lives and I don't need to be around people who think that I am one. My reasons for breaking up with Lindsey had nothing to do with sex. Well, they did, but not the lack of sex between her and me, understand?"

"Then why did you treat her the way you did? She's been a head-case over it as well. You know she's had to go back down to Bath to live with her parents. She lost her job because she was so upset that she couldn't concentrate on her work."

"She'll probably be nearer to him then, won't she?" I retorted.

I'm afraid that my anger had got the best of my tongue. I'd had no intention of letting on to Julia that I knew about Lindsey's other fella.

"Nearer to who? What are you talking about, Mack? Just explain to me please, what is your problem with Lindsey?"

I couldn't retract what I'd said, but I could refuse to say any more.

"I told you right in the beginning, Julia. Lindsey knows exactly what my problem is! She kept it hidden from me for god knows how long, so I should imagine she'd make a bloody good job of hiding it from you. Now are we finished? I've got work to do."

"I know that you want me to go, so I will. But please call mum and dad. They don't deserve to be treated like this."

"And I didn't think I needed to be branded a bleeding pervert either. Seems none of us are happy, doesn't it?"

Julia stood up and went to lean towards me to kiss me, I believe, but I lent backwards away from her.

She shrugged, "I tried. I'm sorry it was me who called you a pervert in the first place. But when Lindsey told me about you and her never having sex, we ... I assumed that was your problem with her. I gather it wasn't."

"It sure wasn't, Julia. I was in love with that girl and would have waited forever."

"Yeah, I can see that now. But what... ?"

"Ask Lindsey, Julia. She knows."

Julia held out her hand and I shook it very formally.

"I'm sorry, Mack. I hope when you've calmed down enough we can get past this. You are my favourite brother."

"Pervert, you mean," I said and turned back towards the pub's garden leaving her standing there. When I looked back as I went out the door she was leaving by the front entrance into the car park.

"That weren't a very nice way to talk to your sister, Luvver," Millie said when she came up to me a short while later.

It didn't strike me at the time, but there had been a good ten minutes delay between my sister leaving the bar and Millie approaching me. I discovered later she'd been doing some meddling.

"Were you listening?" I demanded.

"Couldn't very well help but 'ear you in the kitchen, luvver, the way you were shouting."

"I wasn't shouting," I retorted.

"Blimey! Remind me not to be within a couple of miles of you when you do shout then, luvver," Millie said with a grin on her face.

I think I must have laughed as well and the pair of us got back to work.

I think it was later that week or maybe the next, that I had my first bit of fly, as Millie put it.

A family arrived about mid-morning. Husband, wife and two kids, about eight or ten years old. The wife was what I think most guys would have referred to, as a MILF, but she was very quiet and looked kind of withdrawn.

The husband on the other hand was a pretty loudmouthed and somewhat obnoxious individual, who I was sure was half cut when he tied the boat up just along the river from the pub. The whole family came into the garden for lunch. The husband somehow managed to trip over someone else's mooring lines on the way, he went base-over-apex and finished up in the river.

He went back to the boat to dry out and change, whilst the mother came on to the pub garden with the children. I took her order and remember thinking that she was some looker. Once he'd arrived, I couldn't understand what she was doing hooked up with the likes of her husband. They stayed in the garden all afternoon, not only eating lunch but dinner there as well. The children played on the swings whilst the parents sat; he drank, she looked pissed off about how much he was drinking.

Around eight-ish the mother took the children back to the boat whilst Mr Obnoxious engaged in a kind of slanging match with several different groups of people in the garden. Twice Bev went down and asked him to lower his voice. It wasn't fighting talk from the guy, more that kind of drunk 'know it all' drivel that gets on a lot of peoples' nerves.

I noticed at closing time he was still there, lying across a bench, snoring away to his heart's content. It was as I came out and made my way to my little flat later. Oh, we were still under the pretence - except where Millie was concerned - that there was no internal access to the flat.

Anyway I could hear a disturbance out in the dark somewhere and see torches flashing about. When I made my way down to investigate, I found the woman and another man trying to get the drunk to his feet. They told me that they were worried he'd wake up during the night and try to make his own way back to the boat. Remembering what Millie had said about her guy John, I agreed it would be dangerous to leave him there and offered to help.

Between the other man - who I never did get a good look at in the dark - and myself we hoisted the drunk up and carried him back to his boat, the wife or MILF guiding us by torchlight. Getting the drunk onto the boat was no mean feat, but we eventually achieved it. Getting him down the stairs into the master cabin, I thought was going to be impossible. In the end, the stranger lowered him down to me and I just kind of swung his bulk onto the double berth where he lay still, and snoring. I don't think his rhythm had changed during the whole strenuous exercise.

In the light of the cabin, I could see that the MILF — okay, her name turned out to be Mary, well, that's what she told me — was dressed in nothing but a pair of Wellington boots, a negligee and a short overcoat, most probably her husband's by the look of it. The coat had come undone in the struggle to get the husband on board and all of her assets were on display.

When she saw me looking at her, she quickly closed the coat blushing profusely. I said I'd better be going and climbed the stairs out of the cabin. There was something not right about the tableau I'd seen of her standing there. The coat was of the zip-up kind, and zips - whilst they can partially open under the strain of wearers exertions - they don't normally come completely open and disconnected of their own volition, especially without the wearer noticing they have.

"Oh, you haven't got a torch; I'd better come with you to light your path," Mary said hurriedly, "We can't have you tripping and falling into the water, after all the trouble we've put you through." Then she climbed down onto the riverbank with me and began leading the way back towards the pub.

I recognised the stumble for what it was the moment she made her very bad job of pretending to fall. She turned in the process, and finished up in my arms. I know I can be pretty stupid sometimes, but I knew when a kiss was required. She responded and we stood there kissing for a while, then we walked the rest of the way back to my little flat with our arms around each other.

There was no hesitation at the door. She walked right into my little den of iniquity, kicking her boots off at the door, then she turned and we went into a clinch.

"I don't want you to think I do this kind of thing all the time," she said, but I need someone to hold me close tonight." Then she added when we broke the kiss, "If he keeps up this drinking lark, I'll have to divorce him."

"You'll have to excuse me. I've been working all day and I need a shower," I said, breaking away from her grasp.

"Is it big enough for me to join you?" Mary asked.

Well, if it was big enough for Millie's knockers and me to play around in there, there was going to be plenty of room for this woman's lithe frame. I didn't actually say that to her though.

I'm not sure that Mary was all that into oral sex, when she started. I felt a certain resistance when I gently pushed her down on me in the shower. She seemed to take to it like a duck to water though, even though she coughed and choked a little the first time I came in her mouth. She did swallow though and, without a second thought about it, later during the night.

I could also see that she was a bit surprised at the size of my cock. I had never thought of it as large, even with the way that Millie went on about it. I'd just assumed that Millie was stroking my ego. But Mary also appeared impressed with it and asked me to go easy the first time I pushed it in her. Pretty soon she was giving as good as she got though and nearly bucked me off a couple of times. And later she went pretty crazy when she got on top.

Eventually my earnest friend had had enough and wouldn't stand up to play anymore, but she kept on talking and sucking at it, begging it to stand up again. She managed to get him up one final time after we'd slept for a while, just before daybreak when, after playing cowgirl again, she left, telling me that she'd had the best sex of her life and that she was planning a return match the next week, when they came back with the boat.

"Jesus, six!" Millie said the following evening when she arrived in my room.

"Sorry?" I replied not fathoming what Millie was blabbering on about.

"You fucked her six times last night!" Millie replied.

"How do you know?"

"I counted how many condoms were left in the box," she grinned at me. "I heard you two going at it when I came down last night; so I thought I'd better leave you to it. Bugger, Mack, you used six condoms. Did she suck you off as well?"

"Yeah, three times altogether?"

"It was that little sexy one with the drunk husband, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, how'd you work that one out?"

"Thought as much. I saw her watching you during the afternoon. She looked like she needed a good seeing to, and my Mack was just the boy to give it to her. Now, you got anything left for me tonight?" She grinned.

A week later Mary and her husband were back. This time though she must have fed him a fair amount of drink in the boat. Oh, I don't know though, perhaps she fed him a sleeping pill or something. Anyway she was waiting by my little domain's door when I got there that night. She left with a smile on her face and a tear in her eye just before dawn again. I saw her driving the boat away with the children on deck, when I went outside after breakfast. There was no sign of hubby. Perhaps Mary had overdone the sleeping pills or drowned the bugger or something.

My only other experience with holidaymakers - of a sexual nature that is - was with three young women from up north somewhere. I do believe I remember one of them mentioning Salford, but I won't swear to it. They stayed moored up near the pub at night for four days or should I say nights, going off cruising during the day and coming back every evening.

Anyway the long and short of it was, I had one each consecutive night. The third one was a virgin, who claimed that she'd got curious about what the other two were saying about me.

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The funeral was held on the moonbase. The aftermath of the surrender of the Hayward's crew and Dumitrescu's techs on the moonbase had tied up everyone for a little over a week. The funeral was scheduled when the hectic pace had slowed down. Colonel Haddis had negotiated the parole of his mercenaries. He was able to keep most of his ships, but did surrender several of his patrol craft to augment the Ragnor fleet. He also agreed to reparations to the families of the combatants that were...

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My Life Time Experience Of Group Sex 8211 Arranged By Debesh

Myself Som, narrating a real sex story of my life. I was then 30 years old and my wife Rina was 28 years old. My cousin sister, Suman is 3 years older to me and my Jiju, Debesh is almost same age of Didi. Suman was married 5 years ago while I was married 3 years ago from the date of incidence. Suman and Jiju were living in the adjacent flat of ours and we maintained a free access for all of us in both the flats. Suman was very beautiful and attractive. Gradually, I observed that my Jiju’s...

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A Planet Is BornChapter 15

Ben and Elizabeth found a sheltered spot near a stream to make camp for the night. Ben started a fire and Elizabeth heated some of the meat they had left. The afternoon and evening had been spent walking and she had returned to her attempts to get Ben to talk to Thomas. The atmosphere between the two was frosty now, as Ben had eventually snapped and shouted at her to stop nagging at him. Elizabeth felt Ben was being altogether too selfish. How difficult could it be to simply talk to Thomas...

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Trusting Stephanie

I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change.? Our relationship was going very good, but as far as making out we had not gone beyond kissing.? We went out to eat once a week and spent the other evenings together.? We would alternate who cooked, and we usually went to the park each evening for a walk.? We truly enjoyed being together. It was a Tuesday evening when...

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Sex With Horny Neighbor Girl Before Her Marriage 8211 Part I

Hi every one this is ravi age 27 unmarried , this happened before few years . this story is about me my neighbour girl name nandini age 21. her figure is 34 30 36. i stay in chennai in velachery . i am self employed so i work in my room itself. as i am self employed i took a room for my self in velachery in a building which has two more portions. after i rented room a family came for rent they shifted in to ground floor. if i need to go out i should go threw there portion to take my bike. i...

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Punishing a naughty husband

I had suspected my hubby had been a naughty boy. We had been swinging for years and had a lot of fun. A lot of filthy dirty fun.But we had one golden rule, we only played together. But I had seen his most recent visa bill and there was a charge for a hotel in Shawhead,several miles from home,that we hadnt used,and also a charge for Ann Summers. And Mork ( not real name obviously ) hadn't bought me sexy underwear in years.So he must have had a meet without me. I wasn't at all upset, I mean I had...

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LoveHerFeet Jill Kassidy The Motivator

It’s finals week at my college and I’ve been studying for exams for the past few weeks. The other night while studying at home, I was laying on my belly with my legs up reading a book and working on my laptop. My boyfriend, Jake, wouldn’t stop bothering me trying to have sex. I was too concentrated on studying to care. But he just wouldn’t let up. He even pulled his cock out trying to convince me but it didn’t break my focus. He started to kiss my feet and asked if...

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King Frederick IChapter 5

Lady Diana Cavendish, 8 April, 1832 I next saw His Majesty at the opening of the Princess Charlotte Hospital, which Edward had prevailed upon Mother to allow me to attend. We were placed directly behind the King, underneath a portico at the building’s front entrance. I did think the speech he made, expressing his hopes that one day no child should have to grow up motherless as he did, quite touching, and I am sure the display of emotion on his poor father’s face moved everyone that saw...

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Race for Love

Dan Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Senior in high school. Leader of "Blazin Thunder." Loryn Black hair. Green eyes. Junior in highschool. Just transferred. Madylyn Mechanic and friends of "Blazin Thunder." Helps Dan by giving him the second floor of the garage as a place to live. Blazin Thunder Johnny A laid back person that likes watching Dan race. Dan's best friend since they were kids. Also Secondary driver for Dan. Billy A crazy nut that hates the...

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Husband in the Basement So Come Fuck Me

Summer was beckoning but you didn't think it would hold the same excitement as last year. Domestic issues, long working hours and family commitments meant sexual fun was in short supply.With your husband working down in the basement on yet another long-term project and the first ripples of a long-awaited orgasm starting to surge, you couldn't resist calling me.After several attempts, you finally reach me on my cell phone and gush: "Jake, come round now. Andy is working down in the basement and...

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Step inside my office

The rhythmic tapping of your designer heels telegraphs your arrival into the office. I hear your cheerful  "good afternoon," exchanges with each person you pass all fantasizing about you, no doubt. Male, female....makes no difference. So close to my office now, that the tapping is accompanied by the swish of your skirt against your nylon stockings. I feel my cock beginning to strain against the fabric of my trousers. Sauntering in, you slowly close and lock the door behind you with a sly...

Quickie Sex
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The WandererChapter 2

So She was gone. I sighed, hefted my pack, and began walking south towards the river and one of the isolated trees growing along its banks. I still wanted that bath my Lady interrupted. As I walked through the waist high grass, reveling in the sun and the steady breeze and the solitude of this land, I pondered the two deities I had now met. How different they were! The Flame Lord was as mighty and awe-inspiring and terrible as I always dreamt He would be were I to have the supreme honor of...

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An Autumn ChillChapter 5

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were typical school days. The evenings were pretty normal, too ... dinner with Mom, homework, some computer and TV. Wednesday evening, I helped Mom make some things to take to the Barkers the next day. Before I went to bed, I logged on to wish Mia a happy Thanksgiving. Just as I pulled up MSN Messenger, the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mia's number, so I grabbed the phone. "Hello?" "Brody?" Mia said, her voice strained. Suddenly she burst...

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Village traditions

I grew up in a small village with maybe 100 families and every single family attended our non-traditional church. Most couples were married into arranged marriages and it was widely accepted as the norm. There was many more unusual traditions.My parents were a very happy couple and I had several siblings. I was the second oldest with an older brother. There was only about a year between us so we were close.The church had dinners every week and most of the k**s had sleepovers when the adults...

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The Mob Book 2Chapter 8 The Asteroid

Six hours later the attack was launched. The first force of dogs and Marine AIs entered the defense fleet ships and captured the senior officers and Mob leaders. They replaced the crews with skeleton crews and sent the ships to Porquenta. Simultaneously the platforms were disabled by the explosive charges previously planted by the dogs and Marine AIs. A small second force of dogs and Marine AIs ensured that any remaining functional platforms were disabled. The larger third force consisting...

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UnconqueredChapter 3

“I cannot believe you!” Ember paused and poked up with his hand, pushing aside one of the hanging drapes in the third of the pleasure rooms. June, who was looking increasingly irritated at the delay in their progress, tossed her head. “What?” she sounded entirely unapologetic. “You’re the Unconquered, you’re going to live until you die.” “I- what?” Ember looked down at her. “Unconquered, like the Sun, are immortal. They live until they are killed by some monster or another. You’re...

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EvilAngel Romi Rain Anal Gaping

Hyper-curvaceous Romi Rain splashes her huge jugs in the pool. Markus Dupree fucks her throat aggressively, making her gag and drool on his throbbing rod. She squeezes her big boobs together for a titty fuck. Markus licks her asshole in a nasty rim job, and he slides his big cock inside her juicy twat. Romi spreads her ass cheeks, and he porks her up the ass. The dirty girl gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Romi’s body spasms as she cums on his thick prick. See expansive anal gaping. Romi...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 64 Sex Sex Sex and Lots of It

Jessie Harper took in a slow deep breath through her nostrils as she nosed into the soft penis floating before her face. That intake of air took with it the excited scent of a man about to have his cock sucked off by a truly gorgeous young girl. That young man was the head groomsman for Reverend Bryce Unsworth’s bridal team on the day of his marriage to Glenda Harper. That young man along with his two other counterparts had also attended the wedding in the nude along with the three naked...

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Scotch and Soda

I could hear the click of the keys on Carly’s computer in the next room. It was Monday and she was finishing up the payroll. I was at my desk signing checks, paying for the booze I sold in my bar, and paying for a bunch of other things that make it more profitable to work for someone else. I called my place ‘Casablanca’ and sometimes even thought of myself as ‘Rick’, the bar owner played by Humphrey Bogart in the classic movie of the same name. Every time I signed checks I wondered if I had...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 23 Malfoys Loony Line of Work

Chapter Twenty-Three – Malfoy’s Loony Line of Work Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, x-mast, cream pie, grope, magic, preg, spank, voy The Malfoy family was a very wealthy one; the gold accumulated and passed down from generation to generation had left Lucius, Narcissa and Draco a sizeable fortune. On the Christmas break, Draco had been surprised to find out...

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Copyright 2007© An excruciating pain in my jaw sends me running to the door. Is it that time of month already? It seems too soon! I have not had time to make excuses to my sweet, innocent wife and daughters! What will they think? "Get the girls inside NOW!" I scream at my wife. "Bar the door and shutter the windows and don't open them until after sunrise!" "But..." "NOW!" I scream, tearing outside as the pains threaten to rip me apart. Oh God! Please let me get far enough...

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I Never Thought Caddying Could Be So Much Fun

Like any other kid, all throughout High School I was always out of money and completely undersexed. When finally during the spring of my senior year my father helped me land a caddying gig at the posh Country Club near where we lived. My first weekend there I didn't even get out on the course and made no money.I told the caddy master prior to leaving on Sunday, "I know the game well."But he told me, "Kid, you've got to pay your dues. Maybe next weekend".The next weekend was cold and blustery...

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Succulent Desires Chapter 8

When she came back into the bedroom, she found Missa lying on her pillow.   Smiling, Alice reached for the lotion and handed it to Missa.   Now, put lotion everywhere on me first, and then I will put some on you.   Missa obeyed and began rubbing Alice down from neck to toes, front to back with lotion, making sure it absorbed completely.   If she put too much on in one spot, Missa would rub a part of her body against Alice so her skin would absorb the extra lotion.   When this happened, both...

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Hot Summer Day

I live in the midst Rocky Mountains of Montana, where the winters are cold and snow packed and the summers are hot and arid. My wife and I are a young couple. We are both college students in our early twenties. We have been together only two years now, so much of what sex has to offer still lies before us, but we love to spend our days exploring the pleasures of the body. The particular day I would like to tell you about was a real scorcher. It was the first truly hot day of the year with...

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My College Girl Neha

Hello friends I am Ashish 5″7 and my cock size is 7 inches and this is my first story and I hope you like this. This story is about a girl to whom I meet in my college in 1st year Neha, what a sexy babe fair and long hairs well rounded sexy boobs her figure is 34 26 33 whenever I see her and I felt erection in my dick every day I stand in parking area to see her. One day I got chance to talk to her and her scooty had punctured and that day there was no other person in the parking area...

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PrincessCum Skye Blue Stepsis Wants To Get Pregnant

Busty babe Skye Blue has been into her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, for as long as she can remember. She finally decides that today is the day she’s going to get his cum inside her to get started on the baby she wants to have with him. Since Nathan is just chilling on the couch, Skye struts over and makes her move. She starts rubbing down Nathan’s feet, making sure to touch them to her big titties. Then she moves higher so that her hands are kneading Nathan’s thighs....

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Hot Texas sex with the handy man

His eyes trailed over my whole body, stopping at my chest and then again at my ass once I turned towards the counter again. Each time I saw this particular maintenance man, he would be undressing me with his eyes. Not that I was any better. I often let my mind wander, imagining what his cock would look like pumping in and out of my cunt, staring at his muscular tattooed arms and large hands. From the way he looked at me, with a hint of cruelty behind his eyes, I bet he fucked like a bull;...

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PalimpsestChapter 31 Pedagogue

It didn't take long for both Joe and Debra to cum. After being treated to a romantic dinner, candlelit, unique California style fusion which promoted flavor over abundance keeping them comfortably sated and not stuffed, overlooking Lake Michigan on top of an older building North of the Loop, all senses had been deliciously pleasured, Debra realized Joe had provided a peak evening in her life. They talked easily throughout, Joe encouraging her to reminisce about her youth growing up in a...

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saturday night party night

Was invited to a party by a ex girlfriend, when I got there was a few people so got a drink and mingled, got talking to a bloke who was on the way to getting drunk and was only 9pm. As we spoke this gorgous girl waalked up said hi and started to have ago at the guy she was saying he promised to drive her home later and now has no way of getting back to her house.I asked where she lived and found out she lived in the town before me and I would have pass by her door to get home, she gratefully...

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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 8 Naked Lisa Shaved Lisa

Lisa Griffiths was in her one hundred and twentieth week of strict solitary confinement. After so long in this position she was finding it harder to get through the days and the effort of fighting down the horror was getting too much for her. Each day she woke up with a feeling of surprise that she should still be alive and in her right mind. Those first days of sheer horror might be two years in the past, but she continued to feel, each time her eyes opened to face yet another day of hopless...

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Naughty mother and daughter

Jason Howard stood near the window of his upstairs study looking out onto the patio where his eighteen-year-old daughter and her best friend lay in lounge chairs getting a suntan. The back of the house faced east and the afternoon sun hid him as he stood looking at the young girls. The blinds were adjusted down to block the sun and still give him a good view.It was a Saturday and his wife was out shopping with friends, something she did more and more these days. It was as though she valued the...

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Innocent Wife Becomes Sex Slut 8211 Part II

On Friday Manish called me up and and told me that two of his friends in the evening to fuck my wife. I told my wife that the doctor will be coming in the night to examine you and she said ok. My wife got dressed in a sexy red saree with a small blouse with no bra and panty inside at 9 pm the door bell rang and I opened the door and saw Manish with his two friends. I welcomed them in and the both guys introduced themselves as Ajay and Sagar. Ajay was fair 25 years old 5’9 height and muscular...

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Growing TogetherChapter 10

Arizona is a big state and mostly empty once outside the Phoenix area. It was about 150 miles up I-17 between Phoenix and Flagstaff, a straight shot, and once outside the metro area the traffic died down to a minimum. Like many Western drivers, Jon set the Chevy's cruise control at a speed nicely over the speed limit and let it roll, so the driving time wasn't even two hours up a familiar road he and Tanisha had traveled many times before. There is a considerable difference between the two...

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SyntheticChapter 40

The room was stifling, although the two officers didn't seem to notice. Sawyer crossed one leg over the other, wishing they'd given him something besides a chair. At least a table meant he wouldn't be so exposed. They're probably analyzing your body language with a program, whispered his mind. Don't fidget. The younger man stared at him behind a reflective pair of glasses. He hadn't said a word since they'd escorted him from class, simply steering the boy by the shoulder to the...

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Her panties became soaked with her natural lubricating juices

My name is Jim, and I am a 30-year-old night patrolman at a large warehouse complex. Part of my duties are to patrol a large lot where many of the truckers who come to the warehouses drop their empty trailers. The trailer lot is private property owned by the warehouse company, but since it is outside the security fence, it can be accessed from the county road that runs past by it. There is a gate that is usually secured and numerous signs that read, “No Trespassing.” I was enjoying the warm...

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tv sex

4 week I was in a well known high street shop that sells men and ladies clothes..i was looking at jeans I went to try them on in cubicals men to the right ladys to left .as I shut main door it caused a draft and blew a curtain open I see this guy with good size cock in suspenders belt black stockings with his cock and balls on show he was clean shaven.i didn't bother buying any think as all I could think of was his little arse and cock I wanted to fuck him as its been about 14 months since my...

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The Protector Vengence Is MineChapter 4

Jonas was lying on his back and he heard voices. His mind swam with the suddenness of his presence here, wherever here was. He was just in a garden talking to; Joe? God? Wasn't he? Had it been real? It couldn't be real. That was crazy. The jumble of words started ordering themselves in his head like a self assembling jig saw puzzle. The sense of the voices started filtering through Jonas's muddled mind. His mind felt like it was just floating. It wasn't focused on anything in particular....

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